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NAME ______________________ SURNAME _________________________

DATE 19.04.2017 SCORE_____________/65

Change the following sentences by using the 1st Conditional.

e.g: Mary must study hard or she will fail the course.
If Mary doesnt study hard, she will fail the exam.
1. I may have time tomorrow. In that case Ill come to see you.
2. The postmen may go on strike. If so, the mail will not arrive.
3. I hope that the car doesnt break down. If it does we will be in trouble.
4. The Burms may be delayed. If so, they will miss the train.
5. Dont worry! In case I miss the train home, Ill sleep over at Lucys.
5 points: _________

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets (Use the 1 st Conditional)
1. If it__________________________ . I ____________________________ to the shops. (rain, not go)
2. We _____________________ a barbecue on Sunday if it ______________________(not have, rain).
3. Ok, I ____________________my hair cut short if you ____________________ (not have, not want)
4. He ________________________anything for you if you just ___________________him. (do, ask)
5. We __________________on a cruise next summer if we_________________a good offer. (go, find)
6. If you ________________all your money on sweets, you _______________any left to buy clothes.
(spend, not have)
7. If you ____________________now, you ______________________home by 10. (leave, get).
8. If you ____________________, you_____________ to pass your test. (not study, not be able).

8 points: _________

Passive Form
Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Passive. Use the verbs and the tenses suggested in brackets:
Spend -demolish lose send - serve
1. Lots of money ______________________________ by immigrants to their native countries.
(Present Continuous)
2. Everything _______________________________! We have nothing. (Present Perfect).
3. Hopefully _______________________________on health care by the government. (Will future)
4. When we arrived, cocktails ___________________________________ . (Past Continuous).
5. Many old buildings in the city centre ___________________________ (Present Perfect).

5 points:_______
Change the following sentences from active to passive.

1. People speak Portuguese in Brazil.

2. The Government is planning a new road near my house.
3. My grandfather built this house in 1943.
4. Picasso was painting Guernica at that time.
5. The cleaner has cleaned the office.
6. Somebody should do the work.
7. I Will send you the e-mail tomorrow
7 points:_______

b) Complete the following letter with the correct form of the simple past or present perfect
* Ask * buy * go *make *see *be *confess *have *be *start *break *find *hire *not want *tell
Hi Leah,
Im really sorry to hear that you are in hospital. Beth me about it when I
to her house last night. How long you in there? When
you your leg? I never in hospital. It must be really
boring. Anyway, I must tell you all the news. Sheila going out with Daniel. Its true! Beth
them together at the cinema on Friday and she Sheila about it at school
on Monday. Sheila to tell Beth at first, but in the end she ! Its the first
time she a boyfriend. I hope youll be out of hospital in time for my party next week. Its
going to be great! Mum and dad all the arrangements. They a mobile
disco! And I know what they me for my present. Its a Cd player! I it
under the bed last week!
Get well soon
Love, Emily

Read the descriptions of five people when they were in their twenties and match them with their lives now.
1_____ Joanna used to be a journalist. She used to be very ambitious and planned to become foreign correspondent
for a major national newspaper. She didnt have a boyfriend because her job used to take up all her time.
2 _____Martin used to work in a garage. He used to love cars and wasnt interested in studying. His dream used to be
to repair and restore an old car all on his own.
3_____ Antonella used to help her dad in their pizzeria in the centre of London. She used to love art and used to
dream about transforming the pizzeria into an art gallery. She used to find serving at the tables extremely boring.
4 _____ Simon was a musician. He used to play with his friends in pubs and clubs in his town. His parents werent
happy about his choice and used to tell him that he needed to find something more concrete to do.
5 _____ Raphael was an engineering student. He used to relax by assembling old pieces of metal he found in the
garbage and creating funny objects which he used to sell in markets. He wanted to work for a big company, possibly

A) S/he is a music agent. S/he discovers musicians with great talent and helps them to become famous. S/he has just
signed a contract with a world famous label for his/her latest clients, a band called The Moors.
B) Today s/he is a successful sculptor. S/he makes big metal sculptures which are usually sold to city councils for
decorating squares and parks.
C) S/he has a factory which produces concrete. S/he sells to all the major building companies and is very successful.
S/he is not very happy, though: s/he would like to do something more intellectual, like teaching.
D) S/he has opened Tea and Talent, an art gallery with a caf. People go the exhibitions and can then meet the artists
in the caf, over a cup of tea or a piece of cake. S/he has married a painter and feels very satisfied with his/her life.
E) S/he is married with three children. S/he is a writer for a famous publisher and his/her last novel is going to be made
into a film. S/he still travels but only during holidays and with the whole family.
F) S/he has a pub in the centre of town. The pub is also a restaurant and has a nice garden for the summer. Running
the pub is a heavy job and s/he is quite stressed. His/her partner helps him/her at weekends.
G) S/he buys and sells vintage cars on the Internet. S/he can find the best old cars for his/her clients and has a team
which specialises in finding the spare pieces necessary to repair the cars.
3. My grandfather built this house in 1943.
4. Picasso was painting Guernica at that time.
5. The cleaner has cleaned the office.
6. Somebody should do the work.
7. I Will send you the e-mail tomorrow
7 points:_______

b) Complete the following letter with the correct form of the simple past or present perfect
* Ask * buy * go *make *see *be *confess *have *be *start *break *find *hire *not want *tell
Hi Leah,
Im really sorry to hear that you are in hospital. Beth me about it when I
to her house last night. How long you in there? When
you your leg? I never in hospital. It must be really
boring. Anyway, I must tell you all the news. Sheila going out with Daniel. Its true! Beth
them together at the cinema on Friday and she Sheila about it at school
on Monday. Sheila to tell Beth at first, but in the end she ! Its the first
time she a boyfriend. I hope youll be out of hospital in time for my party next week. Its
going to be great! Mum and dad all the arrangements. They a mobile
disco! And I know what they me for my present. Its a Cd player! I it
under the bed last week!
Get well soon
Love, Emily

Read the descriptions of five people when they were in their twenties and match them with their lives now.
1_____ Joanna used to be a journalist. She used to be very ambitious and planned to become foreign correspondent
for a major national newspaper. She didnt have a boyfriend because her job used to take up all her time.
2 _____Martin used to work in a garage. He used to love cars and wasnt interested in studying. His dream used to be
to repair and restore an old car all on his own.
3_____ Antonella used to help her dad in their pizzeria in the centre of London. She used to love art and used to
dream about transforming the pizzeria into an art gallery. She used to find serving at the tables extremely boring.
4 _____ Simon was a musician. He used to play with his friends in pubs and clubs in his town. His parents werent
happy about his choice and used to tell him that he needed to find something more concrete to do.
5 _____ Raphael was an engineering student. He used to relax by assembling old pieces of metal he found in the
garbage and creating funny objects which he used to sell in markets. He wanted to work for a big company, possibly

A) S/he has a pub in the centre of town. The pub is also a restaurant and has a nice garden for the summer. Running
the pub is a heavy job and s/he is quite stressed. His/her partner helps him/her at weekends.
B) S/he has opened Tea and Talent, an art gallery with a caf. People go the exhibitions and can then meet the artists
in the caf, over a cup of tea or a piece of cake. S/he has married a painter and feels very satisfied with his/her life.
C) S/he is married with three children. S/he is a writer for a famous publisher and his/her last novel is going to be
made into a film. S/he still travels but only during holidays and with the whole family.
D)) Today s/he is a successful sculptor. S/he makes big metal sculptures which are usually sold to city councils for
decorating squares and parks.
E) S/he is a music agent. S/he discovers musicians with great talent and helps them to become famous. S/he has just
signed a contract with a world famous label for his/her latest clients, a band called The Moors.
F) S/he has a factory which produces concrete. S/he sells to all the major building companies and is very successful.
S/he is not very happy, though: s/he would like to do something more intellectual, like teaching.
G) S/he buys and sells vintage cars on the Internet. S/he can find the best old cars for his/her clients and has a team
which specialises in finding the spare pieces necessary to repair the cars.

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