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UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE these changes, as are sentenced in a paragraph, seem to be a waste of time, effort and

Facultad de Filosofa y Humanidades

Departamento de Lingstica money () why to think about this if there are more important topics and problems to
English Language II: Written Discourse 2016
discuss about inequality nowadays?

These are students real written reactions to an article by an antifeminist journalist, who Anyway, we can use language as we want, it is not prescriptive, nobody has established a set
explained his astonishment at seeing how eager women are to be linguistically included of big dictionary about how we have to use words; Tha way it seems to be ridiculous and
when it comes to terms with positive connotations (chairwoman and firewoman over nonsense thats why the members of the broadcasting founds the appeals
chairman and fireman). In contrast, women do not seem worried about feminine uses for,
e.g., gunman, since this word has a rather negative connotation, situation the author made by peter Zohrab quite strange and obviously it was refused.
considers unequal on the part of, no less, people who look for equality. Personally, I dont feel discriminated by men if words have negative overtones against female
words; my position in society will not change if a word that identifies my gender or my
TEXT 1: Sexist language
occupation changes or not, it does not really affect its essence.
During the last decade we could see important changes in our lives, for instance
The important matter is how you contributes and how it helps society regarding the name that
technological changes, educational changes etc, but one of the most important changes
that is already given to it.
occurs during the last years and that is the role that women play in our society. We can see
It is true, on the other hand, that some words could change but not because they cause some
that in Everywhere, for instance, today women have better jobs than before, today women
discrimination or denigrate the female gender, but because we have to clarify activities and
can apply for better salaries than years ago. The best example of this is that now in our
how are used for and by whom, what Im against is the reason that is sentenced.
country we have a presidenta. One of the best ways to represent all these changes is the
If women get some job of chairperson, for instance, it is just because they have demonstrated
language that we use everyday. for instance we use the word presidenta and not prrsidente
their able to, and their capacity is not given by the title, it is not the form which is important but
mujer referring to Michelle Bachelet. But that happened because women have been fighting
the content which is more significant, and other wise, words dont chang as easily as w
for a change during years. for this reason I agree with feminists because they are fighting for
feminists propose, it is a big process, slow; and it involves time.
our rights, for our freedom. Maybe sometimes they are wrong or they dont know how to
And in the last instances, feminists movements do really represent all women? Certainly not. I
express their ideas, but they have good intentions and we need to start with something.
feel their appeals sort of unfair, and in a way they attempt against my right of expressing my
Because if we want to be treat as men, with the same opportunities, without discrimination,
own ideas.
we need representation and feminists do what they can do! And if we disagree that, we
I dont feel identified by feminists claims just because I dont feel myself for it. Their
should be involved in that work.
demandings are fairly exaggerated and it seems to be questionable. Certainly, it isnt that
men have to rule world, either, it is just I feel comfortable with how language is given. , and it
TEXT 2: Sexist changes in language nowadays.
doesnt really affect me. I can live with it.
Male or Female distinctions in language use is the issue proposed by Peter Zohrab. to
Finally, I think that nobody has really been trying to denigrate women or men by the use of
discuss. Thie change or specification of some words that feminists are appealed is perhaps
words or language. it is perhaps a casual used, far fetched to be discuss in a way; and if the
necessary to make a fair distinction among men and women, but I think it is not that
changes work and are done, feminists will be not quiet either, another problem will be found
important, it is not such a big issue to be concerned, as the author says and I agree with him.
and there will be another battle to fight against man they really like it in that way
Feminists sometimes are to involved to the subject, and to demonstrate a sort of equality and
even more, superiority. they have created their own kind of discrimination so that the more
they (we) enforced distinctions, the more we create a curb which will not be franqueable

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