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SESSION 2 2016/2017










Communication is a mutual exchange of understanding, originating with the receiver. It

needs to be effective in businesses as it is the essence of management. The basic functions of
management; Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling, cannot be performed
well without effective communication.

Business communication involves constant flow of information. Feedback is integral part

of business communication. There are various levels of hierarchy in an organization. The greater
the number of levels, the more difficult is the job of managing the organization. Communication
here plays a very important role in process of directing and controlling the people in the
organization. Immediate feedback can be obtained and misunderstandings if any can be avoided.
There should be effective communication between superiors and subordinated in an organization,
between organization and society at large (for example between management and trade unions).
It is essential for success and growth of an organization. Communication gaps should not occur
in any organization.

Business Communication can be of two types. Oral Communication is implies

communication through mouth. It includes individuals conversing with each other, be it direct
conversation or telephonic conversation. Oral communication can be formal or informal.
Generally business communication is a formal means of communication such as meetings,
interviews, group discussion and speeches. An example of Informal business communication is
Grapevine communication.

Written Communication is a form of verbal communication which is performed through

various written documents. It is a word based communication that takes place in a written form.
The examples of written communication are reports, manuals and journals



1.1 Purpose and Objective ..

1.2 Procedure ..


3.1 Organizational Communication.

3.2 Written Communication....

3.3 Oral Communication

3.4 Communication Technology.....

4.1 Communication in Organization ...

4.2 Written Communication ....

4.3 Oral Communication .....

4.4 Technology Communication..



Appendix 1 ......

Appendix 2 ......

Appendix 3 ......

Appendix 4 ......

Appendix 5 ......

Appendix 6 ......
1.1 Purpose and Objective

The objective of this group assignment is to study the internal and external
communications that takes place within the organization. The sharing of information between
people within an organization that is performed for the benefit of an organization such relays
information within a business or functions as an official statement from an organization. We
would like to know the method being used by the organization regarding written, oral and
technology communication. From the analysis we can conclude whether the method is function
well based on their communication in organization.

Business communication is important to individuals and organizations. This is because

business communication is a process of establishing a common understanding between or
among people within a business environment. To be success in business, it depends on the
quality of internal and external communication used by the organizations. Good
communication skills help individuals enhance self-esteem, become effective and good

In business communication, we have learnt on how to communicate effectively and

focused on using the right words when giving a task or an order. Improve writing and speaking
skills so that other employees has a better understanding. Also use a proper and suitable tools
and technology to help the progress of the organization and also maintain the image of the
organization. So we have to choose one organization to make an analysis what method they
have implemented within their organization.

We know that oral, written and technology communication are important part in an
organization. If there is problem arises between these three element, this might slow down the
efficiency of the organization such as late in submission of work or misunderstanding about
the task given. If direction given is not executed properly it might cause a chaos in the
organization. That is why these three elements are important communication in an
1.2 Procedure

Forming a group

Company selection


Final Report

For the third meeting of business communication class, we formed a group. We have
five members in a group and each group in the class need to list three different companies but
choose only one company. We listed three different companies: Putrajaya Corporation,
Ministry of Finance Malaysia and Accountant General's Department of Malaysia. We got some
problems in our first listed company so we changed our company at the very last minute. And
as a group, we discussed on how to solve the problem. Finally, we decided to choose Ministry
of Finance Malaysia to be an interview company.

We approached Ministry of Finance Malaysia at No. 5 Persiaran Perdana Presint 2,

Federal Government Administrative Centre, Wilayah Persekutuan, and Putrajaya on the 19 th of
April 2017. We have already divided each part equally for every member. Everyone did a great
work during the interview session. We conclude that Ministry of Finance Malaysia is a
friendly company to approach to and plus, they gave their response and permission within a
week. So it had saved our time and gave us an ample of time to complete this project.
During the interview session with Puan Rossilawati binti Alias and Puan Putri Noor
Zuraida Binti Megat, we were briefed about their companys background, the flow of their
communication, whether it is written or oral communication that take part in their company
and also the technology that is used by them. They also explained to us about some of their
activities during the working hours and the benefit of being a part of Ministry of Finance

The interview session took an hour to be finished. We conduct the interview in English
because we have prepared some of the questions to ask them to get the full information related
to our study. They also provided us their Bulletin, MOF Buzz, Memo, Formal Letter and
Report. A week after the interview session we discussed about the recent interview and
distribute works among team members.

We gathered all the data and information through the interview then we started and
proceeded to the next step. The very first step taken was the analysis and conclusion. Only
after that we went through the entire required item according to format given. On the 15th of
May 2016 we was compile each part that have been distributed to every member. We discussed
and were able to finish our group assignment as a team.

The Ministry of Finance (MOF) is a Ministry of the Government of Malaysia that is

charged with the responsibility for government expenditure and revenue raising. The ministry's
role is to develop economic policy and prepare the Malaysian Federal budget. The Ministry of
Finance also oversees financial legislation and regulation. Each year in October, the Minister of
Finance presents the Malaysian federal budget to the Parliament.

The Minister of Finance administers his functions through the Ministry of Finance and a
range of other government agencies. The current Minister of Finance is Y.A.B Dato' Sri Mohd
Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak, whose term began on September 2008. The current Second Minister
of Finance is Y.B Datuk Seri Johari bin Abdul Ghani. The current Deputy Ministers of Finance
are Othman Aziz and Lee Chee Leong. Its headquarters is in Ministry of Finance Complex,
Finance Minister

Y.A.B Dato' Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul

Finance Minister
03 8882 3003 |

Finance Minister II

Y.B Datuk Seri Johari bin Abdul Ghani

Finance Minister II
03 8882 3100 |

Secretary General of Treasury

Tan Sri Dr Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah
Secretary General of Treasury
03 8882 3333
31 August 1957
59 years ago

Ministry of Finance Malaysia

No. 5 Persiaran Perdana Presint 2,
Address Federal Government Administrative Centre,
62592 Wilayah Persekutuan,
The leading strategic authority enabling
financial and economic outcomes to ensure
sustainable growth and prosperity for the
people and the nation
Ensure sustained and continuous economic
Strengthen national competitiveness and
economic resilience.
Ensure effective and prudent financial
Pursue a more equitable sharing of national
Improve quality of life and well-being of
To formulate and implement fiscal and
monetary policies in order to ensure effective
and efficient distribution and management of
financial resources.
Function To formulate financial management and
accounting processes, procedures and
standards to be implemented by all
To manage the acquisition and disbursement
of federal Government loans from domestic
and external sources.
To monitor that Minister of Finance
Incorporated companies are managed
To monitor the financial management of
Ministries, Government Departments and
statutory Bodies.
To formulate and administer policies related
to be the management of Government
To formulate policies and administer
Government housing loans for public sector
Employees 21,509 (2017)
Jurisdiction Government of Malaysia
Othman Aziz, Deputy Minister of Finance
Deputy Ministers responsible Lee Chee Leong, Second Deputy Minister
of Finance
Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah, Secretary-
General of Treasury
Siti Zauyah Md Desa, Deputy Secretary-
General of Treasury (Policy)
Ministry executives Hashmuddin Mohammad, Deputy
Secretary-General of Treasury
Mohd Isa Hussain, Deputy Secretary-
General of Treasury (Investment)

3.1 Organizational Communication

Figure 3.1.1

Figure 3.3.2
Society, business and technology are all dependent on effective communication. Without
effective communication there is confusion, dissatisfaction and misunderstandings. In order to
operate a business appropriately, one must understand the basics of business communication and
its essential role in creating success. Business communication is any form of communication,
verbal or nonverbal, that is used to relay a message, promote a product or service or share
information. On the job you will be sharing information by communicating internally and
externally. Internal communication includes exchanging ideas and messages with superiors,
coworkers, and subordinates. When those messages must be written, you will probably choose
email. When you are communicating externally with customers, suppliers, the government, and
the public, you may send letters on company.

Some of the functions of internal communication are to issue and clarify procedures and
policies, inform management of progress, develop new products and services, persuade
employees or management to make changes or improvements, coordinate activities, and evaluate
and reward employees. External functions involve answering inquiries about products or
services, persuading customers to buy products or services, clarifying supplier specifications,
issuing credit, collecting bills, responding to government agencies, and promoting a positive
image of the organization.

On this organizational, usually their will use Malay as their main language during their
daily conversation. However, when the formal meeting or when they need to meet external
parties, they will prefer English for communicate. Although the language of English is the
language most widely spoken in the world, but since most employees in the Ministry of Finance
is among the Malay race, so they prefer the Malay language as the medium of communication.
But the uses of other languages such as Chinese and English language is still in use among
workers/staff in accordance with section
Flow of communication

Information within organizations flows through formal and informal communications channels.
However, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) only adopted a formal communications channels
within the organization.

Formal channels

Formal channels of communication generally follow an organizations hierarchy of

command, as shown in figure , information about policies and procedures originates with
executives and flows down through managers to supervisors and finally to lower-level
employees. Many organizations have formulated official communication policies that encourage
regular open communication, suggest means for achieving it, and spell out responsibilities.
Official information among workers flows through formal channels in three directions:
downward, upward and horizontally.

Downward flow is about information flowing downward generally moves from decision
makers, including the CEO and managers, through the chain of command to workers. This
information includes job plans, policies, and procedures. Managers also provide feedback about
employee performance and instill a sense of mission in achieving the organizations goals. For an
example in the organization, if CEO wanted to change an accounting procedure, he would
probably not send a memo directly to the cost accountants who would implement the change.
Instead, the CEO would relay the idea through proper formal channels, from the vice president
for finance, to the accounting manager, to the senior accountant, until the message reached the
affected employees.

Upward flow is about information flowing upward provides feedback from non-
management employees to management. Subordinate employees describe progress in completing
tasks, report roadblocks encountered, and suggest methods for improving efficiency. Channels
for upward communication include phone messages, e-mail, memos, reports, departmental
meetings, and suggestion system. Ideally, the heaviest flow of information should be upward
with information being fed steadily to decision makers.
Horizontal flow is a lateral channels transmit information horizontally among workers at
the same level, such as between the training supervisor and maintenance supervisor. These
channels enable individuals to coordinate tasks, share information, solve problems, and resolve
conflicts. Horizontal communication takes place through personal contact, telephone, and e-mail,
most organizations have few established regular channels for the horizontal exchange of
information. Restructured companies with flattened hierarchies and team-based management,
however have discovered that when employees combine their knowledge with that of other
employees, they can do their jobs better. Much information in these organizations travels
horizontally among team members. For an example, if one of the co-workers in Section
Corporate Strategy and Communication is about confusing with their task, she or he can go
directly to the office room supervisor and would discuss about that.

Downward Upward

Job plans, Policies, Feedback, Suggestions, Horizontal

Directives, Procedures, Customer information,
Task coordination,
Personnel assessment financial information
Problem solving,
Conflict resolution,
Idea generation
3.2 Written Communication

Written communication involves any type of message that makes use of the written word.
Written communication is actually important for an organization. It also can act as a black and
white contract when other parties not satisfied in the future time. In fact, written communication
is the most common form of business communication. Some of the various forms of written
communication that are used internally for business operations include memos, reports, bulletins,
job descriptions, employee manuals, e-mail, and Instant Messages (IM).

Written communication has its advantages. It is accurate and provides a permanent record
of the messages and also can be saved for later study. The sender has sufficient time to collect
the information, draft and revise it before sending it to the receiver. The receiver also has more
time on hand to read and digest the information before replying, if a response is required. Written
communication is the preferred form when there is a need to keep a record of important details.
For example, when a contract or agreement is entered into by two parties, a hard copy in written
from definitely is required. Examples of written communications generally used with clients or
other businesses include e-mail, Internet websites, letters, proposals, telegrams, faxes, postcards,
contracts, advertisements, brochures, and news releases.

Based on the analysis we can see that Ministry of Finance more preferred in the use of
e-mail between staff because they think that it is more effective in all time and place. They also
have their own e-mail group so that the staff can receive information through the group even they
are not in office such as meeting with clients as long as their mobile phone has internet
connection. But they still use other documents such as a formal memo, business letter, bulletin,
and report in their organizations.

Memo are a form of communication with others in your organization. Memos sometimes
called internal letters or inter-office correspondence, it should be used to convey information,
making requests, provide responses and present informal reports. This information may be about
a new policy, an explanation or revision of an existing policy or procedure to implement any
policy. When additional information is required, there we can use the memo to request for
further information. Requests made by memo are usually answered by memo. They provide all
the details needed for the employees who are supposed to participate in the meeting. But
nowadays in Ministry of Finance, the uses of memos are not frequently because they will prefer
using an e-mail for distributed an information among staff as all the employees in their
organization is huge and e-mail is such a good medium for them.

Formal Letters is usually a letter from one company to another, or between such
organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties. Ministry of Finance writes
formal letters to document clearly the departments accomplishment and generally in Ministry of
Finance, the consumption of formal letters is using for . They distribute a letters depends on the
own department and the purpose. And because of Ministry of Finance is a ministry of the
Government of Malaysia that is charged with the responsibility for government expenditure and
revenue raising, these organization generally would use formal letter for the external parties for
the special purpose.

The ministry's role is to develop economic policy and prepare the Malaysian federal
budget. The Ministry of Finance also oversees financial legislation and regulation. Each year in
October, the Minister of Finance presents the Malaysian federal budget to the Parliament. And
Ministry of Finance have to prepare Annual Economic Report to be tabled with the Budget
Speech in the Parliament and Quarterly periodic Economic Report.

The purposes of report is to provide information about any event or object or situation to
the proper persons. It helps business people to take accurate and pragmatic decisions. The
purposes of report is to carry information about economic policy and government budget to the
concerned quarters. It also to analyze the data for interpretation and to help planning by
providing factual information. The report is written annually and previous annual reports are also
available to be publicly viewed on their website.

Bulletin/Internet forums are a replacement for traditional bulletin boards. Online

bulletin boards are sometimes referred to as message boards. The terms bulletin board, message
board and even Internet forum are interchangeable, although often one bulletin board or message
board can contain a number of Internet forums or discussion groups. An online board can serve
the same purpose as a physical bulletin board. Bulletins are published and circulated when
important information is to be conveyed to the management people on emergency basis.
Information about any change in plan or policy, special meeting, immediate target is carried out
by special management bulletin. They announce and distribute bulletin quarterly every year to
update information about the government policy and the flow of the organization.

Figure 3.2.1
3.3 Oral Communication

Normally, the individual will use oral communication to support and improve the
understanding of the meaning of the messages to be communicated to the receiver of the
message. The use of tone, speed, emphasis and volume that appropriate and interesting will be
one advantage to increase effectiveness in communication. At the same time, feedback messages
from receiver of a message will give an overview of the level of understanding the message that
was delivered. Oral communication is the fastest way to obtain feedback from the receiver of the
message because this communication occurs directly. At Minister of Finance, oral
communication will occur in the following situations such as face to face, interviews,
presentations, telephone, public speeches and meetings.

Figure 3.3.1

Face-to-face communication (Figure 3.3.1) is the most common seen among staff who is
also the communication of the most important and effective. However, at Minister of Finance it
requires time and energy to the staff because they will need message moves from one department
to another department. Most of this face to face communication has changed with the
conversation personally over the phone and texts such as instant messaging and e-mail.
However, face-to-face communication in one administrative division still exists. This is because
this communication conversation very effective in enhancing the understanding of the meaning
of the message to be communicated to the receiver of the message. Understanding the meaning
of this message by message receiver not only through language, even though body language and
gestures as this conversation will include physical appearance the message sender. At the same
time, the parties involved will continue to respond spontaneously to be requirements of the

Figure 3.3.2

Next, communication interview (Figure 3.3.2) usually requires an appointment and

guidelines towards the dialogue. Communication in an interview is still in a face-to-face
communication but more conversation based on submission and answer questions. At Minister of
Finance, the conversation in this interview requires an appointment that time decided by the
parties involved. This is because often the parties involved is likely to require time to provide
themselves with information and knowledge to answer topics, think of arguments that may be
thrown or questions posed.
Figure 3.3.3

In addition, among others oral communication in Minister of Finance is the form of

presentation. Presentation communication (Figure 3.3.3) is common in formal situations in the
meeting room or seminar rooms where the presenter tried to deliver the message, knowledge or
information of an article to employees in the form of presentations. Usually, the topic to be
presented is related to government policies such as the budget, expenditure and government
procurement where the policy involving the Minister of Finance as coordinator. Therefore, the
presenter will need a long time to understand and get the hang of the topic are to be served so
that the presentations become productive and understood by all staff. Presenter must also be
ready to answer any question asked to him in relation to the topics presented. Among the
performances is communication relay can use support materials such as video, audio and
products to enhance the understanding of the message will be communicated to the staff in the
Figure 3.3.4

Next, oral communication also exist in the meeting. The meeting (Figure 3.3.4) usually
involves individuals of different skills and is headed by a Chairman as coordinator of the
meeting. At Minister of Finance, setting time and place is dependent on the department.
Meetings shall normally be discussing specific topics related to the current situation of the
department such as planning, implementation and improvement. The meeting will take place the
exchange of views and the approval or disapproval by expressed opinion among staff related to
the topics to be discussed. Communication meeting is very effective because it has a clear
objective and agenda to be discussed as well as providing an opportunity for employees to
highlight their respective opinions. In addition, the meeting will save time and costs because it is
attended by all staff where they will formulate their opinion with a clear and concise so easily
understood by other personnel.
3.4 Communication Technology

Generally, technological advances experienced by the world today is very rapid. This is
evidenced by the advent of various technological innovations introduced by the leading
developers such as Samsung and Apple. Technological advances have also transformed the way
of communication among the community today. At Minister of Finance, in order to enhance
communication among staff in each division, technical institutions and departments. Various
technologies have been applied to enable employees to share information with either internal or
external party amongst them through email, instant messaging, and portal.

Figure 3.4.1

Communication using e-mail (Figure 3.4.1) is a form of communication that the most
common and widely seen among staff who is also the communication of the most important and
effective. This is because, e-mail is very easy to be manage and user-friendly. At Minister of
Finance, communications using e-mail happens every day where the staff will send messages and
files using the computer to the desired staff. Each employee will be provided e-mail program to
create, receive, store, delete and print the e-mail message. Normally, messages sent by
employees are short text will be attached once the supporting documents such as letters and
audio. Communication using e-mail in Minister of Finance turned out very effective because
each staff sent the e-mail to him will see a notification that is displayed in each computer. The
use of e-mail can also save time and cost. For example, the supporting documents need not be
printed to be delivered to the engaged staff.

Figure 3.4.2

In addition, instant messaging communication (Figure 3.4.2) is also a form of

communication that the most common and widely used by the staff of Minister of Finance.
Instant Messaging will allow employees to send and receive messages from other personnel
using only a smartphone respectively. The use of instant messaging is very popular among staff
because all employees certainly have smart phones and instant messaging applications can be
downloaded into smartphones and the application is free like WhatsApp and Telegram. Progress
of communications technology has transformed in instant messaging not only use to send
messages but more than that. Staff can send pictures and videos only through instant messaging
to other employees through smartphones only. In addition, discussions among informal staffing
are possible on an instant message with create a group chat in application. The group chat will
normally discuss the specific topic either in relation to the current situation of the department
such as planning, implementation and improvement or otherwise. In this discussion will take
place the exchange of views and the approval or disapproval by expressed opinion among staff
related to the topics to be discussed is only on online without having to spend time face between
employees, it appears the use of instant messaging at Minister of Finance is more flexible and
save time.
Figure 3.4.3

Next, Minister of Finance also introduced portal in official website. A portal (Figure
3.4.3) will display all the activities and program that have been carried out in the form of
animation and entertainment more interesting. Animation and entertainment consists of pictures,
music, ideas and videos taken during the program and activities carried out. All the activities and
program conducted by each department will be raised prior to edited and adjusted before
uploaded in portal. The portal was created as one of communication between the department
with other departments in the Minister of Finance as a sharing among the staff.
4.1 Communication in Organization
4.1.1 Internal Communication Patterns
As we all know, internal communication is the transmission of information between
organizational members or parts of organization. It takes place across all levels and
organizational units of an organization regardless of any organization. Malay language was the
most frequent language used in MOF and English language was used for Chinese and Indian

a) Formal Communication

The formal communication flow follows the official chain of command. The
communication usually planned by the organization and channeled in all directions. It can be
either written or oral. But in MOF, they will use written documentation for formal
communication. Their type of communication can be seen in various ways such as vertical
communication and horizontal communication.

Vertical communication occurs within the formal organization hierarchical structure. A

message may start from the top and transmitted down at each level of hierarchy until it reaches
the bottom level. The responses communicated back up the chain of command in reverse order
until it reaches top. For instance, our Finance Minister will give an order to the Ministry of
Finance to cut down our nations budget for 2017 due to unstable economic condition. The flow
of an order will transmitted from our Finance Minister to the responsible department in MOF
that is the Director of National Budget Office (NBO). The information will be transmitted
through a formal meeting with the top management such as all directors in MOF. All the
discussion made will be included in the minutes of meeting. The result of the meeting will be
passed to NBO after agreement between them has been achieved. Next, the director of NBO will
conduct a formal meeting with all section within the department to discuss the next step they will
Horizontal communication occurs when the transmission of information is between
people with the same level of the organizational hierarchy. Besides that, horizontal
communication is also known as lateral communication. It can be very effective when different
division need to corroborate on the same project because they dont have to wait for the
communication from one division to run up to the top to give the information down to another
division. From our last interview with the Corporate Strategy and Communication Division
(CSC) of MOF, to improve the effectiveness of publicity and dissemination of information on
policy through a comprehensive communication strategies and technologies is one of their
function in the organization. In order to get the information, the particular staff will need to do an
appointment if the information needed need to be discussed personally with the top management
from another division of MOF. For instance, Public and Media Relations Unit need information
regarding new economic statistic data for public purposes, they need to obtain those information
from Fiscal and Economic Divisions (DED). Those data can be obtained directly from the
responsible staff in that particular department. If there is uncertainty regarding the data or any
unclear thoughts they can directly write an email or give a them call to get the information. But,
if they need to meet them to discuss the matters personally, they need to do an appointment with
their secretary first for the meeting with top management level staff.

b) Informal Communication

Informal communication can be known as an opposite system of formal communication.

In another word, the communication system is made without any predetermined rules of policy
or can be called as unplanned by the organization. It also known as an event that beyond the
works scope. It also channeled to all directions. The basis of informal communication is
spontaneous relationship among staff.

MOF employees tends to use technology to spread the information that they obtained via
email, group WhatsApp, tweeting, Instagram or any instant message applications because it
transmits very fast. Typically, they usually use the informal communication within the same
department only. For instance, the rumors about someone being promoted to better position in
organization has been spread in the social group chat. Next, a dinner or tea time that organized
by each department itself without involving the other department or vice versa in order to
strengthen the relationship and to create positive relationship with colleagues.

In our opinion, MOF has implied effective communication whereby the top management
has performed its duties and responsibility such as planning, organizing, leading and controlling.
Written communication, oral communication and technology communication are ways for the
effective communication between top management and lower management to enable these
important information fully transmitted. The communication barrier is not a problem for the
internal communication in MOF since Malay language is mainly used in the organization,
Chinese and Indian staff has no problem to communicate in Malay language as well. But the
usage of English language will be used if they have difficulties in understanding the information
in Malay language. But from what we can see from the last interview, there was bad side in oral
communication because some of them were always not at their desk after lunch break time.
They would rather talk with other staff at the corner of office. Therefore, oral in formal
communication is not very effective.

4.1.2 External Communication

This type of communication usually formal and occurs when MOF transmits information
to public regarding the activities of the organization, annual report, economic statistical data and
others. These published information were for external parties usage. The external parties are
commonly domestic and international. Most of the written material, the language used is in
bilingual languages which are English language and Malay language. Written communication for
external users of MOF are such as letters, email, reports, orders, bulletin, invoices and web
pages. As discussed in analysis, web page of MOF, all the activities and program conducted by
each department will be raised prior to edited and adjusted before uploaded in portal. This is
shown that, MOF is very concern about the image of organization and should be free from error.
The letter made by MOF also has been CC to recipient (carbon copy) where the recipient of
message will get a copy of message when the message is sent to external parties. The purpose of
CC is to enable other recipient can see with whom the message is sent and able to know the
purpose of the transaction.
As we all know, external communication is an effective way to reach out the public
effectively. The public impression towards organization is quite important to maintain
organizations image because one misplaced quote, wrong calculation, or badly worded
newsletter will ruin an expensive external communications. In our opinion, external
communication of MOF is good where English language usage is mainly used since its a
universal language. But it depends on with whom external parties they are having business with.
If external parties using Malay language in their organization, so MOF will communicate in
Malay language also. It is also known as linguistic denominator for organization. But for the
website, Malay language and English are available for external users. MOF also concern of
maintaining organizations image and the accuracy of information so that the external parties can
rely on the information as a basis for decision maker. It suits with the slogan of MOF, serve for
the country.
4.2 Written Communication

Written Communication adopted by MOF is for information sharing and as a

communication across all the organization level and also to external parties. Therefore, there are
5 written communication made in the organization as below:

a) Memo

Figure 4.2.1

As discussed in analysis, memo is used to transmit information of activities of an

organization. It should contain orders, instruction, procedures which is channeled from top
management to lower management just like vertical communication. It is also used to carry
lower management suggestion to upper management. MOF prefer to see the memo through an
email rather than to see printed memo. The format used by MOF to create memo is shown in
figure 4.2.1 as we can see, the memo contained to, from, and Subject and Date that replaced the
format in a formal letter. Formal title of memo has been used in this memo. Besides that, the
name in this memo keyed with full name instead of putting the initial name after keyed name on
the from in the line of heading. The topic on MOF memo, was short and contain only one topic
as mentioned in the subject line. The body of message in memo contained an explanation on
regarding the topic. The subsequent paragraph shown, were the instruction and procedures that
need to be followed by all employees. The last paragraph of memo was, the inquiries can be
made by MOF employees regarding the memo distributed. Therefore, all format for memo in
MOF accordance to general memo in business operation except for the name of sender. The
memo made MOF was easy to read and very concise. All the information given was sufficient
for employees understanding.

b) Formal Letter

Figure 4.2.2
The formal letter shown in figure 4.2.2, is one of formal letter given from the top
management of MOF to second top management in the organization. It is also known as vertical
communication in that organization. The format used by the MOF is modified block. Modified
block format is one of the format that frequently used by any organizations. The font used by
MOF was Times New Roman with 12 size which is generally accepted by any audience. The
letterhead of MOF is printed on the first page of the letter. The date of letter is written at the right
side of the letter and is placed two to two and one-half inches from the top of the page. The date
of month has been properly spelled in full. The inside address were correctly mentioned and
accordance with the format as well as attention line and was keyed below the date of the letter.
The salutation of the letter was perfectly described since there were many staff working in MOF
and it would be tedious work to mention all staffs names in the letter and the gender of
receivers is unknown. The salutation is keyed with the left margin and placed one blank line
below the last line of the attention line. The title was perfectly capitalized and bold. The body of
paragraph of the letter was indented. In the first paragraph, the statement of main point has been
properly written. The next paragraph, the justification and information details regarding the main
point have been mentioned. Restatement of the letter and its importance has been properly
mentioned in last paragraph. The complementary close is keyed one black line below the last line
of the body and the first word in the complementary close is capitalized. The name and
professional tittle of this signature block has properly included in the letter. The name is keyed
below the complimentary close and there was a sufficient space to accommodate the signers
signature. Therefore, the format letter used by MOF is perfectly fit according to the modified
block format.
c) E-mail

Figure 4.2.3

As discussed in analysis, the usage of email in MOF is quite important for the work
purposes. As we can see in figure 4.2.3, an email that our group used as a method to approach
MOF for the interview session where the appropriate information regarding the subject and email
has properly keyed. A proper greeting in the email and the signature to end the conversation in
the email has been properly keyed. A message reply from the respondent has been entered with a
correct format where the all lines of the message begin at the default left margin. There is no
internal spacing in the email as used in the letters with no blank lines within paragraphs, one
blank line between paragraphs. The name, position of staff and the name of organization of
respondent were included in the email to show that, we are dealing with the responsible staff
according to specified purposes. Therefore, the format on email usage of MOF employees are
following the standard email of any organization will do.

d) Bulletin

Figure 4.2.4

In figure 4.2.4 is one of the bulletin made by MOF regarding activities conducted for
every week. It also known as MOF Buzz It has been distributed to all employees of MOF
through email and published in MOF website also. The importance of this bulletin is to highlight
activities in organization to ensure employees know the current activities conducted and
highlighted issues in Malaysia regarding economic achievement or others that gives concern to
employees. The bulletin made is very clear with simple brief of activities and dated. The pictures
are included to show the activity conducted in that particular date.

Other than this, we have discussed the special management bulletin made by MOF in
analysis. The content of the bulletin, had included the important matters that running in the
organization that requires all users attention such as the government policy and the flow of
organization. The content of this bulletin were simple and straight to the point why the changes

e) Economic Annual Report

Figure 4.2.5
The economic annual report will be published after nations budget has been issued. The
economic annual report is shown in figure 4.2.5. The report can be purchased either in printed
book or through e-book in the internet. The report can also be downloaded at MOFs website for
the particular section in the book. All the format for this report are standardized throughout the
years except for budget preparation in 2017 where the element of outcome is applied. It is also
known as Outcome Based Budgeting (OBB). OBB will provide a structured mechanism for
translating the pillar concept of national transformation to the outcome and success through the
implementation of programs and activities effectively. The issuance of annual economic report
basically, serve as an important addition to the efforts of policy makers, businessmen, and
stakeholders to take most informed and knowledge-driven decisions in order to contribute to the
countrys overall prosperity and progress. The economic annual report 2016/17 containing the
programmes and measures introduced in the 2016 to address the cross-cutting issues.
Furthermore, this report containing the budget according to priorities as mentioned in budget
presentation by our Finance Minister. The indicators were used to evaluate or to measure the
efficiency of programmes conducted by MOF. Next, a comparison made between budgeted cost
and actual cost of the programmes conducted from the input until the impact of programmes.

In our opinion, MOF is following the rules and protocol that is essential for the efficiency
and effectiveness of operation of organization. Written presentations are effective means of
providing key information to another department. It also can be used as a permanent record
where it can be easily collected from preserved documents and can be used as future references.
Besides that, written communication presents accurate and detailed information compared to
non-written communication which staff tends to forget whats need to be done. Furthermore,
written communications in MOF are mostly standardized and understandable by users. The
usage of written email is a proof that they were collaborating with each other in organization and
with external parties also. Besides that, it can save their time as the MOF staff often to open their
email every day.
4.3 Oral Communication

As we know, oral communication is the process of expressing information or ideas by

words of mouth. It includes individuals conversations with each other, which is direct
conversation or telephonic conversation. Speeches, presentation, discussions are all forms of oral
communication. Oral communication is generally recommended when the communication matter
is of temporary kind or where a direct interaction is required. Face to face communication
(meeting, conferences, lectures, interview, and etc.) is significant so as to build a rapport and

Most of effective oral communication required cultural understanding. Which is the way
of show the interest, politeness and appropriateness. Which is people shows an interest feeling
toward the conversation. In MOF, the staff are not practically used oral communication. Most of
the communication through technology. Bet it emails, WhatsApp application, texts and
messaging. They only use oral communication when it needed such during discussion, meeting,
or to communicate with customer or supplier.

In meeting or presentation, a feedback or comments need to be issues after they done it.
But in MOF, feedback or comments will do on online. Which it the communication happened
through email. And the person who attend the meeting or presentation only can be give the
feedback. While doing that, they also can share an opinion through online. Oral communication
in this situation is not effective because the feedback should be spontaneous. And the decision
can be made quickly without any delay during the day of meeting or presentation.

From the interview, we know that MOF staff tend to do discussion with their department
staff to discuss about problem, or issues that happened the whole week or month and find
resolution. It shows that they have teamwork to make the problems can be solve or not.

As we know, face to face communication would be an effective oral communication. But

in MOF, face to face communication only happened in the same department. It only can be done
if the person or the officer in their office. If not, a telephone or video call conversation will do.
But in case the person or officer from the other department, an appointment need to do first.
However, not all time the officer would be in the office. Face to face communication only
happened while meeting or presentation. We know oral communication is time saving, but just in
case of meeting, long meeting consumed a lot of time and unproductive at times. This show that
face to face not really effectiveness in MOF.

Telephone conversation can be more effective because most of people need to do a

conversation regarding the work purpose or problems that occurs. Telephone conversation
usually is fastest but conflicts can be happened. Bet it no coverage, the line busy, no one answers
the call, etc. However, in MOF telephone conversation is not the big matter as long as they have
way to communicating. Telephone conversation only happened when they need to follow up
with customer or supplier regarding the tender, make an appointment, or having conversation
with other people from different department regarding work matters. Not just that, they also had
telephone conversation with public regarding the problem occurs. From the telephone
conversation, they can respond to the question and important information on the spot.

From the interview, we get to know that oral communication not usually happened in
MOF. Unless purpose needed only. It showing that oral communication in this company not
effective at all.
4.4 Technology Communication

Technology continues to change the way we work and the way we write. Not too long
Ag, a pen, typewriter, and telephone were the primary equipment for business communication,
then came word processors, fax machines, and email. Today we can choose from a host of tools
that includes cell phones, web pages, videoconferencing, and instant messaging, each one ever
increasing its features and benefits. Because technology changes so rapidly, so do expectations
for how and when to use it. A 21st century communicator understands that adaptation is the key
to staying current, and being open to learning new technologies is must.

Due to the changes in technology worldwide, people also change with it. The technology
became the most important in their daily life. Not only in home, but also at workplace and
everywhere around the world. The changes of technology change the way of how people work.
And the work become easy and can be done immediately. Communication with technology also
become convenient. People doesnt need to face to face by walk from another table to another
table, from another room to another room, from another department to another department. By
using technology, everything can be done immediately.

In MOF, most of communication usually used through email, text or messaging either video call.
It became habit among them to communicate with each other. Even in the same department, they
prefer to email and attached together documents and meeting details than passing the file or
documents to desired person. Staff in MOF say by doing that it become more effective and
convenient. So, the file not missing or damage while on the way to passing to another person.

Not just that, in MOF, they also create a group in WhatsApp application, telegram, and
email group. Email group refer to email that already register with ministry of finance. By doing
that, every information can be transfer immediately to group. Communication like that make the
worker get the information fastest. Not just that, because of technology now gained world
attention, most of the communication can be done through technology. No longer need to face to
During the interview, they had say if someone who send to outstation, they only need to
do video conference to make a report. But not all people used video conference right now.
Because WhatsApp video call take the place. So, it become easy to them. They no need to be in
front of the computer or laptop every time to communicated. In additional, they also can use
email through smart phone. It became more convenient.

Furthermore, MOF also have portal that can share any information regarding work,
activities, tender, and etc. among workers and public. For public any information can be gained
through the portal. Either it about budget information or tender information. Or activities that
MOF doing. But some of the information were private and confidential. Not all information can
be shared to public. However, public can make any report through portal and also can contact
MOF regarding problem they face. Social media like Facebook, twitter and Instagram also can
be used as a medium to communicate to public and among workers.

Communication through technology also have disadvantages. Sometimes false

information would be spread fasters among workers. The medium they used to communicate can
be used for another purpose. Not only for work but also for private purposed. By communicated
with technology, some information cant be delivered well. Most of computer can be harms by
computer virus. And the file that save in the computer either erase or damage during restoring. It
also can affect the conversation in email. This may rise conflict.

Technology and social media creating less time for real time interactions. Face to face
and verbal communication will continue to decrease and possibly even become a mere trend of
the past.

Communication is very important to companies. Because it allows companies to be

productive and operate effectively. Employees can experience an increase in morale,
productivity and commitment if they are able to communicate up and down the communication
chain organization. Communication affect all levels of work.

Communication can improve worker productivity through work in group. By group work
communication can leads to an improvement in overall company performance. MOF should let
their staff to work in team. This can improve their productivity. Communication also can
increase employee job satisfaction if employees feel empowered if they are able to have upward
communication. Which it the bosses or managers are able to listen to employees and respond to
it. This will leads to an increase in employees job satisfaction. Not just that, it should intense
downward communication too. Which is information flowing down from superiors or managers
to direct spots.

Good communication skills are vital todays workplace. Technology, especially through
email, instant messaging, and smart phones is making the globe a smaller and busier place, one
where messages must be understood immediately. Traditional paper messages flourish, even as
electronic channels expand our ability to reach more people. The better employees
communication skills are, the better his or her chance for success.

Without proper communication, problems and conflicts may occur. The employees may
not satisfaction with the work they do. It will cause of stress, and job frustration. A problem
occurs in business communication should be solve by both organization and audience.

MOF should let oral communication in workplace more than technology communication.
This will help employees to improve their communication among them and also help them to
recognize their officer either in top level, middle level and lower level. This will help the
improvement in organization and the employee productivity.
Bovee, C. & Thill, J. (2015), Business Communication Today, 13th Edition. Singapore:
Guffey, M. & Du-Babcock, B. (2012) Essentials of Business Communication: 9th
Edition. Singapore: Thomson.
Locker, K.O. & Kaczmarek, S. K. (2013) Business Communication: Building Critical
Skills. 6th Edition. Singapore: McGraw Hill.
Oliu, W.E, Brusaw, C.T & Alred, G.J. (2012), Writing That Works: Communicating
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Williams, K., Krizan, A., Merrier, P., & Logan, J. & (2011), Communicating in Business.
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Ministry of Finance. Retrieved from

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