USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Emily Gahafer

Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: Science Group Size:18 Date of Lesson: October 5, 2017

Lesson Content
What Standards (national or Benchmark:
state) relate to this lesson? SC.4.P.8.1: Measure and compare objects and materials based on their physical properties including:
(You should include ALL applicable mass, shape, volume, color, hardness, texture, odor, taste, attraction to magnets.
standards. Rarely do teachers use
just one: theyd never get through
them all.)
SC.4.N.1.1: Raise questions about the natural world, use appropriate reference materials that support
understanding to obtain information (identifying the source), conduct both individual and team
investigations through free exploration and systematic investigations, and generate appropriate
explanations based on those explorations.
SC.4.N.1.2: Compare the observations made by different groups using multiple tools and seek reasons to
explain the differences across groups.

Essential Understanding How can you describe and measure properties of matter?
(What is the big idea or essential How do I compare objects based on their physical properties?
question that you want students to
come away with? In other words,
what, aside from the standard and
our objective, will students
understand when they finish this

Objectives- What are you When provided with a specific property of matter in which to focus, the student will be able to
teaching? describe and measure the property correctly with supporting evidence.
(Student-centered: What will The student will be able to appropriately describe the properties of two objects of at least 4 sets.
students know and be able to do The student will be able to compare and contrast the properties of two objects of at least 1 set.
after this lesson? Include the When provided with information and experience with the properties of matter, the student will be
ABCDs of objectives: action, able to evaluate and explain the importance of the properties in at least a paragraph.
behavior, condition, and degree of
mastery, i.e., "C: Given a sentence
written in the past or present tense,
A: the student B: will be able to re-
write the sentence in future tense D:
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Emily Gahafer
Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: Science Group Size:18 Date of Lesson: October 5, 2017

with no errors in tense or tense

contradiction (i.e., I will see her
Note: Degree of mastery does not
need to be a percentage.)

Rationale I am teaching this lesson to review the Properties of Matter with the students. The students will have
Address the following questions: spent the previous day learning about matter and what the different properties are. After we review the
Why are you teaching this properties, I chose to do this activity because I wanted the students to have hands-on experience with the
objective? properties. This activity will allow the students to physically touch or smell the objects to make their own
Where does this lesson fit observations and comparisons. They will get to practice using their senses in order to find similarities and
within a larger plan? differences. It is important for students to understand this concept because the properties of matter
Why are you teaching it this affect how we interact with the world. For example, if we know that a piece of coal is black when it is cool
way? and red when it is hot, we will know not to touch it when it is red. For someone who is not aware of the
Why is it important for properties of matter, they may not know the difference and end up burning themselves.
students to learn this concept?

Evaluation Plan- How will you Formative: The formative evidence I will be collecting is their graphic organizer. I will be observing the
know students have mastered students as they rotate through the stations. I will also be observing and listening to the discussions they
your objectives? have with their partner when working on their compare and contrast of one of the sets of objects. Once
we come back to whole group, we will have a class discussion about what they discovered throughout the
Address the following: activity and how they described each property of matter.
What formative evidence will
you use to document student Summative: After the students have explored the properties of matter through the different stations and
learning during this lesson? discussed important properties of matter they may find in their own homes, they will be assessed with a
What summative evidence will writing assignment for the summative assessment. In their science notebooks, students will be
you collect, either during this independently answering the question, Why is it important for us to be able to identify the properties of
lesson or in upcoming lessons? matter in order to interact with our surroundings? In their responses, I will be looking for how they
connected what they learned in the lesson to their surroundings in and outside of school.

What Content Knowledge is In order to teach this lesson, I need to have an understanding of the five senses. I also need to have an
necessary for a teacher to teach understanding of matter and the different properties used to describe matter.
this material?
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Emily Gahafer
Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: Science Group Size:18 Date of Lesson: October 5, 2017

What background knowledge is Students should be familiar with filling in a compare/contrast graphic organizer.
necessary for a student to Students should know the 5 senses and how to use them to observe/collect information.
successfully meet these Students should be familiar with the science vocabulary terms: matter, property, color, hardness, texture,
objectives? odor, and taste.
Prior to the lesson, I will review with the students to see what they know. I will hold a short discussion
How will you ensure students and share out to help me get an idea of where the students are at. If I see that the students have the
have this previous knowledge? necessary background information, I will begin the lesson. If the students do not seem ready to begin, I
Who are your learners? will go through the necessary background information to review with them until they feel comfortable.
What do you know about them?
What do you know about their
readiness for this content?

What misconceptions might Matter can only be in solid form.

students have about this content? An object can only be classified by one property.

Lesson Implementation
Teaching Methods 5 Es
(What teaching method(s) will you Engage
use during this lesson? Examples Explore
include guided release, 5 Es, direct Explain
instruction, lecture, demonstration, Elaborate
partner word, etc.) Evaluate
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Emily Gahafer
Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: Science Group Size:18 Date of Lesson: October 5, 2017

Step-by-Step Plan Time Engage:

(What exactly do you plan to do in 10 T: Ask the students what matter is.
teaching this lesson? Be thorough. min - Hold up an object from the classroom, for example a textbook.
Act as if you needed a substitute to - Ask students if this textbook contains matter
carry out the lesson for you.) T: Ask the students what a property is.
- Ask students to describe the different properties of the textbook.
Where applicable, be sure to T: Summarize/use examples from students responses to transition into the
address the following: activity.
What Higher Order Thinking T: Discuss what the objectives are
(H.O.T.) questions will you ask? T: Explain the directions for the activity
How will materials be - Today you will be working as scientists by making observations and
distributed? investigating with tools. You will get to experience different forms of
Who will work together in matter and use your senses to determine the different properties that
groups and how will you make up the objects at each station. As you move from station to
determine the grouping? station with your partner, you will each be filling in your own graphic
How will students transition organizer. On this chart, you will be filling in your findings for the
between activities? properties of each object, such as the color, hardness, texture, odor,
What will you as the teacher do? and taste. If the object is something that has no taste or no odor,
What will the students do? simply write an X in the box. You will have 3 minutes at each station
What student data will be to observe the object and fill in your chart. Once you have finished all
collected during each phase? of the stations, you will pick one set of objects and compare/contrast
What are other adults in the the two with your partner on the back of your charts. We will discuss
room doing? How are they your findings as a whole group after.
supporting students learning? - There will be 2 of each station set up to allow all groups of students
What model of co-teaching are to be at a station at the same time
you using? - Explain how the activity/graphic organizer meets the
objectives/formative/summative assessments.
T: Pass out graphic organizer
T: Pair students and begin stations- Total of 10 stations
- Predetermined groups- Total of 9 groups
- My ESE students will be working together as they will have pre-cut
property descriptions to glue onto their organizers.

20-25 Explore:
min S: Students will begin moving through the stations with their partners. The
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Emily Gahafer
Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: Science Group Size:18 Date of Lesson: October 5, 2017

students will be observing objects such as paper and sandpaper, rocks and
cotton balls, white chocolate and bakers chocolate, banana and cucumber and
salt and sugar.
Station 1: a piece of white, flexible, smooth piece of copy paper and a
gold/brown, flexible, gritty/rough, earthy piece of sand paper
o Will accept either gold or brown for color on chart
Station 2: A white, hard, rough, earthy rock and a white, soft,
plush/squishy cotton ball.
Station 3: A white, hard, smooth, and sweet piece of white chocolate and
a brown, hard, smooth, bitter piece of bakers chocolate.
o Each student will receive his or her own piece of white/bakers
chocolate to touch and taste.
o No allergies, lactose intolerant, or diabetic students
Station 4: A yellow, mushy, smooth, banana/fruity, sweet banana and a
green, mushy, smooth, veggie, cucumber.
Station 5: A cup of white, hard, grainy/bumpy, salty/bitter salt and a cup
of white, hard, grainy/bumpy, sweet sugar.
o Each student will have his or her own cup of salt and sugar to
touch and taste.
I will accept any of the descriptive words listed above.
T: I will be walking around to observe the students and provide guidance when
T/S: I will have a timer on the SMART board so that you are able to keep track
of your time at each station.
-If the students need more time at each station, I will allow them to
choose at least 3 out of the 5 stations.
S: Once the charts are filled in, students will begin comparing and contrasting
one set of objects with their partner.
- They may work at the station with the objects they chose

5-7 Explain:
min T: Have students come back to their seats for a discussion
S: Share their findings with the class
- This includes their observations for the properties chart as well as
their compare and contrast findings
Points to be made:
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Emily Gahafer
Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: Science Group Size:18 Date of Lesson: October 5, 2017

- Matter is anything that takes up space

- Objects that look similar can have different properties
- Objects that look different can share similar properties
- The properties of matter help us determine how to interact with the
world around us

3-5 Elaborate:
min S: With shoulder partners, students will discuss the following question.
- What properties of matter can you think of that are most important
in your home? Why?
- Odor: if food does not smell good, indicator that it is bad
T/S: Share their discussions

5-7 Evaluate:
min T: Explain the science notebook response (Summative Assessment)
- Why is it important for us to be able to identify the properties of matter
in order to interact with our surroundings?
S: Answer the response question independently in their science notebooks.

What will you do if a student struggles with the content?

Prior to the lesson, on Wednesday, I will be observing the science lesson and how the students are doing. I
will be looking for students who seem to be struggling with the content. I will be making note of what the
student seems to be struggling with to make the necessary accommodations on Thursday during my
If a student struggles with the content I will meet with the student one-on-one to see which area is
proving to be difficult. Once I assess the situation to see where the area of concern is, I will decide how to
move forward.
If necessary, I will review the properties with the student again. I will use different examples and visuals
to describe the different properties. I may ask the student to find an object around the room that he or she
is unsure of how to describe. This object could be similar to one I have placed at a station. I will walk
through the different properties of that object with the student and model how to describe it. I will give a
variety of descriptions for each type of property.
If necessary, I will have descriptions pre-cut for the student to glue on his/her chart if the student is
struggling to come up with description words on his/her own.
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Emily Gahafer
Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: Science Group Size:18 Date of Lesson: October 5, 2017

If necessary, I will switch around partners to pair this student with someone who has full understanding
of the content and can help guide this student through the lesson.

What will you do if a student masters the content quickly?

If a student masters the content quickly:
I will have the student begin walking around to observe the other groups and help where it is necessary.
I may have them look at a graphic organizer that is incorrectly completes. They will need to find the
errors and make the necessary corrections. I may also have them find other objects around the room to
describe using the properties of matter. These objects may be similar or different to the objects I have
placed at a station.

Meeting your students needs as If applicable, how does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural backgrounds of your
people and as learners students?
Due to the hands-on nature of this lesson, when the students begin moving from station to station, they
may come in contact with objects they have seen before or objects they use in their everyday life outside
of school. Some students may even work with some of these objects in their future. For example, if a
student wants to become a baker, a lot of these objects are also popular ingredients in many recipes.

If applicable, how does this lesson connect to/reflect the local community?
The materials in this lesson are common objects that can be seen or used in day-to-day life. Having this
hands-on experience to observe and describe properties of matter will help the students interact with the
world around them. Students will be able to use this experience and their knowledge on matter to
navigate through their community.

How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional challenge during this
lesson (enrichment)?
For students who need additional challenge:
I may have them fill in their organizers using complete sentences.
I may have them go around the room and find objects of their own to describe and compare and contrast.
I may have them look at a graphic organizer that is incorrectly completed. They will need to find the
errors and make the necessary connections as they move through the stations.
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: Emily Gahafer
Grade Level Being Taught: 4th Subject/Content: Science Group Size:18 Date of Lesson: October 5, 2017

How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional language support?

Accommodations (If needed) MM: Repetition of instructions. When completing the graphic organizer, I will have similarities and
(What students need specific differences (property descriptions) printed and cut out. If necessary, he may use the pre-cut descriptions
accommodation? List individual and glue them onto his graphic organizer. If more time is needed at each station, he may do 4 out of the 5
students (initials), and then explain stations.
the accommodation(s) you will AP: Simplified instructions. Repetition of instructions. When completing the graphic organizer, I will have
implement for these unique similarities and differences (property descriptions) printed and cut out. If necessary, he may use the pre-
learners.) cut descriptions and glue them onto his graphic organizer. If more time is needed at each station, he may
do 4 out of the 5 stations.
ER: Monitoring. When completing the graphic organizer, I will have similarities and differences (property
descriptions) printed and cut out. If necessary, he may use the pre-cut descriptions and glue them onto
his graphic organizer. If more time is needed at each station, he may do 4 out of the 5 stations.
CB: Repetition of instructions. When completing the graphic organizer, I will have similarities and
differences (property descriptions) printed and cut out. If necessary, he may use the pre-cut descriptions
and glue them onto his graphic organizer. If more time is needed at each station, he may do 4 out of the 5

Materials Graphic organizer

(What materials will you use? Why Paper
did you choose these materials? Sand Paper
Include any resources you used. Golf ball
This can also include people!) Cotton ball
White chocolate
Baking chocolate
SMART board/Timer

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