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10/9/2017 8:32:49 AM

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Factorial Fit: Response (Li versus A (Cutting S, B (Tool Geom, ...

Estimated Effects and Coefficients for Response (Life of Tool) (coded units)

Term Effect Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 40.833 1.121 36.42 0.000
A (Cutting Speed) 0.333 0.167 1.121 0.15 0.884
B (Tool Geometry) 11.333 5.667 1.121 5.05 0.000
C (Cutting Angle) 6.833 3.417 1.121 3.05 0.008
A (Cutting Speed)*B (Tool Geometry) -1.667 -0.833 1.121 -0.74 0.468
A (Cutting Speed)*C (Cutting Angle) -8.833 -4.417 1.121 -3.94 0.001
B (Tool Geometry)*C (Cutting Angle) -2.833 -1.417 1.121 -1.26 0.224
A (Cutting Speed)*B (Tool Geometry)* -2.167 -1.083 1.121 -0.97 0.348
C (Cutting Angle)

S = 5.49242 PRESS = 1086

R-Sq = 76.96% R-Sq(pred) = 48.17% R-Sq(adj) = 66.89%

Analysis of Variance for Response (Life of Tool) (coded units)

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS

Main Effects 3 1051.50 1051.50
A (Cutting Speed) 1 0.67 0.67
B (Tool Geometry) 1 770.67 770.67
C (Cutting Angle) 1 280.17 280.17
2-Way Interactions 3 533.00 533.00
A (Cutting Speed)*B (Tool Geometry) 1 16.67 16.67
A (Cutting Speed)*C (Cutting Angle) 1 468.17 468.17
B (Tool Geometry)*C (Cutting Angle) 1 48.17 48.17
3-Way Interactions 1 28.17 28.17
A (Cutting Speed)*B (Tool Geometry)*C (Cutting Angle) 1 28.17 28.17
Residual Error 16 482.67 482.67
Pure Error 16 482.67 482.67
Total 23 2095.33

Source Adj MS F P
Main Effects 350.500 11.62 0.000
A (Cutting Speed) 0.667 0.02 0.884
B (Tool Geometry) 770.667 25.55 0.000
C (Cutting Angle) 280.167 9.29 0.008
2-Way Interactions 177.667 5.89 0.007
A (Cutting Speed)*B (Tool Geometry) 16.667 0.55 0.468
A (Cutting Speed)*C (Cutting Angle) 468.167 15.52 0.001
B (Tool Geometry)*C (Cutting Angle) 48.167 1.60 0.224
3-Way Interactions 28.167 0.93 0.348
A (Cutting Speed)*B (Tool Geometry)*C (Cutting Angle) 28.167 0.93 0.348
Residual Error 30.167
Pure Error 30.167

Unusual Observations for Response (Life of Tool)

(Life of
Obs StdOrder Tool) Fit SE Fit Residual St Resid
19 19 50.0000 39.6667 3.1710 10.3333 2.30R
R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual.

Effects Plot for Response (Life of Tool)

Alias Structure
A (Cutting Speed)
B (Tool Geometry)
C (Cutting Angle)
A (Cutting Speed)*B (Tool Geometry)
A (Cutting Speed)*C (Cutting Angle)
B (Tool Geometry)*C (Cutting Angle)
A (Cutting Speed)*B (Tool Geometry)*C (Cutting Angle)

Residual Plots for Response (Life of Tool)

Main Effects Plot for Response (Life of Tool)

Interaction Plot for Response (Life of Tool)

Interaction Plot for Response (Life of Tool)

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