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The Cash Flow

Investor's Toolkit


DISCLAIMER: None of the information in this document is to be considered
professional legal, accounting, or tax advice. Always consult with a qualified
professional before making any financial decisions. The examples and information
given in this document are for informational and educational purposes only.

Cash Flow investing can be a tricky subject. Its very popular among business
owners and entrepreneurs, because when done right, cash flow investments can
outperform traditional mutual-fund based investing.

Still, my #1 investing rule applies:

Risk is in the investor rather than in the investment.

Simply put, that means it's impossible for me to recommend any specific cash flow
investment opportunity, because I don't know your knowledge and skill level.

And just because other people are successful at a particular cash flow investing
opportunity doesn't mean it's "good" for you.

So first of all, I recommend you download and read 2 specific guides if you haven't
already. These guides might


This 25 page guide lays out my investing philosophy in more detail, including The 7
Keys to Successful Investing & How to Avoid Costly Mistakes.

Its the formula Ive learned from the worlds top investors like Warren Buffett, Peter
Lynch, and George Soros. Whenever I follow these guidelines, I steer clear of
trouble. And every time Ive strayed from them, Ive suffered some sort of loss.


This is a diagnostic tool that you use to grade every investment you currently have
-- or any investment you consider in the future.

If you use it honestly, it will steer you away from 95% of all the opportunities that
come your way.

You may feel you miss out on some good opportunities. Thats okay, because
youll also miss out on all the duds, too.

But the real magic is that it will help you focus in and identify the one or two
gamechanging investments that can literally alter the course of your life.

After you have read through those two investment guides, you will understand my
philosophy on choosing the right investment based on your personal Investor DNA.

Like Ive mentioned, I developed this philosophy after years of studying how the
wealthy invest with a different mindset, and through years of (sometimes painful)
personal and coaching experience.

After reading those guides, you will be in a better position to start investigating
other cash flow investing opportunities.

My #1 advice is to keep most of your money liquid in a Wealth Account, and only
invest in great opportunites.

You want to SPECIALIZE, not diversify.

Thats the key to investing success.

I keep my liquid funds in something called a Cash Flow Banking system.

Cash Flow Banking is literally the cornerstone to my success, and Ive been using it
in one form or another since I was 18 years old.

You can learn more about it ^]MfROW]MafRaRP^]QdPcW]UfWcVcVRcRM\McDWPV


One note -- Cash Flow Banking is not an investment. Its simply a safe, secure and
liquid way to save your money for your business or investments. Its an opportunity
fund of sorts.

So what are the most popular cash flow investments?

Personally, Ive invested in real estate, private placements, and oil wells in the past.

I dont do any of that anymore.


Because when I follow the rules I give you in the investing guides above, I found my
#1 biggest return comes from investing in my own business.

This is what many titans of commerce have done.

Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller didnt become rich investing in the stock
market. They invested everything into their business.

Andrew Carnegie famously said: Put all your eggs in one basket, but watch that
basket like a hawk.

And if you read the appendix in Tony Robbins new book called MONEY Master the
Game, youll see that all the billionaires he interviews made their fortunes investing
in their own business.

In addition to real estate (the most prevalent cash flow investment people use),
there are literally dozens of ways people make money on cash flow investments.

I've listed a few of them below.

Some are more passive. Others are more hands-on.

Just realize that ALL cash-flow investments require some monitoring.

There's no such thing as truly passive income.

The following are not recommendations. They are simply ideas for you to
investigate further.

v Tax Liens
v Private (hard money) Lending
v Purchasing Notes
v Private Placements
v Accounts Receivable Financing
v Building Bonds
v Commercial Paper
v Equipment Leasing
v Factoring Investments
v Oil and Gas Investments
v Judgments/Structured Settlements
v Timberland
v Investing in ATM machines
v Laundromats
v Arcade machines
v Vending machines
v Parking lots

v Billboards
v NNN Leases (Triple Net)

These are just a sampling of Cash Flow Investments others have used. They may or
may not be right for you. The majority of them will NOT be right for you.

I have purposely not described them because the ONLY time you should do one is
if youve done your own investigation and fully understand the upsides and

Take your time as you investigate each opportunity.

Run each one through the Investment Scorecard (from above) and avoid any that
don't fall into your comfort zone.

Dont fall in love with an investment and try to figure out ways to make it fit your
investor DNA.

If it doesn't match up to your strengths, simply move on. You may miss out on a
little bit of cash. But youll avoid a lot of agony and regret.

Finally, if you do find a cash flow investing opportunity that fits you, keep this in

You will always have the best chance for success if you treat it like a business.
That means making money from the investment should always be a secondary
concern. Not losing money and not losing focus on your priorities in life is much
more valuable.

Investing is a time-consuming activity. If you are not up to the task it, you may be
better off keeping your money in a safe, secure place where it cant lose principle.
Thats why I keep most of my money in Cash Flow Banking contracts because for
me, the value of certainty and knowing exactly how much I have and how much Ill
have 5 or 10 years from now is priceless.

I hope this little toolkit proves valuable for you. It may be hard to accept some of
these principles, because they go against what the mainstream financial services
industry preaches.

But Im convinced that youll find more peace of mind -- and even greater wealth
like I have, if you follow these time-honored principles in your investing life.

Build the life you love,

Garrett B. Gunderson
Wealth Factory

P.S. Feel free to pass this cashflow investing toolkit on to family members
and loved ones.

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