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Unit INTRO: Printable Material

Activity 1
Complete the conversation. Underline the correct choice
Tom: Hi, Helen. _______________ ?
Helen: Fine, thanks. And you?

a. How old are you?

b. Good morning

c. How are you?

1. 6.
Teacher: Good morning, Raul. Teacher: Open your books.
Student: ____________, Mr. Rosales. Student: ____________________
a. Hi Teacher: Open your books, please.
b. Good morning a. Can I sit here?
c. And you b. Can you spell that, please?
c. Can you say that again, please?
2. 7.
Student: Hi, Mariana. Student: Hi, Ana.
Student: Hi, Luis, ___________ Student: ___________
a. How are you? Student: Hi, Ana, how are you?
b. And you? a. Can you say that again, please?
c. Good morning. b. Sorry?
c. Ana?
3. 8.
Teacher: Dominguez, Patricia? Student: How do you say libro in English?
Student: Here Teacher: ___________
Teacher: Estevez, Juan? a. B-O-O-K
Student: ______ b. Its a word.
a. Hello. c. Book
b. Present.
c. Me!
4. 9.
Teacher: __________________ Teacher: What day is today?
Student: C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N Student: ___________
a. Whats your name? a. Its September
b. Reyes, Christian? b. Its a word.
c. How do you spell your name? c. Its Friday.

5. 10.
Student: Excuse me, may I come in? Teacher: Ok, take out your.
Teacher: __________ a. window
a. Yes, sure. b. books
b. What? c. board
c. Sit down.

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