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Review: Is Political Science a Science?

Reviewed Work(s): Political Science. A philosophical analysis by Vernon Van Dyke

Review by: Quincy Wright
Source: Science, New Series, Vol. 134, No. 3475 (Aug. 4, 1961), pp. 322-323
Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science
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Accessed: 05-10-2017 02:54 UTC

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edge, static and dynamic concepts. He
also examines the methods of study
which are suitable for determining the
truth of statements in each of these

Book Reviews Methods, Assumptions, Definitions

In the body of the book he examines

critically certain key words which differ-
ent political scientists have used in or-
Is Political Science a Science? The utilitarian point of view which ganizing their discipline for example
he suggests conforms to the title of conflict, power, interest group, decision
Political Science. A philosophical anal- "The Anaerican Philosophical Society making, and game playing. He asks
ysis. Vernon Van Dyke. Stanford Held at Philadelphia for Promoting the utility of each for the purpose in-
University Press, Stanford, Calif., Useful Knowledge," an organization tended. He does not discount the legal
1 960. xv + 235 pp. $5. which includes natural scientists as well approach, though he warns against the
as social scientists and humanists. To "reifying" of law as something natural
There has been much debate whether determine what knowledge is useful Van and beyond human control. He distin-
the social sciences in general and politi- Dyke assumes it should serve desirable guishes descriptive from prescriptive
cal science in particular are real purposes, it should be signifieant, and law and discusses the value of mathe-
sciences. Some natural scientists think in particular it should be rational. On nlatical expression in the former, with
they are not because they are intended the latter point he quotes Dahl and the remark: "It is a moot question
to assist in making decisions which in- Lindblom, "Any action is rational to whether Stalin's law or Parkinson's is
volve value judgments while the func- the extent that it is 'correctly' designed the more valid" (page 82). He believes
tion of science is to produce generaliza- to maximize goal achievement.... it unfortunate that political scientists
tions which give information as to what Given more than one goal (the usual do not know more about the methods
will happen under stated conditions or human situzation), an action is rational of natural science than they do, but
what measurable relations can be relied to the extent that it is correctly de- at the same time he recognizes that
upon among defined variables. Social signed to maximize ner goal achieve- they must develop their methods from
scientists, however, reply that while they ment" (page S ) . Thus for a political their own materials.
cannot ignore values they can discover scientist "scholarship is significant when The book is doubtless in some degree
persistent relations, statistical trends, it contributes to the potential ration- stimulated by Walter Lippmann's com-
and eSective methods of exerting in- ality of a political decision. Its signifi- ment which he quotes: "Nobody takes
fluence, and that the information and cance varies with the importance of political science very seriously, for no-
classification of this knowledge consti- the end to which the decision relates, body is convinced that it is a science,
tutes science. While they recognize that with the importance of the decision to or that it has any important bearing
they frequently have to deal with quali- the achievenlent of the end, and with on politics" (page 204). The book may
tative distinctions, they increasingly the extent of the contribution to poten- not allay this criticism, but it brings to
seek to reduce their distinctions to tial rationalittl'' (ea:,e 5). light the underlying assumptions of
quantitative terms. This is especially But bevond Xltility, significance, and leading political scientists and passes
true of the economists and sociologists, rationality, t> volitical scientist "should critical judgment on the methods they
but in recent times the political scien- seek answers to questions or solutions have used. It provides a body of defini-
tists have also utilized statistics. They to problems having to do with thought tions which will probably assist scholar-
can conform in a measure to Lord and action, ends and means, cause and ship among the political scientists more
Kelvin's suggestion that if it cannot be eSect, conditions and consequences. The than it will help either natural scientists
measured it is not a science. study of politics should thus be con- or politicians to understand 7hat con-
Vernon Varl Dyke, who writes from ceived as a question posing and ques- tributions political scientists have made
long experience in conducting a gradu- tion answering activity" (page 6 ) . or can make. The latter are likely to
ate seminar on the philosophy of politi- It is clear that Van Dyke's criteria ask, "Do political scientists have a
cal enquiry, does not argue the point have a large subjective element. He technique that permits them to predict
but assumes the broad view that science recognizes that in substance political or control political phenomena better
is the acquisition, verification, and sys- science deals with values as well as than the man in the street or the
tematic classification of useful knowl- with facts, with the "ought" as well as practiced politician?" Van Dyke does
edge. He recognizes the importance of with the "is." His effort is to assist in not answer this question. He says,
the knowledge being as general as pos- the development of good scholarship in "Whenever anyone makes a rational
sible and the difficulty of utilizing this political science, not to reduce it to a choice he is predicting" (page 42),
criterion in the social sciences where "science" in the narrow sense. To this that the capacity to explain past events
there is frequent incompatibility be- end he is concerned with qualitative correctly can help to predict future
tween the requirement of verifiability distinctions such as those between facts events, and that there is a difference
and the requirement of generality and values, history and analysis, expla- between rational predictions and per-
(page 196). nation and prediction, belief and knowl- suasive argument, although the latter,
322 SCIENCE, VOL. 134

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if good enough, may be a self-con- An estimated 80 percent of the spe- grade coated paper, showing only the
firming prediction. He outlines methods cies and 40 genera are endemic; 40 standard othographic grid and (ii) Edi-
which have been used-analytical, in- other genera but few identical species tion B, on a washable, tear-resistant,
ductive7 deductive, comparative, "scien- occur also in Australia. New Zealand heavy-duty, coated plastic showing, in
tific" but does not indicate whether offers a natural laboratory for the study addition to the orthographic grid, a
any or all of them have actually pro- of hybridization largely resulting from latitude-longitude grid overprinted in
duced reliable results of either practi- human disturbance. Most of the larger blue, spaced by 2-degree intervals, giv-
cal or theoretical utility. The book is, genera are suspected of having been af- ing approximate selenocentric coordi-
as the title indicates, a philosophical fected, and some described varieties nates. Edition B will be useful when the
analysis rather than an exposition of may owe their existence to this phe- charts are to be used regularly at the
scientific method in the field of politics. nomenon. telescope. The review copy is Edition A.
It has a good index, gives access to A North American is struck by the The supplement is being published
recent literature in the field, and should fact that the families with most genera in two parts. Part 1, "The Central Area
be useful to oolitical scientists; it will are Compositae, Umbelliferae, Scrophu- of the Moon," is the portion now avail-
at the same time give natural scientists lariaceae, Papilionaceae, and Cruciferae. able. Part 2, covering the limb regions
some insight into the way political Among the largest genera are Epilo- of the moon, has been announced for
scientists think. bi"7s, Ranunculus, Senecio, Myosotis, publication in the near future. The hard
QUINCY WRIGHT and Gentiana. Problems of bipolar dis- cover binder supplied with Part 1 will
Woodrow Wilson Department tribution at once come to nzind. also accomomodate Part 2.
X or
Ot Forelgn Altalrs, Of especial interest is the subantarctic D. W. G. Arthur and E. A. Whitaker
University of Virginia element in the flora: "a whole vegeta- are skilled cartographers with expert
tion type may be said to show 'disjunct' knowledge of the lunar literature and
distribution across the South Pacific. of the problems of lunar cartography.
. . . The acceptance of an evolutionary They worked in close collaboration
Hyl)rid Fl(ra hypothesis forces one also to accept that with the Aeronautical Chart and Infor-
the ancestors of these now widely sep- mation Center (ACICT) at St. Louis.
Flora of New Zealand. vol. 1. Indigen- arated plants . . . were once in genetic, The grid lines shown on the maps
ous Tracheophyta: Psilopsida, Lycop- if not geographical, contact. The bio- have an illterval of 0.01 lunar radius.
sida, Filicopsida, Gynnospermae, Di- geographer's task is to explain how this They correspond to the intersects with
cotyledones. H H. Allan (deceased contact was achieved, and how it gave the lunar surface of two sets of parallel
29 October 1957 ) . Government rise to the present patterIl of distribu- planes, normal to each other, one set
Printer Wellington, 1961. liv + 1085 tion" [M. Holdgate in New Scientist 10, being parallel to the plane of the lunar
pp. Illus. $14.70. 636 (1961)]. equator and the other to the plane of
Exploration of these and many other the prime meridian. The point (090) cor-
This excellent volume, an original problems will be greatly aided by the responds to the center of the lunar disk
work, is nevertheless a lineal descendant timely appearance of the Floru. The as seen at zero libration in both latitude
of Cheeseman's Manaal ( 1906; rev. ed., New Zealand Department of ScientiSc and longitude. The distance between
1925). The unavailability of the latter, and Industrial Research, which spon- consecutive grid lines at the center of
to bend a phrase from Cheeseman's sored the preparation and publication the lunar disk is l O.8 miies or 17.4
preface in the Srst edition, "has long of the work, deserves congratulations. kilometers.
been a serious hindrance to the study LINCOLN CONSTANCE Lohrmann ( 1824), Madler ( 1837),
of the indigenous vegetation, and a bar Depczrtment of Botany, and Schmidt (1878) produced remark-
to inquiries of any kind connected University of Calif ornia Berkeley ably accurate charts of the lunar sur-
therewith.' face before the advent of effective lunar
The long-awaited Flora was written photograohy After 1900 it was oossible
by the late H. H. Allan, ably assisted to base lunar maps on the photograohic
by Lucy B. Moore, who completed the Moon Maps triangulations of Franz and Saunder.
work. Compact owing. to the use of thin Their triangulations were about l O
paper, the book contains abundant di- Orthographic Atlas of the Moon. Sup- times more accurate than the prephoto-
chotomous keys and descriptions of l l 6 plement 1 to the Photographic Lunar graphic positions used by Schmidt and
families, 290 genera, 14S7 species, and his predecessors. The present at]as is
A tla.v. ( Contributions, Lunar and
272 varieties. SynonymyS distribution, based on more control points than the
Planetary Laboratory, No. I). Com-
and often critical notes are provided for piled by D. W. G. Arthur and E. A. work of Franz and SaunderS and for
each taxon; the numerous invaluable that reason it achieves much greater
Whitaker. Gerard P. , Kuiper, Ed.
discussions of hybridism, polymorphism7 accuracy.
University of Arizona Press Tucson,
and plasticity are tempting invitations to Two government agencies provded
further study. All measurements are financial support: the National Aero-
metric. In addition there are a chrono- nautics and Space Administration and
The OrtStographtc A tls is a very
logical account of plant-taxonomic re- the Geophysics Research Directorate,
useful tool to be used in conjunction
search in New Zealand from 1769 to Air Force Cambridge ltesearch Labora-
with the magnificent L"nar Atlas which
1958, a brief account of ecological and was reviewed in the 29 July 1960 issue tOrieS.
floristic conditions a list of author ab- of Science. It is Supplement l of the FRANK K. EDMONDSON

breviations and dates, and a glossary of L"nar A tlas and has been issued in Goethe Link Observatory,

Maori plant names. two editions: (i) Edition A on a high- Indiana -University

4 AUGUST 1961

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