Study of Unsteady Cavitation On NACA66 Hydrofoil

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Special Issue Article

Advances in Mechanical Engineering

2015, Vol. 7(11) 1–9
Ó The Author(s) 2015
Study of unsteady cavitation on DOI: 10.1177/1687814015618166
NACA66 hydrofoil using dynamic cubic
nonlinear subgrid-scale model

Xianbei Huang, Wei Yang, Zhuqing Liu and Yaojun Li

In this article, we describe the use of a new dynamic cubic nonlinear model, a new nonlinear subgrid-scale model, for
simulating the cavitating flow around an NACA66 series hydrofoil. For comparison, the dynamic Smagorinsky model is
also used. It is found that the dynamic cubic nonlinear model can capture the turbulence spectrum, while the dynamic
Smagorinsky model fails. Both models reproduce the cavity growth/destabilization cycle, but the results of the dynamic
cubic nonlinear model are much smoother. The re-entrant jet is clearly captured by the models, and it is shown that the
re-entrant jet cuts the cavity into two parts. In general, the dynamic cubic nonlinear model provides improvement over
the dynamic Smagorinsky model for the calculation of cavitating flow.

Large eddy simulation, nonlinear subgrid-scale model, hydrofoil, cavitation, re-entrant jet

Date received: 19 August 2015; accepted: 22 October 2015

Academic Editor: Moran Wang

Introduction assumed that the vapor and liquid are mixed and that
they share the same velocity and pressure with a no-slip
Cavitation is an unsteady flow phenomenon that usu- velocity condition between the two phases, as proposed
ally has a negative or even destructive effect on hydrau- by Kubota et al.7 Based on this assumption, Transport-
lic machinery embodied in pressure pulsation, erosion, Based Equation Modeling (TEM) is widely used in
and noise.1,2 Cavitation occurs when the liquid pressure cavitating flows. With this method, an additional
is lower than the saturated vapor pressure. In physical advection equation is solved. Many cavitation models
experiments, cavitation is produced by decreasing the have been used for this framework. For example,
pressure at the inlet or outlet of the flow field, leading Singhal et al.8 developed the full cavitation model;
to different types of cavitation that can be observed Kunz et al.9 proposed a three-species formulation to
during this process. As the pressure decreases, an air
cavity is stably attached to the surface of blades, fol-
lowed by the development of cloud cavitation due to Beijing Engineering Research Center of Safety and Energy Saving
Technology for Water Supply Network System, College of Water
the destabilization of the cavity, resulting in the shed-
Resources & Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing,
ding of large vapor bubbles. Cloud cavitation is com- China
monly associated with hydraulic machinery blades, and
it has a highly dynamic flow pattern.3 The intrinsic Corresponding author:
mechanism is often attributed to the re-entrant jet gen- Wei Yang, Beijing Engineering Research Center of Safety and Energy
Saving Technology for Water Supply Network System, College of Water
erated at the end of the cavity.4–6 Resources & Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, 17 Qinghua
In order to simulate the unsteady characteristics of East Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100083, China.
cavitation through numerical calculation, it is usually Email:

Creative Commons CC-BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without
further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
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2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

account for the liquid, vapor, and the non-condensable ∂r ∂ðrui Þ

+ =0 ð1Þ
gas. Apart from the advection equation, the other ∂t ∂xi
aspects related to TEM are the solution strategy for the  
∂rui ∂   ∂p ∂ ∂ui ∂t ij
advection equation and the turbulence model.10 + rui uj =  + m + ð2Þ
As a solution strategy, Volume of Fluid (VOF) ∂t ∂xj ∂xi ∂xj ∂xj ∂xj
method is a good technique with the advantage of the where the variables with a r bar over them represent the
ability to capture the cavity interface accurately. A filtered quantities, u is the velocity, p is the pressure, m
brief review of different VOF models can be found in is the laminar viscosity, and r is the mixture density
Roohi et al.10 The application of VOF in various cavi-
tating flows has been shown to be successful in tracking m = ð1  al Þmv + al ml ð3Þ
the cloud and super-cavitation cavities.10,11
For simulating turbulence, both Reynolds-averaged r = ð1  al Þrv + al rl ð4Þ
Navier–Stokes (RANS) and large eddy simulation where a is the volume fraction, and the subscripts v and
(LES) models are widely used, although it seems that l are the vapor and liquid, respectively. tij is the SGS
the results obtained with RANS modeling are not satis- stress, which is defined as
factory without modification of the original formula-
tions. For instance, Zhou and Wang12 studied a tij = ui uj  ui uj ð5Þ
two-dimensional (2D) hydrofoil and found that the
standard re-normalization group (RNG) k-e model
could not capture the cavity shedding unless the turbu-
DSM. DSM is a linear eddy viscosity model. The
lent viscosity was modified to account for cavitation.
Smagorinsky model can be expressed as
The theoretical basis of LES modeling is its ability
to capture large vortical structures including cloud cavi- 2 
tation. Liu et al.13 used the Smagorinsky–Lilly model tdij =  2Cs D S S ij ð6Þ
to study the cavitation on hydrofoil and successfully
where S ij is the rate-of-strain tensor, tij d is the deviato-
predicted the existence of the re-entrant jet; Ji et al.14
  of the SGS stress tensor, D is the filter width,
ric part
used the wall-adapting local eddy viscosity (WALE)
and S  = (2S ij S ij )1=2 is the characteristic filtered rate of
model and also reproduced the cavity shedding. Both
models needed no further modification, showing an
In order to dynamically calculate the model coeffi-
obvious advantage over the regular RANS models.
cient Cs , Germano18 proposed to apply a second filter,
However, the simulated pressure pulsation, which is an
called the test filter, to the SGS stress
important aspect of the cavitation process, tended to
fluctuate more than the experiment.14,15  
A review of the literature shows that the LES models Tij = e u j  ug
ui e i uj
assume a linear relationship between the subgrid-scale Lij = Tij  e
t ij
(SGS) stress and the rate-of-strain, which may be the rea-
son for the disagreement with experiment, as it has been where ‘‘;’’ is the test-filtering operation and Tij is the
figured out that the eigenvectors of the strain rate tensor e = 2D). Similar to equation
stress at a test filter scale ( D
and SGS stress tensor are not aligned but with a certain (6)
degree between each other in this linear relation.16,17 A
more reasonable relation to use would be the nonlinear e 2 f
Tijd =  2Cs D

S e
S ij ð8Þ
tensorial polynomial constitutive form, which combines
SGS stress with strain rate and vorticity. where Tij d is the deviatoric part of Tij . Combining equa-
In order to examine the performance of nonlinear tions (6) and (8)
models in simulating cavitating flow, a new nonlinear
2  e 2 f
SGS model is proposed to simulate the cavitation around t dij = 2Cs D S S ij  2Cs D
Tijd  e S e
S ij = Cs Mij ð9Þ
a hydrofoil. The results are compared with the experimen-
tal data obtained by Leroux et al.6 and with the numerical Using equation (9) to provide an approximation to Ldij
results of the dynamic Smagorinsky model (DSM).
Ldij = Cs Mij ð10Þ
Governing equations
The use of least squares minimization of the error is
LES modeling suggested by Lilly19 for the calculation of the value of Cs
In the LES model, a low-pass filter (in frequency) is
applied to the Navier–Stokes equations to get the fol- Mij Lij
Cs = ð11Þ
lowing formulations (in Cartesian coordinates) Mkl Mkl

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Huang et al. 3


It is well known that DSM suffers from numerical e

2 e O e e e e 1e e
Nij = 4D S ik O kj S
ik kj  S S
ik kj  S S d
mn nm ij
instability due to the large oscillation of the model coef- 3
ficient. In this article, the eddy viscosity is bounded as    

1 g
Sg g g
ik kj  O S
ik kj  S S
ik kj  S S d
mn nm ij
nr = maxðnr ,  nÞ ð12Þ
which means that the backscatter cannot be larger than 2
the viscous dissipation (n is the kinetic viscosity). Pij = 4D
2 3
4  O e e 2 e e
2 e e e 1 e e e 1 e e 5
ik S kj  S ik O kj + O ik S km O mj  O kl S lm O mk dij  S kk S ij
S 3 2
Dynamic cubic nonlinear model. Kosovic20 proposed "  #
applying the concepts of nonlinear models of different 2 1 2 2 1 1 2
 D   (Oik S kj  S ik Okj + Oik S km Omj  Okl S lm Omk dij  S kk S ij
levels of complexity for Reynolds stress closures to S  3 2
SGS model as they have been extensively studied by ð19Þ
researchers and are much more developed. Therefore,
Shih et al.’s method21 is applied for the construction of We named the dynamic cubic nonlinear model
the new model. The general form of the new model can (DCNM) as the new model contains a cubic term. In
be written as follows order to guarantee the numerical stability and save
computation resources, the coefficients in equation (16)
2  2  2
tdij = Cs D S S ij + C1 D S ik Okj  Oik S kj + C2 D are expressed explicitly with the volume average applied
" #
1 2 2 1 to both the numerator and denominator of each coeffi-
  (Oik S kj  S ik Okj + Oik S km Omj  Okl S lm Omk dij + Ps S ij cient’s expression.
S  3

Two-phase modeling
where Ps is the second principal invariant of Sij
As discussed above, TEM is used and the mixture
1 2
 model is considered in this article. In the mixture
Ps = Skk Smm  Skk ð14Þ
2 model, the fluids are treated as a combination of vapor
and liquid, and an additional transport equation is
Adapting the above model to the simple shear flow,
written as
it can be shown that equation (13) does not stand.
Comparing with the Kosovic model,20 the term ∂al ∂ðal ui Þ
(S ik S kj  (1=3)S mn S nm dij ) is introduced into the new + = m_ ð20Þ
∂t ∂xi
model and the final form appears as
where al is the volume fraction of liquid and m_ is the
2  2
tdij = Cs D S S ij + C1 D mass transfer rate between the two phases. To express
the mass transfer rate, the Kunz et al. model9 is
  1 2
S ik Okj  Oik S kj  S ik S kj  S mn S nm dij + C2 D adopted
"  #
1 2 2 1 Cdest rv min½0, p  pv al
  Oik S kj  S ik Okj + Oik S km Omj  Okl S lm Omk dij + Ps S ij
S  3 m_  =   ð21Þ
rl 0:5rl U‘2 t‘
Cprod ð1  al Þa2l
In order to dynamically calculate the three model m_ + = ð22Þ
r l t‘
coefficients (Cs, C1, and C2), the method proposed by
Wang and Bergstrom22 is applied. This is an extension where m_  and m_ + represent condensation and evapora-
of Germano’s method. The least square method is used tion, respectively; Cdest and Cprod are empirical con-
stants; U‘ is the free-stream velocity; t‘ is the flow
2 32 3 2 3
Mij Mij Mij Nij Mij Pij Cs Mij Ldij characteristic time defined as t‘ = L=U‘ , where L is the
4 Nij Mij 6 7
Nij Nij Nij Pij 54 C1 5 = 4 Nij Ldij 5 ð16Þ body diameter; and pv is the saturation pressure.
Pij Mij Pij Nij Pij Pij C2 d
Pij Lij In OpenFOAM,23 the VOF method is an improved
version of CICSAM (Compressive Interface Capturing
where Scheme for Arbitrary Meshes) as follows

2 e 2  ∂al ∂ðal ui Þ ∂½Ui al ð1  al Þ

Mij = 4D f
S  S ij  D Sg
S ij ð17Þ + + =0 ð23Þ
∂t ∂xi ∂xi

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4 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 1. Computational domain and boundary conditions.

The compression velocity is calculated as algorithm is used for the pressure–velocity coupling,
and the time-step size is set to 1 3 105 s to ensure that
ral the maximum Courant number Co\1.
U = min½Cl jUj, maxðjujÞ ð24Þ
jral j The pressure coefficient is defined as
where Cl is a constant which controls the compression. pm  pout
The surface tension is evaluated by Cp = ð28Þ
fs = skral ð25Þ where pm is the time-averaged (8 3 104 time-steps are
used for averaging) pressure at the monitor points,
where s is the surface tension coefficient, and the free
which are equally spaced on the suction side of foil
surface curvature k is defined as
within 0:1c  0:9c from the leading edge; pout is the
  pressure at outlet; and U‘ = 5:33 m=s is the free-stream
k=  r  ð26Þ velocity, which is set to be the inlet velocity. Both the
jral j
fine-grid convergence index and the extrapolated value
The surface tension is added to the momentum equa- for Cp are shown in Figure 2.
tion, and thus equation (2) is rewritten as From the error bar shown in Figure 2(a), it can be
  seen that the fine-grid convergence index of the grid is
∂rui ∂   ∂p ∂ ∂ui ∂t ij small with an acceptable maximum error below 0.07.
+ rui uj =  + m + + fs
∂t ∂xj ∂xi ∂xj ∂xj ∂xj Figure 2(b) shows that the extrapolated value is close to
that of the fine grid (with the number of grid elements
equal to 5:1 3 105 ). Hence, the fine grid is adopted for
the modeling.
Numerical setup
The hydrofoil investigated in this study is an NACA66 Results and discussions
series foil fixed in a square channel, with the chord
length c = 0:15 m and span width 0:19 m. The specific According to the experimental results reported by
parameters of the foil can be found in Leroux et al.6 In Leroux et al.,6 when the cavitation number defined as
order to reduce the calculation time, the span width is s = (pout  psat )=(0:5rU‘2 ) (psat is the saturation pres-
set to 0:3c, with the calculation domain as illustrated in sure) reaches 1.25, the unsteady cavitating phenomenon
Figure 1. will occur with the cavity periodically growing, shed-
The procedure proposed by Celik et al.24 is used to ding, and disappearing. This unsteady behavior will
examine whether the grid is in the asymptotic range. claim more requirements on the accuracy of the turbu-
To resolve the near-wall characteristics, y+ is set to be lence model. In the following calculations, DSM and
located in the viscous sub-layer at walls. Three sets of DCNM are used under the cavitating condition of
grids with 8:8 3 104 , 2:2 3 105 , and 5:1 3 105 cells, s = 1:25.
respectively, are generated. DSM and the Kunz et al.
model9 are used to simulate the hydrofoil for the non-
cavitating condition. The open-source code
Pressure coefficient and cavity shedding frequency
OpenFOAM23 is used for all the calculations. As stated Figure 3 shows a plot of the time-averaged value of Cp
above, a mixture method is employed for the two-phase calculated along the suction side of the hydrofoil with
modeling, and VOF is adopted to solve the additional the DSM and DCNM methods and the referenced
transfer equation in the cavitation model. The PISO experimental data. It can be seen that the pressure

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Huang et al. 5

Figure 2. (a) Fine-grid convergence index and (b) extrapolated value comparing to the result of fine grid.

clearly explained by the instantaneous pressure. When

x=c\0:5, the predicted pressure fluctuation shows a
shorter duration of low pressure (as shown in Figure 6)
which leads to the overestimation; when x=c.0:5, the
duration of high pressure is shorter (not shown), lead-
ing to the underestimation of the pressure coefficients.
Despite the discrepancy with the experimental data,
DCNM shows better agreement.
Due to the intrinsic relationship between cavitation
and pressure, it is convenient to determine the cavity
shedding frequency from the pressure signal. As was
done in Ji et al.,14 the power spectral density (PSD) is
used in this article. Figure 4 shows the PSD profiles of
Figure 3. Comparison of the pressure coefficients along the two models, obtained in both cases by taking 7:3 3 104
suction side. samples at x=c = 0:6 on the foil suction side. For both
models, the cavity shedding frequency is 4.1 Hz, which
is higher than the experimental value 3.625 Hz. In order
coefficients are overestimated at x=c\0:5 and underes- to examine the models’ ability to capture the turbulence
timated at x=c.0:5. This tendency is similar to the spectrum, the 25/3 slope is shown as an indication of
results obtained by Zhou and Wang,12 which can be the model accuracy.14 It is clear that DCNM captures

Figure 4. PSD of DSM and DCNM at x=c = 0:6 on the suction side: (a) DSM and (b) DCNM.

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6 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 5. Cavity evolution in one cycle (time interval between two images: numerical data, 0.05 s; experimental data, 0.08 s): (a)
DSM, (b) DCNM and (c) experiment.

Figure 6. Comparison of instantaneous pressure at x=c = 0:4 on the suction side: (a) DSM and (b) DCNM.

this slope accurately, while DSM fails, showing a much Figure 5. The iso-surface of the vapor volume fraction
more flat tendency. of 0.1 is used to show the cavity shape. It is observed
that the cavity basically experiences three stages: (1) the
cavity occurs at the leading edge and develops down-
Cavity growth/destabilization cycle stream; (2) when the cavity length is maximum, the cav-
The cavity growth/destabilization cycle can be clearly ity is cut into a partial cavity and a cloud cavitation by
illustrated by the numerical results, as shown in a pressure perturbation (shown in Figure 6); and (3)

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Huang et al. 7

Figure 8. Comparison of the instantaneous non-dimensional

model coefficient at x=c = 0:4.

Figure 7. Predicted re-entrant flow on the suction side: (a)

DSM and (b) DCNM.
cavity.4–6 Figure 7 shows the velocity vector field
when the cloud cavitation reaches the trailing edge, the around the foil at t = 0:411 s when the cavity is cut into
cavitation suddenly disappears (not shown). Both the two parts. In both images, the re-entrant flow is pre-
models correctly reproduce the whole cycle compared dicted at approximately x=c = 0:6, where the flow is
with the experimental results. It should be noted that cut by it. It should be noted that the re-entrant flow
three-dimensional characteristics are shown in the predicted by DSM is some distance away from the foil
spanwise direction, which would probably lead to the surface. Due to the pressure gradient, part of the main
overestimation of the shedding frequency due to the flow reverses direction and cuts the cavity from the bot-
reduced span width used in the calculations. tom.5 Therefore, the re-entrant flow should be exactly
Three stages can be reflected in the temporal pres- on the suction side as shown in Figure 7(b). This
sure signal on the suction side of the hydrofoil. Figure 6 should be attributed to the insufficiency of DSM in the
shows a comparison of instantaneous pressure signals near-wall behavior, which is also documented in Yang
at x=c = 0:4 on the suction side. In order to compare et al.25
these values with the experimental data, it is necessary
to choose a base point. Leroux et al.6 found the major
pressure perturbation occurs at approximately
Model coefficients and SGS dissipation
t = 0:411 s and cuts the cavity into two parts (stage 2 in From the above analysis, it is found that the instanta-
Figure 5). Therefore, the points when the cavity is cut neous pressure of DCNM is smoother than the DSM’s.
into two parts in DSM and DCNM are found accord- The underlying reason can be attributed to the model
ingly and matched to t = 0:411 s. On the whole, the two behavior during the calculation. The model coefficient
models perform similarly: at t = 0:32  0:64 s, the is a representative quantity which will vary during the
results agree well with the experimental data and the calculation. Figure 8 shows the instantaneous non-
major pressure perturbation is reproduced around dimensional model coefficient, which is defined as
t = 0:411 s, while at t = 0:2  0:32 s, the peak value of DC = (C  mean(C))=(mean(C)) at x=c = 0:4, where C
the pressure moves approximately 0.0645 s (for numeri- represents the model coefficients of the models—Cs in
cal results, the peak value is at approximately DSM and Cs , C1 , C2 in DCNM.
t = 0:31 s; for experimental data, it is around As can be seen, the fluctuation of the model coeffi-
t = 0:245 s), which is equal to twice the phase difference cient in DSM is much larger than in DCNM. This is a
between the numerical results and experimental data. good indication that the pressure field calculated by
This results from the step matching one cycle DSM experiences more fluctuation.
(t = 0:32  0:64 s) to the experimental data, and then Another index quantity is the non-dimensional SGS
the phase difference of two cycles is imposed on the pre- turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) production, which is
vious cycle (t = 0  0:32 s). The major difference defined as Pr =  tdij S ij =(U‘4 =n), representing the TKE
between the two results is that the data of DCNM tend transferred to the residual motions. Figure 9 shows a
to be much smoother than those of DSM. This may be comparison of the instantaneous SGS TKE production
the reason why DSM cannot reflect the right turbulence for the two models at x=c = 0:4. Most of the time, the
spectrum in Figure 4. SGS TKE production of DSM is negative, which means
At stage 2, the cavity shedding is attributed to that the energy is transferred from the residual motions
the re-entrant flow generated at the end of the to the large-scale motions, namely, the backscatter.

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8 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

should be noted that the cavity shedding frequency is

turbulence model independent. Further improvements
of the calculation may focus on the cavitation model.

Declaration of conflicting interests

The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this

The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
Figure 9. Comparison of the instantaneous non-dimensional
article: The authors would like to acknowledge the financial
SGS TKE production at x=c = 0:4.
support given by the Ministry of Education, Science and
Technology Project (Grant No. 113010A), the Research Fund
for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China
Therefore, the large-scale motions, including the pres- (Grant No. 20130008110047), and the National Natural
sure field fluctuation, tend to be influenced by the sub- Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51209206).
grid scale motions. Additionally, the fluctuation of Pr
in DSM is also much larger than in DCNM, having an
even larger effect on the large-scale motions. References
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