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Methane production in Rumen of Ruminant animal and Green house Effect on


Dr. Kedar Karki

The major Gases having Green house effect in the atmosphere due to
agricultural and industrial activities of the people in clued carbon dioxide, methane and
nitrous oxide and chlorofluro carbons. In the total global methane efflux the livestock
contributes about 20% is estimated. All the ecosystems of earth to gather from the bios
here which in the portion of the earth within which life exists. If include all oceans,
fresh water, Lower layers of the atmosphere, the rook, mountain, snow peak, vegetation
and soil of earth surface the atmosphere serves as a vital protective blanket which is
able to nature life in earth and protect it from hostile environment in outer space by
absorbing most of by absorbing the cosmic rays from outer space. If also absorbs most of
the electromagnetic radiations from sun and play a major role in maintaining the heat
balance of the earth. The solar radiations progressing toward earth's surface are
partially absorbed by ozone layer, especially the redaction in the ultraviolet region.
which is beneficial for the living organisms on the earth, as or radiation have
carcinogenic effect and influence the genetic material of living creatures of earth
adversely the warming of the earth's surface takes place by absorption of the solar
radiations in the visible region by the water vapor surrounding Its surface, about 30% if
radiations reaching the surface are absorbed and rest of 70% are reflected back by the
earth's surface into outer space.

The phenomena of Green house effect

The gases containing carbon absorb radiant energy of long wave length and maintain the
temperature of the atmosphere this effect is being termed as greenhouse effect. Of
these gases which is similar to effect of glass houses where glass remain radiations of
long wavelength which help to maintain a temperature suitable for plant growth. This
natural greenhouse effect males the existence of life on earth possible but the
increasing concentration of these gases in the atmosphere beyond a certain limit results
in an increase in earth's temperature, melting of ice o the mountains, artic and
Antarctic areas, due to melting of ice and expansion of water there is a rise in global sea
level . Changes in ecosystem due to changes in temperature and availability in particular
area, change in poncho genesis of plants animals and human being and alteration in
living style of people due to above changes.

Major gases Responsible for the green house effects.

Carbon dioxide:

Carbon dioxide which is considered responsible for more than half of the human
contribution to the greenhouse effect and concentrations have in creased steadily from
around 280 parts per million at she beginning of the industrial revolution to around 350
ppm today. About half of the carbon dioxide released by oceans and fast growing plants.
If is estimated that the 11 billion tons of carbon dioxide we add each year which
produces a continuous growth in the gaseous atmospheric concentration of about 0.5%
Methane which is a colorless odorless gas that is being found in many places in
the environment. If is the main component of natural gas, a mixture containing about
75% as well as 15% of ethane 5% other hydrocarbons. Methane generated in rumen may
vary in concentration from 5-70% in rumen a gaseous environment depending on the type
of animal and feed given to it Methane is considered highly combustible of 12% Mixture
in air.

In the total methane efflux the livestock contributes 20% Among the ruminants,
cattle and Buffalo produces 200-250 liters of methane pre day. Those animals are in
productive stage produces more methane than the non productive animals.

Nitrous oxide :
The global warming potential of nitrous oxide is considered to be between 170 to
190 times than carbon dioxide if is a stable compound that dose not decay readily
in the atmosphere with a long atmospheric life time of over 121 years the primary
source of it from agriculture are mineral fertilizers, legume crops and animal
waste. the Kyoto protocol is considered a co-ordinated international effort to
reduce these global green house gas emission. The many developed country have
ratified the original protocol and had agreed to legal binding on green house gas
emission. They have committed to 1990 level in next 5- 8 years. which is
considered as a challenging target.

Process of production of Methane:

The methane producing bacteria, a special classified as arch ae bacteria which
are responsible for regulation the over all fermentation process in rumen. They remove
hydrogen gas by reducing carbon dioxide to form methane. The production of methane
keeps hydrogen concentration in rumen low which helps methanogenic bacteria to
promote the growth of other bacterial which promote the growth of other bacterial
species which enhances the efficient fermentation. The effective removal of hydrogen
by these methanogenic species encourages hydrogen production and thus alter their
metabolism towards higher yielding path ways which results in the synthesis in the
synthesis of more microbial cells which in turn increases available protien to animals.

Seven different species, representing five genera of methanogenous have been reported
from the rumen of different t ruminant animals are Methano bacterium formicicum,
M.bryanti M. ruminantium, M.smithi,, Methanosarccina barkeri and Methano
celleus. Methanogenes are present in the rumen in large numbers Varying from 107
to109 cells/ml of rumen hi quid which depend upon type of diet fed to animals
especially fiber content in the ration. They play a vital role in the rumen of scavenging
molecular hydrogen generated during rumen fermentation which makes rumen
fermentation a continues process but this lead to a significant loss of gross energy
consumed by the animals. There is a close association between entodiniorphid protozoa
and some of the bacteria which attach to the pellicle of protozoa. Till date 11 species of
entodiniomorphid protozoa have been found to have adhered methanogens like
entodinium longinuleatum, eudiplodinium maggii, Entodinium bursa, Eremoplastron
bovis. The methanogenes attach themselves with the ciliate protozoa to get a constant
supply of hydrogens. On pumping hydrogen in the rumen the methanogns get detached
from the protozoa.

Factory which affects the production of Methane.

Methane production in rumen depends upon various feed factors like the level of feed in
take, digestibility of feed consumed and total easily degradable carbohydrate in ration.
In addition to this the ratio of cell wall components and easily fermentable
carbohydrates is equally importance for the extant of methanogenesis in the rumen.
Methane produced in higher Quantity on diet rich in soluble sugars, as compare to diet
containing high proportion of degradable fiber component. Ruminant grazing on poor
pasture produces more methane per unit of feed consumed compared with high Quality
feed. But this is to some extent balanced by greater size, and higher productizes of
improved breeds. It is also considered that live stock in developing countries produces
less methane because if lower feed intakes despite poor feed Quality. Cattle and sheep
produces 55 and 8kg methane in developing countries whereas only 35 and 5kg in
developing countries. It is considered to be due to lower production potential of
livestock in developing countries.

How to prevent the Methane production

Feeding of animal with high concentration diet and various methane inhibitors like
halogenated methane analogue like 2-bromoethanesuphoric Acid, amichloral, fatty
acids, probiotics ionophroes, sulphate, defunation of animals have indicated varying
degree of success.

In rumen fermentation three important hydrogen utilizing microbes, sulphate

reducing bacteria, methanogens and carbon dioxide reducing acetogens have a thresh
hold value of hydrogen (mmole/liter) as 0.0013, 0.067 and 1.26, at which these bacteria
act as the dominant electron acceptors of appears that sulphate reducing bacteria have
the highest affinity to utilize hydrogen in rumen even better than methanogens but
availability of sulphate in rumen appears to be limitation.

Sulphate supplementation helps increasing the production of fiber degrading

enzymes and fiber degradation in the rumen. As sulphate also have high affinity for
utilization of hydrogen for its reduction to sulphide. Therefore at high fiber diet as
prevalent in our livestock, sulphate supplementation can be a good mean of rumen
manipulation for improving fiber degradability and preventing process of methane
production. But stile a proper does have to be optimized keeping in view of toxic levels
of sulphide gene rated on sulphate reduction while in defaunated animals there seems
to be a significant decrease in methane and metabolic heat production when protozoa
are selectively eliminated from ruminal microbial ecosystem. The improvement of breed
of animals. Better nutritional management seems to reduce the methane production and
its emission in Environment can ultimately will help to reduce the, Greenhouse effect on
our Envinnment. There seen to be a strategic research is needed in our country's context
as it posses the different agri-ecozone and different animal husbandry pattern.

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