La Onto

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Nama : Nurul Auliyah Hasyim

Asal Sekolah : SMPN 5 Kendari

Once upon a time there lived a handsome prince from the moon kingdom, his name is

sumantapura. Sumantapura, was really attracted to the natural beauty of the earth, thats why

he wanted to visit the earth.

Sumantapura disguised as an egg and he launched himself into earth and was perched

on a chicken cage owned by an old grandmother. One morning, the old grandmother heard

crowded, What is that? That really strange, said grandmother to herself. With careful steps,

the old grandmother checked her chickeneggs an WOW, she was surprised, there was a giant

egg on the cage. oh my dear lord, yelled the grandmother decided to take the giant cage and

she keep it in her home.

In the next day, before going to the garden , the old grandmother prepare meals, betel

nut and tobaco, she put it on the table. At that moment, sumantapura smells nice meals, so he

began to eat greadily, mm...delicious. But a litle did he know tobacco taste strange, so he felt

dizzy and passed out.

Meanwhile, when the grandmother come from the garden, she was very surprised to

see a young bodies lay on the ground. The old woman is trying to make him concius. Soon,

the young man finally awaken, he apologized to the old woman for spending out her meals I

am so sorry grandma, Im so hungry, said sumantapura, oh, son thats okay, but who are

you and how can you be inside my house? asked the gradma Im sumantapura the prince
of the moon, can I stay in your house while im in the earth? said sumantapura, the grandma

seems so suprised, but she let sumantapura stay, the grandma called him la onto-ontolu.

La onto-ontolu was really happy to stay in that house, because he can see the lake,

mountain and other scenery right behind the house. One afternoon, while seeing the beauty

panoramic, la onto-ontolu saw 7 princess play around the lake, la onto-ontolu then asked the

old woman to propose 1 of princess, the old woman agreed but in one condition, the

grandmother are not allowed to mention his real identity.

Ladies and gentlement

The grandmother the go to propose the eldest girl, Oh dear princess would you like

marry with my son, la onto-ontolu? asked the grandma, Oh what? La onto-ontolu? Do you

want me to marry with ugly egg? Never, said the eldest daughter arrogantly. Rejection also

come from the other princess, but the youngest daughter politely accept the proposal.

The engagement day was coming, all the daugters that rejected him was surprised to

see his handsome face. we cant let the youngest marry him we have to do something said

the sister. The other making an evil plan to fail the marriage, and the finally got an idea.

Ladies and gentleman

Next week after the marriage, the eldest sister pretended to be kind and asked the

bride and groom to have a picnic on the beach, and stupidly they agreed with the plan, in the

middle of the sea, the bad sister kick la onto-ontolu on the water, la onto-ontolu cant swim

so he is drowned on the water,his wife crying my husband,my husband, please come back!

Sister what have you done to my husband you are so terrible cried the youngest daughter

But suddenly by the willing of god, the strom come and struck the bad sisters boat,

and all of them but the youngest was drowned into the sea.

Ladies and gentleman

La onto-ontolu and the youngest sister was safe, and they lived happily in the moon


-Moral message:

After listen this story I just give notice we must not arrogant with our family and


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