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Iterator pattern

1) One entity interface channel and channelImpl

2) One CollectionChannel Interface and CollectionChannelImpl .
CollectonChannelImpl has a list of collection implements add , remove method .
They are used to add remove channel in collection
3) Iterator interface it contains next and hasNext method. CollectionChannel Impl
also has iterator method.which gives iterator . Need to provide Iteator method
implementation as inner class of CollectonChannelImpl

Command Pattern

1) It has command interface . All command implements execute method. Each

Command has a HelperImpl . it has function .

2) Invoker has a command. When command is passed to invoker and execute is

called it calls execute of command .

Strategy Pattern

1) In strategy pattern an interface is defined and a method call back other method of
interface .
Template pattern

1) In template pattern an abstract is defined and a method call back other method of
interface .



1) An entity interface which is implemented by different entity

2) An factory interface has a get method which is implemented by
Factoryimpl and it returns entity

Abstract Factory pattern

Builder Pattern

1) Builder is inner class outer class is object

ProtoType Pattern

1) implements cloneable interface

Adapter design pattern

o Target Interface: This is the desired interface class which will be used by
the clients.
o Adapter class: This class is a wrapper class which implements the desired
target interface and modifies the specific request available from the Adaptee
o Adaptee class: This is the class which is used by the Adapter class to reuse
the existing functionality and modify them for desired use.
o Client: This class will interact with the Adapter class.

Composite pattern

1) An interface has a method entity implement this method

2) Composite object also has collection of entities . when implemented is called . it calls
that method on entire collection.

Proxy Pattern

1) An interface is implemented by proxy and actual implantation class .

2) Proxy has a actual class

Flyweight Pattern

Faade pattern
Interface for set of interface

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