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The Presidents strategy (independent foreign policy) The Presidents strategy (independent foreign policy)
should be reconsidered because such strategy puts should NOT be reconsidered because the President
our claim in the WPS (West Philippine Sea) in has not cut any ties with any countries, especially the
danger. US, as of the moment.

The Presidents acts of cutting the countrys ties not A good illustration of this would be the VFA and
only with the US but also with the international EDCA which are still existing up to now. The
community puts our claim in WPS in danger because President may be limiting some of the countrys ties
the US and other foreign countries has long been the with the international community. But still, he has
allies of the Philippines. And with this independent not made any concrete moves towards such cutting of
foreign policy that the President wants to implement, ties with the international community. As a result, he
obviously financial supports from the international is playing poker with other countries and he is
community which can help us in asserting our claim playing his cards well.
in WPS would also be put in peril.
The Presidents act of not using and enforcing the The Presidents act of not using and enforcing the
Permanent Court of Arbitrations decision is unwise. Permanent Court of Arbitrations decision is a wise
This because he is putting into waste the efforts move. This is because enforcing such decision would
poured to get such favorable decision for our country. only put the countrys security in danger as enforcing
In fact, such decision can be a primary tool which the such decision would definitely cause war between the
Philippines may use in asserting its rights over the Philippines and China.
Knowing the influence and capability of China, the
Presidents current strategy is very beneficial to the
countrys security.
The Presidents strategy of not asserting our right The Presidents strategy of not asserting our right
over the WPS or his silence over such issue and his over the WPS or his silence over such issue and his
act of befriending China waives our sovereignty over act of befriending China is what caused the Filipinos
such territory. reclamation of Sovereignty over such territory.

After the Aquino administrations move of renaming

part of South China Sea into West Philippine Sea,
China started to dispatch ocean surveillance vessels
to patrol the area which led to the confrontation in
Panatag (Scarborough) Shoal in April 2012.

Thereafter, Aquino challenged China in the Hague

Tribunal. That act of the former president in effect
caused the Chinese Coastguards to block Filipino
Fishermen from fishing in the Panatag Shoal. The
issue even escalated when joint military exercises
were staged by US and Filipino soldiers near the said
area. This prompted China to start big-scale
reclamation over the islands in the WPS.

Because of these acts, the Philippines lost its control

over the said islands. However, the current strategy
being implemented by the President won back such
sovereignty over the said islands. Now, the Filipino
fishermen are free again to fish over the WPS
(specifically the deeper waters of Scarborough shoal)
1. Fishermen near the WPS Since time immemorial, fishermen living near the Scarborough shoal
made a good living out of the natural resources found in the area,
specially the fishes. But this situation lasted until 2012 came and the
claims on WPS escalated.

But, on October 2016, Fishermen living near the Scarborough shoal

were able to fish again in the said area as the Chinese coastguards
monitoring the place are gone. This is one of the fruits of the Presidents
recent bilateral talk with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Not long after, President Duterte issued an executive order declaring the
lagoon in Scarborough shoal as a no-fishing zone as it is considered a
breeding area for various types of fishes. But the fishermen are still
allowed to fish on the deeper waters of Scarborough shoal. As of now,
they returned to their traditional way of living and their income
continues to grow.

In fact, the Filipino fishermen and Chinese Coastguards started their

year right as they were seen surveying the fishing sites in the province
of Guangdong in China together. Furthermore, China sent Filipino
fishermen to an educational trip and mentioned possible investments.
2. Militaries and Countrys Due to the current strategy of the President, several countries like Japan,
national security China and Russia have been offering loans, military equipment and
armaments to the Philippines to strengthen its defense. Recently, the
Philippines received a $14-billion grant from China which would be
used to buy 4 fast boats, 200 sniper rifles and several hundreds of rocket
propelled grenades for the military by the end of the year.

Also, according to the President, China and Russia have agreed to give
the country the softest loan which will be payable in 2025. This loan
would be used for the purchase of military equipment.

Because of these offers and grants, the Philippines defense would be

strengthened. In effect, this would help the country maintain its
sovereignty in the WPS.
3. Nation/ Filipino people The Presidents current strategy is beneficial to the Filipino people as a
whole. This is because his act of befriending China and his act of
setting aside the arbitral ruling in our favor is his manifestation of
saving the country from a more dangerous situation and that is, to go
into war with China.

The influence, economic stability and the capability of Chinas military

defenses is way beyond that of the Philippines. Obviously, the
Philippines is not yet ready to enter such arena. In line with this, the
Presidents acts of strengthening the countrys ties with China helped
the Philippines economy. Furthermore, since the Philippines has
become the center of attention of other foreign countries like Japan, US,
Russia and China, the country received certain offers and financial aids
which would be of much help to the countrys economy and sovereignty
over the WPS. In other words, such countries can be compared to
suitors which vehemently courts the Philippines. Thus, because of such
strategy made by the President, the country is now living up to its
description; indeed, the Philippines is now becoming the Pearl of the

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