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Other typical issues



Phases of puerperium
Taking in phase
-Time of reflection
-2-3 days period, woman is passive
*Is birth really over?
*Could this child really have been inside me?
*Could I be this lucky?
-She rests to gain her physical strength and to calm and contain her swirling thoughts

Taking-hold phase
-Begins to initiate actions and decisions in her own
-May have expressed strong interest in caring for her child
Give woman brief demonstration of baby care

Letting-go phase
Woman finally redefines her new role
Gives up fantasized image of her child and accepts the real one
This process requires some grief work and readjustment of relationship
Development of Parental Love and Maternal concerns and feelings
Positive Family Relationship
Claiming or bonding- it is the identification process in which she became a
mother tending to her child as she feels comfortable enough to press her Many mothers admit to feeling abandoned and less important after giving birth because
cheeks against the baby’s. there is a sudden switch of attention from the mother to the child.
En face position- looking directly at the newborn’s face, with direct eye Nurse: How things have changed! Everyone’s asking about the baby today and not about
contact. you, aren’t they? How does that make you feel? (These are welcome words for a woman to hear.
It is reassuring to know that the sensation she is expressing, although uncomfortable, is normal.)
Engrossment- observing of a father by staring at a newborn for long
Rooming-in It can be difficult for parents to feel positive immediately about a child who does not meet
Complete- the mother and the child are their expectations. You can help to change the feelings of a mother or father about their infant by
together 24 hours a day handling the child warmly, to show that you find the infant satisfactory or even special.

Postpartal blues
Partial- infant remains in the woman’s room for
most of the time but then, he or she is taken to
a small nursery near the woman’s room or
It is also called “baby blues”, which is caused by hormonal changes, particularly the
returned to a central nursery for the night
decreased in estrogen and progesterone that occurs with the delivery of the placenta.
rooming in may allow a couple to retain anticipatory guidance May also be a response to dependence and low self-esteem caused by exhaustion,
and instructions in newborn care better, because the nurse has being away from home, physical discomfort and tension. Syndrome is evidenced by tearfulness,
demonstrated bathing, feeding, changing and so forth on their own feelings of inadequacy, mood lability, anorexia and sleep disturbances.
it is important to give the woman a chance to verbalize her feelings. Allowing her to make
Sibling visitation as many decisions as possible can help give her a sense of control over her life.
other typical issues identified by postpartal women include breast soreness; regaining
A chance to visit the hospital and see the new baby and their their figure; regulating the demands of housework, their partner and their children; coping with
mother reduces feelings that their mother cares more about the new baby emotional tension and sibling jealousy; and fatigue.
than about them.

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