Appendix R Global GPDS Acronyms

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GPDS Milestones Names and Descriptions APPENDIX N

GPDS Milestone Names GPDS Milestone Description

<PS> Program Start At <PS> the Program Mission and Product Vision are confirmed, product
assumptions compatible and consistent with Corporate strategies/plans are defined,
commonality/re-use plans are completed, and Cross-functional agreement for the
program to proceed with implementation is obtained.
<PSC> Program Strategy Confirmed At <PSC> the program strategic target / guideline is set, compatibility of ABS,
marketing, finance, quality, functional targets, hardware selection and verification
timing are confirmed and workplan and resource availability to achieve successful
delivery to <PTCC> is confirmed.
<PTCC> Program Target Compatibility Checkpoint At <PTCC> each attribute target (QCWF - Quality/Cost/Weight/Functional
performance) is aligned and balanced, system selection activity to align targets at
system/PMT level is completed, Interior/Exterior themes are narrowed to two
(consistent with pre-design base drawing and systems selection), and system
selection compatibility to Bill of Process is reconfirmed.
<PTC/M-1DJ> Program Target Compatibility / M-1 Data Judgment At <PTC/M-1DJ> program targets are set, a single design theme is confirmed, ABS
is updated to reflect compatible targets and assumptions, data readiness for M-1
prototype tooling, build and test is judged by Engineering Management based on
Under Body V0/V1/V2 analytical verification, and all Under Body designs are at
Job #1 intent.
<AA1> Appearance Approval 1 At <AA1> the first of three Appearance Approval Process events is completed,
approval for Interior and Exterior Design feasible surfaces is obtained, and the
transfer of production intent surfaces and the start of Upper Body V2 activities is
<PA/AA2> Program Approval / Appearance Approval 2 At <PA/AA2> ABS, QCWF&T targets and market equation are confirmed
compatible and become objectives, Target Agreements with suppliers are
concluded, program objectives are approved, preliminary activities for mass
production are initiated, the second of three Appearance Approval Process events
(AA2) is completed, the final Interior / Exterior design is approved, the design data
is released, and the Upper Body V2 activities are completed.
<M-1DC> M-1 Development Completion At <M-1DC> Under Body systems/subsystems verification is completed, all
engineering change notifications are issued, and M-1 Development Completion <M-
1DC> is authorized by Engineering Management using test results, conclusions
from vehicle drives, and the latest Under Body systems/subsystems status versus
<FAA> Final Appearance Approval At <FAA> the final event in the Appearance Approval process is completed,
Interior / Exterior surface final refinements and highlights are approved, and
supporting design data is updated.
<FDJ> Final Data Judgment At <FDJ> all engineering designs are completed, and data readiness for VP
prototype tooling, build, test and production tooling is judged by Senior
Engineering Management based on verification/validation during Upper Body
V0/V1/V2 and <M-1DC> results.
<VP> 1st Verification Prototype Available At <VP> the first Verification Prototype Vehicle build is completed and delivered
to the customer.
<PEC> Preliminary Engineering Completion At <PEC> all design validation testing is completed, all engineering issues and
proposed countermeasures are clearly identified by the Functional Activities, and
verification to support <FEC> is completed.
<FEC> Final Engineering Completion At <FEC> Final Engineering Completion is authorized by Senior Management
based upon the successful completion of all design validation testing and
confirmation of no major open issues/risks.
<LR> Launch Readiness At <LR> all Verification Prototype (VP) issues are resolved, all cross-functional
activities' readiness to proceed to Body Construction / Assembly Tooling Trial is
confirmed, and final approval to proceed to Tooling Trial is obtained.
<LS> Launch Sign-off At <LS> design intent for color, grain, gloss and materials is verified, completion of
Manufacturing Tooling Trial Build is confirmed, and agreement to proceed to Pilot
Production (PP) is obtained.
<J1> Job #1 At <J1> production readiness for all cross-functional activities is confirmed, final
pricing is established, first Production vehicles for external customers are
completed and acceleration by assembly plant is initiated.
<FSR> Final Status Report At <FSR> the achievement status of program objectives is confirmed, the future
countermeasures are clarified, lessons learned are summarized and provided to
other programs for reference, and final results such as Financials (actual vs.
objective), Sales and Market Share, Quality Surveys, Campaigns, and Field Actions
are documented.
Prototype Builds Description
X-1 1st X-1 Prototype Available First Drivable X-1 Prototype Vehicle build is completed and ready to be delivered
to the customer.
M-1 1st M-1 Prototype Available First Drivable M-1 Prototype Vehicle build is completed and ready to be delivered
to the customer. M-1 vehicles are used to verify key specifications in the Under
Body area.
VP 1st Verification Prototype Available First Drivable VP Prototype Vehicle build is completed and ready to be delivered to
the customer. VP vehicles are used to verify total vehicle specifications.
Assembly Plant Build Starts Description
TT Tooling Trial Build Start The readiness and the ability to proceed to Tooling Trial is accessed, the start of
tooling trials are authorized, OK to ship criteria is agreed upon and signed-off, the
readiness of the internal & external tooling / equipment is determined, and all
building / facility / infrastructure modifications are completed.
PP Pilot Production Build Start The readiness and the ability to proceed for Pilot Production is accessed, the start of
Pilot Production is authorized, the MP1 readiness is reviewed, and Pre-production
builds are conducted to verify the capability of the production tools, equipment,
facilities, systems and processes with hard-tooled production parts.
MP1 Mass Production 1 Build Start The process to build / verify / confirm MP1 vehicles is initiated, confirmation of
vehicle quality and volume production process prior to assembly plant acceleration
is completed.
MP2 Mass Production 2 Build Start The process to build / verify / confirm MP2 vehicles is initiated, Assembly plant
acceleration through full line rate starts, the quality status as of <J1> is confirmed
and Management approval is obtained

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