Workbook 1

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Product and Service Segmentation Percentage

Wellness needs assessment 45%

Fitness 30%
Blood Pressure 8%
Smoking censations 7%
Diabetes Screening 5%
Other 5%

Wel lnes s needs a s s es s ment Fitnes s

Bl ood Pres s ure Smoki ng cens ations
Di a betes Screeni ng Other
Product and Service Segmentation Percentage
Health Risk Assessment 18%
Nutrition & Weight 17%
Smoking Censation 17%
Fitness Services 16%
Alcohol & drug Abuse Services 12%
Stress Management 11%
Health Education Services 8%
Other Services 1%


Heal th Ri s k As s es s ment Nutri tion & Wei ght Smoki ng Cens ation Fi tnes s Servi ces
Al cohol & drug Abus e Servi ces Stres s Management Hea l th Education Servi ces Other Servi ces
tion Fi tnes s Servi ces
n Servi ces Other Servi ces

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