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Group Discussion Topics

1. In a democracy, autonomy is a myth

2. Absence of the rule of law was the biggest problem in India
3. Management education is meant for people who cannot shine in their own fields
4. Life is a chair
5. Family background and networking is more important than merit for success in life
6. Genetic engineering is a threat to mankind
7. The world is now one nation
8. India doesnt need heroes
9. Is India shining?
10. Advertising is the distortion of truth
11. Black is beautiful
12. Do exit polls influence voters?
13. Majority rules while minority moves the world
14. Meritocracy promotes elitism
15. Any education other than professional education is a waste of time
16. Can India compete with China?
17. There are no facts, only interpretations
18. Cats are better than dogs
19. To facilitate higher rate of economic growth, dictatorship is better than democracy
20. Brain Drain is beneficial for India
21. Democracy suffers in the confrontation of judiciary and legislature
22. Middle class is the most pampered lot today
23. Ethics and management cannot go together
24. Fantasy literature, which is unreal and absurd, is detrimental to the growth of children
25. Is generation y dumbing down
26. Growth in manufacturing sector is necessary for sustainable Indian economic growth
27. Is there too much judicial activism in India now?
28. Poor people are responsible for their poverty
29. Should reservations be abolished?
30. Is media acting God?
31. Being anti biz is the big biz today
32. The development of a country depends on politics and not technology
33. Where is knowledge lost in all this information?
34. History has no more lessons for the future
35. Celebrities should not endorse products
36. A BPO has got lots of projects. It has been upgraded to a KPO. To complete the projects, the
company hired 12 young CA graduates and 12 software professionals. The projects were
completed on time with the quality undeterred. The company gets more projects and also hires
more people to complete the projects. Out of the blue, 10 CAs and a similar number of software
engineers quit. As CEO of the company, discuss the course of action and also the long term
solution for this attrition problem.
37. A US manufacturer is planning to set up a plant worth $10 billion in India. He has shortlisted
sites in four states. As the chief minister of one of the four states, discuss your strategy to
attract the investment to your state.
38. A small organization has a team of six programmers who are working on a prestigious project.
The deadline for the project is fast approaching. One of the team members has been sanctioned
leave for a week for his sisters marriage. Another programmer informs that she will not be able
to work for a week because of an emergency operation her husband has to undergo. A third
programmer decides to leave the organization for another firm due to heavy workload. As the
team leader, what will you do?
39. Sumo Inc, a company based in Japan, is the market leader in digital cameras and has well
established market shares in the OECD countries. It has around 30 models in the market. With
the recent boom in the Indian economy, it decides to enter the Indian market. Suggest an entry
strategy for the company based on the number of models to be introduced, pricing range,
production, converting yen to rupees, distribution etc.
40. Bharat Industries is a manufacturing company that has small plants located in 24 different
locations in the country. In most of these locations, it is the primary source of employment and
also supports a few auxiliary industries. As a policy decision, the company decides to close these
small plants and have only two centralized plants. Various state governments have shown
interest and have offered tax waivers along with other perks as the centralized plants are
expected to bring in a lot of revenue. However, centralized plants need time to be set up and
will adversely affect the localities supported by the small plants in various parts of the nation.
Suggest what strategy should the company follow.

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