Assignment 2

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Summary Sheet for Assignment 2: Differentiated Learning Experience

Name & Student Number: Josh Haste - 2054968 - hast0034

Curriculum (Learning) Area of Lesson or Learning Task: English
Specific Topic of Lesson or Learning Task: Spelling contract
Year Level/s: 2

Differentiation Choices
Mark the appropriate box/es

1. For this assignment, I have chosen to design a d ifferentiated:

Learning Menu or Agenda
Choice Board
Summative Assessment Task for Unit of Work
Lesson with Specific Adjustments for Students with Special Needs
Series of Tasks for Learning Centres or Stations
Learning Task or Lesson with Innovative Use of Technology to Support Differentiation

2. My lesson or learning task is differentiated to address differences in student:

Learning profile preferences

This assignment covers a unit of spelling, in particular the spelling contract. This spelling
contract is designed to be used each week and is intended to allow the students to
choose what tasks they do based on their learning profile preference. If they dont feel
confident with a certain area then they can not do that task, while learning how to do it.
The spelling contract is intended to be used for a whole unit which will run in the second
term. In the first term the students will learn how to answer the questions, such as what
digraphs and blends are. This will allow all students to come to the task with a similar
level of knowledge. At the end of each week the students will have a spelling test and
will write the result at the bottom of the contract. The class will be split into three
different spelling groups based on readiness. This will allow the students to work on
words at an appropriate level for them. I have included teacher notes in the appendix
section. These notes are intended to help in teacher marking by giving them a range of
possible answers. Depending on student readiness the teacher may want to print off the
resources to help the students with low readiness.

Learning Objectives
Understand how to use knowledge of digraphs, long vowels, blends and silent letters to spell one and two syllable
words including some compound words (ACELA1471) (activity 2, 3, 9 and 10)

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Build morphemic word families using knowledge of prefixes and suffixes (ACELA1472) (activity 4 and 5)

Use knowledge of letter patterns and morphemes to read and write high-frequency words and words whose spelling is
not predictable from their sounds (ACELA1823) (activity 1 and 6)

Use most letter-sound matches including vowel digraphs, less common long vowel patterns, letter clusters and silent
letters when reading and writing words of one or more syllable(ACELA1824) (activity 7)

Understand that a sound can be represented by various letter combinations (ACELA1825)

("English Foundation to Year 10 Curriculum by rows - The Australian Curriculum v8.3", 2017)

As a result of engaging with the differentiated lesson or task, students will:

Understand that
Students will understand that they can use a number of strategies to remember how to spell different words.

Know (e.g. facts, vocabulary, dates, information) Be able to (do)

Students will know that there are a number of Students will be able to use their knowledge of digraphs, long
different ways that they can work out how to spell vowels, blends, silent letters and morphemes to spell words.
words. They will know how different blends sound Identify and use prefixes and suffixes.
and how to break words down into their morphemes.

Essential Questions
Can the students use a variety of techniques to break new words down in order to assist them in spelling them?

Activity Wk Wk Wk Wk Wk Wk Wk Wk Wk Wk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Must complete entree each week

1 - Look, say, cover, write, check

Must do at least 4 main each week

2 - Write the digraphs in your words in


3 - Write a different word with the

same blend for each of your words

4 - Add prefix to your words

5 - Add a suffix to your words

6 - Find the kangaroo words (a word

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inside a word)

7 - Write the vowel digraphs (ai, ea, ee)

in a different colour

8 - Break your words into syllables

9 - Write any silent letters in a

different colour

10 - Find the long vowels in 5 of your

words and write a new word with the
same long vowel

Must complete entree and main first

11 - Use 5 words to make a song or book


12 - Choose 5 words to write in


13 - List your words from shortest to


14 - Write your words in alphabetical


15 - Make up a sentence for each word.

E.g. all = ants love lollies

End of the week

Spelling test result

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I have differentiated my lesson by providing a number of different ways for students to complete
their spelling contract each week, and by giving on going feedback (Hattie, 2013). Each week
the students will complete their activities and the teacher will mark their books. This will provide
the students with immediate feedback on how they are progressing with each task (McTighe, &
OConnor, 2005). The reason for using a learning menu for their spelling contract is to allow
students to choose what tasks they will complete. The learning menu is designed to cater for
students of differing levels of readiness and differing learning styles. The reason for letting
students choose based on their learning style is because students will have different ways of
showing their knowledge (McTighe, & OConnor, 2005). Some students will excel when they can
write their answers, while others will prefer to give their answers orally. I havent specifically
catered for students who would prefer to present orally, but the task can be easily adapted for
students if that is needed.

The first section of the spelling contract, the look, say, cover, write, check, will be completed by
everybody as that is the most important part of the contract. This section can either be peer
assessed or teacher assessed, and could potentially change each week. Once again, the
students can get immediate feedback from this activity and therefore use this knowledge when
choosing activities in the next section. The second part fulfils the learning objectives of the
lesson. I have said that the students need to complete 4 of these tasks as that will cover most of
the learning objectives. These tasks will be completed in class time, and four of the tasks will
need to be completed before the students move on to the next section.
The third section of the spelling contract is more open and fun for the students. It is designed to
be more creative by allowing the students to write sentences, create a song or book title, etc.

When designing the activities, along with ensuring I was following the learning objectives in the
Australian Curriculum ("English Foundation to Year 10 Curriculum by rows - The Australian
Curriculum v8.3", 2017), I tried to keep in mind the usefulness of the activities. Nelson (Nelson,
2001) provides some excellent questions to ask yourself when designing activities and I
attempted to keep them in mind. The first question is the utility, will the activity enhance learning.
The activities are intended to get students thinking about, and understanding, many different
aspects of phonics according to the Australian Curriculum. The other question that I took from
Nelson was the childhood enrichment and how the activity enhances the experience of
childhood. By learning different words, the students will then be able to use these words in other
contexts. Students will be able to create more interesting and rich texts, read more complex
books and have deeper discussions with others. This will enrich their childhood by allowing them
to discover new concepts, ideas and media.

I have catered for students with analytical intelligence by having tasks like: identifying silent
letters, add a prefix or suffix, breaking their words into syllables, etc. (Sternberg, 1988),
("Sternberg's Views on Intelligence - The Second Principle", 2017). I have catered for students
with creative intelligence by allowing them to use different colours for their work, coming up with
new words, etc. (Sternberg, 1988), ("Sternberg's Views on Intelligence - The Second Principle",
2017). I have catered for students with practical intelligence by getting them to think of new
words with similar features as their list words, finding kangaroo words, etc. (Sternberg, 1988),
("Sternberg's Views on Intelligence - The Second Principle", 2017). I have designed this task to

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differentiate by learning profile preferences because it allows students to work out the best ways
that they learn. The sooner that students learn what types of activities suit them, the easier they
will find learning activities in the future.



Enchanted Learning Software. (2017). Retrieved 4 April 2017,

Definition of MORPHEME. (2017). Retrieved 4 April 2017, from

English Foundation to Year 10 Curriculum by rows - The Australian Curriculum v8.3.

(2017). Retrieved 4 April 2017, from

Hattie, J. (2013). Visible Learning and the Science of How We Learn (1st ed., pp.
176-186). New York: Routledge.

McTighe, J., & O'Connor, K. (2005). Seven practices for effective learning. Educational
Leadership, 63(3), 10-17.

Nelson, G. (2001). Choosing content that's worth knowing. Educational Leadership,

59(2), 12-16.

Sternberg, R. (1988). The triarchic mind (1st ed.). New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Viking.

Sternberg's Views on Intelligence - The Second Principle. (2017). The Second Principle.
Retrieved 4 April 2017, from

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Vowel Digraphs


Long Vowels
Vowel Examples

A Brave Name

AI Rain Aid

AY Away Essay

E Be She

EA Beast Read

EE Beep Steed

EI Eight Weigh

I Behind Fire

IE Lie Tried

I using Y Cry Fly

O Gold Home

O using OA Boat Roast

O using OE Foe Doe

U Cute Truth

Bl Br Ch Ck Cl Cr

Dr Fl Fr Gh Gl Gr

Ng Ph Pl Pr Qu Sc

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Sh Sk Sl Sm Sn Sp

St Sw Th Tr Tw Wh



Software", 2017)

Prefix and Suffix

Prefixes are added to the beginning of an existing word in order to create a new word with a different

Suffixes are added to the end of an existing word in order to create a new word with a different

Morpheme/Kangaroo word
Morphemes are the indivisible basic units of language (e.g. in, come, forming income).

("Definition of MORPHEME", 2017)

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