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Designing Edge Barriers in Parking Structures

By Mohammad Iqbal, F. ASCE, D. Sc., P.E., S.E., Esq.

will hit the barriers head-on, or rebounds away from the barrier. The
endangering the occupants phenomenons are non-linear and com-
within and pedestrians be- plex. As a result of the impact, the vehicles
low unless the barriers are kinetic energy is consumed by (a)vehi-
properly designed. cle crush and (b) barrier deformation.

This article introduces the The impact force on a vehicle barrier
use of energy principles to can be approximately determined by

design vehicular barriers. It the equation:
discusses factors affecting mv2
the magnitude of impact F= Equation 2
2(D c + D b)

load under various condi-
tions and outlines frame- Where m = the vehicle mass
h t work to formulate a rational v = the vehicle speed at the impact

Cop design approach for design- c = vehicle crush
ing vehicle edge barrier in b = barrier deflection under impact

Figure 1: A car hanging precariously off Chicago Marina City parking structures. Equation 2 does not capture the peak
Towers as part of Allstate Insurance ad campaign. Courtesy of force a barrier experiences for a few mil-
chicagobusiness.com. Energy-Based liseconds. Rather, it provides an average

Design Method force during the crush and rebound
N umerous motorists have died in re-

The kinetic energy of a moving ob- duration. The following sections discuss

cent years as their vehicles hit edge

ject can be determined using the well- factors affecting the impact force.
barriers in parking structures, breached
them and plunged below (Figure 1). The known equation:

z Impact-causing Vehicle

T a
building codes have historically required
K.E.= mv
the vehicle barriers to resist a horizontal Equation 1 There are several makes and models

static force at a certain height above the of numerous vehicles in the US, and

floor level, as shown in Figure 2. The The expressions m and v represent the every vehicular type has its unique

height pertains to the bumper height mass and velocity of a moving body, re- characteristics. Three attributes of a
Structural Practices

and the force roughly equals the weight spectively. However, a vehicle crashing into vehicle that affect the frequency and

of a fully loaded vehicle. For example, a barrier presents a complex analytical severity of a potential impact on the
IBC 2006 prescribes that the vehicle bar- problem. As a vehicle approaches a bar- barrier are: its curb weight, bumper
riers should resist a static force of 6,000 rier, it impacts the barrier, as shown in height and market share. An attribute
pounds applied at a height of 18 inches Figure 3. The impact lasts a fraction of analysis of 2006 model SUV and pick-
above floor. In light of the fact that taller a second, and then the vehicle retreats up trucks shows that Chevrolet Silverado
and heavier SUVs and pick-up trucks
have become popular in recent years,
the IBC 2009 is expected to modify and
increase bumper height requirements.
Though IBC has moved in the right
direction, using a single force to cover
all locations may be arbitrary and inad-
equate to provide safe barriers.
Several types of highway and military Figure 2: Barrier impact force and its arm above floor.
barriers are designed to stop vehicles from
practical knowledge beyond the textbook

veering from the roadway. To ascertain

that the barriers perform properly when
hit by a vehicle, they are pre-tested and
certified according to their capacity. How-
ever, the barriers in parking structures are
neither pre-tested nor certified. They are
perceived to be low-risk because parking
structures deal mostly with lighter vehi-
cles, such as passenger cars, that move at
a relatively slow speed therein. However,
recent fatal incidents involving failure of
the barriers caused by vehicular impacts
have put the design of edge barriers under
focus and raised about their inadequacy.
The probability exists that the vehicles Figure 3: A car crash test on a 2009 model vehicle speeding at 35 mph against a rigid barrier.
Car crush = 1 ft. 11 inches (576 mm.). Courtesy of http://nhtsa.gov.

STRUCTURE magazine 24 October 2008

Where = co-efficient of rolling friction
between the driving surface and vehicle tires.
s = length of the sloping ramp
h = ramp height
It is noteworthy that the car speed v is
independent of its mass. The friction factor
may vary depending on the driveway
Figure 4: A passenger car rolling down a ramp. and the tires, but can be taken as 0.017

assuming a concrete surface and radial tires.
1500 is the most likely vehicle to cause the After some algebra, speed at the bottom of See the design example later in this article

severest impact. It weighs 5,360 pounds at ramp is given by: to compute the vehicle speed v. (Motor
curb and 6,930 pounds when fully loaded. It Vehicle Accident Reconstruction and Cause
has a bumper height of 25 inches and over v = 2.g.(h - M .s) Equation 4 Analysis, Limpert, 1999)

10% share of the market. On the other hand, continued on next page
Hummer is the heaviest SUV, weighing 8,800
h t

pounds at curb and 10,300 pounds when
fully loaded. Its bumper height is 30 inches, Cop
but has low market share of about 1% among

SUVs and pick-up trucks. It is suggested
that the most popular vehicle be used in the
barrier design.

U n

Once the design vehicle is selected, the

determination of vehicular mass for im-

pact purposes needs estimation of probable
weight of passengers and luggage it is likely
to carry at the time of impact. A conserva-

g a
tive approach is to assume that the vehicle

is fully loaded. However, the approach may
not be realistic because the vehicles that

plunged thru the barriers were not fully

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loaded, but had just one occupant the
driver in them. A 500 pound allowance
for the weight of one occupant, gasoline and
Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. SETXP08-S

luggage seems reasonable. Therefore, the de-

sign weight for the Silverado would be 5,860
pounds It is suggested the design weight of
6,000 pounds be used in barrier design.

The most significant parameter affecting the
impact force is the vehicle speed at the time Is your adhesive ready?

of impact. The speed a vehicle can gain in a

parking structure depends on the approach
distance the vehicle has to accelerate. This
article focuses on a drivers loss of his vehicle
MEET 2006
control when rolling down a ramp, as shown New building code requirements are calling for
in Figure 4. Other situations where a driver adhesive anchors that perform in cracked-concrete
conditions. To meet this need Simpson Strong-Tie
may intentionally and recklessly accelerate his
is proud to introduce SET-XP anchoring epoxy.
car are outside the scope of this analysis. As SET-XP adhesive has been formulated and tested to
a vehicle rolls down the ramp, its potential perform to 2006 IBC standards for rebar doweling
energy is converted into kinetic energy. The and anchoring using threaded rod or our new
speed gain depends on the slope and length IXP anchor, which offers higher loads with less
embedment for cracked-concrete applications. And
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to make designing under the new code easier, we
stationary condition at the top of the ramp offer our free Anchor Designer software. When
(point A) and that it moves down on its own, code changes leave you looking for answers, look
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m.g.h = m.v + M .m.g.s Equation 3

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STRUCTURE magazine 25 October 2008

Barrier Deflection 8 0 .0
During the impact a part of vehicles kinetic

Im p act F o rce (K ip s)
energy is transferred to, or is consumed in,
deflecting the barrier. Some barrier systems 6 0 .0
absorb energy as elastic strain and distributing
it to the parking structure, while others may Energy Eq.
rely on local yield mechanisms. The impact
force depends on the type of barrier. The rigid 4 0 .0

barriers experience the severest impact force.
The most popular types of barriers used in
parking structures are: 2 0 .0

Cast-in-place concrete cantilever walls
Post-tensioned concrete upturn beams IBC Code
Precast concrete spandrel beams acting

at barrier walls 0 .0
Multi-strand steel cables ht
yrig 0 5 10 15 20 25

Steel members and rails
Every barrier has its unique characteristics. Cop Ve hic le S pe e d (m ph)

In general, steel barriers are ductile. The
steel guards employing various steel shapes Figure 5: Impact force on a rigid barrier. Impacting vehicle weight = 6,000 lbs.
are considered very desirable, as they can relevant to the barrier design, some is useful. Summary

be readily designed to deflect and yield A limited survey of the test results shows
under load. Similarly, barrier cables exhibit that, for rigid barriers, the car crush distance A vehicular impact at edge barriers in a
flexibility and offer considerable deflection, c ranges from 1.1 feet (0.32 meters) to 2.2

i n
parking structure involves an enormous

b. On the other hand, magazine
concrete walls and amount of energy that needs to be absorbed

feet (0.66 meters) at the impact speed of 35
precast spandrels generally are neither by the barrier and the vehicle. The magnitude
Visit www.structuremag.org for subscription information mph. Assuming a second-degree relationship

T a
detailed to have ductility nor expected to between car crush and impact speed, c can of impact energy depends upon vehicular mass
have ductility. The cast-in-place and post- be approximated by the following equation: and speed as well as on barrier characteristics,

tensioned concrete upturn beams are quite as illustrated by the force-velocity relationship
rigid when connected to columns and braced D c = v (ft) shown in Figure 5. Therefore, the present

Equation 5
by a diaphragm. They exhibit negligible b. 3 IBC approach to use one force level to design
For non-rigid barriers, b can be readily barriers sited along various locations in or

Where v is car speed in miles per hour. By
determined using an iterative process. substituting the values of c into Equation along the perimeter of a parking structure
2 (page 24), an impact force-velocity graph is improper and inadequate. In order to
Vehicle Crush and Rebound can be obtained as a design aid Figure 5. The eliminate or curtail fatalities caused by the
IBC-prescribed force of 6,000 lbs. for edge barrier failures, the building codes should
When a vehicle hits a barrier, parts of the
vehicle deform, bend or U REe and the vehicle
crush barrier design is considerably smaller than incorporate the energy principles in edge
CTazin in
length decreases, as Ushown Figure org 3 (page that predicted by the energy principles as barriers design requirements. A minimum
R g Visit length ag. speed of 10 mph and vehicular weight of
24). The decrease T
S m in a
vehicle m
re tion after an shown in Figure 5. Therefore, it is suggested
impact is termed car crush r u ctu and
crip isn denoted that the code requirements should be revised 6,000 pounds are recommended in design. At
w w.s r subs matio locations in a parking structure where vehicles
as c in Equation 2 (pagew 24). fo After or impacting to reflect the anticipated force levels using
inf energy principles. can gain greater speed, such as on down
into a barrier, the vehicle rebounds and moves
ramps, anticipated vehicular speed should be
away from the barrier and stops. The National
calculated and the barrier force requirements
Highway Traffic Safety Administration Design Example should be increased accordingly.
(NHTSA) has tested thousands of vehicles Consider a 6,000 pound vehicle rolling
to determine vehicle crash-worthiness. The down a ramp and crashing into a rigid barrier,
target vehicle speed in the tests has been Mohammad Iqbal is Senior Vice President
as shown in Figure 4 (page 25). and General Counsel at Walker Parking
35 mph. While most of the test data is not Ramp length, X = 200 feet Consultants. Dr. Iqbal is a member of the
Story height, H = 10 feet bar in Illinois, holds a D.Sc. degree in civil
Coefficient of friction, = 0.017
engineering and is a licensed P.E. and S.E.
Assuming the car starts rolling down from in several states. Mr. Iqbal may be reached
point A and using Equation 4 (page 25),
magazine Velocity v at B = 14.3 mph.
at mo.iqbal@walkerparking.com.
For rigid barriers, b = 0. There are two ways
rg to determine the impact force: Acknowledgement
V REm n
a Using Equation 5, c = 1.26 feet. Substituting The author is thankful to Walker
TU io the c value in Equation 2 (page 24), the
UC script ion
Parking Consultants/Engineers, Inc. for
T R force F= 31,500 pounds. Alternately, use the
w.S sub at
their support. The opinions expressed
ww for inform
force-velocity graph in Figure 5 to compute in this article are the authors own and
the force. not necessarily of any other individual,
association or entity.

STRUCTURE magazine 26 October 2008

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