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Urban Studies, Vol.

40, Nos 56, 897916, 2003

Markets and the Structure of the Housebuilding

Industry: An International Perspective

Michael Ball
[Paper first received, November 2002; in final form, December 2002]

Summary. This paper sets out to examine why the modern housebuilding industry is organised
in the ways it is and to identify some implications for the wider operation of housing markets. It
concentrates on advanced economies and the impacts of market conditions, regulatory con-
straints, production characteristics, institutional structures and land supply. Widespread differ-
ences occur across countries in the ways in which housebuilding is institutionally structured. It
is argued that these differences are generally explicable in economic terms and that regulatory
practices determine much of the variation.

This paper sets out to examine why the mod- neatly into the standard economics lexicon as
ern housebuilding industry is organised in a competitive industry. The well-known
the ways it is and to identify some implica- results for a competitive industry from
tions for the wider operation of housing mar- the structureconductperformance paradigm
kets. It concentrates on advanced economies would, therefore, seem to be reasonable hy-
and the impacts of market conditions, regula- potheses to apply to housebuilding: namely,
tory constraints, production characteristics, that long-run risk-adjusted returns are low
institutional structures and land supply. and that housebuilding costs closely reflect
At first sight, the discussion seems simple the marginal costs of inputs. In a dynamic
and straightforward. Housebuilding is char- framework, there is a cyclical effect with
acterised by the existence of a large number supply constraints pushing up builders mar-
of relatively small firms. They also use pro- gins and their input costs in housing market
duction techniques that are labour-intensive booms and depressing them in slumps. Yet,
and change relatively slowly. They also are these temporary variations should be limited,
flexible in order to be able to adapt to given the ease of entry and exit. These con-
potentially large variations in output. Gener- clusions make life easy for housing market
ally, as a result, scale economies are low, modelling, as the supply side can be dealt
which helps both to make entry and exit from with simply by reference to input cost indices
the industry relatively easy and to explain the and a cyclical mark-up to reflect changes in
small average firm size. builders profits.
Housing supply, consequently, seems to fit Several characteristics of real-world

Michael Ball is in the Department of Real Estate and Planning, University of Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box 217, Reading RG6 6AH,
UK. E-mail:

0042-0980 Print/1360-063X On-line/03/05/6089720 2003 The Editors of Urban Studies

DOI: 10.1080/0042098032000074236

housebuilding, nevertheless, seem to be at they cannot be the full answer to the compet-
variance with the simple competitive model. itive puzzle. Housebuilding market contexts,
First, housebuilding takes on a number of prevailing technologies, input costs and input
different institutional forms across and availability need to be explored in greater
within countries. There is remarkably little depth.
international information, or data, on the na-
ture of housebuilding industries in the oceans
Housing Output Variations
of housing-related international information,
but sufficient exists to know that housebuild- Housebuilding is well known as a cyclical
ing industrial structures vary quite consider- industry with variations in output and prices
ably. Secondly, firms adopt strategies and, driven by cycles in the housing market as a
from experience, know that they are import- whole. Such volatility is typical of a con-
ant in determining profit outcomes. Further sumer durable or investment goods industry
features could be elaborated, but these two where the existing stock of a good is far
are sufficient to highlight the puzzle. greater than current output of it. New hous-
Namely, how are these characteristics poss- ing represents only a relatively small per-
ible, if the simple competitive market model centage of all the houses bought and sold in
is correct? With competition, there should be mature housing markets. In the UK, for ex-
strong pressures to create similar types of ample, new building averages only around 15
firms rather than the observed international per cent a year of total owner-occupied house
diversity. Furthermore, strategic behaviour sales. With such low ratios of new output to
can have no effect on market outcomes in the the existing stock, changes in overall housing
purely competitive model (Martin, 1994). demand tend to induce large variations in the
The competitive model, none the less, demand for newly built housing. This is be-
would predict some industry differences. As cause new building is the prime source of
housebuilding techniques are widely known, extra housing to accommodate any increases
it would suggest that housebuilding indus- in overall housing demand. It takes a long
tries vary primarily due to differences in time, moreover, to build sufficient houses to
relative input prices between countries. For satisfy demand increases, so that when de-
example, high-wage countries should adopt mand grows, prices rise in response to short-
less labour intensive techniques and, so, have ages and overshoot their long-run
production processes reflecting that fact equilibrium levels as households try to find
with, for example, a greater use of off-site homes before supply has caught up.
fabrication and on-site equipment. Such Housing market cycles are an inevitable
choice-of-technique influences help to deter- consequence, therefore, of housing supply
mine the character of housebuilding indus- mechanisms (Ball and Morrison, 2000). The
tries between countries. For example, extent to which volatility occurs more in
high-wage, timber-rich North America and prices or in levels of housebuilding depends
Scandinavia have housebuilding industries on the extent to which extra housing can be
relying on large-scale suppliers of pre-manu- supplied when prices rise and the speed of
factured timber-frame systems and exten- that response.
sively use pre-assembled modules of internal One reason why house prices fluctuate
house fittings. In contrast, high-wage but more than the prices of many other durable
timber-poor, the Netherlands and France goods arises from the structure of housing
more commonly adopted concrete panel off- markets. In industries like cars and domestic
site fabrication for house structures. Such appliances, which also face similar stock-
differences affect labour skills mixes, adjustment demand characteristics, econom-
amongst other things, but they do not negate ies of scale in production tend to generate
the general hypothesis of small, flexible oligopolistic industrial structures. These en-
building firms with no strategic options, so able firms to hold prices relatively steady

during downturns in demand. They prefer to cussed above. However, there are several key
accept the resultant possibly greater demand features which have longer impacts.
fluctuations in volumes in order to sustain the They include variations in household num-
margins necessary to finance their large bers generated by population and social
amounts of fixed capital. Such strategies are changes; migration into prosperous regions;
not realistic in housebuilding, because of the technologies of living (the tram/streetcar, the
ease of entry and exit and the competition in bus and the motor car being the most histori-
the housing market from existing housing cally notable ones); previous shortages
owners. This means that, in downturns, there caused by catastrophic events like war; and
are always large numbers of suppliers pre- public policy towards such matters as subsi-
pared to cut prices for a quick sale when dies and tax-breaks for particular types of
financial pressures dictate. housing. These when combined together tend
This pricing characteristic of house- to create housebuilding long cycles that are
building is ignored by those who, over the superimposed on the business cycle. Many of
decades, have argued that housing pro- these longer-term factors are extended lag
duction should become far more capital- responses to specific demographic, techno-
intensive, like a real consumer goods logical or policy shock events, which
industry. Unless supported by huge public makes it difficult to generalise about house-
subsidies, housebuilding firms that attempt to building long cycles, though many have
become highly capital-intensive in their pro- tried. They tend, however, to be important
duction methods almost certainly go bust influences on the structure of contemporary
during the next major downturn. Despite this housebuilding industries through their effects
characteristic of housebuilding, huge experi- on the overall level and type of housing
ments in manipulating housebuilding de- demand.
mand to smooth output fluctuations were The short and long cyclical behaviour just
undertaken in a number of European coun- described can be seen in the graphs in Figure
tries from the 1950s to the 1970s by taking 1 of the share of housing investment in na-
advantage of social housebuilding pro- tional income from 1956 to 2000 for seven
grammes (Donnison, 1967; Barlow and advanced countries: Canada, France, Ger-
Duncan, 1994; Harloe, 1995). Large house- many, Japan, the Netherlands, the UK and
builders emerged and governments tried to the US. The impact of the business cycle can
create the market conditions that would en- be seen in all the country data, although it is
able them to reap cost savings through scale more marked in some countries than others.
economies and innovation. Unfortunately, It shows up because of the way housebuild-
few of the scale economies in production ing varies disproportionately with changes in
materialised and most of the large house- housing demand, encouraging the rises as a
builders that grew up disappeared as soon as share of national income during business cy-
public funding ceased, as did the innovatory cle upswings and falls during downturns. At
building systems they sometimes used (Ball, the same time, however, long-cycle behav-
1988; Glendinning and Muthesius, 1994; iour can also be seen.
Gann, 1996). Figure 1 also shows that housebuilding
Some causes of changes in housing de- varies in importance between countries over
mand are short-term, business-cycle-related very long periods of time. This characteristic
factors, like rising incomes and interest rates. is summarised in the data provided in Table
So, unsurprisingly, housebuilding tends to 1, where countries are ranked by the long-
fluctuate in line with the business cycle; with term significance of housebuilding as a share
the degree of output and price variation being of GDP. The country with the most house-
greater than that for the rest of the economy building over the past half a century has been
on average, because of the stock adjustment Germany, followed quite closely by France,
characteristics of new housing demand, dis- Japan, the Netherlands and Canada. The US

Figure 1. Fixed residential investment as a share of GDP, 19562000. Source: OECD, INSEE.

trails almost 2 per cent behind Germany and lower-income groups. It has been argued that
the lowest, the UK, is behind by almost 3 per housing investment declines as a share of
cent. These differences can be explained by national income as national income rises
several factors. Germany is at the highest above a certain per capita level, but the
rank because of the housing boom during the long-cycle characteristics of these data make
period after reunification in the 1990s. The it hard to isolate any such effect (Malpezzi,
US provides no subsidised low-income hous- 1990).
ing, unlike the European countries listed, Table 1 also suggests that there are maxi-
which probably accounts for most of the mum amounts of housing investment that a
difference between it and them. The UK is well-functioning economy can cope with. It
exceptional, probably because of its restric- shows that housing investment shares have
ted land supply in growth regions and a never risen above 78 per cent of GDP for
correspondingly high propensity to repair the countries listed, even when there were
and upgrade existing dwellings. chronic shortages. This is unsurprising as
Once these differences are taken account such percentage figures imply a huge alloca-
of, a crude estimate of the typical share of tion of a countrys existing resources into
housing investment in the annual national housebuilding. Not only does this deny those
income of an advanced economy with mod- resources to other activities, but it also
erately expanding household numbers would necessitates substantial knock-on invest-
seem to be around 45 per cent, with the ments in building materials industries, the
extra percentage point depending on the so- training of skilled labour and urban infra-
cial attitude to the housing conditions of structure. When the housing boom is over,

Table 1. Housing investment as a share of national income, 19562000: cross-country comparisons

Mean Maximum Minimum Standard deviation Standard deviation/Mean

Germany 6.4 8.1 4.8 0.9 0.15

France 5.7 7.8 4.1 1.2 0.20
Japan 5.6 8.8 3.6 1.3 0.23
Netherlands 5.3 6.4 3.9 0.6 0.12
Canada 5.3 7.4 3.8 1.0 0.19
USA 4.4 5.7 3.2 0.6 0.14
UK 3.5 4.7 2.6 0.5 0.14

Source: OECD.

furthermore, all those resources have to be mation on construction, land and housing
redirected elsewhere again, which can gener- markets militate against it.
ate substantial re-adjustment costsas Ger- Long-run housing investment data, in ad-
many has experienced in recent years. These dition, help to identify the fact that house-
factors highlight the difficulties of expanding building has been of declining relative
housing supply rapidly to meet sharp in- economic importance since the 1980s in
creases in demand. Canada, France, Japan and the UK and, since
The degree of volatility in housing invest- the mid 1990s, in Germany. Only the Nether-
ment GDP shares can be measured by look- lands and the US saw sustained expansion
ing at the standard deviations of annual throughout the 1990s, fuelled by their re-
residential investment shares in national in- spective economic booms and household
come, as shown in Table 1, as well as growth at the time.
through visual inspection of the graphs of House prices, as well as output levels,
Figure 1. Typically, housing investment exhibit marked cyclical patterns, as can be
fluctuates annually by around 0.51 per cent seen in data on annual real house price
of GDP, with the countries with the largest changes for France, the UK and the US from
shares of housing investment in national in- 1985 to 2000, shown in Figure 2. All three
come, not surprisingly, experiencing the countries experienced several years of falling
largest absolute fluctuations in those shares. real house prices in the early 1990s, follow-
When weighted by their respective means, ing buoyant, or even bubble, price rises in
however, the standard deviations across the second half of the 1980s. House prices
countries are quite similar. were again on the rise in the late 1990s. Even
Housebuilding fluctuations may vary greater variations occurred in regions of
markedly over time, but overall housebuild- these countries, and housebuilding tends to
ing fluctuations are not atypically large when be a regional business. Housebuilders, conse-
compared with other capital goods industries, quently, face uncertain future prices for their
which experience significant output products.
fluctuations as well (Ball, 1996). What is also What do these general market data imply
interesting is that the cycles of housing in- for housebuilders? First, they highlight that
vestment in each country in the past have housing supply is a risky business. Pro-
tended not to coincide (Ball and Wood, duction and land purchase decisions have to
1999). In some industries, such as automo- be made on the basis of forecasts of highly
biles, international differences in macroeco- uncertain prospects. Secondly, it is also ex-
nomic cycles have encouraged firms to tremely difficult to forecast how long market
globalise. This has not occurred in house- upswings last and the extent to which they
building; presumably, because low scale are dampened or exacerbated by business
economies and the importance of local infor- cycle effects. Who, for example, would have

Figure 2. Real house price changes in France, the UK and the US, 19852000. Sources: France: Ministere
de lEquipement; UK: Council of Mortgage Lenders; USA: Fedstats.

predicted in the mid 1990s that housing mar- industrial restructuring during downswings
kets in many countries in the early 2000s (Maddison, 1992).
would help to offset recessionary tendencies
in other economic sectors? Thirdly, extensive
econometric research shows that price behav- Functional Organisation of the House-
iour in the housing market may be irrational building Process
in the sense that forecasts of future market
There are three prime functional aspects of
performance are based on recent experi-
housing development:
encei.e. adaptive expectations (Dipasquale
and Wheaton, 1994; Muellbauer and Mur- (1) Residential land development. Land has
phy, 1997; Meen, 2001). This may help to to be acquired, the appropriate regulatory
explain why the ending of the upswing permissions sought and the site prepared
phases of market cycles tends to come as a with infrastructure so that homes can be
shock event, which radically alters sub- built on individual serviced plots. With
sequent behaviour and housebuilder perform- redevelopment sites, this may require the
ance. demolition of an existing structure or
The consequences for homebuilders of this wholesale land reclamation.
type of market structure are significant. Most (2) Housing production. This entails the ac-
importantly, substantial market risk has to be tual building of dwellingsfrom sub-
taken account of in the organisation of pro- structure to completed and fitted-out
duction. Furthermore, housing market cycles superstructure.
can be the opportunity for spectacular profit- (3) House marketing and sales. Completed
making, but equally spectacular loss-making housing is transferred to ultimate users,
during downswings. This gives the industry either through sales to individual home-
some of the rhythms that Schumpeter sug- owners or via some type of landlord.
gested occur in industries over the course of This process involves sales in various
the business cycle: organic expansion and types of owner-occupied market (for ex-
optimism during upswings and substantial ample, speculative, pre-sales or one-off

Figure 3. Ovelapping functions in housing development.

contracts with owner builders) or in to social landlords. In both the large social
rental markets (e.g. sales to private land- and private landlord cases, development
lords of single or multifamily units or companies could also approach landlords
contracts with social housing agencies). with projects they wish to build on land they
Sales, thus, can be made either before or have already assembled, or offer off-the-peg
after houses are actually built, as con- standardised building designs completed at a
tracts or speculative sales respectively. fixed price for construction on sites already
prepared by the landlord.
Figure 3 illustrates these three functions and There are also differences between the or-
their interrelationships. Next to each function ganisation of the overall housing develop-
in the diagram is a box highlighting the ment process in relation to single-family and
relations to other agencies and markets. A multifamily housing. Multifamily structures
Venn diagram is used in Figure 3, rather than are generally more complex and capital-in-
a sequential series of boxes, to highlight the tensive than single-family ones, because of
fact that the three housing development func- the greater need for load-bearing walls plus
tions are interrelated and may be institution- common access and other facilities. Multi-
ally combined in different ways. family structures are also more likely to be
Speculative housebuilding of single-family heterogeneous single or grouped structures
dwellings for home-owners clearly demar- on greenfield or redevelopment sites, rather
cates the process sequentially from land as- than the simple repetitive built forms com-
sembly through to sales. Even there, though, mon with single-family dwelling, suburban
homebuilders are keen on pre-sales before expansion. This tends to mean that the devel-
starting to build. In social housebuilding, opers of multifamily dwellings have to be
land assembly, project conception and larger to gain access to capital. They also
finance have traditionally been initiated by have to be more focused on design and con-
social housing agencies themselves. In which struction matters than in the single-family
case, land assembly and house sales take case, where repeat designs and simple con-
place at the time of project approval and struction formats are more common.
actual building subsequently takes place Such descriptions are inevitably generali-
when contracts are let to private building sations, because the possible combinations of
contractors. Large-scale private landlords the three functions and their relationships to
might adopt a similar procurement strategy other interlinked markets are manifold and

there is little point in describing them all in functional distinction between land develop-
detail here. Several features, nonetheless, are ment and actual housebuilding, because both
common in descriptions of them require particular types of management and
finance. One of the most important factors
a network of interrelationships is de-
relating to production is the employment re-
the physical characteristics of the overall
Housebuilding involves a construction
housing development process are
process and so requires a specific range of
significant influences on housebuilding or-
construction-related labour competences.
ganisational relationships;
Building involves a planned sequence of ac-
economic and financial factors play an
tivities by a workforce of varying skill levels,
important role in determining organisa-
that utilise specific pieces of equipment. As a
tional structures; and
production activity, it generates significant
public policy with regard to housing
information asymmetries between those
tenures, land markets and building pro-
undertaking building work and those manag-
cesses have significant effects on institu-
ing them. It is expensive to monitor individ-
tional housebuilding arrangements.
ual work activities directly on a
The overriding point is to show that different housebuilding site and machines do not set
ways of organising the housing development the pace, so that managers do not have full
process are associated with distinct housing control over work effort and quality.
outcomes. It is consequently dangerous to However, most tasks in housebuilding
assume that each type of housebuilding ex- are amenable to being broken down into
hibits similar behavioural characteristics and specific, priced jobs and can be let out to
necessarily falls under the rubric of a com- sub-contractors and other specialists (Ball,
petitive market. One way of exploring these 1996).
varying approaches to housebuilding is to Sub-contracting resolves several infor-
categorise each of them as an institutional mation asymmetry problems, because man-
structure of housing provision. An institu- agers only have to check that work has been
tional structure of housing provision specifies done properly and on time and, then, pay out
the organisations associated with a way of the agreed sum, rather than have to monitor
creating housing and the rules and con- work effort continuously. Sub-contracting
straints influencing behavioural relations be- encourages standardisation of work tasks and
tween them. In this way, the functions of simple, easily repeatable, dwelling designs,
agencies in the production process can be so that tasks can be broken down into uni-
mapped out for each type of housing devel- form sub-contracts and assessed more easily.
opment (Ball, 1998). This has the benefit of Housebuilders can impose financial penalties
recognising that any agency or firm in hous- on non-performing sub-contractors and build
ing development is involved in a network of up long-term relationships with core sub-
interrelationships and enables a mapping-out contractors to ensure that they self-police
of the constraints and influences on individ- their quality and prices. These sorts of sub-
ual agency behaviour. Specific theories are contracting relationship, and their benefits,
still needed, none the less, to understand have become famous since the discovery of
what institutional arrangements are important Japanese manufacturing methods in North
and why they exist. America and Europe in the 1980s (Ricketts,
1994; Kay, 1996). Yet, similar ones have
existed since, at least, the 19th century in
Housing Production Influences on Institu-
many countries housebuilding industries
tional Structures of Housing Provision
(Price, 1980). Sub-contractors themselves of-
A useful starting-point when examining ten hire part of their workforces on time,
housebuilding institutional structures is the price and task-specific baseswhilst, at the

same time, employing a core of competent evolved information networks about job
skilled workers and supervisors. So, a hier- opportunities which facilitate resource
archical tree of work patternsembodying transfer. These are often informal in nature.
market and non-market relationshipscan Overall, consequently, housebuilding in-
frequently be observed in housing production. puts, including labour, should be more
Another common employment option for fully and effectively employed in countries
housebuilders is to hire workers on a tempo- that have construction industries with
rary hourly or daily basis. In this situation, the flexible labour practices. In contrast,
problem of directly monitoring work effort countries that require direct employment
arises again. This again encourages the use of through labour laws are likely to impose
standardisation and simple techniques of pro- significant periods of idle time on workers.
duction with easily observed results, so that This idle time may occur through more
relatively unskilled workers can be hired extensive periods of unemployment. Firms,
and fired if they do not keep up with normal for example, may be reluctant to employ
work rates. Sub-contracting and day-working extra workers because of future workload
considerably aid the flexibility of the house- uncertainties or due to the implicit cost
building industry in coping with uncertain associated with hiring when subsequent
demand. When housebuilders output falls, firing is expensive to undertake. Alterna-
they do not have to lay-off workers, but tively, the idle time may lower firm
instead merely issue fewer contracts or hire efficiency, with firms holding onto under-
fewer workers; a similar situation exists with employed staff because it is too expensive to
plant when it is hired. lay them off.
Such self and temporary hiring employ- Unfortunately, there are no rigorous, em-
ment techniques have implications for the pirical cross-country studies of employment
types of production method used, as the latter outcomes in housebuilding and construction
have to be effective in the context of those in general by which to test these labour
employment practices. Generally, this means market hypotheses. However, both theory and
that techniques are relatively simple, do not the fact that building firms adopt the flexible
use much sophisticated capital equipment and model whenever they can suggest that the
change slowly. When equipment is complex enforced direct employment option is a more
or expensive, it is hired complete with skilled expensive and less efficient mode of oper-
operatives to avoid any potential skill ation. Furthermore, direct employment labour
difficulties. The same occurs with more tech- laws impose considerable costs on those
nically complex materials or fittings. workers that cannot find jobs or try to find
The capital tied up in housing production, work again when they are laid off.
therefore, is generally small for employment In countries and regions where the climate
practice reasons, as well as to ensure makes it impossible to build in the deepest
flexibility in face of varying demand. Surveys winter months, for example, the large-scale
show that production capital is often financed switching of resources between housebuild-
out of retained profits and short-term credit ing and other activities is obviously impera-
loans, although land stocks are usually too tive at different seasons of the year.
expensive to be funded in this way (Hille- Traditional migrations are made between,
brandt, 1971). say, summer housebuilding and winter for-
Such an organisation of production estry or between educational establishments
maximises the possibility of resources being and summer vacation building sites. Simi-
fully employed elsewhere when one parti- larly, in countries with large agricultural sec-
cular housebuilder has insufficient work. tors that have heavy demands for labour only
Furthermore, workers and plant exist in an at peak times, such as harvests, another pat-
institutional framework of well-developed tern of seasonal job shifts in and out of
sub-contract marketsa framework that has housebuilding tends to occur.

Some have argued that labour sub- onomies. Firms strategic choices over mar-
contracting is bad for building quality and ket segments in which to be active, therefore,
productivity, because it leads, first, to rushed simultaneously have implications for their
work and, secondly, to a slow decline in the internal organisational structures and man-
skill level of the construction workforce agement needs. Yet, as scale economies are
(Clarke and Wall, 1996). The first claim is low, the benefits of the extra size that may
suspect because of the information asymme- result from winning work across a variety of
try problem, mentioned earlier. The second types of construction is limited or may even
argument is a tragedy of the commons ex- be negative, as management diseconomies
ternality type argument in which no-one is set in. When firms diversify, consequently,
prepared to train skilled workers because possible increased unit costs in production
they will always be poached by others. It is may have to be compensated for by other
difficult to see how the nature of the employ- benefits, such as risk-spreading.
ment relation changes that argument much, Sub-contracting, it can be concluded, has
however, because the incentives for a trained significant impacts on firm organisational
worker to move to a better-paid job would structures. The practice considerably en-
not alter as long as firms free-ride on others hances the ease of entry and exit from house-
training expenses.1 building and, hence, the degree of
The sub-contracting of tasks has important competition within the industry. Yet, some
implications for the firm structure of house- countries, especially in Europe, ban exten-
builders. It means that, at low levels of out- sive sub-contracting and their employment
put, housebuilders can be very small entities laws require that workers are hired on a
indeed. A one-proprietor entity, for example, permanent basis. This is the case in France,
can hire outside help for most construction for example, although some sub-contracting
tasks. Even larger firms, when measured by has been permissible there since 2001. The
their output, need only have a limited direct arguments above would suggest that such a
production workforce, consisting primarily ban leads to higher construction costs. Of
of those managing sub-contractors or ensur- particular interest in the context of the argu-
ing a steady flow of materials or skilled ments being made here is that the legislation
operatives fixing incomplete or poorly done would also be predicted to create a different
tasks.2 array of types of housebuilding firm from
Many firms find that they can also keep those prevalent in countries with extensive
management costs down by specialising in sub-contracting or day labour.3
only one form of housebuilding (such as In the French situation, it is to be expected
single-family owner-occupation or large that most firms obey the spirit of the law and
multifamily structures). This arises because employ large, direct workforces. On the basis
different types of built structure often require of the arguments outlined above, therefore,
distinct construction processes and, hence, they would be predicted to be bigger in terms of
skills to manage them. When structures are employment size than in the sub-contracting
more complex, moreover, this complicates institutional framework and face higher
design, materials procurement and logistics. labour and plant-related costs. Such cost pres-
Building firms frequently outsource pro- sures, furthermore, encourage firms to diver-
fessional tasks, such as design and engineer- sify in order to steady workloads and cover
ing work. overhead costs. They pass the resultant extra
Some firms, nevertheless, straddle differ- costs onto clients in higher building prices.
ent types of building. When they do so, This argument, consequently, predicts that
construction firms frequently utilise the M- the scale and scope of housebuilding firms
form type of management structure will be greater in countries with strict em-
(Williamson, 1981), with quasi-independent ployment legislation and housebuilding costs
subsidiaries to limit management disec- in such countries will be relatively high.

Some French evidence seems to confirm this understandably they regard the employing of
prediction, particularly the fact that large cheaper, illegal, casual labour as unfair com-
construction firms have increasingly moved petition. It claims that over half of single-
into housebuilding (Campagnac, 1992; Cam- family dwellings are constructed illegally
pagnac and Winch, 1995) as part of a di- (Batirama, 2002). Thus, labour legislation,
versified portfolio of construction activities. ostensibly aimed at improving the efficiency
Some housebuilders in restrictive labour of the construction industry, actually miti-
legislation countries, however, choose to ig- gates against competition based on relative
nore such laws and illegally sub-contract. efficiency and, instead, encourages it on the
This leads to formal and informal con- basis of whether or not to conform to the
struction sectors. Informality is prevalent in law.
housebuilding because of the frequently Traditional small builders and small pro-
small scale of activity, which makes it prietor-run firms tend not to be affected by
difficult for governments to police. This du- restrictive labour legislation. Consequently,
alism can be seen, for example, in Germany, they are protected to a degree from compe-
particularly between those building workers tition from larger, more modern developers
permanently living in the country and the and builders. This may help to explain why a
large influx of extra building workers from traditional type of housebuilding, owner de-
lower-wage European countries. In France, velopment, is so prevalent in countries like
the problems of monitoring informal building France and Germany. With owner develop-
labour have helped to generate further legis- ment, individual home-owners buy plots of
lation. Since 1990, for example, the signing, land and then hire some organisation to build
and registering, of a construction contract is their home for them. It may be a builder, who
compulsory before a house is built. The provides an off-the-peg design or an architect
claimed objective is to provide better protec- and a group of independent jobbing
tion for clients, but it also formalises build- builders specialising in particular house-
ing work, so that it has to conform to building trades. Owner development repre-
employment law. The system, in practice, sents around half of all the new dwellings
has unsurprisingly proved difficult to admin- produced each year in France. In respect of
ister. The professional body representing single-family housing, the data suggest that
housebuilders (Federation Francaise des most in France are owner-developed (Table
Constructeurs de Maisons Individuelles) has 2). In Germany, many owner-occupied
recently produced a statement on the need to houses are built in a similar way and it is
ensure full enforcement of the law, because common in Europes Mediterranean shore-

Table 2. Types of new development and dwelling in France

share Type of Starts in 2001 Percentage share
Type of development in 1999 dwelling (000s) in 2001

Owner-developera 52 Single houses 172 48

Construction firms 27 Grouped houses 43 12
Social and semi- 12 Flats 128 36
public developers
Other 9 Other 14 4

Total 100 357 100

Owner-occupiers that commission a dwelling to be built on a land plot they already own.
Sources: Dwellings, INSEE; Developments, Ministere de lequipement, des transports et du logement,
Paris DAEI-SES: Sitadel.

line countries. This owner self-build market through regulatory procedures and the site
is ideal terrain for the small builder, but they has to undergo any necessary and expensive
share it with larger firms that sell and build works required to enable individual building
standardised designs, sometimes in a par- plots to be prepared.
tially prefabricated form. The construction and project-risk charac-
Even in countries with a much higher pre- teristics of individual sites can be pooled by
ponderance of mass-market housebuilders, firms by developing more than one site at a
there are some individuals who buy land and time. Greater firm size may also lower bor-
hire agents to design and build their homes rowing costs as lenders can more easily
(Barlow et al., 2001). In those countries, monitor loans. The land development pro-
however, it is probable that such methods cess, consequently, suggests that greater firm
tend to occur at the upper end of the market; size is a benefit. The size of the risk-pooling
yet, as has been seen, it is the owner-occu- benefits depends on the spatial level at which
pied mass market in France. risk-pooling ceases to outweigh any counter-
acting management diseconomies of scale.
Most market information suggests that this
point is probably reached by, at least, the
The Land Market and Residential Devel-
regional level. Any higher spatial pooling
advantages depend on the degree of corre-
The land market is like any other in that lation between regions housing markets. In a
prices are determined by the interaction of country like the UK, the literature suggests
demand and supply. In the aggregate, the that regional housing markets move quite
land market can consequently be represented closely together, although house prices are
in the normal competitive way. What is im- more volatile in the South East which leads
portant for examining the organisational rela- other regions over the course of the housing
tionship between the land market and cycle (Meen, 2001). Builders may conse-
housing development, however, is the way in quently be able to pool risks by operating in
which actual land plots are bought and sold. the South East and several other regions
A distinctive feature of the land market is simultaneously. In Australia and the US, the
that each building plot has unique locational regional pattern is more variable (Pol-
characteristics. Land sites, consequently, are lakowski and Ray, 1997; Meen, 2001), so
imperfect substitutes for each other. Partly again there may be risk-pooling benefits of
because of this locational characteristic, what housebuilders adopting a multiregional strat-
is built on any particular site is not a standard egy. Multiregional strategies, none the less,
can of beans style product, but a unique set do not imply the need for national pres-
of built structures. Developers consequently ences by operating throughout a country. In
have to conceive of a project and make the this respect, housing is unlike many other
appropriate calculations about likely costs, consumer goods industries, where the im-
uncertainties and returns. They also have to portance of brands and production technolo-
take into account the effects of any new gies encourage operation at the national and
project on the firms overall strategic objec- international levels.
tives. Land development outcomes are highly Land-owners and developers enter negoti-
risky. An indication of the greater riskiness ations about the price and timing of land
of land development can be seen in the gen- purchase. Land acquisition can either take
erally higher volatility of residential land the form of outright purchase or an option,
prices compared with house prices. which is a futures contract to acquire land at
The land development process is often a later date subject to specified conditions.
more capital-intensive than housebuilding, The nature of the land purchase negotiation
which intensifies the risks. Land has to be has implications for firm organisation. In
purchased, time has to be spent passing those negotiations, key issues are the trans-

Figure 4. Negotiating over development profit and land price.

parency of a sites development value and Land banks may also offer developers
the current phase of the housing market cy- negotiating advantages, because they mean
cle. If there have been many similar recent that a developer is not forced to buy but can
land transactions in a locality, a lands value instead temporarily run down land stocks.
as a residential site is easy to identify for Land banking helps consequently to facilitate
both parties, so that the negotiations should a strategic view by developers of the land
be straightforward. In many situations, how- market. One component of strategic land
ever, there is greater uncertainty over land holdings may be spatial land strategies.
development value. In such situations, nego- These put developers in a good negotiating
tiation is more significant and strategic. position with land-owners, because the latter
Figure 4 illustrates some factors that will know that the former can take their
influence land-owner and developer nego- housebuilding activity elsewhere. They also
tiation strategies. Land-owners positions are form part of interdeveloper competitiona
influenced by the state of the local land large development in a locality by one devel-
market and their alternative options, includ- oper, for instance, may block a similar move
ing the possibility of holding onto the land by another one for fear of creating local
until better offers come along. Developers, in oversupply.
contrast, in order to strike a good bargain are Many of the developer negotiation factors
likely to emphasise the potential riskiness of just highlighted suggest that there are
their proposed development. They may also advantages to greater organisation size in
gain through their superior knowledge of the residential land purchase and development.
local housing market and the planning and This is because larger enterprises have em-
other regulatory systems, which enable them ployee skill-bases, capital-bases and land
to maximise both their and land-owners re- banks that enable them to spread risks, lower
turns if land-owners co-operate. Impact fees financing costs, improve negotiating posi-
and planning obligations payable to the local tions with land-owners and facilitate strategic
municipality further complicate land negotia- actions. This does not mean that smaller
tions. With these, developers again generally developers are necessarily competed out of
have superior knowledge to land-owners and the land market, rather that their operations
they can assist land-owners over such mat- are likely to be more risky and credit-
ters, if the price is right. constrained.

Land Development and Housing Construc- or semi-public authorities key land develop-
tion ment agencies for all types of property devel-
opment: for example, in the Netherlands,
An obvious producer firm distinction in
France, Germany and Sweden (Barlow and
housing is between those enterprises that
King, 1992; Golland and Boelhouwer, 2002).
purely undertake land development, those
These bodies, generally under municipal
that solely build housing by acquiring pre-
control, took over the function of traditional
serviced building plots and those enterprises
private-sector land developers, relying for
that combine both the land development and
funding on central or regional government
building functions. In some countries, the
grants and public-sector banks for loans. In
actual division between these types of firm,
most of these countries, however, such land
and the relative market shares they have, is
development practices generally did not be-
strongly influenced by government policies.
come universal, so that purely private land
Yet, in most situations, market forces seem
developers continued to exist in large num-
to be the prime cause of the separation or
combination of land development and house-
building. This section provides some sugges-
tions as to what those forces might be. Private Land Developers and Builders:
Separation and Combination
Purely private-sector land developers are, of
Regulation. Government policy has the course, the most common type of developer
greatest influence in Europe. This is not sur- in market economies, apart from in a handful
prising as, in many European countries, land- of European countries. Yet, it is still possible
use planning and housing policies are to observe significant differences in the insti-
strongly interventionist. The introduction of tutional structure of the development pro-
large-scale social housing programmes in the cess. Most notably, there is often an
middle decades of the 20th century, for ex- organisational separation between land de-
ample, was, in part, based on criticism of velopment and housing construction; at the
pre-existing housing development and its de- same time, the two aspects are also often
sign, as well as constituting a sustained at- undertaken by one enterprise in a combined
tempt to provide better housing for low- way. These two forms, independent develop-
income groups (Swenarton, 1981). As a re- ers and builders and combined developer-
sult, social housing landlords became major builders may even exist in the same housing
land developers from the 1920s onwards, as market. The separate arrangement is com-
well as large-scale landlords. They undertook mon, for example, in Australia and the US,4
the development function in new housing, for and it was prevalent in Britains primarily
many years priding themselves on their rev- private rental housing system prior to 1914
olutionary estate designs and built forms; (Ball and Sunderland, 2001). In contrast, in
whilst they overwhelmingly hired private modern Britain, development and building
building contractors to build the actual struc- are now generally combined under the con-
tures. There was some attempt to munici- trol of one housebuilding firm that buys sites,
palise housebuilding completely, by bringing erects homes and sells them. Why should
it under the control of state housing agencies such distinctions occur and why are they
or local authorities. Such moves tended to important?
have only limited impact in new building, The relative riskiness of the two aspects
although they were far more influential in of development and building and the com-
social housing repair and maintenance petitiveness of land markets in different
(Briscoe, 1990). countries may together account for such
In the 20th century, furthermore, policies organisational differences. It was noted
were introduced in Europe that made public earlier that land development was a more

risky activity than that of building, so returns by several studies of housebuilding in the US
should be larger for it to compensate for the and Canada, where such characteristics tend
extra risk. So, if entry and exit is easy in to prevail (Clawson, 1971; Grebler, 1973;
these two aspects of housebuilding, competi- Buzzelli, 2001). A recent study, furthermore,
tive pressures should lead to a simple div- suggests that there are systematic spatial
ision of land development and building into variations in the average size of home-
different types of enterprise, because this is builders in such markets; these depend on,
the least-cost option in a risky market. for example, whether the urban area is grow-
The argument is as follows. When rela- ing, when firms tend to be larger, or contains
tively small housebuilders can buy serviced small-scale, development restrictive, local
sites from land developers, they can enter governments, where firms tend to be smaller
and exit the industry easily without the en- (Somerville, 1999).
cumbrance of land development procedures When land supply is restricted, in contrast,
and associated capital costs. They can choose as it is in most of urban Britain, the attrac-
their sites if they wish from more than one tiveness of combining housing development
developer, spreading project-specific risk and and building is greater. In this market con-
encouraging competition between land de- text, holders of residential land sites develop
velopers. In competitive land and housing a degree of monopoly power through the
markets, with, say, a ready supply of land they own. With restricted land supply,
greenfield suburban land, project-specific the riskiness of development is diminished as
risk may well be high because of the compe- individual project risk is less than in the
tition from other local developers. Builders competitive market case, and there is less
and developers decisions to build and put chance of spatial competition between devel-
land plots onto the market, when added alto- opers and builders generating overbuilding
gether, might also lead to excess supply, so However, there is still much risk associated
that market-based risk is similarly high. Be- with general market volatility.
ing able to sell plots to builders who then So why combine development and build-
build houses and sell them, spreads the risk ing, when this monopoly power could be
of losses between developers and builders. exercised by a pure land developer? The
Each has to commit less capital for their answer could be that combining development
respective stages of the housebuilding pro- and housebuilding heightens firms
cess and, equally importantly, the time that influences on local housing and land markets.
capital has to be committed before a profit If, for instance, developers sold plots on to
can be taken is far less than for firms that separate housebuilders whenever they were
both develop and build. offered the current market price for land,
The suggested hypothesis here, in sum- then the latter would determine when and
mary, is that in competitive markets differ- how much new housing was supplied. In
ences in risk and returns between the contrast, unified developer/housebuilders can
development and building aspects of house- command significant residential market
building create a tendency for the land devel- shares in localities with limited land supply
opment and construction sides of and, so, have a greater chance of influencing
housebuilding to be separated. Combined de- both housing output levels and local land
veloper-builders may well still exist in com- prices, because conditions of monopolistic
petition with such firms, but the predominant competition would then prevail in both mar-
tendency would be towards separation. In kets.
such market contexts, furthermore, there
should be a large turnover of housebuilding
Owner-occupied Housebuilding in Britain
and real estate development firms, because of
the ease of entry and exit and the scale of In Britain, land supply is frequently highly
risk. Such a firm structure has been reported restricted, so the market-position benefits of

combining development and building are The Dynamics of Industrial Change

brought to the fore and large regional house-
builders predominate in new housing devel- The ease of entry and exit from house-
opment. Such developer-builders frequently building and the riskiness of land develop-
build up large strategic land banks and, be- ment mean that housebuilding is an industry
cause of their size, have a significant with substantial enterprise turnover, as noted
influence in the residential land market itself. above. Such churning leaves few firms un-
Nevertheless, as entry and exit from both touched. Hardly any of the major British
housebuilding and land development are still housebuilders have had a continuous exist-
quite easy, the oligopolistic position that ence in approximately the same form for the
some UK housebuilders manage to create past two decades.
probably does not lead to large monopoly Industrial change is driven by the property
profits for them, but neither does it force market cycle and regulatory changes, rather
firms to operate in the most efficient ways than by the technological factors, scale and
possible as competition is blunted. scope economies and international trade
Thus, an ability to influence strategically pressures that are common in many manufac-
the markets for residential land and new turing industries (Chandler, 1977; Porter,
housing is a likely cause of the combination 1990). During upswings in the housing mar-
of the developer and builder roles in modern ket, particularly if they are long-lasting, new
British housebuilding. British planning au- entrants flood into housebuilding and exist-
thorities, in any case, are said to have a ing firms expand. This often occurs alongside
preference for dealing with larger, profes- hype that the industry has changed, or that
sionally staffed, building firms, because they some firms within it have discovered a new
are easier to deal with, more knowledgeable formula, or that for some reason size has now
of planning practices and can be relied on to become more important. The subsequent
conform to planning requirements (Ball, downturn, however, leads to a shrinkage in
1983; Rydin, 1985). both the number of active firms and the size
The ranksize distribution of house- of those remaining, with the unluckiest or
builders in mid 1990s Britain shows that it is most overcommitted and overoptimistic ones
highly skewed with a number of large pro- failing.
ducers and a tail of smaller, but still The land market plays a part in generating
significant, firmsmost of which are com- firm restructuring, especially when land is in
bined developer-builders (Ball, 1996). Sug- temporary or long-term short supply. During
gested reasons for scale economies for such housing market upswings, firms may find
enterprises were considered earlier and relate that it is cheaper and quicker to acquire land
to risk-pooling, purchasing and finance econ- by taking over another builder and its land
omies, and strategic behaviour. There are bank than through direct purchase in the land
also size benefits through the marketing market. Similarly, surviving firms may ac-
gains of having a well-advertised sales port- quire the land and other assets of the failing
folio of new housing that is brand imaged. firms cheaply during housing market slumps
Most UK housebuilders are regionally based (Ball, 1988).
with a complete national presence being rare, Occasionally, changing demands for hous-
as can be seen in Table 3. Smaller British ing create new market segments in which
housebuilders, of which there are thousands, specialist firms can grow up. The inner-city
tend to survive in this market environment loft and luxury apartment markets have
through the idiosyncrasies of their owners, already been mentioned. Retirement housing
by taking greater risks or through specialis- is another case where specialists have
ing in small sites where larger firms are at emerged with rising retiree wealth and the
either a cost, information or quality disad- growing need for specialist care facilities
vantage. with ageing populations. Both these markets,
Table 3. Rank of top 10 housebuilders, by British region, 2001 (largest first)
E. Anglia London East Midlands North West North East Scotland South East Wales South West West Midlands Yorkshire

Persimmon Barratt David Wilson Redrow C M Yuill Barratt Barratt Persimmon Barratt Barratt Barratt
Wimpey Bellway Bellway Barratt Sir Robert McAlpine Bett Wimpey Redrow Persimmon Westbury Persimmon
Wilcon Berkeley Barratt Taylor Woodrow Bellway Redrow Taylor Woodrow Barratt Bellway Wimpey Taylor Woodrow
Bovis Crest Nicholson Wimpey Bellway Persimmon Persimmon Berkeley Bellway Westbury Persimmon Wimpey
Abbey Laing Persimmon Miller Wimpey Cala Persimmon Bovis Wilcon Taylor Woodrow Redrow
Bellway Wimpey J S Bloor Persimmon Bowey Taylor Woodrow Rialto Westbury Prowting David Wilson Haslam
David Wilson Weston Wilcon Wilcon Taylor Woodrow Wimpey David Wilson Wimpey J S Bloor Redrow Bellway
J S Bloor Centex Westleigh Berkeley Barratt Miller Wilcon Anwyl McCarthy & Stone Watkin Jones Harron
Bennett Fairview McCarthy & Stone David Wilson Broseley Morrison McCarthy & Stone Cannon Kirk Crest Nicholson Crest Nicholson Miller
Kier Taylor Woodrow Henry Boot Centex Dunelm Stewart Milne Bovis David Wilson Wimpey Miller David Wilson

Notes: Excludes housing associations. Based on detailed planning permission submissions.

Source: Housebuilder (2002).

moreover, have benefited from regulatory the range of functions undertaken by individ-
change, particularly in planning and infra- ual enterprises and the size of firms.
structure provision. Many conclusions must remain specula-
Regulation in the broadest sense, further- tive, however, because there is insufficient
more, is not simply a government domain, empirical evidence to test hypotheses rigor-
but can arise, for example, from changing ously and little pre-existing literature. How-
financial market practices. From the 1950s to ever, the arguments made here correspond to
the 1990s, many large UK housebuilders general observations about the structure of
were parts of far-larger construction con- countries housebuilding industries.
glomerates. This is rarely the case now. This Overall, whilst it may not be possible sim-
development has probably been aided by the ply to treat housebuilding as a competitive
demand for greater financial transparency industry with the standard structure
from construction firms by modern banking conductperformance paradigm, never-
and capital market lenders. Transparency is theless, standard economic analysis is still
hard to make credible in a multifunction useful in explaining observed institutional
construction enterprise, which must have en- structures. This, of course, does not mean
couraged the shift of firms towards clearer that housing supply is necessarily riddled
core functional activities (Ball, forthcoming). with monopoly, rather that it is quite com-
plex and needs detailed empirical investiga-
tion before robust conclusions can be
reached about its operation and performance.
This paper has examined reasons for differ- Differences in institutional structures af-
ences in the organisational structure of fect supply responses and general levels of
housebuilding in different countries. It fo- industrial efficiency. Not too much can be
cused analysis on potential economies of said on a comparative basis about relative
scale, market factors, information asym- supply responses internationally, apart from
metries, regulation and risk. The great var- the fact that they are likely to be highly
iety of ways in which housing is built, it was variable and depend on the competitiveness
argued, could be explained in terms of a of the land market. Furthermore, public pol-
limited range of concepts commonly used in icy towards housing and land markets tends
industrial economics. Market instability is an to neglect any consequences for housing sup-
important factor, but is insufficient to provide ply. Interventions by governments into
a full explanation because it is a common housebuilding, nevertheless, have not had
feature of durable goods industries, most of much success when tried.
which are not organised in the same ways as
housebuilding. Locational specificity is im- Notes
portant, especially with regard to the land
1. Compulsory industry-wide training levies
market. The type of housing being built and and grants to firms offering training and
the markets in which they are sold are further individuals undertaking it are policies aimed
influences. Information is particularly im- at internalising these externalitiesas, for
portant in explaining the economic character- example, with the Construction Industry
istics of housebuilding, because of the nature Training Board in the UK (
of both the development and production pro- 2. Sub-contracting may also arise as a means of
cesses. Strategic behaviour enters the equa- avoiding taxes in contexts where the effec-
tion, particularly through behaviour with tive tax rate on the self-employed is lower
regard to the land market and residential than on directly employed workers. Such tax
development strategies. Regulation in labour effects, for instance, contributed to the rise of
labour-only self-employment in the UK from
markets also has considerable consequences the 1970s onwards. Conversely, tightening of
for firm structures. Land availability and the the tax rules in recent years and legislation
impact of planning regimes on it, both affect creating a more flexible labour market have

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