Family History Timeline Project Guidelines

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Due Date: ____________________

My Family History Timeline Project

You will interview one of your parents.

From the information that you receive you will make a family timeline.
You will turn in your project in class, on October 27th, 2017.

Interview: You will conduct your interview on October 9th as a homework assignment.
The interview worksheet along with your list of events is due in class on October

Timeline: Paper provided.

Create a timeline that includes the following information:

1. Date parent(s) were born
2. Date parent(s) came to America or California
3. Date student (that is you) was born
4. Date siblings were born (If applicable)
5. Any other significant event in your life
a. These events will be placed on top of your timeline
6. Important events that occurred in Africa during
a. Your birthday
b. Your parents migration to America or California
c. A significant event in your life, of your choice
i. These events will be placed on the bottom of your
7. Illustration of all the events on the timeline

You may also include dates that pets were born or brought to the family (pets are family
members, too!).
Timelines should be done BY YOU and in your best handwriting. Use rulers, colored pencils, and
glued photographs to make your timeline POP!
You will work on your timeline at home and in class.
Use the Project Checklist (attached) to help you keep on track!
Name: ____________________ Date: __________________

Interview Questions
Directions: Interview your mom or dad by asking the following ten questions. Record your parents
answers in complete sentences on the worksheet below. Worksheets are due in class on October

1. When and where was I born?




2. When and where was my mom? When and where was my dad born?




3. Have we always lived in Tracy? If not, where did we live before?




4. When did our family first move to America? If you do not know, when did our family first move to
California? Who were they?




5. When were my brothers and sisters born?



6. What are some of our familys traditions? Are there any special holidays we celebrate? Is there a
special tradition we have during holidays?




7. Are there any special moments that happened in my life that I should put on my timeline?




Be sure to thank your mom or dad for his or her time and help!


With the help of your parents, create a list of the events you will be placing on your timeline.
You will be turning this list in on Wednesday, October 11th, 2017. Make sure to place them in
chronological order, and include the following:
The month, day, and year of that event.
Location of the event
Brief description of the event.
o You will be writing all of this information on your timeline, as it is shown below:

January 8th, 1988

On this date, I was born in Kaiser
Hospital in Hayward, Ca. My parents
Told me that when I was born, they
Had no idea I was going to be a girl!
They kept it as a surprise for them!

In class, we will choose some of your events and research different African events that took
place on those dates.
My Family Timeline Project Checklist

_____ I turned in the completed interview worksheet on Wednesday, October 11th, and have
included a list of the events I will be placing on my timeline

_____ I made a timeline list and included the following information:

1. Date parents were born
2. Date grandparents were born
3. Date parents came to America or California
4. Date student was born
5. Date siblings were born (If applicable)
6. Any other significant events in your life
7. Important events that occurred in the world during
a. Your birthday
b. Your parents migration to America or California
c. A significant event in your life, of your choice
8. Illustration of all the events on the timeline

_____ I turned in a list of African events that occurred during different events on my timeline on
Friday, October 13, 2017.

_____ My parents or siblings took pictures of me as we were working on my interview worksheet and
as we made the list of my events.

_____ With my parents help, I found pictures to place on my timeline and will bring copies of those
pictures in by Tuesday, October 17th, 2017. If I cannot find any pictures, I will have to draw my
own pictures.

_____ I did the timeline myself and used my best handwriting.

_____I sent Ms. Zaca an email asking for the pictures she took of me working on my timeline and
scrapbook in class.

_____ I used rulers, colored pencils, and glued photographs to make my timeline pop!

_____ I turned in my timeline on time (October 20 th, 2017).

Name _______________________

My Family Timeline Rubric

Honors Red and Honors Fuchsia

___/20 Student turned in the completed interview worksheet and list of timeline events on October
11th, 2017.

___/10 Student turned in list of African events that occurred during different parts of their timeline on
October 13, 2017.

___/24 Student included the below criteria and met the timeline rubric (attached):
Student has included 8-10 events on their timeline that includes:
o Date parents were born
o Date parents came to America or California
o Date student was born
o Date siblings were born (If applicable) (number of events will vary)
o Any other significant event in your life
These may include memorable moments in your life regarding
sports, academics, school life, or vacations.
Five (5) important events that occurred in Africa during
o Your birthday
o Your parents migration to America or California
o A significant event in your life
Illustration of all the events on the timeline

___/10 Student used rulers, colored pencils, and markers on timeline.

___/10 Student turned in timeline on due date, October 27th, 2017.

TOTAL: ___/74

Name _______________________

My Family Timeline Rubric

Scholastic Green and Scholastic Blue

___/20 Student turned in the completed interview worksheet and list of timeline events on October
11th, 2017.

___/10 Student turned in list of African events that occurred during different parts of their timeline on
October 13, 2017.

___/24 Student included the below criteria and met the timeline rubric (attached):
Student has included 5-7 events on their timeline that includes:
o Date parents were born
o Date parents came to America or California
o Date student was born
o Date siblings were born (If applicable) (number of events will vary)
o Any other significant event in your life
These may include memorable moments in your life regarding
sports, academics, school life, or vacations.
Four (4) important events that occurred in Africa during
o Your birthday
o Your parents migration to America or California
o A significant event in your life
Illustration of all the events on the timeline

___/10 Student used rulers, colored pencils, and markers on timeline.

___/10 Student turned in timeline on due date, October 27th, 2017.

TOTAL: ___/74

Name _______________________

My Family Timeline Rubric

Varsity Gray and Varsity Yellow

___/20 Student turned in the completed interview worksheet and list of timeline events on October
11th, 2017.

___/10 Student turned in list of African events that occurred during different parts of their timeline on
October 13, 2017.

___/24 Student included the below criteria and met the timeline rubric (attached):
Student has included 5 events on their timeline that includes:
o Date parents were born
o Date parents came to America or California
o Date student was born
o Date siblings were born (If applicable) (number of events will vary)
o Any other significant event in your life
These may include memorable moments in your life regarding
sports, academics, school life, or vacations.
Three (3) important events that occurred in Africa during
o Your birthday
o Your parents migration to America or California
o A significant event in your life
Illustration of all the events on the timeline

___/10 Student used rulers, colored pencils, and markers on timeline.

___/10 Student turned in timeline on due date, October 27th, 2017.

TOTAL: ___/74


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