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Hydee Casilla

BSN 3-1

Reaction Paper

Stolen Mind

What is Schizophrenia? How, when, why and will we ever know if we have one? Would
still be accepted by the people around me if ever I would have this disease? Will one of us be a
victim? These are only some of the question that continuously bothers me after watching the
documentary film stolen mind. Our brain is considered to be the control center, considered to be
the boss of our body. It controls the things our body process even we are asleep. It is a computer
which analyzes and considers the different aspects of every situation and concludes to an action.
But Schizophrenia, a demon, a traitor, an enemy, and nightmare that is more powerful than those
we know and those that could be seen through our naked eye, that when it strikes, it can rob all
our memories of our past, present and our future. It can be silent for a decade and we’ll never
know if the things we use to do are already considered to be symptoms of schizophrenia.

It’s a ridiculous idea to think of someone wanting to enter the world where loneliness and
darkness is the only thing that could be with you and understand you. We fight and want to live
as normal as we could be, but fighting against an unknown mystery is just like fighting for
nothing and see ourselves in midst of nowhere, alone, and unwanted. I’m afraid that everyone in
this room with me now and considering me, myself as one of the possible victims of this
unexplainable phenomenon that could silently destroy and change someone’s life. Looking at
anyone’s smile fading into the darkness and trapped into an empty bottle because of
schizophrenia is like going through an ending journey of seeking for the reality. As the brain is
being disturbed by hallucinations, paranoia and delusions.

Steve, a man who was gifted with a bright mind that has put this man into great schools
and universities ever since his childhood has also been betrayed by Schizophrenia. As he has
said, that as he developed this psychiatric problem is just like sleeping in a penthouse in
Manhattan and waking up in a jungle. I understand what he have felt for everything had seemed
to have been going so well, then within just a slap of time; everything had turned up side down.
Everything that he had wanted and hoped for had gone through the wind, exploded like a time
bomb and disappeared like a bubble in the time where everything was almost within his reach.
Looking through in my life right now, where everything seems so right and going on smoothly,
achieving things more than I could have dreamt about. I have gone this far because of hard work
and patience, trials that have challenge of my strength and faith. It might not be perfect but I
know within me, that I’m going through a life that could make me a better person for the future.
But as I continue to learn things beyond I can imagine where life could extremely be destroyed
and changed because of mental illness, I become more anxious and extremely afraid that I could
also be one of the next victims. This is an enemy which never chooses whom to attack; it doesn’t
matter if the person is rich, famous, genius or an innocent mind. I don’t know what to think and I
don’t know what to expect. Living in this world that is full of possibilities is making me feel
more afraid but not paranoid (kidding aside), but really I am afraid, and of course every one of us
is afraid of might happened in our live in the future.

Two brothers in the identity of Sean and Stephen, identical twins, they are both and
separable but one is with schizophrenia, Sean. Everything has also turned upside down for both
of them; Stephen is jobless because he needs to accompany his brother Sean to help him to be
intact with reality. Sean is leaving but seems to be death to who he really is, from who he was,
because of what he had became. Now, all that he could hope for is to able to be the person he
was used to be, but he knew that it could only be forever be a dream, a broken glass that could
never put back into pieces, and that when every time they try to make it a whole, it’s only going
to give more hurt and hopelessness. It’s only the drugs and his family’s support that helps him to
stay intact to what is real and from what is not. Living with schizophrenia make the person’s
world to be disconnected to the world of the people around him, and it would be hard to neither
express nor even say what in his mind, since he doesn’t know real from imagination. If ever
there could be one wish that every person with schizophrenia would like that this psychotic
illness would turn up into a vapor that when every time he smokes, will vanished and be
drowned every time he drinks.

His brother Stephen is afraid that he could also have schizophrenia since his brother has.
Once a year, both of them, goes to one of the most famous Universities in London, for the
continuity of a study about twins with schizophrenia. Scientists partly believe that this disease
could be genetically acquired but they believe that it’s more on the environmental factors that
makes one acquire schizophrenia.

If ever had the chance to ask the people around me now, if who among them would stay
beside be, accept me and help me to be pave away the long roads of my life, if life would betray
me and destroy me for who I am now. No one knows wants to suffer and die with schizophrenia
but knowing that there would still people who would be there for you after everything is more
than winning a lottery without no one to share it with. It’s the happiest thing that makes
someone’s life to be worth it to see someone do and say that he will stay with you and put you
back, intact to reality just to be with him.

I wish I could make a study about schizophrenia, discover a way to cure this disease but
if ever maybe to discover a way to prevent this disease to be acquired by anyone. This may
sound like a bit crazy but really I do, for I really feel afraid of what time and life could make out
of me. (aNXIety Works within me now.. hahahah hope it wouldn’t develop into schizophrenia.)
Well, in this world, everything can be possible and maybe one day someone might discover one.
Life is ironic in its own way. When everything seems to going smooth and perfect then
something could happen unexpectedly and boom everything changes.

We could also consider this as a challenge from the Almighty God, for He knows what is
right and what could be the best for us. Maybe it would the direction we need to go through to
accomplish the task that was given by God, to finish our vocation in this world. God would never
give a challenge if He knows that we can’t go through it. He will not let us be through this life
alone, we might not be physically aware of the existence of our companies but in our hearts we’ll
find a person who will hold are hand and never let us fall into a well full of thorns.

Now it makes my understanding and belief stronger about the following sayings:

1. Nothing in this world could probably perfect the way we want them to be.

2. Everything in this world has there own limitations

3. Nothing stays forever the way we perceive one since the only permanent thing in this
world is the challenge called change.
4. Things happen for a reason

But now questions such as: Are the things I see real? Are thing I am used to be would
still be the same in the next five years of my life? Would some of the people with me now stay
with me? Continue to linger in my mind. And maybe the only thing I could to now is to do the
responsibilities that I need to accomplish in my life. To live my live in the best way to touch
someone’s heart.

Don’t give and hope for a brighter tomorrow. Nothing comes in an easy way; everything
has to go through sacrifices before one could accept success.” No one wins quitting for a real
winner never quits.” It is not the fall that hurts but it is letting yourself remain into the fall that
would make you nothing. (I am nothing, I am useless, I should die.. by Ma’am Lori Lara). Let
live our lives to the fullest and make someone happy with just a simple words of love. Now lets
tell everyone important and special person in our live how much we love them, before it’s too
late.. Thank you!!

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