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Location Risk Assessment:

Risk Assessments are crucial in terms of my safety when being in the presence inside the
locations. I will be looking at the risks I will be taking when being in the location and how I
can remain safe and avoid any problems.

RAF Upwood:

RAF Upwood is an abandoned RAF base within Cambridgeshire; it contains used tanks
which still lay on the grounds of the base. The base has been unused for a number of years
and contains a lot of loose objects which have been worn out during the years, due to the
amount of visitors have trespassed through the area and vandalised parts of the base. In
which, there is a large amount of glass from windows shattered across the floors, which can
cause damage to my feet when exploring the place. To avoid this I would have to keep a
sharp lookout for glass and parts of the building lack light which causes loss of clear site, in
which I will use a torch to guide my path. In addition, the building is very open in terms of
the way windows have been destroyed, in which the top floor has no windows, so if I dont
watch where Im walking or lose my footing through loose flooring or even tripping could
result in me falling out the window and causing serious damage to myself.

Derelict Bedfordshire House:

The Bedfordshire house which was abandoned through a fire which broke out in 2008. To
this day, the remains of the house still stand, in which the house is still filled with the burnt
down objects. The burnt down objects which still remain in the house, could cause a big risk
due to the it being flooring for example, in which the floor of the house could still remain
however be very weak due to being burnt in which it could result in me falling through or
tripping over. The two locations a very similar in the ways trespassers have damaged the
locations further which causes broken glass and bricks from the base of the house on the floor
which can cause severe damage. However, I will try to avoid these hazards by scanning each
room before entering to scan the parts which look risky and the parts that dont in which I
will take the route that looks less risky to reduce the high chance of a hazard.

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