1.week 2 - Auditorium Rabu

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Dr. Pri Hermawan

Last Class
You have learn about Six Thinking Hats and
role play using those method

Do you have any dicul(es using those

Todays Agenda
qIntroduc(on : What is Interac(ve Planning
qPrinciple of IP
qHow to do it
qWhen to Use Interac(ve Planning
Managerial Situa(ons
CONTROL increase control of what can be
controlled. Do not have to forecast things you
cant control
PREDICT tradi(onal planning techniques
ADAPT if you can respond rapidly and
eec(vely to change that are uncontrollable
and unexpected, you do not have to forecast
What is Interac(ve Planning
Interac(ve Planning (IP) was specically
designed to cope with the messes that arise
from the increased complexity, change and
diversity that managers have to confront in the
modern era.
Principle of IP (1)
Three opera(ng principles of IP :
1. Par&cipa&ve
The process of planning is more important than the
actual plan produced
All those who are aected by planning should be
involved in it
2. Con&nuity
The values of the organiza(ons stakeholders will
change over (me and this will necessitate
corresponding changes in plans

Principle of IP (2)
Three opera(ng principles of IP :
3. Holis&c
We should plan simultaneously and interdependently
for as many parts and level of the system as is
It can be split into :
(a) a principle of coordina-on units at the same level
should plan together and at the same (me, because the
interac(on between units rather than their independent
ac(ons, which give rise to most dicul(es.
(b) a principle of integra-on units at dierent level plan
simultaneously and together, because decisions taken at one
level will usually have eects at other levels as well
How To Do It
An Interac(ve Planning process requires ve phases, which
may take place in a dierent order or concurrently.

1. Formula(on
of the Mess 2. Ends Planning

3.Means 4. Resource
Planning Planning

and Control.
Phase 1: Formula(on of the Mess 1
Formulate the mess -- iden(fy how disaster
will occur if current behavior con(nues
The aim is to determine how the organiza(on
would eventually destroy itself if it were to
con(nue behaving as it is currently; that is, if
it were to fail to adapt to a changing
environment, even one that is perfectly
Prepara(on of formula(ng Mess
Systems analysis nature of the business, past
and present performance, the business
environment, organiza(onal structure,
management style, rules of the game,
personnel policies and prac(ces, opera(ons
an obstruc(on analysis, iden(ca(on of those
characteris(cs and proper(es of the
organiza(on that obstruct its progress;
Phase 2: Ends Planning
Ends planning -- create an idealized design
(where to go)
Selec(ng a mission the business the
organiza(on wants to be in; what eects it wants
to have on each class of stakeholders
Specifying desired proper(es of the system
planned for Idealized redesign of that system
Selec(ng gaps between this design and the
reference scenario which planning will try to
Phase 3: Means Planning
Means planning -- select or produce the
means to pursue the ends (how to get there)
Formulate or iden(fy alterna(ve means
selec(ng relevant controllable variables,
controlling uncontrolled variables, rela(ng
variables to outcomes
Evaluate alterna(ve means the use of
models in evalua(ng means, tes(ng models,
the heuris(c use of models
Phase 4: Resource Planning
Resource planning -- determine what resources
will be required and when (whats needed to
get there)
Inputs materials, supplies, energy, and services
Facili(es and equipment
Financial planning
Phase 5: Implementa(on and Control.
Determine who is to do what, when, and
Decide how the implementa(on and its
consequences are to be controlled



y Consumers

Corpora(on s ervices

s an


Suppliers Government


A stakeholder view of the rm

When to Use Interac(ve Planning
(1) An organiza(on, legally cons(tuted or not,
must remain intact over (me. Without that,
boundaries are insucient to contain and
develop the eorts.
(2) The organiza(on must have some
maneuvering room and a realis(c opportunity
to put learning into prac(ce.
(3) The organiza(onal culture must be able to
tolerate or beeer yet, support high levels of
par(cipa(on and free exchange of ideas.
When to Use Interac(ve Planning
(4) The full benets of Interac(ve Planning are
dicult to aeain unless ample resources of
(me and informa(on are available.
(5) An expecta(on of some con(nuity is needed
to sustain the condence and commitment to
move forward

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