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Psychosocial characteristics and needs of mothers with

psychotic disorders
BJP 2001, 178:427-432.
Access the most recent version at DOI: 10.1192/bjp.178.5.427

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B R I T I S H J O U R N A L O F P S YC H I AT RY ( 2 0 0 1 ) , 1 7 8 , 4 2 7 ^ 4 3 2

Psychosocial characteristics and needs of mothers METHODS

The PRiSM Psychosis Study dataset
with psychotic disorders The PRiSM Psychosis Study was a non-
randomised, controlled trial of two types
GR AHAM THORNICROF T of sectorised community mental health
services in south London and case identifi-
cation was designed to establish epidemio-
logically representative cases. The study
design has been described extensively else-
where (Thornicroft et al, al, 1998a
1998a). Cases
were found by contacting a wide range of
Background It is not known whether Recent reports suggest that significant hospital and community services, including
mothers with psychotic disorders are proportions of women with psychotic social services, primary care, churches,
disorders have had children and are hostels for the homeless and prisons.
clinically and socially distinct from women
involved in child care (Test & Berlin, Available records were screened using the
with psychoses who have not had children. 1981; White et al, al, 1995; Gopfert et al, al, Operational Criteria Check-List (OPCRIT,
1996; McGrath et al, al, 1999). However, version 3.2; McGuffin et al,
al, 1991), a struc-
Aims To determine the proportion of tured standardised procedure to generate
research to date has investigated female
mothers in an epidemiologically patients in contact with services, who may operationalised research diagnoses. Patients
representative population of women with not be representative of all women with were included in the study if their notes gen-
psychotic disorders, to examine the psychoses who have children. There has erated an OPCRIT diagnosis of a functional
been little research into the characteristics psychotic disorder, that is, schizophrenia
factors associated with having children,
and needs of these mothers, even though (ICD10 codes F20.0, F20.1, F20.3; World
and to examine the factors associated with bringing up a family may bring with it Health Organization, 1992), delusional
having children`looked after' by social additional risk of relapse, and specific disorders (F22.0), affective psychoses
services. problems and needs that are not addressed (F25.0, F25.1, F30.2, F31.2, F31.7, F32.3,
by services. Alternatively, mothers may have F33.3), and non-organic psychoses of
Method Descriptive analysis and two less severe disorders and higher levels of unknown aetiology (F29). The Schedules
case ^ control studies. functioning, and be able to cope with having for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry
a family. The role of social support is also (SCAN; Wing et al,al, 1990), a detailed struc-
Results Sixty-three per cent of women not clear, particularly in relation to predict- tured standardised clinical interview that
with psychotic disorders were mothers. ing whether the children of women with generates life-time clinical diagnoses, was
mental illness should be `looked after' by administered at Time 1 (19921993) to
There were no clinical differences
the care system. supplement the OPCRIT data in establish-
womenwith or withoutchildren, ing patient diagnosis; other interviews were
We therefore aimed to:
but mothers were more likely to be older administered at Time 1 and Time 2 (2 years
(a) describe the socio-demographic and
and live in unsupported accommodation. later) as indicated below.
clinical characteristics of mothers from
Having had a`looked after'child was an epidemiologically representative
associated with Mental Health Act sample of women with psychosis in Instruments
south London; The study included the following instruments.
detention, younger age, a forensic history
(b) determine the factors associated with
and being Black African.
having a child in women with a psy- Socio-demographic and clinical data
Conclusion Many women with chotic disorder;
These data, obtained at the time of the case
psychoses are mothers.Mothers with (c) determine the factors associated with identification, included number of children,
having `looked after' children in any history of having had a child looked
psychoses are as disabled and have as
mothers with psychotic disorders. after by the care system, age, age at first ill-
many needs as women with psychoses
Our hypotheses were, first, that in an ness, gender, ethnicity, social class and
without children. family history of mental disorder.
epidemiologically representative population
of women with chronic psychotic disorders,
Declaration of interest L.M.H. was
women with children are more likely to Schedules for Clinical Assessment in
funded by the WellcomeT
rust as part of a have better psychosocial functioning and Neuropsychiatry (SCAN) (Wing et al, al, 1990)
WellcomeTrust ResearchTraining
ResearchTraining have fewer needs than women with no
At Time 1 only.
Fellowship in health services research. children, and second, that ethnicity,
young age, a diagnosis of schizophrenia
and being detained under the Mental Social Network Scale (SNS) (Dunn et al,
Health Act 1983 are associated with a 1990)
history of having had a child placed in This interview measure details total net-
care. work size and network subgroups (e.g.


friends, relatives, non-friends (i.e. acquain- users in both sectors only at Time 2, CAN who had had eight children. The number of
tances, health staff who are not friends data for Time 2 are analysed. children did not change between the case
etc.)), and the intensity of interactions identification stage and the Time 1 inter-
(active, passive and intermediate), elicited views. Data collected by interview at Time
Study design
from the patient during the previous 1 confirmed the accuracy of data on the
month. Active interactions involve con- An initial descriptive analysis was carried number of children collected from records
tinued verbal interchange, a degree of reci- out to describe the characteristics and needs at the case identification. Two women
procity and the presence of the respondent's of women with children compared with had one more child each by the time of
motivation to be involved. Passive inter- women without children from the case the Time 2 interviews; none of the women
actions represent a minimal level of identification and interview data. Two about whom data were collected at Time 2
interaction typically the respondent sits nested casecontrol studies then examined changed status from being a woman with-
alongside someone else without talking or the factors associated with (a) having out children to being a mother between
the interchange is limited to a greeting children and (b), in those women with Time 1 and 2.
and reply only. Intermediate interactions children, a history of having had a child The response rate for interviews and
involve the exchange of articles or the looked after by the care system. assessments at Time 1 for the 158 women
performance of a practical task with/for randomly selected for interview varied from
someone else in the absence of a significant Statistical analysis 55% (for the SNS) to 61% (for the CSRI).
verbal interchange. There were no significant differences
Data analysis was carried out using Stata
between non-responders and responders to
Version 6 (Statacorp, 1999); 95% confi-
the SNS (P (P0.56
0.56 for clinical diagnosis
Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) dence intervals (95% CIs) are quoted; P
and P0.22
0.22 for ICD diagnosis), detention
(Endicott et al,
al, 1976) values are all two-tailed. A descriptive
under a section of the Mental Health Act
This staff interview measures general levels analysis investigated the distribution of
0.91), GAF score at case identification
of functioning in the previous month on a the variables under investigation. Baseline
0.12), living in supported accommoda-
190 scale. Total scores above 60 indicate characteristics in women with children
tion (P
0.66), employment at case identifi-
the patient is generally functioning well. and women with no children, and then
cation (P
0.16), a history of being married
women with a history of children in care
0.19), or having had a child (P (P0.15).
and women with no such history, were com-
Camberwell Assessment of Need (CAN) pared using t-tests for normally distributed
(Phelan et al,
al, 1995) quantitative variables, non-parametric tests Social networks
A scale comprising 22 domains of need for quantitative variables that were not Social network data were collected on 87
which are detailed using separate user and normally distributed and w2 tests for pro- women at Time 1. Women with children
staff assessments. portions. Logistic regression models were were more likely than women without
used for multivariate analyses of binary children to have more contacts with
variables and likelihood ratio tests were relatives, and less likely to have contacts
Client Service Receipt Inventory (CSRI) with acquaintances (`non-friends') and
used to test whether a variable should be
(Beecham & Knapp, 1992) `intermediate' type contacts (see Table 1).
included in the model.
This measures service utilisation from
direct service user interviews. Needs
Needs were assessed by the CAN at Time 2
Lancashire Quality of Life Profile (LQOLP) Sample characteristics in 75 women, of whom 46 had children. Of
(Oliver, 1991) Two hundred and ninety-seven women the women with children, 22% (10 of 46)
An interviewer-administered questionnaire were identified in the initial case-finding rated themselves as having problems with
with objective and subjective ratings of exercise, of whom 261 fulfilled the diag- child care. Other significant areas of need
quality of life in a number of different nostic criteria for a psychotic disorder. (i.e. domains rated as a problem by women
domains. Case identification data were available for with children in more than 20% of cases)
246 women. The following analyses refer included accommodation (31%), food
Information on substance misuse was to these women. The median age was 43 (26%), daytime activities (39%), physical
generated by collapsing the individual vari- years (range 1689). Two hundred and four problems (37%), psychotic symptoms
ables from OPCRIT (life-time diagnosis of (83%) women had an OPCRIT diagnosis of (65%), information (29%), psychological
alcohol or drug dependence, alcohol or schizophrenia, 32 (13%) affective disorder distress (41%), company (37%), intimate
drug misuse with psychopathology, alcohol and 10 (4%) other diagnoses. Ninety-five relationships (29%), transport (70%) and
or drug misuse in the index year) into a (39%) had a clinical diagnosis (in case benefits (32%).
single variable which was defined as any notes) of schizophrenia, 76 (31%) had an Staff perceptions of needs were similar
record of substance misuse on any of these affective disorder and 74 (30%) had other to those of the women themselves there
measures. diagnoses recorded. One hundred and fifty- was no significant difference in the total
The data obtained at Time 1 from five (63%) women had had children; 50 number of met needs rated by the users
the schedules above are used for most women had one child, 45 had two, 32 and by staff (paired t-test n72,
72, P0.42),
of the interview data analysis. However, had three, 13 had four and 15 had had although users rated themselves as having
as the CAN was administered to staff and more than 4 children, including one woman more unmet needs (mean1.67,
(mean 1.67, s.d.1.81)
s.d. 1.81)


Table 1 The social networks of women with and without children or a history of having been in prison
0.90). Age and living in unsupported
Type of contact Women without Women with P value accommodation were the only significant
predictors of having a child when the vari-
children (n
35) children (n
52) (Mann^Whitney
ables above were added stepwise in logistic
Median (Range) IQR Median (Range) IQR regression models (see Table 2 for crude
and adjusted odds ratios). There was no
Total network size 11 (4^38) 5,29 12 (2^33) 3,28 0.89 evidence of an interaction between age
Relatives 3 (0^15) 0,8 4 (0^24) 1,11 0.04 (when divided into 10-year age bands) and
Friends 3 (0^14) 0,7 3 (0^20) 0,13 0.84 accommodation (likelihood ratio test
Confidants 4 (0^21) 0,9 5 (0^26) 0,13 0.24 P0.11).
Non-friends 3 (0^27) 0,11 2 (0^16) 0,11 0.02
Active interactions 8 (0^35) 3,23 8.5 (0^31) 2,25 0.57
Intermediate 1 (0^7) 0,4 0 (0^7) 0,4 0.01
Variables associated with having
Passive 0 (0^11) 0,4 0 (0^7) 0,3 0.64 a history of a looked after child
IQR, interquartile range. Using data only from patients who had
had children, 16 of 155 women (10%)
had a history of having had a looked after
than did staff (mean 1.21, s.d.1.85)
s.d. 1.85) There was no evidence of differences child. Univariate variables significantly as-
0.02). Differences in problem areas in women with and without children in sociated with having had a child in care
rated by staff and users (n (n72)
72) did occur the amount of benefits received, using were: being Black African (P (P50.001)
in the domains of daytime activities (36% information from the CSRI at Time 1 (see Table 3), younger age (P (P50.001),
user ratings compared with 50% staff (P0.24).
0.24). There was some weak evidence younger age of onset (P (P0.01),
0.01), having
ratings), information (34% user ratings, of a trend for women with children to have been charged with any criminal offence
9% staff ratings) and benefits (30% user a higher income (median 101.21; inter- (P50.001), ever having been in prison
ratings, 11% staff ratings). quartile range 74.89140.51; n56)56) than (P50.001), ever having been detained
Needs (excluding need for child care) women without children (median 82.30; under the Mental Health Act (P (P0.004),
were compared for women with and with- interquartile range 57.24131.32; n40)40) a higher number of admissions per year
out children, as rated by the women them- (P0.08)
0.08) as measured by the CSRI at Time (P0.01),
0.01), duration of illness (P (P0.007),
selves. There was strong evidence that 1. Analysis of relevant items in the LQOLP living alone (P (P0.006),
0.006), being single
women with children were more likely than inventory showed no difference between (P0.002),
0.002), and being a first-generation
women without children to rate themselves these two groups in whether the patient immigrant (P (P0.01).
0.01). Variables that were
as having a problem with intimate relation- received state benefits (8182% of women not associated with ever having had looked
ships (12 (29%) women with children had a in both groups received state benefits; after children included the number of
problem compared with one (4%) woman P0.96)
0.96) and in the amount of extra money children (P (P0.99),
0.99), substance misuse
without children; Fisher's exact test patients felt they needed (MannWhitney (P0.87),
0.87), diagnosis (P
0.62), having been
0.01). All other domains measured by U-test; P0.59).
0.59). assessed as at risk of suicide (P (P0.6),
the CAN did not differ significantly marital status (P(P0.36),
0.36), a family history
between the two groups. By comparison, of mental illness (P
0.80), education status
ratings by staff of needs in women with Variables associated with having (P0.94)
0.94) and sector (P(P0.63).
and without children (n (n106
106 women, of children Logistic regression models were used to
whom 64 were mothers) showed no Having had a child was significantly asso- investigate possible predictors of having
differences in any domains. ciated with older age (P
0.001), older age had children in care. All the Black Carib-
The user ratings of needs of women of onset (P (P0.001),
0.001), ever being married bean and Black African women who had
with a history of a looked after child (P50.001), having no qualifications had children in care had also been detained
(n7)7) were not significantly different to (P0.02),
0.02), and also weakly associated with under the Mental Health Act, and deten-
those of other mothers (n (n53),
53), except that living in unsupported accommodation at tion under the Act therefore could not be
mothers with a history of having a looked the time of case identification (P (P0.09).
0.09). included in the logistic regression model.
after child were more likely to have a prob- Having a child was not statistically signifi- However, using the MantelHaenszel test
lem with child care (Fisher's exact test cantly associated with duration of illness there was still some evidence of an effect
0.01) and basic education (Fisher's exact (P0.31),
0.31), ICD (or clinical) diagnosis of ethnicity on whether children had been
test P0.03).
0.03). Staff ratings of needs in these (P0.64),
0.64), GAF score at case identification taken into care (P (P0.06).
0.06). Black African
two groups were similar; ratings of the two (P0.98),
0.98), ethnicity (P(P0.45),
0.45), a family women appeared to be significantly more
groups of mothers were not significantly history of psychiatric disorder (P (P0.52),
0.52), at risk of having their children taken into
different except that women with a history number of admissions per year (P (P0.24),
0.24), care 38% (5/13) of Black African women
of a looked after child were more likely to substance misuse (P
0.59), sector with children had had children placed in
have a problem in the domains of sexual (P0.96),
0.96), detention under the Mental care compared with 3% (2/73) of White
expression (Fisher's exact test P0.02) 0.02) Health Act (P (P0.26),
0.26), unemployment women with children. There was also a
and child care (Fisher's exact test P0.008).
0.008). (P0.32),
0.32), history of convictions (P (P0.60)
0.60) trend for Black Caribbean women to be


able 2 Variables associated with having children (n
224) Mothers appear to be as disabled, have
similar diagnoses, have similarly impover-
No children 1 or more children Crude odds ratio Adjusted odds ratio 95% CI ished social networks and severe illnesses
as women without children. Differences in
Age (mean), years 40.1 48.1 1.03 1.03 1.02^1.05 psychopathology that may be associated
Accommodation with child-bearing (e.g. women with nega-
Unsupported 69 (83%) 128 (91%) 0.50 0.33 0.13^0.80 tive symptoms may be less likely to have
Supported 14 (17%) 13 (9%) children) should be examined in future
There were also no differences in ethni-
able 3 Ethnicity and looked after children city or forensic history, or in needs as
measured by the CAN. The data suggest
that most of these women live in difficult
Children ever in care? White Black Caribbean Black African Other Total
circumstances with low incomes and few
confidants and friends. In addition many
No 71 (97%) 35 (81%) 8 (62%) 3 (75%) 117 (88%)
women have problems with accommoda-
Yes 2 (3%) 8 (19%) 5 (38%) 1 (25%) 16 (12%)
tion, transport, relationships, medical and
Total 73 (100%) 43 (100%) 13 (100%) 4 (100%) 133 (100%)
psychological symptoms and, for women
Fisher's exact test P50.001. with children, problems with child care.
While the PRiSM study excluded patients
able 4 Final logistic regression model of variables associated with having had a child in care (in women) with only acute and transient episodes of
131) psychosis (F23 in ICD10) who may have
better outcomes, the women in this study
are typical of patients in a community
Variable Crude odds ratio Adjusted odds ratio 95% CI P value
mental health team's catchment area.
Age 0.90 0.94 0.89^0.96 0.04 Mothers had more contact with
relatives (which may be for help with child
History of convictions 6.67 5.12 1.53^17.14 0.008
care) and acquaintances (possibly contacts
with professionals concerned with children,
White (baseline) (n
71) 1.00
such as health visitors, social workers)
Black Caribbean (n
43) 8.11 3.49 0.65^18.76 0.15 than other women. After adjusting for
Black African (n
13) 22.19 13.66 2.25^83.37 0.005 confounding factors, the only variables
Other (n
4) 11.83 4.01 0.29^56.02 0.30 associated with having had a child were
older age and living in unsupported

more at risk of having their children taken ethnicity in the model (odds ratio for immi-
into care (8/34 Black Caribbean women gration status 5.74, 95% CI 1.2626.1; Factors associated with having
had had a child in care). P0.02).
0.02). a looked after child
Likelihood ratio tests were used to de- Ten per cent of the women with children
cide whether the variables associated with had a history of having had a child in the
children in care should be included in the care of social services (i.e. a looked after
model. Age, ethnicity and criminal charges Main findings child). Such a history was more likely in
were the only variables associated with Many women with psychotic disorders women who had been detained under the
having had children in care for women with have children and are involved in child Mental Health Act, had a history of con-
psychotic disorders in the final regression care. Sixty-three per cent of this epidemio- victions, were younger and/or Black African.
model (Table 4). However, immigration logically representative sample of women The ethnic difference could be alternatively
status was a confounder for the relation- with psychotic disorders had had children, explained by immigration status.
ship between ethnicity and child care; when with most women having had at least two Younger age, ethnicity and socio-
immigration status was included in the children. A similar proportion (59%) of economic status are associated with having
model there was no longer a significant mothers was found in a recent Australian a looked after child in the general popu-
relationship between ethnicity and having study of women in contact with community lation (Bebbington & Miles, 1989). The
had a child in care the odds ratio for mental health services (McGrath et al, al, data here are not detailed enough to elicit
Black Africans was 3.73 (95% CI 0.31 1999). whether periods in the care system occurred
44.4; P0.30)
0.30) when immigration status mainly when women were detained in
was added to the model (likelihood ratio hospital or whether being looked after
test w2 (1)1.75;
(1) 1.75; P0.19).
0.19). First-generation Characteristics and needs of mothers was a reflection more of chronic parenting
immigrants were, therefore, more at risk with psychoses difficulties. However, making satisfactory
of having had their children in care than Women with children were not different arrangements for child care could be a
others and immigration status could replace clinically from women without children. particular problem when women relapse,


which may explain why detention under differently from the parents' cultural per- not included. However, previous studies
the Mental Health Act is strongly asso- spective, and language and communication (e.g. Menezes et al, al, 1996) using more
ciated with looked after children. Child care difficulties may increase the gap between detailed sources of information have found
responsibilities may make it difficult for social services and the parent, resulting in rates of substance misuse similar to those
women to agree to psychiatric admission children being looked after by the care found here.
voluntarily, despite the impact of maternal system. Possible interactions between men- While possible confounders have been
illness on the child (Howard, 2000). tal illness, ethnicity and socio-economic included in multivariate models some re-
Black African women or those women deprivation and their impact on parenting sidual confounding is likely as detailed
who were first-generation immigrants were and the need for children to be looked after information on some aspects of patients'
more likely to have a history of a child by the care system should be investigated in problems and needs was not elicited in this
being taken into care. The numbers in these future research. study. The age of the patients' children is
analyses were very small and these results likely to have an impact on women's needs
should therefore be interpreted with cau- but detailed information on this was not
tion. However, the risk of reception into available. Ratings of ethnicity often fail to
care for Black African women's children Methodological limitations reveal the heterogeneity of the groups used
in this study is strikingly high compared The epidemiologically representative nature in research (Senior & Bhopal, 1994), but
with other groups. Immigration status also of this sample of individuals with psychotic the patients themselves generally agreed
explained these findings so this may explain disorders should have avoided some of the with the classification used in this study
some of the ethnic discrepancy. Detention sampling biases of previous studies in this (Davies et al,
al, 1996). However, there are
under the Mental Health Act did not fully area (Walker & Lewine, 1993). However, very small numbers of patients in some of
explain the increased risk among Black as not all patients were interviewed data the ethnic groups and these women may
Africans of having had children in care, collected at case identification were partly not be representative of female patients of
although this was a major explanatory dependent on the quality of case notes these ethnic groups. It is also possible that
factor. Marital status and living circum- and staff information rather than infor- as Black patients were more likely to be
stances did not explain these differences, mation from the patient. The relatively detained under the Mental Health Act
but the data are not detailed enough to low response rate to interviews is partly child care concerns were more likely to be
identify whether the Black African women due to the inclusion of all prevalent cases discussed. However, this does not explain
are more likely to be single and relatively (some of whom actively avoid psychiatric why Black Africans, rather than Black
unsupported at the time of their children services) and the high rates of residential Caribbeans, should be disproportionately
being in care. mobility in this population (Thornicroft found to have had children in care.
It is plausible that Black African women et al,
al, 1998b
1998b). There was no evidence of The PRiSM Psychosis Study was not
who are new immigrants with less social clinically relevant differences between designed to investigate differences in
support available to them may ask for their responders and non-responders, but the women with and without children. Ideally
children to be cared for by social services similarity between mothers and other these issues should be examined using a
while they find work and appropriate women, and comparisons between mothers study designed to investigate them, with
accommodation. However, one study of with looked after children and other sufficient power aimed for in the sample
rates of self-referral to social services did mothers, may be due to a lack of statistical size calculation, using predefined measures
not find differences when comparing power to detect differences. of outcome to avoid problems of multiple
White and Black families (Barn 1993). Differences in functional status between post hoc testing.
Nevertheless, there is a disproportionate women with and without children were not
representation of Black (Black African, apparent when examining data from stand-
Black Caribbean and mixed parentage) ard instruments such as the global assess-
children in the care system in the general ment of functioning, or proxy variables for Implications
population (Bebbington & Miles, 1989; severity of illness such as the number of This study of an epidemiologically repre-
Barn, 1993). Previous research has found psychiatric admissions. This may be sentative sample of women with psychosis
that Black mothers are more likely to be because these instruments do not measure found that nearly two-thirds of them have
referred for reasons of mental health by the more relevant differences in functioning had children. These women are just as
the police and the health service than are that lead to living with a partner and disabled and have as many (if not more)
White mothers (Barn, 1993). It is therefore having children, and future research could needs as women with psychosis without
likely that future studies may confirm our investigate which areas of functioning are children. Support appears to be obtained
preliminary findings that Black families important for good-enough parenting. at least partly from increased contacts with
with a parent with psychosis are more likely Substance misuse may be under- relatives. These findings have implications
to have children placed in the care system. estimated in this study as it was identified for these women's mental health, their chil-
As almost all patients were on benefits through the OPCRIT, which relies on case dren's health and for the planning of mental
the socio-economic measures used in this note information only. At the time of the health service delivery. The relationship
study cannot be used to examine the effect original study researchers were less aware between ethnicity, social deprivation and
of poverty, but other measures of socio- of the problems and prevalence of sub- needs in these vulnerable women requires
economic deprivation may also be import- stance misuse in patients with psychosis more detailed investigation in prospective
ant. Alternatively, social services may per- and instruments specifically designed to studies of epidemiologically representative
ceive appropriate parental behaviours elicit substance misuse information were patients with mental illness.

4 31

We would like to acknowledge the invaluable contri-
butions that the following colleagues have made
& The majority of women with psychotic disorders have health and social care needs
towards the PRiSM Psychosis Study: Thomas Becker,
Sara Bixby, Liz Brooks, Paul Clarkson, Sara Davies, related to pregnancy and child care that may not be recognised by providers of mental
Ruth Fermo, Julie Grove, Hilary Guite, Andrew health services.
Higginbotham, Frank Kelly, Julia Kleckham, David
Nathniel-Jones, Linda Loftus, Wendy Ojurongbe, & Mothers with psychoses need help in planning alternative care for their children
Dominic O'Ryan, Sue Parkman, Laura Ponti-Sgargi, during episodes of relapse.
Mike Slade, RuthTaylor, David Turner, Rozalia Wojcik
and all the users, carers and staff of the Nunhead & A significant proportion of mothers with psychoses will have a child looked after
and Norwood sectors. by social services at some point in the child's life.


Barn, R. (1993) Black Children in the Public Care System.

System. & Some data were available from case notes only.
London: British Agency for Adoption and Fostering,
Batsford. & The PRiSM Study was not designed to investigate characteristics associated with

Bebbington, A. C. & Miles, J. B. (1989) The mothers with psychoses and this investigation is a post hoc analysis.
background of children who enter local authority care.
British Journal of Social Work,
Work, 19,
19, 349^368. & Longitudinal data on factors associated with episodes of children being looked

Beecham, J. & Knapp, M. (1992) Costing psychiatric after were not available.
interventions. In Measuring Mental Health Needs (eds
G. Thornicroft, C. R. Brewin & J.Wing), pp.163^183.
London: Gaskell.
Davies, S., Thornicroft, G., Leese, M., et al (1996)
Ethnic differences in risk of compulsory psychiatric
admission among representative cases of psychosis in LOUISE M. HOWARD, MRCPsych, Sections of Community Psychiatry (PRiSM) and Perinatal Psychiatry,
London. British Medical Journal,
Journal, 312,
312, 533^537. R. KUMAR, FRCPsych, Section of Perinatal Psychiatry,GRAHAM THORNICROFT, MRCPsych, Section of
Dunn, M., O'Driscoll, C., Dayson, D., et al (1990) The Community Psychiatry (PRiSM), Institute of Psychiatry, London
TAPS project. 4. An observational study of the social life
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