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23 September 2017 Prophecies failed Which prophecies, and why they failed?

The possibility of, up to 3 hours darkness in noon time, around the world due to the eclipse of planet X and due to
positions of constellation Leo and Virgo in Jerusalem : Failure in the world and even in the Jerusalem.
The possibility of Rapture: Totally failed.
The possibility of starting some catastrophes worldwide: Fulfilled, but in only few countries so far.
The possibility of passing, One World Order, rules: - Seems still under process, in UN office.
Why these prophecies failed?
The investigation mixture of computerized Human Astrology, Sumerian Culture and Hebrew calendar
seems did not match with Biblical end time signs. I think God the creator will never tolerate other ancient
cultures interference in exposing his secret Biblical times. Hence creator can shorten or prolong his dates.
Two decade back, a study of Maya Culture attaching with prophecies of catastrophes in Biblical end times
brought forth a technically spectacular Hollywood movie 2012, which shook the world but failed to cause
an actual end of the world, till do day. (However, such movies are like end time warnings for all mankind.
Such movies give the idea about upcoming Biblical apocalypses in the world, in the near future. Such movies
motivate many people to repent for the forgiveness of their sins, to escape from Godly punishments).
No human on earth will ever be allowed to know the secrete time and secrete date of actual rapture or
actual Jesus second arrival on earth (Mark 13: 32). Therefore, many prophets who attempted to crack
heavenly topmost secrete by any or many means, failed miserably and became laughing stalks in the world.
However, why wrong dates predicted by them, shouldnt be considered as waning dates of end time?
Especially for the people who are going to die soon after wrong dates or even before the day of rapture.

The Time factors in The Holy Bible.

(1) Gods Day (2 Peter 3: 8) - But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With Lord a day is like thousand years, and a
thousand year is like a day.
First interpretation of above verse:
The above Bible verse teaches that for the existence of God has neither the beginning nor the end. Since only God is the
creator of each and every thing in the entire universe. God is also a creator of the time factor as well.
Time factor does impact on all living beings and nonliving things and on their very existences in the universe.
The book of Ecclesiastes is included in the Bible only to state and explain the truth of times alone! But this is also true that
time factor can never ever affect unlimited God, the almighty creator of all things.
God created three things to last forever (i) Time factor. (ii) The angels and every being in heaven and (iii) Humans
on earth. But due to sinning, human physical bodies became perishable after their physical deaths. That is why God had to
make imperishable bodies for mankind, which are kept in heavenly custody (Jude 8-9, Deut. 34: 5-6, 1Corn. 15:44, 49).
Gods time is kept secretly for the day of rapture; only for the sake of his chosen people and Gods day is kept hidden
for the day of resurrection for whole mankind to face Gods judgment throne. That is how Gods time and Gods days are
topmost secrets (Mark 13: 32), which also are hidden in heavenly lockers; away from mankind, so that Satan wont be able
to know it from any human. Apart from above secretes, I think; God reveals his all other secretes and plans to his own close
prophets as written in (Amos 3: 7).
Second interpretation of above verse:
Gods one day is equal to one thousand solar years. As per (Gen. 3: 2-3) Adam and Eve both ate the forbidden fruit and
were supposed to die the same day (within one solar day or within 24 hours). But how come Eve lived for a long time she
become the mother of three sons Cain, Abel and Seth? How Adam died after 930 years very long life (Gen. 5: 5)? In chapter
five of Genesis big list of long human lives is given. But none of the human lived for one thousand years or more, all died
inside Gods one day and fulfilled Gods statement told by Eve (Gen. 3: 2-3). So with this reference, we can conclude that
God created the universe in six thousand solar years and never in Just within one week of human time (or) in 24 X 6 = 144
hours. But even modern Christians believe that creation was made in the period of only six solar days.
After many researches, science approved the limitless vastness of the universe. Meaning of word day
written in Genesis chapter one, in Old testament Time, considerably matches with its details, termed as day of God
means only in Genesis Chapter one, Day = Day of God as per explained in New Testament time (2 Pet. 3: 8).
first of all God created light on the very first day, God separated light and darkness, dividing time into day and
night. Thereafter were second and third days of creation. Now please note that only on the fourth day, God created sun,
moon and stars. So how come, mornings and evenings were taking place for previous three days, under what light, under
which darkness? God doesnt need sun, moon, stars and constellations to calculate his daily times or to prepare his own
calendar (never for God himself). God created these things for the sake of only mankind. In the beginning there was no
calendar for mankind. So on fourth day God created the natural calendar in the sky. (Genesis 1: 14 -19) God wanted
mankind to observe movements of sun and moon to calculate daily time for people. By observe moving stars and their
moving constellations God wanted mankind to learn to calculate weeks, months and years. God wanted mankind to learn
how to make calendars, in order to understand the importance of time, in which human life, human generations will be
living on the earth. But for Jews alone, God wanted them to observe Gods feasts, in the serial order of passing by months
in year. These were Gods plans behind putting sun, moon, stars, constellations etc. in the sky on the fourth-day of creation.
Now in the near future, after The Day of Judgment, there wont be sun, moon, Stars, solar systems etc. (Rev. 21: 1-2).
No need of any calendar and there wont be any darkness at all, in the New Heaven, on The New Earth or in New Jerusalem.
Jesus will be the only light in the universe (Rev. 21: 23). Thus there was no, there is no and there wont be any Calendar of
God as such neither in heaven nor on earth. For God himself darkness or light were just the same. In the beginning God
separated light and darkness only for the sake of creation of the universe and not for Gods own use.
So what was the time span in Gods day during creation? Was it equal to 24 solar hours? Was it equal to thousand solar
years? Or is it quite beyond any human imagination, calculations and researches? Only God knows. Gods day is a secret
span of Gods own time. As per Bible, in some unknown, secret six days God created this vast universe and everything in
the universe by his own words.
(2) Human days, weeks, months, years and calendars :
Calculations of time in days, weeks, months and years varied throughout the world and varied during eras. Many
calendars popped up and vanished in due course of time. National clocks of standard times, the solar day of 24 hours, solar
week of seven days and solar calendar of 365-366 days became internationally accepted time factors now. In past, most of
human calendars were based either on solar system or on lunar system, in different civilizations or in religions of the world.
(3) Hebrew Calendar It is a lunar calendar. It is Jewish religion calendar. Biblically it seems is Godly planned calendar for his
chosen nation of Israel, the Jews, to observe Gods commanded feasts and festivals. God himself did not implement this
calendar on Gentiles mandatorily. But some Gentile convert-Christian believers, how come assume that this calendar is a
calendar for whole mankind? If so, then why these Christian believers themselves are not observing Jewish feasts and
festivals together with Christian festivals? Why Christian festivals were not included in Hebrew Calendar? Yet these
Christians even titled Hebrew Calendar as Gods calendar! Gods calendar cant be one for Jews and another for Christians
and yet another for Gentiles. So Hebrew Calendar is also a human calendar (God gave it for Jews). Gods own calendar is
beyond every human assumption, calculation or research. Gods times are hidden from all mankind and from every satanic
power, just for the sake of wellbeing of repenting mankind.
It is how much appropriate to intermix human astrological findings, Hebrew calendar and Biblical prophecies to
find out Gods secrete plans? Especially top most secrete dates and times like dates of rapture, Jesus second arrival on
earth, Day of final Judgment etc.? This may be a bad attempt.
But the worst attempt is seeking multi religions and multi-cultural references to find these top most heavenly
secretes of the Bible. This leads researchers into confusions, mistakes, wrong calculations and finally into humiliating
failure. This is how a big list of Christian prophets around the world is getting formed, whose end time events predicted
dates always do fail.


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