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Chinese External Herbal Remedies for Headaches

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Chine s e Exte rnal He rbal Re m e die s for He adache s

Chine se Exte rnal He rbal Re me die s for He adache s

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is an ancient f orm of medicine. During the

thousand years of clinical practice, it has not only accumulated extensive
experience in dealing w ith diseases, but also created various treatment modalities
to help achieve optimal clinical results. Herbal remedies are of ten taken orally,
how ever external applications are popular too. With delivery techniques like
dressing, pasting, rubbing, f umigating or w ashing, active ingredients in herbs can
inf iltrate through the skin, enter into the blood stream and then travel to the entire
body. It should be noted that TCM external applications are under the guidance of
TCM theories, w hich are designed according to syndrome diff erentiation. For
external herbal remedies, TCM physicians like to prescribe raw herbs, herbs in
strong properties or f ragrant herbs, w hich f acilitate their eff ects to be absorbed
through skin. The preparation f orms and applying body regions also play important
roles in ensuring the eff icacy.

Headaches are common ailments f ound in everyday lif e. Headaches vary in

intensity, f requency and duration depending upon the types and how people are
sensitive to them. Headache management should be tailored made to individual
conditions. It is not uncommon f or people to try a variety of methods bef ore f inding
the most suitable one. TCM uses complementary and integrative approach to
manage headaches, some external herbal applications are listed as f ollow s.

Medicinal hot compress | Herbal paste | Medicated massage

Nasal therapy | Hand therapy | Medicinal pillow

Medicinal hot compress to relieve headaches

This w as called "hot ironing therapy" in ancient times, w hich involves applying a
hot compress over the body surf ace and w ith techniques like pushing, rubbing
and pressing f or treating diseases. TCM claims that the therapy stimulates the
communication of the striae, regulates the meridians and promotes the f low of
blood and qi. Medicinal hot compress is eff ective f or conditions caused by
excessive cold or dampness pathogens, qi stagnation, blood stasis, and
w eakened organs.

There are tw o w ays to compress: either using a w et cloth soaked w ith herbal
decoction or using a dry herbal pack. For a dry compress, f irst choose a
prescription according to individual condition, grind the ingredients slightly, place in
a cloth bag and bind up tightly, then heat up the herbal pack and use it to press,
push or rub the area to be treated. For a w eb compress, decoct the herbs and
use a f olded piece of material, bandage or small tow el, to soak up the w arm
solution, and then place over the area f or a period of time. Replace w ith a new
compress as soon as it has cooled to body temperature. The w eb compress is
of ten used as a prelude to massage therapy.

M e dicinal hot com pre s s for he adache s

Atractylodes rhizome (30g), notopterygium root (30g), processed alum (10g),
and f resh green onion stalk (15g). Pound and mix the f irst three ingredients, f ry
to heat up, add in the f resh green onion and pound slightly, place the mixture in
a cloth bag and bind up tightly, then put the herbal pack on the belly button and
cover it w ith both hands. Apply f or 20 minutes, once a day.

1 of 2 09/10/2017, 13:33
Chinese External Herbal Remedies for Headaches

Atractylodes rhizome,
notopteryg ium root,
processed alum and
g reen onion stalks

Angelica root, Sichuan lovage, Dahurian angelica root, dried tangerine peel,
atractylodes rhizome, magnolia bark, pinellia tuber, ephedra, bitter orange and
platycodon root, prepare 20g f or each. Dried ginger, cassia tw ig and medicinal
evodia f ruits, 10g f or each; and liquorice root 5g. Grind the ingredients slightly,
place in a cloth bag and heat it up. Use the hot compress to press the head and
neck, and the sides of upper backbone, back and f orth f or 20-30 minutes, then
leave it on the belly button f or 20 minutes. Reheat the compress w hen it has
cooled. Apply once a day.

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