One-Toss: The Basic Mechanic

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One-Toss is an easily improvised generic tabletop system with minimalistic yet intuitive rules.
The Basic Mechanic
The basic purpose of the One-Toss System is to accomplish all game endeavors using a single roll
mechanic with a single type of die. All actions with a chance of failure are decided with a 10-sided die.
On a character's end the result of this 1d10 roll is modified by summing some combination of three
factors: Attributes (Physical/Mental Ability), Qualities (Traits and Quirks), and Skills (Learned
Techniques) which are expressed as a number 1-6. This result may be further modified by the Game
Master with a situational bonus or penalty of +6 to -12 depending on difficulty of the task. Challenging
tasks are the norm and occur at no penalty of bonus, Average tasks receive a +1 or +2 bonus, Simple tasks
receive a +3 or +4 bonus, Easy tasks get a +5 to +6. Difficult, Improbable, and Near Impossible tasks
receive similar penalties, albeit potentially harsher (-1 through -12). These situational bonuses and
penalties are entirely left to the Game Master, but the player's description can affect the judgment. After
the roll is made and all values are applied the target number is 9 to achieve the slimmest possible success.
Now is the time to introduce the concept of success levels, because game outcomes are improved by
higher rolls. These levels of success go in increments of 3, they proceed as follows:
Level 1: 9-11 Adequate, Lengthy Endeavor Accomplished In Maximum Time
Level 2: 12-14 Decent, Lengthy Endeavor Accomplished in 4/5th Max Time, +1 Damage Multiplier
Level 3: 15-17 Good, Lengthy Endeavor Accomplished in 3/5th Max Time, +2 Damage Multiplier
Level 4: 18-20 Excellent, Lengthy Endeavor Accomplished in 2/5th Max Time, +3 Damage Multiplier
Level 5: 21+ Extraordinary, Lengthy Endeavor Accomplished in 1/5th Max Time, +4 Damage Multiplier

Damage bonuses start at Success Level 2, damage for weapons in One-Toss is calculated by taking a flat
value and then multiplying it by a modifier. For melee weapons and bows the modifier is strength (and
strength+1 for 2 handed melee weapons). For guns and crossbows the modifier is a set value. All weapons
receive bonuses to their damage modifier at Success Level 2 and above when attacking. For example, the
flat damage value for punching is 3, so character of strength 2 does 3*2=6 damage with a punch that hits
(9+). On a roll to hit (Dexterity+Brawling) that adds up to 12 through 14 (Success Level 2) he does
3*(2+1)=9 damage instead. Hence variable damage is achieved with only one roll that determines hit and
damage. The increases in damage from high rolls represent skillful and well directed hits.

The success level determines the degree of accomplishment. When engaging in craftsmanship it will
affect the integrity of a finished product, while playing music it will reflect the quality of a performance,
and in social situations a good display of charisma might earn favorable responses and bonuses later.

Complex encounters are individual or group events for difficult or drawn out tasks that take place over
multiple rolls. The GM and players can be creative here, for instance an encounter to build an escape raft
might first require 4 success levels gathering, the players could spin this roll to involve any two (a simple
test) of Intelligence (knowing where to look), Dexterity (covering ground), or Perception (spotting). 4
more successes would then be required involving any one (a difficult test) of Strength (getting the larger
pieces in place), Dexterity (piecing it together), or Intelligence (planning), but any failures that occur in
the process incur a chance to break on the water, if the pilot fails a Strength+Driving:Watercrafts task in
rough water the GM rolls a d10, if the result is less than the number of failures the craft begins to come
apart. Moving a heavy boulder could require six success levels between all party members in a single set
of strength tests, while a delicate negotiation might allow a limited number allowed failures. Various
permutations are possible, but some combination of Complexity (required total success levels), Threshold
(heightened progress baseline, Level 2 on a Threshold 2 task gives 1 success), time/resource Limitations
(maximum number of attempts), and Delicacy (limited number of failures) will yield a good encounter.
Character Creation
A character consists of four basic features-
Attributes: Raw physical and mental ability
Qualities: Character traits, knacks, and affinities
Drawbacks: Optional penalties, gives points to spend elsewhere
Skills: Learned techniques and talents

The costs for all features of a character increase as the value rises. Rank 1 costs a single point, Rank 2
costs an additional 2 points, Rank 3 costs an additional 3 points, etc. The total number of points required
to get to a particular Rank is as such: 1=1, 2=3, 3=6, 4=10, 5=15. This system applies to all but qualities
and drawbacks, which have their own simple system. This is to reduce power gaming and encourage
more balanced characters. All unspent points from a previous part of character creation will spill down to
the lower stages (except for drawback points), the player may for instance choose not to spend some
attribute or quality points in return for more quality or skill points. In role playing terms this accounts for
the fact that those that are lacking in certain core capacities tend to compensate in periphery abilities.

Although 5 is as high as an attribute can be developed at character creation, they can go higher.
Attributes: 1=Weak, 2=Average, 3=Developed, 4=Great, 5=Amazing, 6=Unnatural, 7=Demigod
Skills: 1=Novice, 2=Competent, 3=Proficient, 4=Adept, 5=Master, 6=Grandmaster, 7=The One

Primary Attributes: 35 Points

Strength: Physical Power
Dexterity: Speed and Grace
Vitality: Endurance and Vigor
Intellect: Problem Solving and Logic
Perception: Observation and Six Senses
Willpower: Determination and Control
Lifting Capacity=50*Strength pounds, X2 for short periods, 1/10th for throwing weight
Miles Per Hour=(Dexterity*2)+Vitality

Point Pools
Life: [(Strength+Vitality)*5]+15
Endurance: [(Strength+Vitality+Willpower)*3]+5
Essence: [(Intellect+Perception+Willpower)*3]

Derived Attributes
Speed/Yards Per Second: Strength+Dexterity
Body: Strength+Vitality
Intuition: Intellect+Perception
Resolve: Intellect+Willpower
Close Dodge: Dexterity+Perception
Range Dodge: Higher of Dexterity or Perception
Qualities (10 Points)
Drawbacks (Optional Redistributable 10 Points)
Qualities and drawbacks represent mental and physical characteristics a character possesses. These can be
created by the players with help from the Game Master using the following system and a little discussion.
In game terms these are bonuses or penalties that may arise under certain situations. Almost any die roll
or character parameter short of primary attributes can be modified by a quality or drawback. Drawbacks
are optional, and in return for the penalties they create you receive the amount of points you spent to
redistribute on qualities and skills at normal cost and on attributes at double cost.

The bonus or penalty for a drawback/quality can range between 1-3 unless it says otherwise. This value is
multiplied by a Usefulness factor for qualities or summed with a Severity factor for drawbacks to
determine the final point cost for the character feature.

Quality Creation Point Cost: Bonus*Usefulness: Heroic=3, Functional=2, Trivial=1

Drawback Creation Point Cost: Penalty+Severity: Severe=3, Moderate=2, Mild=1

Pre-Made Qualities
Acute Sense (Type): Functional +1 per point to sense relevant tasks
Ambidextrous: Functional +1 per point to reducing off hand penalty, 2 points eliminates penalty
Animal Companion: Functional, +1 to +5 depending on size of pet
Artistic Knack: Trivial, +1 per point to art related rolls
Attractiveness: Trivial +1 per point to rolls in situations where looks are important
Awareness: Heroic +1 to rolls to perceive changes in one's surroundings per point
Charisma: Functional +1 per point to social rolls
Concentration: Heroic +1 per point to rolls involving loss of mental control
Fast Reflexes: Heroic +1 per point to reaction and reflex rolls
Flexible: Functional +1 per point when a wide range of motion is useful
Green Thumb: Trivial +1 per point to plant related rolls
Hard to Kill: Heroic +3 per point to Health and +1 per point to survival rolls
High Pain Tolerance: Functional +1 per point to resist being stunned from heavy damage
Jury Rigger: Heroic +1 per point to improvised construction rolls
Recall: Trivial +1 per point to memory related rolls
Resistance (Type): Functional +1 per point to resisting a particular non-damage condition
Speedy: Heroic +1 to Speed/YPS and MPH per point

Pre-Made Drawbacks
Addiction (Type): Moderate -1 to -5 to all mental rolls when substance has not been recently used
Aloof: Severe -1 per point to rolls regarding awareness of one's surroundings
Badly Behaved: Trivial -1 per point to rolls in situations requiring social tact
Clumsy: Severe -1 per point to reaction and reflex rolls.
Cowardice: Severe -1 per point to rolls involving loss of mental control
Honorable: Mild -1 per point to rolls involving cheating, lying, and betrayal
Impaired Sense (Type): Moderate -1 per point to rolls involving the relevant sense
Low Pain Tolerance: Moderate -1 per point to resist being stunned by damage
Obsessed: Moderate -1 per point for rolls to maintain control while obsession is present
Paranoid: Moderate -1 per point to rolls for social dealings with strangers
Phobia (Type): Moderate -1 per point for rolls to maintain control under presence of phobia
Disability (Type): Severe -2 per point for rolls involving injured part of body
Reckless: Moderate -1 per point to rolls for acting cautiously while the action is hot
Ugly: Mild -1 per point to rolls where looks are important
Scatterbrained: Mild -1 to memory related rolls per point
Slow: Severe -1 to Speed/YPS and MPH per point
Vulnerability (Type): Moderate -1 per point to rolls involving particular condition
Skills (70 Points)
Skills are everything that one must learn to do that is not innate to being a socialized human.
Specialty: 2 points nets a character +1 to a skill subset (ex. Intimidation +Interrogation or +Extortion)
Difficult Skills: Very technical skills cost twice as many points to learn, these are marked by !!
Animal Handling
Animal Riding
Craft: Blacksmith, Brewing, Carpentry, Forgery, Glassblowing, Gunsmith, Tailoring, Etc.
Driving: Aircraft, All-Terrain Vehicle, Automobile, Heavy Vehicle, Motorcycle, Tracked Vehicle, Watercraft
!!Engineer: Aircraft, Architecture, Biological, Civil, Excavation, Electrical, Mechanical, Robotic
Etiquette (Type)
First Aid
Guns: Assault Rifle, Handgun, Heavy Weapon, Long Gun
Hand Weapons : Axe, Chain, Club, Knife, Shield, Spear, Staff, Sword
Humanities: Archeology, Anthropology, Economics, History, Law, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Theology
Lock Picking
!!Magic: Alteration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy
!!Martial Arts (+1 to final hand to hand damage per point)
!!Medicine: Diagnosis, General Medicine, Surgery
Play Instrument (Type)
Running: Marathon (+1 to MPH per success level), Dash (+1 to YPS per success level)
Sciences: Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Meteorology, Physics
Sleight of Hand
Smooth Talking: Bluffing, Persuasion, Promotion, Seduction
Sport (Type)
Survival: Arctic, Desert, Forest, Jungle, Urban
Throwing: Axe, Knife, Rope, Sphere
Unconventional Medicine
Weight Lifting
Basic Rules
These are all of the hard rules involved in the game for deciding the outcomes of various scenarios.
These rules are meant to be minimal yet add diversity and realism to the game.

The Rule of 10 and Rule of 1

On a roll of 10, roll again. If the second roll is 1-5 add that much, if it is 6-10 the final roll stays 10.
On a roll of 1, roll again. If the second roll is a 1 a critical error occurs (GM's discretion).

Basic Resolution
1:Player declares intent and applicable Qualities, game master declares applicable Attributes and/or Stats
2:Player rolls, game master adds or subtracts situational modifiers and informs player of the outcome

Two Types of Rolls: Tests and Tasks

A test is a primary attribute roll. Simple tests use either attribute*2, two attributes, or a derived attribute;
difficult tests use just one or the highest available. A task is a roll using an attribute plus a skill.

Unskilled Attempts
Attempting a Task without any levels in the proper skill means a -2 penalty to the roll for being clueless
on the subject. When attempting a Task for a skill that is generally known, but not of the right type (such
as firing a shotgun when one is only trained in Guns:Pistol) one may use the skill type they do know at a
-1 penalty. This second rule does not apply to types in Craft, Humanities, Magic, or Science.

Synergistic Skills
Sometimes a trained skill can help with another skill, this works as a complimentary skill task that gives a
bonus to the main task equal to the success level. For example a beautician could aide in a disguise task.

Contested Checks
When a contested check arises one's roll must not only succeed, but also surpass an opponent's roll. This
happens mostly in melee combat for attack/defense checks. If the roll result is less than 9 it automatically
fails, if it is over 9 it must also be higher than the opponent's result to succeed. Derived Attributes are
often used in contested checks, for example Intuition contests Intelligence+Smooth Talking:Bluffing.

Endurance Points
Lose 1 endurance point for every roll one makes (exception for multiple rolls made during a combat
turn), characters will need to get at least six hours of sleep per 24 hour period or lose 1 point of endurance
after that for every hour they miss, they also lose 1 endurance every hour after they've been awake for a
full 24. Characters recover 1 point of endurance per Vitality per half hour of sleep, or the same amount
for every hour of rest. A light snack restores 2 endurance and a full meal restores 3, up to a maximum of 9
points a day. A dose of caffeine restores 2 points per dose up to a maximum of 8 endurance points per day.

Effects of Endurance Loss

Below 5 points a character feels groggy and suffers a -1 to all normal actions. When reduced below 0 this
goes to -2 and they may fall unconscious, make a survival test (Vitality+Willpower) at a -1 penalty for
every 5 endurance points below 0. This task is repeated every five minutes when out of combat,
eventually exhaustion will take over. Endurance loss from hand to melee or bludgeoning damage will
cause one to suffer repeated tests to stay conscious. Once they pass out, all damage goes to life points.
Combat and Damage
How Combat Works
Combat operates in turns. A turn is a unit of roughly 5 seconds. Within a turn one can take multiple
actions. The first action and a single defensive action occur without penalty, all actions after that have a
stacking -2 penalty. Let's say Bob the Brawler is getting attacked by 2 guys, he makes a strike and a
dodge at no penalty, but his second defensive action is at a -2, if he decides to try and strike either of the
men again it will be -4 at this point. The penalty goes back to 0 at the end of a turn.

Everyone declares their intentions at the beginning of a turn before any rolls. Combat is resolved in
isolated pockets of action and initiative is looked at from a common sense perspective. A man with a
cocked gun or notched arrow will roll before a man running at him with a sword. In situations where who
strikes first is not so clear (such as when entering melee combat on equal terms) a contested simple
Dexterity test decides the outcome. These tests are isolated between individual incidents of combat, only
those involved roll. In the middle of combat first strike goes to whoever got the last successful hit in, a
new Dexterity check will be required if the opponents disengage and go back at each other.

Damage Rules
Piercing and slashing weapons double their damage against fleshy targets. Any barrier or armor reduces
the damage before it doubles. Bludgeoning damage is split between endurance and life points on living
targets until the target passes out, then all damage applies to life points. Fire and other forms of damage
apply directly to life points. Falling inflicts 3 damage for every 1 yard of uncontrolled drop. High heat
does 1 damage a turn, being exposed to flame does 2 a turn, and being engulfed does 3 a turn.

Close Combat Rules

Defensive Posture: No attacks can be made this turn, +2 to all defensive actions
Aggressive Posture: No attempts to defend will be made, +1 to all offensive actions
Feint: Intellect+Skill Contests Perception+Skill, +1 on next attack per success level
Riposte: Dexterity+Skill-2 on a defensive action, half weapon damage if the roll is won
Charge: Add +1 to damage multiplier in return for -1 to the strike task

Ranged Combat Rules

Avoiding Fire: Range Dodge roll with bonus for cover, use close dodge when at point blank range
Cover: 0=None, +1=Minimal, +2=Light, +3=Moderate, +4=Medium, +5=Heavy, +6=Fortified
Aiming: One loses initiative and makes a Perception+Archery or Gun task, each success level adds +1 to
the actual Dexterity+Skill roll to fire the shot. A scope gives a +1 to +5 bonus to aiming tasks
Stability from kneeling gives a +1 and prone gives +2 bonus to one's Dexterity+Gun to shoot
Semi-Automatic: -1 penalty for each bullet shot after the first, -2 for guns with heavy recoil
Burst Fire: Bursts of 3, each success level means one bullet hits, -3 penalty subsequent bursts
Fully Atomatic:Sets of 10, each success level means one bullet hits, -4 penalty subsequent sets
Suppressing Fire: Anyone who doesn't get under cover is hit by 1d10-7 bullets

General Combat Modifiers

Poor Lighting: -1 hit
Bad Lighting: -3 hit
No Lighting: Roll a D10, only 10+ hits the target. Difficult perception test adds +1 per success level
Handedness: The off-hand receives a -2 to all weapon tasks
Targeting Body Parts
Head: -3 to hit, +3 melee/slashing damage multiplier, +4 piercing damage multiplier
Neck: -3 to hit, +4 slashing damage multiplier, +3 melee/piercing damage multiplier
Limbs: -2 to hit, damage in excess of Life Points/3 cripples limb, excess damage is lost
Torso: -1 to hit, damage in excess of 20 points knocks down
Extremities: -3 to hit, damage in excess of Life Points/4 cripples extremity, excess damage is lost
Vitals: -2 to hit, +2 all damage multipliers

If one doesn't target a specific area and the hit is successful the Game Master rolls a D10 as a hit chart:
1=Head, 2=Neck, 3=Right Arm, 4=Left Arm, 5=Chest, 6=Right Hand
7=Left Hand, 8=Stomach, 9=Right Leg, 10=Left Leg

Projectile Range Modifiers

Point Blank: +1 hit, +1 damage multiplier
Close: No Modifiers
Medium: -1 hit
Long: -2 hit
Extreme: -4 hit, -1 damage multiplier
Beyond: -6 Hit, -2 damage multiplier

Special Bullet Types

Shotguns: +2 hit for birdshot, +1 hit for buckshot. Shot damage does not double
Hollow Point Bullets: +1 damage multiplier, affected by armor twice as much
Armor Piercing Bullets:-1 damage multiplier, affected by armor half as much

Effects of injury
Any attack that does more than 8 damage requires a simple willpower check to act the next turn. Any
attack that does more than 15 damage requires a difficult willpower to act the next turn. Being hurt incurs
no penalty to normal actions until 5 health, which starts a -1 penalty that goes up by 1 every five points
after that. At 0 through -9 the character is in danger of becoming incapacitated. A Vital+Will test
penalized by the amount of health under 0 is necessary to stay in the action.

At -10 health and below a character must immediately make a survival check. This is a Vital+Will test
with a -1 penalty for every 10 points below 0 the character is. Every minute spent without medical help
requires a new check with a new -1 penalty. The character can also be stabilized with a successful medical
or first aid task. After being stabilized a check must be made to stay or gain consciousness, another
Vital+Will check is made but with a penalty equal to the amount of health below zero.

Resuscitation and Medical Healing

A single Intellect+First Aid task can be made per injury, it will restore 1 point of life per success level
obtained. Performing first aid on oneself incurs a -1 penalty. A doctor performing the appropriate
medicine task would give a character 2 points of life per success level. An incapacitated character
recovers one point of life per vitality per day until reaching 0 health. From there on they recover 3 points
of life every day under rest and 2 points of life every day under activity. Recovering without medical care
is dangerous, a character reduced below 0 must make a survival test every day while recovering without
supervision, they regain 1 point per success level and lose 1 point that day if the task was a failure.
Awarding Experience
Experience is rewarded for being in character, progressing the storyline, and heroic actions. A session
may yield between 1-10 points per player based on contribution and progression. Experience may be
awarded on a per event basis (1 XP every significant accomplishment) or at the end of a game.

Cost For Improving Characters With Experience

Attributes:New Level*6
Existing Skill:New Level*3
New Skill:6 Points for first level
New Difficult Skill:12 Points for first level
New Skill Specialty:7 Points
New Quality:3*character creation rules
Remove Drawback:3*point value

Melee Combat Attack Table

Weapon Type Bonus Damage
Punch None 3*Strength Bludgeoning
Kick None 3*Strength+1 Bludgeoning
Stick None 3*Strength Bludgeoning
Brass Knuckles None 4*Strength Bludgeoning
Chain +2 Initiative 4*Strength Bludgeoning
Staff +2 Initiative 4*Strength(+1) Bludgeoning
Small Mace None 5*Strength Bludgeoning
Bat/Pipe/Chair None 5*Strength(+1) Bludgeoning
Mace None 6*Strength(+1) Bludgeoning
Large Mace None 7*Strength+1 (Two-Handed Only) Bludgeoning
Broken Bottle None 1*Strength Slashing
Small Knife None 1*Strength Slashing
Large Knife None 1*Strength+1 Slashing
Short Sword None 2*Strength-1 Slashing
Rapier **** 2*Strength Slashing
Long Sword None 2*Strength(+1) Slashing
Katana +1 Hit 2-Hand 2*Strength(+1) Slashing
Great Sword None 3*Strength+1 Slashing (Two-Handed Only)
Hand Axe None 2*Strength Slashing
Wood Axe None 3*Strength(+1) Slashing
Battle Axe None 3*Strength+1 Slashing (Two-Handed Only)
Spear +2 Initiative 2*Strength(+1) Slashing
Halberd +2 Initiative 3*Strength+1 Slashing (Two-Handed Only)
Chainsaw +1 Hit 2-Hand 2*5 Slashing

(+1): Usable with one hand, +1 damage multiplier bonus for using with two hands
(Two Hand Only): The +1 multiplier is already calculated into the damage
Using two close weapons that have no bonus for two-handed use reduces the second attack penalty to -1
****The the rapier is compatible with the reduced -1 penalty only when used main handed
Projectile Combat Attack Table
Weapon Range Damage
Thrown Pebble 3/5/8/12/20 2*Strength Bludgeoning
Thrown Stone 2/4/7/10/15 3*Strength Bludgeoning
Thrown Brick 2/3/5/7/10 4*Strength Bludgeoning
Thrown Knife 3/5/8/12/20 1*Strength Slashing
Short Bow 5/12/40/65/100 2*Strength Piercing
Long Bow 10/30/50/100/200 3*Strength Piercing
Cross Bow 7/40/65/150/250 2*3 Piercing
Light Handguns 5/10/40/80/160
.22 Short 2*3 Piercing
.32 ACP 3*2 Piercing
9mm Parabellum 2*4 Piercing
.38 Special 4*2 Piercing
.45 ACP 3*3 Piercing
Magnum (Heavy Recoil) 8/15/60/100/200
.357 Magnum 4*3 Piercing
.44 Magnum 3*5 Piercing
9mm SMG 3/15/30/90/180 3*3 Piercing
Shotguns (Heavy Recoil)
Birdshot 10/30/50/75/100 3*5 +2 Hit
Buckshot 10/30/50/100/200 4*6 +1 Hit
Slug 5/50/100/200/300 4*5 Piercing
Rifles 10/50/150/500/1000
.22 Long Rifle 3*2 Piercing
.223 Remington 3*3 Piercing
5.56mm 3*4 Piercing
7.62mm 3*5 Piercing
.308 Winchester 4*4 Piercing
Sniper Rifles 15/75/250/800/1400
.30-06 4*3 Piercing
.338 Lapua Magnum 4*4 Piercing
.50 Caliber 5*5 Piercing
Machine Guns 10/50/200/500/1000
5.56mm 3*4 Piercing
7.62mm 3*5 Piercing
.50 Caliber 5*5 Piercing

Strength+Throwing (Sphere) for hand explosives, Dexterity+Guns (Heavy Weapons) for rocket launcher
Level 3 Success to hit Ground Zero, Level 2 for General Effect, and Level 1 for Max Radius
Weapon Range Ground Zero General Effect Max Radius
Grenade 3/7/10/13/20 1 Yard 4*8 3 Yards 3*6 5 Yards 3*2
Pipe Bomb 3/7/10/13/20 2 Yards 4*10 6 Yards 3*8 10 Yards 3*3
Molotov Cocktail 2/5/8/10/15 1 Yard 3/Turn 2 Yards 2/Turn 3 Yards 1/Turn
Rocket Launcher 10/20/40/75/120 1 Yard 5*8 2 Yards 3*8 3 Yards 2*8
Body Armor Table
Type Armor Value Encumbrance
Leather Jacket 1 None
Leather Armor 3 -1
Chain Mail 5 -1
Banded Mail 7 -2
Plate Armor 9 -3
Class I Kevlar 10 None
Class II Kevlar 15 -1
Class III Kevlar 20 -2
Class IV Kevlar 25 -3
Riot Shield ** 20 -1

Shield Table
Shield Type Armor Value Barrier Value Block
Chair 6 5 +1
Small Shield 12 10 +1
Medium Shield 15 15 +2
Large Shield** 18 20 +3

Destructible Environments
Object Armor Value Damage Capacity Barrier Value
Wine Glass 0 1 0
Glass Bottle 1 5 0
Window 1 5 1
Table 3-8 25-50 4-10
Desk 5 30 6
Door 5 30 5
Door Lock 8 20 10
Reinforced Door 15 50 20
Reinforced Lock 20 40 25
Wood Wall 5+1/Inch 15/Inch 8+1/Inch
Brick Wall 9+1/Inch 30/Inch 10+2/Inch
Concrete Wall 15+2/Inch 50/Inch 15+5/Inch
Steel Wall 20+5/Inch 100/Inch 20+10/Inch

Armor Value: How much damage it absorbs

Encumbrance: Incurs a -1 penalty to mobility related actions per degree
**The riot shield and large shield have a -1 encumbrance that stacks with any armor encumbrance
Damage Capacity: How much damage (after armor value is applied) it can take before breaking
Barrier Value: How much defense it offers against piercing damage before/as it goes through
Block: Bonus to one's dexterity+shield (or simply dexterity for the chair) task

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