Voronoi Diagram Based Cumulative Approximation For Engineering Optimization

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Kikuo Fujita, Noriyasu Hirokawa and Tomoya Tachikawa

Department of Computer-Controlled Mechanical Systems
Graduate School of Engineering
Osaka University
Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan

ABSTRACT based on sensitivity analysis, response surface with

polynomial expressions, neural networks, etc. (e.g.,
This paper proposes a function approximation scheme
Bathelemy and Haftka, 1993). A major framework of
based on Voronoi diagram, a technique of computational
function approximation is that after an approximation
geometry, toward optimization cost saving in real
function is generated based on the information given
engineering applications. The scheme consists of a
from analysis at sample points, an optimization
blending function of local information over spatial
computation is executed over the approximated function
structure among sample points that is topologically
instead of direct analysis. This paper refers these
represented with Voronoi diagram, an estimation
methods as batch approximation. While batch
method of function gradients through the method
approximation can save optimization cost, it is difficult to
of least squares along each Voronoi region, and
adjust or improve solution fidelity, since approximation
an associated overall optimization algorithm. The
and optimization are separated each other, that it
scheme can locally establish and cumulatively update
does not have any embedded feedback mechanism of
an approximation function based on the nature of
optimization results to function approximation.
Voronoi diagram, and this leads efficient and accurate
accumulation of samples toward superior global fidelity To overcome such a limitation, Rasmussen (1998) pro-
in function approximation. Its validity and advantages posed the method called cumulative approximation. Its
are demonstrated through its application to a two- concept is that cumulative addition of sample points and
dimensional example problem and a welded beam consequent refinement of approximation functions can
structure design problem. gradually improve its fidelity. In his method, the ap-
proximation functions are formulated as a sum of locally
representative tendencies under attenuative weights, and
1 INTRODUCTION the sum is rearranged every time a new sample is added
The surrounding situation of engineering design through each optimization computation. This frame-
optimization based on mathematical programming work tends to increase optimization fidelity simultane-
techniques seems to be changing, after a wide variety ously with cumulative addition of new samples. Shi et
of algorithms and methods have been developed and al. (1999), Arakawa et al. (1999), etc. also proposed sim-
computer-aided engineering tools have become to meet ilar approximation methods with neural networks, which
the needs in product development. That is, since have cumulative learning ability. However, these meth-
the effectiveness of optimization has been well proven ods implicitly assume isotropic effects of samplings, cu-
and engineering analysis has been well computerized mulative addition of samples affects all structure of ap-
in conventional fields, how to meet optimization proximation, they cannot explicitly discuss the optimal-
computation cost and time scale in product development ity of sampling placement, and so forth.
becomes the most challenging topic in the research field This paper proposes another method of cumulative
of engineering design optimization. approximation based on Voronoi diagram, a technique
Function approximation methods are exploring cost developed in computational geometry, in order to over-
effectiveness in engineering optimization, for instance, come the above shortcomings of cumulative approxima-
Copyright c 2000 by The American Institute of Aeronautics and tion. Computational geometry (e.g., Edelsbrunner, 1987)
Astronautics Inc. All rights reserved. is a set of theories and algorithms to topologically ma-

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Solution Solution Solution

Optimization fidelity
(iii) Cumulative
Optimization Optimization Optimization (i) Optimization
(ii) Batch without
approxi- approximation
Approximation Approximation mation

Analysis Analysis Analysis

time time time Optimization cost
(mostly analysis cost)
(i) Without (ii) Batch (iii) Cumulative
approximation approximation approximation
Figure 2 Fidelity versus cost in optimization
Figure 1 Frameworks of optimization without/with
approximation schemes
(i) Optimization without approximation Analysis
is executed every time optimization requires any
nipulate geometrical structure of information over multi- information.
dimensional space. It is earning much attention due to (ii) Optimization with batch approximation After
its robustness of information processing in various fields. approximation functions are generated from a set
A concrete application of Voronoi diagram is to find the of analysis information, optimization is separately
optimal point of a new additional facility such as bus executed with them.
stop, post office under a given city map with existing
facilities so as that accessibility from all people within (iii) Optimization with cumulative approximation As
the city to one of facilities is optimally increased. This optimization is proceeded, analysis information is
type of capabilities of Voronoi diagram must be suitable added step by step to improve approximation.
for spatial structure among sample points toward func- Since each method consists of analysis module,
tion approximation and cumulatively optimal placement optimization module and approximation module, the
of sample points in optimization computation. Under relationships among modules can be illustrated as Fig. 1.
these promises, this paper proposes a function approx- As shown in the figure, approximation acts as a cash
imation method based on Voronoi diagram and its incre- mechanism against real analysis. This effects smaller
mental update mechanism toward cumulative approxi- number of analysis computation and leads to save total
mation. Further, this paper demonstrates an optimization optimization cost. Further, while batch approximation
computation to show their validity and effectiveness un- cannot dynamically update cashed contents, cumulative
der an overall optimization algorithm that is configured approximation can have such ability.
so as to be integrated with the approximation method. Under the above difference, the relationship between
optimization fidelity, which means how the obtained
solution is close to the true optimum, and optimization
cost, which includes all costs for analysis, approximation
and optimization, should be expected as shown in Fig. 2.
2.1 Optimization Frameworks That is, since both (i) and (ii) methods execute only
one optimization run, the meaningful solution cannot
As mentioned in Introduction, as computational en- be obtained until the end of optimization process. On
gineering analysis has become common tools and de- the other hand, since (iii) methods iterate optimization
sign optimization has been recognized to be effective runs through accumulation in approximation, effective
in product development, the demand to apply optimiza- solutions could be obtained at respective stages of
tion methods to real engineering applications is realized. optimization process.
However, computational analysis required in real engi-
neering applications is often so expensive, and conven- 2.2 Cumulative Optimization
tional optimization methods have become inadequate not
by their ability but by analysis cost required in their pro- The above expecting advantage of (iii) methods with
cess. This shortcoming leads the development of func- cumulative approximation is under the compromise
tion approximation and then cumulative approximation. between the two issues, optimization of a design problem
By summarizing the trend in this direction, we can and optimization of the distribution of sample points for
define the following three categories of optimization analysis, at any stage of optimization process.
methods in regard of approximation schemes: This compromise can be easily understood under

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the concept of limited rationality rather than absolute P9
rationality. The traditional optimization paradigm tends P8
to guarantee to find the absolutely optimal solution,
and it is better to accomplish it with less cost. On P4
the other hand, limited rationality asks us what is a
good optimization method if acceptable cost is anyhow P1 P7
less than necessary cost for the best solution. That is, P2
an appropriate optimization method must not find any
absolutely optimal but provide somehow an effective
solution within the limited cost. This kind of situations P6
must be obvious in real engineering applications as
aforementioned due to expensive cost of analysis, which
can be easily dominated over any other cost. Figure 3 Voronoi diagram
Since such limited rationality depends on allowable
cost, fidelity of solutions must be gradually improved
as much cost is poured into optimization. This approximation scheme. At least, disadvantages of the
leads the situation of (iii) optimization methods above scheme are that the shape of (k) (x) in Eq. (2) is
with cumulative approximation brings the necessity spatially symmetric even if distribution of sample points
of compromising ability between solution optimality is not symmetrical and that the calculation of F(xk ) in
(fidelity) and sampling placement optimality toward less Eq. (3) is relatively expensive in comparison with the
iteration of analysis. calculation of F(xk ) since it usually requires numerical
differentiation in real engineering applications.

3 VORONOI DIAGRAM BASED 3.2 Voronoi Diagram

As aforementioned, Voronoi diagram is a technique of
3.1 Superposable Function Approximation computational geometry (e.g., Edelsbrunner, 1987).
Figure 3 illustrates the essence of Voronoi diagram
The approximation of a function F(x) for design with a two-dimensional example, while Voronoi diagram
optimization is often based on local information L(k) (x) can handle any-dimensional space. After a set of points
at a set of sample points xk , (k = 1, 2, , K), where P1 , P2 , , P9 (although these points refer as generators
x = [x1 , x2 , , xJ ]T . in the terminology of computational geometry, this paper
Rasmussen (1998) used the approximation scheme calls them base points for convenience.) are given,
of the following equation with superposition of local perpendicular bisectors are drawn between particular
information in his cumulative approximation: pairs of points. This results in a set of polygons
K (polyhedra in the case of higher-dimensional space) as
(k) (x)L(k) (x) shown in the figure. These polygons are named as
P(K) (x) = k=1
(1) Voronoi regions. For convenience, the overall Voronoi
K diagram for points S = {P1 , P2 , } is denoted as D(S),
(x) the Voronoi region of a base point Pi is denoted as V (Pi ),
and V (Pi ) of D(S) is specifically denoted as V (Pi , D(S)),
Where, (k) (x) is the blending function, which is respectively in this paper. Each Voronoi region V (Pi )
denoted as follows with a characteristic distance d: means an area where its base point Pi is the closest base
" # point from any points within it, Pj V (Pi ). For instance,
(k) |x xk |2 this situation can be translated to that when a Voronoi
(x) = exp (2) diagram is drawn for the locations of post offices in a city,
people living within each Voronoi region use the post
Where, || is Euclid norm. office at its base point because it is the closest. Under this
Further, when local information is linear approxima- nature, Voronoi diagram is applied to optimal placement
tion at each sample point, L(k) (x) is denoted as follows: problems of facilities and so forth.
An advanced mathematical nature of Voronoi diagram
L(k) (x) = F(xk ) + F(xk )T [ x xk ] (3) is that any operations can be executed based on
topological structure of graphs among base points rather
While the form of Eq. (1) is fairly general, the forms than analytical data, and it leads its robustness against
of (k) (x) and L(k) (x) can be refined toward another new numerical errors in computation. Another important

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P9 R3 Double Voronoi region
P8 of P 1 : W ( P 1 )
P4 Q3 Voronoi region
P4 P
4 P 3 of P 1 : V ( P 1 )
PN P3 P4
P1 Q2 R2
P2 P2
R4 Q4 Q1
P5 P6 P5

ctio g
d 1
Figure 4 Addition of a new point to Voronoi diagram

fun ndin

d 0


nature is that various operations such as addition of a

base point, deletion of a base point, small move of a base Figure 5 Voronoi diagram based function approxima-
point, can be executed locally within a small subset of tion
surrounding Voronoi regions.
For instance, Figure 4 shows a Voronoi diagram where
a new base point PN is added to the diagram D(S) points of Voronoi region of P1 , i.e., P2 , P3 , P4 and P5
of Fig. 3 within V (P1 ). As the comparison between are on the border edges of its double Voronoi region,
both figures illustrates, it causes the modification of R1 R2 , R2 R3 , R3 R4 and R4 R1 , respectively. Since each
Voronoi polygons, V (P1 ), V (P3 ), V (P4 ) and V (P9 ), but base point, i.e., sample point has its own approximation
the Voronoi polygons, V (P2 ), V (P5 ), V (P6 ), V (P7 ) and information L(k) (x), approximation at a base point must
V (P8 ), are not affected by it. exactly follow to its own local information exclusive of
These two characteristics of Voronoi diagram is any influences from other points. This indicates that the
expected to be novel for cumulative approximation, blending function of a point P1 , (1) (x), must be 1 at P1
where sample points are mapped to base points, in and that it must be 0 at P2 , P3 , P4 and P5 . Furthermore, it
addition to the characteristic that each Voronoi region can be required that it is 0 outside of W (P1 ), i.e., on the
means its dominating area within a whole space. That border edges, R1 R2 , R2 R3 , R3 R4 and R4 R1 and outside
is, the first leads robust approximation scheme as well of it. Under this, it may be also required that it is 0.5
as geometric computation. The second more importantly on the border of V (P1 ), i.e., on the edges, Q1 Q2 , Q2 Q3 ,
leads that cumulative addition of a sample point is locally Q3 Q4 and Q4 Q1 .
handled with less cost even against a large number of To realize such a blending function and to smoothly
sample points. interpolate the above characteristic values at specific
points, we introduce the following procedure:
3.3 Approximation Procedure
(i) After the point to calculate an approximation is
As shown in Fig. 3, each base point, i.e., sample point, given as PA , the coordinate vector representation of
has a companying Voronoi region and such a region which is xA , the double Voronoi regions where PA
corresponds to its dominating region against other base belongs are listed. In the case of Fig. 5, PA belongs
points, i.e., sample points. When this nature is compared to W (P1 ) as well as W (P4 ), W (P5 ) and else.
with Eqs. (1) and (2), the blending function (k) (x) can (ii) For each double Voronoi region, the following
be defined so as to reflect the dominating nature of each procedure is executed, respectively. It is explained
sample point through its associated Voronoi region over on W (P1 ).
the whole Voronoi diagram.
For this direction, we introduce double Voronoi region (a) Find the triangle where PA belongs from the
as shown in Fig. 5. That is, the Voronoi region of sub-triangles of the double Voronoi region,
a base point P1 , V (P1 ), is the polygon Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 in i.e., 4P1 R1 R2 , 4P1 R2 R3 , 4P1 R3 R4 and
the case of the figure. Against this, we introduce a 4P1 R4 R1 . In this case, it belongs to
polygon with double size and the same center point, i.e., 4P1 R3 R4 .
R1 R2 R3 R4 as its corresponding double Voronoi region. (b) By using the distance between an edge R3 R4
For convenience, the double Voronoi region of a point and a point PA , which is denoted as d1 , and
Pi is denoted as W (Pi ) in this paper. The adjoining base the distance between an edge R3 R4 and a

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point P1 , which is denoted as d0 , the blending as to normalize the influences of respective base points in
weight (xA ) is calculated with the following accordance with their distances.
equation: This procedure is effective to save the number of
  analysis, since it does not require any additional analysis
1 + cos 1 beyond ones that are used in forming Voronoi diagram
(xA ) = (4) for cumulative approximation. Further, the cost for
2 updating estimation of gradients, F(xk ), can be saved,
(iii) By blending all local approximation information since its operation can be localized as well as update of
with all blending weights, (xA ), the approximated Voronoi diagram itself.
value of the function at PA is determined with
Eq. (1).
In the step (iii), the sum of all local information in Eq. (1) CUMULATIVE APPROXIMATION
can be replaced with the sum only across the related
double Voronoi regions, since (xA ) is 0 outside such 4.1 Form of Optimization Problems
double Voronoi regions. This means that topologically
local structure of Voronoi diagram is also useful for Since Voronoi diagram requires a predefined target
saving computational cost of approximation. region, we consider optimization problems with upper
The above operation can be extended from two- and lower limits on all design variables. The form of
dimensional space to any-dimensional one in the similar problems is generally standardized for convenience as
way that operations of Voronoi diagram are extended. follows in this paper:

Minimize f (x)

3.4 Estimation of Gradient at Each Sample

Point Subject to g (x) 0
ig (i = 1, 2, , I )
g g
The linear approximation shown in Eq. (3) is most hih (x) = 0 (ih = 1, 2, , Ih )

simple but rather expensive as aforementioned. The
x j L x j x jU for all j
approximated gradient of F(x) is also estimated based on
Voronoi diagram and the method of least squares. While
least square estimation of gradient requires equal to or 4.2 Overall Algorithm for Optimization
more than n points in n-dimensional space, a Voronoi
region at a certain base point is directly connected The overall algorithm for optimization with cumula-
with more than n + 1 associated base points due to the tive approximation consists of the following steps:
nature of polyhedron (Voronoi diagram is composed of (i) Randomly provide a certain number of initial
polyhedra in general, while it is composed of polygons in sample points, and execute system analysis at those
two-dimensional space) rather than the nature of Voronoi points.
diagram. For instance, the Voronoi region of P1 , V (P1 ), is
associated with P2 , P3 , P4 and P5 in Fig. 5. Besides, when (ii) Establish or update the Voronoi diagram based
a Voronoi region is faced on the border of overall target approximation of functions such as f (x), g1 (x),
region, it may not be surrounded with enough number g2 (x), , h1 (x), h2 (x), .
of base points. In such a case, the closest points must (iii) Find a tentative solution by solving an approxi-
be additionally supplied from its neighboring Voronoi mated problem.
regions. (iv) If a solution has enough fidelity or if poured cost
When denoted the associated base points of a base exceeds the limit, terminate the overall procedure.
point Pk as Pk,1 , Pk,2 , , Pk,M (where, M > n), the
estimation of F(xk ) is determined so as to minimize the (v) Determine some new sample points, and execute
following square value E, that is, by solving the equation system analysis there.
F(x ) = 0:
(vi) Go to Step (ii).
n o 2 To realize this procedure, how to determine new sample
M F(xk,m ) F(xk ) + F(xk )T [xk,m xk ] points and which optimization algorithm is appropriate
E =
xk,m xk

must be discussed.

(5) 4.3 Addition of New Sample Information

Where, || is Euclid norm. The distance between base The criteria for selecting new samples in Step
points is added as a denominator in the above equation so (v) are both to select the points that enhance the

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fidelity of the current tentative optimum and to select P4
the points that improve global approximation fidelity.
Furthermore, it is necessary to take care for maintaining P3
the quasi-isotopicness of each Voronoi region, since PN
irregularly distorted shape of Voronoi regions leads P5 P1
inferior approximation such as locally bumpy shapes P2
along their boundaries. To compromise these issues,
first Voronoi regions where new samples are added P6
are selected toward the former purposes, and then new P7
sampling points are arranged within the specific Voronoi
(a) Straightforward addition of a new sample point
regions, respectively, for the last purpose.
(1) Selection of candidate Voronoi regions
Two criteria for region selection are considered toward P3
both local fidelity of the optimum and global fidelity of
function approximation. That is, one is the region where P5 P 1= P n PN
the tentative optimal solution is gotten in Step (iii) exists. P2
The other is selected as a region where existing sample
points are depopulated.
The latter depopulated region is determined as the P7
Voronoi region where the optimal solution of the
following minimization function exists: (b) Adjusted addition of a new sample point
" #
|x xk |2 Figure 6 Local adjustment of a new sample point
(x) = exp
k=1 dk 2
solution or the minimal point of (K) (x), under a set
Where, || is Euclid norm, and dk is a characteristic of sample points S and the associated Voronoi diagram
distance, the value of which is determined so as that D(S). Figure 6 (a) shows a situation where Voronoi
each term of the above sum becomes 0.2 at the average diagram is updated immediately after the addition of
distance from xk to all associated base points of Voronoi PN . In such a case, the original V (P1 , D(S)) is
region of xk in the later applications. Equation (7) almost split into the two subparts of V (P1 , D(S {PN }))
represents the density of sample points, since each term and V (PN , D(S {PN })), since PN is very close to
of the sum is attenuated as x is away from an existing P1 . If further new points would be added along the
sample xk . That is, the value of (K) (x) is expected to segment P1 PN , the associated Voronoi regions must
be small in the depopulated zones of samples and to be become to have very thin shapes, which causes inferior
larger in the crowded zones of samples. approximation through the blending mechanism shown
Besides, how frequently new samples are added in Fig. 5. This situation must occur at the neighborhood
under respective viewpoints after every optimization of the optimal solution.
computation of Step (iii) must be controlled, while a new To avoid such a scenario, the location of a new sample
sample is added for each viewpoint in the applications point must be adjusted from PN to P0 N within the Voronoi
demonstrated in the later sections. For instance, if the region as shown in Fig. 6 (b) by ideally solving the
latter viewpoint is occasionally eliminated, the tentative following optimization problem:
solution may be quickly converged to the true optimum,

but it would be possible to lose the global optimum. find P0 N


(2) Local adjustment of new sample points that minimize w1 P N PN 0


The local arrangement of new sample points is under
x Pi dx
V (Pi , D(S {P0 N })) (8)
the same concept for adjusting the location of a new + w2 0 Z

facility in a specific region over a map with a set Pi S {P N } dx

of existing facilities so as to maximize the average V (Pi , D(S {P0 N }))


accessibility to any facility from all points. subject to P N V (Pn , D(S))
Figure 6 illustrates the necessity of local adjustment
with a situation where PN is determined as a candidate Where, w1 and w2 are weighting factors, and Pn is given
for a new sample point, which is either tentative optimal by PN V (Pn , D(S)), which means the base point of

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the Voronoi region where PN exists. is Euclid norm in the figure, this problem has a global optimum
between two points. Further, w1 = 0 for the adjustment f = 2.210 at (0.129, 1.579) and two local optima
of depopulated regions. f = 1.247 at (1.490, 1.445) and f = 1.720 at
In the actual implementation, since the integral (1.574, 1.381).
over Voronoi regions in Eq. (8) is tremendously time-
consuming, and since the strictly optimal solution 5.2 Optimization Result
of Eq. (8) is not necessary toward efficient function Figure 8 shows how approximation of functions, i.e.,
approximation, another similar but simple formula with f (x1 , x2 ), g1 (x1 , x2 ) and g2 (x1 , x2 ) are updated through
less computation is introduced. accumulation of sample points and how the tentative
optimal solution is getting close to the true optimum.
4.4 Optimization Method In Fig. 8 (a), a solution is gotten as f = 1.726 at
The overall optimization algorithm must solve the (0.100, 1.248) under the initial approximation with six
three types of optimization problems, the approximated sample points. The shapes of approximated functions
optimization problem, the problem for searching a are rather different from the true ones shown in Fig. 7.
depopulated region, and the problem for locally adjusting In Fig. 8 (b), the solution is updated as f = 2.218
new sample points. These problems are expected to at (0.118, 1.576) under the approximation with 16
be constrained nonlinear continuous-space problems, sample points, i.e., after five iteration of optimization
and it is clear that the second is multi-modal. For runs. The shapes of approximated functions are still
this reason, any algorithm that has a capability to different from the true ones, especially in the low-
find a global optimum under multi-modality such as middle zone, but the solution is fairly close to the true
genetic algorithms must be appropriate as a common one. In Fig. 8 (c), the solution is updated as f =
optimization algorithm. However, this paper uses 2.228 at (0.121, 1.575) under the approximation with
a method that first the SQP (successive quadratic 26 sample points, i.e., after 10 iteration of optimization
programming) method is run several times from different runs. The shapes of approximated functions are almost
initial points, which are randomly generated, and then similar to the true ones. In Fig. 8 (d), the solution
the best solution is selected from the gotten candidate is finally converged to f = 2.211 at (0.129, 1.579)
solutions. While this may take relatively much cost, it under the approximation with 52 sample points, i.e.,
is enough for the validation purpose of Voronoi diagram after 23 iteration of optimization runs. The shapes of
based cumulative approximation and its associated approximated functions are slightly improved from ones
overall optimization algorithm. shown in Fig. 8 (c), while it leads a solution that is
perfectly close to the true one.

5 TWO-DIMENSIONAL NUMERICAL 5.3 Comparison with Direct Optimization

EXPERIMENT In order to ascertain the advantage of Voronoi diagram
5.1 Example Problem based cumulative approximation, the optimization his-
tory is compared against the optimization where func-
This section demonstrates an optimization computa- tions are directly evaluated in optimization computation.
tion of a two-dimensional and multimodal problem to Figure 9 shows the history of objective function and
validate the effectiveness of our cumulative approxima- design variables in the optimization with cumulative
tion scheme. The example problem used here is as fol- approximation over the number of function evaluation
lows: calls. Since it depends on the random number generation

for initial sample points, the figure shows ten trials

from different seeds of random number generator.
x1 2

f (x1 , x2 ) = x1 x2 sin x1 + + x1 1.5 x2

While the problem shown in Eq. (9) has two local

optima in addition to a global optimum, every trial
Subject to
can find the global optimum. Further, the solution is
g1 (x1 , x2 ) = 9 (x1 1) 2 + x2 0
5 (9) smoothly converged to the true solution as the times of

function evaluation is increased, similarly in all trials.
g2 (x1 , x2 ) = 14 x1 2 2 x2 0

This indicates that the overall optimization algorithm

2 x1 2
accomplishes the concept of optimization under limited

rationality shown in Fig. 2. In this case, it seems
2 x2 2
that about 25 times of function evaluation can reach
Figure 7 shows the contour plot of functions and an effective solution independent from initial samples,
perspective view of the objective function. As shown while the example is a very small problem.

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2.0 f = 3.5
1.5 2.5
global 2.0
optimum 1.0 1.5 4
1.0 3
0.5 2
0.5 1
f 0
feasible region -0.5
0.0 x2 -1.0
-1.5 -3
-0.5 -2.0 -4 2.0
local -2.5 1.0
optimum -1.0 -3.0 0.5
local -3.5 -2.0
-1.5 0.0
optimum -4.0 -1.0
-0.5 -0.5 x 2
-1.5 0.0
0.5 -1.0
x1 1.0 -1.5
g1 = 0 1.5 2.0 -2.0
-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 g2 = 0
(a) Contour plot of functions (b) Perspective view of the objective function
Figure 7 An optimization problem

2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0.0 x2 0.0 x2
-0.5 -0.5

-1.0 -1.0

-1.5 -1.5

-2.0 -2.0
-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
x1 x1
(b) with additional 10 points f = 3.5
(a) with initial six points
(16 points in total) 3.0
2.0 2.0 1.5
1.5 1.5 0.5
1.0 1.0 -0.5
0.5 0.5 -1.5
0.0 x2 0.0 x2 -3.0
-0.5 -0.5 -4.0
g1 = 0
-1.0 -1.0
g2 = 0
-1.5 -1.5 sample
-2.0 -2.0
-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 tentative
x1 x1 optimum

(c) with additional 20 points (d) with additional 46 points

(26 points in total) (52 points in total)
Figure 8 Optimization through cumulative approximation

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Optimal objective 1.0 1.0

Optimal objective
0.0 0.0

-1.0 -1.0 Local optimum

Global optimum
-2.0 Global optimum -2.0

-3.0 -3.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Function evaluation Function evaluation
(a) Objective function (a) Objective function

2.0 2.0
x 2 (global optimum)
Design variables

Design variables
1.0 1.0

x 1 (global optimum)
0.0 0.0

-1.0 -1.0
x 2 (local optimum)
x 1 (local optimum)
-2.0 -2.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Function evaluation Function evaluation
(b) Design variables (b) Design variables

Figure 9 Optimization history of ten trials with Figure 10 Optimization history of ten trials with direct
cumulative approximation function calls

Figure 10 shows the optimization history of SQP 6 APPLICATION TO DESIGN PROBLEM

with direct function evaluation. Since SQP cannot find OF WELDED BEAM STRUCTURE
the global optimum of multi-modal problems due to
its characteristic and its result depends on the initial
6.1 Problem Formulation
point, the figure shows ten trials from different initial This section demonstrates another application of the
points that are randomly generated as well as Fig. 9. proposed optimization scheme to the welded beam
In these cases, five trials can find the global optimum structure design problem (Ragsdell and Philips, 1976;
at (0.129, 1.579), while other five trials fall into a local Rao, 1996), where the welded beam shown in Fig. 11
optimum at (1.490, 1.445). Further, the convergence is designed for minimum cost subject to constraints
speed to the final solution against the iteration of on shear stress (), bending stress in the beam (),
function evaluations is obviously slower than ones with buckling load on the bar (Pc ), end deflection on the beam
cumulative approximation shown in Fig. 9, while this (), and side constraints. This optimization problem
is mainly caused by the numerical differentiation of is formulated under the design variable vector x =
functions in SQP process, which is shown as flat steps [x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ]T = [h, l, t, b]T as follows:
in Fig. 10.
This comparison sufficiently shows the potential
advantages of the proposed approximation scheme.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Optimal objective
h h
l t
L b

Figure 11 Design problem of welded beam structure

0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Function evaluation
(a) Objective function
f (x) = 1.10471 x1 2 x2 10.0
+ 0.04811 x3 x4 (L + x2 )
Subject to 8.0

Design variables
(x) max 0
(x) max 0 6.0

x1 x4 0
0.10471 x1 2 + 0.04811 x3 x4 (L + x2 )
5.0 0 2.0
0.125 x1 0
x1 x4
(x) max 0 0.0
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
P Pc (x) 0 Function evaluation
0.1 x1 2.0, 0.1 x4 2.0
(b) Design variables
0.1 x2 10.0, 0.1 x3 10.0
Where, Figure 12 Optimization history of five trials for
x2 beam design problem with cumulative
(x) = (0 )2 + 2 0 00 + (00 )2
2R approximation
0 =
2 x1 x2
00 MR max = 0.25 in.
= The optimal solution of this optimization problem is
 x2  f = 2.386 at x = [0.2455, 6.1960, 8.2730, 0.2455]T
M = P L+
v ! 
u  6.2 Optimization Result
u x2 2
x1 + x3 2
R = t +
4 2 Figure 12 shows the five-trials of optimization history
"   # with Voronoi diagram based cumulative approximation.
x2 2 x1 + x3 2
J = 2 2x1 x2 + In each trial, after 20 sample points are randomly
12 2
given from different seeds of random number generator,
6PL optimization computation is executed. As shown in the
(x) =
x4 x3 2 figure, the procedure can find the optimal solution with
4 P L3 about 120 function evaluations, while the history are
(x) =
Ex3 3 x4 rather jumpy as few tentative solutions occasionally fall
q ! into inappropriate ones.
4.013 E x3 2 x4 6 /36 x E Figure 13 shows the five-trials of optimization history
Pc (x) = 1 3
L2 2L 4G by SQP with direct function evaluation from different
initial variables in order to verify the advantage of
Further, P = 6000 lb, L = 14 in, E = 30 106 psi, G = cumulative approximation. While the SQP based
12 106 psi, max = 13, 600 psi, max = 30, 000 psi, and optimization is very stable and smooth under a

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
This paper proposed a Voronoi diagram based function
Optimal objective

5.0 approximation scheme as a technique for engineering

design optimization, and demonstrated its validity and
effectiveness through a tentatively configured overall
optimization algorithm. The proposed approximation
scheme shows some advantages and promises in
3.0 efficiency, fidelity and robustness in approximation,
convergence smoothness through sample accumulation
and so forth under the nature of computational
0 30 60 90 240 270 300 geometry paradigm, while the overall algorithm and
Function evaluation associated optimization method must be refined and the
advantages must be further demonstrated in the real-scale
(a) Objective function
engineering applications as future works.

Design variables

This research is partially supported by Research

x2 for the Future Program of the Japan Society for
the Promotion of Science (JSPS) under Methodology
4.0 for Emergent Synthesis Project (project number

0 30 60 90 240 270 300
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This implies that the proposed approximation scheme DETC99/DAC-8635.
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American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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