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Final Burn Evolution 3.


What is new on FB Evo?

>>> Neo-Geo <<<

==> Over clocked some games from 12MHz to 18Mhz (take a look at the list of games
at SNK-NeoFighters)

==> All sets updated

==> Added an option to dump the C-ROMs to the HDD instead of the system memory -
Thanks to iq_132

==> Added "Metal Slug 6 (hack)" - A "Metal Slug 3" hack

==> Removed uni-bios support from the Dip-Switches menu

==> Added and option to use Uni-Bios as default bios - Thanks to iq_132

>>> CPS1 & CPS2 <<<

==> Added "Phoenix" ROMs support - Thanks to iq_132

==> Added the game "Hyper Street Fighter II - the anniversary edition (040202 Asia,
Phoenix)" (Working)

==> Added some CPS1 hacks

==> Fixed Dip-Switches in some games

==> Fixed bug on "Saturday Night Slam Masters and clones - Now its working

==> All CPS2 sets updated and fixed

>>> Misc Games <<<

==> "Tiger Heli" and "Slap Fight" updated - Thanks to iq_132

==> Added "Galaxian" games support - Thanks to Treble Winner

==> Added "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" and clones

>>> Misc <<<

==> Fixed and updated the record / replay inputs. Now you can record inputs on full
screen and it doesnt crash anymore when you load a non existent input

==> Added an option to save your input preset configuration

==> Main menu updated ("Game", "Video", "Audio"...)

==> Emulator license updated

==> "Load Game" menu, updated, re-sized and cleaned

==> Removed the Hot-Keys during net play - It was causing desync, because of that,
you won't be able to save your configurations made during the on-line game
==> Fixed bug with previews bigger than 224 pixels

==> Removed the "Basic" and "Soft FX" video blitters - They are useless since the
"Enhanced" blitter has all the filters that those 2 have

==> Added a code to save your AVI video files with name you want

==> Added an option to search for possible cheats on the game memory

==> Updated IPS support

>>> Kaillera <<<

==> Added a new kailleraclient.dll - No more black buttons

==> Added a default bios for Neo-Geo - Japan / Console

==> Disabled the "Set Dip-Switches" menu for Neo-Geo games


O que h de novo no FB Evo?

>>> Neo-Geo <<<

==> Clock (velocidade do processador) aumentada em alguns games de 12MHz para 18MHz
(veja a lista de games na pgina)

==> Sets atualizados e devidamente comentados

==> Adicionada uma opo para se ler as C-ROMs atravs do HD ao invs da memria
(leia o faq para mais informaes) - Obrigado ao iq_132 pelo cdigo

==> Adicionado o jogo "Metal Slug 6 (Hack)" - trata-se de um hack do jogo "Metal
Slug 3"

==> Removido o suporte a uni-bios atravs dos Dip-Swtiches (leia o a faq para mais

==> Adicionada opo para se utilizar a uni-bios como bios padro (leia o faq para
mais informaes) - obrigado ao iq_132

>>> CPS1 & CPS2 <<<

==> Adicionado suporte as ROMs "Phoenix" - Obrigado ao iq_132 pelo cdigo

==> Adicionado o jogo "Hyper Street Fighter II - the anniversary edition (040202
Asia, Phoenix)" (Funcionando)

==> Adicionado suporte aos hacks mais recentes de CPS1

==> Corrigido Dip-Switches dos jogos

==> Corrigido o bug no jogo "Saturday Night Slam Masters" e clones (jogo 100%

==> Sets de CPS2 Corrigidos e atualizados

>>> Misc Games <<<

==> Jogos "Tiger Heli" e "Slap Fight" atualizados - Obrigado ao iq_132

==> Adicionado suporte aos jogos da placa "Galaxian" - Obrigado ao Treble Winner

==> Adicionado o jogo "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" e clones

>>> Misc <<<

==> Corrigido e atualizado o cdigo para se gravar / re-ver inputs - Agora

possvel gravar inputs em tela cheia e o emulador no fecha mais sozinho ao
carregar um input que no existe

==> Adicionada uma opo para salvar seus presets de controle (leia o faq para mais

==> Menu principal do emulador ("Game", "Video", "Audio"....) atualizado

==> Licena do emulador atualizada

==> Menu "Load Game" atualizado, limpo e redimensionado

==> Removido o uso de Hot-Keys durante do jogo on-line automaticamente pelo

emulador - Isso estava causando desync nos jogos, agora o emu as desabilita somente
durante o jogo on-line, porm as configuraes de controle no so mais salvas se
forem alteradas durante o jogo on-line

==> Corrigido o bug com previews maiores que 224 pixels de altura

==> Removido os filtros de video "Basic" e "Soft FX" - O filtro "Enhanced" possui
todas o as opes dos 2 removidos, por tanto no h necessidade de deixa-los

==> Adicionado um cdigo para salvar seus arquivos de vdeo em formato AVI com o
nome a sua escolha

==> Adicionada uma funo para procurar por possveis "cheats" na memria dos jogos

==> Atualizado o cdigo de suporte a arquivos IPS

>>> Kaillera <<<

==> Adicionada uma nova dll do kailleraclient - agora no h mais bug nos botes

==> Adicionada uma bios padro para jogos de Neo-Geo - Japan / Console

==> Desabilitada a opo "Set Dip-Switches" para jogos de Neo-Geo

_______ _ __ __ ____ ____

/ ____(_) | / /___ _/ / / __ )__ __/ __ \____
/ /_ / / |/ / __ `/ / / __ / / / / /_/ / __ \
/ __/ / / /| / /_/ / /___ / /_/ / /_/ / _, _/ / / /
/_/ /_/_/ |_/\__,_/_____/ /_____/\__,_/_/ |_/_/ /_/

______ ____ __ _______ ____ _ __ _____ ____ ___

/ ____/ __/ __ \/ / __ _/_ __(_) __ \/ | / / |__ / / __ \__ \
/ __/ | | / / / / / / / / / // / / / / / / |/ / /_ < / / / /_/ /
/ /___ | |/ / /_/ / /___/ /_/ // / / / /_/ / /| / ___/ // /_/ / __/
/_____/ |___/\____/_____/\__,_//_/ /_/\____/_/ |_/ /____(_)____/____/

----------------------- what's new on FB EvO -----------------------

[ Neo-Geo ]

- Updated The whole "2003" Sets (fixed and working) - thanks iq_132 for the help
with the drivers

- Fixed bug on "How to play" screen on kof2002 (and clones) - thanks to iq_132
__ The emu was returning a wrong value for the video hardware, 0, and it should be

- Re-added "vs-bios.rom" as japan bios, and updated the bios patch code - Thanks to

- Updated Universe Bios to the latest version (2.2)

- Added the korean sets for the following games:

__ Art of Fighting 3
__ The Last Blade (The Last Soldier)
__ Samurai Shodown 3 (Fighting Swords)
__ Real Bout Fatal Fury 2

[ CPS 1 & 2 ]

- Fixed Dip Dipswitches on CPS1 games

- Added Hyper Street Fighter 2 (NOT WORKING)

__ Just for reference until the xor's (or the phoenix set) come out

- Added "[4 Player]" hack for the following games:

__ X-Men Vs. Street Fighter
__ Marvel VS. Street Fighter
__ Marvel Vs. Capcom

- Renamed some sets to match with the latest mame

[ Dynamic ]

- Fixed bug with Neo-PCM2 code - Thanks to iq_132

__ It works perfect now

- Updated some games inits

[ Misc ]

- Fixed the annoying noise when you paused the game with the "Low pass filter" on -
thanks to mai

- New skin,"about" picture and FB EvO icon - thanks to Coffinator

- Fixed a bug with the inputs when you tried to rename it after a recording

- Changed the saved input name, to this:

__ "gamename [Mounth-Day-HourMinuteSecond].fr" (like the screenshots)
- Added a "Recording Input Slots" option:
__ It works very much like kawaks inputs now, read "rec_inputs_tuturial.htm" for
more infos

- Added a code to disable the pause if you start recoding an avi

- Added the follow shortcut keys:

__ Alt + I = Replay normal input
__ Ctrl + A = Record AVI
__ Alt + A = Stop AVI Recording

- Changed the follow shortcut keys:

__ F5 (configure inputs) ---> F10
__ F10 (save state) ---> F5
__ F7 (Memory Card) ---> F9
__ F9 (Load state) ---> F7
__ F6 (Load Game) ---> Ctrl + L
__ F8 (Atc. state slot) ---> Shift + F8

----------------------------- By JiMMy_PaGe -------------------------------

----------------------------- SNK-NeoFighters.com -------------------------------

_______ _ __ __ ____ ____

/ ____(_) | / /___ _/ / / __ )__ __/ __ \____
/ /_ / / |/ / __ `/ / / __ / / / / /_/ / __ \
/ __/ / / /| / /_/ / /___ / /_/ / /_/ / _, _/ / / /
/_/ /_/_/ |_/\__,_/_____/ /_____/\__,_/_/ |_/_/ /_/

______ ____ __ _______ ____ _ __ _____ ____ ___

/ ____/ __/ __ \/ / __ _/_ __(_) __ \/ | / / |__ / / __ < /
/ __/ | | / / / / / / / / / // / / / / / / |/ / /_ < / / / / /
/ /___ | |/ / /_/ / /___/ /_/ // / / / /_/ / /| / ___/ // /_/ / /
/_____/ |___/\____/_____/\__,_//_/ /_/\____/_/ |_/ /____(_)____/_/

----------------------- what's new on FB EvO -----------------------

[ Neo-Geo ]

- Updated set "The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary 2005 (Unique) - All Team
Battle" - working - thanks to iq_132, and razoola (for kawaks support...)

- Added "Lansquenet 2004" - working - thanks to iq_132, and razoola (for kawaks

- Added "The King of Fighters 2002 (Magic Plus II)" - working - thanks to iq_132,
and razoola (for kawaks support...)

- Added "The King of Gladiator" - working - thanks to iq_132, and razoola (for
kawaks support...)
- Added "The King of Fighters 2003 (Set 2) - working - thanks to iq_132 and a
friend :D

- Added "The King of Fighters 96 (Bootleg)" - working - thanks to iq_132 and


- Added a code to fix kof10thu and kf10thep s1 on the memory

__ This code fixes the infinite time counter bug and the maximum bar bug

- Renamed "The King Of Fighters 2002 (Magic Plus)" set

__ Now it calls "kof2k2mp.zip" (but it also reads the old zip file: "kf2k2mpl.zip")

- Updated m1d on samsho5 and clones

- Updated v4 on lastblad to the good dump

- Changed the bootleg roms layout - now it is like "xxx-xxb.bin"

__ Why have I changed that?
Because almost all of bootlegs have their rom chips unreadable, that's why we cant
confirm the rom names... so, I prefer
to use a layout for every rom, that makes the emu more organized

[ CPS2 ]

- Added "Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo (Asia 960529)" xor

[ Misc ]

- Changed the way the inputs were saved, now it saves the input automatically,
without confirmation
__ it was causing desynchronizes and lag on kaillera

- Added a hotkey to record and stop recording inputs (CTRL + I) - thanks to

shoometsu for help me

- Changed the "chat key" on kaillera to "<---" (the same on kawaks)

- Changed the "fps key" to " - " (on the same button as "underline")

- Fixed "Hotkeys" (A+B, B+C, A+B+C, etc...)

- Added a link to FiNaL BuRn EvOLuTioN Home page (WIP) - thanks to Blaze, web
designer of the page

- Removed the code that disabled the "Num Lock" key when you open fb evo

[ Dynamic ]

- Added neo-pcm2 support (update your "Dynamic creator kit" !!!!)

- Added some inits for the newer games

----------------------------- By JiMMy_PaGe -------------------------------

----------------------------- SNK-NeoFighters.com -------------------------------

* *
* FiNaL BuRn EvOLuTioN 3.00x *
* *

----------------------- what's new on FB EvO -----------------------

This version is just a "bug fix" version, but very a important "bug fixes" xD

[ Neo-Geo ]

- Fixed graphic bug on "Samurai Shodown V (Bootleg)"

- Fixed "The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary 2005 (Extra Plus) - All Team Battle"
__ It now works 100% with the new C's

- Fixed save sates/input bug on kof2003 (thanks to iq_132)

- Fixed graphic bug on "Metal Slug 4 (Plus)" (thanks to LOGAN.RSMC for telling me
about this)

- Renamed "The King of Fighters 2004 Ex (Ultra Plus)" set

__ Now it is called "kof2k4up.zip" (but it also reads the old zip file:

- Improved Bankswitch code for newer games (thanks to iq_132)

- Fixed extra zip files code on the following sets (now it searches for the right
__ cthd2003 & clones (thanks to kamikaz3 for telling me about this)
__ svcboot & clones

[ Misc ]

- Fixed bug when you activate an alternate skin and the graphic filter "2xSai"
(thanks to Leaf)

- Re-added "Hotkeys" (A+B, B+C, A+B+C, etc...)

- Fixed "Dynamic List" bug when you load two or more games

----------------------------- By JiMMy_PaGe -------------------------------

----------------------------- SNK-NeoFighters.com -------------------------------

* *
* FiNaL BuRn EvOLuTioN 3.00 *
* *

----------------------- what's new on FB EvO -----------------------

[ Misc ]

_ New skin by Scariott

Thanks bro, the skin is very good! Thanks a lot!

_ Now fb evo is compiled using visual c++ and the directx9 filters are enabled

_ Main code updated to the newest one ( read "readme_fba_official.txt"

for more infos
- Added IPS support

_ Added macro function - read macros.txt for more info

_ Added code to disable macros when Kaillera is on

_ Improved "Save Neo-Geo Decrypted ROMs" code, now it saves the right ROMs, with
the right names

_ Added code to disable splash screen (that annoying window that opens with FBA)

_ Added a Portuguese translation file by Fabiofilho and revised by me

_ Fixed "Turbo" (F1) (thanks to Ferchogtx)

_ Added an option to select skins (thanks to CaptainCPS-X)

[Dynamic List]

_ Main code updated to the newest one (

The ROMs layout also changed, so use the new dynamic creator to recreate your DATs

_ Added Parent/Clone ROM function (thanks to Shoometsu for the help)

_ Fixed bug on the ROM information screen

_ Added code to change the game title (thanks to Shoometsu)

_ Updated game inits...

[ Neo-Geo ]

_ Added uni-bios 2.1

_ All Neo-Geo sets updated and working 100%

All PCB/MVS/AES sets are right, but some ROMs still need to be confirmed:

_ The King Of Fighters 2003 (Bootleg)

Only P's and s1 are correct, C's and V's need to be confirmed, thats why Im using
the ROMs from kof2003d and kof2003 (same for kof2k4ex and kof2k3up, they should use
C's and V's from bootleg)

_ Metal Slug 4 & 5 Plus

Same reason as kof2003b, C's and V's need to be confirmed, so Im using the ROMs
from mslug5d...

_ Changed ROMs name layout to the MAME one

Whys that? There's no correct name to the decrypted C's, because they dont exist
on the MVS/PCB cartridge, but the old layout I was using (Kawaks), was redundant,
and wrong, and the MAME one is better...

_ Added code to search more zip files

With this code you can use for example, decrypted C ROMs on a set that is clone
from a parent that has encrypted Cs (like it was clone from a decrypted set that is
already a clone from an encrypted set; confusing but understandable)

_ Fixed bug with games that use bankswitch (thanks to iq_132)

Now save states and inputs are working
_ Added code to fix Neo-Geo bios bugs (thanks to iq_132)

_ Removed p3d from kof2003 (thanks to iq_132)

Now it loads encrypted P3

_ Added set The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary 2005 (Unique)- All Team Battle

_ Added set The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary 2005 (Extra Plus) - All Team
Battle (working)

_ Added set The King of Fighters 2002 (Magic Plus) - Challenge to the Ultimate
Battle (working)

_ Added code to fix bootleg ROMs

Fix m1 and s1 with bugs

[CPS 1 e CPS 2]
_ All ROMs updated and working, just two aren't working:
Saturday Slam Mater (& clones)

Warriors of Fate (Hack) (without sound, but working)

_ Added XOR from X-Men vs. Street Fighter (USA 961023)

----------------------------- By JiMMy_PaGe -------------------------------

----------------------------- SNK-NeoFighters.com -------------------------------

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