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Structural C

onstruction Science and Engineering, Building designers routinely stipulate within

Inc., an architectural and engineering construction documents the well-known code
firm, has investigated several low slope minimum in 12 design slope for low slope roofs

roof applications with water stains, pond- and exterior deck applications. This practice, on
ing, framing damage on the lower side of the roof span, the surface, appears to eliminate the code require-
and structural collapse. Further examination typi- ment to investigate a susceptible bay. Additionally,
cally reveals a relatively level surface when compared common practice is to specify or accept mini-
to other roof locations (Figure 1). A similar occur- mum building code deflection ratios for low slope
design issues for
rence is often found in exterior deck applications. applications. However, many building design-
structural engineers (Figure 2). In studying this potentially problem- ers apparently fail to give due consideration to
atic issue, two building code parameters were footnote e in IBC Table 1604.3 which states
identified that contribute to low slope roof and in part; The above deflections do not ensure
deck serviceability issues. This article examines against ponding
susceptible bays with respect to the in 12 A code defined deflection ratio is a function
design slope and code permitted deflection ratios. of the span and is therefore not influenced
Part 2 will identify design and construction practices by material characteristics
and design load

that contribute to serviceability issues. variables. Each deflection ratio defines the
deflection limits that are commonly approached

as structural members are optimized for cost.
Background Bender and Woeste recognized this relationship

The 2015 InternationalrigBuilding
ht Code (IBC) and showed a beam member installed to a

identifies ponding instability as a design con- in 12 slope that deflects to a code permitted
sideration for snow and rain loads. The 2010 deflection ratio results in an average slope less

edition of the Minimum Design Loads for than in 12. They also noted the average

Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE 7-10), slope is further reduced when a long-term creep

i n deflection component is introduced.

The Bender and Woeste (2011) study
in 12 Design Slope and Water Drainage

validates the authors field observations

g a for serviceability complaints and water

retention associated with low slope roof
Part 1 a
referenced by the IBC, defines ponding as the and deck applications. The deflection curve was

By Scott D. Coffman, P.E., SECB

retention of water due solely to the deflection
of relative flat roofs. The standard requires
approximated using the properties of a circle to
verify the average slope was independent of the
susceptible bays be investigated to ensure span and remained unchanged for a specified
adequate member stiffness is present to pre- deflection ratio. Additionally, the lower end of
vent progressive deflection. Specifically, Bays the deflection curve was noted to be relatively
with a roof slope less than in./ft. shall be flat, which explained potential causes of observed
designated as susceptible bays. Roof surfaces ponding. In the authors companys study, sur-
with a slope of at least inch per foot (1.19) faces with a design slope of inch per foot or
Scott Coffman is a Forensic toward points of free drainage need not be con- less should be considered as a susceptible bay.
Engineer with Construction sidered a susceptible bay. The phrase toward Specifically:
Science and Engineering, Inc. points of free drainage is critical because it 1) The average slope of the deflected member
in Westminster, SC. He can gives meaning to what is meant by a slope of is less than inch per foot; and,
be reached at scottcoffman@ inch per foot. The same principle may be 2) A t and near the lower reaction, applied to exterior decks, although decks are the deflected member is relatively
not specifically identified within ASCE 7-10. horizontal or flat.

Figure 1. Evidence of ponding on the roof. Figure 2. Ponding water on deck.

24 August 2017
12 12
Average Y3
Slope Y2

L/2 L/2


Figure 3. Deflected shape of beam with uniform load. Figure 4. Average slope of deflected member

Figure 3 visually depicts the downward position and code permitted deflection ratio at forensic investigations. The vertical differ-
movement of a beam member subject to load the mid-span. The average slope from the center ence between a in 12 plane and the L/180
and vulnerability to ponding at the low end. of the members deflected shape to the low-end deflection curve was calculated for spans of
support is 0.117 inches per foot, a slope less than ten feet to forty feet in 2-foot increments. The

8 in 12 or nearly flat. When a member initially deflected shape crosses the horizontal datum
Average Slope Example

installed to a in 12 design slope deflects and in the region of L/16, creating negative slope
The average slope for the performance of a approaches the total load L/180 code permit- and a bowl at the low end. A bowl natu-

member installed to a in 12 design slope ted deflection ratio, the average slope becomes rally retains water and restricts free drainage
and permitted to deflect to a code permitted less than 18 in o12.
yrigThe calculated 0.117 in 12 or water discharge. Ponding or water retention

C p
L/180 ratio is illustrated by the following average slope is constant for any span designed should be expected toward the low end of a

example: to the L/180 deflection ratio. plane designed to a in 12 slope.
M ember Span: 25 feet ASCE 7-10 explicitly identifies member

R oof Total Load Deflection Limit: stiffness as a means to control progressive Long-Term Creep
deflection of a susceptible bay. Design pro-

Effects and Example
R ight Support Datum Elevation:
fessionals typically specify a more limiting

T a
0.00 inches deflection ratio than required by the building Structural materials susceptible to long-

L eft Support Elevation: 6.25 inches code for the application to achieve a stiffer term creep intensify the deflection curve.
(Y1) member. As expected, the average slope The IBC estimates the creep component of
 idpoint Elevation: 3.13 inches (Y2)
 ember Total Load Deflection
(L/180): 1.67 inches (Y3)
approaches the in 12 design slope for a
stiffer member or a higher deflection design
ratio. However, a beam element subject to
long-term deflection to be half the immedi-
ate dead load deflection or a 1.5 factor. The
creep deflection component may approach
D istance from datum to deflected gravity load deflects, and the average slope the initial dead load deflection, a 2.0 factor
member: 1.43 inches (Y4) remains less than the designed in 12 design for wood products. The 2014 Truss Plate
The average slope is the slope of a line slope. Therefore, a beam element installed Institute Standard (TPI) recommends the
from the low-end support to the point of with in 12 slope requires a susceptible 2.0 factor where the building designer does
maximum deflection for a member. For a bay analysis based on ASCE 7-10, since all not specify adjustment factors for service-
simply supported beam member subjected members deflect under load. ability. The 1.5 building code factor was
to a uniform load, the average slope is from applied by the author for a best case sce-
the center of the span to the low-end support. Deflection Curve nario to study the effects of creep deflection.
In this example, the right support is the low Continuing the previous example, the
end and point of free drainage. at the Lower End initial dead load deflection is taken as the dif-
Figure 4 shows the original member slope and The lower end of the deflection curve is also a ference between the roof s total load (L/180)
deflected shape. The distance from a level datum typical location for ponding, water stains, and and roof s live load (L/240) deflection ratios.
to the deflected member is 1716 inches (Y4); damaged framing members (Figure 5). This This calculates to 0.42 inches (1.67 1.25)
the difference between the members original opinion is based on observations made during for a 25-foot span. The long-term creep


Average Y3'
Slope Y2
12 Y4'
Y1 Average
L/2 L/2

L/2 L/2

Figure 5. A typical location for ponding. Figure 6. The average slope of the member with creep.

STRUCTURE magazine 25 August 2017


L/2 L/2

Figure 7. Increased bowl is caused by member creep. FASTCLIP SLIDE CLIP.
component is 0.21 inches ( * 0.42). The support to the point of maximum member

center of the deflected member is 1.25 inches deflection. A combination of increased Need a deection solution that
(Y4) above the right end support (3.13 member stiffness and design slope that results also accommodates horizontal

1.67 0.21). The average slope from the in a surface with an average slope of at least drift? Drift FastClip allows 2-inch
center of the member deflection curve to inch per foot towards points of free drainage

vertical and lateral deection,
the support is 0.10 inches, or essentially no should eliminaterisusceptible
ght bays.

y and works with FastClip screws
slope, and remains constant for any span Cop
(Figure 6, page 25). for friction-free sliding. Get

Although the average slope with a creep
Summary and Conclusions more details and data at

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deflection component remains positive, The building code establishes the mini-
albeit small, the low end of the member mum parameters for building design. A
i n
deflection curve remains of particular member or system that satisfies each code
interest. The deflected shape crosses the parameter may create a less than ideal
horizontal datum in the region of L/6, a
condition when multiple minimum code
creating a larger bowl area for ponding parameters are combined. The combination
(Figure 7). As the dead load becomes a a
of the inch per foot design slope and a
greater percentage of the total load, creep
deflection increases and the bowl effect m
maximum permitted deflection ratio cre-
ates such a condition for free drainage. The
becomes more pronounced at the low end. code, however, does recognize this potential
It is imperative that deflection calculations condition in IBC Table 1604.3 footnote
include material long-term creep effects e and instructs a building designer to
when compared to the ordinary live and investigate applications with insufficient
total load code permitted deflection ratios. slope or camber for ponding.
Building designers, contractors, and per-
haps code officials have come to believe a
Potential Design Solutions roof or exterior deck surface designed to the
Potential solutions to mitigate low slope inch per foot slope is satisfactory because
serviceability issues are limited. ASCE 7-10 it meets building code intent. However,
indirectly promotes a more stringent deflec- member deflection creates an average slope
tion ratio to prevent progressive deflection. that limits free drainage and contributes to
The ASCE solution is imperfect because stiffer ponding toward the low end.
members increase the cost and the average Members optimized to a code permitted
slope remains less than in 12. A member deflection ratio further reduce the average slope
or plane designed to an average slope of and may create a negative slope or a bowl at
inch per foot is one method to mitigate the low end that limits or prevents free drain-
ponding and resultant material damage. For age. The condition is exacerbated for materials
a simply supported beam member subjected susceptible to creep deflection. Beam elements
to a uniform load, the average slope line is designed or installed to the inch per foot
2017 ClarkDietrich Building Systems

from the point of maximum deflection at the slope should be considered a susceptible bay.
center of the span to the low-end support. In the absence of code performance limits
A more practical solution is a combination of for low slope roofs, a building designer should
increased slope and member stiffness. Design consider implementing a more stringent total
tools currently available afford a quick and load deflection ratio, increase the minimum
efficient means for a designer to calculate the slope for positive drainage, design to an aver-
average slope of a member; the average slope age slope of in 12, or a combination of each.
being the slope of a line from the low-end The practice should also be extended to decks.

STRUCTURE magazine 27 August 2017

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