Expository Essay - Types of Love - Fall 2017

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Honors English I Expository Essay

Earlier in the unit, we discussed the types of love present in Romeo & Juliet. Each form of love
manifests itself in different ways and has different effects on the plot of the play. Your task is to choose
one form of love and investigate it throughout the play. Then, youll connect the experiences in Romeo &
Juliet to modern day and/or personal experiences. You will summarize these connections in the form of
an essay.
In addition to Romeo and Juliet and modern day experiences, you will create or find at least one
outside source. The outside source could be an article, survey, interview, poll, book, movie, etc. that
either you create or find. Be sure to cite your source, even if you create it!

Process Task #1 - Brainstorming Graphic Organizer - 10 points

For this task you will be brainstorming ideas about the types of love. In the graphic organizer,
write down all possible ideas and connections from Romeo and Juliet and modern day for each
type of love. In addition, brainstorm what outside source(s) you could use to support your essay.
Due Date: ____________________

Process Task #2 - Outline - 10 points

At this point, you will choose only ONE type of love for your essay. Choose the type that you
have the most information on! You will receive a fill-in-the-blank outline template to plan your
essay. Outlines do not use complete sentences, but instead use complete thoughts in bullet form
to plan out paragraphs and organize your thoughts.
Due Date: _______________

Process Task #3 - Rough Draft - 10 points

We will spend two days in the library working on your rough drafts. Using your outline and a
provided MLA format template, you will begin writing your complete essay. You will have to
finish at home if you do not finish in class. The rough draft will be completed in Google Drive.
Due Date: ______________

Process Task #4 - Peer Editing - 10 points

Peer editing will be completed in class after the rough draft is due. Failure to turn in your rough
draft on the due date will result in an alternative assignment and loss of points for the peer editing
portion of the final grade.

Process Task #5 - Revising and MLA Format - 10 points

Now that your paper has been peer edited, your responsibility is to revise your essay, and make
any changes or fixes that are necessary. Your paper's MLA Format must be correct. You will
receive a 10 point score solely on the format. Check your margins, header, in-text citations, as
well as your citations on your Works Cited/Bibliography page.

Final Draft
Your final draft will be turned in on the following date: ________________. The final draft of your
paper is worth 50 points of the 100 point essay grade.

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