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SCHAUM’S SOLVED PROBLEMS SERIES 3000 SOLVED PROBLEMS IN ELECTRIC CIRCUITS I Syed A. Nasar, Ph.D., Professor of Electrical Engineering ‘ar the University of Kentucky. Dr, Nasar has written many books, including two Schaum's Cutlines, ELEC ‘TRIC MACHINES AND ELECTROMECHANICS and BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING; a power-systems text for Macmillan; and = textbook for McGraw-Hill’ College Division, INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL EN- GINEERING Project supervision by The Total Book. Index by Hugh C. Maddocks, Ph. D. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data, Nasar, S. A. Schaum's 3000 solved problems in electric circuits 1. Electric circuits—Problems, excrcises, ete I. Title. Il. Title: Schaum's three thousand solved problems in electric cireuits ‘TKAS4.N36 1988 621.319'2076 87-2974 ISBN O-07-O4SIS:-J (Formerly published under ISBN 0-07-045921-5.) 12.13 14.15 16 17 18 19 20 VFMVFM 5 4 Copyright © 1988 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright ‘Act of 196, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form ‘or by any means, or stored in adata base or retrieval system, without he prior waitten permission of the publisher. McGraw-Hill A Divison of Te MeGraw Hill Companies Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 10 " R B 4 1s 16 7 18 19 20 2 2 2B 24 CONTENTS UNITS AND BASIC CONCEPTS RESISTANCE AND OHM’S LAW SERIES AND PARALLEL RESISTIVE CIRCUITS KIRCHHOFF'S LAWS NETWORK THEOREMS CAPACITORS INDUCTORS AC SOURCES, WAVEFORMS, AND CIRCUIT RELATIONSHIPS COMPLEX NUMBERS AND PHASORS AC CIRCUITS UNDER STEADY STATE MAGNETICALLY COUPLED CIRCUITS RESONANCE FREQUENCY RESPONSE AND FILTERS THREE-PHASE CIRCUITS TRANSIENTS IN DC CIRCUITS STEP, RAMP, AND IMPULSE FUNCTIONS. DUALS AND ANALOGS TRANSIENTS IN AC CIRCUITS CIRCUITS WITH MULTIFREQUENCY INPUTS CIRCUITS WITH NONSINUSOIDAL SOURCES LAPLACE TRANSFORM METHOD STATE VARIABLES METHOD TWO-PORT NETWORKS REVIEW PROBLEMS INDEX 16 n 116 19 137 14s 182 231 291 351 423 432 441 450 462 491 879 594 620 741 To the Student Think of it!—an expected score of 75% on any exam in Electric Circuits, with no other preparation! The reasoning is simple: There are only 4000 possible problems in the field (as you must know), and this book solves 3000 of them for you! Speaking seriously, you have here the most careful and complete anthology of examination-type problems fon the market today. In using the book, you should, of course, concentrate on the area of your maximum weakness—the Laplace transform or whatever. But do not neglect to work problems involving familiar ma- terial, too; you might well learn more efficient methods of handling them. The heuristic value of a clear circuit diagram need not be stressed: if a problem in this book should carry a diagram but doesn’t, be sure to sketch out one before undertaking the solution. May your success be electric. 12 13 14 1s 16 47 18 19 CHAPTER 1 Units and Basic Concepts Powers of 10 appear frequently with units of measurements. ‘These powers of 10 are written in abbreviated forms. If electric resistance is measured in ohms (0), express the following values in powers of 10 and write them in their abbreviated forms: 2000 and 3,000,000 0. 20002=2% 10" =2 kiloohm=2k 3,000,000 ~ 3 x 10° 2=3 megohm =2 MA Electric capacitance is measured in farads (F). However, this is rather a large unit. Express the following values in powers of 10 and write them in their abbreviated forms: 0.000005 F, 0.0005 F, and 0.000000001 F. ! 0.000005 F = 510° F = 5 microfarad = 5 0.0005 F = 0.5 x 10°? F = 0.5 millifarad = 0.5 mF = 500 uF 0.000000001 F = 1 x 10° F= 1.0 picofarad = 1 pF ‘The unit of electric inductance is henry (H). Express the following values in powers of 10 and write them in their abbreviated forms: 0.01 H and 0,003 4. F-00111 = 10% 10°? H= 10 millinenry =10mH— 0,003 H=3 10°" H=3 millihenry = 3mH Electric frequency is measured in hertz (H2). Express the following frequencies in powers of 10 and in their respective abbreviated forms: 1000 He, 5,000,000 Hz, and 100,000,000 Hz FH 10002=1% 10" Hz= 1 kilohertz=1 kHz 5,000,000 Hz= 5x 10° Hz=5 megaherta = 5 MHz 100,000,000 Fiz = 0.1 10” Hz = 0.1 gigahertz = 0.1 GHz Convert 2 minutes to milliseconds: 120107? 10” i 2min = 2x 60s=120s= 1.2 10° ms Convert 5 kilometers to centimeters: ' Skm=5% 10? m=5 x 10" x 10% em=5 x 10% em Convert 15 centimeters to millimeters: t 1Scm x 10° = 150mm 10° Electric current is measured in amperes (A). If an ampere is expressed as a flow of charge in coulombs per second (C/s), how many electrons pass a given point in 30s in a conductor carrying 8-A current. ‘The charge ‘on an electron is approximately 1.6 10 "°C. *30=240C 1.6% 10°" C correspond to 1 electron U Charge = As 240C correspond 10 (1x 240)/(1.6 x 10°") = 15 x 10 y"" electrons Find the current in a conductor through which 2.5 x 10* electrons pass in 8 if the charge on an electron is approximately 1.6 10"""C. ' = (00. 0f eletrons)(charge on eleetron, C) _ 2.5% X16%10"" A charge of 360 passes through @ conductor in 20s, What is the corresponding current in amperes? C_ 30 | ! = $= FP =a 2 112 413 Las 116 Lay 118 19 1.20 121 CHAPTER 1 ‘The current in an electric circuit rises exponent flowing through the circuit in 250 ms. lly as given by 7=10(1-e-*) A, Calculate the charge B ga fade [P1001 2%) ar 101+ 5) = 10002504 Je?” -0- 4) = 0.53266 A 75. bulb draws a 680-mA current. How much time will be required to pass a 30-C charge through the bulb? i charge, current, A ~ 68 = 441.17 $= 7.35 min A current of 6A flows in a resistor. How many conlombs of charge pass through the resistor in 2 min? ! = (current, A)(time, s)=6 «2% 60-=720€ ‘The unit of force is the newton (N) and work is measured in netwon-meters (N-m), which is also the unit of energy. Alternatively, energy is expressed in joules (J), where 1J=1N-m. Determine the work done in ‘moving a 50-C electri charge (Q) through a distance of SOem in the direction of a uniform electric field (E! of SOKV/m, if the force Fis given by f= OF. ' Force = (charge, C)(clectrie fell, Vim) = 50% 10°" > $0 x 10° 50% 10°? = 1.25N-m= 1.25) SN Work done ~ force * distance = 2 Power is defined as the rate of work done or the rate of energy conversion. Thus, the unit of power is the joule per second (1/s) which is equal to one watt (W). If the time taken to move the 50-yC charge of Prob. 1.14 through 50m is 10 ms, calculate the corresponding power. work done _ 1.25 ' Power= “time 10% 10 = 15W We observed in Prob. 1.14 that an electric charge experiences a force in an electric field. Electric potential difference (between two points) is measured in volts (V), and is defined as the work done in moving @ unit positive charge (from one point to the other). What is the potential difference between two points if it requires 220 uJ to move a 10-4C charge from one point 10 the other? + 220 x 10°" ' IV=1H/C or v= 2X From Prob. 1.16, V=J/C=(I/s)/(C/s)= W/A. Calculate the potential difference across a resistor dissipat- ing 30W of power while taking 2.5 A of current. Also, calculate the ohmic value of the resistance. ' wx» asx ‘An energy of 121 is expended in moving a 2-C charge from infinity to a point A. Assuming infinity to be at zero potential, determine the potential difference between point A and infinity (ic., the potential at A) work or energy.J 12 _ a v ciarye,c 2 “OY If an additional energy of 3 is required 10 move the 2-C charge of Prob, 1.18 from point A to another point B, calculate the potential difference between points A and B. Also determine the potential difference between point B and infinity, work or energy. J _ ; ' Vag Moe a Taisv 2 The potential difference between two conductors is 110 V. How much work is done in moving a 5-C charge from one conductor to the other? 1 Work = energy = 105 = 5503 Determine the charge that requires 1-kI energy to be moved from infinity t0 a point having a 12-V potential. 1 _ pote wial, V = 12. ~ 8838€ i Charge. 1.22 1.23 124 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.29 1.30 131 UNITS AND BASIC CONCEPTS J 3 A car battery supplies 48, of energy at 12 V over a certain period of time. Determine the charge moved during this period, Electric utilities employ as the unit of energy the kilowatt-hour (kWh). ‘The power consumed in a household over a 24:h period is as follows: 8a.M. to 2P.M.—1.5 KW; 2 P.M. to 6P.M.—0.5 kW; 6 P.M. to 11 P.M.—2.6 kW; and ILp.M. t0 8a.M—I.0 KW. What is the energy consumption in megajoules? SX6+05%4+2.6x5+1.0X9=33 kWh ' Total kWh = (power, kW)(time, h) = = 33 x 10° x 60 x 60 Ws = 118.8 x 10°J = 118.8 MI ‘An electric heater takes 1.2 kWh in 30 min at 120, What isthe current input to the heater? 1 Uit_1.2%1005 Vv 120 2A The heater of Prob. 1.24 has an efficiency of 99 percent. The heat energy required to boil a certain amount of, water is 99kJ. If the current taken by the heater is 20 at 120'V, find the time required to boil the water. . 99x 10" 1 Efficiency 99 or input U= "SS = 100% U _ 100 10° (= B= Tio ~4h678 What is the ohmic value of the resistance of the heating element of the heater of Probs. 1.24 and 1.25? V_ 120 1 0 17 20 ‘A 110 light bulb takes 0.9-A current and operates 12 h/day, At the rate of 7 cents/kWh, determine the cost to operate the bulb for 30 days t U = Pt= 1100.9 x 10 * x 12 x 30 = 35.64 kWh Cost of operation = 35.64 x $0.07 = $2.50. ‘The voltage and current in a circuit element are respectively given by v= 100V2sint Vand i=SV2sine A. Calculate the instantaneous power and the average power delivered to the circuit J nstantancous power _p = vi = (100VEsin (SVE int) = 1000 sn® 1 W= 1000 « 3 (1 ~ €0521) p= 500 ~ 500 cos 2r W ‘The cosine function averages to zero, so the average value of p, P,, = 500 W. A resistor draws a current i=8sin wt A at a voltage v=200sin wt V. Calculate the energy consumed by the resistor per cycle (or over one period of the current wave), Hence, determine the average power dissipated in the resistor, t ‘The energy capacity or rating of a battery is generally expressed in ampere-hour (Ah). A battery is required to supply 0.5.A continuously for three days. What must be the rating of the battery? 1 Ab= 1 Rofl te bo 1 t ‘ i ' 1 so \ nr) 1s 3a —+T,°c Fig. 1-1 ‘The capacity of a car battery depends on the current drawn (or discharge) from the battery, as shown in Fig, 1-2. ‘The battery is rated at 70 Ah at a discharge rate of 5A as shown. How long will the battery supply 20A of current? I From Fig. 1-2, at 20 the rating of the batery becomes $8 Ah, Hence, Ah _ 38 Time t= “= 2.9h=2h S4min If the rating of the battery with a discharge characteristic shown in Fig. 1-2 is not allowed to go below 64 Ah, for how long can the battery supply the rated current? I From Fig. 1-2 at 64 Ah, discharge rate = 12.A. Hence, An 45 20min Time a Combine the characteristics of Figs, I-1 and 1-2 battery is rated at 100 percent at 5A and at 25 obtain the rating of the battery at 17.A and at 10°C if the J From Fig, 12, rating at 17 A= 60 Ah which is considered as 100 percent at 25°C, From Fig. 1-1 rating 10°C =0.9 x 6054 Ah. The decay of charge in an electri circuit is given by = S0e%" wC. Determine the resulting current ! i= 42-50% 300% 107% 6 = — 156° mA 137 1.38 1.40 UNITS AND BASIC CONCEPTS 0 5 Juv leon 40 40 a Dhar, A Fig. 12 ' 15mA =H? 9.7468 mA, ° ~15e The voltage v and current i in an ac circuit are respectively given by uv =34sin3771V_ and i= 2sin 3771 60°) A. Determine the instantaneous and average powers delivered to the circuit. Bp =vi= B4sin 37702 sin (3771 — 60°)] = 68 sin 3774 sin (377 ~ 60°) (68% 4 [oos (3774 ~ 3774+ 60") — cos (3771 + 3774 ~ 60")] = 34 [cos 6" ~ cos (7542 — 60")] W P,, = 340s 60" = 17 W The voltage © and current i at the pair of terminals of an electric circuit are given by v= 100 sin ¢V and Ssint A. Evaluate the average power and state if the circuit absorbs or delivers power. 00 sin® + W » ‘The negative sign indicates that negative power is absorbed by the citcuit; ie., the cireuit delivers power. ' p= i= (100sin1)(—Ssin P,,=-S00x 4 (since the average value of sin” -250W The voltage v and current i in a circuit are given by v=l0sinr Vand i=2cost A, Determine the instantaneous and average powers, and explain your result 1 p= vi= (10sin 1)(2 cos) = 20ssin t cos ¢ = 10sin 2¢ W ‘The instantaneous power pulsates with twice the frequency of the voltage or current. P,,=0 W, since the average value of sin2¢=0. Zero average power indicates that the circuit is nondissipative or conservative. CHAPTER 2 Resistance and Ohm’s Law 24 22 2 25 26 27 2.8 A copper conductor of circular cross section 5 mm in diameter is 5 m long. Calculate its resistance at 20°C if the resistivity of copper at 20°C is. 1,72 10° Q-m. ' pao - (220 ")5 38 m0 A.40-m metallic conductor of cross-sectional area I min” has a resistance of 120. Calculate the conductivity of the metal, ' 33 MSim_ {Note that 1 siemens (S) = 1.0-'] A cube of an alloy of resistivity 1.12 +m is 2em on: side, Determine the resistance between any two faces of the cube. 1 pal ~ (l2x 10-10") (2x10 naa We have two cubes—one measuring /m on one side andl the other 2/'m, Find the ratio of conductivities of the ‘materials of the cubes so that the resistance between any two faces of one cube is the same as that for the ather cube ' Calculate the length of copper wire having a diameter of j5 in and resistance of 20, Conductivity of copper is 5.8 x 10" Sim. 1 in =f, X2.54 10? = 1.5875 10° m 1 0RA= 58410" 2% 7 (1.588107) = 229.6 A rectangular bus bar made of aluminum is 0.9 m long, 0.15 m wide, and 1.3¢m thick. If current in the bus bar flows along its length, and the conductivity of aluminum is 3.37% 10" S/m, calculate the bus bar resistance, 1 aw a RO GA Ga VO.isx1ax1oy | HM A transmission line cable consists of 19 strands of identical copper conductors, each 1.5mm in diameter. The Physical length of the cable is 2km. But, because of the twist of each strand, the actual lengths of the conductors are increased by 5 percent. What is the resistance of the cable? Resistivity of copper is 1,72 10-*Q-m, F Allowing for twist, 1,05)(2000) = 2100 m. Area of cross section of 19 strands = 19% /4)(1.5 x 10°) = 33.576 10°° m’ al N72 10°" 2100 _ A 33.576» 10°° dD Variation of resistance with temperature is expressed in terms of temperature coefficient a. Explicitly, the resistance R, at a temperature T°C is related to the sesistance at O°C by Ry = Ry(1+ aT) as graphically depicted in Fig. 2-1, where a, isthe temperature coefficient at 0°C. The figure also shows the inferred absolute zero for copper. Using Fig. 2-1, find the resistance of a copper wire at ~20°C if its resistance at 0°C is 20 FP From Fig. 2-1 we have BAS+ 7, 2345 ae Fig. 241 From the data (234.5 ~20)20 +0 18.290 2.9 Values of the temperature coefficient a for copper for different temperatures are plotted in Fig. 2-2, from which etyrc = 0.00393°C™, Ifthe resistance of a given wire is 20 1 at 20°C, what is its resistance at 60°C? = x 108 = 3 — 7% Fig. 22 R= RL + ay (Ts ~ ,)]= 20[1 + 0.003960 ~ 209] = 23.1449 2.10 212 243 2d 235 26 CHAPTER 2 A sample of copper wite has a resistance of 50 at 10°C. What is the maximum operating temperature if the resistance of the wire is to increase by at most 10 percent? 00409°C "= a,. Since R 34.45°C. I R,=500, R,=50+0.1%50=550. From Fe. 22. a at 10°C Ril} a(T,~ 7.) we obtain $5~ S01 +0,060% 7, —10)] or, ‘A metallic conductor has a resistance of 70 at 0°C, At 20°C the resistance becomes 7.80. Calculate the temperature coefficient of the metal at 20°C. ' Ry=Ri1+@(0-20)] or 7=7.8{1 + a,(-20)} wsi3 Hence, a, = temperature coefficient at 20°C For the metal of the conductor of Prob. 2.11, determine the temperature coefficient at 0°C. ' R,=R(I+a7) or 78=71+4j20) or ay = 0,00571°C Obtain a general relationship between a, and a, the respective temperature coefficients at 0°C and at T ! R,=R(+ aT) a Ry=By(1~ a7) @) Solving for a, from Eq. (2) yields @) Substituting R, from Eq, (1) into (3) gives = Rott or TR aT) TeaT a) Derive a general relationship between a, and a, the respective temperature coefficients at T, °C and at T,°C. I From Eq, (4) of Prob. 2.13 we obtain tet 1 ty i ‘rT Ths, deden and ta, +(7-7)) The temperature coefficient of carbon at 0°C is 0,000515°C~' and that of platinum is 0.00357 °C" at 40°C, A carbon coil has a resistance of 150 and a platinum coil has a resistance of 12.2 each at 20°C. At what temperature will the two coils fave the same resistance? Notice that the temperature coefficient for carbon is, negative, I From Eq. (4) of Prob, 2.13: Ta, 0.00357 on For platinum: = Tan xb tnasT 7 0.00416°C For the two resistances to be equal at a temperature TC, 12(1 + 0.004167} = 15(1 — 0.005157) or 1+ 0.00867 = 1.25 -O.0m6AI7ST or T= 52°C The two coils of Prob. 2.15 are connected in series and operate at 20°C, Calculate the “effective” temperature coefficient «, of the combination at 40°C 1 From Eg, (4) of Prob. 2.13, at 20C* For carbon: 0.000520°C 247 28 249 RESISTANCE AND OHM'S LAW [ 9 From the data of Prob. 2.15 R carson = 151 ~0.000520(40 ~ 20) At 20°C, we have (from Prob. 2.15): 0.00416 1 0.00416 «20 00384 For platinum: a= cmon = F2[1 + 0,00384(40- 20) AL 40°C: R, = 14.844 + 12.9216 = 27.7656. AL 20°C: R= 120+150=27.00 27.1656= 2711 + a,(40-20)] or a, = 0,001418°C~* The minimum current required for the operation of a relay coil is S00mA at 120V. If the current taken by the coil at 20°C is $30 mA (at 120 V) and the temperature coefficient of the resistor material is 0.00827 °C-' at °C, calculate the maximum temperature above which the relay will fail to operate 1 30 = T at2°c: 226.41 0 At TC (the maximum allowable temperature) mo ”* Sop x19 = 240.00 Since Ry = Ry(I-+ ay7) we have Ry _ Lt aT 240 __1+0.008277° Ry 12a, Real Teo xm «= «T= 35.26" The resistance of a 25-0 resistor increases by 10 percent when its operating temperature increases from 15 10 50°C. Calculate the mean temperature rise of the resistor from an ambient temperature of 20°C when its resistance is 30.0 and the temperature coefficient remains constant. ' Ry=25= R14 1Say) Ry =25+25=Ry(1 + 50a,) Solving for ay and Ry yields: aj, =0,002985°C"' and, = 23.9286.0 Ata temperature T°C we have: 30=23.92861(1 + 0.002857) or T= 85°C ‘Temperature rise = 85 ~ 20 = 65°C, “It has been experimentally found that the resistivity of conducting materials, such as copper and aluminum, varies linearly with temperature.” Depict this statement graphically and mathematically. fmt 10 2.20 221 2.2 2.23 2.24 CHAPTER 2 1 The statement is shown graphically in Fig. 2-3, from which we have: tan 8 = m= CE a a) and pee tm(Ts=1,)= [1+ rate ny] ® The resistance of a silver wire is 0.1.0 at 20°C. At what temperature will its resistance decrease by 25 percent if its temperature coefficient of resistance at 20°C 1s 0.0038 °C Fo RHR [4 aT,- 7] oF 0.75 0.1 = 0.11 +0.0038(7,-20)} or ~45.8°C The resistivity of iron at Q and 20°C is 8.68% 10 Q-m and 9.75x10-*Q+m respectively. Calculate its resistivity at 10°C. I From Eq. (1) of Prob. 2.19, 9.75 ~8.68)10-* 2-0 = 0.0835 10°* From Eq, (2) of Prob. 2.19, Pio Pan + Mi(10 ~ 20) = [9.75 + 0.0835(—10)] x 10°" = 215 x 107" Om A piece of wire of uniform cross section has a resistance of 0.8.0. If the length of the wire is doubled and its area of cross section is increased four times, what is its resistance? The temperature variation of resistance may be neglected, re 080 1 Original wire: R Wire with modified dimensions: ts _ p2t, 1 pb, 4," 44, "2A, R= = 4082049 ‘An electromagnet is wound with a copper coil having 150 turns and a mean length of 20cm per turn. The coil wire has a rectangular cross section 10% 2mm. Calculate the resistance of the coil at $5 °C and determine the power dissipated in the coll at $5°C ifthe coil current is 6A. The resistance of a I-m long wite of 1 mm cross section at 20°C is 0.00172 and a= (1/234.5)°C: ’ yy = st = 12S 1 Fay” T= 20/2343 ~ 345 AR _ 1 W'S x 0.0172 2x10 +m {14 65-20] = 1.96% 10° 1.72 16 14 55y5 (55 2 1.96 «10° Om € _ 1.96% 10°" «150 « 0.20 Res™ Ps 4 94x 1077 Power = /°R = 6%(2.94 x 10°) = 1.0584 W The power taken by a resistive coil made of copper wire is 220W at 110V and 20°C, Cal consumed by the coil at 110V and 120°C. The temperature coefficient at 20°C is 0.00393°C ve _ v2 10? ' Pome Ru Fe Py, 20 Ray = Ryo + eo( 120 ~ 20)] = S5{1 + 0.00393(100)} 50 Pao 5ggi5 = 157.93 A flat aluminum ring Smm thick has a negligible air gap. If the inner and outer radii of the ring are 0.2 and 0.25m respectively, determine the resistance of the ring at 20°C, At this temperature the resistivity of aluminum is 2.78 x 10° Q-m, 2.26 227 2.28 2.29 2.30 RESISTANCE AND OHM'S LAW J 11 1 Mean length !=27rmesn Fncan = H(fo #12) = 4(0.25 + 0.20) = 0.225 m r.225 = 1.4137 m Atea of cross section = $x 10°°(0.25 ~ 0,20) = 2.5 x 10 pl _ 2.78107" x 1.4137 A 25x10" 1572x100 Resistance R AA resistor made of aluminum wire dissipates 25 W of power at $0V at 20°C, Caleulate the current in a second resistor made of copper and having the same resistance asthe first resistor and consuming, four times the power Of the fist resistor. ve _ 50° y Pos 02=R, ER or = ViB=104 A resistive coil draws 2.0 A at 110 V after operating for a long time, If the temperature rise is 55°C above the ambient temperature of 20°C, calculate the external resistance which must be initially connected in series with the coil to limit the current t0 2.0.A. The temperature coefficient of the material of the coil is 0.0043°C"' at 20°C. ! Hot temperature = 20+ 55 110 Rig= P= 55O= Roll + a39(75 ~20)] = R, 15°C (1 +0.0083(75 ~20)] or Ry = 44.48 0 Rot RyRy or Ry = Ryy~ Ry = 55~ 44.48~ 1052.0 Conductor sizes (cross sections) in electric motors are chosen on the basis of current loadings expressed in A/m: In a particular machine, the allowable current rating is 3% 10°A/m? in 0.5-m-long copper conductors. Caleulate the conductor cross section ifthe loss in each conductor is not to exceed 1 W at 20°C. The resistivity cof copper at 20°C is 1.72% 10" +m, 1 Power P= PR~= (JAY oe ys Oe FApe where J =I/A= current density or current loading, or 1=(@x1'Y xL2%10KOSA or A=12.92mm* Wire of a certain material x and a given cross section has a resistance of 100 (2/km and a temperature coefficient of 0.0025 °C"'. Wire of another material y of a given cross section has a resistance of S0G/km and a temperature coefficient of 0.00075°C '. It is desired to make a coil having a 1000. resistance and a temperature coefficient of 0.001 by using suitable lengths of the two wires in series. Calculate their respective lengths I Let R, and R, be the respective resistances atthe given temperatures. Then at @ temperature change AT, the total series resistance becomes R,= (1+ 0.0025 AT) + R,(1 + 0.00075 AT) a Since 0.001 is the temperature coefficient of the combination, we also have R,=(R, + R,)(1+ 0.00187) @ Combining Eqs. (1) and (2) yields: R,(1 + 0,0025 AT) + R, (1 + 0.00075 AT) = (R, + R,)(1 + 0.001 AT) or R,(0.0015 AT) ~ R, (0.00025 AT) Thus, R,= BR,=3R,, but R,+R,~ 10000, Consequently, R, ~ 6250 and R, = 3750. The respective lengths are km 1kM yo oe Tio 8250=625km = ENT ITS A=7.5km It is desired to maintain a S-A constant current in a resistor made of copper wire through a temperature rise of 55°C from 20°C ambient temperature, ‘The value of resistance at 20°C is 40.0 and the temperature coefficient js 0.00428 °C"' at 0°C. Determine the minimum and maximum voltage that must be available from the power supply to maintain the desired current. 12 0 CHAPTER 2 t Vain (at 20°C) = Kyl = 40 x 5-=200V Ryy_ 14 75%0.00428 R, 1+20%0.0008 «(Rs = 1.21740 Vinge (at 75°C) = Ryyl * 48.67 x 5 = 283.35 V 2.31 Calculate the power dissipated in the resistor of Prob. 2.30 at 20 and at 75°C. I Since the current is 5 A at both temperatures, Py =PRy = *40=1KW P= PR,. = 5? 48.67 = 1.21675 kW 2.32 Determine the current through and the voltage actos: -he resistor of Prob. 2.30 dissipated at 75°C is the same as that at 20°C and 200 V. it is required that the power Vin 200° _ Vi, V3 Zi Pros Poo Re GQ Ree 7 BT or Vy, = VIO =220.61V and 1, = 2061 4 533.4 48.67 2.33 Determine the ratio of powers dissipated in two resistors, each having the same length and each made of copper wire of circular cross section, but one having a diametcr twice that of the other, and each being connected across the same voltage, ' Similarly, If D,=2D,, then 2.34 Find the ratio of powers in the two resistors of Prob. 2.33 when the resistors carry the same current 1 Similarly, If D,=2D,. then 2.38 A 100-W 110-V light bulb has a filament made of an alloy having a temperature coefficient of 0.0055 °C~' at 0°C, The normal operating temperature ofthe bulb is 2000°C, How much current wl the bulb draw atthe instant itis tumed on when the room temperature is 20°C? From your result verify that burnout of bulbs is more frequent atthe instant they are turned on. FF The ratio of resistances atthe two temperatures is given by Ruy 14200 120 0.0085 wa 120000, ~ 1 20004 0.0055 ve 0 aon Bh 121 x9.25% 10" 25x10 At 2000% R, =1219 At 20°C: 1.20 and 982A Compare with son ™ =0.91A 2.36 The current loading of the heating element of a 110-\' 750-W electric heater is not to exceed 2600 A lin? (ef, Prob, 2.28). The resistivity ofthe wite material is 12% 10-"A1"m, “Calculate the length and the area of cross seaion of the beating element P7250 y “To = 6818 A

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