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Body Tissues

A group of similar cells that usually has a
common embryonic origin and functions
together to carry out specialized activities.
Histology- science that deals with the study of
Pathologist- a physician who specializes in
laboratory studies of cells and tissues to help
physicians make accurate diagnoses.
Types of tissues
Epithelial- covers body surfaces and lines hollow
organs, body cavities, and ducts; also forms
Connective- protects and supports the body and
its organ
Muscle- generates the physical force needed to
make body structures move
Nervous- detects changes in a variety of
conditions inside and outside the body bye
generating nerve impulses
Removal of a sample of living tissue for
microscopic examination
Used to help diagnose many disorders, especially
cancers, and to discover the cause of
unexplained infections and inflammations
Tissues can be removed surgically or through
needle and syringe
Ephithelial Tissue
Found in different areas
Body coverings
Body linings
Glandular tissues
Epithelial Tissue
 Cells fit closely together
 Tissue layer always has one free surface
 The lower surface is bound by a basement
 Avascular (have no blood supply)
 Regenerate easily if well nourished
Classification of epithelium
Arrangement of cells in layers
Simple epithelium- functions in diffusion, osmosis,
filitration, secretion, and absorption
Stratified epithelium- protecs underlying tissues in
locations where there is considerable wear and tear
Pseudostratified epithelium- contains only single layer
of cells but appears to have multiple layers
Classification of epithelium
Cell shapes
Squamous cells- allows rapid movement of
Cuboidal cells- function in either secretion or
Columnar cells- specialized for secretion and
Transitional cells- changes shape from cuboidal to flat
and back as organ stretch
Covering and Lining Epithelium
Simple Epithelium
 Simple squamous
 Single layer of flat cells
 Usually forms membranes
 Lines body cavities
 Lines lungs and capillaries
Simple Epithelium
 Simple cuboidal
 Single layer of cube-like cells
 Common in glands and their ducts
 Forms walls
of kidney tubules
 Covers the ovaries
Simple Epithelium
 Simple columnar
 Single layer of tall cells
 Often includes goblet cells, which produce
 Lines digestive tract
Simple Epithelium
 Pseudostratified
 Single layer, but some cells are shorter than others
 Often looks like a double cell layer
 Sometimes ciliated, such as in the respiratory tract
 May function in absorption or secretion
Stratified Epithelium
 Stratified squamous
 Cells at the free edge are flattened
 Found as a protective covering where friction is
 Locations
 Skin
 Mouth
 Esophagus
Stratified Epithelium
 Stratified cuboidal
 Two layers of cuboidal cells
 Stratified columnar
 Surface cells are columnar, cells underneath
vary in size and shape
 Stratified cuboidal and columnar
 Rare in human body
 Found mainly in ducts of large glands
Stratified cuboidal
Stratified columnar
Stratified Epithelium
 Transitional epithelium
 Shape of cells depends upon the amount of
 Lines organs of the urinary system
Stratified Epithelium
Papanicolaou test
Also called Pap test or Pap smear
Involves collecting and microscopically examining
epithelial cells that have sloughed off the apical
layer of a tissue
Very common type is in cervix and vagina
Recommended for all women as part of a routine
pelvic exam
Can detect cancer
Connective Tissue
One of the most abundant and widely distributed
tissues in the body
Binds body tissues together
Supports the body
Provides protection
Connective Tissue
One of the most abundant and widely distributed
tissues in the body
Binds body tissues together
Supports the body
Provides protection
Connective Tissue
 Variations in blood supply
 Some tissue types are well vascularized
 Some have poor blood supply or are avascular
 Extracellular matrix
 Non-living material that surrounds living cells
Connective Tissue classifications
Embryonic Connective tissue
Mucous connective
Mature connective tissue
Loose connective tissue
Mucous connective tissue
Mature connective tissue (cont..)
Dense connective tissue
Dense regular
Dense irregular
Bone tissue
Blood tissue
Surgical procedure that involves suctioning out
small amounts of adipose tissue from various
areas of the body.
Post surgical complications includes fat emboli,
infection, fluid depletion, injury to internal
structures, and severe postoperative pain
Dense irregular Cartilage
Tissue Engineering
The technology of growing new tissues in the
laboratory for replacement of damaged tissues
in the body
term regenerative medicine is often used
synonymously with tissue engineering, although
those involved in regenerative medicine place
more emphasis on the use of stem cells to
produce tissues.

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