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Polymer Toughness and Impact Resistance


Polyester Technical Center

Shell chemical c o m p a n y
130 Johns Avenue
Akron, Ohio 44305

This report is a review of the factors that influence the impact resistance of high
polymers, with an emphasis on crystalline polymers. The phenomenology of poly-
meric fracture is examined, including brittle and ductile failure, and the ductile-brit-
tle transition temperature ( D m . A n in-depth discussion of the effects of crystalline
morphology follows, with special attention given to the influence of spherulite size,
fillers, processing conditions, transitions/relaxations, and multilayer coextrusion.
Next, rubber phase addition is considered, including mechanisms, morphology, rub-
ber type and particle size, and test conditions. Finally, common impact test methods
are surveyed, including pendulum, falling weight, tensile impact, and tensile elonga-
tion tests.

INTRODUCTION cracks or crazes form, which coalesce into larger

cracks (1). After these cracks are thus initiated, they
P olymer toughness,, in the form of impact resis-
tance, is a measure of the ability of a material or
fabricated article to withstand the application of a
then propagate to failure. A polymeric structure that
resists crack initiation may not resist crack propaga-
sudden load without "failure". Impact resistance is tion, and vice versa, so impact tests that focus on one
therefore a complex function of geometry, mode of over the other may give misleading results regarding
loading, load application rate, environment (thermal the sample's impact resistance (2).There are two gen-
and chemical), material properties such as chain eral modes of failure: brittle fracture, characterized by
length, packing, tacticity, alignment and bonding a linear relationship (as on a load-deflection plot) be-
forces, and, of course, the definition of what consti- tween impact load and sample deflection, and ductile
tutes failure. The measured impact strength of a poly- fracture, characterized by plastic yielding. This yield-
mer must be the result of the sum of the contributions ing is manifested in the load-displacement curve as a
of all processes that dissipate any of the energy of the decrease in the slope of the load-displacement curve,
impact blow. and is probably the most critical mechani- prior to failure. Brittle fracture is frequently a result of
cal property of plastics, because it relates to the service highly localized crazing [crazes are pseudo-cracks, ori-
life of the part, and involves the increasqly important ented normal to the stress direction, and spanned by
matters of product safety and liability. Impact behavior cold-drawn elongated fibrils of the material, which
can g e n e d y be improved three ways: 1)By optimizing can carry load and thus maintain the structural in-
crystalline morphology (for semicrystalline polymers). tegrity of the sample (3)], confined to a very small
2) By incorporating i t discrete rubbery p h a s e (via volume of the material. Ductile fracture, on the other
blending or copolymerimtion). 3) By adding a (usually hand, may be broken down into either multiple craz-
fibrous) reinforcement to the polymer matrix. ing, wherein crazes are initiated in a comparatively
The present review will discuss the first two tech- large volume of the polymer, i.e., a multiple deforma-
niques, and also recount the various impact test meth- tion mechanism, or shear yielding (plastic flow with-
ods commonly used to evaluate polymer toughness, out crazing). If, upon examination of a fractured spec-
and their applicability and/or correlation to actual imen, it is not clear which mechanism is dominant, it
end-use conditions. The third technique will not be is usually because, under the given test or application
discussed. conditions, the mechanisms are competing, and no
single one is overwhelmingly favored. In measure-
PHENOMENOLOGY ments of tensile strength or fatigue under tension, for
example, it is possible to get mixed failure modes,
with crazes and shear deformation zones occurring in
Under an applied stress, chemical bonds are stressed. the same specimen (4). Although crazing has tradi-
As stress increases, they break, and small submicro- tionally been associated with fracture in amorphous

William G. Perkins

polymers, it has also been noted as a mechanism in they can all be made to undergo this phenomenon
crystalline polymers (5, 6).Crazes have been observed under the nght set of conditions. For example, at ex-
traveling both through crystalline spherulite centers, tremely low temperatures (below -1OOOC) natural rub-
and through the noncrystalline material between ber (NR) will shatter and experience brittle fracture
spherulite boundaries (5). just like glass.
A pioneer in fracture mechanics, Griffith (7) postu- In brittle fracture, localized crazes initiate, grow,
lated that rupture produces a new surface area and and break down to give cracks at stresses below those
for rupture to occur, the increase in energy required necessary to cause bulk shear yielding, and so lead to
to produce the new surface must be balanced by a de- brittle fracture often requiring only a relatively low
crease in elastically stored energy. To explain the large value of fracture energy. There is little or no large-
discrepancy between the measured strength of mate- scale plastic flow during this process, since the mobil-
rials and that based on theoretical considerations, ity of the polymeric subunits is too low. Brittle fracture
GriRth proposed that the elastically stored energy is has been explained in terms of (a)the aforementioned
not distributed uniformly throughout the specimen, defect mechanism (7) involving a "characteristic flaw
but is concentrated in the neighborhood of small size," and (b) the energy required for bond breaking
cracks. kacture would thus occur via spreading of (10).According to Bicerano (4), the defect mechanism
the cracks, which originate in pre-existing flaws, or theory provides a better description of the fundamen-
defects, which in turn may include pre-existing cracks, tal physics of the phenomenon, whereas it has proven
notches, embedded particles, and voids. Through the easier to develop a simple predictive structure-proper-
stress concentration that they cause, material defects ty relationship for the brittle fracture stresses of poly-
are thus seen as the origin of crazes and cracks, and mers in terms of bond breakage.
defect irregularities in size, shape, position. and na-
ture generally are considered to be responsible for the DuctileFractare
observed scatter of polymer ultimate properties.
Unlike brittle fracture, ductile fracture requires suf-
GriBth's theories laid the groundwork for what would
ficient mobility of the polymeric chain segments for
become known as Linear-Elastic Fracture Mechanics
plastic flow to occur at a local (molecular)level. Both
(LEFM) and are even today useful in studying brittle
multiple crazing and matrix shear yielding can there-
materials. Since polymers are viscoelastic materials,
fore be considered to be ductile at a microscopic level.
however, strict LEFM theory cannot be applied, and
On the other hand, at a macroscopic level, shear yield-
the total work of fracture must include the various
forms of plastic deformafion, which appear prior to and
ing by homogeneous and continuous plastic deforma-
tion, is much more ductile than the heterogeneous
during failure (8,9). In particular, three points should
processes of (a)cavitation, 03) craze nucleation, propa-
be considered (8):
gation and breakdown, and (c) crack propagation,
1) Because of the relatively low yield stress values of
which are the stages of failure via crazing (4).Typical
many plastics, plastic deformation at the crack
parameters that favor ductile behavior are w, as
tip is far more likely to occur.
opposed to bisudal or trbxial conditions, elevated tem-
2) While a small degree of dissipative energy can be
peratures, relatively low rates of deformation, and an
accommodated in the overall work of fracture, it
absence of agressive environments.
is obvious that as this assumes greater signs-
A rule of thumb is that, all other factors being equal,
cance, there is a much greater possibility that a
the polymer with the most ductile mode of failure will
fracture mechanics approach will lose its general
be the most useful one. Failure by either multiple
crazing or matrix shear yielding is therefore to be
3) Plastics properties such as fracture toughness
favored over failure by brittle fracture. The desired
and yield stress are dependent on many variables
mechanism between multiple crazing and shear yield-
appropriate to fracture testing, and for a given
material, the test conditions necessay to ensure
ing, however, is not always as clear-cut, and depends
validity are therefore quite restricted. on additional factors, such as whether the specimens
are notched or unnotched. but shear yielding is prefer-
The bottom line is that the major problem in apply-
ing fracture theory to polymers is to assess the extent able in most cases, being more efficient at dissipating
to which the plastic deformation zone at the crack tip energy (4). Many brittle polymers are 'toughened" by
influences the resulting fracture behavior (8). modification, for example by the incorporation of rub-
ber particles, as dicsussed below. Depending on the
nature of the polymer, toughening can occur by im-
Brittle Fracture
parting either the ability to craze more effectively, as
In brittle fracture, failure occurs in a brittle fashion in polystyrene (PSI (11).or by enhancing the ability to
at both the microscopic (local)and macroscopic (bulk) more easily undergo shear yielding, as in polyamide
level. A familiar example of brittle fracture is the shat- (PA) (12).
tering of ordinary (silica-based) window glass, when A good defmition of ductile (tough) and brittle (weak)
hit by a stone. Although most polymeric materials are behavior comes from the stress-strajn curve. Brittle
less susceptible to brittle fracture than ordinary glass, behavior is designated when the specimen fails at its


Polymer Toughness and Impact Resistance

maximum load at a comparatively low strain (<20?40) CRYSTALLINE MORPHOLOGY

(13). usually dissipating minimal energy. At the test- General
ing speeds under which practical impact tests are
The impact properties of semicrystalline polymers
conducted, it is difficult to determine the stress-strain
are normally relatively good compared with those of
curve, so impact strengths are customarily quoted in
glassy polymers. Although Tg and molecular weight
terms of the measured fracture energy and fracture
are still important, the most ovemding factor which
surface appearance, of a standard specimen. It should
controls the fracture behavior is their morphology.
be kept in mind, as Ward (13) points out, that high
The mode of crystallization in a bulk polymer is gener-
impact strength does not necessarily imply ductile
ally spherulitic (15), the spherulites consisting of
failure, nor does brittle fracture necessanly imply low
skeletal crystalline lamellae or fibrils radiating from a
impact strength. Glass-reinforced polyester, for exam-
common center (16).As growth proceeds from these
ple, can have an extremely high impact strength, even
bundles of fibers that fan out gradually like wheat
though it fractures in a brittle manner. Generally
sheaves, the fibrils branch noncrystallographically
speaking, though, ductility imparts greater impact re-
a n d assume spherical symmetry (16). Keith a n d
sistance, in most materials.
Padden (17) have shown that during crystallization, a
fractionation process occurs such that impurities, re-
Ductile-Brittle Transition
jected by the growing crystallites, tend to diffuse away
At some temperature, depending on the structure radially from the spherulites rather than to accumu-
and morphology of the polymer, the geometry of the late between the lamellae. Although this accumulation
specimen, and the nature and speed of the test or other of impurities at the boundaries of spherulites tends to
energy input, a polymeric material undergoes what is separate the spherulites, they are, in fact, tied togeth-
known as a ductile-brittle transition. Below this temper- er by molecules running through more than one
ature, known as the dudik-brittle transition temperature spherulite and known as intercrystalline links (18).
(DB?T), the material breaks in a briffle (usually low im- These intercrystalline links also reinforce individual
pact energy) manner: above this temperature, the ma- spherulites by joining the lamellae. The result is a
terial breaks in a ductile (usually high impact energy) semi-continuous crystalline phase throughout the
fashion. Because polymeric transitions and relaxations polymer. The behavior of these tie molecules may be
tend to shift to higher temperatures when the time compared with entanglements in amorphous thermo-
scale of the experiment is shortened, the ductile-brittle plastics: both are responsible for the strength of the
transition will be shifted to higher temperatures as the polymers and without them both types of polymer are
speed of the impact event is increased. Although a duc- extremely weak.
tile-brittle transition also occurs with most metals, with Semicrystalline polymers usually exhibit high im-
plastics the transition fkequently occurs in the temper- pact strength if their glass transition temperature (TJ
ature range critical for design purposes. Because all is well below the temperature at which the test is car-
plastics are brittle under certain conditions, the loca- ried out. The impact strength in this case varies in-
tion of the ductile-brittle transition is therefore of para versely with the percent crystallinity, although if the
mount importance to the plastic part designer, who crystallites are small and imperfect, they may actually
must choose a material and part geometry such that increase impact resistance (19).If the Tgis above the
conditions inducing the switch to brittle behavior are test (or end-use) temperature, increasing crystallinity
unlikely to occur duririg use. again lowers the impact strength, provided the materi-
A final consideration regarding polymer fracture is al is not oriented. It is likely that crystallites, in this
the time-temperature superposition principle (14) and case, act as stress concentrators, causing the stress
how it influences the fracture mechanism. At low tem- acting on a small volume of the material to be much
peratures, or high testing speeds, brittle fracture usu- greater than the average stress applied to the whole
ally predominates, as it requires the least failure sample. As a result, the material breaks at a stress
stress. Measured strengths in this fracture regime are that is less than the expected critical value. Also,
considered brittle strengths. As temperature is raised crystallites are seen to reduce multiple crazing (20).
some arbitrary amount, (or test speed lowered), multi- and shear yielding (2l),both energy-dissipative mech-
ple crazing next becoines dominant, followed by shear anisms of polymer matrices.
yielding at still higher temperatures (4). Measured
strengths in these fracture regimes are commonly Spherulite Size
known as yield strengths, since the specimen yields As mentioned earlier, unoriented semicrystalline
(before flowing plastically). In other words, at low tem- polymers tend to form spherulites (spherical aggre-
peratures the yield strength is higher than the brittle gates of crystallites) when either heated from below
strength, so failure is in the brittle mode. As the tem- their Tgor cooled from the melt. The size and number
perature is increased, the yield strength decreases of these crystalline structures have a profound influ-
faster than the brittle strength, and at some point (the ence on impact resistance. I t is generally agreed that
DEIT) falls below the brittle strength, and failure then impact resistance is inversely related to spherulite size
becomes ductile. (22-26). This may be due to the presence of strained

William G. Perkins

amorphous material between large spherulites, or to (28)evaluated the effect of remolding on the spherulite
defects within the spherulites themselves, formed size of PAM. They molded the the PA66 into test bars
during growth. that produced spherulites 25-30 pm in diameter. These
Within limitations, spherulite size can be controlled, test bars were then cut up and remolded several times.
either via crystal nucleating agents,or through changes As the number of remolds increased, the spherulite
in processing conditions. Also, percent crystallinity size decreased markedly.
and spherulitic texture can be independently varied, Bessel et aL (29) investigated the effect of structure
to optimize end-use properties. and morphology on the mechanical properties of dry
Some early studies have shown the relationship be- nylon 6 (PA6).They found that the behavior depended
tween crystalline morphology and impact resistance. most strongly upon the degree of crystallinity, with
Ohlberg et aL (22) studied crystallization in high den- spherulite size having only a secondary effect. Speci-
sity poly(ethy1ene) (HDPE), and found that Gardner mens with a degree of crystallinity in excess of 40%
impact strength decreased from >6.9 Joules to 0.8 were brittle, whereas at low levels of crystallinity
Joules as spherulite size increased from 3.5 to 6.8 (<30%),the material was ductile.
pm. They also found that for a given spherulite size, Menges and co-workers (30)reviewed how mechani-
impact strength increased as the polymer molecular cal properties are affected by crystallinity, spherulite
weight decreased. In other words, to maintain a con- structure, and spherulite size. They pointed out that
stant impact strength using a higher molecular weight failure sites are found at boundary surfaces of lamel-
polymer, the spherulite size had to be reduced. These lae and become more prominent as the size,complete-
authors controlled spherulite size by altering the cool- ness, and internal structure of spherulites increase.
ing rate of their melt samples. Percent crystallinity Single large failure sites where fracture energy is con-
was not specified. centrated promote much more microcrack initiation
Hammer et aL (23),working with poly(oxymethy1- than does a distribution of many small sites, wherein
ene) (POM) found that samples with larger spherulites the energy dissipation occurs in the largest possible
lost ductility as the testing rate was increased. Barrish volume of material. These authors concluded that a
(24)noted that the size of spherulites grown under in- coarse spherulitic material tends to be more brittle
dentical conditions influenced whether spherulites than a finely granular structure with the same pro-
would crack or be drawn out. He found that complete- portion of crystallites, and therefore a morphology
ly spherulitic films of isotactic poly(propy1ene) (PP) containing adequately small spherulites was recom-
cracked while smaller spherulites in incompletely mended for achieving the greatest possible impact
spherulitic films tended to be drawn out. Reding and strength. It should also be kept in mind that the dis-
Brown (25) applied various thermal techniques to tribution of crystallinity, and the crystallite/spherulite
poly(chlorotrifluoroethy1ene)(PCTFE) and observed size will be influenced by the differential cooling rates
that the spherulites in their quenched and subse- commonly observed between the surface and interior
quently reheated polymer did not become as large as of molded or extruded articles.
those in the sample slowly cooled from the melt, nor The effect of the fine structure of acetal resins on
did the quenched and reheated polymer become as mechanical properties was investigated by Hammer et
brittle as the melt-cooled polymer. They further noted aL (23).who found the major effect was on toughness.
that the greater brittleness of the slowly cooled poly- They observed that brittle failure usually consisted of
mer almost certainly arose from the larger and greater crack propagation along a spherulite surface, but that
number of spherulites. Working with injection molded it could also be found to propagate through a spheru-
PP and POM, Wright et al. (26) noted that for POM, lite. Ductility, on the other hand, seemed to consist of
both yield force and total (impact) energy decreased a cold drawing from the surface of a spherulite. Sam-
with increasing spherulite size. For PP, results were ples with larger spherulites lost ductility as the testing
masked by the existence of an impact transition in rate was increased. Both spherulite and crystallite
the region of the selected test temperature (23C).but size decreased with decreasing quench temperature,
this DBTT was seen to decrease with decreasing but the major effect on properties appeared to be that
spherulite size due to variations in spherulite size.
Starkweather et al. (27), working with nylon 66 Friedrich (31)studied PP having different molecular
(PA66) and nylon 610 (PA610),observed that impact weights and tacticities by using a variety of heat treat-
strength decreased with increasing sample crystallinity, ments to produce morphologies ranging from fine
and that at a constant level of crystallinity, impact re- (-20pm dia.) spherulites to coarse (-500pm dia.)
sistance increased with higher molecular weight, within spherulites. He found that cracks propagated most
the approximate number-average molecular weight easily at the interfaces between coarse spherulites.
(Mn) range of 12,000 to 24,000. Spherulite sizes were The resistance to this type of failure increased with
not specified: however, these authors did show experi- increasing PP molecular weight, likely due to more
mental results that suggested that large spherulites plastic deformation occurring at the spherulite bound-
have an adverse effect on PA toughness only when their aries, since higher molecular weight material has
diameter is an appreciable fi-action of the test section more intercrystalline and interspherulitic links (tie
thickness. In a related study, Starkweather and Brooks molecules).

Polymer Toughness and Impact Resistance

Way and co-workers (32) found that spherulite size particles. They observed that poor impact strength
had a pronounced effect upon the deformation char- correlated with a high capacity for nucleation of crys-
acteristics of PP. They presented stress/strain curves tallization from the melt, a n d attributed this to
in which PP spherulite size was varied by using differ- boundary layers between spherulites that were weak-
ent heat treatments. The material with the largest ened by the presence of filler particles.
(-250pm dia.) spherulntes was brittle, but became
more ductile as t h e spherulite size was reduced. Rocewing Condltioncl
Material with a spherulite diameter of only 92pm was
A study by Murphy et d (37) focused on the effect
so ductile that it could 'be drawn to strains in excess
of injection molding conditions on the micromorphol-
of 700%. The brittleness of the slow-cooled material,
with the largest spherulites, was attributed to segre-
ogy and impact strength of isotactic PP. Increasing
the melt temperature reduced the extent and depth of
gation of impurities and void formation at spherulitic
a row nucleated lamellar shear band (found below
the highly oriented skin), and spherulite nucleation,
Working with HDPE and poly(butene- 1) (PB-1).
resulting in improved impact properties. Increasing
Haas and MacRae (33, 34) observed that both ductile
the mold temperature (to 70C) did not sigmficantly
and brittle fracture in biaxially stressed films originat-
affect the extent and width of the banded morpholo-
ed either at spherulite centers or at boundaries be-
tween spherulites. T h q speculated that material het-
gy, but caused the formation of a transcrystalline
brittle surface layer which reduced the impact resis-
erogeneities that originally nucleated the spherulites
tance. A combination of high melt temperature, low
were also likely to act as stress concentrators to initi-
mold temperature, and fast injection time resulted in
ate cracks. They found an increasing tendency toward
optimum impact strength distribution along the melt
brittle fracture with decreasing molecular weight, and
flow direction.
attributed this to a higher concentration of impurities,
The effect of injection molding conditions on isotactic
and to fewer tie molecules available to connect the
PP and isotactic ethylene-propylene (EP) copolymers
spherulites, in the interspherulitic regions.
was studied by Fujiyama and Azuma (38).For the high-
When evaluating the various aspects of morphology
est impact strength specimens, they observed oriented
and their influence on irnpact resistance (aswell as other
layers near the specimen center, formed by flow accom-
physical/mechanical properties), one must keep in
panied by crystallization shrinkage. They found it nec-
mind that these parameters are strongly interrelated,
essary to balance mold gate size, holdmg pressure, vis-
and if one ignores this interaction, conclusions based
cosity, and crystallization time, to obtain molded
on a single parameter might not be entirely accurate.
articles with maximm tensile impact strength.
Ragosta and co-workers (39)investigated the corre-
lation of crystallization conditions, structure, and im-
McGenity and co-workers (35)investigated the effect pact properties for isotactic PP. They defined a critical
of PP crystallization using talc and calcium carbonate strain energy release rate (GJ, proportional to impact
(CaCO,) fillers a t different loading levels. They fol- strength, which decreased linearly with increasing
lowed spherulite growth rate a n d determined the crystalline lamellar thickness for both annealed and
number of nucleating sites per unit volume of poly- unannealed samples. They observed, concurrently,
mer, and per unit area of mineral surface. Talc values that lamellar thickness increased and G, decreased,
were considerably higher than those for CaCO,, indi- with increasing crystallization temperature, and as-
cating more efficient nucleating ability. The presence cribed this to the fact that an increase in lamellar
of filler affected not only the nucleation and kinetics of thickness causes a decrease in the number of intra-
crystallization, but also the crystallinity and orienta- spherulitic links (18). leading to a decrease in G,,
tion indices and proportion of P-phase crystallites pre- since the latter is sensitive to both intra- and inter-
sent. Impact properbes were determined, in part, by spherulitic link densities.
crack pinning and blocking by filler particles, stress Another study on the effect of processing conditions
concentration at the edges of the filler particles, and on impact strength was done by Fleischer and Brand-
the nucleating ability of the filler. rup (40). using extruded profiles of poly(viny1 chloride)
In a n earlier effort by the same research group (36). (PVC)/ chlorinated polyethylene (CPE) blends. They
usmg mineral-filled PP, it was determined that impact found that processing at low temperatures resulted in
strength depends ori both the size and shape of the insufficient mixing and subsequent poor properties.
filler, and is also aflected by micromorphology. These Higher processing temperatures caused disintegration
researchers postulated that impact strength is en- of WC particles and optimum mixing of the two phas-
hanced by small, low-aspect-ratio filler particles, es into a co-continuous morphology, providing excel-
whereas Large particles act as flaws that can initiate lent impact strength. Raising processing temperatures
cracks, and high-aspect-ratio particles have large still further, to greater than 200"C, caused decompo-
stresses near their edges that facilitate failure. They sition of W C primary particles and resulted in phase
also stated that the micromorphology of the matriv is conversion to a sphere-in-matrix phase morphology,
important, and is affected by the presence of the filler and poor mechanical and rheological properties.

William G. Perkins

m M O - O M conditions of high local strain. They noticed two types

of crazes in the SAN component of a composite sheet
The effect of structure on polycarbonate (PC)impact
consisting of 49 alternating layers of the two materi-
strength was investigated by Wyzgoski and Yeh (41).
als, deformed in uniaxial tension: surface crazes and
They proposed that the large decrease in impact
so-called tunnel crazes. A transition from predomi-
strength observed with annealed PC was not due to
nately surface crazing to predominately tunnel crazing
changes in density or the (low temperature) p-transi-
occurred as the PC-SAN layer thickness ratio was de-
tion, but rather seemed to be associated with in-
creased, or as the strain rate was increased. Surface
creased nodular structures restricting larger chain
crazes did not prevent localized yielding and stable
neck propagation, whereas tunnel crazes were associ-
Turley (42) also studied the relationship between
ated with this loss of ductility.
polymer structure and impact strength. He noted that
These workers also observed that the surface crazes
a transition shown by a maximum in the dynamic
produced microshecubandingin neighboring PC layers
mechanical damping curve does not always indicate
where the crazes impinged on the PC-SAN interface. A
good impact properties. A maximum due to the mo-
three-dimensional model of interactive surface crazing
tion of long segments of the main chain associated
and microshearbanding was proposed in which mi-
with the Tg,however, is important. Secondary transi-
coshearbands initiate first in the PC layers and propa-
tions below Tg(and, of course, below the test tempera-
gate rapidly along the edges of the craze. When they
ture) usually contribute to good impact properties, as
overtake the craze tip, they penetrate through the in-
long as the DBTT does not increase to a temperature
terface and continue around the craze tip to entirely
above the test temperature, due to the speed of the
engulf the craze. This terminates craze growth, and
test, and as long as the secondary transition is due to
further strain in the SAN layer is accommodated by
movement within the main chain, not side chains (42,
shear deformation.
43). Bisphenol-A polycarbonate is an example of a
In a variation of the microlayer technology, Yuan
polymer with a useful secondary transition below Tg
and co-workers (46). working with sections cut from
Turley showed that in a rubber-modified PS, the Tgof
various positions on the walls of a blow molded
the added rubber serves as a secondary transition or
HDPE/PA blend automotive fuel tank,obsenred that
relaxation that contributes to the impact strength of
the PA formed discontinuous layers, 'flakes," within
the modified polymer. While the production of crazes
the composite. Using hod, Charpy, and falling dart
was not seen as the best way to improve polymer im-
impact tests, the authors found that the impact
pact strength, the energy required to generate them
strength strongly depended upon the microstructure:
does decrease the amount of energy (from the impact
the more regular the layering of the PA flakes (from
blow) available for initiating and propagating large
the point of view of individual layer thickness and in-
rupture cracks. Any other gross deformation, tearing,
terlayer distance), the higher the energy absorption
or plastic drawing during impact also lowers the
during impact.
amount of energy available for rupture.
Multilayer Coartrclmion
One other aspect of morphology that relates to im-
pact resistance should be mentioned: micro- or multi- Rubber toughening should impart greater ductility.
layer coextmsion (44), a novel coextrusion technique, improved crack resistance, and higher impact strength
which has been around quite some time (original to the material, accompanied by only a small loss in
patents have expired), but has not as yet seen signifi- stiffness and without a detrimental effect on thermal
cant commercial application. The process uses a se- stability. According to Partridge (47) a polymer might
ries of dies, called layer-+lying devices, attached be considered to be successfully rubber toughened if
to the ends of multiple extruders, which permit two its fracture resistance under a particular set of con-
(or more) polymers of widely dissimilar solid state ditions is increased by a factor of 10, while its low-
properties to be combined into unique microlayer and strain stiffness decreases by no more than about 25%.
nanolayer structures with hundreds or thousands of The Tg of the matrix should not change. Other re-
alternating layers. (If the layers become thin enough, searchers might accept less impact improvement in
one is effectively dealing with surface chemistry and order to maintain greater stiffness.
physics.) The process is currently being utilized by Because polymeric materials are viscoelastic, they
several research laboratories for fundamental studies generally exhibit a geometry and strain-rate depen-
of phenomena such as interfacial interdiffusion, adhe- dent ductile/brittle transition. This has to be kept in
sion, and impact behavior. mind when using data for design purposes. Leevers
In one study using this technique, Sung et aL (45) (48) recently presented a theory of impact and dynam-
studied the behavior of PC and styrene/acrylonitrile ic fracture in semicrystalline polymers that correlates
(SAN), materials that deform by shearbanding and impact resistance to bulk material properties. He con-
crazing, respectively, and that also exhibit the good cluded that there appears to be no mechanism that is
interfacial adhesion required for stress transfer under truly independent of geometry or impact speed.


Polymer Toughness and Impact Resistance

In addition to geometrical and rate considerations, volume fraction and spatial distribution, as well as on
each rubber-toughened system h a s a temperature the critical stress needed for the start of shear band
limit, below which the toughening becomes ineffective. or craze growth in the matrix. Finally, the presence
This lower-limit temperature, at a given strain rate, is and the nature of the rubber particles will influence
dependent on the nature of the rubber and occurs the strain rate/temperature dependence of yield in the
when the viscoelastic response of the rubber becomes rubber-modified polymer, as well as post-yield proc-
too slow to respond to the applied stress (49). The esses such as creep, and fracture/fatigue resistance.
rubber then behaves in an essentially glassy manner, Bucknall(54)proposed that the rubber particles have
and any toughening contribution can only come about two separate but equally important functions. First,
by processes such as crack pinning (50),which ab- under an applied stress, crazes are initiated at points of
sorb much less energy than shear yielding and multi- maximum triaxial stress concentrations, which are
ple crazing. usually near the equators of the rubber particles. The
crazes then grow approximately normal to the maxi-
mum applied stress. Second, the rubber particles are
craze terminators, preventing the growth of very large
Almost any engineering plastic can be made tougher crazes. The result is that a large number of small
by the addition of a srnall amount of rubbery material. crazes are generated, in contrast with the small num-
One theory is that the rubber becomes stretched dur- ber of large crazes formed in the same polymer in the
ing the fracture process and absorbs a great deal of absence of rubber particles. This multiple CI-aZing that
energy. Another theory proposes that the rubber par- occurs throughout a comparatively large volume of rub-
ticles act to introduce a multiplicity of stress concen- ber-modified material explains the high energy absorp-
tration points, promoting multiple crazing, which lead tion in fracture tests and the extensive stress whitening
to cracks which propagate during the fracture process, that accompanies deformation and failure.
requiring greater energy than a single crack, due to Hourston et aL (55) studied commercial grades of
the production of more new surfaces (relating the rubber-toughened poly(buty1ene terephthalate) (PBT)
fracture energy to the new surface area by GriIXths using various test procedures. Examination of frac-
(7)theory of fracture). Cheng et aL (51) propose that tured samples via transmission electron microscopy
the addition of a rubbery phase introduces cavitation- (TEM)revealed that stress whitening resulted from
al mechanisms that relieve the hydrostatic strain en- cavitation of the rubber particles. Immediately behind
ergy and enhance shear yielding of the matrix. the fracture surfaces, extensive plastic yielding of the
The concentration of stress which initiates local matrix occurred, which distorted the rubber particles
yielding in the matrix is just the first step in a com- into flattened ellipses.
plex process. As the overall applied stress increases, Fumo and Nauman (56)used a process called com-
the matrix will deform, and impact energy will be positional quenchuzg to produce a blend of a submicro
dissipated by multiple crazing. by shear yielding, or dispersion of hexafluoropropylene-vinylidene fluoride
both. Whether a rubber-modified polymer deforms by (HFP/VDF) copolymer rubber in a poly(ether imide)
multiple crazing, shear yielding, or a combination of (PEI). Impact strength was sigruficantly improved, es-
the two depends entirely on the nature of the matrix. pecially at elevated temperatures, ostensibly because
When the craze initiation stress of the matrix is lower of the ability of the rubber particles to activate shear
than the yield stress, the failure mechanism is by yielding deformation in a large volume of the PEI
multiple crazing, and rubber toughening is mainly matrix near the tip of the propagating crack, thus
achieved by the dispersed rubber particles acting as absorbing energy during fracture. Similar blends pro-
craze initiators. ConveIsely, if the craze initiation stress duced via extrusion and precipitation processes did
is tugher than the yield stress, the matrix will fail by not perform as well.
shear yielding, and toughening is then usually achieved The main failure mechanism of brittle polymers,
by the dispersed rubber particles acting as initiators such as PS and poly(methy1methacrylate) (PMMA),is
of shear bands. Mixed crazing and yielding is thought the nucleation of voids and formation of localized
to occur when the craze initiation stress and the yield crazes, which lead rapidly to initiation and propaga-
stress are comparable, or when certain interactions tion of brittle cracks, causing catastrophic failure. At
occur between shear bands and crazes (52). room temperature, these polymers have yield strengths
A popular model of rubber-reinforced polymer stress higher than their breaking strengths, and thus have
response is the efiective area model of Ishai and Cohen low crack initiation and low crack propagation ener-
(53).The crack, craze, or shear band is assumed to gies in impact, resulting in low unnotched and notched
follow a surface of least resistance by passing through impact strengths. They are rubber-toughened mainly
the equator of each low modulus (or debonded) parti- by increased matrix crazing, which allows fewer brittle
cle in its path, thus minimizing the area of matrix SIX- cracks to form (57).
face involved. Stress fields around individual particles On the other hand, the main fracture mechanism of
overlap, once a critical concentration of particles is ductile polymers (which may be brittle under certain
exceeded. The overall stress at which bulk yielding test conditions), such as PA, poly(ethy1ene terephtha-
can be initiated is therefore dependent on the particle late) (PET), and PC, is either multiple crazing or matrix


William G. Perkins

shear yielding. Multiple crazing involves a large volume Wu (57) suggests that, with ductile polymers, there
of material that is able to absorb energy, whereas is only one condition that needs to be satisfied to
shear yielding involves the creation of bands of highly achieve toughening: the critical interparticle distance
oriented, stretched material at 45" to the direction of should be smaller than a certain critical value. That
the applied stress. Shearbanding polymers have high value is seen as being a material property of the ma-
crack initiation energy, but low crack propagation trix, provided the matrix itself can dissipate impact
energy in impact, resulting in high unnotched impact energy by extensive shear yielding. The combination
strength,but low notched impact strength. Notches, in of particle volume fraction and particle size by which
fact, usually result in brittle-type response under im- the critical interparticle distance is reached, is consid-
pact conditions. Tanrattanakul et aL (58),for example, ered unimportant. For those polymers that fail by a
found that with notched PET samples, the principal combination of crazing and shear yielding, a bimodal
deformation mechanism under all testing conditions of size distribution of rubber particles is seen as the
temperature and rate was crazing,which resulted in most efficient way of providing crack blunting and
brittle fracture (an example of notch sensitivity). In shear band initiation (62).
this case, plane-strain localized crazing took place be- Some similar conclusions were drawn by Jiang et
fore sufficient plastic flow could occur to relieve the aL (63).studying PP/ethylene-propylene-dienemono-
dilatational stresses in the interior of the sample (52). mer (EPDMI blends. They concluded that notched Izod
This type of polymer (in its unnotched form) is rubber- impact strength of the PP matrix could be improved
toughened mainly by increased matrix yielding. by decreasing the EPDM interparticle distance, if the
Rubber particles have different effects on these two particle size remains unchanged. The effect was simi-
types of polymer matrices. With brittle polymers, there lar to increasing the test temperature. Plotting the
appears to be a n optimum rubber particle size at critical (for the DB?T) interparticle distance vs Tg-T,
which the toughness is greatest. This appears to be they found that PA/EPDM and PP/EPDM fall on the
because craze termination is important in the tough- same curve, suggesting that there is a single master
ening of this type matrix. Although small particles give curve for these parameters, under these test condi-
more termination sites per unit volume, they act with tions. This same laboratory also studied the strain
lower efficiency at each site. With ductile polymers, the rate effect and found that the critical interparticle dis-
critical rubber particle size depends on on the type of tance increased with decreasing strain rate (64).
rubber, and the rubber concentration, being smaller
for the lower concentrations (57).According to Yee and
Pearson (59) the rubber particles cavitate under im-
pact stress, relieving the buildup of hydrostatic ten- Because the rubber particles merely initiate and ac-
sion. After cavitation the triaxial stresses disappear celerate the yielding processes in a matrix placed
and the matrix behaves as if it were under plane-stress under stress, if the matrix cannot respond by exten-
conditions, shear yielding more readily under this sive yielding, it cannot be toughened. In other words,
stress state rather than the craze-favoring triaxial the more ductile the matrix polymer, the more it can
state. The voids created by the cavitated rubber parti- be toughened. In thermosets, the distance (molecular
cles further act as stress concentrators. weight) between crosslinks is proportional to the
Burgisi et aL (60) studied toughness enhancement toughenability of the system (65). Increasing the
of PA 6 modified with different types of functionalized crosslink density lowers the fracture toughness at any
elastomers. These authors point out that the neces- given temperature by shiftmg the Tgupward, and lim-
sary condition for enhancement of impact strength is iting the total crack-tip strain that can be realized.
that rubber particles must cavitate at a level of stress Bradley et aL (66)found that the temperature of maxi-
lower than that required for crazing of the matrix, in mum toughness was shifted some 50-120C lower in
order to relieve triaxiality and pervent brittle fracture. rubber-toughened thermoset systems, compared to
They further note that there is a lower limit of particle untoughened systems, with the actual toughness of
diameter, below which cavitation does not occur, and the former systems being 4X higher. Hgh crosslink
the impact behavior then drops off, toward that of the density systems were found to be unresponsive to
unmodified matrix. rubber toughening at any temperature.
Investigating particle cavitation in rubber-toughened With thermoplastics, the entanglement density might
PMMA, Ayre and Bucknall (61) proposed that the vol- be expected to be equivalent to the thermoset cross-
ume strain energy responsible for void formation in link density, in terms of influencing the toughenability
the rubber phase is generated by both differential of a given matrix polymer. The matrix needs to be ca-
thermal contraction and by mechanical loading. As pable of absorbing energy by shear yielding and/or
test temperature is reduced, the increasing matrix yield masssive crazing, if rubber toughening is to be suc-
stress causes rubber cavitation before (matrix) yield. cessful. In the absence of matrix yielding, such as in
The energy barrier to cavitation at the yield point is tightly crosslinked thermosets, or at low tempera-
therefore progressively reduced as the temperature is tures, all the energy that can be absorbed in yield and
lowered. Void nucleation is thus the rate-controlling fracture must be absorbed by the modifier particles.
step to rubber particle cavitation (61). This is achieved by cavitation and ductile tearing of

Polymer Toughness and Impact Resistance

the particles, and usually provides only modest im- polymerized blend, in some cases improving impact
provement in toughness (67). resistance, but most likely lowering stiffness and ther-
Irrespective of the exact mechanism, the rubber mal resistance to an unacceptable level. In general,
should be dispersed as discrete particles on a micro- the rubbery phase must be semicompatible with the
scopic scale and be well bonded to the rigid polymer polymer: compatible enough for good dispersion and
matrix (47). The particles can be incorporated via wetting to occur, but not so compatible as to create a
blending a rubber with the matrix polymer, or by homogeneous or single-phase system.
copolymerizing a rubber with the matrix polymer, tak- The interface between the phases influences the
ing advantage of the natural segregation of immiscible final blend properties. As mentioned above, rubbery
polymers (or chain sequence lengths in a block or particles should be weU dispersed in order to act effi-
graft copolymer). Copolymerization is usually more ef- ciently as stress concentrators, and they should also
ficient as an impact modifier than is blending (68), as be well bonded to the polymer matrix, for efficient
observed, for instance, in an early study (69)where stress transfer between the two phases. When cooled
introduction of 2.5% lubber by g r a m increased the from the melt, most rubbers will shrink more than the
impact strength of PS IOX,while introduction of the polymer matrix, and debonding will thus occur in the
same amount of rubber by blending increased the im- absence of good adhesion between the two phases.
pact strength only 2X.Grafling helps couple the rub- Where the adhesion is good, the rubber will be in a
ber to the (immiscible)matrix (70). state of triaxial tension (75).In cases of blends, unless
In a study by Lemstra et aL (71), electron beam irra- the polymer reacts or interacts with the rubber, it is
diation of PS/EPDM blends, using a PS/poly(butadi- usually necessary to use specific compatibilizers to
ene) (PBD) block copolymer as a compatibilizer, result- ensure a stable structure with a uniform distribution
ed in a 2-3X increase in Izod impact strength. The of rubbery particles. As in other types of polymer
authors postulate that radiation-induced grafting of blends, the exact nature of the compatibilizer appears
the BD part of the block copolymer, located at the to be highly system specific. This goal of maximking
rubber/copolymer interface, onto the dispersed EPDM adhesion and dispersion does not always apply. For
particles, was responsible for the improvement. instance, where improved impact resistance is de-
In the absence of radiation, the effect of compatibi- sired, interfacial failure may itself provide a toughen-
lization on increasing the toughness of polymer ing mechanism by dissipating energy.
blends was discussed by Armat and Moet (72) using a In order to optimize the interaction between the
PA/PE blend and a maleic anhydride (MA) functional- rubber particles and the matrix, so-called core-shell
ized styrene-ethyleneJbutylene-styrene(SEBS) com- impact modifiers have been developed (61, 7680).
patibilizer. They claimed a dual interfacial function for These usually consist of a rubbery core surrounded
the compatibilizer: (a) reducing the interfacial tension by a shell designed specifically to interact with the
of the system, resulting in reduction of the dispersed matrix polymer. The chemical composition of the shell
phase particle size, and (b) enhancing the interfacial can be chosen to impart compatibility or chemical re-
adhesion through the formation of microbridges. The activity with the matrix. This results in improved dis-
dispersed phase thus coupled to the matrix in com- persion of the modifier during melt processing, and
patibilized blends can support a load and deform co- provides good adhesion with the matrix (81).
continuously along with the matrix, causing extensive Memon (78) shows that the impact strength of ther-
yielding of the blend prior to its failure, and high ulti- moplastics modified with core-shell impact modifiers
mate elongation. Similar improvements were seen by is a function of the interactions at the matrix/shell in-
Modic and Pottick (73), using a PA/PP blend with the terface. He used dynamic mechanical analysis to in-
same compatibilizer. vestigate the modifier/matrix interactions.
The majority of blends and graft copolymers are The toughening of PA6 with a MA grafted poly(ethy1-
two-phase, and their morphology depends on the type ene-octene) rubber (shell)/semicrystalline polyolefin
of molecular interaction and the resultant interface, (core) blend was investigated by Yu et al. (79).They
the rheology of the components, and the processing found that this modifier both processed better, and
history. As the interfacial energy between the phases also improved impact strength, over maleated polyeth-
decreases, particle size will generally decrease and the ylene-octene rubber by itself. Matrix shear yielding
extent to which the dispersed phase droplets deform was the mode of energy dissipation, and the matrix
under stress increases. Thus, when a two-phase poly- viscosity influenced the notched hod impact strength
mer blend is stretched, the droplets of dispersed via varying the size of the dispersed phase; high vis-
phase may form high-aspect-ratio fibrils (74). Co-con- cosity promoted reduced modifier particle size, there-
tinuous structures can be quite readily generated in fore improving its toughening effectiveness.
two-phase blends; however, such a structure can re- Lin et al. (80)studied the effect of shell composition,
duce its interfacial area and therefore its free energy core/shell crosslinking, particle aize, and modifier
by relaxing to a morphology in which one phase is concentration in epoxy resins toughened with a core-
dispersed in the other. If phase separation between shell modifier consisting of butyl acrylate as core and
the rubber particles and the matrix does not occur, MMA copolymerized with glycidyl methacrylate (GMA)
the (dissolved) rubber will act as a plasticizer in the as a shell. Toughness increased with increasing shell

William G.Perkins

GMA content, smaller modifier particle size (< / = Rubber Particle Sim
0.25pm) and crosslinking of the shell. Commercial rubber-toughened thermoplastics typi-
cally have particles smaller than 3pm in diameter and
Rubber Type often smaller than 0.2pm (47). For each matrix mater-
As a rubber particle stretches under stress, it ab- ial there appears to be an optimum range of particle
sorbs ener@ and also stabilizes the ensuing crack sizes leading to the best toughness improvement.
front or craze, whereas initial cavitation of the rubber Whatever the size of the particle, however, its essential
particle relieves the triaxial stress existing at the initial role is often to act as a stress concentrator.
crack tip, and thus enhances localized yielding of the Thus, if a material is subjected to a stress, the local-
matrix. If the applied stress is increased further, the ized stress experienced by the matrix material in the
crack tip may be bridged by the stretching rubber immediate vicinity of a rubber particle will be magni-
particle, provided that there is sufficient adhesion be- fied. The m am will then yield locally, in response to
tween the rubber and the matrix, and that the particle this localized stress field, avoiding brittle catastrophic
can stretch sufficiently rapidly in terms of the speed of failure. Although voids in a matrix will also act as
the crack advance. For this reason, It is desirable that stress concentrators, they, unlike rubber particles,
the rubber have as low a Tg as possible, while still are unable to bear loads, and are therefore not effec-
being able to fibrillate and maintain a degree of struc- tive toughening agents.
tural integrity in response to impact loading. For ex- The optimum rubber particle size is related to the
ample, styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) was replaced nature of the subsequent matrix deformation mecha-
long ago by polybutadiene rubber (BR)as a toughen- nism. According to B u c M (49).the rate at which the
ing agent in high-impact polystyrene (HIPS)and acry- matrix can respond to stress by forming oriented fibrils
lonitrile-butadiene-styrene(ASS), because BR has a (crazing) becomes the limiting factor in determining
Tgof -85C whereas SBR has a Tgof only -50C and impact resistance. This is because fibrillation is the
therefore the BR imparts superior low-temperature most rapid mechanism available for the extension of
impact strength. A similar effect on impact strength the damage zone at the crack tip. Fibrils, which can
was seen when comparing a butyl acrylate-methyl range from 5 to 50 nm in diameter, are the load-bear-
methacrylate-styrene (BA/MMA/S) graft copolymer ing members of the craze (87). In HIPS, where such
rubber to BR (82). fibrillation occurs during multiple crazing, particles
Another requirement of the rubber is that it should less than 1 pm are less effective in toughening the sys-
be thermally stable, both during processing and sub- tem than are larger particles (88),allegedly because
sequent end use. Saturated rubbers resist oxidative small particles are less efficient in initiating crazes
degradation better than unsaturated rubbers, but low than are large ones (89).Unmodified PA, on the other
temperature impact toughness mght be impaired be- hand, has no easy means by which it can fibrillate. It
cause their 2's are usually higher. Unsaturated rub- is cavitation in the rubber particles which appears to
bers may be used with appropriate antioxidants. provide toughness in rubber-modified PA (=A) (90).
Working with rubber-toughened PA's, Borggreve et relieving the triaxial tension ahead of the crack. The
al. (83, 84) found that the impact improvement of matrix between the voids then undergoes extensive
their blends depended strongly on the type of rubber shear yielding, and fibrillation is achieved. This differ-
used. This impact improvement could not be correlat- ence in intrinsic deformation mechanisms between
ed with the tensile strength or the elongation at break HIPS and FWPA is likely the reason the optimum rub-
of the rubbers. The lower the initial modulus of the ber particle size for toughening the latter (0.3pm) is
rubber, however, the more effective it seemed to be as different from that of the former (-2 pm) (91).
a toughening agent (for PA6). The role of the rubber ABS, because of its polar character, tends to deform
particles was seen as relieving the hydrostatic pres- by shear yielding at low deformation rates, whereas
sure at the crack tip by cavitation, rather than by the crazes are nucleated at higher deformation rates. Very
more classical role as a stress concentrator. This view small particles tend to reduce its stiffness and gloss,
is supported by the earlier observation of Gent and but increase its toughness. The optimum mean parti-
Tompkins (85)that the cavitational stress of rubbers cle size for a good combination of toughness, stiffness,
in a triaxial stress state decreases with decreasing and surface in ABS is about 0.3-0.5 pm (92).
elastic modulus of the rubber, thus allowing more In a study using PP modified with ethylene-propy-
facile cavitation. lene rubber (EPR) in a slow-strain deformation tensile
Wu et al. (86).using PC blends as an example, pro- test, Michler et al. (93)observed that the type of defor-
posed a model of stress distribution around the notch mation mechanism depended on the rubber particle
in an hod impact test sample. They concluded that size. For a sample with an average EPR particle size of
there is no advantage in reducing the modulus of rub- 0.3pm. void formation was followed by plastic defor-
ber particles to less that 1/1000 that of the matrix. mation of both rubber and matrix. Also, weak shear
Their model also predicts that the Tg of the rubber bands formed in the matrix between particles, and in-
dominates the DBTT. creased in intensity with increasing sample strain.

Polymer Toughness and Impact Resistance

Shear flow in the matrix appeared either as shear Teat Conditions

bands or as diffuse shear yielding. For a sample with
a n average EPR particle diameter of 1.6 pm, a well-de- Rubber-modified plastics exhibit effects of rate and
temperature of test, over and above those which are
veloped @ W a r deformation morphology appeared,
normally expected in polymeric materials. This is be-
suggesting a crazelike deformation mechanism. From
cause the viscoelastic behavior of both the matrix and
these and other observations, they concluded that the
rubber needs to be considered, and also, the preferred
major part of the energy applied to the specimen was
energy absorption mechanism of the matrix can be
absorbed through the shear deformation process in
different at different strain rates/temperatures ( 100).
the matrix via a cavitation process: that is, the cavita-
For instance, morphology appears to be less critical in
tion process itself was not the major energy absorbing
controlling fracture in HIPS at low strain rates or
mechanism, but provided the energy dissipating sites.
higher temperatures (101), suggesting that the parti-
Both particle size and distance between particles were
cle size effect in this system has its origin in the kinet-
seen as important to optimize the internal phase mor-
ics of deformation, rather than in any absolute inabili-
phology and thus improve toughness. The optimum
ty of small particles to toughen the PS matrix (47). In
interparticle distance was seen as also being depen-
rubber-toughened epoxies, on the other hand, the ef-
dent on temperature, the ideal distance decreasing
fect of rubbery particle morphology is more pro-
with decreasing temperature (94). Ideal particle sizes
nounced at high temperatures or low strain rates
in cornpatibiked systems tend to be inversely propor-
(102), in complete contrast to the HIPS results. There
tional to both the amount added (53) and the func-
is currently insufficient understanding of the effects of
tionality (95)of the compatibilizer.
test conditions on fracture in rubber-modified poly-
In a transparent plastic, the presence of micro-
mers, and of the complex interrelationships between
scopic rubber particles often results in a loss of
morphological effects and test condition effects.
transparency, due to light scattering by the rubber
particles, which are typically within the size range of
0.2 to 20 pm. This effect can be minimized and sur-
face gloss maintained by making the particle size
small (c0.2 pm) and by keeping the particles well The impact strength of polymers may be evaluated
dispersed (92). by various test methods, which usually entail the de-
In a series of recent papers, Paul et aL (96-98) in- livery of a sharp blow by either a hammer or by a pro-
vestigated the effect of matrix molecular weight on jectile propelled at the polymer or dropped on it. In
rubber-toughened PA6 blends. They found that Izod these tests, the loading is very fast, on the order of at
impact strength was affected, non-monotonically, by least 300 cm/sec. Depending on the instrument, the
the amount of functionality in the rubber and the load imposed may be either tensile, compressive, or
rubber particle size, which was in turn affected by flexural, with resulting fracture stresses being uniaxi-
matrix molecular weight and melt viscosity, the higher al, biaxial, or triaxial (103).The impact resistance is
molecular weight and higher melt viscosity leading to evaluated in terms of the energy absorbed by the
lower rubber particle size. These investigators also specimen during the impact process. One thing to be
found that the ductile-brittle transition temperature considered is that no two test methods measure ex-
decreased as the molecular weight of the PA6 matrix actly the same physical quantity, and, in fact, there is
increased, when compared at either constant rubber no universal agreement as to what physical quantities
functionality, or at constant rubber particle size. some of the methods actually measure (42).
Horiuchi et al. (99) studied the effect on impact A common practice is to regard the energy trans-
strength of functionalized SEBS triblock elastomers in ferred to a polymer at break, or the area under a con-
blends of PA6 and PC. They found that maximum im- ventional stress-strain curve, as a measure of its
pact strength and maximum tensile strain at break toughness. However, one should be aware that two
could be obtained when certain combinations of func- polymers may have quite different stress-strain curve
tionalized and unfunctionalized SEBS were used. shapes (say, brittle and ductile) indicating different re-
They credit this behavior to higher interfacial strength sponses to the impact loading, yet have the same area
resulting from the combination of the two types of under the curves. Also, two polymers may absorb the
elastomer. same amount of energy when they break under the
The effect of rubber particle size on toughening be- impact of a projectile, yet absorb this energy in differ-
havior of PMMA modified with a core-shell type addi- ent ways, predominantly either elastically or viscous-
tive, made up of a poly(n-butyl acrylate) core and a ly, again exhibiting the same toughness, by virtue of
PMMA shell, was investigated by Cho et aL (76). They their load-deflection curves having the same area
found that maximum impact strength was obtained under them, yet their mode of failure would be entirely
for rubber particles with a 0.25 pm diameter regard- different. By changing the test temperature, in combi-
less of the rubber phase content, and only a modest nation with fracture surface examination, the impact
improvement of the impact strength was achieved for strength evaluation can be extended for determination
blends containing either 0.15 or 2 pm particles. of the DB?T.

William G. Perkins

Because fi-acture is complex and depends strongly cost of the instrument, and test simplicity, conve-
on the type of test and on the speed of testing, the nience, and acceptance by the polymer industry. The
best method for evaluating a polymer employs condi- test utilizes a cantilever-mounted bar or beam speci-
tions similar to those of use. If this procedure is not men, firmly clamped in a vertical position, with a hori-
followed, the test may mislead the fabricator, because zontal notch cut on the side facing the striker, which
some polymers behave poorly in conventional impact impacts the sample just above the notch. The material
tests using specially prepared specimens, but are, at the tip of the notch is subjected to a highly ampli-
nonetheless, useful materials for fabricated articles. fied state of triawial stress. Farther away from the
The resolution of these and similar contradictions en- notch the stress state is one of plane, or biaxial stress,
countered in the application of polymers to practical and eventually, if the bar is wide enough, uniaxial ten-
uses requires detailed knowledge of both fracture sion (104).It is because of this triaxial stress state
mechanisms and the different ways in which testing that notched Izod test samples usually fail in a brittle
techniques can influence them. manner. Factors that increase the measured impact
Impact strength is not a fundamental material prop- strength (ductility) of a notched I d sample include
erty-it depends upon specimen geometry and upon increases in the notch radius, test temperature or
the particular test method employed. Thus. it is diffi- sample molecular weight, or decreases in either the
cult to correlate the results obtained from different test rate or sample thickness.
test techniques, and extremely difficult to correlate The notch tends to promote brittle failure because it
the results from impact tests on specimens of the ma- increases the DBlT (105).Some materials, which
terial to the impact performance of the manufactured stoutly resist crack initiation in use, are known to be
article. The performance of a material or a structure notch-sensitive,meaning that their notched impact re-
depends on local geometrical and morphological varia- sults will be substantially lower than their unnotched
tions, and on processing conditions such as cooling impact results, the notch acting as an artificial crack.
rate, shear stress, and melt-flow paths, which can Polycarbonate and nylon are examples of notch-sensi-
result in orientation and residual stresses. A struc- tive polymers. Another is polypropylene, which nor-
ture produced by a given process may possess sig- mally has a DBTT between 0 and 20C (106), but has
nificant morphological differences from (standard) a DBTT of about 100C when notched (107).Notched
test specimens. sample tests are considered the most severe of the
toughness tests (108). as notches serve as stress con-
Pendulum Tests centrators; the smaller the notch radius, the larger
the stress concentration. Unnotched sample tests can
Pendulum-type machines are used for notched or
be used to determine both crack initiation and propa-
unnotched specimens that may be of different sizes
gation, and may be run by reversing the notched
and clamped as a cantilever (Izod)or as an unclamped
specimen in the clamping vise.
bar supported at both ends (Charpy).These tests are
The notched Charpy test utilizes a bar or beam
also referred to as flexed-beam impact tests, and de-
specimen mounted horizontally on a span support,
termine the resistance to breakage by flexural shock,
with a vertical notch cut on the side opposite the
in terms of the difference between the potential energy
striker-impact side, and struck centrally by the pen-
of the striker before and after impact.
dulum, behind the notch. In a similar fashion to the
A mass is attached to the end of an arm that rotates
unnotched Izod test, ductile samples often will not
about a pivot point; a striker is placed near this mass.
break, but bend, occasionally interfering with pendu-
The arm is raised to a predetermined position, and
lum clearance. Sample and notch specifications for
when released, swings downward and strikes the speci-
both tests are given in ASTM test method D 256.
men, which is either supported at both ends or mount-
ed rigidly in a vise or fixture. The precise mounting po-
Falling Weight Tedm
sition and the type of fixture depends on the test. The
mass, length of the arm,and angle at the raised posi- In these tests, a guided hemispherically-tipped
tion determine the amount of available energy, which weight (tup) is dropped, under the force of gravity,
must be high enough to give a clean break. onto a specimen which is positioned over a circular
After the striker breaks the sample at the bottom of opening. The dart-drop or Gurdner impact tester is a
its swing, it continues to swing upward until all the well-known example of this type of instrument, where-
kinetic energy is exhausted. From the height it reaches as the more recently introduced Dynatup tester is sold
after impacting the sample, energy expended per unit as a fully automated and computerized version. The
area can be calculated via either a calibrated dial tup may be gradually increased in mass, or dropped
mounted in the plane of rotation, or through a trans- from increasing heights, in order to vary the impact
ducer mounted on the striker or on the mounting block force. The maximum speed readily attainable is nearly
to which the specimen vise is attached. Maximum 800 cm/sec, twice that of the pendulum-type instru-
pendulum velocities (impact speeds) are 300400 ments. Samples are usually in sheet form (ASTM D
cm/sec. 3029).although thermoplastic pipe (ASTM D 2444)
The notched Zzod test is frequently used to deter- and f ilm (ASTM D 1709)are also tested via this type
mine crack propagation resistance, because of the low apparatus. In addition to the load, the velocity of the

Polymer Toughness and Impact Resistance

falling weight must be accurately determined, as sig- Tensile Elongation Test

nificant errors from frictional effects can result by as-
Unlike the above tests, tensile elongation, which
suming free fall. Yet: et al. (109) describe some other
caveats regarding falling weight (puncture) tests. generates the well-known stress-strain curve, is a rela-
Many materials that give low (brittle) notched Izod tively slow-speed test, and is one of the least severe
impact values fail at higher energy in a ductile man- toughness tests. This is because no notches are pre-
sent, the (usually) injection-molded specimens are
ner when tested in sheet form, due to differences in
tested in their optimum (oriented) direction, and a
the stress state and resulting material response. The
moderate rate of loading is commonly used. Also, the
loading in a falling weight test is biaxial, and known
imposed stresses in tensile loading tests are uniaxial,
to be less severe than the triaxial stress state of the
whereas most materials are much more brittle in bi-
Izod test (104).This type of test measures the energy
axial and triaxial states of stress than they are in uni-
required to initiate a crack, as well as propagate it,
axial loading (104, 109).As previously mentioned, the
and so is much more forgiving of highly ductile mate-
area under the resulting stress-strain curve is as-
rials than are the notched Izod and Charpy tests. The
sumed to be a measure of the material's toughness,
cause of failure of sheet-type material in practice is
but the relationship of this method to higher-speed
more likely to be revealed by a falling-weight impact
impact loading is not always predictable.
test than by a pendulum test (1lo), so these tests
tend to be a better guide to practical behavior, unless
the sample being evaluated contains ribs, sharp cor- Test Method Summary
ners, or other stress concentrators.
If more extensive information is needed, instrumen-
Any anisotropy present, such as excessive orienta-
tation can be added to the above tests to define the
tion, leading to weakness in a given direction, is re-
whole impact event by plotting load against time or
vealed by the test. An oriented injection-molded speci-
deformation. Several variables, such as load at failure,
men, for example, may fail with a single straight crack
energy-to-failure, time-to-failure, deflection at failure,
at a relatively low energy, whereas a substantially m-
impact energy, and total energy, can be manipulated
oriented compression-molded specimen of the same
to give a fuller understanding of the failure mecha-
material will likely fail at a much higher impact ener-
nism(s) taking place. Transducers permit the measur-
gy, with (energy-absorbing) cracks in several direc- ing of force continuously throughout the impact proc-
tions. An advantage of the falling weight test over the
ess, separate the energy into the product of force and
Izod or Charpy tests is that the sample usually breaks
displacement, and have shown that materials may
in its weakest direction. With the pendulum tests,
have different force-time curves but the same energy-
which generally use a highly oriented injection molded
to-break. Apparent modulus, yield and ultimate
specimen, the sample is always broken in its strong-
strengths, and energy at yield and break can be deter-
est direction.
mined. Fracture toughness and ductility index, for
use in elastic and plastic stress analyses, can also be
Ten6ile Impact T e a derived (111). Detailed interpretation and theoretical
This type of test involves tensile loading of a speci- analysis of the instrumented falling weight impact test
men. The common configuration is a modified pendu- are given in a paper by Reed (112).
lum impact test, using a 'dog bone" sample geometry. Specimens for all the above tests are usually spe-
One end is clamped in the pendulum head and the cially prepared, and thus are quite suitable for control
other in a crosshead clamp. When the pendulum or material tests. I t should again be emphasized, how-
swings down, the crosshead clamp holding the trail- ever, that frequently a fabricated article performs dif-
ing end of the sample 1s halted by an anvil, the sam- ferently, as the fabrication process itself can have a
ple breaks, and the pendulum head, now bearing half strong influence on the resulting impact strength. In
the specimen, swings up to a height that is translated thin-walled injection moldings, for example, the flow
into energy-to-break. Test protocol can be found in properties of the material during mold filling may be
ASTM D 1822. The test gives the energy, per unit more important than the basic impact properties of
area, to fracture the sample, but does not differentiate the unoriented material, in governing the impact be-
between two materials that produce the Same value, havior of the molding. Specimen geometry is also im-
one requiring a large force and little elongation to fail, portant, because under shock loading, the rate of
and the other just the oposite. The rate of sample ex- stress buildup is governed by the article shape. Where
tension, related to the specimen gauge length, has a possible, the impact strength of the finished product
strong influence on the fracture mechanism encoun- should be tested in addition to the usual control and
tered in the test. Higher loading rates, up to 2,500 quality tests.
cm/sec or more, can be achieved using hydraulically Bucknall (113) sums up the state of fracture inves-
or pneumatically driven instruments. These instru- tigation by observing that in order to fuuy understand
ments maintain constant velocity through the break, the many factors involved in impact fracture, it is nec-
and their rates are infirlitely variable from zero. They essary to employ a wide range of experimental and
also record the complete impact event. theoretical techniques, including force-time measure-

William G.Perkins

ments, high-speed photography, small angle X-ray frozen-in stresses or initiating fracture. An in-line
scattering, electron microscopy of fracture surfaces annealing step might be needed.
and of sub-surface layers, and finite element analysis. Consider other deformation mechanisms that
These techniques should then be combined with vari- may provide enhanced ductility and impact resis-
ations in the composition and morphology of the ma- tance, using only small amounts of modifier to
terial, in test temperature, loading rate, and specimen encourage such mechanisms.
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