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MAY 2010

Ana Dutra
Leadership Consultant Success
Transition Execution
Leadership Excellence is an exceptional
way to learn and then apply the best and
latest ideas in the field of leadership.
w w w . L e a d e r E x c e l . c o m


VOL. 27 NO. 5 M AY 2 0 1 0

Virtual Teammates

When dealing with diverse mates who operate in different modes, one from the country with
feed corn and raw nuts and the other from the city with refined cuisine, learn from Aesops
fable and toast to each his own, or vive le difference!

ALAN BRISKIN CHIP R. BELL AND TERRY BARBER Stop talking about risk and
Collective Wisdom JOHN R. PATTERSON Inspiration Factor start taking actions. . . . . .16
Where has all the wisdom Mad Scientists It separates the great from
gone in organizations?. . . 3 Theyre hard to manage, the good leaders . . . . . . .12 DAVID BRAINER
but you need them in Now What?
RICHARD GODFREY order to innovate. . . . . . . .8 ALAN E. NELSON Take five actions to
7 Laws of Learning Young Leaders recover from recession. . 17
Great leaders are great STEVE ARNESON We can start developing
learners and teachers . . . .4 Bootstrap Leadership leaders at young ages . . .13 PRISCILLA NELSON
Practice five ways to make AND ED COHEN
NOEL TICHY AND yourself a better leader. . . 9 ANA DUTRA AND Rebuilding Trust
Wise Judgment JACK ZENGER AND Succession Success values on up. . . . . . . . . . .18
Leaders are known for KATHLEEN STINNETT Take action now to develop
their judgment calls . . . . . 5 Science and Art future leaders. . . . . . . . . . 14 JOHN C. MAXWELL
of Coaching Leadership Success
EDWARD D. HESS Address and answer VIJAY GOVINDARAJAN Practice making meaning-
Are You Growing Too Fast? five questions. . . . . . . . . 10 ful connections. . . . . . . . .19
Learn lessons from the rise Innovation Initiative
and fall of Toyota. . . . . . . .6 ELAINE VARELAS The great idea is just JOSEPH GRENNY
the beginning. . . . . . . . . .15
Dealing with Lay-Offs Virtual Teams
NIR KOSSOVSKY Most leaders would rather Learn how to have vital
Reputation Leadership have a root canal than deal JACK AND SUZY WELCH conversations and crucial
Its very valuable. . . . . . . .7 with lay-offs. . . . . . . . . . .11 Unforgiving Times confrontations . . . . . . . . .20
Volume 27 Issue 5
E . D . I . T . O . R S N . O . T . E Leadership Excellence (ISSN 8756-2308) is
published monthly by Executive Excellence

Worth of Wise Leaders Publishing, LLC (dba Leadership Excellence),

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sissies. Time tests the mind, will, and LE Guide putting of Excellence in Action.
heart. Succession is key to sustained The table of contents art is a detail from
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When Im asked What does LE cost? I After a recent presentation at a leader- Full view of table of contents art.
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this issue: open the May magazines to any ment? I mean, who are the top thought
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Leadership Excellence is worth its weight in gold. internal practitioners and program direc- Copyright 2010 Executive Excellence Publishing.
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I was once asked by an IRS agent, What have to answer his question then and there
exactly is the nature of your business? because I had already addressed and
I replied, We work for you in the sense answered all these questions here, in the
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ers who must attain desired results to sus- and March 2010 issues. If you did not
tain their success (thus pay more taxes). receive these recent issues, email me at
More accurately, I could have said, We and Ill send them to you. LE
sell great ideas that require some degree of
proactivity on the part of the reader to con-
vert to solutions that are worth millions. Editor since 1984
2 M a y 2 0 1 0 L e a d e r s h i p E x c e l l e n c e
LEADERSHIP WISDOM the high-speed and short-term chase to
beat out competitors is an unnecessary
distraction. The economic and practical
Collective Wisdom benefits of quality products that do not
harm the environment or endanger our
It should reside in leaders. safety are becoming the differentiating
element of todays commerce. Ciscos
re-branding of its products and ser-
by Alan Briskin endeavor but one that is collective in nature.vices to constantly strive to be Best in
Too often our focus on leaders obscures the World and Best for the World is
this reality. Nearly 2,000 years ago, the but one example of this transition.

P ETER SENGE WRITES IN Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius

the foreword of our wrote of his leadership as nurtured by
book, The Power of Collect- a constellation of teachers. From his
Leaders cant be mechanical gover-
nors controlling the engine speed of a
train that is headed off the tracks. Nor
ive Wisdom: And the Trap of Collective tutor, he learned not to take sides pre- are leaders helpless cogs in a machine
Folly: Few words have a longer his- maturely in partisan affairs and to too complex and out of control for any
torical association with leadership endure difficulties. From other teachers, individual to matter. Leaders are one,
than wisdom, and few words have less he learned not to become excited by albeit critical, element in a collective
credibility in that association today. trifling things, to discipline his mind process. They serve the collective best
What has happened to account for as a path to true freedom, and to under- when they express the higher aspira-
such a discrepancy? And, what does stand how his character was in need of tions of the group. Leaders now have a
the concept of wisdom offer today in a rehabilitation and care. For Aurelius, the stake in understanding the relationship
networked world driven by speed, danger was always in feeling satisfied of collective activity and wisdom.
time pressures, and fierce competition? with moral generalizations, trite exhor-
By definition, wisdom is associated tations, and glorified prophecies. How Why Collective Wisdom Matters
with accumulated learning but is dis- timely is his wisdom and how missing Collective wisdom has great func-
tinguished by qualities of reverence is such reflection in our leaders today. tional value for three key reasons:
and respect for life. Wisdom facilitates In his personal reflections, Aurelius First, it bridges the past and future by
greater meaning regarding the value mused that we are all connected and being concerned with the presentthe
of life. It is considerate of multiple per- here and now of group decision making.
spectives and forms of intelligence, Leaders must know what makes their
including intuition, emotion, and spiri- organization uniquetheir brand, iden-
tual awareness. It balances short term tity, storyas well as how their organi-
with the long termseeing longer- zation will be viable in the future. In his
term consequences in present actions. documentary on National Parks, Ken
At a collective level, wisdom holds Burns chronicles the role of Teddy
the key to redefining our organizations Roosevelt who saw the need to protect
and communities because it takes into public lands so they wouldnt be com-
account the whole system and the fit- mercially exploited. In doing so, he
ness of the system to sustain life and had to withstand the attacks of those
prosperity. Wisdom in groups reflects who saw an immediate commercial
a capacity for sound judgment, dis- reward in development or believed
cernment, and the objectivity to see that what is common in us derives that the free market should have no
what is needed. So, how has wisdom from a greater whole. He postulated constraints. The collective reward for
become so distant in its relationship to that the Cosmos is a kind of city-state, his wisdom is shared by the millions of
leadership? Why the loss of credibility? a single community in which the people who visit National Parks and
The answer lies in contemporary whole of mankind belongs. He wrote furthered by those creating open space
realities. In the collapse of Enron and these reflections in the midst of war, in their communities, giving public
the unraveling of many Bernie Madoff- turmoil, and the uncertain fate of his access to nature, wilderness, and beauty.
type scandals, were reminded that the empire. Yet, he wrote them with con- Second, collective wisdom isnt about
smartest guys in the room are not nec- viction that we owe all our individual getting things done through command-
essarily ethical, the most powerful can powers of reason and lawgiving to this and-control leadership but through cre-
be the most self-interested, and the collective awareness and through this ative pairs, small groups, and networks
systems that support such profitable awareness our fates are linked. of people committed to core beliefs. In a
schemes are short-term structures that This is what wisdom, and collective networked world, nothing works mech-
hold the seeds of economic catastro- wisdom, has to offer us. We each have a anically from the top down but rather
phe. From compromised food safety to stake in each other and what binds us through virtual space, multiple conver-
toxic chemicals in products, to the together can be greater than what dri- sations among distributed groups, and
slow poisoning of our oceans, to the ves us apart. The great myth that wis- shared purpose. Margaret Meads com-
puncturing of the biosphere that holds dom is not developable is shattered by a ment that a small group of thought-
together the envelope of life, we have greater awareness that wisdom can be ful, committed citizens can change the
every reason to withdraw our faith in developed through disciplined reflection, world, has even greater meaning
leadership and to doubt that leaders dialogue with others about what matters today in the age of multiple social tech-
have the answers we need. most, and through consideration of a higher nologies. Let us disabuse ourselves of
This may be the good news because purpose to our daily tasks. The false the lone genius hypothesis in which the
leadership was never really an individual notion that wisdom is not practical in individual acting alone comes up with
L e a d e r s h i p E x c e l l e n c e M a y 2 0 1 0 3
the solution. We will be far more influ- CAPABILITY LEARNING vations, interactions, and experiences
enced by what physicist and an author- that are rich with learning and teach-
ity on the science of networks, Albert- ing material. We can Learn by Wandering
Laszlo Barabasi, calls the fitness qualities 7 Laws of Learning Around. Any environmenta factory,
of intersections in a networked environment. Great leaders are great teachers. office, schoolroom, natureis filled,
Some people have a knack for turning for the attendant observer, with things
each random encounter into a lasting to first learn and then to teach.
social link. Some companies make a Law 3: You learn by connecting. We
by Richard Godfrey
loyal partner out of every consumer. are metaphorical, not literal beings. We
Fitness requires collaboration in order learn and remember best when we con-
to create an experience of WOW for the
client or to mesh competing needs and
agendas into a coherent whole. Leaders
Carlisle wrote
knowledge is power,
nect to life through parables, metaphors,
examples, and comparisons. Too many
leaders, believing we are literal learn-
serve the collective, both their internal he couldnt have known the damage ers, think a barrage of data or facts in
members and their customers, by creat- that single statement would produce. the form of documents, slides, and
ing the conditions for collaboration. After 30 years in business, I never speeches will persuade us to engage. A
Third, wisdom is about results. We cease to be amazed at the low level of well-told story with a clear connection
often associate wisdom with process learning, discourse, and change that to a challenge or opportunity always
how people feel about their interactions, accompanies most learning experiences. works better than a bevy of information.
the mechanics of holding a dialogue Many leaders remain convinced that if Law 4: We all learn differently. Early
session, proper facilitation of conflict, information/knowledge is cleverly in my teaching career I learned about
or the orchestration of a good meeting. conveyed, it will produce an intended VARK (Visual, Auditory, Reading-assist-
These are key considerations. Wisdom change in performance and productivity. ed and Kinesthetic learners). Unaware
cant be sustained without genuine The fatal flaw in Carlisles argument that people learn differently, many lea-
curiosity, deep listening, and examining lies in free will. To experience a presen- ders assume that how they learn works
mental models. Wisdom is an emergent tation of information is to confront for everyone and then project their learn-
quality that is more likely when there knowledge. That knowledge creates ing style through their communication. By
is safety for reflection and considera- awareness, not power. What happens learning how people learn and accom-
tion of our needs for respect, dignity, with that awareness lies at the root of modating various styles, you connect
and a regard for each others talents. flawed assumptions about education, with more people in a meaningful way.
Yet, wisdom also plays a role in creat- behavior, and outcomes. In- Law 5: Connections come
ing sustainable results, actions that trans- dividuals and groups regu- through storytelling. In all
late to visible outcomes, better products and larly confront knowledge societies, theres a chief,
services, and more creative ways of manag- that they choose to ignore priest, healer, and story-
ing our resources. Leaders who cultivate and demean, continuing in teller. Before the written
collective wisdom must show how their current behavior. Con- word, a societys knowl-
their efforts are worth the investment versely, knowledge includ- edge base was conveyed
of time and resources. The rewards, ing what is neglected by through stories. We engage
however, are great because we can gar- othersis regularly taken with stories. Hence, learn-
ner concrete achievements and because up and taken in where it ing to tell great stories is key
the growth and development of group stimulates re-thinking and to engaging the people you lead.
members are explicit in such transfor- new behavior with the Law 6: Learning is both
mational leadership. In such groups, desired changes in results. an emotional and intellectual experience.
everyone can emerge as a leader. The real question lies not in decid- Emotional connection to the teacher or
Wise leadership is cultivated through ing how to push data but in how to get topic opens a door to the mind. Failure
reflection, inquiry, appreciation, dia- people to experience new ideas and to open the emotional door means that
logue, and a positive regard for a high- use their free will to get onboard. information, no matter how well crafted,
er moral standard. It is elevated by Great leaders teach new ideas in bounces off the door with little impact.
working on real problems in the world ways that not only engage people but Law 7: Learning can change lives. By
and achieving visible results. We rein- persuade them to use their free will for practicing Laws 1-6, you can gain access
force wisdoms functional value each change. To lead people to a better place, to the minds, passions, and souls of
time we can actually point to collective you must engage with them as learners people. In making such connections,
accomplishments and note the human and learn how to teach as well as you lead. guided by the light of ethics and morali-
connections and creative solutions that Here are seven laws or principles that ty, you can change lives, lift people,
emerged from behind the scenes. The turn knowledge sharing into growth: and impact organizations. Teaching is
marriage of wisdom and leadership is Law 1: We are all born to learn. We a sacred calling with serious responsibili-
the differentiating skill we need in a must first believe that everyone wants ties and wonderful opportunities for
networked world, allowing some orga- to learn and then understand the resis- those who become able teachers.
nizations to thrive while others will tancehistory, approach, ego, frustra- By incorporating these laws into
simply move from folly to folly. LE tionand welcome that person, in his or your leadership, you can teach people
her own way, into a learning experience. through change rather than simply
Alan Briskin, co-founder of the Collective Wisdom Initiative, is
a consultant and author of The Stirring of Soul in the Law 2: You never know when learning motivating, persuading or pushingto
Workplace and coauthor of Bringing Your Soul to Work, Daily will occur. As Sherlock Holmes said to a more engaged and lasting success. LE
Miracles, and The Power of Collective Wisdom. Email Dr. Watson, You see but you dont Richard Godfrey is author of 7 Laws of Learning. Email rlgod-
observe. We are surrounded by meta- or visit
ACTION: Cultivate collective wisdom. phor, examples, conversations, obser- ACTION: Be a leader-teacher.

4 M a y 2 0 1 0 L e a d e r s h i p E x c e l l e n c e
LEADERSHIP JUDGMENT the call comes in the middle of a process.
Good judgment isnt about luck, com-
mon sense, or gut instinctit is more
Wise Judgment like a drama with plotlines, characters,
and unforeseen twists and turns. That
It takes character and courage. process begins with the leader recog-
nizing the need for a judgment and
continues through successful execution.
Despite these reassurances, Hackett 1. Preparation: Wise leaders pick up
told his managers to look into it further. on signals and cut through complexity
He only heard rationales for inaction: to get to the essence of an issue. They
fire codes vary; nobody could say how identify key stakeholders, and engage
much fire-retardant would be enough; and energize them. They set clear
and some managers wondered if the parameters, provide a context, create a
by Noel Tichy and Warren Bennis panels would ever be used in floor-to- shared language, and tap strong ideas
ceiling walls. Still, Hackett felt that if from anywhere to formulate the call.


that impact customers, employees,
suppliers, and other stakeholdersand
Steelcases standard of unyielding
integrity were to mean anything, he
had to recall the panels and replace
They sense the situation, properly frame
and name the issue, and identify the need
for a decision. The source of wise judg-
some calls can make or break the firm. them with ones that met stricter fire ments is information that is relevant,
Great leaders are celebrated for their codes. Implementing the decision was meaningful, and timely. Four forms of
judgment. What is good judgment, and expensive: Steelcase took a $40 million intelligence are key: self-intelligence, or
how can you sustain it? Its not a matter write-off, and Hackett and his team awareness of your values and aspira-
of intellect, but of character and courage. lost their annual performance bonuses. tions; social-network intelligence, such as
Character provides the moral com- Years later, however, Hacketts deci- getting valid data from your direct
passit tells you what you must do. sion was vindicated. One of Steelcases reports; organizational knowledge, or
Then courage produces results, ensur- customers for the surface panel was knowing how people will respond,
ing that you follow through on the the Department of Defense. Panels adapt, and execute; and contextual
decision you make. Without character with the added fire retardant material intelligence, or knowing the territory.
and courage, you cant clear the high 2. Call: A good leader makes a clear
bar that is wise judgment. Without yes or no call and then explains the call
character and courage, youll falter on to stakeholders. There is no waffling.
the difficult and important questions. You dont walk away from a call. What
For example, Jim Hackett, CEO of you do in making the decision determines
Steelcase, the office furniture compa- whether itll be the right choice.
ny, has spent much of his career think- 3. Execution: Once the judgment call
ing about what it means to be a is made, good leaders stay involved in
values-based leader. He started think- the execution. They support others
ing this way, he says, after a meeting who are involved and set clear mile-
with Bill Marriott. Hackett was 39 stones, ask for feedback, listen, and
and had become president of Steelcase makes necessary adjustments. They
only six months earlier. Marriott was were installed in the perimeter walls of then align and mobilize the right stake-
then in his seventies and had run the the Pentagon, and a section of them holders around a decision. In the execu-
Marriott hotel empire for decades. were destroyed on 9/11. After the tion phase, you make it happen and
Their conversation focused on values. attack, the Pentagon reviewed all build- continue to make adjustments as you
Marriott encouraged Hackett to build ing materials. If the new Steelcase go along. Good leaders are not afraid
a reputation of unyielding integrity. A material was not there, the fire would of these redo loopsthe chance to go
few weeks later, Hackett told his man- have spread in a far more disastrous back and try again if a step was
agement team: We need to ask ourselves, outcome, Hackett says. Character and skipped or handled poorly. They pin-
How are we going to act when we get in courage are the bedrock of good judg- point errors and allow for correction,
trouble. Ten years later, Hackett was ment, and Jim Hackett displayed both. greatly improving odds for success.
faced with a tough call. Steelcase was When you ask people to list the bad A leaders success hinges on how
selling a new line of panels that could decisions theyve made in their lives, well he or she manages the processnot
be used either for waist-high office cu- many of them will confess, I knew in just moments when decisions are made.
bicles or to cover floor-to-ceiling walls. my gut what I should do, but I didnt
Building managers liked the product. do it. Having a set of standards or val- Three Domains
When Steelcase discovered that the ues isnt enough. Even character isnt The most important calls reside in
rules governing fire standards for floor- enough. Having the courage to act on one of three domains:
to-ceiling walls were stricter than those your standards is part of what it takes 1. Judgments about people. This domain
for cubicles, and the product might not to exercise good judgment. All leaders has the most potential for good or ill. If
be up to the higher standards, some make thousands of judgment calls, and you dont make smart judgment calls
insiders tried to ignore it. We had not the importance of these calls is magni- about the people on your team, or if
had one damaged installation, Hackett fied by the impact on the lives of others. you manage them poorly, you cant set
recalls. Our customers even called us a sound direction and strategy, nor can
and said Oh, dont worry about it Three Phases you effectively deal with crises. The
no one will ever have a problem. For a leader, the moment of making most critical attribute of any leader is
L e a d e r s h i p E x c e l l e n c e M a y 2 0 1 0 5
the ability to make sound people judgments. PERFORMANCE GROWTH ducts for faster, cheaper production.
For example, when A.G. Lafley took Hence, the quality began to decline.
over P&G, he discovered a leadership Not only did Toyota products suf-
problem in its $8 billion baby-care Growing Too Fast? fer, but its ability to fix those problems
business. But then he made a mistake: Learn lessons from Toyotas fall. suffered. We see just how true that is
he and another executive decided that through the conflicting reports from
38-year-old Deb Henretta (a marketing company executives over what is caus-
consumer-oriented person) should run ing the gas pedal problems and reports
by Edward D. Hess
the operation (dominated by engineers). indicating communication issues
His vice-chairmen couldnt believe hed between Japan and its U.S. and
made that call without their involve-
ment. He met with them the next day,
and after the meeting, he said: Very
recalls has made it
clear: In its quest to
European operations. Bottom line: The
company outgrew its quality controls
and diluted its processes for effectively
thoughtful input, thank you, but here become the biggest automaker, Toyota responding to customer complaints.
is why were going with Deb (the wandered off the path of building the Leaders should assess the risks of
redo loop). On the execution side, he highest quality and most dependable growth using a Growth Risks Audit
supported her every step of the way. cars. How did Toyota end up in its before undertaking a major growth ini-
2. Judgments about strategy. If the current stateand what can we learn? tiative and develop a plan to manage
current strategy is not leading the team Toyota is having a very bad year. In those risks. Since managing risks
to success, the leader must find a new months, its reputation for quality and requires a different mindset from man-
path. For example, when Jeff Immelt dependability and status as a respected aging growth, leaders need to devise
succeeded Jack Welch at GE, he decid- leader in the auto industry were zapped. early warning systems to alert them to
ed it was time to transform the compa- Replacing those accolades were a recall potential problems.
ny into a technology growth company. of over eight million automobiles, over With Toyota, the cumulative effect
He selected 10 key technologies and 60 class action lawsuits filed against of many small changes created big
made several acquisitions to execute the company, and company president consequences. In the heat of growth
this strategy. Immelt believes that mak- Akio Toyoda admitting that the com- and the battle to be Number 1, no one
ing strategic judgment calls is how he pany may have grown too quickly. could pull the cord and stop the
adds value. Good execution and good What can leaders learn from Toyota line. Being the biggest is a dif-
operations arent enough to fix a busi- Toyotas problems? The answer: If you ferent goal from being the best in qual-
ness with a flawed strategy, he said. arent careful, you can grow ity and dependability. When
3. Judgments in time of crisis. When your company to death. conflicts between speed,
Jim McNerney became CEO of Boeing Bigger is not always bet- growth, and quality arise, no
in 2005, the company was in crisis. He ter. For decades, growth has one wins in a be the biggest
was Boeings third chief executive in three been a determining factor environment.
years (two years earlier, Phil Condit had for successbut growth can By studying 54 high-
been forced to resign the job as a result be bad. It can create serious growth companies, I find
of alleged ethical violations, and former business risks that if not that CEOs with prior high-
Boeing president, Harry Stonecipher, properly managed can dilute growth experiences acquire
had been called back to the CEO post, a companys brand and a healthy respect for the risks
only to be edged out after revelations destroy its value. of growth and espouse the
of a liaison with a female Boeing exec- I debunk three big myths about (ironically named) gas pedal approach to
utive, prompting a Justice Dept. inves- growth: Myth 1: All growth is good. growthletting up on the growth
tigation. Boeings senior ranks were Myth 2: Bigger is always better. Myth pedal to allow processes, controls, and
demoralized, and employees were 3: All companies must grow or die. people to catch up. A business, like an
frustrated. McNerney had watched Then I replace those myths with the engine, can run at a red-line pace for
events unfold from his seat on the three Ps for proper growth: 1) Plan for only so long. Many leaders strive for
board. He was aware that the crisis growth; 2) Prioritize the processes and con- continuous high growth. But sustained
represented a watershed in his leader- trols needed to accommodate the growth; high growth is the exception. Few (10
ship. In response, he agreed to a $615 and 3) Pace growth so as not to outstrip percent) companies are able to grow
million settlement that enabled the capabilities, processes, and controls. above industry or GDP averages for
company to avoid criminal charges Contrary to popular opinion, growth five years or more.
and admission of wrongdoing. He is not always good. Yet shareholders Be realistic about growthand know
could have fought the allegations and demand short-term growth, so thats that it is a complex change process depen-
blamed former leaders. Instead, he what leaders deliver, even if what theyre dent on human behavior. Humans, like
made a judgment that turned the crisis doing is unsustainable in the long term. markets, are not efficient or rational
into an opportunity to build a robust Too much growth can stress culture, actors all the time. Growth can be good,
ethics and compliance program. controls, processes, and people, even- and it can be bad. You can increase the
When you make critical judgment tually destroying value and even lead- probability of a good outcome if you
calls about people, strategy and crisis, ing the company to grow and die. assess the risks of growth and proac-
explain your rationale. LE Toyota changed strategy in 2002 when tively manage risks as you grow. Grow
Noel Tichy is Director of the Global Leadership Partnership it set out to be the largest automobile sales for the right reasons, and grow smart. LE
and Professor of Management and Organizations, University company. To achieve that goal quickly, Edward D. Hess is author of Smart Growth (Columbia Business
of Michigan Ross School of Business. Tichy and Warren G. School Publishing) and The Road to Organic Growth
Bennis adapted this article from their book Judgment: How it had to open new plants globally, hire (McGraw-Hill) and is a professor at Darden Graduate School
Winning Leaders Make Great Calls (Portfolio). many new employees, expand its out- of Business, University of Virginia. Visit
ACTION: Exercise character and courage in calls. sourcing suppliers, and design its pro- ACTION: Engage in smart growth.

6 M a y 2 0 1 0 L e a d e r s h i p E x c e l l e n c e
ETHICS REPUTATION bilities in that management process.
Reputation management encompasses
the enterprise-wide management of six
Reputation Leadership intangible assets: 1) ensure an ethical
work environment; 2) drive innova-
Its more valuable than you may think. tion; 3) assure quality; 4) uphold safe-
ty; 5) promote sustainability; and 6)
provide security. These six reputation-
problems. Both matters are being out- al assets interact with one another in a
by Nir Kossovsky
distanced by the myriad civil lawsuits relationship resembling a Roman arch,
being filed for claims of personal injury, where a process failure of any one


reputation matters
and that a good reputa-
wrongful death, racketeering, and unfair
business practices. And insurers are
preparing to subrogate past auto acci-
intangible asset can result in a precipi-
tous loss of value, and can even place
the enterprise in peril. Toyotas 1992
tion brings countless benefits; and yet, dent claims involving Toyota vehicles. credo incorporates three of the six.
most leaders dont appreciate fully the Equity costs to date are in the $25 Leadership means fostering confor-
financial benefits of a good reputation, billion range. Pricing power impact so mance with intangible asset manage-
or the costs of a damaged one. far is 3 percent. Market share fell an- ment best practices. It means using the
Since reputation-linked assets account other 3 percent for the year, and January latest toolsIT systems, employment
for 70 percent of corporate value, devel- 2010 sales fell 16 percent to their low- incentives, and insurance instruments
oping and leading a reputation man- est level in a decade. Operating costs to shape behavior. Indeed, it was a
agement initiative can yield high are difficult to estimateit was in an failure of leadership and a lapse in
quantitative and qualitative returns, effort to control them that risk arose. managing the key intangible asset of
and mitigate extraordinary costs. Adding to future expected operating ethics in 2006, motivated by a metric-
costs will be regulatory costs, possible driven obsession to outperform
Recent Case in Point: To y o t a fines and penalties, litigation costs, General Motors, that brought down
Harmony, honor and a devotion to insurance subrogation costs, and infe- 73-year-old Toyotas Roman arch of
quality characterized the Toyota Motor rior vendor terms. Credit default swap reputation in less than four years.
Companys philosophy for half a cen- pricing is up 30 percent, foreshadow-
tury. These values were memorialized Fight Metrics with Metrics
in a 1962 pact between management In the face of demands for measur-
and labor that created a uniquely coop- able performance indicators, most
erative workplace. Toyotas team approach executives may feel that they lack the
enabled them to reduce the costs of tools to affirm the value of risk and
defects and waste in accordance with reputation management. Many may
the quality principles of W. Edwards have a clear vision of an integrated rep-
Deming. In 1965, Toyota won the Dem- utation management solution, yet lack
ing Prize for quality. In 1992, Toyota the resources to implement it.
revised its credo to embrace reputa- In a business culture that manages
tion-linked values such as honor, what it can measure, we affirm that the
respect, safety, quality and innovation. ing higher credit costs. All told, we value of intangible assets can be measured.
Fast-forward 10 years. In 2002, estimate the reputational impact, so far, As the Toyota case illustrates, intangi-
Toyota set a target to be the worlds to be a $2 billion cost to earnings and a ble asset management affects pricing
top automotive manufacturer. With an $25 billion cost to market cap for 2010. power, and both operating and capital
aggressive goal that required 50 percent A strategy that generates phenome- costs. Our Corporate Reputation Index
growth, market share trumped less-easily- nal economic returns for seven years, tracks reputation by capturing market
measured intangible values such as honor only to create a situation in which measures of pricing, net income, earn-
and respect. This re-prioritization set everything is given back in one 12- ings expectations, and uncertainty, and
up Toyotas fateful 2006 decision to month period, is not desirable. At a then reporting near-real time on repu-
sideline quality concerns that might time when intangible assets represent 70 tation at the enterprise level.
adversely impact its growth strategy. percent of the value of public companies, Directors are likely to be held per-
In early 2009, Toyota, the worlds leaders must develop and execute sonally liable for money damages if
#1 automobile manufacturer, began to strategies that harness the power of they breach their duty of oversight,
recognize the costs of nine years of reputation to drive intangible asset including management of intangible
reputation risk buildup arising from value. Superior reputations pay off assets and risk. As a reputation leader,
certain failed processes. Our Corporate with: pricing power, lower operating your mission intangible is to create
Reputation Index records an acute drop costs, greater earnings multiples, lower enterprise value by understanding the
in early 2009, safety and quality issues beta (stock price volatility), and lower business processes on which your rep-
surfaced with increasing frequency. credit costs. When reputation is dam- utation depends, protect them, prac-
Stock price growth relative to market aged, these benefits are lost. These lost tice them wisely, and communicate
peers began to slow in late 2009, pre- benefits will cost Toyota $2 billion this year. your mastery to your stakeholders. LE
saging its acute fall in early 2010. The Reputation is the collective impres- Nir Kossovsky is CEO of Steel City Re and executive secretary
of Intangible Asset Finance Society (IAFS). He is the author of
thing about headline risks and reputa- sion held by stakeholders of how a Mission Intangible: Managing Risk and Reputation to Create
tion perils is that they can snowball. company manages its intangible assets. Enterprise Value (Intangible Asset Finance Society with
In 2010, Toyota faces criminal and The CEO, executive team, and board Trafford Publishing, 2010). Visit

Congressional probes into its safety have the primary roles and responsi- ACTION: Practice risk and reputation management.

L e a d e r s h i p E x c e l l e n c e M a y 2 0 1 0 7
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT the hands of the clock. However, they
need hard and fast boundaries regard-
ing where an overstep risks the mis-
Mad Scientists sion. Without governors, mad scientists
can be a clear and present danger.
Tr y l e a d i n g t h e m i n f i v e w a y s . 3. Run interference for them. Mad sci-
entists need sponsors and champions
or talk with HR. Failing to be valued with gladiator-like traits to take on nay-
for their contribution, most exit for sayers and the frustrated mob. They
greener pastures. Consider the massive need someone who always has a get
loss to the organizations they vacate. out of jail free carda defender who
Organizations interested in growth can explain their contribution in a way
need a few mad scientists. They can make that makes defending their foibles un-
us better and more vigorous. Sure, they necessary. They need a scout shrewd
by Chip R. Bell and John R. Patterson
are complex, challenging, and difficult. enough in corporate politics to provide
But, they can propel us to greatness by them early warning regarding interper-


and director of the two highest
grossing movies ever madeTitanic
being the sparkplug for the innovation
engine. Of course they can make us
wring our hands and shake our head.
sonal mine fields and lurking ambush-
es. Without a front team, mad scientists
are marginalized and rendered impotent.
and Avatar. Apple CEO Steve Jobs is They can also insure our advancement. 4. Resource them. Mad scientists need
probably a mad scientist. So were They are rare, and we need them. more latitude and a higher tolerance
Ludwig Beethoven, Henry Ford and Being a mad scientist can be lonely. for their errors. They may present 12
Amelia Earhart. Who could deny their And, being the leader of a approaches, 11 of which are
gigantic contributions or incredible gifts? mad scientist can be nerve wacky, but the 12th genius.
We use mad scientists not as a refer- racking. As the boss, you Discarding the first 11
ence to some evil maladjusted type are perpetually surprised before reviewing all their
like Dr. Strangelove or Frankenstein, by events that signal your ideas risks missing break-
but rather as the catch-all phrase for mad scientist has done it throughs. Give them the
the gifted eccentric and unconvention- again! Other employees latest tools and access to
al wild ducks that occasionally enter are in your office complain- the best minds. They need
organizations. Some are nerdy, some ing about their quirky actions, a network of like-minded
are whiz kids without manners, and rude business etiquette, and scientists (one of Henry
some are amazing talents marching to insensitive cross examina- Fords best friends was
their own drum. For most organiza- tions. You wonder if the practical return Thomas Edison). They need an easy
tions they bring a mixed blessing. is worth the emotional cost. entre to information and access to a
All mad scientists have noble traits cadre of people who can help them
brilliant, visionary, perfectionists, and Five Wa y s t o L e a d M a d S c i e n t i s t s refine their perfect idea into an effec-
passionately driven. Theyre also very To maximize the value of your mad tive application.
challenging to work with, extremely scientists without losing them to com- 5. Celebrate them. Mad scientists need
bull-headed, egotistical, countercultur- petitors or resorting to pricy personality little public affirmationbut they do
al, irreverent and sometimes border- transplants, lead them in five ways: want credit. Seeing a lesser being get
line crazy. Organizations cant tolerate 1. Embrace their weirdness. Dont try the prize they earned draws sharp dis-
very many mad scientists. They disturb to explain why mad scientists are the way approval. But, applause and attaboys
the sanctity of stability and status quo. they are. You cant reprogram eccen- others may cherish are not what drive
Highly conservative organizations tricity or turn off a compelling vision. themthe intrinsic give-back of their
view them as extreme misfits. Searching for a rational explanation for work is enough. However, celebration
Mad scientists ask tough questions their idiosyncrasies implies that if they can help others learn to value their
that make mediocre performers feel can be understood they can be cured. contribution. Celebration enables fel-
inadequate. They ignore tidy rules of The goal is not to change them but to low employees to separate the person
corporate civility in a headlong pur- effectively lead them in order to har- from the performance. It can foster
suit of their bold visions. They poke ness their creative energies. Accept their resilience and facilitate others
around in areas outside their sandbox their treasures and steer their talents. patience. And, if their presence becomes
and beyond their pay grades. While 2. Provide loose control and tight intolerable and no skunk works-like
they would get an A in creativity, their guidance. Since mad scientists live in the outlet is available, celebrate them by
impatience with diplomacy would net big picture world, they must be given an helping them migrate to organizations
them an F grade in emotional intelligence. accurate view at the macro level but not where their talents will be better used.
Some organizations expel all mad micro-managed. They can be successfully Effectively led, mavericks, eccentrics,
scientists. Unless these eccentrics are led but are poorly managed. External con- rebels, and nonconformists can be cata-
protected by being in the top slot trols trigger their aversion to restrictions lysts for true greatness and make huge
film director, CEO, or ownerthey and constraints. They do not deal well contributions. However, like wild hors-
get labeled, ignored, and ostracized. with mindless policies, narrow job es, they should never be domesticated.
Their performance reviews give short descriptions, and obsessive controls Well-behaved people seldom make history. LE
shrift to their vast achievements while that seek to convert them from wild Chip R. Bell and John R. Patterson are customer loyalty con-
sultants and authors of the best-selling book, Take Their Breath
spotlighting only their does not play ducks to barnyard chickens. They Away: How Imaginative Service Creates Devoted Customers.
well with others dimensions. They work nontraditional hours, guided Visit
are told to get a coach or read a book more by the rhythm of their work than ACTION: Lead your mad scientists.

8 M a y 2 0 1 0 L e a d e r s h i p E x c e l l e n c e
LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT competitors are doing? Are you learn-
ing from organizations and cultures
that look nothing like yours? Where
Bootstrap Leadership can you expand your network and
broaden your perspective.
Develop your own leadership skills. 4. Step out of your comfort zone.
Once you expand your world view
and stretch the boundaries of your
as a leader. Learn what others think of leadership, its time to take some risks
by Steve Arneson
your skills and behaviors. Ask the peo- with your development. How about
ple around you for input before you taking a more proactive stance with

times. The world is
decide what areas to work on. How
are they experiencing your leadership?
Whats working for them? Whats not
your boss about your next assignment
or role? What about joining a profes-
sional network, or improving your
becoming more complicated, and working? How do they feel about your speaking and presentation skills? Do
were becoming increasingly reliant ability to guide the team in the right you have trouble admitting mistakes,
on leadership to make sense of all the direction? What suggestions do your or seeing things from another perspec-
complexities. Whether its the relent- colleagues have for taking your skills tive? Do you acknowledge that you
less march of technology, global com- to the next level? If you sincerely solic- dont know everything there is to
petitiveness, sustainability or it and listen to their feedback, theyll know about how your organization
innovation, strong leadership has tell you what you need to work on. works, or how it makes money? What
never been in greater demand. If Examine where you are today as a if you asked others to review your
youre a leader (at any level) today, leader. Listen carefully to the input, teams strategy? You have a lot to gain
you need to keep pace with this rate and then reflect on your own leader- by stepping outside your comfort zone
of change, continue to learn and grow, ship brand. Where can you get better? and adapting different leadership be-
and take charge of your own develop- 2. Add something new to your game. haviors. Pick the one thing that youve
mentor youll be left behind. If you Beyond leveraging your strengths and always avoided as a leader, and bring
dont take responsibility for your minimizing your weaknesses, you it inside your core set of skills.
development as a leader, who will? need to continually add new elements 5. Its not about you. Leadership is
All leaders have the potential to about the people you leadit is not
improve, but you have to want to get about you. Is this how you look at
betterand work at itto become a leadership? Are you spending your
more effective leader. Why? Perhaps time on the right big thingssuch as
the most important reason is your people development? Do you go out
obligation as a people manager. As a of your way to raise the profile of your
leader, you can help your people grow employees? Do you volunteer your
and develop so they can take their leadership skills to a nonprofit organi-
skills and contribution to another zation? Do you offer feedback and
level. But to positively impact others, coaching to your direct reports and
you have to keep learning and grow- others? Do you teach a class at the cor-
ing yourself. You have to model work- porate university? Thats a great way
ing on your own development. to your leadership toolkit. If you stand to give away your knowledge and
Fortunately, it is possible to get a still, you are destined to stay at your expertise. Finally, what is your plan for
little better each day as a leader. If you current level or even fall behind. Do successionhow are you preparing the
put in the time, you can learn, prac- you have a plan for adding new skills? leader who will come behind you?
tice, and apply new skills consistently. In what areas do you need to focus? These questions will help you make
With todays pace of change, you cant How about adding some skills in the transition from its about me to its
wait for the organization to bring coaching, leading change, fostering about others.
leadership training to you; you have innovation, broadening your peer Leadership is a privilege. If you
to work on your own game. You cant leadership, becoming a great story- manage other people, youve been
rely solely on your boss for coaching teller, or adding new time manage- given a great gifta chance to change
and mentoring; you need to take ment skills? Think and reflect on ideas peoples lives. To make a difference,
charge of your own growth as a for your skill development. however, you need to keep taking
leader. You need a personalized learning 3. Get curious about the world your leadership skills to a new level
strategy and a customized plan of action. around you. Now that youve added by taking control of your own learning
And you dont need a big budget or some new skills, its time to branch out agenda. Start by creating a customized
elaborate infrastructure to develop and expand your horizons. Develop- leadership development planone that
yourself. All you need is to seek and ing yourself as a leader also means says: I care about becoming a better
listen to feedback and reflect on how stretching your point of view, and see- leader. Its the right thing to do for
you can improve. You need to pull ing beyond the borders of your office your leadership brand, and the right
yourself up by your own bootstraps. (and company). How well are you thing to do for your team. LE
staying up with new developments?
F i v e Wa y s t o B o o t s t r a p Do you have a firm grasp of your
Steve Arneson is President, Arneson Leadership Consulting, a
leadership coach, speaker, and the author of Bootstrap Leader-
Here are five ways you can make organizations strategy? Do you know ship: 50 Ways to Break Out, Take Charge, and Move Up. Visit;
yourself a better leader: what people do in other parts of the
1. Find out how youre showing up company? Do you know what your ACTION: Develop your leadership skills this year.

L e a d e r s h i p E x c e l l e n c e M a y 2 0 1 0 9
LEADERSHIP COACH (Im ready to seriously consider some
change) 3. Preparation (I have a plan) 4.
Action (Im now ready to take action) 5.
Science and Art of Coaching Maintenance (Im willing to keep at it).
The best coaches help people to move
Address and answer these five key questions. from one stage to the next. Each person
should have a personal development plan
come to the first coaching discussion and commit to it. Receiving help in cre-
with four selected topics. This sends ating a plan helps move people from
three messages: you want coachees to Stage 2 to 3. They then must take per-
participate in the process; you respect sonal responsibility to move from Stage
their wishes; and this is the start of a 3 to 4 and 5. As a coach, monitor the
long-term relationship designed to help frequent backward lapses, and create a
them. Focus the coaching conversation greater sense of accountability to make
by Jack Zenger and Kathleen Stinnett
more on topics that are of interest to them. personal change happen.
At times, you should suggest a topic. Question 5. What about the coaches


better coaches is high. People want
more coaching than they receive, and
Ask for feedback. When you open your-
self up to feedback, youll have better
coaching discussions and be a better
personality or behavior makes the most
positive impact? William Miller and
Stephen Rollnick note that three key
organizations are trying to respond by coach. The best leaders-as-coaches excel elements create conditions for change:
training managers to be better coaches at providing feedback, and at asking 1) collaboration between the people
and using external coaches. What can for it. When you ask for feedback, the involved; 2) the coach seeks ideas and
we do to insure our investment pays off? coaching relationship embod- insights from those being
The future of coaching may lie in our ies the spirit of a collabora- helped; and 3) maintaining
ability to answer five key questions: tive, two-way conversation. the autonomy of the person
Question 1. Does coaching really make Question 3. How can being coached (the right
a difference? When we study leaders coaching be made more con- and capacity for self-devel-
who are also effective coaches, we can sistent? Provide leaders opment). Coaching will
see clear correlations between leaders with training and practice in likely fail if there is tension
coaching effectiveness and employee applying the process and or contention between the
commitment, engagement, and satis- skills necessary to facilitate parties. Coaching is not
faction. An increase in employee satis- effective coaching conversa- something you do to
faction typically leads to an increase in tions. Ensure that the train- someone, but is done
customer satisfaction, which impacts ing focuses on effective questioning and with the person. If the coach assumes
the bottom line. Also, we find that listening skills designed to discover situ- a position of power or status and con-
effective coaching doubles employee ations from the coachees point of view. veys the message, I have the answers, and
retention. The results produced by high- Also, provide managers with a clear Im going to teach you, therell be less
performing coaches correlate with: structure. This may be as simple as the success than if the coach seeks ideas
greater willingness to go the extra mile; FUEL formula: 1) Frame the discussion, and insights. Indeed, the greatest suc-
more reports that the company is a explaining desired outcomes, confiden- cess comes when the clients view of
good place to work; greater employee tiality issues, and roles each person coaching issues, the potential solutions
satisfaction with decisions that impact will play; 2) Understand the current and ideas about the best process for
their work; more feelings of being val- state, clarifying the situation as seen by change come together to form a theory
ued as an employee; double the num- the person being coached; 3) Explore for the client, and the coach uses the
ber of employees who are inspired to the desired statethe coach helps the clients theory of change to assist the
put forth greater effort every day; and person to think about what ideally client in making progress. The coach
increased perception that managers are would occur from that persons point serves to reinforce the clients theory for
doing a good job. of view; and 4) Lay out a plan of action change, apply experience to it, help to
Question 2. How can we increase and follow-up that will enable the interpret it, and use the clients think-
the effectiveness of coaching sessions? coachee to achieve the goal. Coaching ing in place of the coachs agenda.
Coaches can take two actions: ask improves when the leader-coach fol- Most of what people learn is absor-
the client what he or she would like to lows a clear framework, versus oper- bed casually on the job, and yet little is
discuss; and ask the client for feedback ating in a free-wheeling approach. done to help people be more observant
at the end of each session. Question 4. Whats the goal of coach- about what takes place daily on the job,
Focus the conversation. You, the coach, ing, and how much change can we expect? and to try new behaviors in daily work.
should talk about things that are of The coach tries to facilitate positive change Anticipate that the greatest gains will
great interest and value to the coachee. in the coachee (positive change is defined occur within the first sessions of coach-
If you feel that it is your right (or duty) by what the coachee wants to achieve, ing on a topic; theres usually a leveling
to set the agenda in coaching conver- though it may also be defined by what off in the change process on that topic.
sations, youll talk about issues that are the coach sees needing to be changed). Coaching contains many character-
of concern to you or that you believe In researching cases of drug and alco- istics of an art formit will never be a
would be of value to the person being hol addiction, James Prochaska and his pure science. LE
coached. To ensure that the conversa- colleagues concluded: change is rarely one John H. Zenger is CEO of Zenger/Folkman and author or co-
author of seven books on leadership and teams. Kathleen
tion is focused on topics important to giant leap, but a series of five steps: 1. Pre- Stinnett is a Senior Consultant with Zenger/Folkman. Call
your direct reports, you might provide contemplation (Ive not thought about it, 801-705-9375, email, or visit
a list of topics and request that they or Im not ready yet) 2. Contemplation ACTION: Master the art of coaching.

10 M a y 2 0 1 0 L e a d e r s h i p E x c e l l e n c e
MANAGEMENT LAY-OFFS separation and move on. The organi-
zation benefits from having logistical
support when many people are being
Dealing with Lay-Offs asked to coordinate events. The indi-
viduals notified benefit from having a
Leaders need to use 10 strategies. person to speak to who can address
the impact of RIF.
7. Communicate clearly and honestly.
Managers should avoid casting blame Rumors are often more damaging than
by Elaine Varelas
or making sideline deals. The leader- reality. There is some information that
ship team needs to develop a clear is confidential, and it changes daily

would rather
have a root canal than
message and present a united front.
5. Treat employees with respect. Weve
all heard lay-off horror storiespeople
until the day of the reduction. And yet
the status of the company, its finances,
and its future are pieces of information
eliminate jobs and lay off staff. Most who arrive at work to find boxes on each employee should have. If man-
go to great lengths to cut costs first to their desk and security standing near- agers dont control the message, fear
minimize the number of people affected by; people who try to get into their and rumor can rule the day, and nega-
by a reduction in force (RIF). Everyone office and realize the locks have been tively influence peoples behavior. Tell
employees being laid off, those staying, changed; or people who were terminat- what the company is doing to avoid
HR managers, and leadersfares bet- ed via a form email. Managers should eliminating positions, and remind peo-
ter when a RIF is handled skillfully. treat every individual with respect and ple of assistance for those in transition
Here are 10 strategies: protect each persons dignity. Even if and support for those remaining.
1. Recognize it will be painful. RIFs the RIF affects many people, managers 8. Ensure resilience. Following a RIF,
are upsetting for everyone. Leaders and should treat each person as if he or she consider an alignment of structure,
HR managers should not be expected is the only person being affected. Each people, and process. Create plans for
to smile through it or put lipstick on employee deserves a private meeting moving the business forward. Retention
a pig. Doing so might make light of with a manager, a chance to ask ques- and engagement of key talent becomes
the lay-offs impact and belittle peo- tions, and be informed of any transi- a priority, and managing change becomes
ples feelings. Acknowledge that it is tion support, verbally and in writing. the focus. HR ensures resilience.
painful for all employeesthose 9. Look to the future. Focus on what
being let go, those who are staying, will happen next. Are strategies, goals,
and for the HR managers who have to and roles aligned? What will the new
implement the reduction. It is also incarnation of the company look like?
stressful on the organization, as peo- Is there a communication strategy to
ple go through this difficult transition. re-engage people? Does the culture
2. Remain objective. It can be easy need to be reinforced? How can lead-
to personalize a lay-off, but its not ers support employees in managing
productive. Managers should remain change? The sooner you speak to the
objective when selecting positions to future, the sooner you can recover.
eliminate. They need to be mindful of 10. Re-recruit remaining staff. Be high-
their words when speaking about the ly visible and engaged with employee
reduction. People are not being cut Deliver the news with kindness and communication. This is the time to re-
positions are cut, and people are affected. compassion, remembering that the lay- recruit remaining employees by rein-
3. Have a well-thought-out plan. The off has a compounding effect on family. forcing the support provided to those
lay-off must be well planned and exe- 6. Offer as much support as possible. employees affected, and reaffirming
cuted. Address every detail. HR needs Provide people with transition support. the organizations commitment to cur-
to help leaders ask probing questions Here are five examples: 1) Redeployment: rent staff. Enlist the help of employees
to determine how positions will be Is there another area of the company so they can play a role in shaping the
selected. If the downturn only affects or another location that can absorb future. What are their hopes and con-
one area, will that department be the some of those affected? Can training cerns? What do they need to do their
only one to face cuts, or will the entire be offered to fill a need in another jobs well? Reassure them of their place
company face restructuring? What area? 2) Separation package: Even if the withand their value tothe organi-
will the criteria be for position elimi- cutbacks are fiscally based, provide a zation to avoid losing them.
nation? Will it be last in, first out? Will separation package that includes HR professionals need to be experts
it be performance-based? Has informa- financial benefits, and career transition in conducting RIFs to ensure that the
tion been documented? Consult with support. 3) Reaching out to other employ- people affected are treated with respect
legal counsel to know legal risks and ers: Contact other employers to make and supported in making a smooth
implications of every activity involved them aware of the staff affected. Do transition. When leaders handle the
in the RIF. Consider what talent, skills, they have open positions some of the process well, they can also reinforce
and experience will be needed in the employees could fill? 4) Engage a career their commitment to remaining staff,
future. What teams need development transition firm with a proven record of and communicate the mission so that
to expand or refine needed skill sets? delivering value to affected individu- the organization continues to thrive. LE
4. Come to a consensus. Whatever als. They try to get those affected by
Elaine Varelas is managing partner at Camden Consulting Group,
the reasons for the lay-off, the man- the RIF into the right roles in the best a career management firm, and serves on the board of Career
agement team needs to come to agree- timeframe. 5) Employment Assistance Partners International. Visit
ment and move forward as a team. Program can help people deal with the ACTION: Deal effectively with lay-offs.

L e a d e r s h i p E x c e l l e n c e M a y 2 0 1 0 11
PEOPLE INSPIRATION The lights came on. I said, So, if I
help you develop your ability to speak
in public, youd feel more fulfilled?
Inspiration Factor Absolutely! Ben said.
I never needed to have the second
part of that discussion. My experience
How to change your culture. with Ben was a defining moment for
me. From that exchange, I gained three
insightsand these will help you be
trial, and error, the inspiration factor more effective at leading your team.
by Terry Barber
produces more positive transforma- 1. Work is only part of someones
tions than any other leadership trait. life. Most people have personal dreams

synonym for
I didnt always know this. The first
time I was asked to supervise people, I
inspiration? You might spent much time motivating them. Id
and ambitions beyond what you see at
work. By uncovering those aspirations,
you gain a great opportunity to align
say stimulation or influence or encour- read all the books, but I didnt have a them with your organizational goals.
agement. But, the word that most often clue. So, to get them to achieve, I 2. Notice, name, and nurture is the
comes to mind is motivation. manipulated them. Each morning, like name of the game. Many people have
But are motivation and inspiration the a cheerleader, I would pump them up: just quit dreaming. Theyve settled into
same? As leaders, we all want certain We are world-changers! We love our the day-to-day routine of their job, no
things from those who report to us. So team! Some would get enthusedfor longer considering their latent talent
do we motivate them to action, or do a while. But something was missing: I and desires. I encourage you as a team
we inspire them? Motivation provides wasnt connecting to their dreams, so leader to take the initiative and catch
an incentive to act a certain waybut results were minimal, at best. them doing something with extreme passion,
for reasons both self-sacrificing and self- So I changed tactics. Live up to your and affirm them for it. Its one thing to
serving. A person can even be motivat- potentialor youll answer to me! or say, Thanks for your hard work. But
ed out of fear, say, of a penaltylike Produce! Performor Ill find some- to say, I notice you have an uncanny
when my dad used corporal punish- one who will. I threatened them with ability takes it to a new level. Have
ment to teach me a lesson. That dire consequences for failing to mea- you ever considered using what you
motivated me, but I wasnt a bit inspired. know here at work? brings it home.
According to Websters Dictionary, The skill you notice may not fit with
to inspire means to exert an exalting your goals, but the positive character
influenceexalting meaning raising trait displayed in the skill is always
high, as in character or power. Most applicable. Heres another example: I
books and seminars focus on motiva- notice you energize people and are a
tion, encouraging the use of rewards great promoter. Have you ever consid-
to prod employees toward better per- ered management? This exercise forces
formance. Some staff may reach for you to notice the positive traits in your
these dangling carrotsraises, promo- team, name them, and nurture them.
tions, various perksbut if your 3. Teachable moments are all around
methodology stops at motivation, staff you. Although its more fun to rally
growth will be hit-or-miss. Not every- sure up, but it didnt work. In fact, it around successes, you can learn things
one can rise to the top, and even those reminds me of the motivation my dad in the midst of conflict and adversity.
who can, wont do so in a stagnant cul- used on me. His belt motivated me to John Wooden, the iconic coach at UCLA
ture. Why? Because a few have been obedience, temporarily, but I wasnt for 27 years, saw the game of basket-
motivated, but no ones been inspired. inspired. Neither was my team. ball as a mere object lesson for life, yet
Some leaders are better at motiva- To put a student-mentoring program he retired with a record of 885203.
tion than others, and some methods on 30 high school campuses in Houston, If you are not making mistakes,
are less than inspiring: they motivate, I needed my team to perform at peak hed say to his players after a bad game,
but through manipulation or threats. level, but to have to pump them up then youre not doing anything. Im
If you dont meet this goal . . . Even was exhausting. If youve ever had to positive that any doer makes many
when positive results are attained this supervise a group of people, no matter mistakes.
way, they will be short-lived again, their age or gender, you know the feel- Woodens words also relate to life
because people havent been inspired. ing. Why cant they just charge ahead beyond the court. The adversity you and
What actions make the difference with excellencewithout all the excuses? your team face are teaching moments, so
between inspiring people and motivat- One young man, Ben, was challeng- turn your workplace into a teaching
ing them? And what will that mean to ing for me. Id decided that it was time environment about things that are big-
you, as a manager or leader? for a serious chat. But rather than blast ger than what goes on between 8 and
Leaders who genuinely inspire oth- him for the things I thought he was 5. Thats a sure way to inspire!
ers do so by tapping into peoples doing wrong, I asked him two ques- By practicing these basic principles
dreamsthen extracting the best from tions: How do you feel its going? and of inspiration, youll move from moti-
them. This is what I call the inspira- What first interested you in this job? vating people to inspiring them. LE
tion factor. And whether these lead- I feel disappointed at times, he
Terry Barber is an inspirational speaker, corporate trainer, and
ers just have a knack for inspiring said. Im not good at speaking, and I author of The Inspiration Factor (Greenleaf Book Group Press).
those around them, or they have was hoping to use this experience to Visit
developed the skill through training, develop my public speaking skills. ACTION: Become a more inspiring leader.

12 M a y 2 0 1 0 L e a d e r s h i p E x c e l l e n c e
LEADERSHIP YOUTH and access to leading opportunities,
passage to adulthood and/or moral whether through work, student gov-
maturity take place around ages 12-13 ernment, community service projects,
Young Leaders (bat mitzvah, bar mitzvah, Aboriginal
walk-about, catechism, confirmation).
or leading younger kids, skill training
can include many practical applica-
Observe four seasons. Metaphor: Planting the seed tions in real-world situations.
Character: Character is fairly set by Confidence: Redundancy enhances
the end of summer. So, this is the last confidence, so that a young leader
chance in a young leaders life to con- becomes familiar with what it takes to
by Alan E. Nelson
centrate on character issues that will lead a project. Hopefully, a young
impact their decision-making. Since leader by this season will have experi-

in executive
training programs are
leadership involves power and since a
leaders decisions influence many oth-
ers, the temptation to misuse power
enced summer school so that the
newness of being in leadership situa-
tions wears off and confidence is
ages 30 to 55. But by this stage in life, often skews a persons perspective. heightened as the leader takes on more
our character is pretty much set. What Pressures of leading create stress and and larger and more complex leader-
can we do to identify and develop reveal character flaws and ethical-moral ship scenarios. Mentoring and coach-
leaders while theyre more pliable? weaknesses. Some suggest that who we ing increase at this point, so that
That has been my quest for the last are as a 4th grader predicts who well be foryoung leaders can see mistakes of pre-
five years as weve prototyped a train- life. Emphasize character issues at home, decessors and learn from failures
ing curriculum for 10 to 13 year olds. in school and where preteens interact. before the cost of failing increases.
Were learning more about developing Competency: Cognitions elevate at age Winter: Ages 19 to 22. Strategies:
young leaders, ages 2 to 22. By target- 10. While still concrete thinkers, pre- Confidence and Contacts. Description:
ing life stages, we provide future lead- teens (8 to 12-year olds) are transition- College and/or early career opportu-
ers with a 10- to 20-year head start. ing to conceptual thinking. The best nities depict this stage. Making adult
Four seasons emerge in a young lea- methodology for teaching in this stage decisions regarding work, college, and
ders life, each with strategies based is active learning, where kids under- transitioning into independence mark
on the unique conditions of that time. stand concepts by attaching them to this final season in a young leaders
Spring: Ages 2 to 9. Strategies: Condit- tangible experiences. The overlap of life. Metaphor: Prepare for harvest
ioning and Character. Description: Moral Confidence: As people gain experi-
and cognitive development begin at ence in leading, they tend also to gain
age two, when children discover their confidence. If competency was estab-
will, learn right from wrong, and for- lished in previous seasons, a young
mulate speech and thoughts. leader now can experiment with these
Metaphor: Till the soil skills in various settings, resulting in
Conditioning: Adults need to help increased confidence that is grounded
young children discover their value in reality, not ideology. The goal in this
and uniqueness. Leadership aptitude season is to continue mentoring and
can be seen in early socializing, when gaining feedback so that they can pol-
children begin interacting during ish their ability and be ready for post-
playtime, creating informal structures. college opportunities as they come.
Certain kids influence peers more than cognitive development with moral Contacts: Effective leaders use their
others, positively or negatively. The mold-ability is what makes the 10 to networks to gain vital resources (infor-
role of parents and teachers is to condi- 13 window so critical. You can teach mation, relationships, expertise, money,
tion young leaders by enabling them to sophisticated social skills required for talent, or position). At his stage, the
experiment with leading games, fami- leading and yet still shape character. goal should be to seek those who have
ly chores, sports and school projects. The combination of leadership skills access to people and opportunities and
Character: Much of our character is and character diffuses compartmental- can open doors of opportunity where
formulated during this season, when ization (separating personal character confident young leaders can establish
we learn right and wrong, both from from professional character. Our train- themselves quickly. A framework for
modeling and behavioral consequences. ing curriculum (LeadNow) emphasizes establishing these contacts could also
Family structure and parental values this season in a young leaders life. benefit those seeking young leaders.
are reflected in what children say and Fall: Ages 14-18. Strategies: Competency There is a time and season for every-
how they act, alone and with peers. and Confidence. Description: Teen years thing. By developing leaders young,
This is when moral training has its (adolescence) are times for discovering their adult lives can be perpetual fruit-
most enduring results, good or bad. independence, moving toward peers bearing and harvesting. Since leaders
The moral/ethical connection estab- for identification, and awakening self- are the primary makers of history, we
lishes a framework from which a per- expression, sexuality, and responsibili- must learn how to develop leaders
son makes decisions, whether to lie or ty. Teens are less impressed with earlier and get to the root of their lead-
tell the truth, steal or respect another adults and more distracted by activi- ing, so that we can influence the influ-
persons property, honor or dishonor ties. Metaphor: Cultivate the plant encers while theyre most pliable. LE
another person, present or absent. Competency: Knowing how important
Alan E. Nelson, EdD is a young leader development specialist,
Summer: Ages 10-13. Strategies: it is for teens to remain in school and founder of KidLead and creator of the Social Influence Survey
Character and Competency. Description: learn life skills, this remains a strong that assesses leadership aptitude in youth. He is the author of
Cognitions accelerate at age 10, but season for developing leadership abili- KidLead: Growing Great Leaders. Visit
character is still pliable. Most rites of ties. Because there is more mobility ACTION: Participate in developing young leaders.

L e a d e r s h i p E x c e l l e n c e M a y 2 0 1 0 13
LEADERSHIP SUCCESSION CEO tenure and executive retention are
high. By contrast, Coca-Cola experi-
enced a revolving door of four CEOs in
Succession Success 11 years after the sudden illness and
death of Roberto Goizueta. While CEO
Start planning your next CEO. candidates arent eager to be compared
and benchmarked, theyll accept it when
tive succession be included in share- an objective process occurs consistently.
holder proposals to provide greater 3. Identify your gaps. One positive
transparency surrounding manage- side-effect of succession planning is
ment succession risk. This initiative that it can reveal gaps that need to be
should cause more boards to focus not filled and weaknesses that must be
only on CEO succession planning but addressed. If, for example, there is a
also on longer-term initiatives such as lack of talent in the top layers, the
by Ana Dutra and Joe Griesedieck talent recruitment and development. focus should be on identifying, devel-
In a well-managed succession process, oping and retaining high-potential

W HEN KEN LEWIS ANNOUNCED THAT transitions can be seamless. For exam-
hed step down as CEO of Bank ple, the transition from A.G. Lafley to
of America, he declared it was time Robert McDonald as CEO of Procter &
people in middle management, then
tapping the market for senior talent.
However, if the issue is a general talent
to begin to transition to the next gener- Gamble went smoothly. The company shortage, that isnt just a succession
ation of leadership. There were two had implemented a long-term system problemit is a sign that something is
problems with this: there was no next of evaluation and planning wrong in terms of organi-
generation ready to step up; and Lewis for the position, granting zation and leadership
should have been executing the transi- exposure for McDonald to development. In this case,
tion, not beginning it. Through this various markets and lines the board needs to require
oversight, Bank of America opened the of business. P&G execu- the CEO to develop a com-
door to more scrutiny and criticism. tives kept their eye on the prehensive and aggressive
Boards should consider CEO succes- ball during the transition. talent management strategy.
sion one of their key responsibilities; P&G maintains this prac- 4. Build a strong candi-
however, only about half of boards tice for all executive posi- date list. First, look at inter-
even have a succession plan in place. tions. Hence, it maintains a nal candidates. Are they
Boards need to take tangible action to steady hand when a new progressing as expected?
ensure long-term stability. Succession leader must be named. Are they getting the right
planning too often becomes at best an experience? If an executive has excelled
exercise in damage control, and at worst G e t t i n g i t R i g h t in one area, is it time to stretch that
an unseemly scramble that can destroy Here is how the best boards practice person by a transfer? Second, look out-
shareholder value. Not only do investors CEO succession planning: side the company to check out compa-
dislike uncertainty, but the lack of a 1. Establish a succession committee. rable talent. The idea is to map and
succession plan can put internal exec- While CEO succession is the responsi- benchmark the talent market: How do
utive talent at risk. Its tough to retain bility of the entire Board, the planning our people compare? Who might be
talent and build leadership when there is usually done by the Nominating and available? Third, think the unthink-
is no confidence in the process. Com- Governance Committee (three or four able. Who would be put in place in the
panies that dont plan for CEO succes- directors). Every year, the status of all event of sudden need? Is anyone ready?
sion leave themselves open to instability, internal candidates should be reviewed, 5. Know your strategy. Consideration
personal agendas, internal politics, and succession discussed in the execu- of any candidate should start with
rumors and loss of peak performers. tive session. While it is ultimately the board agreement around the corporate
When succession planning is treat- boards responsibility to drive the strategy. How does the company plan
ed as a regular and structured process process, having the CEOs input with to grow? What competitive, market and
thats part of the boards agenda, it be- regard to internal candidates is impor- regulatory challenges might it face? The
comes a strategic process thats intimate- tant. If the board chairman is a non- answers give the board insight into the
ly related to performance and encom- executive director, that person also kind of CEO needed. For example, a
passes all mission-critical positions. should be on the committee. If not, the company looking to do acquisitions as
Lead or Presiding Director should be part of its growth strategy would
Benefits in Ta k i n g A c t i o n included. One or more committee mem- require a CEO who is a bold visionary
A company with a succession process bers should have experience in manag- and a great integrator. But if the com-
that is objective, fair and transparent ing a high-profile succession. The pany is refocusing on its core business,
will find it easier to attract and retain board should assess internal and exter- it will value an executive with deep
top talent, execute strategy, and dis- nal talent and identify the experience experience. In any case, what may
cover weaknesses. There will be less and qualities needed in the next leader. have made executives successful in the
jockeying for position and more focus 2. Review succession plans early and past is not necessarily what will equip
on the work to be done. CEO succes- often. Planning for succession should them to be effective leaders in the future.
sion should be an ongoing process, start the day a new CEO is on the job. The key is to gauge candidates learn-
not a one-time event, starting well in GE does this, as do Nokia and Novartis. ing agility and their ability to adapt,
advancethree to four yearsof the These companies have longer-term CEOs. not rely solely on past performance.
planned leadership transition. Because succession is done so rigorous- 6. Learn from new best practices as
The SEC has proposed that execu- ly and is so ingrained in these cultures, they evolve. Boards should often do an
14 M a y 2 0 1 0 L e a d e r s h i p E x c e l l e n c e
external market calibration to research CHANGE INNOVATION rebel on a mission. It is a romance
best practices in succession planning deeply embedded in our culture.
and evaluate their process as new The CEOs mistake is buying into
ideas and practices evolve. Honest Innovation Initiative the romance and assuming that the
scrutiny can have long-term benefits. The idea is just the beginning. most difficult barriers were finding a
Knowledge of whats done well, and great idea and appointing a great
not well, can be transferred to other leader to make things happen. But the
areas to create a merit-based organiza- biggest challenges are yet to come.
tion that learns from its experience. Ideas will only get you so far. Con-
7. Evaluate the process often and sider companies that have struggled
make changes when appropriate. The even after a competitor entered the mar-
succession process should stand up to ket and made their great idea transpar-
external scrutiny. You might use an ent to all. Did Xerox stumble because
by Vijay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble
objective third party to advise the nobody at Xerox noticed that Canon
board, evaluate candidates, and learn
to what extent stakeholders believe
that the Board followed an objective
Y OU ARE AN UP-AND-COMING LEADER. had introduced personal copiers? Did
Recently the CEO asked you to take Kodak fall behind because they were
charge of an ambitious innovation ini- blind to the rise of digital photography?
and unbiased selection process. tiative that will lay the foundation for Did Sears suffer a decline because they
Any succession process is only as a brighter future. You cant say no (can had no awareness of Wal-Marts every-
good as it is believed to be fair. You you?), but inside you have misgivings. day-low-price discount retailing format?
might use 360-degree assessments and You know the assignment has no guar- In these cases, the ideas were there,
surveys to measure perceived fairness. antee of success. Your previous assign- but follow-through was lacking. We
ments have been to accelerate growth find that innovation initiatives often
Proven Practices in an existing business and to expand face their stiffest resistance well after
Some proven practices can help boards a proven offering. But this is different. they show hints of success and start to
manage succession. We have identified What follows is a sequence of events grow. By then, they are consuming
best-in-class profiles for major positions. that is familiar to us from our research. resources and clashing with the exist-
These can then be tailored to specific Its a cautionary tale, one to consider ing organization at many levels.
situations and used to compare any before you accept the assignment. If the problem at Xerox, Kodak, and
candidate against competencies critical A CEO announces that the strategic Sears was not a lack of good ideas, was
for success on the job and to assess can- imperative for the year is it a lack of capable leaders?
didates against the company culture. organic growth. There are Perhaps, but consider what
Our unique approach breaks man- no more attractive acquisi- we view as the First Law of
agement style into four components: tion targets out there. To Innovation: innovation and
Leadership style refers to how a person keep up with Wall Street ongoing operations are always
acts in front of an audience, when try- expectations, growth must and inevitably in conflict. So,
ing to influence others, or in gathering come from within. It must asking one leader, even a
input to make a decision. Is the person be driven by innovation. talented one, to make inno-
assertive and direct, intellectual or Experts on innovation are vation happen on their
socially oriented? Thinking style reveals hired to inspire the troops, own is to ask too much.
how a person solves problems or makes create the right conversa- There may be a few
decisions. Are they creative, data-dri- tions, and get the creative ingenious, creative, and
ven, or both? Emotional style is about juices flowing. A committee reviews determined souls who can overcome
the ability to perform with others, and preliminary ideas for new growth oppor- the odds that face any innovation and
navigate through difficulties. Is their tunities. Dozens are submitted. A few an organization that fights them at
empathy apparent? Do they exhibit are researched. Business plans are writ- every turn, but they are rare.
tolerance of ambiguity? Are they will- ten, and one looks most promising. Organizations are not designed for
ing to take risks? Career motives reveal The CEO examines the possibility innovation but for ongoing operations
what drives a leader: is that person a from every angle. Many projects are to deliver consistent and reliable
learner, entrepreneur or expert? How competing for capital, but none can re- performance. To build a capacity for
do the persons motivations fit the cul- invigorate growth like this one. The CEO innovation, reexamine the structure.
ture or strategy execution requirements? hires an outside expert who confirms Relying solely on the heroic leadership
All leaders have capabilities and that the project looks like a winner. The of a talented intrapreneur, even one
profiles in all four areas; however, dif- CEO commits to the plan and assigns with a great idea, is a recipe for failure.
ferent components within each style the best GM to lead the initiative. To move innovation initiatives for-
take on greater or lesser prominence And then the CEO makes a big mis- ward, take six steps: 1) divide the labor,
depending on the condition of the com- take by moving on to other matters. The 2) assemble the dedicated team, 3)
pany and what the CEO needs to do. innovation initiative, after all, is but a manage the partnership, 4) formalize
CEO succession planning continues tiny fraction of the overall enterprise. the experiment, 5) break down the
to be a key Board responsibility. And Asked to imagine an innovation hypothesis, and 6) seek the truth. With
with heightened scrutiny, boards need success story, many people think first of this approach, innovation and opera-
to be planning for their next CEO. LE a creative, brilliant, and inspired soul tions can thrive simultaneously. LE
that sees the future in a different way.
Ana Dutra is CEO, Leadership and Talent Consulting and Vijay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble are authors of The Other
Executive VP, Korn/Ferry International. Call 312-526-0541, Then, the hero does whatever it takes Side of Innovation (HBR Press) and creators of a parable and
email or visit to make the innovation work, fighting workshop. Email
ACTION: Improve your leadership succession. the bureaucracy when necessary, like a ACTION: Move your innovation initiative forward.
L e a d e r s h i p E x c e l l e n c e M a y 2 0 1 0 15
LEADERSHIP ACTION es heard and self-respect preserved.
Dignity is not only the right thing to
do from a moral perspective, it makes
Unforgiving Times companies more competitive. Its a
win-win every time. For example, man-
Stop talking about the risk of failure, start taking action. agers should explain the comings and
goings of key employees. Without
often means survival. Moreover, when demonizing anyone, they can explain
youre letting people go with one hand, why Joe was asked to move on or why
doling out checks to worthy causes Mary was transferred. It can be a per-
with the other is hard to rationalize. fect teaching moment. Such candor
The decision for managers is how to gives people the tools to control their
distribute a smaller pot. You can sprin- own destiny. They know which behav-
kle the money evenly, giving a little iors are rewarded and which arent,
by Jack and Suzy Welch money to a lot of causes, or you can enabling them to adjust, if need be, and
prune your list and give more to fewer plan accordingly. It gives them agency.


must be socially responsible. But
organizations. Neither choice is bad,
but we favor the latter only because it
tough economic conditions underscore tends to have a greater impact.
As for managing people doing bor-
ing work, again, if you start in a dignity
mindset, the solution becomes clear. As
a blunt reality. A companys foremost As for community activities, contin- a leader, you need to infuse people with
responsibility is to do well. That may ue to encourage employees to stay excitement and meaningno matter how
sound politically incorrect, but the rea- involved, helping out with mundane the work. Celebrate
son is inexorable. Winning companies transportation and schedul- small victories and mile-
create jobs, pay taxes, and strengthen ing allowances. But also stones, and reward employ-
the economy. They enable social understand when employ- ees who outperform. And
responsibility. And so, nowas ees recoil from commit- give your people voice, too.
alwaysleaders should put profitabil- ments to volunteer. Its only Hold brainstorming ses-
ity first. Its the necessity that makes human to concentrate on sions regularly, and make
all other necessities possible. your job when you feel public heroes out of the
Were not suggesting that compa- your job might be vulnera- people who come up with
nies abandon philanthropy and other ble. And then theres CSR process improvements. To
charitable initiatives until the sky is as a strategy. When gas be a leader is to energize
blue again. Were only saying that cor- costs over $4 a gallon, a and engage your people
porate social responsibility (CSR) hybrid Toyota Prius is an attractive to fill them with pride for what they do.
needs to adapt to the circumstances. value proposition. With gas under $3, The Dead Man Walking boss is all-
Leaders need to pin down, for them- not so much. When most consumers too-common, as companies cut costs.
selves and their employees, CSRs have good, secure jobs, expecting them Yes, sometimes purges are necessary to
place among the companys priorities. to pay more for an enviro-friendly remove incompetent managers, but just
CSR comes in three different forms. product makes sense. With bank as often they usher out good people who
Companies can contribute to society accounts drained, its a tough sell. just havent performed well enough.
with cash or products, giving away Our point: The bar for strategic CSR In such cases, its only human to keep
grants, goods, or their services to is higher than ever. Consumers are in- your distance from the person whose
schools, homeless shelters, hospitals, creasingly unable (or unwilling) to pay job is gone. You dont want to be associ-
and the like. Second, companies can more for something simply because it ated with a goner, or you dont know
focus their CSR on community in- makes them feel good inside. Today, it what to say. Its awkward. So you hun-
volvement, by supporting employees has to make them feel good in the wal- ker down in your office or ingratiate
who mentor students or volunteer for let, too. That doesnt mean the era of yourself with your bosss boss. Instead,
a myriad of causes. And third, compa- socially responsible products is over. It try starting a conversation and making
nies can put CSR into their product just means increasingly intense cost eye contact. Your compassion will keep
and service strategies, focusing on pressuresand any manager who the team running better, and your decen-
green initiatives, for instance, or factor- ignores that fact is ignoring an oncom- cy will be a testament to your character.
ing environmental concerns into their ing locomotive of competition. CSR Business principles are useless if they
manufacturing processes. belongs in every company. But every dont help companies win. Fortunately,
When the tide is high, many com- company must face reality. You have to voice and dignity do just that. When it
panies practice all three forms of CSR make money first to give it away. comes to people, no matter the ques-
to some degreeand they should. Its tion, theyre part of the answer.
the right thing to do, and CSR can play a Dignity Makes the Difference
powerful part in recruiting talent, re- In everything you do as a leader, How Not to Succeed
taining talent, and keeping up morale. value dignity. Business is full of dilem- In government and in business, we
But how should leaders think about mas and tough calls. You can try to see many examples of ineffective lead-
CSR now, with margins narrowing, solve them by going on gut instinct. ershipof how not to build confidence
layoffs rampant, and consumers You can do nothing and hope for the and motivate people. These teach us
embracing the new frugality? The con- best. You can cover your rear end by three lessons on how not to succeed:
tribution of cash and goods most like- playing politics. Or you can make your First, business leaders gain nothing
ly has to decrease. In troubled times, choices based on the indisputable tenet by showing uncertainty and indecision.
cash flow is critical and delivering it that people deserve to have their voic- Every leader grapples with a monster
16 M a y 2 0 1 0 L e a d e r s h i p E x c e l l e n c e
of a challenge at some point. In such a PERFORMANCE FINANCIAL the downturn accentuated structural
predicament, he feels unsure of direc- problems. Hence, everything should be
tion and overwhelmed by complexity.
Thats only normal. Whats should not Now What? under the microscope: customers and
geographic markets served, product
be normal is taking those feelings pub- Take a proactive path. and service portfolios, general and
lic. As a leader, your job is to steer and administrative structures, and supply
inspire. When a difficulty arises, you chains. In our survey of 600 executives,
need to huddle with trusted advisers by David Brainer 74 percent indicate that they are focus-
and wrestle the challenge to the ground. ing on structural costson everything
Probe it. Debate it. Work it over. And from business model restructuring to
when youve gone as far as you can
with the available information, formu-
late the best plan to move forward.
proving, but youre
not out of the woods yet.
optimizing supply chain networks and
implementing a more focused invest-
ment strategy. Market dynamics are
Only then should you speak out and How will you lead your organization forcing leaders to reset their profit
communicate as a leader, with the mes- to meet the new economic reality, where models and be more nimble and agile.
sage: Heres what were going to do volatility is business as usual? The signs 4. Plan for smart growth. Its not all
and why. Heres whats in it for you, and point to a lumpy and bumpy recovery about defense. While 28 percent of
heres what well look like when we get marked by unpredictability. Measured executives are focused on turning the
to the other side. Such an approach is gains followed by unexpected setbacks business around, 27 percent say that
not hiding anything. Your people know signal perilous times for leaders. If you they are aggressively solidifying their
the situation; they need you to do your made the tough calls that helped you market position and taking advantage
job, by finding the solution, explaining survive so far, nice work. But the worst of weaker competitors. And with capi-
it, and energizing everyone to execute it. can still happen, especially if youre tal becoming more available, leaders
Second, business leaders undermine not addressing the problems that the are finding access to the resources they
success by talking about the risk of fail- downturn exposedor the new ones it need to fund growth. But dont view
ure. When Katie Couric asked Chesley is leaving in its wake. this as a return to old ways. Examine
Sully Sullenberger III, the pilot who The recovery will be gradual and growth opportunities through the lens
landed Flight 1549 in the Hudson River, fragile, highly variable by industry of risk and return. Choose smart options,
if he was afraid at any point of not and geography, and play out in stages. pursuing actions in pricing and prod-
making it, Sullenberger replied: No, Are you prepared? Move beyond reac- uct line extensions to deliver predictable
I knew I could do it. Obviously, he tionary maneuvering into a growth. If you cant benefit
knew the enormous risk of a water proactive mode, targeting the from external funding, you
landing. And yet he showed the best changes that will have a can redirect existing fund-
leadership by putting himself in a can- lasting impact. ing to achieve predictable
do mindset. Leaders know that any and reliable growth.
strategy holds the risk of failure. But Ta k e F i v e A c t i o n s 5. Take a scenario plan-
why talk about it? Youre only practic- Take these five actions: ning approach. Uncertainty
ing CYA management by harping on the 1. Understand your new is the new normal. Predicting
chances things wont work out. Equivo- reality. You likely suffered the timing and strength of
cating enervates everyone. Your team blows in the downturn. the upturn and developing
wont give its all if it senses youre pre- Where exactly is the dam- an effective strategic
pared to say, Well, I told you it might age? Where are your response presents a big
not work out. They know they cant strengths today? Where does your challenge. Scenario planning prepares
win unless the leader believes they can. company stand today in relation to the management team for whatever is
Third, business leaders cant indulge where it wants to go? What about your around the corner, helps them see the
bureaucratic data dumpers. Yes, part of industry and competitors? Where will implications of a range of scenarios
a leaders job is to act as a sounding growth come from? Where must you and response triggers, and prepares the
board for direct reports. But to build make tough choices? Get specific. team to make the important decisions.
leadership in your ranks, dont let your Analyze your approach to the down- Consider putting scenario planning at
managers bring you PowerPoint slides turn. What has worked? What hasnt? the core of your recovery strategy.
describing their problems in bone- Has your company been good or just Think about what your organization
crushing detail. Demand that they sort lucky? A brutally honest assessment of would look like in an ideal worldif not
through the data with their team and how you got here will serve you well for all the twists and turns, political
deliver a decision with their rationale as you move on to other challenges. battles, and outside forces that have
for it in clear terms. 2. Preserve the gains. You havent left their marksand begin to reshape
If your managers are paralyzed by made it this far without making major the business as it should be. You cant
information, options, and obstacles, changes where it matters most. Youve leave the future to chance. So, get out
you can be sure their people are con- likely achieved new discipline and of the reactive mode and rekindle your
fused and demoralized. And the only responsiveness, becoming cash-focused, strategy. Ask the hard questions.
way to break that cycle is by not toler- cost-disciplined, and action-oriented. Hammer out a plan that considers all
ating leaders who obfuscate with data Today your business is likely lean and the options and can actually be imple-
to avoid taking action. LE mean. Avoid letting it become flabby mented. And start making it happen.LE
again. Make cost and cash discipline
Jack and Suzy Welch are coauthors of a Business Week column David Brainer is principal of Deloitte Consulting. Visit
from which this article was adapted. Visit the new norm. Enter the upturn with a
killer instinct and competitive advantage.
ACTION: Take necessary actions to succeed. 3. Tackle structural costs. For many, ACTION: Take a proactive path to growth.

L e a d e r s h i p E x c e l l e n c e M a y 2 0 1 0 17
ETHICS TRUST Rebuilding Tr u s t
Mahatma Gandhi wrote, In the
attitude of silence, the soul finds the
Rebuilding Trust path in a clearer light, and what is elu-
sive and deceptive resolves itself into
Renew from core values up. crystal clearness. Our life is a long and
arduous quest after truth.
13. Teamwork: Easily adapts to being When core values are breached, trust
a team player; encourages teamwork. is damaged. If not quickly rebuilt, dis-
14. Work/life balance: Balances time trust becomes a part of the culture. The
spent at work with other dimensions longer you go without rebuilding trust,
of family, community, and social life. the greater the chances of embedding
Many leaders have breached their distrust deeply in the culture. In Hindi,
core values due to personal greed or a we find the saying, Truth alone triumphs.
by Priscilla Nelson and Ed Cohen lack of courage. Thats why we believe If you are transparent and speak the
courage should be added, defined and truth at all times, then trust is renew-


bulence, you should revisit your
core values and then adjust, commu-
reinforced as a core value:
Courage: This value entails standing
up and speaking for what you believe
able every day. If you have built a
trusting relationship with people, they
will give you the benefit of the doubt
nicate, and reinforce them. For most is right, even when it is the minority when trouble comes. And of course
leaders, todays turbulence stems from view; taking calculated risks; learning trust, or the lack of it, is a basic under-
the global recession; but others may from mistakes; and speak- lying reality for all efforts
be dealing with rapid growth, merg- ing the truth, even to those to revisit your core purpose
ers and acquisitions, reorganization, above in the hierarchy. and values. Trust can and
internal corruption, or other changes. According to Ira Chaleff, must be continuously rebuilt.
We invite you to review your core Lack of courage by those Heres how to build trust:
values and decide what to keep, what serving senior leaders has Practice inclusive leader-
to change, and what to add, ensuring contributed to the downfall ship: acknowledge contri-
that each value is clearly articulated of many once-powerful butions, cultivate strong
and the boundaries of behavior are leaders. The price organiza- relationships, conduct skip-
well defined. Weve identified 14 core tions pay for lacking the level meetings (converse
values that are vital for all leaders: courage and skill to with those who do not
1. Conviction: Conveys sincerity and address dysfunctional report directly to you) to
confidence in beliefs and decisions; will- behavior by leaders is high. You cant enhance approachability, and empha-
ing to make and stand by decisions. have a participatory workplace if the size collaborative decision making.
2. Diversity: Values different per- tough issues get swept under the rug Choose not to collude in the blame
spectives; builds multifaceted, diverse and are only discussed cynically gameend rumors before they start.
teams; seeks to understand what dri- behind the backs of the groups lead- Help the displaced find new positions.
ves and motivates individuals. ers. This underscores the essence of Learn to detect and call out deception.
3. Entrepreneurship: Recognizes courage as a key core value; everyone, Sanitize or eliminate the leaders who
opportunities and organizes resources not just leaders, is responsible for the caused the turbulence (if intentional)
to maximize them. organizations behaviors and out- or have seriously broken the trust.
4. Excellence: Strives for excellence, comes. As a leader, you need to sup- Reinforce or launch core values.
not perfection; recognizes that excel- port those who speak up. This creates Hold everyone accountable to clean
lence may vary from country to coun- a culture where everyone is willing to up the mess and move forward.
try, depending on the local context. take ownership and enhances loyalty. Close communication gaps.
5. Fairness: Makes decisions that Core values represent the essence of Provide safe ways for people to
are fair, consistent, and equitable. who you are and how you behave. express themselves. Overcommunicate.
6. Humility: Acts in the knowledge Standing by core values in tough times Conduct a trust-indexing exercise (a
that you are no better or more impor- is the best way for leaders to demon- one-minute survey asking employees
tant than others. strate their character. In The Gulag about the trust level of their leaders).
7. Integrity: Demonstrates honesty Archipelago, Alexander Solzhenitsyn Reward honesty, even when it
and makes ethical decisions. writes: In keeping silent about evil, in results in negative business outcomes.
8. Passion: Leads by example; burying it so deep within us that no Explain difficult decisions.
shows high energy and enthusiasm. sign of it appears on the surface, we Quickly finalize arrangements for
9. Perseverance: Shows resolve in are implanting it, and it will rise up a those who must be asked to leave, pro-
moving along the path, with a strong thousandfold in the future. When we viding special care and sensitivity, as
will and the drive to accomplish. neither punish nor reproach evildoers, they can either help or harm your brand.
10. A positive attitude: Maintains a we are ripping the foundations of jus- Trust is damaged when core values
positive attitude; represents decisions tice from beneath new generations. are violated. Without trust, your cul-
and policies in a positive manner. Be willing to have difficult conversa- ture will carry a norm of skepticism
11. Respect: Treats everyone with di- tions, make difficult decisions, and do toward all leaders. LE
gnity and shows high regard for oth- not tolerate, under any circumstances, Priscilla Nelson is CEO and Ed Cohen is Executive VP at
Nelson Cohen Global Consulting and co-authors of Riding the
ers, regardless of their station in life. a lack of alignment with core values. Tiger: Leading Through Learning in Turbulent Times. Visit
12. Service oriented: Provides extra- Quickly ask people (especially leaders)
ordinary, extra-mile assistance to all. who make such compromises to leave. ACTION: Rebuild trust in your team.

18 M a y 2 0 1 0 L e a d e r s h i p E x c e l l e n c e
COMPETENCY CONNECTION stated, I alone have had to determine
the interest and the involvement of my
country, and he stated, Its a lonely
Leadership Success job. He never focused on his audience.
In contrast, Reagan was engaged with
It all begins with connecting. his audience and even with Carter.
Before the debate, Reagan walked over
to Carter to shake his hand, which
othersone-on-one, in groups, and seemed to startle the president. During
by John C. Maxwell
with an audienceyour relationships the debate, Reagan listened and
are stronger, your sense of community smiled. When it was Reagans turn to

W E ARE BOMBARDED improves, your ability to create team-

with 35,000 mes- work increases, your influence increas-
sages a day. Everywhere es, and your productivity skyrockets.
speak, his appeals were often directed
to his audience. He wasnt trying to
come across as an expert, though he
we go, someone is trying to get our Connecting is the ability to identify did quote figures and dispute some of
attention. Every politician, advertiser, with people and relate to them in a way Carters facts. He was trying to connect.
journalist, family member, and that increases your influence with them. Many remember his closing remarks,
acquaintance has something to say to And the ability to communicate and when he asked people, Are you bet-
us. Every day we are faced with e- connect with others is a major deter- ter off than you were four years ago?
mails, text messages, billboards, tele- mining factor in reaching your poten- Reagan told his audience, You made
vision, movies, radio, Twitter, tial. To be successful, you must work this country great. His focus was on
Facebook, and blogs. Add to these with others. And to do that at your the people. There couldnt have been a
newspapers, magazines, and books. absolute best, you must learn to connect. greater contrast between the Great
Our world is cluttered with words. How much healthier would your Communicator and his predecessor.
How do we choose which messages to relationships be if you excelled at con- A similar contrast can be seen between
tune in and which ones to tune out? necting? How would your marriage Bill Clinton and his successor, George
At the same time, we also have and family life improve? How much W. Bush. Clinton took communication
messages we want to get across to better would you be at work when the to the next level. He equaled Reagans
others. Most people speak about number one criteria for advancement ability to connect one-on-one as well
16,000 words a day. But how many of as while looking into a camera. When
your words would matter? How he said, I feel your pain, most peo-
many would make a difference? ple around the country connected with
Talk is easy. The question is, how him. Clinton possessed Reagans con-
can you make your words count? How nection skills and added a mastery of
can you really communicate with oth- the interview and talk show formats.
ers? How can you gain influence? He seemed never to miss a chance to
connect. So far, no politician has sur-
Connecting Can Make You or Break You passed him in connecting with others.
You cant succeed without commu- Bush seemed to miss nearly every
nicating effectively. Its not enough to opportunity to connect with people.
just work hard and do a great job. You His one clear moment of connection
need to learn how to communicate with and promotion is an ability to commu- occurred immediately after September
others. As Ralph G. Nichols points out, nicate effectively. Connecting better 11, 2001, when he spoke at Ground
The number one criteria for advance- would change your life! Zero. After that he usually fumbled
ment and promotion for professionals and flopped when speaking with oth-
is an ability to communicate effectively. Connecting Is Crucial for Leaders ers. His inability to connect alienated
Have you ever been frustrated when To be more productive and influen- people and colored everything he did.
making a presentation because people tial, become a better leader. Everything Your effectiveness as a leader is impact-
just werent getting it? Have you ever rises and falls on leadership. The best lea- ed by your ability or inability to connect.
wanted your boss to understand how ders are always excellent connectors. Connecting helps you achieve goals. If
much value you add so you could get Consider the differences in connect- you cant connect, it will cost you.
a well-earned raise or promotion? ing skill between Ronald Reagan and To become a better connecter and
Have you wanted your children to lis- Jimmy Carter when they ran against increase your influence, focus on oth-
ten so you could help them make one another. In their final debate on ers, expand your connecting vocabu-
good choices? Have you wanted to October 28, 1980, Carter came across lary beyond just words, marshall your
improve your relationship with a cold and impersonal. To every question energy for connecting, and gain insight
friend or make a positive impact on he was asked, Carter responded with in how great connectors connect.
your community? If you cant find a facts and figures. Walter Cronkite des- Find common ground with every-
way to communicate effectively, you cribed Carter as humorless. Dan Rather one you meet, make your communica-
cant reach your potential, and you called Carter stoic and disengaged. And tion simple, capture peoples interest,
wont succeed in the way you desire. as Carter made a case to be reelected, inspire others, and be authentic.
Whats the secret? Connecting! To he seemed to bounce back and forth As you connect with others, you can
succeed, and sustain success, you must between trying to impress people by see the positive impact right away. LE
learn how to connect with others. stating cold facts and trying to make John C. Maxwell is the author of Everyone Communicates,
Good communication is all about his listeners feel sympathy for him and Few Connect. Visit
connecting. If you can connect with the burden of his job. At one point, he ACTION: Enhance your ability to connect.

L e a d e r s h i p E x c e l l e n c e M a y 2 0 1 0 19
COMPETENCY COMMUNICATION more tools for avoiding interpersonal
and telecommuting have on the produc- communicationeven when the situa-
tivity and morale of teams. We learned tion calls for it. The inability to speak

Virtual Teams that common problems like not follow-

ing through on commitments, ques-
candidly and directly to colleagues is
destructive to productivity. Employees
tioning decisions, and backbiting occur are 2.5 times more likely to have team-
Keep people connected. far more frequently within virtual teams. work problems with distant colleagues,
And, when people face challenges with and the problems are harder to solve.
a remote colleague, they either resort to
silence and other passive coping strategies What Leaders Can Do
by Joseph Grenny
or become verbally violent. Silent behav- Leaders need to consider the unin-
iors include avoidance strategies, such
tended costs and hidden dangers inher-


pond or the room
is easy, thanks to tech-
as screening phone calls from remote
colleagues, not returning calls and e-
mails, leaving teammates out of the
ent in virtual communication.
The solution to virtual teaming pro-
blems is not co-locationits communica-
nology. Communicating is not so sim- loop on key decisions or avoiding tion. Unless leaders invest in commun-
ple. You must learn to communicate them altogether. Drastic measures ication skill-building to make their teams
fearlessly and effectively to ensure virtu- include dissuading others from work- work more effectively, theyll continue
al teams maximize collaboration and ing with remote colleagues, criticizing
to undercut their potential. The most
minimize counterproductive behaviors. them, gossiping, complaining, and crucial skill is the ability to raise emotion-
Technology is both a blessing and a vengefully challenging their decisions.
ally and politically risky issues with virtual
curse. On one hand, independent teammates in a candid but respectful way.
players are no longer isolated. Remote H i s t o r y of Av o i d a n c e Many problems flow directly from the
team members can easily connect with For years, co-located managers and failure to hold crucial conversations.
colleagues across cities and continents. employees have gone to amazing ends The leaders job is to set parameters,
Decisions can be made in moments. to avoid controversial, touchy or fright- define expectations, and enable candid,
The talent pool widens to include ening conversations. And, even when respectful dialogue. Teams that learn
diverse experts and contributors. they can address a colleague face to how to communicate across distances
Innovation abounds as diverse teams face, people avoid instigating dialogue will be more effective, and profitable.
with access to diverse resources con- in high-stakes moments because past To help virtual teams hold crucial
verge on new business models and conversations, you can do three things:
product ideas. Technology makes once 1. Talk before problems start. Invest
unimaginable connections possible. time upfront talking about how remote
On the other hand, while communi- teammates will work together and set-
cation technology has expanded, actual ting ground rules to air concerns. Set
communicationdisseminating mes- expectations as a team, commit every
sages from senders to receivershas team member to uphold these rules,
received a big blow to its purpose and ensure every team member understands
potential. Societal implications include the consequences of violating the rules,
devolving language and social skills and hold one another accountable for
wherein eloquent syntax and grammar violations. If problems are already full-
have been reduced to cryptic grunts experiences tells them that speaking up fledged, call a virtual time out. Hold a
and growls delivered electronically. will end badly. For example, when con- meeting to set ground rules. Dont dis-
We are also seeing the negative effects sidering how to tell a co-worker that he cuss the content of individual concerns
of virtual technologies in business. has an abrasive and obnoxious person- or past problems; reset expectations
The challenge virtual teams face is ality that affects the working relation- everyone can agree to going forward.
productively brainstorming ideas, ship, most people say nothing. They 2. Praise early. Take time early on to
solving problems, and executing on figure its easier to carp about him acknowledge small successes. Publicly
projects with people whose physical behind his back than face an embar- praise people who keep ground rules
locationnot to mention specialty, rassing or volatile conversation. and meet expectations. Broadcast their
and in some cases, culturemakes it Silence only intensifies when the successes in a group conference call or
difficult to freely and clearly speak issue involves a manager or execu- write an e-mail and copy their boss.
ones mind. This culture of silence in tiveand it doubles again when the 3. Never raise individual concerns
the virtual business worldwhere issue is sensitive, awkward or uncom- publicly. When holding people account-
people swallow their concerns, opin- fortable to share, such as performance able for violating a rule, do so one on
ions and insightbecomes a breeding feedback or direct criticism. one. In long-distance crucial conversa-
ground for bad decision making, poor Sadly, people sacrifice precious time tions, employees are visually impaired
morale, and lost productivity. and resources to avoid uncomfortable they cant read body languageand
The ability to talk candidly and direct- moments. Avoiding crucial conversa- the other parties are hearing impaired
ly in high-stakes moments is a predictor tions is destructive. People who are not they may easily hear villainy in a com-
of bottom-line success. Sadly, our study confident in a face-to-face crucial con- plaint. So, when bringing up concerns,
Long-Distance Loathing shows that when versation are much more likely to live always do so one on one. LE
it comes to holding crucial conversations, with poor productivity, poor morale, Joseph Grenny is co-founder of VitalSmarts and the author of
most of us clam up instead of speak up. and a poor work environment. Crucial Conversations, Crucial Confrontations and Influencer.
We surveyed some 600 professionals Voice mail, e-mail, teleconferencing Visit
to uncover the effects virtual teaming and instant messaging only give us ACTION: Conduct crucial conversations.

20 M a y 2 0 1 0 L e a d e r s h i p E x c e l l e n c e

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