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687 Fall 2017 Homework 1

Due 4pm, September 8, Friday
Submission must be through ecampus
No late submission accepted!

1. (10 points) A furniture manufacturer has 3600 bd.ft. of Walnut, 4300 bd.ft. of Maple, and
6550 bd.ft. of Oak in stock. It can produce three products using this lumber, with input
requirement as below:
Wood needed (bd.ft./unit) Revenue/unit
walnut maple oak
Table 10 50 100 $100
Desk 10 30 40 $50
Chair 80 5 0 $10

A table is always sold in combination with 4 chairs; and a desk is always sold with one chair.
But a chair can be sold independently. Formulate the problem of finding product mix to
maximize revenue.

2. (10 points) Find necessary and sufficient condition for the values of s and t to make the LP
Maximize x1 + x2
s.t. sx1 + tx2 1
x1, x2 0
a. have an optimal solution,
b. be infeasible,
c. be unbounded.

3. (10 points) A meat packing plant produces 480 hams, 400 pork bellies and 230 picnic hams
every day; each of these products can be sold either fresh or smoked. The total number of
hams, bellies and picnics that can be smoked during a normal working day is 420; in
addition, up to 250 products can be smoked on overtime at a higher cost. The net profit are
as follows.
Fresh Smoked regular Smoked overtime
Hams $8 $14 $11
Bellies $4 $12 $7
Picnics $4 $13 $9

Please formulate an LP problem that decides the amount of each such that the total net
profit is maximized.

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