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Voormas, the Grand Harvester of Souls, is a corrupt
Euthanatos mage who has fallen to Jhor. Most Euthanatoi
consider him barabbi, although he technically has the
opposite goal of most Nephandi: he desires to eliminate
the concept of death, both his own personal death and the
eventual Telos of the Tellurian. He ran (and still runs) the
Consanguinity of Eternal Joy.

C [show]


Shivasakti, thou are the Divine Father and

Grant me thy devotion, destroy the evildoer
Voormas in human form
and the withering of the Wheel of Ages from
whence evil issues.
Name: Voormas
Wear the garb of Maya; conceal the truth in
thee Office: Grand Harvester of Souls

Let our desires become ultimate wisdom Tradition: Euthanatos

Let our accomplishments lie eternally. Born: unknown
Fix form out of formlessness with thy
Death: N/A
miraculous power
Conquer all death and fate beneath the heel Rank: Postulate/Archmage
and let the stillness be the eternal law.
The worshipful and destructive resonance of
Affilation: Consanguinity of Eternal Joy

Pasupatta Astra, howling in hundreds of languages in

the climax of Judgment[1]


Voormas' downward spiral took many centuries, but began in the streets of Old Calcutta. He was once a
Kapalika Thuggee priest, an ascetic devoted to the fearsome aspect of Shiva, the Destroyer. Carrying a
brahmin's skull as a begging bowl, he collected alms and bodies for his god. As a young Thuggee priest of
the Dark Mother, he preached the coming of the age of Kali. As a thuggee he descended into the Underworld
again and again and spent most of his early life killing for his Euthanatos masters, so he attained a fixation
on death that rivaled the most depraved vampires. He passed through the various ranks, learning more and
more Euthanatos truths along the way. By the time he reached the innermost body of the sect, he was a
Euthanatos mage. He had given up the ways of life for the ways of death. Knowing that such a fascination
would bring him under suspicion, Voormas gravitated to the hidden sect founded by the Grand Harvester
Helekar, the Consanguinity of Eternal Joy. He continually provided more and more of the chosen with the
"Good Death" and over the centuries he acquired fear, respect, trust and power. Nobody exactly knows how
ancient this mage is; by the 15th century he was a Master and second in command of the Sapindya
Sadanada, serving the Greek Euthanatos Helekar until the day his master met Voormas' sword.

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After years of faithful service, in an elaborate ceremony Voormas slew Helekar in duel for the leadership of
the realm, and then finally assumed the Grand Harvester of Souls mantle in 1709. Since that time, Voormas'
name has been synonymous with death and fanaticism. Under his command, the societies of the house
moved from their original purpose -- protecting the sect from outsiders -- to a covert agenda of murder. At
the begest of powerful spirits who claimed to be Kali and Shiva, Voormas had gathered the powers of death
and misery and used them to fuel the dark essence of his Realm. Over the time, the House of Helekar turned
into a bone-dusted shrine to depravity and pain. Voormas sheltered the Realm's true nature and purpose for
200 years. Blackmailing Doissetep's finest granted him access to some of the foulest Nodes in the Tellurian.
Studying he old secrets of the Idran, he tried to command the raw Entropy of these places. He wanted to
master Death itself -- the one thing he still feared after centuries as a Chakravanti. The gods appeared to
him then and told him that true Living Death could only be achieved when the whole cosmos was united by

By the early 1990s, Voormas was a Postulate hoping to gain acceptance into the ranks of the Oracles of
Entropy. However, unbeknownst to him, the beings he believed to be the Oracles of Entropy were not really
the Oracles. They were indeed mighty spirits, but they were beings aligned to the Wyrm, though they were
not Nephandi. In 1990, Hermetic Mark Gillan discovered the mutilated and Quintessence-drained body of a
young girl in Cape Town, South Africa. Gillan traced the murder to Richard Somnitz of the Consanguinity of
Eternal Joy, and from there unmasked the truth about the secretive sect. Voormas was insane with Jhor. His
followers shared his madness, killing mages and mortal alike for the personal satisfaction and the arcane
demands of House Helekar's master.

Protected by corrupt Hermetics and embarrassed Euthanatoi, the House of Helekar resisted formal
investigation until 1996, when attacks on the Verbena and the Sons of Ether prompted the Council to arrest
Voormas' Adept Theora Hetrick for crimes ranging from murder and rape to theft and sabotage. When the
agents of the Council descended on the Realm after reports of its true nature, they discovered an empty
plain of dust, marked by massive footrpints and copious amounts of blood and corpses. Voormas vanished
taking the House of Helekar with him and making clear the monumental power he holds, as any man
capable of moving a castle and sheltering it from the collected Council is more a force of nature than a

The sudden exposure and disappearance of House Helekar catapulted its longtime master Voormas from
respected obscurity to hunted infamy. Though he once distinguished himself among the Euthanathoi with his
loyalty and efficiency, somewhere along the way he crossed the line between dutiful assassin and sadistic
murderer. In his eyes, Kali dances her last steps upon the dying Earth. The Age of Iron was at hand, and
Voormas was a disciple of it.


Voormas' obsession with cheating death reached its apex with the advent of the Red Star. He planned to
destroy the Wheel of Ages and replace it with himself. The universe would halt in its tracks and Voormas
would guide it down a course free from suffering, loss and decay as Shiva reborn. He believed that an
eternity of half-dead Stasis is a minor price to pay for eternal existence. The master of Helekar wanted to
thwart Ascension out of compassion and fear.

Voormas served the gods for centuries, always testing himself to conquer his fear of the afterlife -- a sliver
of bad faith that dogged him while he used the skulls of priests as begging bowls. The Euthanatos confused

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his fervor with genuine faith. Voormas became a talented death mage, but his fear remained and was
intensified by his growing understanding of the Wheel. Something was wrong with the cosmos; karma was
more apt to punish than reward. Each turn of the Wheel was thicker with chaos. A lesser mage would have
been satisfied with life-extending spells, but the Grand Harvester knew that those mages were simply
bulwark against ultimate destruction. He had to throw down the Cycle and steal the thrones of the gods. But
even with his immense power, Voormas was unable to assassinate Death alone. The focus he needed was
the Pasupatta Astra, Shiva's weapon that in the Mahabharata poem it's said that can destroy worlds. The
archmage spent centuries searching for the Pasupatta Astra. He discovered it questing in the deep reaches
of the Apex of History, but the guardians of the ultimate weapons refused him. Despite his aspirations, he
wasn't a god. As an enemy of the Wheel, he was no Arjuna. The Presence that Voormas identified with the
true Shiva cast him back to the Spires time and time again.

In the Ten Thousand Hells of Asian legendry he found the solution. Yama Queen Tou Mu was barely a shadow
of Kali, but she was divine. He approached her, offering to syntesize his Awakened power with her own, but
he kept his own council. At the culmination of the tanric sex between the archmage and the goddess,
Voormas released the souls bound to her. His necromantic skills were insurmountable; the stolen souls that
made her a match for the archmage dispersed. Perverting the spiritual union between Shiva and Shakti,
Voormas devoured her remaining essence. He then returned to the Apex of History with the stolen spirit of a
goddess, and as his divinity was confirmed, he claimed his price.

Pasupatta Astra is a fragment of the first focus used by the first murderer. It was also a doctrine that Shiva
used to lead the world to the end of time. Some mages would call it a meme or paradigm capable of binding
thousands to a single purpose. Voormas used it to this end, every Questing Avatar from the Avatar Storm
had been bound to the weapon, that Voormas carried as a ephemeral trident to assist his ritual magic. He
planned to direct thousand of Avatars toward the destruction of the Red Star.

Voormas learned to channel the powers of Kali and Shiva, hoping to remake himself into the Tantric union
that would herald the end of worlds. After he seized the Pasupatta Astra, he would be able to finally break
the Cycle and save the Tellurian from untold destruction. This plan has been lifetimes in the making, first
revealed to him by the dakini, the soul-guiding goddesses that he encountered in the deepest reaches of the
Shard Realm of Entropy. With their help, he learned to secure Nodes and discovered that Yama -- Death --
would reveal himself in the form of a red star.

As the ruler of the Consanguinity he fostered the death taint in his followers. Good Death became a thing of
the past, as serial killers and venal mages seeking immortality flocked at his side. His servants would still
obey him after the Traditions hunted him down. Ghosts bearing his commands flitted from the Thousand
Hells to innumerable cults, checking their progress. Then his triumph came, embedded in the Reckoning, and
he knew it was the time to act. His closest servants were rewarded with lichedom: a spell stolen from the
mind of an Etruscan necromancer.

With Jhor flowing through his heart, he began to see signs of his death everywhere. His final objective was
to become a god: an incarnation of Shiva who refuses to destroy, a Black Mother that would never give
birth. This would be the supreme act of necrosynthesis, unity between the life and death principle.
Voormas's Tapestry would be a world without growth, but also without loss. The death and the living would
be a part of one indestructible whole. Awakening would be impossible. Indeed, his Jhor had become a
powerful spiritual entity in its own right, possessing him and driving him to more and more desperate deeds.

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His fear of his own death had become so encompassing that his death taint would never cease, instead
attaching itself to the next accessible Avatar and infusing it with its essence.


Voormas is a withered, ancient man of South Asian descent who hobbles on a cane made from a child's skull
and spinal column. When violence or high ritual calls, he becomes the Shivasakti Ayavatara: a 10-foot-tall,
six-armed androgynous creature that combines the attributes of Kali and Shiva. Its black iron body, fangs
and taloned hands make quick work of lesser enemies, but he takes few chances with other mages. Spells
cast from a screamed mantra, burning lotus, skull or sword dispatch them.


Voormas wanted to claim an aspect of Shiva and join mystically with Kali, the
Black Mother. His gods are not those loved by Hindus, but more brutal and
ambivalent beings. To him, this union comes about at the resolution of the Kali
Yuga, the Armageddon.

Voormas had few personal interests save morbidity. During the times before
to the exposure of the corruption of the House Helekar, he spent a great deal
of time meditating, studying magick, travelling about the Shard Realm
"testing himself," scrying potential threats to the Euthanatos and directing the
Voormas in Shivasakti mages of the Chantry. Occasionally, he handled and assassination himself if
Ayavatara form the target was worthy or powerful.

To most, Voormas would seem to be totally insane. This may or may not be
true, but it is undeniable that he is brilliant, paranoid and evil. Voormas hopes more than anything else to be
accepted before it comes time for his own "Good Death". During his times as the leader of House Helekar, no
one knew it, and it is doubtful he knew consciously, but Voormas began to fear his own death.

His final goal is to never die. As a god, he will crush crush Death and Fate and replace them with universal
laws more to his liking. Yet he sees phantoms everywhere, proclaiming his demise. Yama taunts him; and
Voormas will only know peace when he kills him. The souls of the Pasupatta Astra already worship him in
anticipation of the unchanging Age to come, and the Nephandi are his most insistent foes. To Voormas,
those facts confirm the righteousness of his cause.

He uses heretical Tantric magic along with his own unique necromancy. His spells work on the premise of
self-deification: claiming the divine attributes that are rightfully his.


Voormas, Master of the House of Helekar

Tradition: Euthanatos
Essence: Primordial
Nature: Curmudgeon
Demeanor: Fanatic/Deviant
Physical: Strength 1/6, Dexterity 1/6, Stamina 2/5
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 6, Appearance 1/0
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Mental: Perception 6, Intelligence 6, Wits 5

Abilities: Alertness 3, Awareness 6, Brawl 5, Cosmology 4, Culture 6, Dodge 2, Enigmas 4, Etiquette 1,
Intimidation 6, Intuition 5, Investigation 5, Leadership 5, Medicine 6, Meditation 6, Melee 6, Occult 6,
Research 4, Stealth 5, Subterfuge 4, Torture 6
Spheres: Correspondence 3, Entropy 6, Forces 4, Life 5, Mind 4, Matter 3, Prime 3, Spirit 5, Time 5
Backgrounds: Allies 10, Arcane 7, Avatar 8, Destiny 6, Dream 3, Influence 3, Library 17, Mentor 5
Arete: 7
Willpower: 10
Quintessence: 19
Paradox: 0

Voormas, The Grand Harvester of Souls

Tradition: Euthanatos
Essence: Primordial
Nature: Curmudgeon
Demeanor: Deviant
Physical: Strength 1/8 (Crushing), Dexterity 1/6 (Multiple Strikes), Stamina 2/7 (Tough)
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 6 (Reasoned Words), Appearance 1/0
Mental: Perception 6 (Intuitive), Intelligence 6 (Wisdom of Age), Wits 6 (Prepared)
Abilities: Academics 5 (India), Alertness 4, Awareness 6 (Entropic Magic), Brawl 6 (Pressure Points),
Cosmology 5 (Entropic Realms), Dodge 4 (Dodging while striking), Enigmas 5 (Cosmological), Etiquette 3,
Intimidation 6 (In Avatar Form), Investigation 5 (No Tools), Leadership 5 (Over Followers), Medicine 4
(Ayurvedic), Meditation 6 (Mantras), Melee 6 (Swords), Occult 6 (Thanatoic), Stealth 6 (Shadowing),
Subterfuge 5 (Easy Liar)
Spheres: Correspondence 4, Entropy 7, Forces 5, Life 5, Mind 4, Matter 3, Prime 4, Spirit 5, Time 5
Backgrounds: Allies 10, Arcane 7, Avatar 8, Destiny 6, Dream 3, Influence 3
Arete: 9
Resonance: (Pattern) Enduring, (Pattern) Preserving, (Primordial) Black, (Primordial) Divine, (Primordial)
Murderous 2, (Primordial) Rotting. Voormas has the most severe form of Jhor. Combined with his magic, this
Resonance complicates attempts to defeat him.
Willpower: 10
Quintessence: 24

Attributes before the slash represent the weakest version of his Avatar form. The strong form adds at
least four dice to unarmed or melee combat pools, soaks lethal and aggravated wounds and radiates an
aura of fear (roll Willpower, difficulty 6 to overcome; at least three successes are required). Voormas
might have 20 or more successes worth of additional Effects prepared. These spells do tax his
concentration, just as they would for any other mage.
The individual who kills Voormas might inherit his madness and become the "Second Heir" predicted by
Akrites Salonikas. Once he dies, Voormas transmits Jhor equal to a 10-point Paradox Backlash, so the
killer is forced to make a Willpower roll (difficulty 8) to reduce its effects, with each success countering
one point and the mage's Paradox adding to the Jhor. The one who killed the Grand Harvester of Souls
inherits his terror to death and his goals, turning into an enemy of Ascension with access to Pasupatta
Astra and they will to continue his work.


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Voormas depicted in the Euthanatos Voormas in his Shivasakti Ayavatara

Tradition Book. form in Ascension.


According to unpublished material written for MTAs: Ascension (book) , Voormas

memetically poisoned the very concept of Necromancy a long time ago in order to hasten the downfall
of the Cycle of creation. This is why many organizations which use necromancy decide they "need" to
tear down the Shroud.[2]


MTAs: The Book of Chantries

MTAs: Euthanatos Tradition Book
MTAs: Tradition Book: Euthanatos, p. 35, 37 - 38, 73 - 74
MTAs: Ascension (book)

1. MTAs: Ascension (book), p. 88

2. Malcolm Sheppard's LiveJournal

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