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Q 1:The scenario is as below,

call is between off net to off net ,2nd phone forward the call unconditionally to on net phone (4G
VOLTE) when hold is done from On net phone, the call has dropped,
Error came as
cause =500; text ='session released -SBLP" session description not accectable 32"
what is the issue. plz reply.
Ans: Service Based local policy is negotiated each time a new offer answer takes place. Now looking to the
error u pasted above it seems the SP is not defined for sendonly/recvonly with the codec negotiated during initial
call. But if you check which side initiated this 500 the picture will be more clear ( like if its not defined for on-net to
offnet OR off-on net ). Hope it helps smile emoticon

Some FAQ in Interview :- Please try to give exact & accurate ans smile emoticon

1=> What is registration refresh timer in IMS registration(If it is set 600,000 sec i.e 7 days or this
value can be different ) ?
2=>IF UE send Register request and immediate proxy P-CSCF get down then what happen ,
error response will be send by UE or Proxy ?
3=> Why UAR request send twice in initial registration ?
4=>How many auth mechnism used in IMS , which one is good and why ?
5=>How TAS will determine whether call is orig or terminating ?
6=>While making INVITE req Req URI goes wrong (Fully wrong & incomplete URI ) with correct
domain name then Req will process or not ?
7=>During Reg process while S-cscf challenges UE with 401 then UE send REG again with
XRES . IF I-CSCF gets different S-cscf during HSS query then this REG req will be processed
with MAR or S-cscf will challenge again to UE ?
8=> or what happen if OLD S-cscf gets reboot during second REG message?
9=>During 3rd party REG TAS will change all the fields TO , FROM , Call ID ,CONTACT and
other SDP parameter as it work as B2BUA then how it come to know which S-cscf to send
response back?
10=> Significance of Shared filter criteria ?
11=> How many ways AS can behave , tell any 5 with application . How AS behave as Orig UA &
Term UA with real scenario ?
12=>How UAS know when to send 180 ringging & 183 session in progress or What riggers 183
session in progress ?
13=> Type of IPSec security associations & its machanism ?
14=>Use of Security verify and Security client ?
15=>What will happen when precondition donot match ?
16=>What happen when none of codec match ?
17=>in Re Reg Call ID will change or not ? What other the parameters changes ?
18=>How you perform performanace testing , Funtional testing and Regression testing in your
lab ?

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