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Organic Farming

Arguments for and against organic farming are largely anecdotal and left to personal
opinions. Here are a few arguments for both sides.

Organic farming is good for the environment. Numerous surveys have evaluated the
environmental impact of various farming methods. From these, a general consensus holds
that organic farms do not use synthetic pesticides which can harm local wildlife.

Organic farming is good for food consumers. The harmful effects of pesticide
exposure are well documented. Even when they are used properly, they still end up in the
bodies of farmers and food consumers. Organic techniques do not expose consumers to
dangerous organophosphate pesticides and other dangerous chemicals.

Perhaps the single best argument against organic food is that it is just too costly. On
average, consumers pay 50% more for organic product and up to 100% more for organic
meat and daily products.

To sum up, organic farming is a good way of farming. It is save for the environment
and consumers.


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