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Talking about your Company

Warm Up Work with a partner.

Is your company well-known? What is the most famous company in your country?


Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. What does Tom Carter do?

2. Where is his office?
3. What does his company make?

My name is Tom Carter. I'm a sales manager at TPR

Electronics and I work in the London office.

TPR was founded in 1963. We are now a subsidiary of

Manutech International.

TPR is a leading electronic goods manufacturer. We

specialize in car navigation systems. We have over
three hundred employees worldwide. Around half are
in the UK. The head office is located in Oxford. We
also have offices in Chicago and Milan.

Language Work Fill in the blanks using a word from the list on the right.

Common Business Expressions

1. I'm a sales manager TPR Electronics.

2. I work in the London .
3. TPR Electronics was in 1963.
4. We are a of Manutech International. founded
5. TPR is a electronics manufacturer.
6. We in car navigation systems.
7. We have over three hundred . at

8. The head office is in Oxford.

About You Write sentences about your company and position.

1) I'm a sales manager at TPR Electronics.

2) I work in the London office.

3) TPR Electronics was founded in 1963.
4) We are a subsidiary of Manutech International.
5) TPR is a leading electronics manufacturer.
6) We specialize in car navigation systems.
7) We have over three hundred employees.
8) The head office is in Oxford.









Tell a partner about your company and your position.

Question Practice Write the question for each answer.

1) 1) I'm a sales manager at TPR Electronics.

2) 2) I work in the London office.

3) 3) TPR Electronics was founded in 1963.

4) 4) We are a subsidiary of Manutech International.

5) 5) TPR is a leading electronics manufacturer.

6) 6) We specialize in car navigation systems.

7) 7) We have over three hundred employees.

8) 8) The head office is in Oxford.

Speaking Practice

Work with a partner. Tell him/her about yourself and your company. Answer your partner's questions.

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