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CITY OF ALHAMBRA AGENDA ALHAMBRA CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 9, 2017 ISSION STATEMENT The Gily of Attar is Ueuicated lo wesponsive, creative leadership and qualiy services, ensuring desirable neighborhoods and a ‘supportive. business ‘environment, while being sensiive 10 the ‘diversity of our community Gateway tothe Sion Gabriel Valley VISION STATEMENT The Gly of Alhambra shall be the promier famiy-oriented and economically prosperous ‘community in the San Gabriel Valley. ‘Addressing the Counel: Secon 204210 of the Alhambra Muncpal Code esabishes the prosedues for ‘dareaing he Gouncl Any person wishin to edese the Counel ang the mostng must cmp a Speaker Request Card and submit the Cy Crk When called upon by the Hayor, plate stp tote posium and give your name, address and eganzaton other ‘ary you represen, an, nS bine tone of aca or the resor. Remark ted oS mit. [A remarks shal be adestd othe Coun! 8 toy an alo ary mamberthetet. No person, ober han tho ‘Counct and he person Maung the hor, shal be peraod Wo eter ino any dscusion, eer dre or trough 9 member o the Courl, wiht the pension ofthe Mayor, No queston shal be esled a Countperson except {tough he Mayr Standards of Decorum’ Ay parson making persanal,inperinent or eandorous rks oF who stall become Ersorue vile arening th Couns shal be ont byte Heyer. bare fom the mang Enforcement of Decorum: Tho hit ef Polo rhs design, stall be Sergeant rms oft Counct meatings. ‘The Seqoart-a-Arms shal cary ut al orders aa insvucone given bythe Mayr fo te purpose of maining ter and decoran atthe Counc mecing, Persons Authorized to be Within Rall No peson,excpl iy of, te epresorathes, and newspaper ‘eporar, eal bo permed van he rain font of te Coun Charmer ithou th press anger he Coun ‘Agen Tracking Numbers: rumbers sted tld atthe eof each Agenda em are Cy Crk raking ‘ber that ae lend or ng ana recat purposes, 10947 AGENDA Rogular Meeting ALHAMBRA CITY COUNCIL ity Council Chambers 4111 South First Steet October 9, 2017 30 p.m. BOLL CALL: sary ‘COUNCIL: Messina, Maloney, Mejia, Ayata, Sham Sm canielVall’ ELAG SALUTE: Led by Mayor Sham READING OF ORDINANCE TITLES ‘Government Code Section 36934 reauires tat all ordinances be read in full prior to City Counci taking action on the ordinance. By listing the ordinance ttle on the Council agenda, Council may determine that the tite has been read Recommended Action: By motion, determine that the titles to all ordinances which appear ‘on thie pubic agenda have been read, and waive further reading )RESENTATION 4. THE VILLAGES AT THE ALHAMBRA — F2M17-50 ‘The Ratkovich Company will present a proposal for The Vilages at The Alhambra, «a multi-phase project to develop about 20 acres of vacant land atthe north east comer ‘of Fremont Avenue and Mission Road, The proposal would connect the existing office ‘and retail campus {© a residential community through @ flexible master plan that ‘emphasizes connectivity, siblity and a sense of place, This new urban community {Would include both condominium and apartment living with related parking and shared ‘amenities such as open space and pedestrian linkages. Recommended Action: City Council receive and order filed the information and direct staff as deemed appropriate CLOSED SESSION & CITY ATTORNEY ANNOUNCEMENT re SAME - F2417-14 “The City Council vill move into @ closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown ‘Act (Government Code Sec, 54950, ef seq) for the purposes of confering with the City's Real Property negotiator. andior conferring with the City Allorney on potential andlor existing Itigation, andlor discussing malters covered under Government Code Section 54957 (Personnel), andlor conferring with the City’s Labor Negotiators as follows, provided, howeve por to moving into closed session, the City Aitorney shall make any announcements required by the Brown Act pertaining to such closed session matters: Conference with Real Property Negotiator (Govt. Code Section 54956.8): 2 10.017 None Conference with Legal Counsel-Existing Litigation (Govt. Code Section £54956.9(0)(1): Nove. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation: Significant exposure to Igaton pursuant to Govt. Code Section §4956.9(0)2): 1 matter. Intiaion of Figation pursuant 10 Govt Code Section 54958.0(0)(4: 1 matter Discussion of Personnel Mattors (Govt. Code Section 4967): None Conference with City's Labor Negotlator (Govt. Codo Section &4957.6): Tara ‘Schultz, Assistant Clty Manager re: Altambra Management Employees Associaton, Alharibra Police Miscellaneous Association, Alhambra Fire Management ‘Association, Alhambra Pole Officers Associaton, Alhambra Police Menagement ‘ssoaialon, Anambra Fire Fighters’ Association, and the Alhambra City Employees! ‘Association RECONVENE & CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: In the event the City Council moves into a closed session, the Cily Council sfall reconvene at 7:00 p.m. and the City Attorney shall teport upon the closed session if required (CEREMONIAL 2, CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE: ASSISTANT CHIEF OF POLICE CLIFF MAR -F2M17-3, Mayor Sham and the City Council wish to commend and thank Assistant Chief of Police Cliff Mar for his 28 yeare of faithful and loyal service to the Police Department and the City of Alnambra. Mayor Sham will present a Cerificate of Service plaque to ‘Assistant Chief Mar for his outstanding work for the City PRESENTATION 3. RETIREMENT OF POLICE SERVICE DOG ABBEY — F2M5-38, R2N17-38 [Abbey was born on October 9, 2008 and was purchased by the Alhambra Unified School District (AUSD) ae part of a Safe Schools and Healthy Student Iniative grant. Abbey was placed into police service in September of 2010, and was assigned exclusively to the AUSD campuses for thre yoore ae part of the grant guidelines. After the grant tended, Abbey became the property of the City and was assigned. to patrol operations. ‘Over the next 4years, she continued her Work in drug detection and participated in numerous pubkc outreach events on drug education. Abbey has served the Police Department loyally and exceptionally in har career as a police narcotic detection dog. She enhanced the Police Department's community outreach efforts through her numerous drug education demonstrations in the City. Abbey has served the community {nd Police Department honorably forthe past 7 years; therefore, staff recommends that ‘Abbey be retired from active police service. Staff also recommends the City transfer ‘ownership interest of Abbey to her handler Corporal Grant Spencer fr the sum of $1,00, 109-17 Recommended Action: City Council adopt Resolution No. R2M17-38: A Resolution of the Clty Counal of the Clty of Alhambra suppotting the retirement of ‘Alhambra Police Department's Canine (K-8) ‘Abbey’, declaring the canine to be surplus ‘ty property, and transferring ownership to the custody of Alhambra Police Corporal Grant Spencer, authorize the Chief of Police to execute the Bill of Sale and Waiver of same to transfer ownership interest of Abbey to her hander Corporal Grant Spencer fang, direct staf to undertake the stops necessary to finalize Counci's action. REJECT LAWN BOWLING BIDS AND PROCEED WITH PLANS TO CONSTRUCT A. DOG PARK - F24N16-42, N2M17-101, N2M17-402, M2M17-161 ‘Staff released bid N2N17-101 for Artificial Turf and N2M17-102 for Natural Tur on ‘September 1, 2017 and the bids were opened on September 21, 2017, Bid N2MT7-101 for Articial Turf received one bid for $417,490 from Los Angeles Engineering. Bid N2M17-102 for Natural Tur received two bids, $226,400 from Martinez Landscape Co. ‘and $233,820 from Los Angeles Engineering. While the bid for $226,400 from Martinez Landscape Co. is not as expensive as previous bids, the annual maintenance cost of {552,70 must be considered as wel, Based on the information that staff has collected ‘over the past several years, a cost beneft analysis was conducted to determine if fexpending $226,400 + $52,780iyear for a natural turf or $417,430 for artical tut is feasible and sustainable, It was also important to consider the value and benefit to the ‘community. Staff believes thal funding a rehabiltated lawn bosling green isnot the best Use of General Fund money. Other projects that will benefit more Alhambrans, such as. fadog park, are a better Use of the space, as well as potentially eligible for HUD funding, Construcing a dog park fulls a need thatthe community has been asking for repeatedly since 2007, and the Council has directed staff fo try to construct one since 2008. Furthermo%e, research shows that cog parks are Benefits to communities, and ‘Alhambra's dog owners have no ather open-space option for their dogs to recreate ‘Therefore, staff recommends that the Counel drect staff to reject the bids for N2MI7- 101 for the Almansor Park Lawn Bowling Project ~ Arificial Turf and N2M17-102 for the Almansor Park Lawn Bowling Project ~ Natural Turf and proceed with plans and Notice Inviting Bids forthe construction of a dog park at Almansor Park. Recommended Action: City Council take the following actions: 1) Reject the bids received in response to N2M17-101 for the Almansor Park Lawn Bowing Project = ‘Arifiial Turf and N2M17-102 for the Almansor Park Lawn Bowing Project ~ Natural Tuff; 2) Direct staf to move forward with obtaining plans and specifications, and prepare and issue a Notice Inviting Bid forthe construction of @ Dog Park to be located Ir almansor Park, replacing the existing Lawn Bowing grown, sid, 9) Diveet stato take the steps necessary to finalize Councis action. (M2M17-161) PUBLIC HEARING 6. FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE 2017-2018 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION - F2M17-31, N2M17-100, M2M17-155 ‘This isthe tine and place set by Notice No. N2M17-400 for the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider a First Amendment to the 2017-2018 Annual Action Plan and 4 10.0417 to receive comment on the propased changes. Staffs seeking authorization to increase the funding currenlly allocatad to the HOME Housing Rehabilation Program by up to $163,834.07 to provide assistance to qualfed homeowners. Funds to be used are from tinalocated program income. Staff is seeking aufnorization to commit and spend the funds on the aforementioned program. On September 5, 2017, staff presented the proposed First Amendment to the Housing and Community Development Ciizen ‘Advisory Committee. The Committee unanimously recommended approval of the First ‘Amendment to the 2017-2078 Annual Action Plan, The 30-day review period began September 6, 2017 and concluded October 6, 2017. No comments were received Recommended Action: After receiving public testimony, the Mayor should close the puble hearing and, at the City Councis cigeretion, approve a First Amendment to the City of Alhambra's 2017-2018 Annual Action Plan to reallocate $163,834.07 for HOME Housing Rehabilitation: and, direct staff to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Council's action. (27-185) CONSENT AGENDA. (Item Nos. 6-14) All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered by the City Council to be routine and wil be enacted by one motion unless a ctizen or Councl member requests otherwise; in which ‘case, the item wil be removed for separate consideration, NIB: 2017 HUD STREET AND ALLEY REHABILITATION PROJECT ~ F2N17-48, NaMt7-422 Staff requests thatthe City Council authorize the circulation of a Notice Inviting Bids for the 2017 HUD Street and Alay Rehabillaton Project. This projects forthe rehabiitaton of poor to falled streets in the HUD target area Including: Grand Avenue, Westmont Drive, Miton Avenue, Front Street, Shoro Street, Meriian Avenue, El Paseo Street Carlos Street, La Crescenta Avenue, Las Flores Street, Commonwealth Avenue, Clay Court, Hampton Court, Corto Street, Amansor Street, Mansfield Place and Bushnell Avenue. In addition, the project inctudes the reconstruction ofthe following alleyways: ‘Alley west of Fremont Avenue (Chapel-San Marino), Alley (Westmont-Front), Alley {Westminster-Freman}), Aley north of Carlos (La Crescenta Ave-Fremon!), ley south ‘of Carlos (La Crescenta-Fremont, Alley north of Commonweath, Alley South of ‘Commonwealth, Alay west of Granada, Alley west of Gordova and Aliey south of Main Street. Plans and specifications have been prepared fortis repair project Recommenied Action: City Council authorize staff (o uisiibule @ Notice Inviting Bids for the 2017 HUD Street and Alley Rehablitation Project, with bids due no later than 10:30 a.m. on November 9, 2077; and, direc staf to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Council's action, [AWARD CONTRACT: PURCHASE OF AN AERIAL LIFT TRUCK FOR THE STREET {& LIGHTING DIVISION — F2M17-6A, N2M7-48, C2M17-59, MZM17-156 Staff requests that the City Council award a contract for the purchase of an aetial it truck forthe Street and Lighting Division ofthe Public Werks Department. On August 17, 5 10.0417 2017 the City Clerk received three bids forthe purchase of the truck. The bids ranged from $84,808 51 to $99,009.50. The bid receives from Altec Indust Inc in the amount cof $64,808.51 is the lowest responsible bid, Staff has reviewed the bid from Altec Industries Ine, and found i iin ful compliance and conformance with the bid specifications. Recommended Action: City Council award a contract, subject to final language approval by the City Manager and City Attorey, to Altec Industries Inc. in an amount of {$64,808.51 for the purchase of an aerial if rick; and, direct staff to undertake the steps necessary to faze Councis action. (M2M17-186) 8. CONTRACT AMENDMENT: PURCHASE OF CARBON FILTER MEDIA FOR THE GROUNDWATER TREATMENT FACILITY - F2M9.64, C2M16-36, M2M17-187 (On May 23, 2016, the Cty Gouneil approved a purchase agreement C2M16-26 between the City of Alhamora and Calgon Carbon Corporation for the purchase of carbon fiter media for the Ground Water Treatment Facility. Calgon Carbon Corporation has agreed to continue to supply carbon filer media at the existing contracted price; therefore, in ‘accordance with AMC 3.36.080 staff recommends a one-year extension tothe contract Recommended Action: City Council approve a one year contract extension, ‘subject to final language approval by the City Manager and the City Attomey, by and between the City ef Alhambra and Calgon Carbon Corporation for the purchase of Carbon fiter media for the Ground Water Treatment Facilty, and, dlrect staff to Undertake the steps necessary to finalize Councis action, (M2M17-487) 9, NOTICE OF COMPLETION: 10” WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT AND STREET IMPROVEMENT ON MARENGO AVENUE BETWEEN MAIN STREET AND GRAND AVENUE —F2416-45, C2M17-16, M2M17-158 (On February 27, 2017, the City Council awarded a contract to Gentry Brothers Inc. for the replacement of 2'10" water main on Marengo between Main Street and Grand Avenue. There wore three authorized change orders due to unforeseen conditons, the adition of larger valves for future replacement projec, addtional concrete repairs and ‘an increased street improvement area to Alhambra Road, These changes resuted in an Overall increase of $99,646.25. This projact has been Inspected by staff and all work has been completed in accordance with the City requirements and specifications. As such, it ‘would be appropriate forthe City Council 0 acoept this project as complete and instruct that the Notice of Completion be fled withthe County of Los Angeles Recorder's Office. Recommended Action: City Council accept the work of Gentry Brothers Inc. forthe 10" Water Main Replacement and Street Improvement on Marengo Avenue between Main Street and Grand Avenue Project in the amount of $874,487.26; cect the City Clerk to fle a Notice of Completion with the County of Los Angeles for recordation, instruct the Finance Director to release the 5% retention 35 days from the date of Tecordation if no liens are fled: and, direct staff to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Counel's action. (M2M17-158) 10047 10. 1. 12, a NOTICE OF COMPLETION: 2016 HUD STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT ~ F2N16-47, COMA7-1, M2M17-159 On January 9. 2017. the City Council awarded a contract to All American Asphalt, for the 2016 HUD Street Rehabiltation Project and Trench Repalr for Various Streets inthe ‘amount of $1,355,276.40. Two change orders were issued totaling in the amount of $227,205.83. The change orders were Issued for the following: removal of a steel pressure plate, adlustia manhole covers and valve cans, addtional work for removing nd replacing alley entrances, sidewalk, curb and gutter and asphalt. The total cost of the project was $1, 582,482.33. This project has been inspected by staff and all work has bbeen completed in accordance with the City requirements and specifications. As such, it ‘would be appropriate for the City Coun to accept this project as compete and instruct that the Notice of Completion be fled withthe County of Los Angeles Recorder's Office, Recommended Action: City Council accept the work of All American Asphalt for the 2016 HUD Street Improvement Project in the amount of $1,582,482.93; direct the City Clerk to fle @ Netica of Completion with the County of Los Angeles for recordation instruct the Finance Director to release the 5% retention 36 days from the date of recordation if no Fens are fled, and, direct staff to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Counci's action. (M2M17-156 APPROVE MOU: ALHAMBRA FIREFIGHTERS’ ASSOCIATION - F2M17-2, C87-16B, M2mi7-160 Staff requests that the City Counell approve a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Alhambra and the Alhambra Firefighters! Association for fiscal years 2017-2019, Recommended Action: ily Council_ approve that certain Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Alhambra and the Alhambra Firefighters’ Association for Fiscal Years 2017 through 2019, a copy of which MOU is on file in the ity Clerk’s Office as Contract No. CB7-185 and by this reference incorporated herein ‘and made a par of as though fuly at forth herein, and, cract staff to undertake the slope necessary to finalize Councils action. (M2M17-160), MINUTES Recommended Action; iy Council review ana approve as submited the Minutes of the September 25, 2017 regular meeting of the Alhambra Cily Council and the Apri 25, 2048 reqular meeting of he Anambra City Council PERSONNEL ACTIONS — F2M17-2 Recommended Action: City Council ratify the actions ofthe City Manager set frth in that certain Personnel Actions document dated October 9, 2017. showing the various, ‘appointments, classifications, salary changes, etc, since the last City Council meeting 109:17 44, DEMANDS - F2Mt7-4 Recommended Action: City Council approve as submited Final Check List (186208 thru 126420) in the amount of $1,076 287.30 forthe period ending September 8, 2017; Final Check List (188421 thru 186518) in the amount of $510,898 04 for the period ending September 14, 2017 and Schedule of Wire Transfers in the amount of 52,297,697.58 forthe week ending September 1, 2017 and Schedule of Wire Transfers in the amount of $330,929.16 for the week ending September 8, 2017; and, Final Check List (186518 thru 186857) in the amount of §1,202.621.41 for the period ending September 21, 2017 ORDINANCES - FIRST READING 46 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY CHOICE ENERGY AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A COMMUNITY CHOICE AGGREGATION PROGRAM ~ F2M17-48, F2M17-16, O2M17-4722 ‘Staff requests thatthe City Counell consider frst reading of an ordinance authorizing @ ‘Joint Powers Agreement for Los Angeles Community Choice Energy (LACCE) and the implementation of a Community Cheice Aggregation Program. The Ciy of Alhambra has been investigating options to provide electric services to constituents within its service area with tne intent of achieving greater local involvement over the provisions of electric Services and promoting compettive and renewable energy. Mr. Gary Gero, Chief Sustainabiity Officer from Los Angeles County, has presented the LACCE program at Gity Counc meetings in January and July. On September 18, 2017, the City hosted @ toum hall-syle community informational meeting about the program which received very positive public comments, The LACCE program has the potential provide cost savings fo residents, businesses, and the City of Alhambra by proving lower uty rates. Recommended Action: Direct the City Altomey to give first reading by tite only to the following ordinance ented Ordinance No, O2M17-4722: An Ordinance of the City Council of the Cy of Alhambra, Califomia, approving the Joint Powers Agreement for Los Angeles Community Choice Energy and authorizing the implementation of a Community Cheice Aggregation Program \which ordinance wil elurn for a second reading and adoption atthe next ty Counc meeting, a, cect stat to underake the step necessary to finalze Counci's action. 16. CREATION OF A NEW PERMANENT FUND: SB1 ROAD REPAIR AND ‘ACCOUNTABILITY ACT FUNDS - F2M17-17, O2M17-4723 Section 2.22.010 ofthe Alhambra Municipal Code creates and establishes the funds and account groups for the conduct and operation of the municipal fiscal affairs of the city {Goverment inckiding those funds established by the City Charter. The City wil begin Feceiving SB1 Road Repair and Accountability Act (RMRA) funds from the Highway 8 100-17 Users Tax Account in fiscal year 2017-2018. _RMRA has estimated the City will recive $490,328 of SB1 funds im FY 2017-2018. The creation of the SB1 RMRA Fund is necessary to provide better tracking of funds received and related expencitures to ensure compliance with program requirements. This fund will be effective for the fscal year ending June 30, 2018, Recommended Action: Direct the City Attomey to give first reading by tile only to the folowing ordinance entited Ordinance No. O2N17-4723: An Ordinance of the Alhambra City Counell amenging Crapter 3.32 of the Alhambra Municipal Code for the purpose of ereaing a new permanent fund pertaining to SB1 Road Repair land Accountability Act \which ordinance wil return for a second reading and adoption atthe next Cty Counc ‘meting. ORDINANCE — SECOND READING 17. CREATION OF A NEW PERMANENT FUND: MEASURE M LOCAL RETURN FUNDS = F2MA7-17, F2MA7-48, O2M17-4724 Section 9.32.010 of the Alhambra Municipal Code creates and establishes the funds and account groups forthe conduct and operation of the municipal fiscal affairs of the city government, Including those funds established by the City Charter. The City will begin to feceive Measure M Local Retum funds from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan “Transporialion Authority (MTA) in fiscal year 2017-18. Staff requests creation of this new fund to provide better tracking of monies received and related expenditures to fensure compliance with program requirements. The fund will be effective forthe fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. Recommended Action: Direc the Cly Attorney to give second reading by title only to the following ordinance ented: Ordinance No, O2M17-4721: An Ordinance of the Alhambra Cily Council amending Chapter 3.32 of the Alhambra Municipal Code for the purpose of crealing a new Permanent Fund pertaining to Measure M ‘sales tax and public transportation ‘after which the Gounel, by motion, may adopt Ordinance No. O2M17-4721, ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (TIME LIMITATION - § MINUTES) Citzens wishing to address the Council on any matter which is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Councli not on the Agenda may do so at this time. Please state your hhame and address clearly for the record. Please note that while the City Council values your ‘comments, pursuant {9 the Brown Act, the City Counell cannot take action unless the matter ‘appears as an item on a forthcoming agenda, ° 10847 COUNCIL ci IS (ANNOUNCEME! {E AGENDA ITEMS) F2M17. Each Councimember at hisher discretion may adress the Council and public on matters of ‘general information andlor concer, including announcements and future agenda items, ADJOURNMENT: The next regularly scheduled meeting ofthe Alhambra City Council will be held on Monday, October 23, 2017 at 5:30 prm., in the Alhambra City Hall Council Chambers, 117 South First Street, Alhambra, Caifornia, NOTICE ‘Agenda items: Copies of the staff reports or other written documentation relating to the items listed on this agenda are on fll with the City Clerk in Alhambra City Hal located at 111 South First Street, Alnambra, California, and are available for inspection during regular office hours, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm. If you would like to sign-up to receive the ity Counell meeting agenda and staff reports packet, please visit the City’s website at ‘ and you will be able to submit your email address on the homepage to the subscription service Broadeast of Meeting: A lve video stream of each Council meeting is avalabe through the Gily's website. The regular meetings of the Alhambra City Council are recorded and are broadcast on Charter Channels 3 and 182 at 7:20 pm. on Thursdays and Mondays following the meeting. Recordings are also available for viewing by the public on the City of Alhambra’s website, atthe Alhambra Public Library and, upon appointment, in the Office of the City Clerk. ‘Americans with Disabilities Act: If you require specal assistance to participate in any City meeting (inckuding assisted lsiening devices), please contact the City Clerk's Office (626) 570- 5080." Notifcation of at least 72 hours prior to the meeting wil enable the City to make reasonable arrangements fo ensure accessiilty to this meeting. LAUREN MYLES, CMC CITY CLERK 10 109417 NO STAFF REPORT NO STAFF REPORT % tom no._2 CITY OF ALHAMBRA eve ‘AGENDA REPORT ‘Abra CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: DATE: October 8, 2017 To: Honorable Mayor and Members ofthe City Couneil SUBMITTED BY: Timothy Vu, Chie of Pole SUBJECT: Retirement of Police Service Dog Abbey RECOMMENDATION: To request the City Council approve Resolution N2M17-28 to retire Police Service Dog (PSD) Abbey, authorize the Chief of Police to execute the Bill of Sale and Waiver of same to transfer ‘ownership interest of Abbey to her handler Corporal Grant Spencer, and diect staff to undertake the steps necessary o finalize Counci’s action. BACKGROUND: [Abbey was born on October 9, 2008 and was purchased by the Alhambra Unified Schoo! District (AUSD) as part of a Safe Schools and Healthy Student Initiative grant. The focus of the grant was, amongst other things, drug education and detection. Abbey was placed into police service in September of 2010, and was assigned excusively to the AUSD Campuses for three years 8s part ofthe grant guidelines and agreement with AUSD. After the grant ended, Abbey became the Droperty ofthe City and was assigned to patrol operations. Over the next 4-years, she continues her work in'orug detection and participated in numerous public outreach events on drug ‘education, Abbey has served the Police Department loyally and exceptionally inher career a8 police narcotie detection dog, She enhanced the Police Department's community outreach efforts ‘through her numerous drug education demonstrations inthe Cty ‘Abbey has served the community and Police Department honorably forthe past 7 years, but she has reached an age where he’ raliability for continued use as a police service dog and abilty to eet the daily challenges of performing police work at an acceptable level sin question. Due to these considerations, staf recommends that Abbey be retired from active police service ‘Saft cecommends the Cty transfer ovmership inlereat of PED Abboy to her handler Corporal Grant Spencer fr the sum of $7.00, EINANCIAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENT: Resolution R2M17-38 RESOLUTION NO. R2M17-38 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALHAMBRA SUPPORTING THE RETIREMENT OF ALHAMBRA POLICE DEPARTMENT'S. CANINE (K-9) “ABBEY”, DECLARING THE CANINE TO BE SURPLUS CITY PROPERTY, AND TRANSFERRING OWNERSHIP TO THE CUSTODY OF ALHAMBRA POLICE CORPORAL GRANT SPENCER WHEREAS, the City Council ofthe City of Alhambra recognizes the 7 years of service thatthe Police Department's canine Abbey has provided tothe City of Alhambra, and WHEREAS, Abbey has proven to be an invaluable asset infighting crime, resuiting in several arrests within the City of Alhambra, has paftiipated in numerous canine demonstrations throughout the City and surrounding areas, and her work whlle assigned to school campuses in the Alhambra Unified School Distet contributes greatly to safer learning environment, and WHEREAS, Abbey has reached an age where her roliablily for continued use as @ criminal ‘apprehension dog and abilty to meet the dally challenges of performing police work at an ‘acceptable level isin question, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council ofthe City of Alhambra supports the retirement of Abbey from police service, declares the canine to be surplus property, and transfers ownership, interest and custody to Corporal Grant Spencer, in consideration of one dollar ($1.00). PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 0” day of October, 2017 STEPHEN. SHAM, Mayor” ATTEST: TAUREN TIVLES, Ciy Gok HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the Alhambra City Council tits regular meeting held on the Sth day of October, 2017, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: “TAUREN NIVLES, Cily Clerk BILL OF SALE, WAIVER OF LIABILITY, AND HOLD HARMLESS [AGREEMENT FOR RETIRED CANINE “The City of ALHAMBRA ("City"), in consideration of one dollar (S1.00) and other good and ‘valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell And assign 10 Cpl. GRANT SPENCER, the following retired City police service canine known a ABBEY, 29 year old chocolate Labrador Retriever. ‘The canine is transferred in "as is" condition for Cpl. GRANT SPENCER'S use as he sees fit Tis understood that this canine was removed from police services because of age, performance, ‘ora combination thereof which made such canine unqualified for further police purposes. City shall have no liability for farther care of sai canine or for claims or suits, including claims for death or injury to persons, or loss of, oF damage to, property, arising out of activities of related to, stid canine oscurring after transfer of sad canine to Cpl. GRANT SPENCER by the city Cpl. GRANT SPENCER expressly agroes to save, defend (with counsel reasonably acceptable to City), indemnify, and hold halmless the City, its agents, assigns and employees (collectively, "Releasees*) from and against any and all liability claims, demands, damages, losses, causes of action, suits, or judgments of any kind whatsoever by reason of injury to, or death of, any person, ‘or property dariage, including loss of use thereof resulting from any actor omission to act by Cpl. ‘GRANT SPENCER ia connection with or resulting from his ovmership, use or contol of ABBEY, ‘or any actor omission of ABBEY subsequent to the date of this agreement. ‘The duty of Cpl. GRANT SPENCER ‘o indemnify and hold harmless, as set forth herein, shall inchide the duty 40 defend as set forth in Section 278 of the California Civil Codes provided, hhowever, that nothing herein shall be constructed to require Cpl. GRANT SPENCER to indemnify Releasees against any responsibility o liability caused by the sole negligence of Releasees. Bill of Sale, Waiver of Liability Page 2 ‘This release, waiver, and hold harmless agreement is binding upon Cpl. GRANT SPENCER, bishher heirs, executors and administrators, CITY OF ALHAMBRA ‘TRANSFEREE (GRANT SPENCER) ‘Timothy Vu Grant Spencer Chief of Police Police Corporal Alhambra Police Department ‘Alhambra Police Department Signature Sienature Date Bate ATTEST By Tauren Mies, City Clerk By ‘Joseph Montes, City Attomey CITY OF ALHAMBRA "AGENDA REPORT CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: my ( DATE: October 9, 201 To: Honorable Mayor and Members ofthe City Council SUBMITTED BY: Christopher M. Paulson, Director of Community Services F SUBJECT: REJECT LAWN BOWLING BIDS AND PROCEED WITH PLANS TO. CONSTRUCT A DOG PARK RECOMMENDATION: Itis recommended thatthe City Counci 1 Reject the bids for N2M17-101 for Almansor Park Lawn Bowing Project ~Artifcial Turt and N2M17-102 for Aimansor Park Lawn Bowling Project ~ Natural Tur, Direct Sta to move forward with obtaining plans and specifications, and prepare and issue 1 Notice Inviting Bids for the construction of a Dog Park to be located in Aimansor Park, replacing the existing Lawn Bowling green; and direct staff to take the steps necessary to finalize Counci's action. BACKGROUND: 1 ‘The Almansor Park Improvement Project (N2M17-52), funded entirely by CDBG funds rom the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), was orginally released for bidding on June 2, 2017, with bids opened on June 29, 2017.” At that time, 8 bids were received, and allofthem were rejected because te ine tem for anew Lawn Bowing green came in higher than the engineer's estimate, ranging from $242,989 to $704,828, HUD determined, based on information provided to them by the Alhambra Bowing Club showing that members ofthe lub liven ather communis, that Lawn Bowling is regional activity, and therefore nat eligible for HUD funding Based on this determination, staf, at Counci's direction, allocated $200,000 of General Fund money to go towards rehabilitating the awn bowing green. Staff restructured the bid forthe Almansor Park Improvement Project, making the Lawn Bowing area an optional em, This allowed the remaining portion of the project, which is eligible for HUD funding, to proceed in order to meet the April 30, 2018 deadline to expend the HUD funding, Bid N2M17-52R was released on July 18, 2017, with lawn bowing as an optional tem. The bia had lawn bowing as three different options’ 1, Berry Bowling Systeme (artificial turf as recommended by Werld Bows, the international governing body of lawn bowing), 2. Other farficia ur that are of high quality, and 3. Natural tur. Bids for N2MI7-S2R were opened ‘on August 3, 2017, with Los Angeles Engineering providing the lowest responsible base bd ‘Los Angeles Engineering provided the following bids forthe three different lawn bowling surfaces: $593,575 for the Berry Bowing Systems; $458,700 for an altemative aticial ‘materia; or $267,200 for naturel tut (which would have an ongoing maintenance cost), ‘Staff requested a proposal from Brighlview, the company that maintains the Ciy’s 18-hole {golf course, for annual maintenance of a natural turf lawn bowling green per the Specifatins requested Ly Alhaniora Dowing Club. The enqual maintenance coat would be '$52,780 for a 14,400 square foot lawn bowling green. For comparison, the City pays Biightview $51,500 per month to maintain an 1e-hole golf course. Given the results ofthe second bidding process, atthe August 4, 2017 Council meeting, ‘staff recommended that the City Counch award the base bid for the Almansor Park Improvement Projecto Las Angeles Engineering, n order to complete the project before the ‘Apri'30, 2018 deadline, Counel further drected stato revise the aun bowing bids a third time, and see if lower prices could be obtained by bidding erificial and natural tut 3s seperate, stand-alone projects, Counel also directed staff to research alternative projects that could be programmed into the existing lawn bowing green, Staff, working with Alhambra Lawn Bowing representative, Mr. Sean MeMorts, designed two bids for the thi round of bidding. This round did not include the expensive Berry Bowling System, instead, with Mr. MeMoris’ approval, the bid was for a natural and an anificial surface suitable for lawn bowing Staff released bid N2M17-101 for Artifcial Turf and N2N17-102 for Natural Turf on September 1, 2017, Mr. MeMori, assisted staff with several referals for lavn bowing installers who were sent both bids. The bids were opened on September 21, 2017, ‘unfortunately none of the lawn bowing installers that were recommended to the City participated inthe bidding Bid N2M17-101 for Artfcial Turf received one bid for $417,490 fiom Los Angeles Engineering, Bid N2M17-102 for Natural Turf received two bids, $226,400 from Martinez Landscape Co. and $233,820 from Los Angeles Engineering ANALYSIS: 1 While the bid for $226,400 from Martinez Landscape Co. isnot as expensive as previous bids, the anaual maintenance cost of $52,780 must be considered as well, Staff then conducted research to see how natural tur lawn bowing greens are maintained in ‘other communities in southern Calfomia. Of the 11 Lawn Bowing Chibs contacted in Los ‘Angeles, Orange and Riverside Counties, only 4 clube responded to our cals and \olzemails. OF hose four clubs, the Gity of Bevery His provided some basic maintenance ‘assistance, and the lub did the detalied maintenance. The other three lawn bowing clubs, Hemet, Long Beach, and Newport Harbor, all maintain their groens with their own resources, ‘ether by paying someone to maintain tha green or doing itthemselves with equipment they purchased, 10. 14 Based on te information that sttf has collected over the past several years, a cost benefit ‘analysis was conducted to determine if expending $226,400 + $52, 780Iyear for anatualturt (0F $417,490 for artificial tut feasible and sustainable. Itwas siso important to consider the value and benefit the community. ‘According tothe Alhambra Lawn Bowling Club roster of 2018, ofits 34 members, only 6 live inAlhambra, or 17%. “The investment for those 6 members living in Alhambra would be approximately $69,572 per person to Build an aril lavin bowling green, or $37,733 per poreon fo build @ natura tur ‘green, plus annual maintenance. Itis important to look at this analysis from the porspective of Alhambra resident versus non- resident because that information is what caused HUD to determine that bulding a new lawn bowing green is a regional activity, not an activity local to Alhambrans only, and thus ineligible for HUD funding, Furthermore, staf has received comments, inquiries, and complaints from members ofthe ‘community, stating that they never see enyone use lawn bowing oF that they need more basketball cours instead of lawn bowling because the basketball courts are packed every day. Based on these facors, staff cannot recommend the expenditure of at east $226,400 ‘lus maintenance to provide a new lawn bowing green to a group inwhich 83% of members Feside in other cies. {As patt of Cty Counel direction of August 14, 2017, staff researched alternative uses that ‘maybe eligible for HUD funding, as well as conducted a survey of community members and park patrons, to determine such altematives. Dating back fo a community survey that was conducted in 2007, the community has repestedly stated that they wouldlike to see a dog park uit. In the 2007 survey, dog park ‘was requested by residents, and was the only spect park element requested. In 2008, stat fesearched a dog park and presented several locations tothe Courel, but none were as feasibie as the location at Almanso: Park Inthe November 2011 Strategic Pian, Council directed staff to again look at opportunities ‘and locations forthe construction of a dog park. The same direction appeared again inthe May 2012 Strategic Pian, and again in the October 2012 Strategic Pan; in the Aptil 2013 Strategic Pian, staff was cirected to work with the City of San Gabriel on a jointuse dog park; the same direction appesred again in the November 2014 Strategic Plan “Thats 5 times inthe last 6 years in which Counci has requested staf to ideniy a suitable \ocation fora dog park, and each time staf was unable to gent a suitable location. More recently. in the December 2015 General Plan Opinion Survey, which will be part of the Fevised Genoral Plan, a dog park was the only specfic use requested by residents forthe parks, In addition to that dats, Community Services staff launched a survey in Seplemiber 2017 focused on park facilities, uses, recreation classes and programs. Though the sample size was small thus far, 45% of respondents requested a dog park 1, Staff also asked the landscape architec, Lost West, who is currently working on the ‘Aimansor Park Improvement project, to dent some ofthe most common and heavily Usedlrequested park eloments these days. The list included dog parks, water play areas, land actviies ike basketball and filness courses asthe most popula. 14, Lost West estimated the cost to buld these alternatives, and staff analyzed pros and cons for each alternative as follows: OPTION PROS cons) > ecient source of socaizaton for] + Paeiial Tor iity vu both dops and owners ‘saves, Designer should Dog Par + Actes epathetng spatior pot be aware ofthe potenal parents While the dogs ae playing fisks and labilty” from (Estimated Cost Eommuniymembers are more ely | s0gree8ive dogs. and $400,000) {o form relationships, pareipate in design accordingly. comversaion, and exchange + Potential for dog related ‘conmunty formation such a8 peraste and disease. I vers, coco, housing, fan spread if dog owners ‘employment and veternarians do net pick Up the dog's waste or if a dog eats an ‘+ Promotes healthy aging via social ioted dogs wees interactions and walking for our senior population + Injuries to people and dogs from og bites at logal offleash sreas ‘are rare, One possible reason for | the low rsk of a dog bite may be that park users almost always do ‘not Bring dogs that are ikely to bite ‘ther dogs of people, Pet owners know their dogs, and do not want | ‘any conflict with other dogs or ‘+ Sanitation is above satistactory Almost all users of dog parks are | conscientious about picking up after their dogs. There isa correlation | between the number of signs reminding users fo pick up after their dogs and a lower fecal count. ‘The posting of sians hiahiahtina the rule of picking up feces appeared to 'be more important than the nurnber of refuse cans avaiable. And provide adequate disposable bags OF other means of removing feces ‘and refuse cans for feces cleanup + As communities become more populated with both dogs and people, dog parks help faciitate Tesponsible pet ownership By providing a dedicated area where ‘canines are welcome, thus helping te prevent waste ftom impacting other areas such as community bales ‘+ Dogs deter criminal activity; their presence along with thelr owners may help deter crime in the parks + Noise is low, barking isnot common when dogs are playing. Well exercised dogs are better neighbors ‘who are less likely to create 3 ruisance, bark excessively, and 7 estoy property. + Lots of families that paricpate in Batting Lite League and AYSO CagelSoccer | + More practice options todevelop Practice young athletes ‘+ Fights childhood obesity (Estimated Cost: | + Low impact for park maintenance 800,000) | _ ‘+ Benefit of planting new trees inthe Urban park ForestFitness | + Fitness areas are increasingly ‘Area. popular + Fights childhood obesity (Estimated Cost: | + Low impact for park ops '$500,000), maintenance _| = Of aur 3 large parks, Aimansor is Water Play Area the only one without a poolvater (Estimated Cost: | + Kids willlove it $850,000 + + Great to coo! down in summer ‘Annual | maintenance) | Difcut to Fitboth options | inthe area Practice Facil is removed from location of actual play Less benefit for Kidsftamiies| Could become a hangout that creates a nuisance The cost of maintaining @ water fiter and pump system is expensive. The most seasonal of the proposed activities. 415. should be noted that a dag park has remained a popular request because the Alhambra Municipal Code does not alow dags in any parks, even if they are on aleash. Despite the [Municipal Code, residents bring their dogs to every one of Alhambra's parks, usually on leash. Park Operations staff and Code Enforcement (on the weakerids) ill certainiy ‘approach dog owners and remin thom ofthe rules, and the residents usually surprised to heer that dogs are not allowed inthe parks, Many dog owners bring their dogs to the parks regardless, whether they know the rules ort, city staff cannot keep up with trying to poice the dogs and their owners out ofthe parks. ita dog park is constructed, staff wil need to prepare an amendment ta the Municipal Code allowing dogs in Almansor Park, forentrance ‘and exit ofthe dog park only. 16. Staff anticipates that annual maintonance costs fora dog park would be minimal, and ikely focus on occasional replacement of wood chips, and baggies to pick up dog waste However, staff willhave a better assessment of annual maintenance costs once a design is chosen and bids are received 17. Finaly all ofthe folowing neighboring cites allow dogs inthe parks on-leash: San Gabriel, San Marino, South Pasadena, Pasadene, Rosemead, Temole City, Monterey Park, and ‘Arcadia. In lieu of allowing dogs on leash inal ity parks, the construction ofa dog park ‘would satisty @ demand in our community for an actvty that we currently do not provid. CONCLUSIO? ‘Staff believes that funding a rehabiltated lawn bowing green is not the best use of General Fund money. Other projects that will benefit more Alhambrans, such as a dog park, area better use of the space, as well as potentially HUD funding, Constucting a dog park fulfils @ need that the ‘community has bean asking for repeatedly since 2007, and the Council has directed staf to ty to ‘construct one since 2008. Furthermore, research shows that dog parks are benefits to ‘communities, and Alhambra’s dog owners have no other open-space option for their dogs to recreate, Therefore, staff recommends thatthe Council direct staff to proceed wit plans and a Notice inviing Bids forthe construction ofa dog park at Almansor Park, INANCIAL ANALYSI Atthis time, funding s required to procure a design fora dog park. If determined to be HUD eligible, ‘would be funded by account number 251.12.1252.91620, If HUD funding snot permitted, design Costs could be paid for from Park Operations - Various Park Projects 101.60.6130.9820". Staff wil Feturn with a recommendation for construction funding once the bids have been received ATTACHMENTS: None

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