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The Sun : Thursday, June 10, 2004: Page 9D

Housing help
resides online
ments in an easy-to-read chart that shows the
number of bedrooms, price and city. If you click
New BlackBerry on an apartment, you can find out the security
deposit required, set up appointments to see
has plenty of juice Web sites offer
the place or send questions by e-mail to the
leasing office.

as cell phone, PDA renters and Homes for sale provides a wealth of infor-
The new RIM BlackBerry 7280
series ($400) is a solidly per-
forming pager, personal digital
buyers aid mation on new and resale homes. In addition
to a description and a photo of a home, the site
provides the information on the ZIP code’s
assistant and tri-band phone
that works in more than 100
finding homes, demographics; crime statistics; housing prices;
family facts, such as the number of singles and
Tri-band telephones work
making couples with children; education, such as the
number of area residents who have college de-
across the bandwidths or net-
works of the United States, Eu-
informed grees; unemployment rates; the number of
doctors in the area; and weather. This informa-
rope and the Far East without
requiring the user to change the
choices and tion is updated quarterly, and you don’t have
to register to use the site. However, the only
SIM (Subscriber Identity Mod-
ule) card in the phone.
setting up contact information offered is an e-mail
address for the listing agent.
Besides its global reach, the
4.8-ounce handheld unit has an
house., which also allows you to
search for homes without registering,
online calendar and e-mail serv- gives you much less information on the
ice that can be synchronized property but provides the listing agency
with the popular e-mail pro- a n d a t e l e p h o n e n u m b e r. O n
grams such as Microsoft Out-, you can search for new
look and IBM Lotus Notes. homes by category: available now, un-
You can also view e-mail at- der construction, or ready to build.
tachments on its 240-by- will offer a new
160-pixel screen, a feature that service this month: Would-be buyers
was not available in the old who provide an e-mail address and a de-
BlackBerry. The new model also scription of the home they want to buy
has excellent battery life. I will be alerted whenever a property that
tested its reported 10 days of fits their parameters is added to the Mul-
standby time by fully charging it tiple Listing Service. The e-mail alert will
and running the battery down. I include the listing agent’s name and tele-
found that the BlackBerry phone number, even if he or she is not a CataL-
would be usable for more than a ist Homes agent. But CataList may not receive
week before it needed to be re- By Hang Nguyen the listings until 24 hours after the information
charged. When using voice and KNIGHT RIDDER/TRIBUNE pops up on the MLS.
data services, the unit held its
Mortgages and calculators

charge after light-to-moderate ists of apartments for rent. Demo-
use for a typical business week graphics of the area where homes Some Web sites can help you find out what
of about five days. are for sale. Guides to buying mortgage rates local banks are offering and
While the BlackBerry failed to foreclosed homes. Mortgage cal- calculate the monthly payment for different
show some Web pages properly, culators. types of mortgages. At, you se-
I wasn’t disappointed in its tele- The Internet offers that infor- lect the type of mortgage you want and a
phone or PDA capabilities. mation and much more for con- search will produce a list of local banks, rates,
Information: http://www. sumers interested in real estate. But if you phone numbers and links to the companies’ punch “real estate” into the Google search en- Web sites. You can choose to be alerted via e-
— Rasheim T. Freeman gine, it returns more than 17 million hits. How mail when mortgage rates hit a certain level.
do you find the sites you can rely on? Calculators tell you how much house you can
With help from real estate experts, here’s a afford and your FICO score range — a credit-
selection of recommended sites. rating number that lenders look at to deter-
Helpline Apartments
mine what mortgage rate to offer you. helps borrowers figure out
If you’re a renter deciding whether to move whether they can afford a certain house. It also

Tools ease into an complex, and you wish you knew some-
one who could give you the lowdown on the
place, is the site for
calculates and compares the monthly pay-
ments for five different types of loans.
If you are on the fence about whether to refi-

translation you. Renters go online to say good and bad

things about the communities where they live.
They rank the complex’s parking, mainte-
nance, noise, safety and office staff.
nance, the site can calculate how much money
you could save and when the monthly savings
would total the cost of refinancing. It also can
crunch numbers to help you decide on paying
of old files “This is a scary one for our industry,” said
Lynn Klug, marketing director for Sares-Regis,
a large landlord in Orange County, Calif.
points (each costing 1 percent of your mort-
gage balance) to reduce your rate. estimates how much property
But site users should be wary, because com- tax you’d pay.
By James Coates ments aren’t verified. “If nothing else, it pro-
CHICAGO TRIBUNE vides for a few good laughs,” said John Burns, Foreclosures
real estate consultant in Irvine, Calif. Some sites list foreclosed properties and
Much of our office work was lets new renters and homes at risk of foreclosure. Purchasers of
saved on discs compatible with homeowners change their address so their mail foreclosed homes often get a 20 percent to 50
the Ami Pro word processor on will be forwarded to the new location and sign percent discount off market-rate prices.
our old Hewlett-Packard com- up for telephone service, cable service and offers information on prop-
puter and now need to be trans- high-speed Internet access. The vendors on the erties subject to a notice of default (NOD) and
ferred into our new Windows free site guarantee the lowest prices, and con- with a notice of trustee sale (NTS). You can
XP/Office XP system. Is it possi- sumers can compare the prices from as many search by city or ZIP code.
ble to program my new Dell as three companies. Depending on what area The NOD, the first step in the foreclosure
computer to accept my old AMI you live in, certain basic services aren’t avail- process, is filed when a loan is in default; these
Pro discs? Please don’t tell me able for online sign-ups. People who use the properties aren’t yet on the auction block. The
that they all have to be retyped. site to sign up for services can return there to site provides free information on square foot-
A $149 upgrade to Corel’s new cancel when they leave. age, number of bedrooms and baths, and an
WordPerfect Office 12 is exactly offers $100 back for shoppers who estimated loan balance. If you want to know
the tool you need. find their apartment on its Web site. Like whether the current owner will sell, you must
By contrast, as privately held many other rental Web sites, it lets you know pay a monthly subscription fee of $25 for the
Corel Corp. struggles to get by what kinds of apartments are in the area; you contact information.
with about 5 percent of the of- contact the landlord to see what is available. The NTS is filed when borrowers don’t pay
fice software market that Micro- The search options are more advanced than what they owe within 90 days of the NOD filing.
soft dominates, WordPerfect has some other sites; for example, you can narrow These homes are heading to public auction;
been tweaked to handle the for- your search to find only places that will take the site’s free information includes minimum
mats used by just about all of dogs or cats. This is good because some sites bid amount and the date of the public sale. To
the past victims of Bill Gates’ aren’t as specific — they only mention policies receive further auction information, you must
software giant. about pets in general. You can also search by pay the monthly $25.
WordPerfect therefore will not type of parking (covered or detached) and lo- If the home doesn’t sell at the foreclosure
only open stuff written in Lotus cation of the washer and dryer (inside the auction, the lender gets the home. It’s then cat-
Ami Pro, it also will save it in the apartment or in a separate room). egorized as “real estate owned” by lender
Microsoft Word 2003 format or On, you can search for (REO) — the last step of the foreclosure proc-
any other format of Word. This units that offer disability access, short-term ess. On, lenders’ con-
includes the versions from Word leases, furniture, a dishwasher, a microwave or tact information for REO homes is available
1 to Word 5 that no longer are a balcony. Searches produce a list of apart- free, though users must register.
usable in Microsoft Word.
WordPerfect Office 12 will
handle a couple dozen formats
from the bad old days, including
such one-time stars as XyWrite,
Professional Write, Office Writer,
Volkswriter and WordStar.
As I said, $149 is the upgrade
price for WordPerfect Office 12,
Souped-up laptops get better at how they play the games
but you certainly qualify be-
cause you definitely own Micro-
soft Word. By Dean Takahashi hyperthreading, an McAfee security software and the Dell laptop has some signifi- Thankfully, it weighs in at a
KNIGHT RIDDER/TRIBUNE 800-megahertz, front-side bus Dell Picture Studio. cant trade-offs. It weighs 9 lighter 7.5 pounds.
A second — but far less effec-
and a minimum of 256 mega- The model I used, which had a pounds — enough to give you a The machine isn’t nearly as
tive — option is to acquire soft-
There has been a lot of talk bytes of DDR Dual Channel 60-gigabyte hard drive and a Wi- backache. The lithium ion bat- powerful as the Dell, but it does
ware called Quick View, which
about how laptops have evolved DRAM that is expandable to 2 Fi card, costs $2,880. tery lasts about 90 minutes, so the job on many current games.
will read those AMI Pro relics
enough to replace your bulky gigabytes. The Dell laptop scored a re- it’s primarily for plugged-in play. It scored a fairly low 2,442 on the
and let you copy the words for
desktop PC. This year, that talk It has an upgradeable spectable 3,360 on the 3Dmark The eMachines M6809 ($1,549 3Dmark benchmark, and the
pasting into Office, but you’ll
has spread to gaming machines. 128-megabyte ATI Mobility benchmark for intense graphics with a mail-in rebate) has a colors looked slightly washed
lose all of the formatting con-
I staged a shootout between Radeon 9700 graphics chip. The applications, compared with 15.4-inch WXGA screen, a 3200+ out. The power cord was annoy-
trols. As a result, the documents
gaming laptops from Dell and laptop features stereo speakers 6,316 for a top-of-the-line desk- mobile AMD Athlon 64 proces- ing because it kept slipping out
will be far less useful in the fu-
eMachines, putting them to the and a subwoofer and comes with top from ABS that sported an sor, 512 megabytes of DDR of the laptop.
test with Far Cry, a first-person a backpack emblazoned with a Nvidia GeForce FX 5900 Ultra SDRAM and an 80-gigabyte Loyd Case, technical director
If you do decide to go the
shooter game for the PC that re- skull logo. with an AMD Athlon 64 FX-51 hard disk drive and an ATI Mo- at the tech enthusiast Web site
Quick View route, you can find
quires a ton of graphics power. I Gamers can choose a 60- giga- microprocessor. bility Radeon 9600 graphics, says we’re a
Quick View 8 Plus for $35 as a
also used the graphics bench- byte or 80-gigabyte hard drive. What this means in terms of chip. The laptop also offers a generation or two away from
download and $39 in a box.
mark from 3Dmark to measure Dell offers options for a DVD/ desktop vs. laptop gaming is built-in wireless 802.11g card laptops that are truly as good as
The Chicago Tribune is a how well they can run graphics. R W d r i v e o r C D - R W/ D V D that on the desktop the colors and Ethernet. It has a re- desktop gaming machines.
Tribune Publishing newspa- The Dell Inspiron XPS (start- combo drive, and the laptop has are richer, the sounds more im- writeable DVD drive, a 6-1 me- And though the laptops I
per. James Coates may be con- ing at $2,339) has a 15.4-inch built-in 802.11b/g wireless card. mersing and the action just dia card reader and a boatload tried can put a lot of machines
tacted via e-mail at jcoates@ WUXGA screen, a 3.4-gigahertz Also included is software such seems faster. of software, including Microsoft to shame, I still prefer to play Pentium 4 microprocessor with as Dell Jukebox by MusicMatch, While solid on performance, Works 7.0 and Microsoft Money. games on a desktop.

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