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Homework Problems - MATH 3240 Fall 2017

M. G. Cojocaru

September 28, 2017

0.1 Homework 1 - Due date Sunday Sept. 24
2017 - 11:30pm via Dropbox
NOTE: The total points for all problems ([28pts]) are equivalently translated
into 12% of the courses final mark.

Problem 1: - [4pts] Use the graphical method to find the solution of

the following LP, if it exists:

max f (x1 , x2 ) = 2x1 3x2

x1 + x2 3
2x1 x2 3


x1 + 2x2 = 5
x1 , x2 0

Problem 2:- [6pts] Determine whether or not the LP below has solutions
using the graphical method:

min f (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = x2 + x3

x1 + x 2 + x3 = 1
s.t. 2x1 + x22 + x23 = 1
x1 , x2 , x3 0

Problem 3:-[4pts] Place the following problem in simplex ready form:

max f (x1 , x2 , ..., x5 ) = 2x1 x2 x5

x1 + x2 x4 3
2x1 x5 3


x1 + x3 + x4 + x5 10
x1 , x2 , x3 0

Problem 4:-[10pts] Solve the following LP with the simplex algorithm:

A toy manufacturer produces robots and dolls on three assembly lines. The
maximum availability of machine hours per day on each assembly line, as
well as the time it takes to assemble 1 unit of each toy per unit time, are
given in the table below:

Doll Robot Max available time
Line 1 10min 20 min 4 hrs = 240 min
Line 2 5min 25 min 5 hrs = 300min
Line 3 12min 10 min 3.5 hrs = 210min
Help the company maximize the total daily production of toys.
Problem 5:-[4pts] Solve the following LP with the graphical method:

max f (x1 , x2 ) = x1 + 2x2

x1 2

x2 2


x 1 + x2 3
x1 , x2 0

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