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News from Rohde & Schwarz

Universal, portable combination of TV analyzer

and spectrum analyzer

Test system for tire pressure sensors and signal

analysis module for the automotive industry

New vector signal generators for production

and all-purpose use


20 5/ II lum 5

The new TV Analyzer R&S' FSH 3TV combines

spectrum analyzer functionality with the
measurement capabilities of a TV test receiver,
despite its extremely small size. Its compact
design and low weight make it ideal for portable
use in the installation, maintenance and
servicing 01 TV transmitters and cable networks
(page 46) .
1~ 34 0

1 nl II], n 'j [Jf '

Ra dio Network Analyze r R&S " TSMU
Unprecedented quali ty lor mo bile measurements in GS M netwo rks .. .... ... 4

rI ' t

ACCESSNET 1 Russian railway - on the right tra ck wit h TETRA .... .8

111 fill 1 11.111

Universal Radio Commun ica ti on Teste r R&S CMU 200
CMU goes In te rn et Testing da ta app lications lor WC DMA .10

The complex electroni cs in modern automo

biles are increasing the need for test and mea
surement technology. Rohde&Schwarz present s
a new system for testing tire pressure sensors,
plus a new signal analysis module for multi <J TE
channel parallel data acquisition. A distinctive
feature of this module is floating measurement RFTest System R&S TS78 10
technology - which is in demand especially in Testing tire pressure senso rs in the autom ot ive industry .. .. .... 14
the automotive industry (pages 14 and 17). Si gnal Analyzer Module R&S -TSPAM for th e R&S -Compac tTSV P
Fl oatin g, para llel signal analys is based on Comp actP CI/PX I ........ 17

r,~ If I I lalyz r~
Spectrum Analyzer R&S! FSL A mU ltipurpose ins trume nt yo u won't wa nt to miss ... . 20
Spectrum Anal yze rs R&S' FSPI FS UI FSQ
Phase noise testers of unparalleled quality .. . .24

<J II J rlln
Vector Signa l Generator R&S ; SMATE200A
The rugged specia li st lor everyday use in produ ction ... . .. .27
Vector Signal Generator R&S SMJ 100A
Th e all-pu rpose generato r that re defin es the me dium seg ment ... 30

Audio Analyzer R&S UPV

The Vector Signal Generators R&S ' SMJ 100A
Adva ncin g Irom an au dio analyzer to a pro gra m-controll ed mea suri ng instrument . .34
and R&S ' SMATE200A, which are based on the
tried andtested R&S ' SMU 200A, are the two
newest members of the Rohde &Schwarz port
folio of generators. This portfolio now ideally
covers virtually all conceivable requirements in
Powe r Meter R&S NR P
R&D or in production (pages 27 and 30). Fixe d Noise fast power measurement wi th defin ed accu racy . .. ...... 36

,'. "muer 185120051111

----.- ,

EMCMeasurement Software R&S 'EMC 32-W+

EMC measurements on mobile rad io term inal s, ", 38

<I 1\ It
Exci ter R&S' Sx800 Multistandard exciter for ATV and DTV .,'" ",,41

State-of-the-art technology makes it possible: I Ii ,_ 11 m l[ r

The new multistandard Exciter R&S ' Sx800 is Family of VHF FM Transmi tters R&S'NR8200
housed in a box of only one height unit and
includes complete signal processing lunction Compact, air-cooled tran smitters for 2,5 kW to 30 kW , ,44
ality ranging from the video/audio input signal
(analog TV) and the transport stream (digital 1/
TV) to standard-compliant RF output signals
(page 41) , TV Analyzer R&S FSH 3-TV
Universal, portable combination of TV ana lyzer and spectrum ana lyzer" ,,46

I 1 II I I I y~r 11 I

MPEG-2 Monitoring System R&S ' DVM

Video decoder, DV8-H analysis and oth er novelties

"""" ",,50


TopSec Encryption Units

Secured communication s for globa l players """'" . ,., "' " ,53


Ci il ran iocomm unicatlons for Australian air traffic control "",,56

Outstanding technical parameters, an optimum

cost/benefit ratio, extremely high reliability and
ease of servicing distinguish the new air-cooled
FM Transminers R&S -NR 8200, which cover the
power range from 2,5 kW to 30 kW (page 44), Newsg ra ill s "" "",,58

P bli heel b AClhde & Srh 'ja ri Gm H&Co, G' Muhldorfsi asse 15 81671 Mii nL h~11
SUPPOI Centel Tel II -19/ 0 I BO~ 1242 t, E-mai l CUSI mcrsoJPPoil'!lOhde'sc hwalz cam
Fax 1+498914 129-1]777 (O iIOI a d I YOI I Lullwi , Drr.XI. Reda ~tio n - Tedlmk (Gellnan )
Eng ,sil lia ll'ilaIl QIl Dep UK I PhO IOS ,~o e &Schwall Prin ted in German Cllculil iOI1IGerman,
En, IIsl1. Frene l!. A ssian and Ch i nes~)90 000 ap lo x, 4 (mes a YP.d l ISSN 0028-9108 ' Supply Iree 01
chargr Ihl'l h yuur neale~ 1 Roh e& Sc w" rllepro,enlallv. , Repro uC lion oj extraCl s pel mILeo il sou rce
is Slale aod co y seOiIO Aol1dp, & SCllwau lune ell .
R&S d"j.h, ...j ' ltl!t-1r j 1\01 '1 :.Sr rl.'IJl / IJ' t H::. Cn .'!'i frs" .1'1' art-lfil:1l'i'"'"I'W' ll"n -.... q). CDMA2000 illtr"..j \ It'll
1I~ 1.;1"1 t~ 'Tt' t:!,; T" j I.;;jl. t , IIlt'JI", A -r "' : Uri rTIA J~Al !tu~ Bluetooth word mark and logos v, !)' , , I ''i ',1 '" I~ lUll' Sib I
jr'1'::1, j .. tl / lfoJflh.I~' S 1 .'.'JiL ~ Jl'llj~' tense

~1" ml>f!1 IBIi 1700~ III
The Radio Network Analyzer R&S ' TSMU has
made its mark with WCDMA network measure
ments. Fined with a new option, it now also
analyzes GSM networks.

Unprecedented quality for mobile

measurements in GSM networks

The Radio Network Analyzer GSM network ptimizalion has critical 3G/2G handover scenarios at the
becom more ophisticated WCDMA network coverage boundafles
R&S TSMU has set standards as a than ever
GSM interferences are cau sed by other
PN scanner for WCDMA networks Interference analysis in GSM mobile base stations transmitting on the same
radio networks has always played a or on adjacent channels (co-channel
~FIG 1), Equipped with the new option key role in network optimization. Since or adjacent channel interference) This
obtaining usable results is still a highly frequency re-use is system -inherent in
R&S TSMU-K13. it can now also intricate process 11,21. many network GSM networks and continuously opti
operators take a closer look only at par mized by the network operators. How
analyze the receive conditions in GSM ticularly critical areas. ever, the data for the planning and sim
ulation tools for these tasks needs to be
networks in unprecedented Quality Introducing the new mobile radio stan continuously adapted to the actual con
dards (E)GPRS and WCDMA has con ditions. For this purpose, you need an
by identifying the base stations in the siderably enhanced the reqUirements Instrument that provides full-coverage
placed on GSM network quality. These GSM network Information.
network and measuring their signal technologies call for a substantially
higher signal-to-noise ratio across the
propagation - at maximum speed entire network than was previously nec
essary. The reason for this is the new
during the test drive. modulation mode with (E)GPRS and the

~IB <. , lfilm RnhdpSS,hwafl lurn,,"r 18612005 1111

ew solution with a tried-and How to measur
test >d platform Superior p rfol'mance
The scena rio becomes tricky when
For its Radio Network Analyzer ever several broadcast control chan Compact, user-friendly, robust. low power
R&S TSM U 13. 4]. which has already nels (BCCH ) or traffic channels (TCH) consumption; can also be used indoors
set standards in WCDMA network coincide on an RF channel or on adja in combination with tile R&S TSMU-Z3
measurem en ts, Rohde &Schwarz has cent channels It is important to find IJ(1ckpack solution
developed an application that dwarfs out where the exact locations are and Measurement preparations at a minimum
all known solutions for GSM network which base stations contribute to inter plug &play
scanners - the GSM Network Scan ference, or might contribute to interfer QuasI-parall el measurements in all GSM net
ner R&S ' TSMU-K13 (FIG 2) This new ence after the channel configuration has works, without affecting the network (as is
option expands the R&S TSM U func been optimized. the case with test mobile phones and lest
tions, making it possible for the first transmitters). also across national borders
time to determine the data of WCDMA, For this purpose, the GSM network High drive speed possible; also suitable
CDMA2000' and GSM mobile radio net scanner detects BCCH signals and their for unattended applications (autonomous
wo rks in all bands as pa rt of test drives power on all selected GSM channels at systems)
with lus t a single instrument. Intercon an unriva led high scan rate. Since each Automatic detection of GSM sys tem informa
necting several R&S ' TSMU analyzers channel can receive several BCCH sig tion types 1 and 3
even allows you to perform simultane nals, the scanner demodulates the sta Positive identification of the base stations via
ous measurements In different mobile tion identifications included in these cell identity (CI) and location area information
radio standards. signals and assign s them to the indi (LAI)
vidua l base stations. The interference Power measurement -- high level accuracy
caused by TCH channels depend s on due to calibration
the network load, which means it can Best server analysis for the BCCH
be indirectly determined by the BCCH

FIG 2 Compact and robust: Equipped with the R&S"TSMU-K13 GSM network scanner option, the
Radio Network Analyzer R&S ' TSMU can determine the data of WCDMA, CDMA2000 and GSM
mobile radio networks in all bands.

EAiensive measurement result.,

Absolute radio frequency channel number

Channel power: BCCH power, SIN, maxim um
TCH power (in dBm)
Network color code (NCC)
Base station color code (BCC)
Cell identity (CI)
Location area code (LAC)
Mobile network code (M NC)
Mobile country code (MCC)
Measurement time (40 ns resolution)
GSM fram e number (absolute and relative)
TDMA frame shifting
Date and time, GPS in formation
Further base station information (assig ned by
the central base station database)


power measurement re sults . TCH trans 1'est drives wilh R&S ROME Future-orient d with
mi ssion ra te information plus power Rohde &Sehwarz
control sta tistics ensure that the time The flexible and powerful R&S -ROMES
dependent character of a TCH interfer co verage measurement software The future of measu re ment data acqui
ence is taken Into account in the optimi includes the GSM network scanner appli sition for GSM network optimization lies
zation process. cation. It is the basis for measurement in fast. efficient and cost-effective solu
sequences. data acquisition and stor tions su ch as the new R&STSMU-K13
The R&S ' TSMU measures the code age as well as for analyzing and visual GSM network scanner option from
power of the extended training Izing test drives. The so ftware supports Rohde &Schwa rz. The Radio Netwo rk
sequence of the synchronization channel al l major mobile radiO standards. Its high Analyzer R&S'TSMU is an unparalle led
(SCH) for high SIN ratios (SIN > -5 dB ) modularity allows a large number of base instrument for these as well as
as we ll as the code power of the entire instruments, including - and especially numerous other so ftware applications
SCH for lower SIN ratios. With Gauss different technologies Ie g. receivers I in mobile radio. Users of the R&S ' TSMU
ian nois e. the measurement works if scanners, test mobile phones and naviga can rest assured that working with the
the SIN is -13 dB or higher; with GSM tion equipment) to be controlled simulta world 's best measuring instrument in
internal noise signals. it works if the C/ I neously In addition to pure measurement network optimization is future -proof
is -20 dB or higher. Every 125 ms. the data acquisition. R&S ROMES also offers
instrument intercepts a maxim ulll of ten numerous analysis funct ions such as R&S TSMU analyzers alrea dy sup plied
adjacent GSM channels (2 MHz). so that quality of service (OoS) measurements or can be retrofitted with the new option at
the ove rall measurement rate can be up the combined analysis of 2G/3G networks. all Rohde &Schwar7 service centers .
to 80 channels per second (FIG 3) Wolf Dietrich Seidl

The in formation thus obtained permits Posl-pro('essing with MEDAS

further analyses. Based on this mea
sured data. Coverage Measurement The company Cosiro offers a power
Software R&S ROME S[5) derives a fu l. geographic data warehouse solu tion
best server eva luation for the GSM net called MEDAS . whi ch ensures consis
works and outputs it in the Top -N dis tent central post-processing of large vol
play (which ha s proven itself with the umes of spread measurement data from
WCDMA standard) in the user interface 2G. 2 5G and 3G networks MEDAS is a
More informalion 8nd data sheelS al
and in maps (FIG 4)ln this wa y. network tool for a wide range of fun ctions. such www.ll)hde-schwarLCllm
operators receive full-coverage. high as planning networks. evaluating market (search lerm: TSMUI
resolution information about the serving launches. meas uring network perfor
cells that are currently most powerful in mance. evalua ting and optim iZi ng radiO ~m1! EN CES
111 Mobd/! inlerference mf!a~lIrem[H11
th ei r areas. links. analyzing service quality plu s evalu in GSM nelwlJl ks News hOI1l
ating the quality of nationwide networks. Rohde&SchWBrz(1998) No 160.
In addition, the software generates a rr 7.4 25
121 GSM I n l ~ rfr,r~ncI ! AnalVzm ROGUI
ba se station list from the data. This list MEDAS also handles the difficult inter IR&S TS9Y581 Full (;o~e/ay u . mobllu and
includes cel l identity. MCC. MNC. LAC ference analysis for GSM networks and aUlom!llit meilsuremAnt of GS Inlslfe r
clearly displays the proce sse d re sults for on e News from Ro~ d e &Sfh\ll'l rL(2000),
as well as a rough transmitter location.
Nu. 168. pp.1 6 4

which is determined by means of a loca entire countries. Field trials show that f31 PN Scanllel R3.S TS5K5 1C TurbOf'lf
tion function after the mea surement the combined use of the GSM network UMTS flH twmk oplimlzall ofl News frDm
has been completed Existing base sta scanner with MEDAS drastically cuts Ruhdc &SdlWilfi (20021 No 176, pp 4-9
[41 RHdm Nntwork n ~IYZflf R&S TSMU
tion lists that may be obsolete can thus the number of disconnections in GSM Pcrlormanee Yla n\ III compac l irHmal
be updated In the system. or completely networks. sels new stlllHI,Hds Ncws lronl
Rohan&SChll' RIZ (2003) No 180. pp 4- 7
new lists can be generated . This is espe
f!i l Coveraye Measu rement Softwale
ciall y important in border areas where Option R&S TSMU-K 13 provides the R8.S ROM CS3 AcqUlsllion. ilnalysls anti
tran smitters in the neighborin g country meas urement data in an open format, visuilhl<l lion of data In covp.r~ge IIIPJ
SlIwmeO IS News lrom Aohde& Schwa rl
may cause interference in an operator 's making It possi ble to use also other tool s
121)001. Nu lliG. PII ,q - 32
network. for the post-processing or frequency
planning for measurement processing .

i~ H '.JS from ,,"<lrl
Scan T 1970 [51 Latitude Longitude ARFCN Pow NCC BCC CI LAC MNC MCC ST3
No. [dBm1 Source
509 1099597054 49810 966 14347830 6 - 815 5 57963 33542 262 8nst
509 1099597054 49.810.947 14347.733 12 - 72.0 3 a 12657 33543 262 8Tlist
509 1099597054 4981094 7 14347733 :16 -733 3 23914 33542 262 Bllist
509 1099597054 49.810.966 14 .347.830 48 79.6 3 48307 33543 262 BTli st
509 1099597054 49.811190 14.348.923 96 - 747 23916 33542 262 BT lisl
509 1099597054 49.811 .396 14.349.938 96 - 92.3 2 13347 5010 232 Tscan
509 10995970 49.8 10 966 14347.830 98 - 743 9439 33542 262 BT lis t Special ass tl
509 1099597054 49811.190 14.348.923 98 - 73. 1 3 49349 33543 262 Br list

FIG 3 List section with measurement results provided by the GSM network scanner. Integ rated in R&SROMES universal software
platform. user-friendly operation. online dis
play. map display
Open format for further processing of mea
Conuensed rJa td of the R&S TSMU-K 13
Supported st an dards
sured data
GSM 4501750/ 850 / 900 / 1800 1
1900 and GSM R/E A single instrument for WCDMA. CDMA2000'.
Code power mea surement GSM and analog power measurements
of the extended SCH training sequence SIN >-5 dB
of the entire SCH SIN >.. 13 dB New features by means of easy software
with GSM interferer CII >-20 dB) update
Level measurement uncertainly Provides al( the data required by frequency
(with GSM interferer CII >- 20 dB) 1 dB(SIN >2 dB)
3 dB IS/N > . 13 dB planning tools
Max . measurement rat e 80 channells Optimization of 3G12G handover scenarios
Dynamic range - 112 dBm to -20 dBm Online neighborhood ana lysis with GSM and
Adjacent channel suppression 70 dB (si nusoidal carrier)
Probability of success for BCH decoding 50%(SIN >-{).5 dB) WCDMA test mobile phones and WCDMA
80%(SI N >0.5 dB) network scanner
95% (SIN >2.5 dB)
Patented Rohde &Schwarz method
98 %(SIN >3 5 dB)

FIG 4:

GSM measure E"~''''''''''-_Q-_!1o\>

ment using a GSM . .. t l:J ' !.J ...... . = ~ .... ~

network scanner and

test mobile phone
near a national

,.- _ _ _...c. ~D I ~~C H ~~ ICCI ~l ~~dong9(1Iknt)

Jo )1 II - 1] IlWOIJIf'Q 811""'1
U 1'1 llJ
t~ 1\ J
" .. ! : k t
" !H)

152$1 ... NUM

News [rom Rohde &Schwarz Number 1861 2005 / 111

R fer nc

rf f AM hil R 1110 Sv teOlACCfSS,VfT -r

Russian railway
on the right track with TETRA
TETRA radio systems are enjoying A suceess story ... Four base stations were all connected
in series, with the first and the last sta
undiminished success all over the In the third quarter of 2002, R&S BICK tion connected with one of Ihe two
Mobilfunk GmbH furnished the Rus exchanges, forming four circle struc
world. The reasons are obvious. sian railway management with an tures. These were additionally comple
ACCESSNET'iJ-T TETRA radio system to mented by a direct line between the
ranging from the systems' open, provide radio coverage for the railway exchanges. Even if a communications
lines around Yekaterinburg (formerly line failed, the functionality of the entire
ETSI -certified standard and their Sverdlovsk) A local company insta lied system remained unaffected. The indi
the system be'tween late 2002 and early vidual network elements were con
wide support by independent manu 2003. Once the installation was com nected with each other via an optical
pleted, R&S BICK Mobilfunk configured network.
facturers to their versatile applica and tested the system, which started
its trial operation in the spring of 2003.
lions for heterogeneous user groups. Already in the summer of the same year, ... to be ton! inllt'd
the system was handed over to the
And Ihese are just some of the argu Yekaterinburg railway management and In November 2004, after the TETRA radio
started actual operation. system had been successfully operat
ments in favor of ACCESSNET' -T ing for about one and a half years, the
At that time, tlhe ACCESSNET-T Russian railway management decided
TETRA radio systems from R&S BICK radio system covered roughly 180 km to cover yet another railway line of
(112 miles) of railway lines plus the the Yekaterinburg railway manage
Mobilfunk, which have proven them entire railway works of the Yekaterin ment with the TETRA radio system. One
burg railway management. The system R&S"'DMX-582 TETRA exchange and ten
selves worldwide in diverse applica provided radiotelephony for the railway, R&S"' DIB-540 TETRA digital indoor base
service and maintenance staff and con stations are part of the delivery pack
tions for years. The Russian railway trolled railway traffic. age. The exchange comes configured
in such a way as to provide capacity for
management also decided in favor of During its initial stage, the up to 80 base stations. A multiposition
radio system consisted of two R&S@TRD-500 control center will also
ACCESSNET -1 R&S(' DMX-521 exchanges and sixteen be supplied as part of the new con
R&S"'OTX-500 base stations (FIG) Six tract: the R&S"'TRD-500 consists of one
teen R&S "" REM-500 dispatcher con server and two clients and is connected
soles (not shown in FIG) served as to the ACAPI application interface of
cost-efficient dispatcher stations The ACCESSNET@ -T The control center is
R&S "NMS-500 network management connected to the exchange via a LAN.
system, including the clients for sub Voice communications are handled via a
scriber management and network con voice-over-IP connection.
figuration, monitored network operation.
TETRA radios from different manufactur The equipment supplied also includes
ers were deployed in the network, prov the R&S@APS-500 train application
ing that ACCESSNET'~- Tsupports diverse server; for communication purposes, it
terminals. now allows the staff to use train num
bers as addresses instead of individual
dialing numbers, as is usual. To place a

Ne,')S from Rohde&ScilwJ'1 N(lmber 18617(105/111
call, the staff uses the respective train The system was supplied in December And ther 's llIor to com
number as the call address, which is 2004 and is currently being installed.
then displayed in the radios and the con The handover and start of actual opera The radio system operators deliberately
trol center. The advantage of this proce tion are scheduled for the second quar designed the second stage in such a
dure is obvious The operating staff no ter of 2005. As a result of this expan way that further expansion would pose
longer needs to know the dialing num sion, well over 400 km (249 miles) of rail no problems Just recently, R&S BICK
bers of the TETRA terminals because way lines, plus the railway territory and Mobilfunk GmbH was commissioned by
these numbers are assigned dynamically. the railway works of the Yekaterinburg the Yekaterinburg railway management
This feature helps avoid misunderstand railway management, will be covered by to supply ten additional base station s to
ings or errors. TETRA radio . provide radio covera ge for yet another
railway line.
Using an ACAPI interface is highly ben Harald Haage
eficia l because, in addition to the con
trol center, customized app lications can
also be connected to the ACCESSNETG - T
radio system.

Basic infrastructure of the ACCESSNEP-T TETRA radio system of the Yekaterinburg railway management during the initial phase in 2003.

TETRA terminals

base station
R&S" DTX-500
base station
R&S" DTX-500
base station

R&Sf'DTX-500 R&S " DTX-500 R&S - DTX-500 R&S DTX-500

base statio n base station ba se station base station

R&S OMX-S21 Exchange Exchange R&S OMX-S21


~ j

- - ---------


[ r-

[ 1, 15~ol R&S'~X50

~estatlo~R&S" OTX-SOO
base station base station
R&S DTX-500

base statIOn

R&S DTX-500 R&S ~ DTX-500 R&S DTX-SOO
TETRA terminals base station base station base station base station

Ne'N3 hom Rohde& Schwarz Number 186 12005 1111
R', liOCOm rnUrtlC8ll0n lesters

'Jll lVt r al R rflO on munica lloll l p fer H' .MIJL 11

CMU goes Internet: Testing data

applications for WCDMA
In addition to testing data appli Appealing compa t s lution Up to now. radio networks could usu
ally be simulated only with the aid of
cations for CDMAlOOO (1) and Both developing and providing data complex setups. This is remedied by the
applications for mobile radio present a R&S01CMU 200, which is a very interest
!E)GPRS [2], the R&S CMU200 can multitude of new challenges. Most appli ing alternative for such tasks . Due to
cations in data comrmmications are the extensive possible settings it offers,
now also test these applications on based on the Internet protocol (IP), which tests can also be performed on fre
in turn is based on the client-server prin quency bands, for example, that are not
WCDMA mobile phones. The highly ciple. This means that a client uses a necessarily part of an available public
mobile phone to request services that rad io network.
successful mobile radio tester, which are provided by a se~ver in the communi
cations network. The software for these Before communications services can be
was originally designed as a pure RF applications is usually developed on PCs; launched on the market, network oper
after its implementation afld extensive ators must subject them to interoper
tester, now enables additional user computer simulations, the software is ability tests to ensure that they oper
ported to the mobile phone. To periorm ate smoothly. With the multimedia mes
groups to test video telephony and further tests on the mobile phone itself, a sage service IMMS), for example, the
public mobile radio network or the simu correct exchange of messages with the
data applications. lation of such a network is required. server implementation in the network

WCDMA applica
tion test setup and
protocol stack.
~=~ ___ ~~_-.... Ethernet RF

Services Applications

en en
c c
Q:; .~ ~ E EO
C: '-' ;:: .!!!
e> (/)
i1l i3
.. I ' "
"- U) :2 U) (/)

1= 0 :2 <0 0 ~
~ ~
<D Q)
:I: '0 '0
:> :::;

,...... 1
l CPJ uor l [; f'l UDP


lIm,l Link Layer por.P / AIC I MAC !'ocr I HLC J MAC

Physical Layer
Phvsical Laye r Phvsical layer .
Physical Laver

New, 110111 Rohde& Schworz NLJmile, tBG120051111
WCDMA FDD B~nd Power :r.iOff (~r 1. phone's power consumption, you need
to measure the consumption while an
application is active so that you can find
dBm Mox.Lovel, Auto Low noise Freq.Offset. 0.000 kHz Ch.n.lFreq., 961211922.4 MHz
Step Size, 1 dB TPC P6l1em Setup 4 TPC Mode, AlgorHhm 1 out more about possible optimization
~ _~ - - 1011 II --- I Off I 011 l.E Power
procedures. If required, the mobile radio
tester simultaneously records detailed
information about the processed pro
o 1 234 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tocollayers in a log file, which is then
dB available for future evaluation and

- 2.0
IOtt \1--- I Off tl - IOU Pow. St~
Currlll'\l" analysis.

Interaction tests analyze how different.

sim ultaneously active applications on a

Sf" I
+/- 1 0 mobile phone affect each other. These
0.10 d8 tests analyze, for example, what will
~x. 0.24 d8 happen if an SMS arrives while a video
Section A
Settion 8
16.50 dBm
lllax LE Power
dBm Mark':a
Dis y
I is being downloaded and the calendar
function is outputting an alarm.

Fre _orrset _~:!!:.:II!I _ _-=~ _==--1
I Menus I Interoperability tests check whether
mobile phones function smoothly within
FIG 2 Example of a transmitter measurement.
a network, for example when interacting
with the network operator's MMS server,
or when two phones from different man
ufacturers interact with each other. In
the simplest case, just one phone is
or between mobile phones from differ calls. The R&S@CMU200 bridges the gap used in the loop-back mode to perform a
ent manufacturers is checked . Moreover, between wired data communications combined transmission/reception test.
making objective comparisons under and radiocommllnications aGross various
user-definable and randomly repro protocol layers .
ducible operating and test conditions ettings and measurement
IS another pivotal function this target re ults
group needs. r aWe test cenario '
To configure the WCDMA radio network
Go/ NoGo tests start an application on for application tests, the R&S "'CMIJ 200
Test elup the mobile phone and test the operation parameter settings known from the RF
from the user's viewpoint. These tests measurements can be used and dynam
Application test setups basically consist differ from RF measurements performed ically adjusted during testing Chang
of a mobile phone, the R&S"'CMU 200 with the R&S C0 CMU 200 by covering the ing the channel numbers triggers an
and a PC (FIG 1) The mobile radio tester, entire operating system of a phone and intracell handover, for example Since a
which is connected to the mobile phone subjecting it to the appropriate stress. reduced transmit level increases the bit
via the radio interface, simulates the After an application passe s this basic error probability at the receiver end, an
mobile radio nelwork. Via an Ethernet test. performance measurements are application function on a mobile phone
connection, it accesses the IP-based usually carried out; their aim is to ana can also be tested under adverse receive
computer world, which can be either a lyze the achievable data transmission condition s. If the application test is per
local area network (LAN), the Internet rates in the downlink and the uplink. formed in compressed mode, the mobile
or, at its simplest. a controller, where phone is subjected to additional stress,
the servers providing the communica Another noteworthy criterion that helps which allows you to check the qual
tions services can be accessed. The user determine the practical value of mobile ity of the UE report transmitted from
usually accesses these se rvices from phones is their operating time with the mobile phone to the tester. While
the mobile phone via mobile originated rechargeable batteries. To minimize a an application is runni ng on the mobile

News from Rohde &Schwarz NlJmlJer 186120U51111
omnl Ui I , liOn te er

phone, the known transmitter mea Remot.t' control and automation Prot col analysis
surements such as power, code domain
power and modulation can still be per To remote-control the R&S,;;CMU 200 After the software has been ported to
formed (FIG 2) The block error ratio during application tests, an IEC/IEEE bus the mobile phone, users often want
(BLER) determined by the R&S " CMU 200 interface is available; it can be used, for to record protocols to optimize inter
is used to evaluate the receiver in the example, to automatically obtain mea nal processes or to perform an error
mobile phone surement results and measurement analysis that may be necessary The
values - a prerequisite for program-con R&S'CMU-Z46 WCDMA message ana
In combination with an additional fading trolled sequences. Such automatically lyzer and recorder option allows all uni
simulator such as the R&S 'YABFS, the running tests can be repeated at any versal terrestrial radio access network
function of an application can be simu time and as often as necessary with (UTRAN) protocol layers to be recorded,
lated at different speeds in vehicles and out staff intervention, thus helping to which can then be used for more
in varying environments increase the system's efficiency detailed analysis (FIG 3) This powerful
tool permits in-depth analyses, including
transport layer analyses.

FIG 3 The R&S ' CMU-Z46 WCDMA message analyzer and recorder oplion records all UTRAN prolocollayers,

Eile ~dit ~ew ~rolect ! ools t!elp

~~!U~;I RR9J
1:; R"RC on nee onSerurc_ n R~ MACJ
! llB=l:f+[fCC
254 ~ :27 '20~24 l , MA C DCC H D . t~l
.1 1 RB 2 :AM~DC C H,
062 7.20 ;5CI3
~:2 7 :2O '5IIl5
I1 I.,.
(MA C DCC H Sl . tu. ) I
RLC AM PDU ( MA C DCCH 0 ......
1 R8 . 2AM~DCCH :

1 RS 2:AM+D CCH : Di e
2157 06.27 '20 :572
I I I (PtIY DC H,DL D.u)
.1 N.T,S" . 1: e FN . 232;
~ 06:27 .20:79 1
1 1 L (pHY DCH-UL DIU)
1 NrTr8 1k . 1; CFN . 244;
25Q 06:27 :20:781
1 I.. RLC AM PDU (MAC DCCH D . t~ I RS . 3:AM+ DCCH h; gh,
2t! 1
06:27 '20:82 1
~P H Y DCH-UL Dat.)
I N.T.S" - 1: Cfll 2'l8:
1 RS . 3:!\M+O CC H high:
. I : CFH . 262:
2t!2 06 :27 .2O :8C 1 (pHY DCH-UL D,to) I N.T.a"
2(13 06 :27:20,801
1 I.,. RLC AM PDU (MAC r,CCH D. t 1 RB . 3 :AM+I) CCH hi gh:
l.. lnitl.IDirli,tTt.lDSftr (RL.C AM ~ D
2t!<I 05:2720:8C2
1 I RB . 3.AM+DCC H high :
06_2 7:20:6110
05:27:2O.8C 7
(RR C GC HAS Est~b ll ' h )
104'" Loo.,lon Upd . lin g R1 'Icju I 1
2(17 005 2 7 020 .eea lAM Idlntity Rlquut (R RC ~ I 1 I I IdTYPI IM SI:
:zes 005:27 .20:6IIQ l- D O'4I\InlinkO i't etTransf.r(RLC~1 I I RS . 3 AM+ DCCH
:zeg 0052 7.20 :00<1 I -, (MAC DCCH D,I,) I RB . 3 :AM+ OCCH hi gh:
270 005:27 :20 :ll2Q I I.,. (MAC DCCH SI. lu2) I RB . 3 'AM+ DC CH high:
271 005 :2 720: Q2~ I r Rl C AM PDU (MAC DCCH DI U I RB . 3:AM+ DCCH high :
2?2 005 :27 :20.Q3 2
I 1 (PHY DCH-DL Dal.)
.J NrT r9. - 1; CFH 12: I!
273 005:27 .20,gcQ
I I (MAC DCCH St. h'$) I RB . J :AM+ DCCH high:
- - - -06:2
- 7:20 .QOIl I 1 RlC AM PDU (WAC DCCH D Il~ - - I RS 3:AM> DCCH h iO~ ..

RLC Routing lnrormahon ror one or tnore RBs = (0) ~ .!~y,-eJ lli!Jr~ a!!1J
Cel lNe Indicator = (0) 0
Identifier J .J;le(;lm~1 j - Int,
CellNE Identify indicator; (I) r RLC Routinq 1nto~.8tion to~ on_ 0[" .0

~ " ' CellNe Identity = Ueld (1) 0 Ce11/Ue ind1c8to~

User EqUIpment Idenlilv = (I) _156 00000001 Cell/lIE Identity indic8to~ 1 ~,

Radio Bearer Selector = Seteel one RB (0) .~ C_11/Ue Identity UeId

~ , RadloBearertd = Rbla
., (0) ;;; 5.7 00000001 User EquiplDent Identity 1
"41 - -
I I ~ ] I~
[}.Err~ -&n ;earch reds ] 0 ParentlChildren I
Predecessors of selected message 1Successors of selected message L I
~C.A1t.l)1 J lWA C OC~a n

Offline Mode

News from ROhde &SOheid/l ~I Lmil1lr 185[2005 1111
TCPIIP servkps
t.> co co co
<I: ~
u :::, ~ .g ~ .g Q;) .2
The clients on the mobile phone require '"
~ I
_ u
:::> '"
_ u
:::> '"
_ cou u~
a: ~ :.= ::3:"= ::J:'= .....
~ '-4- 0.. u- 0.. ~
'-4- 0..
suitable se rvers at the controller end

2 0.. <1>
'" rn
Applications and services
as a counterpart for application tests. ~I
The R&S"'CMU-K96 WCDMA applica '-
r- r---' r - r-- ....- ,-

~ I
51 ~ ~
tion testing option allows IP-based data 8.
!S CI -<1> 0" - <1> 0" -Q; 0"
.c.c .c .c .c .c
u ~ '"
- '" Bg
ro ~

applications to be tested on a mobile ~ ~ ~ E ~ ~ 8 OJ

II; B u '"


E!5~ Zoa .a~

2: .~ .;;
phone; in add ition, it includes several ~ ....- u
~.~ .~ ~ .~ .~ ~ .~ ~
~ ~ ~
~ -

~ i:. -E m ~
~2: ~ ~ .~
TCP/IP servers, for example an HTIP !!I V)
_g cc
0.. <1>

B! III E "
.g .-E
'" ...
'" "0
",00 ...

server, which allows you to start a web .-= '" ::<

t;: ~
:r: ~g '0
~~ "':'
Q)a: :;:)
'g :E
browse r on a mobile phone. Another 13 :::> ::; <[m t.>
Application Test Enabler ~
J' J' ~~ e,
serve r is the MMS center (MMSC) with u > ~

-- --
R&SCRTU-ATE ~(ij a:
basic fun ctionality, which ca n be used '-- ""'- .... ""- ~-

to test the transm ission and reception

WCDMA Applic:<lllllli fnSfllllf
of multimedia messages on a mobile
The R&S"CRTU-AAOl optio n helps
develop or test the MMS features on a
mobile phone; this option is a powerful
r R&S CMU200 with WCOMA firmware V3.BO lor later) inel. video telephony testing

FIG 4 Overview of the range of options to complement the R&S"CMU 200 for testing WCDMA data
development tool for analyzing and syn applications.
thesizing MMS and is equipped with an
MMSC plus integrated viewer, parser
and composer.

; ole
1232 :
' 244; Test cases relevant I'or ality without requiring optional exten downlink packet access (HSDPA) and,
t11 ltl h;
,248 : c 'rt ification sions . The test is performed in echo once a uniform worldwide sta ndard ha s
high; mode, where the transmission and been specified, to test cases for push to
1262 :
hi gh;
To ensure a uniform MMS standard, reception of video and audio signals can talk over cellular (PoC).
high; test cases that verify the correct repro be checked with just one mobile phone. Thomas A. Kneidel
ThIS !.
duction of various multimedia con The video telephony signals transmi t
tent [3] were defined on behalf of the ted by the phone to the R&S'''CMU 200
Global Certification Forum (GCF) The are looped back from the radio tester
hi gh:
hi gh: application test on the R&S<il CM U200 and displayed by the phone as would
hi gh,
can be further expanded by the be video and audio signals of a called
R&S';CRTU-ACOl MMSC test cases sta tion. MOrl! information and data sheal al

option with validated test cases. These (search lerm. CMU200)

need to be certified for all mobile

phones that support MMS (FIG 4) Future prospects
111 R&S CM U200. Testing CDMAZOOO

The application test is the latest add- dala applications, News from

Aohde& Schwarz 120041Ntl 182.

Vid 0 tel phonj on to radi ocommunications testing and

pp 11 13

sure to gain increa sing importance over [21 A&S~CM U 200 Versatile application
In all likelihood, video telephony is the the next few years, Rohde &Schwarz lests in If/GrAS moulle radiO. NeWli from
will continue to enhance th e functional Rohde & Schwarz 12004 1No 184,
most spectacular new WCDMA appli
pp 10- 13
cation. It is unique in that it is circuit scope of the R&S"'CMU 200's current 131 Protocol rester A&S CRTU-G/-W MMS
switched, and not IP-based like the pre test function s to match market require leS IS on mullirncdin mobile phones
News from Auhde &Schwarz (2005)
viously described applications. The ments. The next steps to be taken
No 185, pp 4 - 6
WCDMA firmware checks this function- include the expansion to high speed

NIlWS ham Rahde &Schwarl Number 186 120051 11)

Rr T ,: ystelll R&S TS 781 0

Testing tire pressure sensors in the

autonl0tive industry
The RF Test System R&S S781 0 Tir pre sure sensor are calculates changes in tire press ure from
b coming standard the different tire speeds This system
is designed especially for the fast can be implemented economically but
In the recent years , the safety of auto has the disadvantage that tire speed
growing market of tire pressure mobiles has continuously increased. cannot be measured when the vehicle
Nevertheless, in 30% of the serious acci stops or when the pressure of two tires
sensors. By using standard equip dents that occur due to technical defects drops simultaneously. Direct measuring
of the ve hicle, the accident cause can systems with sensor technology are thus
ment such as the Spectrum Analyzer be attributed to the tires. A number of expe cted to gain the upper hand on the
tragic accidents in the USA, for example, market.
R&S- FSP3 or the Open Test Platform happened as a result of a specific tire
model having too Iowa pressure. In the In addition to tire pressure, tire temper
R&S CompactTSVP, the R&S TS 781 0 coming years, in the USA all vehicles up ature and acceleration are al so trans
to five tons mu st therefore be equipped mitted to the central control unit in the
can be quickly adapted to meet with a tire pressure monitoring system vehicle The tire press ure sensor is a
(TPMS) potted, LSI module and basically con
project-specific requirements. For tains a sensor chip with iJ-controller and
Primarily, two different methods are an ISM tran sm itter th at generates the
use in production, development and currently used for measuring tire pres RF signaL It is powered by a lithium bat
sure An indirect measuring system that tery with a lifetime of up to 100000 km.
quality assurance, Rohde &Schwarz uses ABS sensors, and a direct measur There are also ways to su pply power by
ing system that uses sensors With radio means of the tire vibration energy or by
provides both the turnkey system and interface built into the tire. The indirect using an external magnetic field via a
measuring system uses the information coil within the wheel housing. The Euro
individual system components. of the ABS sensors for calculation and pean Union already supports th is tech-

FIG 1 The compact R&S " TS 7810 can be easily integrated into production lines
(here with generator for optional receiver measurements).

Nr,ws Irq I Rohde &Schwarz Number 18612005111)
nology with research programs. and
Spectrum Analyzer R&S "FSP 3
tire press ure sensors are expected to
become standard equipment In all vehi
cles over the next ten yea rs

V l'satile and compact

With the R&S'TS7810, Rohde&Schwarz

now provides an all-in-one test solution
for the fast growing TPMS market (FIG 1) .. ........
. . . . . . . . .. ...

I I 1111
PII'":ur [ll1lpl ch,lmbu(
This test system includes the
Shielded RF Test Fixture
CompactPCI /PXI -based Open Test R&S~ TS 7110
Pla tform R&S ' CompactTSVP 11]. the
R&S 'CompactTSVP
R&S'GTSL system software, the Spec
trum Analyzer R&S ' FSP 3. the Shielded FIG 2 Stimulation and measurement of a tire pressure sensor.

RF Test Fixture R&S-TS711[112] as well

as customer-specific test sequence
TPMS receiver modules can be easily with additional CompactPCI/PXI mea
A pressure-proof chamber simulates tire tested simply by expanding the surement and control cards for commu
pressure inside the R&S " TS 7110 test R&S TS7810 by a signal generator. The nicating with the production cell or for
fixture Different pressure va lues can be RF test system thus covers applica programming IJ-controllers on printed
set by means of a programmable pres tions not only in the automotive indus boards. for example
sure control unit. Since the R&S " TS 7110 try but also in industrial and consumer
is RF-shielded. seve ral te st sys tems can electronics. An antenna module with an ampli
be operated in parallel without affecting fier in the R&S"TS711O transfers the
each other. transmitted data to the Spectrum Ana
ompl' 'hensivE' t .ts lyze r R&S"FSP3. which measures the
most important RF parameters such
'Which standard? The automotive Industry requires its sup as RF power. RF frequency offse t and
pliers to perform extensive tests includ frequency deviation in one cycle and
There are a number of license-free radio ing documentation of the test results for demodulates the data telegram (FIG 3)
bands (ISM industrial. sc ientific. medi each single part. Only an automatic test The R&S ~ F S P 3 then transfers the digi
cal ) in the frequency range from 100 MHz system such as the R&S ' TS 7810 can tized data telegram content to the con
to 3 GHz. They are used for transmitting meet this requirement. troller. where the system software ana
short data packets. Europe transmits in lyzes the data telegram content together
the 433 MHz and 868 MHz bands while The R&S : GTSL system software, which with the TestStand ' seq uencer from
the USA and Japan use the 315 MHz controls all test run s. issues the start National Instruments. Contents such as
and 915 MHz bands. The 24 GHz band is command for a measurement. The soft pressure or temperature are displayed
freel y accessible worldwide. ware's open architecture makes it clea rly and concisely
easy to integrate the R&S :TS 7810 into
The Spectrum Analyzer R&S " FSP 3 fully automatic production lines. The If the vehicle is moving, each tire pres
covers this wide frequency range By Open Test Platform R&S"CompactTSVP. sure sensor transmits three to five
adding the optional FM Measurement which was specially desi gned for test data packets per minute with a period
Demodulator R&S ' FS-K7. the R&S "FSP3 ing modern automotive electronics. then of approx. 10 ms and makes variable
also measures the different modula generates a 125 kHz LF data telegram pauses of about 100 ms between each
tion modes such as on-off keying (OOK), that stimulates the tire pressure sensor packet (FIG 4) The individual data tele
amplitude shift keying (ASK) and fre in the test fixture (FIG 2) If necessary. grams of the four tires can superim
quency shift ke ying (FSK) you can expand the R&S ~ CompactTSVP pose on each other and can no longer

Numb.. 1~61l005111 )
be properly decoded. The method used allows quick adaptation to customer Summary
therefore ensures that the packets in the specific requirements Since all these
next transmission window are sent with functions interact optimally, test times With Just 15 height units, the compact
a time delay and that each individual tire are extremely short, making for high R&S'''TS 781 0 can be easily integrated
is clearly detected by the central receiver throughput in the production line. into any production line. As an all-in
module. one turnkey solution, the system is also
Each tire pressure sensor transfers a ideal for development. quality assurance
unique 10 number together with the and incoming goods inspection. If you
Transparent dala analysis pressure, temperature and accelera want to integrate your own system com
tion data. The central receiver can thus ponen ts during a project, you can com
Software libraries in the standard pro clearly detect the respective tire, even plement them with individual units and
gramming language Clet you change after a tire change (FIG 5) A checksum software modules of the R&S "TS 7810,
data telegram analysis without any spe at the end of the data telegram prevents for example to retain the software user
cial knowledge. An open source code erroneous analysis of the content. interface you are familiar with.
Erwin Bohler

Typical structure of
a data teleg ram (12 ~~vn':;;;:;;-n'latlUn
I 10 rW I11 ~Of 1
10 nll mber 2

FIG 3 Acceleration
Demodulated data
telegram with r-s;atos bvte J
the FM Measure I SarlSll 1 11P" I
ment Demodulator

More infonnalion a\
(pmdllction leSt)

III Open Test Platform R&S"CompactTSVP
Modular test equipment based
on CompaClPCl/PXI News from
Rohde&Schwarz 120031 No 180.
pp 14-20
121 Versatile Shielded RF Test Fixture
FIG 4 R&S-'TS 7110. Test fixture for modules
Repetition of three and units with radio interface News
consecutive data from Rohde&Schwarz 12003) No 179.
telegram with pp 4-7
variable pause.

flumhe, 18612005/111
FIG 1 The new Signal Analyzer Module R&S ' TS-PAM for multichannel and parallel data acquisition provides floating measurement technology - a feature
that is in demand especially in the automotive industry.

Floating, parallel signal analysis

based on CompactPCIIPXI
The Signal Analyzer Module Continuously improving nals with regard to their waveform and
time characteristic.
R&S TS-PAM expands the range The CompactPCI /PXI-based Open Test
Platform R&S"CompactTSVP from
of measurement and switching Rohde &Schwarz [*1 provides a funda Fl xibility ensures uccess
mental range of T& M functionalities and
modules for the Open Test Platform communication Interfaces for hardware The R&S TS -PAM includes two inde
and software . Since applicatio n scenar pendently operating measurement
R&S CompactTSVP. These modules are iDS for a such an industrial test platform units. Their re cording method and sam
are permanently ch anging. the platform pling frequencies are user-config u
used in function and in-circuit tests needs to be improved continuously and rabl e (FIGs 2and 3) Each unit has four
without delay. input channels that are sampled by an
of electronic modules. A distinctille AID converter with a quick 4.1 multi
The new Signal Analyzer Module plexer. either statica lly or quasisimul
feature of the new module for multi R&S'TS-PAM (FIG 1) is the answer to taneously by means of a special scan
the constant demand for floating mea method. The measured signals are
channel and parallel data acquisition surement with integrated signal cond i routed to the mea surement unit either
tioning and switching. Its measurement directly via the front connector of the
is floating measurement technology card permits multichannel recording of module or from the switching modules
analog and digital data. in a similar way via the analog measurement bus of the
which is in demand especially in the as a mixed-signal oscilloscope. A free. Open Test Platform R&S"CompactTSVP.
hardwa re-independent analysis library The separately programmable input sen
automotille industry. simplifies the evaluation of reco rded sig- sitiv itiesof the eight channels allow you

ew, Irom Rohae &Schwall Number la6 1Za0511 1)
T st system

Ana lo{J bu. tABI --------tl

Cm1l! ol
CHA2_Hi! I Ie PXI If1l GO YX U RJtj7

~ CttA3_HI ' Fk,a liWI power :;up Iv

Comp.lrl PC!
," :erfd'~

8CH8 1III< J: &.<_-+-'--i-+-{)-_-.,.+_~t;._, m_p-+_---,

~ CMB2Jilx Wimp
~ LHB3_HI' , Con rol

2CIIB4JII, IlAr ComD 109".

~HB_I O _ _ la'I'e

SillTlpl nn 3t
20 'hJI~ple/~
FIG 2 Block diagram 01 the Signal Analyzer

Module R&S ' TS -PAM showing the path 01

the signals to be analyzed (red) and the trigger

signals (blue).

(. tl "f'l H' t

I llj ~. J.I~
I . J~I ~'!f' I',

~I~l~ kf'PI
Jil~if" fl
.;, r't S'AI'''. (PXI1. ll .. f!'ll "w, '~Jn'
y ~
TS-PAM W aveform Analyser V~P"'h: :~ ~11U' r'J
li t;. 11Il!J'
c~ .. 1CHAt ro ---I- ~ m.I\'
.1' ,
ICHAl r t 200) -
(""9-1' .
, r I..-.. . ,
\. / \ 7~ \ / \ / \ I O.lml

\ I \ / \ / \ / \ 0600)

\ / \ / \ / \ / \ / o.COI)

\ I \ L \ 7 '\ / \ I ~2OOJ -

j fJ .../ Ij / o1lnJ - FIG 3

r Enable Glaph ZOOfYWlgICtn MOW<! IeII ond ri!t>ll Recordmg 01 a signal by measurement
10ooco: .0 1,1 1 4.9950[3 1,1
XM,1. XM~lt
unit Awith a low sampling rate, For a
more detailed analysis, measurement

Contruow Sampie Rote pef Chomo! CHA2 CHA3 CHA4 unit B performs a trigger-controlled
Acq.a.e 2,!XXXX)Je.05 S ~.
_____ _ _ _~ I s ~ s~- recording 01 a section 01 the signal with
a considerably higher sampling rate ,

H'NS hom AtJhdu SCIWh I: "",bpI 186(200511)
to simultaneously record signals in the AU inciusive ~ atur s fol' ummary
millivolt range as well as up to 100 V k eping up wit h the times
With its R&S 'TS-PAM, Rohde &Schwarz
In single-channe l mode, the maximum The Signal Analyzer Module is the first company to offer a signal ana
clock rate is 20 Msample/s per measure R&S "TS-PAM provides a functional soft lyzer module with floating and paral
ment unit, With simultaneous record ware Interface that permits interactive lel data acquisition measurement tech
Ing, you can achieve a sampling rate of operation This interface makes it easier nology. This is an important basic func
5 Msample/s for each channel. In both for you to configure the switching paths tionality of a state-of-the-art test plat
operating modes, the analog data is con and the measurement units, and thus to form. especially in the automotive field .
tinuously stored on the modul e together interactively perform measurement tasks Flexible configuration possibilities of the
with the status of the digital trigger during system integration. measurement units In conjunction with
inputs. In conjunction with pre- and post extensive software support make it pos
triggering, you can perform an analysis For convenient test program devel sible to solve even complex measure
of the measurement data with regard to opment, the powerful and hardware ment tasks using only one module.
time by using digital reference signals. independent R&S "GTSL software
Each input channel is able to trigger its packet is available . Like all cards of the Owing to the extensive portfolio of
own measurement unit as well as fur R&S CompactTSVP product line, the measurement and stimuli cards and
ther measurement and stimuli cards via R&S 'TS-PAM module also ofle rs self the unique system concept of the
a PXI trigger bus. test capabilities allowing functional R&S ' CompacrrSVP, Rohde&Schwa~
ity diagnosis as part of a sys tem selftes t. IS able to offer its customers innovative
This reduces costs caused by production solutions for the production of electronic
losses as a result of long downtimes. components.
Christian Hoi; Michael Grandauer

Type Descrilltion Data sheet

More information and data sheets al
R&S TS -PCA3 Test and Measu rement Platform PD 0758 0597 32
R&S TSPWA3 SWitching Application Platform PO 0758.0622.32
R&S TSPSAM Analog Source and Measurement Module PO 0758.0580.3 2
R&S TS Pier In-Circuit Test IIC11 htension Module PO 0758 1964.32
R&S TSPDFT Dig ital Functional Test Module PO 0758.0645.32
R&S TS-PFG Arbitrary Waveform and Function Generator Module PO 0758.0639.32
R&S TS-PAM An alyzer and Data Acquisition Module PO 0758 .0668.3 2
R&S TS PMB SWitching Matrix Module PO 075B.0600.32
R&S C o m p~ ctTSVP
R&S TS -PSM1 Powe r Switching Mnrlule PO 0758.061632
For more infot01 atinIl and data on the Signal
Further data sheets for Ihe R&S;TSVP product line.
Analvzel Module R&S TSPAM, refer to tile
data slleet
Abbreviations and in trumenl designation The Open Test Platlnrrn R&S C"mp,lttTSVP
CompactPCI Standardized PCI-based bus system for industrial use. 11Wchufe provides an overview of 1110
RII.S CompactT VP modules willl speclfica
PXI PCI-eXtension for Instrumentation - extension of CompactPCI lions and iIPllhr:atlollnotes. Visil the Internet
to synchronize T&M modules via reference clock and trigger pagos of Hohde&Sr.hWllf2 to download the
uata sheets of the individual rnoa,wcment
and SII1 I1U I, ca rd" Itable Iclll
R&S CompactTSVP Test system versatile platform - platform concept for PC-based
T&M equipment with CompactPCI/PXI from Rohde &Schwarz.
1' 1 Modular tsst squrpmr.nt based on
R&S GTSL Generic test software library - comprehensive library of soft
Cnm lla tPCl/PXI News from Rohde &
ware from Rohde &Schwarz. S hwarzl20031 No. 180, pp 14- 20

Number 18li 12005/ 111
A multipurpose instrument
you won't want to miss
The new Spectrum Analyzer R&S FSl Unique in its price rallge analyzer for general use in the labora
tory, development or service . Production
(FIG 1) is ideal for many applica A spectrum analyzer is req uired for specialists will appreciate its high mea
many applications, e. g. to measure the surement speed and its high level ac cu
lions: It is versatile for laboratory use, level and frequency of a signal or deter racy - excellent features combined with
mine unwanted signals or interference. a favorable price.
its lightweight and portable design In many cases, however, the impor
lant thing is not the dynamic range or The A&S"FSL is available in four differ
makes it suitable for mobile use and phase noise but a solution that is as cost ent versions as a 3 GHz and 6 GHz model
efficient as possible And this is defi (FIG 2) The instrument has a number of
it is fast in production. And all this is nitely offered by the Spectrum Analyzer excellent feature s that are unique in its
A&S ' FSL price range, e. g.
offered at a very favorable price. Once
Its light weight. compact size and The large I/Qdemodulation band
you have started to work with it, you optional battery operation make it ideal width of 20 MHzand the wide band
for mob ile use. Due to its ex tensive func width from 1 Hz to 10 MHz.
won 't want to part with it anymore ... tionality, it is nevertheless a fu ll-featured

The R&S "FSl has a light
weight and extremely
compact design. Vet it is
a lull-featured spectrum
analyzer offering exten
sive functionality and the
best RF characteristics of
its class.
The high 3rd order intercept point of Options for IJ\{l H&S FSL measurements and phase noise markers.
typ. 15 dBm yielding excellent large The instrument comes with a full selec
signal immunity OCXO, aging 1 x 10 7/year tion of detectors including RMS and
Its easy and customized configura Additional interfaces: video out, IF quasi-peak detectors as well as a large
tion all options can be installed or out, noise source control. AUX port, number of settable points per trace (125
added without having to open the R&S NAP power sensor up to max. 32000)
analyzer Resolution bandwidths 10 Hz to
100 Hz 11 Hz FFT) Measurement results can be docu
Gated sweep mented via a printer connected to a USB
Excellent pel'formanc IEC/IEEE bus interface bus or can be stored as a graphics file
DC power supply 12 V to 2B V on a USB memory stick
Featuring a phase noise of -103 dBc RF preamplifier
(1 Hz) at 10 kHz from the carrier, a 3rd NIMH battery pack This scope of functions and the excellent
order intercept point of typ. + 15 dBm, Power measurement wi th power RF data together with an excellent pricel
a bandwidth of 10 Hz to 10 MHz (with sensors of the Power Meter performance ratio make the R&S "FSL an
FFT filters even from 1 Hz) and a dis R&S- NRP indispensable tool for any RF task like a
played average noise level of -152 dBm multimeter or an oscilloscope.
(1 Hz) with preamplifier, the R&S"' FSL
ranks among higher-class analyzers
This makes it the Ideal tool not only in Fully digital signal pro 'es ing
production but also in service, for field
applications and in the laboratory An All R&S"'FSL models operate as triple
electronic RF attenuator settable in 5 dB converting receivers with high first IF.
steps and an optional preamplifier opti Operation imilar to high-grade Frequency tuning is fully synchronous.
mize the usable dynamic range laboratory eQuipllIl'nt The frequency accuracy therefore only
depends on the TCXO reference and the
For most spectrum analyzers, the fre Handling and operation are more or pixel resolution of the screen.
quency range of internal tracking gen less identical with that of the analyz
Iy erators is limited to approx. 3 GHz. The ers of the R&S" FSP and R&S ,0FSU fami An AID converter directly digitizes the
it is tracking generator of the R&S FSL6, lies. Powerful marker functions are stan signal of the last IF. Signal processing
which operates up to 6 GHz, is there dard as well as the display of up to four from the last IF on, which means IF fil
d the fore of special importance. For this traces and many complex measurement tering. detection and logarithmic conver
ics of reason, you can use the tracking gen functions (see also FIGs 3 to 6). These sion, video filtering and signal detection,
erator in the full frequency range of the functions range from preconflgured and is purely digital These functions are
R&S"'FSL 6 to determine, for example, user-configurable channel and adja thus reproducible and very stable. Level
the frequency response of cables in the cent-channel power measurements to errors caused by bandwidth or detector
test setup or matching (with the SWR measurement functions for burst power, switching are negligible. The display lin
bridge). user-definable limit lines and C/N to TOI earity depends exclusively on the linear
ity of the AID converter, whose linearity
error is also negligible in practice. The
level measurement uncertainty is deter
mined mainly by the frequency response
of the input device including the RF
attenuator. The frequency response is
(as is the case with all other analyzers
FIG 2 Overview of available models.
from Rohde &Schwarz) stored in the
Model Frequency range Traclling generator device. The displayed level is corrected
R&S "'FSL3, model 03 9 kHz to 3 GHz no for any frequency and attenuator setting.
R&S FSL3, model 13 9 kHz to 3 GHz 1 MHz to 3 GHz This ensures a level measurement uncer
R&S~ FSL6, model 06 9 kHz to 6 GHz no tainty of only 05 dB up to 3 GHz and
A&S FS LB, model 16 9 kHz to 6 GHz 1 MHz to 6 GHz 0.8 dB to 6 GHz II'

News from Rohde& SeilWarz Numbe. 186 (2005 1111
With the R&S'FSL-K9 option, the The large bandwidth of the last IF and means of Integrated complex mea
R&S ' FSL attains an even beller mea th e high sampling rate of the AID con surement functions such as the spe
surement uncertainty like that offered verter form the ba sis for the large band cia l multi summary marker. This
by high-accuracy power sensors Thi s wid th offered by the R&S i FSL marker measures different levels in
option supports the direct connection the time domain in a single run, el im
of all the power sensors of the Power inating return times and remote-con
Meter R&S NRP. The R& S FSL therefore Fast and v I' alil in production trol bus overhead.
replaces a power me ter - which is espe Th e R&S' FSL measures the power of
cially interes ting for mobile use The R&S ' FSL is ideal for fast and easy modulated signals uSing the fast ACP
measurement tasks in production, since function offered by channel filte rs.
Due to the digital implementation, the often the onl y important thin g IS to mea This is done for the most important
analyzer offers re solution filters of dif sure leve l and frequency as quickly as mobile radio standards in the time
ferent ch aracteris tics, for instan ce RRC possible. With its high measu remen t domain at a very good repeatability
filter, channe l filter or filters for EMI speed of >80 swee psls in the zero span and sh ort measurement tim es .
precompliance measurements. Digi an d output of data or trace data in the Owing to its fa st frequency co un ter,
tal implementation ensures not only a rem ote-con trol mode, the R&S -'FSL the R&S' FSL determines the transmit
negligib le leve l error wh en you want ensures a high throughput. frequen cy with a re so lution of 1Hz in
to switch over between different ba nd less than 50 ms.
widths but also a high accuracy of the Moreover, th e analyzer saves tim e in In the list mode, the R&S' FSL ope r
set bandwidth itself. Th is is of vi tal production, since it offe rs a variety of ates like a selective power meter
importance for a low mea surement specia l measurement fun ctio ns: and hand les up to 300 different se t
unce rtainty in the case of channel or The R&S' FSL simplifies and acceler ting s with only a sin gle remote-con
adjacent-channel measurements (ACP) ates level calibration, whi ch is often trol command. The R&S " FSL offers
necessa ry for transm it modules, by a special trigger interface to enable

FIG 3 "'rt ' ItU~d'\IJl;:cUel1t tfJuh p A~t: n{llse 11ldrklH FIG 4 lial~" S"~"I'
You use the phase noise marker to quickly estimate the phase noise at a certain carrier The R&S ' FSL uses the gated sweep function for measurements on burst signals and
oHset For the result in dBc (1 Hz), the phase noise marker considers all necessary correc can thus display the spectrum of WLAN packets, for example, and exactly measure their
tions relating to the noise bandwidth of the filters, the detectors used and averaging. The power. The traces indicate the comparison between a measurement with Iyellow) and
phase noise of the R&S ' FSL of typo -103 dBc (1 Hz) at 10 kHz from the carrier is suHicient without (blue) the gate function. The IF power trigger supports the measurement in cases
for many measurement tasks on oscillators. where no external trigger signal is available .

'i l'.'.' -:"'. I OJ I r I ~ ) 111.'.1",11 1,/ 11.1


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umber 186 120USilii
fast sy nchronization or triggering in having to open the unit. This concep t
this mode. This interface is offered offers a variety of advantages More InformalJon Bnd data shoelat
by the optiona l Additional Interfaces WNW,mhde--schwan,com
No additional adjustment aft er
Isoan:h I~rm : FSlI
R&S ' FSL-BS. insta llation
No recalibration

The standard remote-control interface is

No need to send the instrument in
1O/100BaseT, which is much faster than and thus no downtimes

the lEe/IEEE bus in transmitting large

No installation costs
volu mes of data. An IEClIEEE bus inter Easy extendability for additional tasks

face can be installed as an option Herbert Schmitt

The standard electronic RF attenu

ator setting ensures utmost rel iabil

ity. Problems occurring with mechani Condensed data of Ille R&S FSL

Frequency range depending on model: 9 kHz 10 3 GHz or 6 GHz

cally switched attenuators during high f requenc'l unce rtalil Y I kHz at I GHz, optional 100 Hz at 1GHz
switching cycles are unknown to the ResolLJ ,on bandw,d lh
R&S'"FSL Standard 300 Hz to 3 MHz 1[\ 1/3 sequence
ith option R&S FSI 87 10 HZlo 10 MHzill 113 sequence. add. 1 Hz IfFT fill elj
Video banclwidths 1Hz to 10 MHz
1/0 demo " Ia\lon ba ndwidth 20 MHz
Easy extenrlibility Pha se noise yp --1 03 dBc 11 Hz) at 10 kHz Irnm t arriel, 1GHz
Di played av era ge nOise floor

At 1kHz RBW, 50 MHz < I < 3 GHz -II OdBm

The R&S ~ FSL has a unique concept for

At 10 Hz RBW and with preamplifier
(options A&S f Sl -B7122)
retrofi tting options using plug &play
50 MHz < I 3 GHz -141 dBm

All options can be retrofitted without

TOI IUdBm, typ 15 dBm
Detectors Pas/Neg Peak / Auto Peak. RMS. Dua slPeak. Average,
Le el mecl suremen unceHainty <05 dB fo r 1< 3 GHI, 0 8 dB for 3 GHz < 6GHz

FIG 5 S. aim IIcllVorll ~ l1al,ldl FIG 6 Adlucentchann"1measu remenl

; and The R&S ' FSl uses the tracking generator of models 13 and 16 to quickly and easily The ACP measurement function determines the adjacent-channel power in absolute
lUre their perform frequency response, filter and attenuator measurements. The n-dB down marker values or with reference to the useful carrier. In addition to many predefined settings
'II and determines, for example the 3 dB bandwidth of a bandpass filter at a keystroke. The ana offered by the R&S " FSl for many transmission standards, this measurement is largely
It in cases lyzer uses an external measurement bridge to measure the analyzer return loss or match user-delinable: you can enter different channel widths and channel spacings for up to 12
ing. Through, Shon and Open calibration increases the accuracy. useful and three adjacent channels.

S woop

New. :,om Rohdp.&Scilwa'l Number 18612005/t11
i' I ,'! I" r uum andl I r

The new Application Firmware Spectrum Ana lyzers R&S FSP I FSU I rso

R&S FS-K40 for the Analyzers Phase noise testers of

R&S FSP I FSU I FSO measures the unparalleled quality
phase noise of signal sources. Being R& FS-K40 - int egral part f from the analyzer's user interface and is
instrument software completely remote-controllable via the
an integral part of the instrument lEe/IEEE bus or a LAN .
Low phase noise of transmitter and
software. it can make full use of the receiver oscillators is crucial for the qual
ity of transmit signals and therefore a ettings and r ults with lh
dynamic range. speed and remote key parameter in designing radiocom a custom d high 'unv 'ni n'
munications applications. High phase
control capabilities of the measuring noise not only impairs modulation qual The basic parameters for phase noise
ity but also increases the power level in measurements. e.g. carrier frequency
instrument. In conjunction with the the neighboring channels. thus reduc and level. are entered in the GENERAL
ing transmission quality for other sub SETIINGS menu (FIG 1) The firmware
low phase noise of the high-end scribers. automatically checks whether the ampli
tude and frequency of the Incoming car
Analyzers R&S FSU and R&S FSO, R&S'''FS-K40 is the follow-up to the rier are within predefined tolerances.
Phase Noise Measurement Software and interrupts the measurement in the
which has now been even further R&S0FS-K4 from Rohde&Schwarz. event of large deviations from set values.
In contrast to R&S'-'FS-K4. which is You can set the x- and y-axis display
reduced. the R&S FS-K40 yields installed on an external PC. the new ranges. the residual FM and q>M mea
firmware is integrated in the analyzer surement ranges and - as a special fea
testers of uniquely low phase noise. software. It can thus be started directly ture - the direction of measurement.

News Ira I Rohde& Schwarz Number 186 (2005/11)
This means that measurements can also
be started at maximum carrier offset
- at large resolution bandwidths and ~a,s.ttlni
Residual c"lculatlons
thus short sweep times. This produces
Ie 640 "",, Use Settings

results quickly, and you can immediately

Sweep Forward

Verify ft~y & levet


-1 .91 fveI From
Spot Noio. Sattlngo

change instrument settings if required ff8(JJency ToIeta'lCe (rei)

level To6erance (.~)
10 "
onset freq1

Dioplay Sattlngs Offset Freq2 10 kHz

) Hz
When you press the MEAS SEnlNGS X Axis stop
100 ..., Offsel freq3
Off.set Freq4
100 kHz

softkey, R&S"FS -K40 displays a list of Al.loscaIe Once

Y Arls Top

r -00 d8cA12
all sweep parameters relevant to the Y AxIl Range
00 <fl
Trace Settings
measurement (FIG 2) You can choose Trace Offset <fl

the sweep modes listed below for the Smooo'*>g

selected measurement range (shown
with a green background in FIG 2).
depending on whether your application
calls for short measurement time or high
FAST (time-optimized measurement)
AVERAGED (over a high number of
MANUAL fiG 1 GENERAL SmlNGS menu for selting the global phase noise measurement parameters. The basic mea
surement parameters (carrier level and frequency, display ranges, etc), the residual fM and cpM measurement
You can also manually select all param ranges as well as discrete ollset frequencies are entered here.
eters such as the filter type, filter band
width and number of averaged sweeps
for each carrier offset subrange or preset
these parameters for the full measure
ment range

In addition to the menus specifically

for phase noise measurement. the firm
ware also provides further functions
known from other spectrum analyzer
applications. For example, you can per
form pass/ fail tests with the aid of user
definable limit lines. You can export data
in ASCII format. store all parameter set
tings and display several traces simulta
neously. Apart from the common trace
functions such as averaging over sev
eral sweeps, trace smoothing is also
performed j

FIG 2 Overview and menu for selting the measurement range, filters and number of sweeps to be averaged.
Selting of sweep parameters: The area on the leh with a green background indicates the currently selected ollset
frequency measurement range. The fields with a white background can be edited.

News lrom Rohde &Schwarz Num bel 196 (20051111
R&S FS UaJl(1 R& F 'Q phase nOise than their predecessors ment must be at least 6 dB lower than
pha e !lois now ven lower (FIG 3) The spectrum analyzer's inher the phase noise of the signal under test.
ent phase noise is the minim um limit In its Analyzers R&S ' FSU and R&S . FSQ,
The Spec trum Analvzers R&S'FSU of sens itivity in direct measurements of Rohde &Schwarz now offe rs instruments
and the Signa l Analyzers R&S FSQ signal sources. To atta in a measurement of uniquely low phase nOise. In conJu nc
of the newest gene ration (from serial uncertainty below 1dB, for examp le, tion with the R&S FS-K40 firmware , this

No. 2xxxxx) feature significantly better th e inherent phase noise 01 the instru yields highgrade phase noise testers.

H ult s at a glance
. -40 The R&S "FS-K40 firmware presents key
" FIG 3
-50 Typical phase results at a glance in a straightforward
Carrier frequ ency
-60 noise values of
I= . 70 the Spectrum
man ner (FIG 4) In the defau lt mode, the
:::: 25GHz Analyzers original trac e and the smoothed trace
co -80 5 GHz
, GHl R&S" FSU and the are displayed together A stat us bar at
~ -90 Signal Analyzers
"g 200 MHz
100 t R&S EFSQ at the lower edge of the screen indicates
~ - 110
.z:: various input fre measurement progress and helps you to

5l - 120 quencies versus assess the remain ing measurement time.

'" - 130 the carrier offset
frequency. If you start phase noise measurements
at offset frequencies far from the ca r
rier, results for the subrangcs of interest
- 160

10 Hz 100 Hz 1kHz 100 kHz I MHz 10 MHz

will be available very quicklVdue to the
Carri er ollsel increased measurement speed at large
band widths .

A comparison of results against lim it

lines also takes place after each sub
ran ge measurement. Traces are auto
matically sca led in the default mode.
Th e main measurement param eters su ch
as the signa l frequency and amplitude
are displayed in a table at the top of the
screen . ThiStable also shows the mea
sured residual FM and q:>M, RMS jitter
and the phase noise val ues at spe cific
offset frequencies
Dr Wolfgang Wend ler

FIG 4 Typical result of a phase noise measurement at 10 Hz to 100 MHz offset from the carrier. The vertical red
lines Ell and El2 mark the range limits for residual FM and q:>M measurements. The red curve is the user-defined More infonnation. data shcet

LIMIT. The measurement result (Pass in this example) is displayed at the top center of the diagram. A smoothed and manual at

trace (yellow) is superimposed on the original trace (green). The blue bar (Running) at the lower edge of the www.rohd l)-$

screen indicates measurement progress and helps you to assess the remaining measurement time. (search term: FSK401

'1l1m C' 186 12005 111 )
Conditions in production place heavy

demands on a signal source. High The rugged specialist for

setting speeds ensuring maximum everyday use in production
throughput without any detrimental SllJl'dy and fasl But there are also special features
inside the R&S "SMATE 200 A offers an
effect on signal quality have top The new Vector Signal Generator extremely short setting time of <2 ms
R&S ' SMATE200A (FIG 1) is ideally for frequency and level changes (FIG 2)
priority, The R&S SMATE200A suited to meet production requirements. This increases the throughput in produc
The R&S "SMATE 200 A differs distinctly tion and thus saves production costs by
meets these requirements. It offers from the high-end Vector Signal Gen reducing test times. If even shorter set
erator R&S '.' SMU 200A but is based ting times are required, it is advisable to
special additional details that make it on its hardware The most obvious dif use the List mode. since frequency and
ference is the mod ified housing The le vel values can be stored beforehand.
particularly attractive. R&S ' SMATE 200 A has no display or con The R&SSMATE 200 A then attains se t
trol keys All co nnectors are at the rear . ting times of <400 IJs for frequency

In addition to the R&S SMATE200A. Rohde&Schwall has

launched anothellnnovative generator the R&S SMJ IODA.
whleh IS described on page 30. An overview of all members
of the generator family IS prOVided on page 33


2 X 6 tiHz RF SOURCE

\~ \ \ \ \

FIG 1 The new Vector Signal Generator R&S"SMATE200A:

Its look already shows that it is perfect for use in production ;
it has no control elements on the front panel,

Ne"" from Rohdl!& S,h .'1 "Mbel 1 86120~ , 111
changes. The List mode becomes flex R&S"'SMATE 200 A offers up to two Fit for tough production
ible owing to the Fast Hop mode Up RF sources, and up to two baseband reqlliremenls
to 10000 entries can arbitrarily be generators can be added. External ba se
addressed via a serial bus. band sou rcesare thu sobsolete owing Instruments in continuous use in pro
to the flexibility of the baseband gener duction have to meet the most strin
ators and the large memory depth of the gent requirements The new genera
Tailored lo me I pl'odu Uon internal arbitrary waveform generator tor together with Its electronic attenua
requ irpmenl - yet another advantage to save space tor meets these requirements: It is wear
and thus costs. free and does not require any special
In addition to short setting times, the maintenance.
new generator also offers a variety of But the baseband generator has even
other advantages that make it ideal further potential setting times can occur Moreover, the R&S "'SMATE200A offers
for use in production. Space require not only in the RF section but also when an optimized cooling concept This is of
ment is often a decisive factor. The you switch over between digital signals. vital importance in racks, since the ambi
R&S"'SMATE 200 A has a two-path con Production often calls for precalculated ent temperature is often higher than
cept that allows up to two indepen waveforms that must be switched over in labs Low temperature in the instru
dent signal sources in a cabinet of only quite quickly. The R&S 0SMATE200A can ment means less stress on the compo
four height units. Options for extend store a variety of different signals and nents and thus a longer life and, last but
ing the frequency range up to 3 GHz switch over between them within only not lea st, very sho rt downtimes for the
or 6 GHz can be used as required. The typo5 ~s test system.

Signal Quality without


Despite al/ these special characteris

tics, the R&S"SMATE200A makes no
concess ions with regard to signal Qual
Condensed data of the R&S SMATE 200A ity Signal Quality is identical to that 01
Frequency the R&S<'SMU200A high-end genera
Frequency range 100 kHz 10 3 GHz /6 GHz

<2 ms

tor. As far as the SSB phase noise is con

Setting time
Selling time in List mod e <400 IJS
cerned, the new generator offers typ o
Level -135 dBc (1 Hz measurement bandwidth,
Range - 144 dBm 10 + 13 dBm (PEP) 1+ 16 dBm in


carrier frequency 1GHz, 20 kHz offset)

Range with High-Power Output opt ion --144 dBm to +19 dBm (PEPI 1+26 dBm rn
even in the standard version. With the
Low Phase Noise option, this value can
Setting time <2 ms lor I s 3 GHz

<4 ms for I ;:>: 3 GHz

be improved by yet another 5 dB to typo
Spectral purity (all = I GHz) - 140 dBc (FIG 3) Such excellent data is
Nonharmonrcs carfler offset> 10 kH z <- 80 dBc
required for testing chips , for example.
carrier olfset >850kHz <-86 dBc

SSB phase nOise

Icafl ier offset 20 kHz. 1Hz measurement bandwidth) typo -135 dBc.
Another important factor for use in pro
typ o-140 dBc (with Low Phase Noise option)

duction is the available level, in order to

Broadband nOi se
(ca rrier olfsel >5 MHz. t Hz measurement bandwidth) typo -153 dBc (CW)
compensate for losses occurring in the
typ -149 dBc (I/O modulation)
test setup . Even in Its basic version, the
ACLR performance
R&S'0SMATE 200 A offers output levels
3GPP FOD test modell, 64 DPCH typ 70 dB

I/O bandwidth (RF) of + 13 dBm (FIG 4) The generator has

Internal 80 MHz
a High-Power Output option to com
[ xternal 200 MHz

pensate for higher losses or to provide

Arbitrary wavelorm generator
Memory depth 16 Msam ples/64 Msamples
modules with higher level s. This option
Interfaces IEEE4882. LAN (G igabit Ethe rnet ), 2 x USB,
increases the output level by 6 dB to
1 x USB sla e, VGA

obtain + 19 dBm. However, not only is

News rmm AohlJe& Schwarz Number 186 (2005/11)
the level 's maximum va lue important in
FIG 2 The frequency setting time of the R&S SMATE200A is typo1.2 ms.
production, but also its repeatability, i.e.
the aim is to ensure the same conditions
versus time. The high level repeatability 600
of the R&S"SMATE200A allows lower
_ _ _ _ L_ _ '-_ _I _
tolerances during the tests and thus
increases the production yield

SummaI1 - 200

The family concept of the generators
offered by Rohde &Schwarz is paying - 600

off In addition to the R&S "SMU200A 000 .jU.;J~I'W C_III-" .

high-end generator for laboratory use, a

II ms
the R&S "SMATE 200A is now offered
for use in production This is a decisive FIG 3 Excellent SSB phase noise with low Phase Noise option: typical traces for dif
factor for the user, since the same per ferent frequency bands.
formance in development and produc
tion is ensured.
- 50
- 60
- 1\
5,7 GHz
N - 70
The new Vector Signal Generator
- 80
1'-'1- 1" I
21 GHz

R&S"S MATE 200 A combines the advan

tages of the R&S ' SMU 200A regard -
- 90
- tOO

r\. p,. IOOMH

850 MHz

ing signal quality and two-path concept c
- 110 1- - -

with special function s like Fast Hop bus ro - 1'...::

and very low setting time . Its hardware


- 170
- t30 ''';;::1'
- -
design underlines that it is ideal for pro ~
- t40

duction applications. - -
- 150


But that's not all Another member of - 170

- 1-

the family is introduced on the next I HI 10 HI tOo Hz 1kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz I MHz 10 MHz
Offset freqllency - -.
page - the R&S"'SMJ lOOA. This genera
tor has a strictly single-path concept and FIG 4 High output levels over the complete frequency range.

is interesting mainly for use rs looking 30

for an excellent vector signal generator

without special features such as a two 78
path concept or fading . -0
~ Wilh High-Power Output option
Markus Larner ~ Nannal






suo 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5~00 6000

News hnlll Hohde& S,Ilt'IiHi Llmh ~1 186 1200',; /111
The all-purpose generator that

redefines the medium segment

First the R&S SMU 200A vector Ilighpnd ,'ignal quality in Ihe cial feature s such as two-path capabil
upper ntf'diunt segmenl ity and fading were waived in favor of
signal generator, followed by attractive pricin g.
In a way, the R&S'S MJ100A
the R&S SMATE200 A produc (FIG 1) might be co nsidered the In many aspects, the RF characterIS
R&S ' SMU 200A's "little brother", tics of th e new R&S' SMJ 100 A gen
tion specialist !page 27) - and now since it is essentially based on the erator come very close to th ose of the
concept of th e R&S'SMU 200A The R&S' SM U200 A. Featuring an SSB
Rohde &Schwarz is launching the R&S "SMJ 100 A has adopted the phase noise of typ ica lly -133 dBc (1 GHz
R&S SMU 200 A's platform plu s its suc carrier frequen cy, 20 kH zcarrier offset,
third member of this family: the cessful operating conce pt (FIG 2) 1 Hz measurement bandwidth) and a
wideband noise of -1 53 dBc at 1 GHz,
R&S SMJ lOOA, which is definitely With its stric tly singl e-pa th design, the the R&S ' SMJ100A re de fines the upper
R&S- SMJ 100 A primaril y caters to users medium segme nt.
an aU-purpose generator. who are looking for a no-frills, first
rate vector signal generator. Its scope With a 3G PP signal (test modell , 64
of functions has been co nsistently DPCHsl. for example, these basic char
designed to cover the mainstream appli acteristics allow the new generator to
cations of vector signal gene rators Spe ach ieve typ ical ACLR va lue s 01 69 dB

FIG 1 The R&S ' SMJ100A cuts a good figure, not only when testing WlAN cards .


~e .vo;; frorr fin de Sr.hv.,, 1rz Numoo' IB61200~1 III
in the first, and of 71 dB in the second
adjacent channel - at an outstanding
composite EVM of typicall,! 0.5%
Froq /2.140 000 000 00 R PEPIOJ8 dBm Lo1-10.00 I
dBm .:J
Plus, the generator achieves superb set ALe-Auto
ting times and exceptional level accu
racy With Its frequency setting time of
1 ~ucfr.-w
<5 ms, the R&S ' SMJ100A outperforms ~ li'atoF,....,.
I PIIkI fr
most of its competitors . In List mode, ... fillJOf,

a frequency hop takes even less than a.., hR. AWON/tMP ....
450 I-1s. Th e R&S ' SMJ 1OOA has a level canna ..

J canng...
r On
accuracy of <07 dB at f:53 GHz, and of
<0.9 dB at f >3 GHz.

F'lxible bas(>hallli wIth all BERT

m(\jor , tandarcls canng ... tunng ...
'GlJ- r On

The R&S SMJ 100 A does not com BERT

promise on baseband quality It has

embraced the R&S' SMU 200A's state
of-the-art baseband generator with a
lOPP FDD I Or'phl,s
universal coder and arbitrary wavefo rm FIG 2 The GUI of the R&S ' SMJ100A with the block diagram as the key element.
generator (ARB) The baseband gener
ator is ava ilable with an ARB memory
depth of 16 Msamples or 64 Msamples

The tried-and-tested graphical user

interface (GUI) is also from the
R&S -SMU 200A. Owing to the built -in
ConlJensed data of the R&S SM,J 100A
transients reco rder, the baseband signal Frequency
can be displayed in re altime (FIG 3) Frequoncy range 100 kHz to 3 GHz / 6 GHz
Selling lime 5 ms
The R&S SMJ 1OOA provi des nearly all Setting Uln8 in l.lsl mode <450 ps
common representations such as I((), level
0(1). constellatio n or veclor diag ram plus Ra nge - 144 dBm to t 13 dBm !PEPll r 16 dBm in overrange!
Setting lime <5ms
power spec trum; these are all functions Spectral purity (all ~ t GHz)
that are particularly useful with comp lex SSB pli ase norse
(20 kHz carner aI/set. 1 Hz measuremen l bandwidth l typ, 133 dBc
Wideba nd nOise
(camer offset 5 MHz, 1 Hz measurement lJandwid th) typ. - 153 dBc (CWI

Lik e the R&S'SMU200A. the typ. - 146 dBc (liD modulation)

AClR performance
R&S i SMJ lOOA can also generate sig
3GPP FDD leSI mod~ 11, 64 DPCHs typ . 69 dB
nals for all major mobile radio standards I/O bandwidth (AFJ
such as GSM/EDGE, 3GPP FDD includ Int~rnal 80 MHz
Exlernal 200 MHz
in g HSDPA and CDMA2000 !. The GSMI
Arbitrary waveform generator
EDGE option allows the R&S 'SMJ 100A Mem ory deplh 16 Msamples I 64 Msamples

to change modulation between GMSK Supported standards and digitaf systems GSM/EDGE, 3GPP FDD, 3GPP TOo. roSCDMA,

cd maO ne, COMAZOOO , IxEV-OO. 1xEV-DV.

and 8PSK in realtime; moreover, It pro IEEE802. 11a/ hlg, IEEE a02 16d. 81ueloal" '~ , GPS.
vides all common timeslot formats of AWGN. mullicarrier CW, custom digital modulation
the standard plus up to eigh t different
timeslot levels.

UI,t,,(:i. from Anrl(1p~Sdl1,,'/Llrl
( I 1\, r, SIUIl3! 9 ,nora{( r

For 3GPP, the R&S " SMJ100A offers up are gaining increasing importance For CompC'tenl in all fields of
to four code channels in realtime, includ example, options for WLAN 802.11 aI application
ing channel coding . In the downlink, a big and WiMAX B02.16d are available
maximum of four base stations with 128 and also for GPS, where up to four satel Powerful, flexible and future-proof, the
code channels each can be simulated, lites can be simulated. R&S0SMJ 100 A is the ideal signal gen
and in the uplink up to 68 mobile sta erator for developing mobile radio termi
tions. The generator is thus able to gen Of course, you can also use the gener nals and modules or WLAN and WiMAX
erate the reference measurement chan ator in combination with the tried-and instruments. But also when used in pro
nels in accordance with 3GPP TS 25.141 tested R&S WinlOSIM simulation soft duction, the generator cuts an excellent
and TS 25104, which are requir ed for ware, all standards of this software are figure, especially if it is only required
tests on base stations and terminals . provided for the R&S"'SMJ 100 A. as a signal source. For example, it can
Moreover, the R&S"'SMJ100 A supports be used for inline tests in mobile radio
HSDPA in accordance with the 3GPP base station production, where usu
Release 6. AWGN and diffPl'entiall/Q ally neither fading nor noise Signals are
outputs required.
The R&S"'SMJ 100A provides just as
much fun ctionality for the CDMA2000 ' The generator's scope of functions is Another asset that applies to the entire
standard where it simulates the physical complemented by the AWGN option family of generators is their 100% com
layer, including channe l coding, both in (known from the R&S ~' SMU 200A); patibility with regard to remote-con
the forward link and the reverse link. Up in addition to additive white Gauss lrol commands. For example, if you
to four base stations and up to 68 mobile ian noise, the R&S '''SMJ 100A can now use an R&S SMU 200A in R&D, you
stations can be simu lated. The specia l generate CW noise signals, which is a can easi ly transfer the remote-con
1xEV-DV mode for high data rates, also useful extra feature for receiver tests . trol programs specia lly written for
referred to as Radio Configuration 10 Right from the start, the R&S'"SMJ 100 A this generator to production, pro
IRC 10), is supported as welL also offers differen tiall /Q outputs as an vided th e R&S " SMATE200A or the
option . This makes the generator su it R&SdSMJ 1OOA are used there.
What's more, the generator also covers able for tests on baseband chips and
lhe standards for wireless data transmis modules - in addition to its main task as
sion such as WLAN or Wi MAX, which an RF signal source.

FIG 3 The built-in transients recorder can sample the baseband signals of the R&S ' SMJ 100A in realtime and oHers various representations such as
I/O diagram, CCDF and constellation diagram (see below) .

" ~ 05


.5 -0.5
a 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

~ 05

6 -0.5
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
tl Tsymbol

Zoom Show Copy

Time 10 rof
out ref

News lromRohM SCllwarz Number 166 12005/11)

Launching the R&S"SMJ1 00A. The generator family at a glance

Rohde &Schwarz offers a vector signal
generator in the upper medium seg The R&S SMU 200A - the artist
ment that ideally complements
th egenerator famil y. Tog ether
with the R& S-SMU 200A and the One or two RF paths
R& S SMATE200 A. you now have a port Optionally up to two baseband
fol io of models that cover virtually all generators
conceivable requirements in R&D or in Digital addition possible in the base
production band with frequency offset and gain
Dr Rene Desquiotz Optional fading simulator with up to
40 fading paths
Options for low phase noise and
high output power
Intuitive operating concept with GUI
(block diagram)

More information and dam sheet at

(search lonn: type dos~naUon)

The R&S 'MATE 200A - the workhor e


V ctor Signal Generator R&S MU200A
One or two RF paths (6 GHz possible
Th eJr t of srgnal generation. News from twice)
Rohde&Schwal1 120031 No 180. pp 21 - 27 Optionally with up to two baseband
generators Z , 6 Hz IHom.
' OLIO s r ATf a WIT CltlNQ
Digital addition possible in the base
band with frequency offset and gain
Options for low phase noise and
high output power
Flexible hardware List mode with
direct addressing



Th R&S SMJ tOo A- the alll'ounder

One RF path

Optional baseband generator
Intuitive operating concept with GUI
(block diagram)
I: I. I ; I:

- ~
Zoom I
Show I

"moor 186 120051111
Advancing from an audio analyzer to a
program-controlled measuring instrument
The new optional Universal Sequence lultit a1tlted analyz r can Ihus run internally on the R&S UPV
as well as on an external PC - after
Controller R&S UPV-K1 provides the Like ils predecessor, Ihe Audio Analyzer exchanging the programming line that
R&S "UPL, Ihe R&S "UPV [*] allows you aClivates the driver - and control the
Audio Analyzer R&S UPV not only 10 program complex measuremenl pro
cedures and sequences In conlraSllo
audio analyzer via one of its remote-con
trol interfaces such as RS-232-C, GPIB or
with a tool for controlling sequences remOle conlrol via Ihe IEClIEEE bus LAN (f) )
or a LAN from a remole PC, the con
but also with an entire programming lrolling program here runs in Ihe back Visual Basic provides all modules nec
ground of Ihe measuring instrumenl essary for convenient programming and
development environment that makes The R&S "UPV, which is based on Ihe result display. The field of application
Windows XP Embedded operating ranges from small automation aids up to
the analyzer a versatile measuring syslem, uses Ihe latesl version of Visual complex system controls with user inter
Basic.nel The R&S' UPV-Kl oplion is face and graphical display of the mea
instrument. nor only a tool for conlrolling sequences surement results.
bUI also an enlire programming develop
men I environmenl including Ihe ~icro The analyzer's standard function for
~ofl Qeveloper f'-!.elwork (MSDN) help file. recording commands makes it consid
A special driver module Ihal is act ivated erab ly easier to create measurement
during Ihe installation of the option programs On request, each R&S "'UPV
eSlablishes the communication between manual setting is recorded in the SCPI
Visual Basic and the measurement func recording window as a command ())
tions of the audio analyzer (0 ) By using the copy and paste functions,
you can directly transfer the command
The programming commands use SCPI list to the program, thus eliminating
synlax and are identical to commands syntax errors.
for all other remote-control interfaces of
the R&S ' UPV. A Visual Basic program The main applicalions are automat
ing continuously recurring measure
ment tasks and implementing com
plex measurement procedures that are
not available on the audio analyzer as
independent measurement functions,
e. g. acoustic measuremenlS on mobile
phones with a sequence of measure
ments, complex calculations in accor
dance with the mobile radio standards
and result display with PASS/ FAIL infor

Even if you have no experience in pro

gramming, you will soon be able to
easily create executable programs. Mea
~ surement examples and extensive help
_ __ _ _ _ ~ funclions are provided, helping you to

Newllrnrr. Roh~() ~ Sth",.,1l Numb., 1851?005/ 11)
get a quick start. In addition to the Inter
nal driver. used for communication with o
the R&S UPV. no further calls or mod I: " _ExpIo<.. - Ex~ "' ... ~ x
ules are required Program s origina lly 31r.~~L-7.-----------------3~ ~ . J ,

written for external remote control can
---4 ~ SoUkwl u ~W."'rwI ~-.p( l prc
~ ~ - JjJ e....""f.2 .......I,_.p
..d R.f-.nnet'\:
therefore be easi ly integrated into the ' ~A:rM5Cturtl:Cl.I
Pt .L..,e.te S ub F o rlTll _Loe.d( 8 y V ~1 e ventS e nder ~ Sy~t e m.Ob) ~c t. .J MSdwo~
analyzer. l!.lm UPV ~ New UPx. App!J.cation .l.u~ lud ... tJPV dt lVot'C .J MSiOATASI'oC
UPV.ln.1tTC~ ( "localha!l:t") ' , ' . n'-I~ C' UfV oJ I.ldaM

Il<l.l..1..:.e ep val",.",

Sin ce the sePI commands of the

f' 3 t !1 rt .Text ;" " 100"

R&S ~ UPV are largely identica l or com

f'!lItop . Te:xt ::: "10000"

, ...J S.. t.I~.flot...

Step ~ . Text::: "30"
patible to the commands of its predeces
Lev ~ l.Te)(t ::: "0.1"
' -I LJI.

so r. the R&S "UPL. prog rams written for

Upper. Tex t = " 10" B F0rm2 ...b

the R&S .UPL in Vi sual Basic can. after

minimal modification s. also be run inter

nally on the R&S UPV.

UPV.IJrite("'"rst;'"lJai") , prese t UPV

UPV.IJrite("OUTP:CHAN CH1") ' s et generator channe l l
The Uni versal Sequence Controller UPV.IJrite("INP:CHAN CH1") I set analyzer channell
R&S ' UPV-Kl turns the Audio Analyzer UPV. IJr i te ("S OUR : SIJE : CONT ASIJ")
R& S' UPV into a versatile measuring UPV.IJrite("SEN5:FUNC :APER:MODE GENT") , set meas t1me GE~ITRACK
in strument that can do a lot more than UPV. IJr i te ("SENS2 : FUNC OFF") I SlJl r;ch lnput disp off

lust measure audio parame ters. At a UPV.IJrite("SENS3 :FUNC OFF") , s lJitch frequen c y off

keystroke. th e R&S' UPV not only co n

trols all measurement sequences. cal
culates the resultsand displays them I ot.l sept RNo,de, ~~ E3
SOURce:FUNCtion S I~1
in any desired form 101. but also gen SOURce: FREQuency 1000 HZ
tNSTrument2 ANLG
erates an enti re measurement report. if INPut :CHANnel CH21
nece ssary 1 ~IPut : BANDwidth : Mode B80
Tilman Betz INPut:FILTer AW E
SE ~ISe : FUN C tion : FFT : STATe ON

l1\! forml Q RlilEi

More information and dalJl sheet al
F low I Hz F up I Hz Steps Level IV
Run Sweep
1100 110000 101
(search term: UPVJ

Frequency Response I Hz
YmdJ< I dB,
rrr 0



~ -20 ./'
t..,..o Joo'"
-32 ....1""
Ymin I dB, -36 - ' i'"
1"1 Audio Analyzer R&S UPV The lJench ~ -40
100 1000 10000
mark in au diO ~ na l ys i s . ~Jp.w :; from
Rohde&Schwarzl20041 No. 183.
pp 16- 20

lews from Rohde SC/)W;Hl um b,,, 166120051 11)
PLlW r In , tP(

Po r ~,1 I I R rR
Fixed Noise: fast power measuren1ent
with defined accuracy
Interference such as signal noise. Filters: indispensable for power With the following rule of thumb you
mea."urE'ITI('nts can roughly estimate the ratio between
beating and display noise in power averaging filtering and measurement
Interference in the signal chain can be time If the noise is reduced by a factor
measurements can only be effec critical when measuring lower powers of 10, the measurement time will be
The inherent noise of the measuring increased by a factor of 100 [31 For this
livelyeliminated by filters. However, instrument, the modulation of the test reason it is quite important to consider
signal or beating caused by adjacent what matters more a flicker-free display
the filters in many commercial power carriers are significant impairments [11 or a high measurement speed.
But also the noise of the digital display
meters are based on classic aver causing the numeric values to flicker Normal-the conventional filter mode
is an additive interference parameter in the R&S NRP
aging filter technology, a compromise and is independent of the power to be The Normal filter mode is based on a
measured. complex, intelligent automatic filter
between measurement speed and function that can determine the power
To minimize sllch impairment, the value as exactly as possible The auto
high SIN ratio. The R&S- NRP now R&S"NRP uses an averaging filter as matic filter function gradually adapts the
standard, which effectively limits the filter value if the powers become lower
provides a far better solution: an inte variations of the measurement results. and lower. If you want to measure close
To obtain a flicker-free display, you to the inherent noise of the sensor, the
grated Fixed Noise filter offering a must set an averaging filter that is able measurement time is shorter than with
to handle the low signal level. With a conventional filters. If the measure
variety of advantages. lower measurement limit specified for ment time is more important, as is often
the Power Sensors R&S" NRP-Zll / -Z2x the case in production, you can manu
yielding excellent 200 pW (-67 dBm) ally set the filter in such a way that the
in the Continuous Average mode, you short measurement time required will
cannot obtain useful results unless the be obtained . Low powers in the vicinity
noise is extremely filtered The reason of the inherent noise of the sensor may
the lower the power of the signal to be clearly differ from the expected mea
measured, the higher the relative noise surement value, since the inherent noise
component. To considerably minimize component of the sensor may playa
this noise component, the R&S "' NRP pro major role and overlap the signal. The
vides the measurement result by a two drawback of conventional averaging fil
stage averaging process Depending on ters is that you can hardly estimate the
the selected measurement mode, you permissible noise component, which
More information Bnd data sheet al

can use either a weighted summation of may be of vital importance dUring fast

(search teml: NRP)

samples in a fixed time window or the measurements . And this is where the
integration of samples over the fixed R&SGNRP's Fixed Noise filter makes your
REFERENCES time window. The measurement result life a lot easier.
Voltage and PoWer Meas umments: is obtained by averaging the measured
Fundamentals, Oelinltions, Products. values of the last 2N time windows Rxed Noise makes estimating the
PO 757.0835. Rohde &Schwarl 1999
121 Operating manual on PowBr Meter IN = filter length) [21 Although the mea inherent noise component much
R&S' NRP surement time will significantly increase, simpler
131 Data sheet on PO\ller Meter R&S NRP the dynamic range will be widened by a The Fixed Noise filter is a novelty in the
sizeable 15 dB if the filter is optimally set world of power meters. In the R&SC'NRP,

Now, frQIl' Rohde &Sc!T>:/,o'z NUl bel 186110051111
it is offered in addition to the Normal necessary You can optimally set the You will discover further advantages if
filter. Its operational principle is based power meter manually or by remote con you also start dealing with measurement
on the fact that a noise component trol in next to no time. In production, you uncertainties and measurement errors in
set by the user - this value is entered can thus easily program the R&S NRP power measurement. Data sheets pro
as "Noise Content" in the R&S@NRP via remote con trol so that it responds to Vide correction values for a wide variety
will be allowed for the measurement. a short measurement time . Just define a of cases and allow you to estimate mea
The time requi red for filtering has to maximum permissible noise as measure surement uncertainties and measure
be such that the inherent noise of the ment criterion . If a higher inherent noise ment errors The R&S"'NRP will definitely
sensor (two standard deviations) will component of the sensor is permissi support you in this respect, for it will
not exceed the value set in Noise Con ble, the measurement tim e can be sig help you to define the deviations in the
tent. Imagine that two threshold values nificantly reduc ed and the throughput in Fixed Noise mode yourself
define a maximum permissible width production considerably increased. Dr Markus Banerjee
and that the inherent noise of the power
sensor must be within this width before
a measurement result is output (FIG 1)
The clear advantage of this method is
that you can determine the permissible
threshold range for the noise still accept
able from your point of view The power
meter continues averaging until this cri
terion is fulfilled . To avoid very long filter
Noise content
settling times at low powers, the filter
length In the R&S .,) NRP can be limited

with the parameter "Max Settling Time ". t-.fI ' A

This parameter is used as termination V~ \Ja

criterion for the measurement. If, in case

of very low powers, the inherent noise
component of the sensor cannot fall

below the specified threshold value, the FIG 1 The noise content in the R&S NRP defines the threshold ranges of the permissible inherent
measurement is terminated after Max noise component 01 the sensor.

Settling Time has been reached and the

current power value is output. This is
indicated by SIN on the R&S'~ NRP dis
play FIG 2shows the differences of the
filters in the R&S0NRP with reference
to the influence of the noise component
on the measurement and the mea sure '"co Normill AulU Avera\jmg Itllor Normal Auto Avuragmll filter
Fi~u(/ Nmse hlter Fixml NUl.,!, filt'"
ment time. E '"E
8 '" Normal M,lnUll1 AvordYlIlg Itlw(
'0 ~
c: '"
5l en
Special advantages in remote 5l
control m )(ie

The Fixed Noise mode is unbeatable,

especially if the power meter is operated
by remote contro/. The practicability of
Log. level
Log level
this mode becomes clear when you have
FIG 2 Influence of the Normal and Fixed Noise filters. You can clearly see the advantages of the
to estimate the degree of permissible
Fixed Noise filter with respect to noise component for lower powers. The advantages of the filter with
inherent noise during a measurement. respect to measurement time are also obvious.
Elaborate calculations or trying out the
correct averaging filter are no longer

News lrom RoMe &Schwarz Number 186 (2005111 )
<; t n

EMC measurements on mobile

radio terminals
The new module R&S EMC32-W+ Ele('tromagnetic illlntunitJ,: The 1 kHz AF level demodulated on
audio breakthrough the loudspeaker of the headset (audio
extends tried-and-tested EMC breakthrough downlink)
The ETSI family of standards EN 30 1489 The 1 kHz AF level coupled into the
Measurement Software R&seEMC32 describ es the procedu res for assess micropho ne (audio breakth rough
ing the electromagnetic immunity of uplink)
by EMC measurement methods, mobile radio terminals. The interfer The bit error ratio of the digital radio
ence field s to be creat ed correspond to link (for GSM pho nes replaced by the
which are typically used for mobile those defined in the generic standards RXQUAL parameter)
EN 61 000 -4-3 and -6 The measured vari
phones and other wireless commu abies (EUT monitoring. FIGs 1and 2) to If a measured value exceeds the per
be observed. however, are specific for mi ss ible limit, the standard describes a
nications terminals in accordance thi s EUT fami ly and can now also be method used to assess whether this EUT
evalua ted with EMC Measurement Soft behavior only occurs in a narrowband
with the ETSI families of standards wa re R&S-EMC32-W+ freq uency range or if it is broadband. For
this purpose, the Interfering frequency
EN 300 607 and EN 301489_One of the

instruments controllable with the soft

ware is the Universal Radio Commu

nicalion Tester R&S"CMU 200. for

Eu I Munitor"'g - [CMU I) -,.

which a driver is available. This new

module thus implements the essen

tial functions of the R&S ES-K1 and Channel T Hardware T Display I NoGo I AcJions

r- VaUe Conversion Gr~ical Display

R&S EMS-K1 predecessor software
Conversion Table Unil 10 be asplayed IdBPa
packages for performing measure IVoit to dB uV ..:J YA><isMa";mum J.20.000 dBPa
Offset Y A";s Minimum 160.000 dBPa
ments on mobile phones. 1'94.690 dBPa

~ Display Graphics Diagram by Delaul

I[_ ~.~.~~~~i_~]1 Qelele Channel Cancel OK

FIG 1 Definition of EUT monitoring for performing an EMS measurement on mobile phones . All three
parameters are measured with the R&S CMU 200. Both audio analyzers of the radiocommunication
tester are used to perform a parallel measurement of the two AF levels. A driver for the Audio Analyzer
R&S ~ UPL is available as an alternative.

Ne':! 1' 0 111 Rohde& ch. "'I umber 86 1 200~1I1 1
is reduced and increased by defined off EN 550 22 and ca n be implemented with tioning device (eleva tion 8) to tilt the
sets and the measurement is repeated So ftware R&S EMC 32-E+ [1,21, which mobile phone (FIG 4) The elevation
again. The software automalically shifts is already on the market. An innovation parameter is then included in the lest
Ihe frequency and indicates in the result is the integration of the Universal Radio sequence definition in order to find the
table whether the effect is narrowband Communication Tester R&S'CMU200, maximum emission (FIG 5)
or broadba nd. which ensures that the radio link to the
EUT is maintained throughout the test. In contrast to common EMC standards,
The measured AF levels are referenced which stipulate the use of the Quasi
to the reference levels measured before With R&S ' EMC 32-W+ , yo u can also peak detector and EMI filters with 6 dB
the actual measurement at defined measure the spurious emissions of GSM bandwidths, ETSI EN300 607-1 calls
useful levels. R&S" EMC32-W+ sup te lephones in compliance with the ETSI for maxima (peak detector) to be mea
ports the recording of these reference standard EN 300607-1 governing confor sured with 3 dB an alyze r bandwidth. To
levels with the new test function "Audio mance tests. For other mobile radio sys meet this requirement, the software is
Breakthrough Calibration" (FIG 3) tems, simi lar methods are described in equipped with a special dr iver that con
the relevant ETSI standards. Yo u then trols the EMI Test Receiver R&S JESIB
determine the maximum of the effective in such a way that the scans and indi
purious emissions radiated po wer (ERP) that is unintention vidual measurements usually running
ally emitted by the EUT outside it s usefu l in the rece iver mode are emulated by
The ETSI family of standards EN30 1489 channel The software sup ports the zero span measurements in the analyzer
also describes EMI measurements on common positioning devices (aZimuth $) mode.
mobile phones. Th e test methods are for radiated spurious emissions but also
in li ne with the basic EMC publications allows you to define an additional POS I-

'\. AlIJlu Ule.!~thtDUOh Lnhhralion


AF Genef~Of ICMU200

jCMu200 i1
1f~('1UlUU - (MU70U Munllo,mlJ MeMlfements

Generol Seltings I AF G..,.... or Oulput IAF OUT

Mobi. Phone Siandord

Measurement ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--, Iv Do A"lilici~1 MOljh C4fibr~_ion
r GSM 850 AF Analyzer Inpul N --::J....,~

r. GSM 900 auant~y 10 Me.,ure

p' 00 Up~nk Relerence Me",suremenl
r GSM 1800 JAF level
AF Analyzer Inpo< IA-::"C
r F I""-N --:.:J
(". GSM 1900
AF Cenler Frequency 1,000 kHz

rv Do OCMInfink. Reference MeMurement

AF B.ndpass Widlh 200 Hz

(- W.cDMA AF Analyzer Inpo< IAUXl

Co Primary f>F Analyzer AF~Z<IIlnpul r Handsfr... Sol CoIibt..ion


C COMA 1900
(' Secondary AF Analyzer IAF IN
P MdX Hold MeasUlemenl dutinQ Dwell Tima

Rosull Fie

IAudio Break Cal ResUi s ..:::J

Starl Seve

FIG 2 Entry window for programming the R&S"CMU 200 for measuring an AF level. Marking the FIG 3 Dialog field for recording the AF reference levels. The
All three method requires manual intervention of the user. The software
check box "Max Hold Measurement during Dwell Time" results in a fast cyclical measurement of the
:ation provides the user with essential information.
level in order to determine the highest demodulated level before the noise cancellation algorithms of
the mobile phone become active.

ews lrom rln"de ~ Schwarl Numher 1Rbl200SIII1
The standard specifies the measure narrow frequency band (ideally a GSM
ment of spurious emissions as substitu ch annel of 200 kHz) with a high attenu More infonnation 8t
tion measurement: You first have to find ation (>40 dB) Although it is quite diffi
(lcarch lenn: EMC32)
the direction in which the EUT sends its cult to tune these filters, which normally
maximum emission and then replace have at least six poles, R&S"'EMC 32W+ REFERENCES
111 EMI Measurement Soflwure
the EUT by a generator and a standard supports you by offering the new mode
R&S EMC3U+: AII -purposr. software
dipole. Subsequently, you have to set "Notch Filter Tuning" in the calibration lor complete EMI measurements. News
the generator so that the same value is configuration for system paths. from Rohde&Schwarz No. 18412004),
pp 47- 45
measured . Since the user often has to
[21 EMC Tes t Software R&S EMC32-A
intervene, it is difficult to automate this Versatile EMS and EMI measurements
method A precalibration of the test path Summan for the automobile sector . News from
Rollde Schwarl No 178 120031.
is therefore permissible The allenuation pp 36 -40
of the path is recorded in the anechoic EMC Measurement Software
chamber using a calibrated transmit R&S" EMC 32-W+ includes the essential
ting antenna . When the measurement is functions offered by the tried-and-tested
made, the measured power will then be software packages R&S ~'ES-Kl and
corrected by this allenuation, allowing R&S' EMS-Kl for performing measure
the power actually radiated by the EUT ments on mobile phones This underlines
to be calculated. the flexibility and upward compatibility
of the R&S "EMC3 2 platform, which fea
When measuring spurious emissions, tures a consistently modular structure
you have to take into account that th e and an adaptable device driver concept.
available mobile radio carriers, especially The so ftware now suppo rts all methods
the BCCH, are also received by the mea for securing the EMC of mobile phones.
suring equipment. They may overload The se methods are implemented at
the receiver input and result in intermod, many locations using Rohde &Schwarz Ot23~5678
ulation . You therefore use tunable band systems. Speed . . . . . . . t...L.

stop filters, which can supp ress a very Juan-Angel Anton; Ulrich Kon ietzko 51"'1 Slep Size
r-oD~ ~Del>

Ho9ll .
Speed I-l-l

51",1 Slep Size Slop

1'150 em r--o em 1150 em

Sel VOllical

~ tlfu
Hl" 2GHl -"GH11
Adds......... I I
, Elevalion
MdyFleqI 1 012345678
Q_s........ j
5~ ..1IiI1i1
S_tho .......
j;; No"..
r s,..... o..d< ~ DOI>
P MobIoPhonoT ..

FIG 5 Parameteri2ation of accessories for positioning the
EUT and the test antenna, In addition, priority levels can be
assigned to each accessory to optimi2e the positioning order
FIG 4 Hardware setup for measuring radiated spurious emission with tilting equipment for mobile phones, with regard to achieving a short measurement time,

" \' S from Rohde &Scilww Number 186120051111

FIG 1 Occupies onlv one height unit: the new multistandard Exciter R&S "Sx 800.


Multistandard exciter
for ATV and DTV
i 7 8
State-of-the art technology makes 'olllpact and powerful The input interfa ce for ATV converts the
video and audio signals required for fur
GO Deg. it possible: The new multistandard The Exciter R&S" Sx 800 (FIG 11has been ther internal processing into digital sig
designed for use in Ihe new Transmit nals. It optionally handles the NICAM
Exciter R&S Sx 800 is housed In a box ter Family R&S'''Nx8000 [*J. Like its pre signa l processing and codes and mod
, 7 8
r'-I decessor R&S<'Sx 700, the exciter of just ulate s the NICAM sound subca rrier.
of only one height unit and includes one height unit is based on a modu The operating modes "analog audio",
lar concept thai ensures utmost safety "NICAM DATA 728" and "NICAM sub-
150 em
complete signal processing function of investment It mainly consists of the carrier" are supported .
input interface, mainboard and RF inter
ality ranging from the video/audio face modules (FIG 21 For ON, the R&S fulSx800 with four ASI
inputs (DVB-TI-HI or two inputs in line
input slgnaljanalog TV) and the trans with SMPTE-31OM (ATSC) can be univer
6 7 8

Inpul inlerfa 'es [or analog or sa lly used for all operating modes of the
, 1--1-1
port stream (digital TV) to standard- digital TV following standards OVB-T/-H and ATSC
(including ATSC OX for SFN)
9ii DOlI compliant RF output signals. The exciter is equipped with the cor
responding interfaces depending on the With DTV, the input interface moni
relevant opera ling mode - ATV or OTV. tors the applied signals with respect to
You can easily upgrade the exciter from packet synchronization and data rate.
analog to digital stan dard at any time. The input data buffer eliminates jitter
ioni ng the and frequency offsets of the distribution
since the required software has already
vels can be
ioning order been installed. network. In multifrequency networks
me. (MFNs). the input data rate is adapted
to the selected DVB-T mode including ~

N ~ws hom Rohde &Schwarz NumUOI 186{2005/ 111
TV lrdll mllter

ATV input interface

VF 1/2 Vi de o
~ Mainboard RF interface
AF1 1213 -t



AN video
aud io r.oder

DI V coding
modulatio n

tl on
ti on
01 ilal


{~~ 1 ~ .. AF


OTV input interface Af IN Z

Co ntrol System clock

Input buller
dd la

Delay camp
da !a
~ Micro
controll er .j compr J f
flash ~PL Lr EXT REf



FIG 2 Structure of the multistandard Exciter R&S ' Sx 800.

EXC A > Encoder


Condensed da la of the R&S SX 800

ATV standards BIG. D/K. MIN. I
Color transnllssion PAL. SECAM. N1SC 1/16
Sound tra nsmission IAT dual sound. 1132
~M Single soun d.
FM smgle SOUl lr! wll h NICAM 728 (opl ional ).
OTV standards DV8T/H in Iine wilh EN300744
ATSC (8 VSBI in line wilh Doc .A/53 FCC FIG 3 Operation of exciter via the R&S NetCCU "800.
Frequoncy range band I. II I. IV. V
OutpUI power ATV. t 20 dBmsyn cpeak power
DTV ; 13 dBm RM S

I ews from Ault1o&Sr hwarz Number 166120051111
the necessary PCR (program clock ref Special features of the
The synthesizer, which can of course
erence) correction. Every path has its Exciter R&S Sx800
be coupled to an external reference fre
own TS 101191-comp[iant M[P decoder quency, provides the required mixer fre
that is able to automatically recognize Suitable for use III single quencies The high quality of the ref
the operating mode. When operated in frequency and multifrequency erence oscillator ensures that the fre
single-frequency networks (SFNs), the networks quency stability in the SFNs remains
RF M[P decoders also provide information Hierarchical modulation unChanged even if the external refer
on the time-relevant synchronization of Seamless Input sWitching ence fails. The RF interface optionally
input signals and thus allow automatic MIP monitoring contains the demodulator path , which
1F IN I and seamless input signal switching. AI[ ASI modes processes the amplified or filtered RF
Redundant input signals can be applied SMPT-31OM signal for signal analysis in case of auto
1F IN 2
but the output signal will not be inter DVB-H, OV8-T. ATSC matic/adaptive precorrection The exciter
rupted during switchover. All analog TV standards has two inputs at which the signals can
lexcept for L) be tapped ahead of or after the power
Integrated linear and nonlinear filter
SignaJ proccs, ing 011 the precorrection
ntainboard Optronal automatic precorrectioll
(OTV), NICAM ;onlJ'oJ
With ATV selected, the mainboard pro
cesses the signals digitized by the input A powerful microcontro[ler controls and
interface in accordance with the re[e configures the R&S'Sx800. [t initial
vant TV standard . Digital signal process izes the hardware from a compact flash
ing ensures highest stability and thus memory that comprises the complete
allows easy precorrection of transmit software and firmware as well as a[1 set
signals. RF interfa('es tings. This concept simplifies the config
uration of a replacing unit The memory
With OTV selected, coding and mod The RF interface converts digital [/Q sig is taken from the exciter to be rep [aced
u[ation are in line with EN 300744 nals into analog baseband signals The and is inserted into the rep [acing unit.
(DV8-T / H) or Doc A/53 FCC (ATSC) Dig modulator that follows generates the The replacing unit runs with the identi
ital filters and algorithms with relevant readily modulated signal via double con cal software version and the same set
resolution ensure top quality of the gen version. This signal is then filtered and tings after sWitch-on
erated I/O signals applied to the subse amplified Since direct modulation and
quent pre corrector. Linear precorrection conversion are coupled, adjustments are The controller in the transmitter com
compensates group delay and frequency no longer required when the frequency municates with the R&S NetCCU '800
response caused by power filters in the is changed . Since switchable altenuator via Ethernet interfaces and, if required,
RF path, for example. Non[lnear precor pads are provided at the output, you can with a loca[ Pc. In the transmitter, the
recllon compensates distortion products optimally adapt the output level to sub exciter can be operated via Ethernet
caused in the amplifiers. sequent amplifiers using the CCU (FIG 3) A[ternatively,
local and remote control is possible via
With digital precorrection applied here, the web browser of a Pc. A Java-based
you can reproduce the results at any web server is available in the exciter. [t
time. An automatic/ adaptive precor makes software installations on the PC
rection function can be suppl ied as an superfluous
Mare information and data sheet Bt
option for digital operation . Cornelius Heinemann

f'l UHF TV Transmllter R&S NH I NV82l10
Alrcooled UHIIVHF TV uansmllters tor
the rnediumpowel seglTl tlflt NfJWSfrom
RoIHle& Schw311 12005} No Ifl5.
pp ~O 112

r ",obpi J e~ 1l00~ ! 1I1

Compact, air-cooled transmitters for

2.5 kW to 30 kW

The new air-cooled R&S NR 8200 fM

transmitter generation (fiG 1) covers

a power range from 2.5 kW to 30 kW.

All transmitters feature outstanding

technical parameters. an optimum

cost/benefit ratio. extremely high reli

ability plus ease of servicing. They are

equipped with the new digital state

of-the-art Exciter R&S SU 800 with

integrated AES/EBU interface. The

compact air-cooled models with only

800 mm rack depth provide an output

power of up to 15 kW in a 19" rack.

FIG 1 The new. compact FM transmitters, with only 800 mm rack depth. provide up to 15 kW output
power in a 19" rack.

Powerful F I Iransmitters \\ilh Exciter R&S SU 800

excellent specifications The synthesizer-based digital Exciter
R& S"S U800 generates a frequency
The new transmitters include the
modulated RF signa l in the range
following components
from 87.5 MHz to 108 MHz. The use
Exciter R&S <SU800 of state-of-the -art circui try allows the
Power Amplifier R&S ' VU 825 R&S "SU 800 to be accommodated in a
Tran smitter rack with cooling system housing of only one heig ht unit. Both
Power combiner analog AF signals and digital signal s in
Power distribution lin e with bit-se rial AES/EBU protocol
Control Unit R&S NetCCU '800 ca n be processed. Leftlr ight, MPX, RDS

New"lrcfl\ Aohde&SdiWilTZ ~'J",tl,,, 186 (20051111
or SCA signals can be used as modula
Transmitter rack with integrated
tion signals. Eight preset channels are
available. and the settings for the active
A 19" rack (depth 800 mm ) is used for all
channel can be saved power-failure
power classes. One rack accommodates
proof in each of them .
up to six amplifier modules. The rack
contains two built-in fans that operate in
Control Unit R&S NetCCU 800
active stand by. Various air ducting con
The R&S NetCCU"' 800 transmitter con
figurations can be implemented. with
trol unit handles both internal and exter
cooling air intake from the top, bottom
nal communication and provides all
or rear of the transmitter rack. and
control functions. It shows the current
exhaust air discharge toward the top or
sta tu s of the transmitter system in dif
bottom. Each amplifier module contains
ferent languages on a color display.
an optimized. highly efficient heat sink. FIG 2 The R&S VU 825 is modular in design
All transmitter and amplifier param
This in conjunction with the elaborate and includes lour identical 700 W base modules
that are controlled bV a 64 W preamplifier.
eters required for diagnostics can be
cooling concep t ensures effective cool
retrieved locally as well as remotely
ing with only small amounts of air. This
from anywhere in the world via stan
in turn considerably reduces the cooling
dard (IP) protocol and standard soft
system's power consumption and noise
ware (web browser, SNMP) All conven
tional standby systems, such as exciter

standby, (n+ 1) standby, passive standby

An innovative, nearly wireless power Th e transmitters comply with the R&TIE
and active output standby. can be con
distribution system simplifies assembly Directive 1999/5/EU and meet the
figured. For the exciter standby and the
and servicing The frequency -response standards EN 60215 for personal sa fety,
active output stage standby, no addi
compensated directional coupler EN 301489-1 and EN 301489-11 for EMC,
tional control units are necessary
integrated in the transmitter and built-in as well as EN302018-1 and EN302018-2
lightning protection round out the for RF requirements The R&S'(NR 8200
Power Amplifier R&S VU 825
R&S')NR8200 transmitter family. transmitter family complies with the
Equipped with the latest MOSFET tech
relevant standard specifications of
nology, the R&S"'VU 825 power ampli
Deutsche Telekom as well as of the two
fier features excellent efficiency and
broadcasting companies ARD (Germany)
compact design (FIG 2) Each RF ampli
More inlol1l181ion and da lll sheot at and ORF (Austria) The necessary
fier has its own power supply. They
hwarch lenn- NR82001 certifications will soon be carried out.
amplify the signal to a power of approx.
FIG 3 provides an overview of the
2.7 kW. The amplifier modules can be individual models.
easily replaced during operation without Reinhard Kasueske; Elke Schulze
requiring optimization or adjustment.

FIG 3 The most important specifications of the individual models.


Nominal output power 2.5 kW 5 kW 7.5 kW 10 kW 12.5 kW 15 kW 20 kW 30 kW

Number of amplifiers 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 12
Connector 1 5/8" EIA 3 1/8" EIA
Weight 250 kg 330 kg 380 kg 430 kg 480 kg 550 kg 860 kg 1100 kg
Dimensions (W x H x 0) 600 mm X 2000 mm X 800 mm 1200 mm x 2000 mm x 800 mm

!)".\l 5 hmn RClh Lle &Schwarz Numaer 186(20051111
Universal, portable combination of

TV analyzer and spectrum analyzer

Mobile measurement and service For m 'asuremenls on TV I.ran Since the TV Analyzer R&S ' FSH 3 TV
mitten; or TV 'ahlE' nelworks also has rei nforced corne rs and covered
technicians place high demands on RF connectors, it can withstand occa
The TV Analyzer R&S FS HHV com sional roug h treatment. A rugged handle
their measuring instruments_Not onlv bin es the meas ureme nt capabilities of a and a fol dable stand together with a
TV test receiver with spe ctrum ana lyzer daylig ht-com pati ble co lor display offer
are characteristics like size. weight. capabi lity, despite its extremely sma ll yo u an op ti mum viewing angle to the
size. Its co mpact design and low weig ht anal yzer.
reliability and rugged design impor make it ideal for portable use in in stal
lat ion, main te na nce and servicin g of TV The buil t-in NIMH battery ensuring up to
tant - another must is a wide variety transmitters and cable networks. Wha t fou r hours of re liable operation indep en
th ese fields of app lication sha re is work dent of th e AC supp ly supports mobile
of measurement functions . preci ing in cramped spaces at changing sites use of the measuring ins trument.
often under adverse climat ic conditi ons .
sion and a high dynamic range.

TI,e R&S ' FSH 3-TV offers alilhese

strengths (FIG 1)_

The TV Analyzer
R&S -FSH 3-TV was pre
sented at NAB 2005

I where it received three

awards, The reason is
clear: The innovative
instrument can handle
a wide variety 01 appli
cations in the installa
tion. maintenance and
servicing of TV trans
miners and cable net
works ,

lJ~l Uer t8612005 III
TV 5p cialisl
The TV Analyzer R &S ~' FSH lTV offers oulpul R&S~Fgf}-TV
Rf 50 n MaIO board
features and options specially tailored to IOpUI g
measurement tasks that have to be mas 15 n N

tered by TV cable and transmitter net ~

work operators. Measurement frequen CCVS oulpul
a: _ _~ TS /ASI outpul
cies. for example, can be set via supplied Externa l trigger
ki External reference 10 MH l
TV channel tables . 5i Conlrol
fIG 2 J:
The TV board (FIG 2) integrated into the
Block diagram of
the R&S ~fSH 3-TV
J. inlerfacc

base unit offers comprehensive TV mea

surement functions for analyzing and
demodulatin g analog and digital TV sig
nals. FIG 4 provides an overview of the
availab le TV standards.

The R&S" 'FSH3-TV normally comes with

an RF input and N connector (50 Q ) The
Matching Pads R&S@ RAZ (50175 Q lor
R&S"' FSH-Z38 are provided to ensure
the correct characteristic impeda nce
connectio n to cable network com
ponents or TV antenna sys tems. for
example FIG 3
R&S" fSHTV-Z60 .
If the analyzer is often used in cable
networks, it is advisable to work with
the new Preselector R&S "' FSHTV-Z60
(FIG 3) This preselector, which is con
nected ahead of the broadband RF input
of the R&S"' FSH 3-TV, improves the
usable dynamic range when measure,
fIG 4 R&SFSH 3-TV (as standard) B, G, H, D/K, N, I, L, M/NTSC, M/PAL
ments have to be made at hi gh chan TV standards of the
nel density Th e preselector is simply fa s R&S" FSH3-TV R&SFSHTV-K21 (option) DVB-C (JB3 /A/C), J83/B
tened to the RF input of the analyzer and R&SFSHTV-K22 (opti on ) ATSC/B VSB
connected to the base unit via the con
trol cable by which it is fed . The RF Input
of the presele ctor is a 75 Q Fconn ec
tor that can be easily exchanged so that The most impor
ATSC/BVSB Digital terrestrial TV (US sta ndard )
the R&S';; FSH 3-TV can immediately be tant abbreviations
BER Bit error ratio
used aga in.
C/N Carrier to noise
CSO Composite second order
CTB Composite tripl e bea t
DTV Digital TV
DVB-C Digital video broadcast - cable
EVM Error vector magnitud e
MER Modulation error ratio
TSASI Transport stream - asynchronous serial interface

ew, hom Rohda &Sc wa'l Numbe, 18611005/111
Analu~ '['\' 81 ill widely uSNI lfpgnu[pabh' for D\B-(, and "'il'st a s)wdalist I now an
ATS(, al ll'{}lInder
Despite con tinuing digitizatlOn, analog
TV is still widely used and is sure to You ca n swiftly and easily upgrade the An extensive rang e of opti ona l acces
endure. The TV Analyze r R&S 'FSH 3-TV R&S "' FSH3-TV at any time to perform sories open s up a va riet y of options to
is read y to meet these requiremen ts, measurements on digital TV signal s, op timally adap t the R&S ' FSH3-TV to
since it offers a variety of analog TV Th e analyzer offers the most important the ta sk at hand . Various power and
measurements as standard for th e mos t operating parameters of the selected directional powe r sensors as well as
common ana log TV sta ndards worldwide . DTV channe l at a glance together with the VSWR Bridge and Powe r Divider
para me ters such as MER, EVM or BER R&S "FSH-Z2 are avai labl e. With
In the Measu rement List mode, the ana (FIG 7) The conste llation diag ram (FIG 8) the measurement bridge and the
lyzer displays the statuses of the viSion is important for furth er analysis of the R&S "'FSH-B 1 option, you ca n perform
and sound ca rriers and measures the DTV signal. All param eters and measure distan ce-to-fault measurements, for
SIN ratio of the video signa l (FIG 5) The ment values are displayed in parallel example, and detect poor con nection
display optim ally adapts to the se lected points or damaged cables .
TV standard. In the Video Scope mode, Th e demodulated DTV signal is avail
the ana lyzer demodulates the video able at the combined BNC output You ca n also store antenna factors in the
signal and displays it on the measure (here TS-ASI output) for furth er pro R&S'; FSH3-TV, With a suitable measure
ment screen in the time domain (FIG 6) cessing , Yo u ca n connect an MPEG-2 men t antenna, e.g the R&S ' HE 200 from
Marker fun ction s allow detailed mea transpo rt stream analyzer suc h as the Rohde &Schwarz, you can make cover
surements. In the Measu rement List and R&S ' DVM 400 from Rohde &Schwarz to age measurements.
Video Scope mode s, the de modu lated make further In -depth measurements,
video signal for co ntrolling by a TV mon
itor is available at the BNC multifu nc tion Sumlllary
co nnector . You can li ste n to th e demod Also sp('('trum siweialist
ula ted so und si gna l by using the head Th e TV Analyzer R&S FSH3-TV is an
phones supplied To fully detect the characteristics of a TV excellent solutio n for TV measurement
transmitter or a cable network system, technicians . They can fully rely on a por
The Carrier Measuremen ts mode pre yo u must have a number of mea sure ta ble, universa l and unfailing meas ur
cisely meas ures the vision and sound ment results in the fre quency spect ru m ing instrumen t in in stal lation , mainte
carriers. The device settings are adapted in additi on to the mea surement pa ram nance and service. The wide variety of
to the se lec ted TV standard . Another eters spec ifying the qua li ty of a modu fun ct ions from special TV measurements
special feature of the R& S FSH 3-TV is a lated TV signal The R&S ' FSH3-TV th ere to universal measurements makes th e
video line trigger that. in the Vision Mod for e offers spec ial settings and test rou R&S ' FSH 3-TV a future-pro of and effi
ulation mode, allows you to measure tines, eg measurements of the shou l cient inves tment unrivaled in thi s com
modulation dep th and residual ca rri er der attenuation (FIG 9), C/N, CSQ , CTB pact eq uipment class.
The measurement scree n conveni en tl y or HUM , Werner DLlrport
displa ys the vision ca rrier powe r of indi
Vid ua l Video lines.

ew.lrom Ilond~& Sch'& ' I NUITIU<!I 18 (2005,' If,
FIG 5 Operating mode ANALOG TV RECEIVER - Measurement List. FIG 6 Operating mode ANALOG TV RECEIVER - Video Scope.

FIG 7 Operating mode DIGITAL TV RECEIVER. FIG 8 Constellation diagram 2560AM .

Condensed data 0 f the R&S FSH 3-TV

Digital TV receiver (option A&S rSf( IV-K21 lor OAM, A&S FSH TV-K22 for 8VSB)
Modulallon methods 4116 / 32 l 64 112812560AM, 8VSB
Bdnd idtl1s (depending on standard) 6 MHz, 7 MHI and 8 MHI
Symllol rate at OA I ATSC 2 MHz to 6999 MHz / I0.762238 MHz
Inherent MEA (eQualilef ON) >35 dG
Analog TV receiver
Standards B, G, H. 0, K, I. L. M, N,

Sou nd standards IAT-A2, NICAM. BTSC, EI A-J

Video bandwidths dependrng on standard

Inheren t SIN video,

weighted to CCIA Aec 567 >50 dB

Spectrum analyzer
Frequen cy range lOa kHz 10 3 GH z
Aesol ution bandwidths lOa Hz to 1 MHz
Video bandwidths 10 Hz to 3 MHz
Displayed ~ ve r age no 'se level typ o- 135 dBm {l Oa Hzl
TOI typ o13 dB m
FIG 9 Measurement of shoulder a"enuation of DVB-T signal in line with SSB phase noise <-100 dBc (I Hz) at 100 kHzfrom Cilrner
ETSI TR101290 . Sweep ime {span a Hz) I ms to 100 s
OelCctOl s Sample. Maxi Min Peak, Auto Peak, AMS
Level measuremen t uncertainty < I 5 dB, typo0.5 dB
Aeference level -80 dBm 10 +20 dBm
General data
More information Dnd data sheet at
170 mm x 120 mm x 270 mm
Dimen sions [W x H x D)
2.7 kg
(search tarm: FSH3-TV1

News lrom Rohde&Schwarz Number 186170051111
Video decoder, DVB-H analysis
and other novelties
The R&S DVM family of MPEG-2 Nt'w rUIH'1 iOlls - apJlI ilat ions in Elementary stream analyzer
prac-til"p The tried-and-tested Elementary Stream
monitoring systems. which features Analyzer" software can analyze the
With the new streaming interface, you MPEG-2 video elementary streams dis
comprehensive monitoring and can output selected transport stream played by the R&S"DVM You only have
elements in realtime via the network to select the desired video elementary
analyzer functions. is becoming even interface of the analyzer board in the stream on the user interface and start
R&S "'DVM for processing by a se lected the analysis. The software, which IS
more versatile. A completely new replay or analysis application Depend available as option R&S"' DV-ESA for the
ing on the type 01 application, you can monitoring systems, clearly displays the
feature is a powerful streaming inter run these applications on the R&S "DVM structure of a video elementary stream,
controller or - owing 10 an integrated consisting of sequences, groups and
face that transfers individual transport router - even on any separate PC In the pictures, in a tree diagram and informs
network. This flexible concept oflers a you about the contents of the corre
stream elements to external applica variety of new applications sponding headers (FIG 2) The software
Live replay of video elementary
also displays the contents of individual
tions for displav or analysis. A soh- streams via the software video
macro blocks in graphical and numeric
decoder (media player)
form and analyzes their motion vectors .
ware video decoder Imedia player) Video elementary stream analysis Detailed macro block statistics and a pic
Analysis and repla y of DVB- H ture detector complement the system
offers functions to view video and contents functions of the elementary stream
Write to File function to extract trans analyzer.
DV8-H contents, port stream elements and to store
them on hard disk DV8-H time slice analyzer I
MPE-fEC analyzer
Media player The option Data Broadcast Analysis
The media player software can replay R&S'DVM-K11 contains the DVB-H time
a video elementary stream selected on slice analyzer, which extracts and ana
the R&S "DVM user interface live via the Iyzes DVB-H contents in realtime. To
internal controller or via an external PC re play H.264 and other video contents
in the network (FIG 1) contained in the IP datagrams of a
DVB-H service live, the time slice ana
More information. data sheuls and flyers
If the media player runs on an lyzer can stream them to the media
aboullhe R&S DVM familyat
R&S "' DVM 100 or R&S '> DVM 400, it playe r. You ca n conveniently select the

decodes the video elementary streams DVB-H stream to be analyzed or repla yed
(search term: DVMI

in SDTV re so lution . If the media player from the user interface of the R&S" DVM
runs on an external PC connected to a and start the analysis or replay.
network, you can even decode HDTV
video elementary streams in realtime, The analysis determines the number of
provided that the computing power and errors before and after FEC decoding
network connection are sufficient. and creates exact statistics about the
timing and structu re of a DVB-H burst
(FIG 3)
R&S DVMfamily fi ver

Numl"" 18817005 11 11
A VI r 11 arlit.1 pfay rr ..
Video elementary streams
can be replayed live with SIT
the media player, Rohde' Schw..z DVM

Pori ..

, H II T

_ Port"
- /U TSfi D 1 all
L '1CA T IFIOroll I
! NI IFIO00161
! BAT IPl 0 OO171
so r :PlO 00171
aT 0 IPIO1l1:;il
- _ SerYlCe 281[)) [O~ ::.ftJe-J
ideoWPlEG2(PlD 01111)
Audio N P G~ WI : , !Xi
"]Al r ~....". Irl~""''''''1 f"D .'
O relo!'~I"'O I}1 I
']MHP Ob,ed ( ..",,<q PlD X, I MPG.:' VOI::'l
; ~t' 7:1).057. Framelate 2'500 tps
' ]MHP Obted C... :~tPD 211"~1 elJ5I.e 15 00 MB." IUped A",,, ' :3
C] OSMCC ISG.IEC i ;,jl""~" I c".:'fM. 4 CO f\ o/le 14...
s.. _ 28W7Ih;e=t-.., FSI f< ...
s....e. 281 08 11v 1",,:.1.,,1

S I! 09i.tltej

S.. "".~1I0 IoA F....""""'Su..~.:lI.:J t========~~OO'iX===To~;~~~d============="iiiiiiiiiiil


FIG 2 Convenient analysis of a video elementary stream with Elementary Stream Analyzer ' ,

I ~ ... .... , __ I :. "1" . ...... 1_ " .. "" n .. . ,.." _ II ~ . . . . .1 ... no_ n'" _. .... " "" . n .. _ " " s

File _ (le""e OptiOnS ~

~ I"j " Slice ~ t.lB ~ 5 \> It?

T l~ It-{
1 Tree NaooOgat cw I .JHeod l !MB ~St..,it"" lli ~ I ZHoxO-,l ll F. .oI.IoOo._ _
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News 10 Rohde &Schwan umbe, la6 ll005i lll
Write t() Fil Summary flexible concepi even allows applications
such as very computing-lime-intensive
The Write to File application allows you The media player and Write to File func realtime decoding and replay of HDTV
to store transport stream elements in tion s are available to all users of an videos on an external PC. Since the
realtime 011 the local hard disk of the R&S"DVM50/DVM100 or DVM400. R&S "DVM MPEG-2 monitoring system is
controller in the R&S'''DVM. The max A free firmware update is offered for able to slore selected transport slream
imum recording time for the transport devices that have already been sup elements, you can perform further tests
stream element selected on the user plied The Software Elementary Stream with individual analysis tools. These
interface is limited only by the amount Analyzer' (R&S"'DV-ESA) and the DVB- extensions offer utmost flexibility and
of free memory space ava ilable on the Htime slice analyzer function (part of analysis depth especially for applications
local hard disk. You can thus filter pack the option Data Broadcast Analysis in development
ets with a certain PID from a transport R&S"DVM-K 11) are available as options. Christian Zuhl cke
stream and then analyze them with an
external tool. The extracted elemen The streaming interface considerably
tary streams ca n be further processed, expands the functions of the R&S ' DVM
for example, to multiplex new trans family since it offers detailed analysis of
port streams by mean s of the Advanced individual transpo rt stream elements or
Stream Combiner" (R&S ~DV-ASC) replay of these elements in realtime . The

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Analysis and replay
01 DVBH contents by
means 01 the DV8-H
time slice and MPE
FEe analyzer.

ewS Irol11 Rohde Scho'l rl NtJI~bel ISS /2005 11 11
Crypto pro hi t

, r [II It I n UIIiI

Secured communications for

global players
Rohde &Schwarz SIT GmbH addresses Induslrial espionage sever ly lI uw eto TopSec units work'!
affects companies
the increasing demands for secure All intra-company voice, fax, video and
Smooth worldwide electronic commu data connections via the public ISDN
communications with an extensive nications are both a prerequisite and in a TopSec-secured infrastructure can
an invaluable competitive edge for the be automatically encrypted without any
portfolio of encryption units - the economic success of international com effort on the users' part.
panies However, electronic commu
TopSec product family. Deployment nications can easily be violated, since The extremely high standard of the
phone calls, faxes and e-mails can be encryption prevents information from
at international companies is proof of Intercepted allover the world. Reli being deciphered by unauthorized per
able sources estimate that the damage sons within a realistic time. All TopSec
the easy handling and the high level caused by industrial espionage amounts encryption units of a company are cen
to billions of euros in Germany alone. trally administered by the TopSec admin
of security these units provide. And istrator system. This system ensures that
To prevent valuable information from the encryption units of all company sites
Rohde &Schwarz itself is the best falling into wrong hands, organizational, are furnished with valid certificates for
personnel and technical measures are automatic mutual authentication to pre
example of how to protect electronic called for. The most down-to-earth tech vent man in the middle attacks.
nical approach to secure corporate com
communications across a company munications (voice, fax and video) is Using the TopSec 703+. encrypted voice
to connect TopSec encryption units in connections can easily be implemented
group against unauthorized access: front of the telecommunications systems between staff in the field equipped with
of each company site (see example on the TopSec GSM mobile phone and the
It is one of the first German compa page 55) company sites. An exception are the
sites in North America These sites need
nies to secure all corporate communi to be integrated into the Euro ISDN
TopSec ensures ('onfirlenliaJity encryption by means of the ProCon pro
cations channels at its headquarters. tocol converter because of differences in
TopSec encryption units from Rohde & the US ISDN standard.
plants and subsidiaries by means of Schwarz (product overview on page
55) have been tried-and-tested and It is also possible to securely communi
TopSec encryption solutions. successfully used for many years in cate with external business partners and
diverse security-critica l applications in customers who also use TopSec encryp
ISDN and GSM networks. This product tion units. In this case, all you need to
family provides a high level of security do is dial the appropriate prefix to set up
for confidential electronic communica the desired encrypted connection.
tions, which is corroborated by TopSec' s
approval by the German Federal Office
for Information Security IBSI) and its TopS cos ured applications
llay extensive use by governmental authori
nls by ties and major German enterprises. Encrypted voice and fax connections
IB-H More informalion, dala sheeu and flyer Automatically within the company
~PE- with pmduct overview 81
With business partners, use the
encryption prefix

News 110m Rohde&Sch wa" Numbe. 186 (2005 111)
Voice connection to the TopSe c GSM been verified, and switched through to rkJlltl~ 1111'111 as C'as~ as possihh'
mobile phone with encryption pre fix the ca lled pa rty after a key has been
negotiated. The easiest way to Implement security
Encrypted video conferences requirements ISto ensure that users of
Automatic encryption detection such systems need not adhere to spe
within the company Ilsl'I'-l'ril'lIIl\) ad 111111 is! ralillll cific procedures for safeguarding secu
With business partners, use the rity whenever they use the sys tem
encryption prefix The security and operating pa rame everything relating 10 security require
ters of the TopSec encryption devices ments must run automatically
Video conferences are usually set up are admin istered within a security
using an existing video conference domain, e g. within a company, by a Dial-in lists
phone boo k that has incorporated the TopS ec administrator system . The oper Usually the telecommunications systems
releva nt dialing rules ator installs such a TopSec administra of a company must allow both plain and
tor system for every security domain encrypted communications connections.

Encrypted data applications and equips it with specific, entirely Therefore not all channels of the tele

Applications connected Via the telecom random processes Each system is communications system can be reserved

munications system can transfer data in therefore unique and is analogous to exclusively lor encrypted operation with

encrypted mode to partners equipped the trust center of the TopSec secu TopSec units Encrypted connections can

with TopSec rity domain. The TopSec units initial be automatically set up in the telecom

ized in a domain cannot be administered mun ica tions system with a TopSec site

Encrypted incoming calls are auto by another administrator system, not dial-in list. Such lists can be prepa red for

matically detected by the TopSec units; even by an administrator system of the specifiC sites, but also for specific user

incoming calls are accepted once the manufacturer. groups such as corporate management.

certificate of the calling partner has

End-to-end encryption

The site-to-site encryption by connect

ing TopSec units in front of telecomm u

nications systems ensures high protec

tion of Information when it is tran smi t

ted via the public ISDN. Within the sites

Secured communications at Rohde & Schwarz with a Siemens telephone system (front); behind it is (ie on the company premises), how

the rack with the TopSec 730 encryption units.

ever, communication is plain To pro

-.:::-!-I tect these communications paths as

well, end-to-end encryption units, such

as Optiset Eprivacy modules or DSM fax

machines, can be used in addition to the

TopSec site-to-site encryption. Moreover,

TopSec 703 units for end -to end encryp

tIOn can also be installed.

Dr Hartmut lise

Numb"r i8G1200SIII1
OVl'I'\iew nf Top. 'N mlit . ('01 :('('UI'jllg ('lIrpuratt f'O IH 1111 III kat iOlls

TopScc 703 and TopSec 703+ TopSec AdJOin

Both are encryption units (or Euro ISDN ba sic The TopSec admini stra tor system is installed
rate access (BRI) TopSec703+ IS also used (or - :::=:.. - on a PC connected via TopSec 703 to the ISDN.
encrypting communications with the TopSec GSrvl This system ma nages the security and operating
mobile phone. parameters of the TopSec encryption units within
a company

TopSec 730
Encryption unit (or Euro ISDN primary rate access
(pRI), which is used to connect larger telecommu
nications systems to the ISDN. (or example ProCon
Protocol converter (or converting a maximum of
four Uko connectors of the US ISDN National 1
TopSec GSM into maximally four Euro ISDN BRI connectors
GSrvl telephone (or encrypting GSM and GSrvl / for connecting up to four TopSec 703 encryption
ISDN voice communica tions units.

Examples of encrypting all communications of a global player.

Small sub idialV in EUlolle SlI1all S Jb iliiary in Ihe USA

Admin; tr ~tor s , Iem UPll

, i


TopSec GSM

12Mbps I
Tors(~ '1m,
1 128 kbps
28 kbps
128 kbps
GSM network Euro ISDN US ISDN
1.5 Mbp~

!!II.' TupSec 730


ISDN PA8X loter .lee
fopSec 703

MedlulI1 sized subsi(hary in Europe lalgl: subsirliarv ill ASia Largo ubsilhary ill Ih USA

Nc <IS Irom Roilde &Schwarz Numb", 1861?005 i1i1
Civil radiocommunications for
Australian air traffic control
At the end of 2003, NEC Australia Saf ly fill' 11 P rct'IlL of The transceivers have already been
worlc1v.ide ail' paC' delivered and will be installed within the
Pty Ltd. contracted Rohde &Schwarz next two years However, they first had
Airservices Australia is responsible for to meet Austral ian and New Zealand
to supply over 600 R&S XU 250A the airspace stretching In latitude from standards. These standards differ from
two degrees to 90 degrees south and in the European standards that were
VHf transceivers (fiG 1). Airservices longitude from 75 to 163 degrees east. applied in the development of the instru
This is equal to 11 percent of the world's ments and are generally Implemented
Australia will use these transceivers total airspace and includes annual mon when the instruments are used around
itoring of up to three million domestic the world . These standards are also
to modernize the existing air tratfic and international flights In the upper more stringent in certain areas . After a
airspace, services are also offered for series of further tests verified that the
control (ATC) system across Australia the flight Information regions (FIR) of the R&S "XU250A transceivers conformed
Solomon Islands and Nauru to these standards, the transceivers can
as part of the VHf system upgrade now carry the C-Tick mark, which IS simi
With its two major ATC centers in Bris lar to the European CE mark
project (VHfSUP). What tipped the bane and Melbourne, Australia has
two FIRs of its own. These parent cen
scale in favor of Rohde &Schwarz was ters oversee terminal con trol units (TCU) Voit-(' switc-hillg alld 'olllllluni
in Cairns, Sydney, Adelaide and Perth, cations system
mainly the high performance, reli which are responsible for ATC within the
terminal areas of the largest airports. Moreover. a voice SWitching and com
ability and low operating cost of the munications system (VSCS) from the
TCU Parent center Frequentis company in Vienna will be
transceivers. Ca irns Brisbane supplied for the ATC centers as part
Sydney Melbourne of the project. Rohde &Schwarzhas
Adelaide Melbourne already completed several ATC projects
Perth Melbourne together with Frequentis , To ensure that
all equipment can be put into operation
Communication between the ATC cen without any problem , Rohde &Schwarz
ters and aircraft is carried out via provided Frequentis with severa l trans
153 ground stations by using approx. ceivers for extensive remote -control and
470 VHF transceivers. The new transceiv monitoring tests.
ers will be provided in single-, two- or Dr Rolf Springer
even three-unit configurations depend

ing on requirements . FIG 2 shows the
location of the nationwide stations,

1 '\

FIG 1 Instruments of the R&S Series 200 from Rohde &Schwarz are used in 60 countries worldwide.
They are implemented in day-to-day operations both by civil and military ATC organizations.

More inlonnation on the entire

I1Idiocommunicalions program 8S well
8S data sheot for the R&S Series 200
transceivors under
FIG 2 Alot to do: Vast areas (11 percent of the world's total airspace) and numerous locations char
acterize the civil radiocommunications network of Australian ATC. It will take approx. two years to
eq uip all locations with the Rohde &Schwan transceivers.
Smaller locations with fewer than four transceivers
Large stations with more than four transceivers

R&S Series 200 data sll eel


Sun InWO

Moul Tillrue

40u<1I Ednlr

MOllruH 101n

CefHII! Pc.nt

1("(1 T,lbJ 1\11

!/IlMcAh I ,

t:.lln,h n


w" trom RoMeS SChwarz Numb., 18612005 / 111
Rohde &Schwarz "'/inS large Latp$t 9 'fleratlOIl of airborn
sca le proJPct In Uill ed Arab Ir<lnSLf! IVerS for A400M

Rohde &Schwarz will equip
In the following two years, the A400M military transport
Rohde &Schwarz will mod aircraft with software radios
ernize the communications of the R&S ~ M3AR family.
system of the Emirates armed
forces . With a volume of In January, Rohtle &Schwarz
more than EUR 100 million, co ncluded a contract as exclu
Rohde &Schwarz negotiated Sive supplier I." r EA DS-CASA
the thi rd largest order offered on beha" of the main contrac
at the IDEX industrial trade tor Ai rbu Military S.L The Euro
fair in Abu Dhabi. During a pe n Orga nlla ion f r J int
delegation trip to the Emirates Ar mament Coope ra IOn IOC CAR)
together with the German III rrocure 180 A4QOM all
Chancellor Gerhard Schroder, crafl fro III Airbus Military S1 by
President and COO Manfred 2022 Since each alJcrafl Will be
Fleischmann was officially e uipped wuh four I Hf- / UHF Largest European military airborne radio project in this decade: the mili
awarded the contract. tran ceivers, this pro ram is one tary transpon aircraft A400M will be equipped with software radios from
01 the larges mllitary alfborne Rohde & Schwarz.
Ger an mal1u fac urers'u as radiOprojcctsn t IS decade.
Rohde & S h 'Iall allach reat
import ance to the market In the The OCCAR placed th order
Gulf region Over the yeals. the with Airbus Moll aly S1 . on
MllIllch-ba se compan'l h s behalf of Gem aflY. France.
esta Jished close contacts with Uni ted Kingdom Sp ~in, Belgium
the Uni ed Ala b Em irates. In Luxembourg and Turkey. 1he Il dlllt.J\jtdkell (I~r'r hy
10 YUiJrs 01 success ful coopu ra
1993. it set up a service center first of the 180 planes Will be Roh!k & Sr.II 1/
tlon with SAMe In Ctllna
for maintenance. calibration supplied In 2009. Up to 200 fur
and repair of T& and COln ther pla nes are planned. They On April 1, 2005,
For more than 20 years,
munica tions eqUipment Last will be exported to ot her CDu n Rohde &Schwarz took over
Rohde &Schwarz has had a
year. Rohde &Schwdrl also won tnes as of 2009. Hameg GmbH. All jobs as
successful cooperation with
a lalge-scale projec t nf Ira te well as the development, pro
the State Radio Monitoring
glc importance the moderniza duction and sales areas will
Committee (SRMC) in China
tion 0 t e en ire ra diocommuni remain intact.
in the field of radiomonitor
ca tions s s ern of he Emirates' ing . This was the reason for
Na V By takln 0 er the aonhauscn
sending a delegation of high
basel Til. fI! manufac urer
est-ranking Chinese represen
Hameg, Rohde &Sc warz
tatives to Rohde& Schwarz's
President and COO Manfred Fleischmann accepts the order of more than will extend its proULIc t POll
Munich headquarters.
EUR 100 million from Staff Brigadier Obaid AI Kitbi. In the background : loho In th e lo wer price seg

General Shaikh Mohammad and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder. munt For almost 50 years, th
Direc or Gen eral Mr Z ang fro m
name HAMEGhas beell synony
the Ministry of Information
mous Nit h a varie ty of fa' ora bly
T_chnology in Beiling headed
pri ced, rell ble elec tronic mea
the deleg ation. For the irst
sunng equipment. Hameg will
I e, Director Zhang inviled the
mai ntain its bran na me as Inde
directors of the 1110S1 1m orta nt
penden t sub IUlary.
SR CprovinCial authorities in
China to pa y a VI it to Ger any.
Ka rl Hartmann, the former

owner of th e compan y, is glad

The SR C is comparable to the
to put hiSli fe 's work in IIle
German 11egulatory Authority
'lan ds of Rohde & Sch warz
for Pos t and Tefecom mulllc8tioll
"Roh de& Schw rl personi fies
(RRgTPI . Th SA Coperates
the best-owner pnnciple. Con a China -wide network of VH f I
~ sistent corporate po lley and SIS
UHF direct IOn Inders to carr
~ tained knowhn N will safeguard
out go ernmental tasks defined
!_~ the fut ure of Ha meg ." Ka rl Ha rt wi tnin IIle scope of the In ern a
3 mann sole/the compan y to
ional T lecommunica1ton Union
'" Rohde & Schwarz for reason
(ITU )
~ __ olage.

~ II lIh.'/ tab tloO', III
German Millister of the Intenol, tio n to Rohde &Schwarz SI T market. "ThiS Will make coun Rohde &Schwarz sponsors

Ono Schlly, In Germany's GmbH, more than 370 compa ries abroad more aware of EEEtCOM Innovation award

laryest science and technology nies and twe lve non-university Germany's leading role in the
park science institutes work on an field of IT security", says Hen
area of 4.2 km 2 The scientific ni ng Kriegh off. President 01
On February 23, 2005, about institutes of Humboldt University Rohde &Schwarz SIT GmbH
500 guests from politics, in Berlin are also included in the The initiative was launched on
industry and science came science and technology park. March 16. 2005, at an event in
together to attend the annual the German Fed eral Ministry of
reception in Germany's larg Economics and Labor.
est science and technology
park in Berlin-Adlershof. EEE COM
Minister of the Interior Otto FACHMESSE
Schily was the principal
speaker. He praised the com Rohde &Schwarl SIT GmbH The EEEfCOM trade show
petence in crypto technology supports 'IT securrty made In of GEROTRON Communi
and thus also paid tribute to Germany" cation GmbH will be held
Rohde &Schwarz SIT GmbH. Rl!.S 81CK Mobillunk presents from June 29 to 30, 2005, in
The German Federal Minis Itself al ZVEI RUSSIa forum Ulm, Germany. On this occa
"Adlersho ISexcellent proof try of Economics and labor, sion, the EEEfCOM innova
of the fact thai Germany together with companies of Since Russia took part in this tion award 2005, sponsored by
reall is a coun try of ideas", the German IT security indus year's Hanover trade fair, the Rohde &Schwarz among other
said th e minister to his audi try, has launched a joint Central German Association companies, will be issued.
ence of Berlin-ba sed compa export initiative called "IT (or Electrical Engineering and
nies. In a pri ate convers at ion security made in Germany". Electrical Industry IZVEI) orga The award is inte nded for sCien
with Henning Krie hoff, Pres Rohde &Schwarz SIT GmbH is nized a Russia forum . Experts ti sts and engineers kn own for
ident of Rohdp& Sc hwarz SIT also part of this new network. and representatives of German their extraordinary work in th e
GmbH. Otto Scllily stressed The aim of the network is to and Russian companies pre field of communication te ch
the Roh de &Schwarz su bsi d encourage exports of German sented joint projects in the nology. All areas of inno va
iary's importan t contribution to IT security solutions and ser field of communications net tive research and development
na ional security vices to specific regions. works and process, traffic and within informa ion transmis
energy technology. R&S BICK sion technology and information
WISTA Manage ment GmbH is A common name better accentu Mobilfunk GmbH presented el ectro ni cs are covered . Ano ther
th e developing and operating ates the high quality of Germa n itself as a specialist for profes deCi si ve factor for receiving the
company of Adlers of. In add i products and services in this sional mobile radio and as an award IS compati bility for use in
experienced partner for PMR practice.
projects in Russia .
Rohde &Schwarz will presen t
Minister of the Interior Otto Schily during a panel discussion at the 1 e Ro hde &Schwarz su bsid iary the wi nner with one 01 its fulUre
annual reception in Germany's largest science and technology park in together with Sergey Frank from proof instruments from its wide
Berlin-Adlershof. Second on the left: Henning Krieghoff, President of Kienbau m Executive Consultants rang o of test and measurement
Rohde & Schwarz SIT GmbH. and Dr Val ery Degtya rev, Direc equipment
tor General of the Ru ssian com
pany TETRASVYAZ, were invited More IIlformat ion at
as representatl es for commu www gerotron de
nica ti ons networ ks . Since th e
ml -90s, R&S BICK Mobilfunk
has sh own a strong commit
ment III RUSSia and has already
atta ined a clear sales success
in th e field of public security,
transp ort and traf fic as well as
en ergy supply R&S BICK Mobil
funk al so intends to participate
:r In TETRARUS. a program 10 set
~ up a nationwide professiona l
" mobile radio network in Ru ssia
~'"i! ThiS project. under the manage
~ men t 01 the RUSSia n Ministry for
~ IT and Communication s, was
== presen ted in detail by Dr Valery
] Deg tyarev at the forum,

NumiJ<lr 186120051111

Europe: custom ersupport@roh . North America: cus tomer su pport@rsa . Asia: cus ia@rohde-s chwa

News from Rohde & Schwarz



Favorably priced allrounder

The new portable Spectrum Analvzer Fit for mobile use characteristics for mobile use are a short
warm-up time. high level measurement
U3751 from Advantest is fit for a Since th e U375 1 weighs max 56 kg accuracy and the possib ility to tra ce low
and ca n be battery-ope rate d. it is ideal signal leve ls.
variety of tasks and applications: for lor mobile use (FI G 1J. It covers the Ire
quency ran ge Irom 9 kHz to 8 GHz and Alter a warm-up ti me of only five mi n
mobile use, for production tasks and has a very attractive price / performan ce utes the U3751 provides precise mea
ratio. su rement re sults with a total level mea
for service and simple laboratory surement uncertainty of ~ 1 dB. The high
The rechargeable battery provides for an level measurement accuracy is based
applications. opera tin g time of more than two hou rs. on the completely digital IF stages. The
Alternatively. the uni t can also be pow built-in pream plifier lets you trace weak
ered via a car battery Other important signals. since the noise fl oor is redu ced
to typo-1 35 dBm

FIG 1 U3751 : the multitalent from Advantest.

--..._ - - ....,
\-' ~
I_ I \_2 ~
2 ~ ~o


(j, , - r.t r.
alf~ fii
( . ' (lrlfi lii .

.- r;--
C (0 r I

A vantes U375 1
The possib ility to display channels in Pit 1'01' seJ'vic ' amite&! demand Oplion
addition to frequencies based on a chan ing labul'atolJ application '
nel table is very useful for monitoring Equipped with the optional tracking gen
or measuring broadcasting or mobile A good and intu itive operation in service era tor. the U3751 can be used for scalar
radio networks (FIG 2) The integrated and less demanding laboratory applica network analysis up to 3 GHz. eg to
RMS detector is ideal for measuring the tions is another importan t factor offered analyze the transmission characteristics
power of modulated signals by the U3751 Users particula rly appreci of OUTs You can improve the frequency
ate the 6.5" co lor LCD and the variety of stability of the analyzer to 2 x 1O- 8/day
measurement functions. by using the highly sta ble reference fre
Ideal for (1!'orluction quencyoption

The measurement speed is the most NUITIerous alltomatic measUl'e

important parameter for many produc nlE'ni funcl ions New m mbel" ' to the family
ti on applications. It is mainly determined
by the measurement time of the ana A number of automatic measurement In sum mer 2005. two further units will
lyzer and th e time required for tran s functions support routine ta sks such as be added to the U3751 to form a prod
mitti ng data via the IEC/IEEE bus or via adjacent-chan ne l measure men t (FIG 4) uct family The new model s are micro
the LAN interface. Compared to other A further automatic measurement deter wave analyzers covering the frequency
spectrum analyzers from Advantest. the mines the ha rmo ni cs (after entry of the range up to 31 GHz(U 3771) and 43 GHz
speed could be doubled. thus reducing fundamental frequency) and displays (U 3772)
the measurement time by half their levels and level differences to the
fundamental sign al In a table .
Due to the total le ve l measurement Summary
uncertainty of only::;l dB and the use of
limit lines with pass/fall statem ent. the Modern interfa('ps for (h(' PC Its convincing price/performance ratio
U3751 is id eal for applications in pro and versati lity make the Spectrum Ana
duction (FIG 3) Its favorable pr ice/per Apart from the conventionallEC/IEEEbus lyzer U3751 a popular measu ring instru
formance ratio ISanother advan tage. interface. the U3751 is also equ ipped ment for mobile use. in production as
especially for the production of mobile with a LAN interface . The unit can be well as for service and less demanding
phones remote-controlled via the two inter laboratory app lications. The U3751 is
faces or can outpu t measurement data. simply a well priced multltalent.
You can sto re measurement data in Andreas Henkel
Windows ' Excel format and screenshots
(BMP. PNG) via two USB interfaces on a
memory stick and transfer them to a PC

Condensed data of the U375 1

Frequenf'l range 9 kHz 10 8GHI
Resolution bandwidlhs 300 HI 10 3 1HI in 113 steps
Video andwlu lhs tOHl l03 1Hz 111 113;leps
Sw ep lillie 20 ms to 1000 s. 50 fls in lelO span
Level measuremeo 'dl lge 11 {JBm to +30 dB ,n
(-1 31dBm with preamplilierl
De1eC101 OImal. Posili e. Negalive. S mpl_. RMS
Level measuremenl uncerlo inty =08 B(10 MHIIO 3 1GHII.
I dB I .1 GHz 10 8GHzl
DimenSions tW x H x 0I 33 7 m x 190 miT, x 307 mm Including fee l al1 d
W Ighl 5 6 k~

Ad';~ ' I \ iJS I lJ j'~ ;
In addition to frequencies , the U3751 can also
display channels based on a channel table.

Measuring a WLAN signal (80211 b) with the
Spectrum Emission Mask function.

MaIO information and data sheet 01
(search term: U3751)

Adjacent channel power IACP) measurement

Ad,an e~ UJ75 1


Europe: customersuppOrl@rohde-schwa . North America: customersup pOlt @!rsa rohde-schwarz co m Asia: customer-service@rssgrohde-schwa

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