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Date: October 06, 2017


Radio News Reader Story Script

A Jersey City Shooting Leaves One Dead

Around seven o'clock Thursday evening Donald McLaughlin the third, father of three,
was shot in the back while walking down Central Avenue with his brother. The father of
them victim told I was inside watching tv when I heard a loud thud on the door,
it was Donalds brother looking for help. The Union City resident was rushed to a local
hospital where he was pronounced dead. The Hudson County Prosecutors Office
confirmed the fatal shooting but have yet to release the details.

Work cited:
Michaelangelo Conte | The Jersey Journal. Father of 3 Is Shot Dead in Jersey City
Heights.,, 6 Oct. 2017,


1) (x) I have not handed in this assignment for any other class.
2) (x) If I reused any information from other papers I have written for
other classes, I clearly
explain that in the paper.
3) (x ) If I used any passages word for word, I put quotations around
those words, or used
indentation and citation within the text.
4) ( x) I have not padded the bibliography. I have used all sources cited in
the bibliography in the
text of the paper.
5) ( x) I have cited in the bibliography only the pages I personally read.
6) (x ) I have used direct quotations only in cases where it could not be
stated in another way. I
cited the source within the paper and in the bibliography.
7) (x ) I did not so over-use direct quotations that the paper lacks
interpretation or originality.
8) ( x) I checked yes on steps 1-7 and therefore have been fully
transparent about the research
and ideas used in my paper.

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