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Latar berlakang

nfants and children have a number of infections that are associated with fever and a red
macular or maculopapular eruption on the skin. It is often difficult to tell one infection from
another, and this is done best by considering other features of the illness accompanying the
rash such as the cough of measles or the lymphadenopathy of rubella. One infection is
distinguished from all others by its presentation with high fever alone and the development of
a skin eruption after the fever has subsided. A name given to this infection in the 19th century
was roseola infantilis, a name abandoned by Zahorsky in 1913 because he felt the name
applied to a number of different infections. He chose the name roseola infantum for this
illness 1

Roseola is a common childhood disease yang diasosiasikan dengan infeksi human herpes 6
dan 7 virus. Serologic tests indicate that human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) infection is nearly
universal. In emergency clinics, HHV-6 has been reported to be responsible for 10-45% of
cases of febrile illness in infants. A 2005 population-based study revealed primary HHV-6
infection cumulative percentages of 40% by age 12 months and 77% by age 24 months. The
peak age of acquisition of primary HHV-6 infection is 9-21 months.2

Approximately 25% of patients with HHV-6 infection in the United States present with
exanthem subitum5; in contrast, in Japan about 75% of primary HHV-6 infections result in
exanthem subitum. HHV-7 infections occur at a later age than HHV-6 infections About 18%
of children are infected with HHV-7 by 1 year of age and 53% by 2 years 3

Viral DNA is commonly present in the saliva of normal adults and children.No means are
available to prevent infection 4.

2. Zerr DM, Meier AS, Selke SS, et al. A population-based study of primary human herpesvirus 6
infection. N Engl J Med. 2005 Feb 24. 352(8):768-76. [Medline].

1. Richard H.MeadeIIIMD, Exanthem subitum (Roseola infantum) Clinics in

Dermatology. Volume 7, Issue 1, JanuaryMarch 1989, Pages 92-96

4. Mary T. Caserta, MD. Human Herpesvirus 6 Infection & Roseola. Pediatric Clinical Advisor (Second
Edition) Instant Diagnosis and Treatment 2007, Pages 280.

3. Jeffrey I. Cohen. Human Herpesvirus Types 6 and 7 (Exanthem Subitum).MANDELL, DOUGLAS,


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