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Rmes kifejezsek a modern angol nyelvbl. Te ismered ket?

Yummy Mummy, Culture Vulture etc. Rhyming Expressions in Contemporary English

yummy mummy - an attractive and stylish young mother

culture vulture - a person who is very interested in the arts

chick flick - a film which appeals to young women

brain drain - the emigration of highly trained or qualified people from a particular country

blame game - a situation in which one party blames others for something bad or unfortunate rather
than attempting to seek a solution

trout pout - unnaturally swollen lips resulting from the injection of excessive collagen into the lips in
a cosmetic procedure intended to enhance their appearance

meals on wheels - meals delivered to old people or invalids who cannot cook for themselves

prime time - the time at which a radio or television audience is expected to be at its highest

fun run - an uncompetitive run, especially for sponsored runners in support of a charity

make or break - be the factor which decides whether (something) will succeed or fail

Delhi belly - an upset stomach on holiday accompanied by diarrhoea, especially as suffered by visitors
to India

chick lit - not very quality literature which appeals to young women

rom com - romantic comedy, a film or television programme about love that is intended to make you
Can you fill in the gaps with the right rhyming word from above?

1. This is your last chance to show if you are good for the national swimming team. Its real ..
time in your life.

2. The programme is only of limited interest. I cant understand why it is shown on . TV.

3. Elderly people who cannot cook for themselves are entitled to a .service.

4. just doesnt interest my boyfriend. I cant make him watch Mamma Mia! though its my

5. The . of doctors leaving the country is seriously affecting our health service.

6. John goes to all the new plays and exhibitions, reads all the latest novels and is a regular opera-
goer. What a . .

7. A thousand people took part in Sundays three kilometre .. to raise money for charity.

8. A lot of women really envy Victoria Beckham. With her good looks and that great figure, she is
such a .. .

9. Dont Janices lips look funny? That Botox has given her a real .

10. The minister said he was not going to enter into a . about the economic fiasco, because
the responsibility lay with many people.

11. I am not a big fan of Hugh Grant he only ever does . . I prefer more serious actors.

12. Thats the last time Ive been to India! I had for days it might have been the tap water
and spent most of the time on the loo.

13. Our daughter only reads . I cant make her read quality literature.

1. make or break 10. blame game

2. prime time 11. chick flicks

3. meals on wheels 12. Delhi belly

4. rom com 13. chick lit

5. brain drain

6. culture vulture

7. fun run

8. yummy mummy

9. trout prout
Gonna, gotta, wanna, aint - Hogyan hasznljuk helyesen?

1. Gonna = going to / are going to

It's gonna rain. Esni fog.

You're gonna be a princess. Hercegn leszel.

2. Gotta = have got to / got to

I gotta go home. Haza kell mennem.

He gotta learn. Tanulnia kell.

3. Wanna = want to

I wanna be a rock musician. Rockzensz akarok lenni.

What (do) you wanna do? Mit akarsz csinlni?

4. Ain't = be / have tagadsra

John ain't (=is not) listening. John nem figyel.

She ain't (=hasn't) got the money to buy it. Nincs pnze megvenni.
Ezeket a szavakat akkor hasznljuk, amikor kt dologrl beszlnk, teht mindig kett
dologra vonatkoznak, s fnevekkel egytt hasznljuk ket.

Both movies are very good. Mindkt film nagyon j.

Neither restaurant is expensive. Egyik tterem sem drga (a kett kzl).

We can go to either place. I dont really mind. Brmelyik helyre mehetnk a kett kzl),
nekem mindegy.


Amennyiben a fent emltett szavakat OF kveti, gy a fnv mindig tbbes szmban van az
OF utn, illetve mindig ki kell tenned a kvetkezk kzl valamelyiket:

- the (hatrozott nvel)

- these/those (mutat nvms)

- my/your/his/her/our/your/their (birtokos nvms)

- Marys (birtokos szerkezet)

Teht az a szerkezet, hogy Both of movies nem j, ktflekppen mondhatod helyesen:

Both movies vagy Both of the movies.

Az, hogy mikor melyik szerkezetet hasznlod a BOTH kifejezssel (teht of-os vagy of nlkli)
gyakorlatilag mindegy, csak figyelj arra, hogy ne keverd ket!

Ha kt emberrl beszlsz, hasznlhatod a kvetkez szerkezeteket (ebben az esetben az OF

hasznlata ktelez!):

both of us mindketten (mi) either of us brmelyiknk (mi kettnk kzl)

both of you mindketten (ti) either of you brmelyiktk (ti ketttk kzl)

both of them mindketten (k) either of them brmelyikk (k kettjk kzl)

neither of us egyiknk sem (mi kettnk kzl)

neither of you egyiktk sem (ti ketttk kzl)

neither of them egyikjk sem (k kettjk kzl)

Ahogy azt a pldkban is megfigyelhetted, a BOTH/BOTH OF utn a fnv, gy az ige is
tbbes szmban van: both girls are pretty = both of the girls are pretty

A NEITHER s az EITHER utn a fnv s az ige is egyes szmban van:

Neither restaurant is expensive. Egyik tterem sem drga (a kett kzl).

Either restaurant is expensive. Brmelyik tterem drga (a kett kzl).

Ha OF-os szerkezetet hasznlsz, akkor pedig a fnv mindenkppen tbbes szmban lesz, az
ige azonban lehet egyes vagy tbbes szmban is:

Neither of the restaurants is/are expensive. Egyik tterem sem drga (a kett kzl).

Either of the restaurants is/are expensive. Brmelyik tterem drga (a kett kzl).

A BOTH/NEITHER/EITHER szavakat hasznlhatod nmagukban is:

I cant decide between the two dresses. I like both. Nem tudok dnteni a kt ruha kztt.
Mindkett tetszik.

Is your girlfriend British or American?Neither, she is Australian. Bartnd brit vagy

amerikai? Egyik sem, ausztrl.

Do you want cake or ice-cream? Either. I like both, so I dont really mind. Stit vagy
fagyit krsz?Brmelyiket. Mindkettt szeretem, szval mindegy.

Vgl pedig jegyezd meg a kvetkez kifejezseket, mert nagyon gyakoriak:

BOTH ... AND...- is ... is

Both English reading and writing are difficult for me. -Az angol olvass s rs is nehz

NEITHER ... NOR ...-... sem ... sem

Neither Lizzy nor Tom came to the party.-Sem Lizzy sem Tom nem jttek a partira.

EITHER ... OR ...-vagy ... vagy ...

I'm not sure what flavour this is. It can be either vanilla or banana.

Nem vagyok bizos benne, hogy milyen z ez. Lehet vanlia vagy bann.
Nagyon fontos, ne keverd ssze! Ahogy beszltk, a fenti szerkezetek csakis 2 dolgora
vonatkozhatnak, ha tbb dologrl van sz, akkor az ANY/NONE/ALL szerkezeteket
hasznljuk. Figyelj csak:


-There are two good restaurants in the neighbourhood. You can try either of them.

Kt j tterem is van a kzelben. Brmelyiket kiprblhatod a kett kzl.

-We tried two restaurants. Neither of them were good. /Both of them were really good.

Kt ttermet is kiprbltunk. A kett kzl egyik sem volt j./Mindkett nagyon j volt.


-There are many good restaurants in the neighbourhood. You can try any of them.

Sok j tterem van a kzelben. Brmelyiket kiprblhatod.

-We tried a lot of restaurants. None of them were good./All of them were really good.--Sok
ttermet kiprbltunk. Egyik sem volt j./Mindegyik nagyon j volt.
Brmi, brki, brmikor, brhol, brmelyik, brhogy ...

Ezeknek a szavaknak nagyon knny a hasznlata, igazbl csak a jelentsket kell

megtanulnod, s azt, hogy utnuk egyenes szrend kvetkezik (teht

WHATEVER brmi(k), brmi(k) is, akrmi(k), akrmi(k) is, brmi(ke)t, brmi(ke)t is,
akrmi(ke)t, akrmi(ke)t is

WHOEVER brki(k), brki(k) is, akrki(k), akrki(k) is, brki(ke)t, brki(ke)t is, akrki(ke)t,
akrki(ke)t is

WHEREVER brhol brhol is, akrhol, akrhol is

WHENEVER brmikor, brmikor is, akrmikor, akrmikor is

WHICHEVER brmelyik (is), brmelyiket (is), akrmelyik (is), akrmelyiket (is)

HOWEVER brhogy, brhogyan is, akrhogyan, akrhogyan is, brmennyire, brmennyire


A whatever ezen kvl mg azt is jelenti, hogy mindegy.

Nzznk egy-kt pldt:

You can drink whatever you want. - Ihatsz brmit, amit akarsz.

Do't let in whoever it is. - Ne engedd be, brki is legyen az.

Wherever you go, I'll go with you. - Brhova is msz, n megyek veled.

Whenever you arrive, you'll be welcome. - Brmikor is jssz, szvesen ltunk.

You can choose whichever you like. - Vlaszthatod brmelyiket, amelyik tetszik.

She'll never finish it however hard she's trying. - Soha nem fogja befejezni, brmennyire is
kemnyen prblkozik.
Mdbeli segdigk Reported Speech-ben, azaz fgg beszdben

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