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Problems for Chapter 2

2.1 We obtain directly dr / dz = f(1 + f2 - rr) / (1 + f2)3/2. The equation of

the curve is 1 + f2 - rr = 0, from which the result follows.
r(z) = avl + f(z)2.
Setting f(z) = sinh((z)), we obtain

r(z) = acosh((z)); i.e., f = a(z) sinh((z)),

and therefore a(z) = 1 and the solution r(z) = acosh((z - zo)/a). This is a
particular case of the use of conserved quantities discussed in Chapter 3.
2.2 Lagrange Multipliers
We must minimize

with the constraints

z(O) = zo, z(a) = Zl, and i. VI

+ z(x)2dx = L.

One can transform the problem into

min V= loa (p,gz + >')Vl + z(x)2dx, (7.69)

with z(O) = zo, z(a) = Zl.

The conserved quantity

(p,gz + >.) = C (7.70)

VI + z(x)2
168 Solutions

yields z = sinh cf>(x) , i.e., j.gZ + A = Ccoshcf> with C = j.g. The solution is

Z A + -C cosh (J-Lg
= -- -(x - xo) ) . (7.71)
J-Lg J-Lg C
The constants xo, C, and A are fixed by the conditions z(O) = zo, z(a) = Zl,
and Joa JI + z(x)2dx = L.
2.3 Brachistochrone
Energy conservation gives

-I (dS)2
- + g(z - a) = O. (7.72)
2 dt
We want to minimize

- la
( I + Z2
) dx (7.73)

with the constraints z(a) = a, z(b) = {3.

The Lagrange function I:- = ylr'cI-+---'-,z2"-j""-2-g-;-(a---z--:-) does not depend on x, and
therefore there is conservation of


where we introduce a positive constant R. Setting z= tan(cf>j2), we obtain

the parametric form
Rcoscf> R(cf> + sincf
Z-Zo = ---, x - Xo = 2 ' (7.75)
which is the equation of a cycloid.
2.4 Win a Slalom
1. With this definition of the variable x, we have (z - zo) = (x - xo) sina
and the potential energy is V = mg(z - zo) = -mgxsina.
2. The total energy is E = ~m(j;2+1?)-mgxsina. Since energy is conserved,
and since it is taken to be zero initially, we have j;2 + iP = 2gx sin a.
3. Therefore dt 2 = (dx 2 + dy2)j(2gx sin a).
4. The total time to get from 0 to A is therefore

T = fAo dt = v'2gsina
I fA JI +x(y')2 dx 0

5. Using the Lagrange-Euler equation, we obtain

d y'
o= - "'t=::;=====;=~
dx ylx(1 + (y')2)
Solutions 169

6. We deduce

where C is a constant. However,

y' dy if =C
y'x(l + (y')2) y'x(dx 2 + dy2) xyf2g sin 0: '
and therefore if = Kx with K = Cyf2g sin 0:.
7. The parametric form x(B) = (1- cos2B)/2C 2 = sin 2 B/C 2, y(B) = (2B-
sin2B)/2C 2 satisfies the equation (y')2 = C 2x/(1- C 2x); i.e., (dy/dB)2 =
(dx/dB)2tan 2 B. From if/x = K, we obtain (dy/dB)(dB/dt)/x = K; i.e.,
dB/dt = K/2 and B = Kt/2 since, for t = 0, B = O.
8. The curve is a portion of a cycloid. We have dy / dx = tan B and therefore
y' 1 for B rv 7r /2. The trajectory starts vertically (dy / dx = 0 for B = 0)
and becomes horizontal if y(A) x(A), as shown in Figure 7.1.

o y


Fig. 7.1. Optimal trajectory from 0 to A.

9. Since point A is fixed, the velocity VA at A is fixed by energy conserva-

tion. It is the maximum velocity of the skier. Therefore, the time to get
horizontally from y(A) to y(O) is larger than the time (y(A) - y(O))/VA it
would take to cover this distance at the maximum velocity. On the other
hand, one must start vertically in order to acquire the maximum velocity
as quickly as possible. The ideal trajectory comes from an optimization
between these two effects.
2.5 Strategy of a Regatta
1. We have by definition x = Vx = V cos B, i = Vz = v sin B, and therefore
z' = dz/dx = tanB.
2. We have Vx = vcosB = w/h. This velocity is maximum when h(z') is
minimum; i.e., for z' = 1, namely B = 7r/4. We then have Vx = w/2. In
fact, it is sufficient to multiply h by a constant to be in the appropriate
situation for a given sailboat for which vx,max = )..w.
3. We have dt = dx/v x = h'(z') dx/w(z), and therefore

w z
170 Solutions

4. Setting <fJ = h'(z')/w(z), the Lagrange-Euler equation that optimizes the

total time T is

~: = :X (~:,) .
5. The function <fJ does not depend explicitly on x. Therefore, we have

~<fJ _ , 8<fJ ,,8<fJ

dx - z 8z +z 8z'

(<fJ - z' 8<fJ) = 0
8z' ,
which gives (h'(z')z' - h(z'))/w(z) = constant.
6. We have z'h' - h = -2/z'. We therefore obtain the first-order differential
equation for the function x(z), (-2/A)dx/dz = w(z), and hence the result

x = L WoZ - wlzoln(l + (z/zo))

WOZI - WIZO In(l + (zI/zo)) '

where we have incorporated the conditions (x = 0, z = 0) and (x = L, z =

7. We obtain

z , - --
dz - WOZI - wlzoln(l
+ (zI/zo))
- dx - woL - wILzo/(z + zo)
If Zl Land Zl Zo, the velocity of the wind does not vary appreciably
over the whole path, and one has z' '" zI/ L l.
In the second question, we have seen that the optimal velocity for a
constant wind velocity is attained for z' = 1. The present configuration
certainly does not correspond to the best strategy. One must tack at some
point (Xl, Z) with 0 < Xl < Land Z Zl, as represented in Figure 7.2
in order to benefit fully from the power of the wind (this possibility was
excluded in the text).

Z :::z,

shore x

Fig. 7.2. Path of the boat with a tacking at x = L/2.

Solutions 171

The trajectory drawn with an angle of fJ = 45 degrees (lz'l = 1) and a

tacking fJ -+ -fJ at x = L/2 has a total length LV2 and a velocity greater
than (wO - wl)/2. The time along this path, Tv = 2LV2/(wO - wI),
is obviously shorter than the time along the path with no tacking, T rv
2L(zl/L)/(wO - wI) = 2zl/(wO - wI) .
In realistic cases, for instance the America's Cup, one can see how
subtle the regatta problem is. Skippers must make quick decisive choices
between very different options.

Problems for Chapter 3

3.1 Moving Pendulum

3.2 Properties of the Action

1. Free particle
s= m (X2 - xd 2
2 t2 - h
2. Harmonic oscillator

3. Constant force

with Va = (X2 - Xd/(t2 - td - (1/2)(F/m)(t2 - h).

4. One varies the endpoint of arrival in the integration by parts of

5. One varies t2, taking into account that the variation of the time of arrival
yields a variation of the trajectory.
172 Solutions

3.3 Conjugate Momenta in Spherical Coordinates

1. The Lagrangian is C = ~m(f2 + r2 iJ2 + r2 sin2 0 2) - V(r).

2. The conjugate momenta are

ac . ac 2 ac 2 2 .
Pr = af = mr, P9 = aiJ = mr 0, P</> = a = mr sin O.

3. Taking the derivative of (3.73) with respect to time, and taking into ac-
count that in Cartesian coordinates p = mv, one obtains directly the
result L z = mr2 sin2 O = P</>o
4. The conservation of P</>' or L z , corresponds to the invariance under trans-
lation in ; i.e., rotation invariance around the z axis.
5. If a charged particle is in a magnetic field B parallel to Oz, there is
rotational invariance around the z axis and the component L z is conserved.

Problems for Chapter 4

4.1 Coupled Oscillators
1. One obtains directly

{X,P} = 1 {X,Q} = 0 {Y,P} = 0 {Y,Q} = 1

p2 mw 2X 2 Q2 m(w2 + ,n2)y2
H = 2m + 2 + 2m + 2 .
2. The eigenfrequencies of the system are therefore WI = wand W2
Jw 2 +,n2 .
3. The general form of the motion follows from

4.2 Three Coupled Oscillators

We obtain with no difficulty

m mw 2 3m,n2 (2
H = 2(PI +P2 +P3)
2 2
+ -2-(XI
+X2 +X3 + - 2 - Xl +X2 .
2 2) 2)

4.3 Forced Oscillations

1. We obtain with no difficulty

{X,P} = 1.
Solutions 173

2. In these variables, which are the same as those used by Dirac in the
quantum harmonic oscillator,

H = w(a*a).

3. We obtain {a, a*} = -i.

4. The evolution equation in time of a is

a = {a,H} = -iwa,
which is a first-order differential equation. The general solution is

a(t) = ao exp (-iwt),

where ao is a complex constant. The energy of the oscillator is E = wlaol 2 .

5. For t ::::; 0, we have ao = O. In the presence of Hpoh the Hamiltonian
H = w(a*a) + b(a + a*) sin fit.
Therefore, we have

a = {a, H} = -iwa - ib sin fit.

This is solved by standard techniques. With the condition E(t < 0) = 0,

one obtains
e-i(D-w)T _ 1 e-i(D+w)T - 1
E(t > T) = wb 21 2i(D _ w) + 2i(D + w) 12.

6. This is a resonance phenomenon at D = w (or at D = -w, which is

equivalent). In the vicinity of D = w, the energy acquired by the oscillator
is of the form
E( T) = b2sin2(D - w)T/2
t> w (D-W)2 '
which has a peak of height wb 2T2/4 at D = w.

4.4 Closed Chain of Coupled Oscillators.

1. a) In the definition, we see that

Yk = y'N-k,

b) We have

The summation over k gives onn' and the result

174 Solutions

L,qkqk = L,p;. (7.80)
k=l n=l

t t (~ t
qkqk =
k=l VN n=l
e-2ikmr/N pn) ( ~
VN n'=l
t e2ikn'7r/N p~) .
The summation over k gives bnn" and hence the result.

c) On the other hand, we have

~(xn - X n +,)' ~ ~~ (t, e-2ikn'IN (1- e- 2ihIN )Yk)

x (t/ ik' nIN (1 - e 2ik' . IN) Yk) . (7.82)

The summation over n gives bkk' and the result.
2. Equations of motion and their solution.
a) We have


b) We have

{Yj, qd = bjk' {Yj, qk} = bjk, {Yj, qF,r -d = bjk, {yj, qN -d = bjk.
c) We obtain
Yk = {Yk, H} = ; (qk + qN-k) = mqk'

Yk = {Yk' H} = ; (qk + qF,r-k) = mqk,

. _{ H} - mfl'%(Yk + YN-k) _ fl,2 *

qk - qk, - - 2 - m kYk,

fl,2 ( + * )
.* _ { * H} - m k Yk YN-k _ fl,2
qk - qkl - - 2 - m kYk

d) We therefore have {Yk(t)} = ak cos(fl\t + k), and hence {xn(t)}.

Solutions 175

3. If, at time t = 0, we have YN(O) = 1, YN(O) = 0 and {Yn(O) = 0, Yn(O) =

O}, 'Vn =1= N, then YN(t) = cos(wt) and Yn(t) = 0, 'Vn =1= N. Therefore
xn(t) = (l/VN) cos(wt). Oscillators of the same amplitude at a given
time are always in phase, and only the global motion with respect to the
plane x = 0 with frequency w appears.
4. Wave propagation.
If w = 0, the eigenfrequencies are !?~ = 2!?sin(k1r/N) rv 2!?(k1r/N)
for k N. The boundary conditions give Y1 = cos 2!?7rt / N, YN -1 =
cos2!?7rt/N, and Yn = 0 otherwise.
a) Therefore, we obtain

lXn = XN-n = 2 cos (2!?7rt)

VN ~ cos2n7rN (7.84)

-_ VN
1 [
cos (2!?7rtN+ 2n7r) + cos (2!?7rtN- 2n7r)] . (7.85 )

b) We observe a propagation phenomenon in both directions since

in the notation above. The point x n +m has the same amplitude at

time t + m/!? as the point Xn at time t.
c) If we write xn(t) = f(t, Y = na), the function f is

(2!?7rt + 2Y7r/a)
f( t,y ) -__1_ [
VN cos N + cos (2!?7rt -N 2Y7r/a)]
and satisfies the wave equation

1 82 f 82 f
!?2a 2 8t 2 8x2
In this chain of coupled oscillators, a progressive wave of velocity !?a
4.5 Virial Theorem
1. One obtains
{A, H} = - - r . V'V.
The time evolution of A is simply
dA p2
dt = {A, H} = m - r . V'v.

2. We have (.,4) (A(T) - A(O))/T = O. Therefore, inserting this in the

result above, we obtain

2 ( : : ) = (r V'V).
176 Solutions

3. If V = gr n , we have
r V'V = ra;: = nV.

We therefore obtain 2(Ec) = n(V).

4. The total energy is E = Ec + V. We therefore obtain
a) For a harmonic oscillator, E = 2(Ec) = 2(V).
b) For a Newtonian potential, E = -(Ec) = (1/2)(V), which is obvious
on a circular trajectory, but holds for any elliptic trajectory.
5. In general, for an arbitrary potential, the orbits of bound states are not
closed. However, they remain confined in a given region of space at any
time. The generalization of the averaging (4.107) is

(I) = lim (T---+oo)

r T
T1 Jo f(t) dt.
With this definition, we have

(A) = lim (T---+oo) (A(T) - A(O))/T = 0

since A(t) is bounded for any t. With this definition, the result remains
{Lx,Ly} = L z
4.7 We obtain

and cyclic permutations.

Problems for Chapter 5

5.1 Telegraph Equation
The Lagrangian density is


where 'lj;* is the "mirror" density which concentrates instead of diffusing. This
leads to the propagation equation

3 8 2'lj; 28'lj;
2~ -i1'lj;+a ~ =0. (7.87)
v ut ut
This equation can be solved by Fourier transformation if the coefficients v
and a are constants. (This is not the case if the medium is inhomogeneous or
discontinuous. )
Solutions 177

Problems of Chapter 6

6.2 Geodesics
Solutions exist only for p 2: R (which is explained by equation (6.136)).
The energy is

The calculation is similar to previous cases such as (2). We define the

parameters wand , as before:

2 2E
w = mR2' (7.89)

We obtain
tanh((t) - o) = ,tanhw(t - to). (7.91)

Problems for Chapter 7

7.1 Propagator of a Harmonic Oscillator

The classical action for a harmonic one-dimensional oscillator is

The calculation of the propagator involves only Gaussian integrals, and the
result follows directly. One recovers (7.61).

1. L. Landau and E. Lifshitz, The Classical Theory of Fields, Pergamon

Press, Oxford (1965).
2. Arthur Koestler, The Act of Creation, Hutchinson & Co., London
3. R.P. Feynman, R.B. Leighton, and M. Sands, The Feynman Lectures
on Physics, Addison-Wesley, Reading MA (1964).
4. Wolfgang Yourgenau and Stanley Mandelstam, Variational Principles
in Dynamics and Quantum Theory, Dover Publications, New York
5. Izrail Moiseevich Gelfand and Sergei Vasilevich Fomin, Calculus of Vari-
ations, Rev. English ed. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, (1963).
Andrew Russell Forsyth, Calculus of Variations, Dover, New York
(1960). Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, Calcul Variationnel, Ecole Polytech-
nique, Palaiseau (1990).
6. Erwin Schr6dinger, Statistical Thermodynamics, Dover Publications,
New York (1989).
7. J.-L. Basdevant and Jean Dalibard, Quantum Mechanics, Springer Ver-
lag, Heidelberg (2005).
8. L. Landau and E. Lifshitz, Mechanics, Pergamon Press, Oxford (1965).
9. Herbert Goldstein, Charles Poole and John Safko, Classical Mechanics,
Addison Wesley, Boston (2002).
10. Philip M. Morse and Herman Feshbach, Methods of Theoretical Physics,
Mc Graw-Hill, New York (1953).
11. Ian Percival and Derek Richards, Introduction to Dynamics, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge (1982).
12. Max Born and Emil Wolf, Principles of Optics, Pergamon Press, Oxford
13. Albert Messiah, Quantum Mechanics, North-Holland, Amsterdam
14. J.L. Basdevant, J. Rich, and M. Spiro, Fundamentals in Nuclear
Physics, Springer, New York (2005).
15. Hans Stefani, General Relativity, Cambridge University Press, Cam-
bridge (1982).
180 References

16. Steven Weinberg, Gravitation and Cosmology, John Wiley & Sons, New
York (1972).
17. P. A. M. Dirac, General Theory of Relativity, John Wiley & Sons, New
York (1975).
18. Charles W. Misner, Kip S. Thorne, and John Archibald Wheeler, Grav-
itation, W.H. Freemann and Company, New York (1973).
19. James Rich, Fundamentals of Cosmology, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg
20. R.P. Feynman and A.R. Hibbs, Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals,
McGraw-Hill, New York (1965).
21. Lawrence S. Schulman, Techniques and Applications of Path Integra-
tion, John Wiley & Sons, New York (1981).
22. Julian Schwinger, Selected Papers on Quantum Electrodynamics, Dover,
New York, (1958).

action, 9, 50, 82, 146 curved rays, 27

amplitude, 147 curved space, 53, 108, 112
angle-action variables, 77 cyclic variable, 54, 77, 78
angular momentum, 57
and rotations, 57 d'Alembert, 15
attractor, 71 Descartes, R., 22
diffusion equation, 104
baryonic dark matter, 139 Dirac, P.A.M., 81
black holes, 139 disorder, 41
Boltzmann entropy, 41 dissipative systems, 58
Boltzmann factor, 38 distribution, 36
brachistochrone, 43 dynamical symmetries, 57, 77
Buridan, Jean de, 11 dynamical systems, 70
B6lyai, J., 112
economic models, 15, 41
canonical Ehrenfest theorem, 80
commutation relations, 80 eikonal, 89
conjugate variables, 77, 83 eikonal approximation, 90
equations, 69 eikonal equation, 90
formalism, 68 Einstein ring, 138
formulation, 16, 67 Einstein, A., 17, 53, 107
transformation, 75-77, 79 electromagnetic field, 102
catenoid, 35 energy, 54
chaos, 71 energy-momentum, 62
Christoffel symbols, 114 entropy, 41
classical limit, 161 Boltzmann, 41
commutator, 80 equation of the geodesics, 118
configuration, 36 equivalence principle, 108
conjugate momentum, 53, 61 Eratosthenes, 109
conservation laws, 53 Euclid, 108
conservative systems, 87 Euler, L., 12, 26
conserved quantities, 43 Eotvos, R., 18, 107
constant of the motion, 55, 74, 113
curvature of space-time, 122 Fermat principle, 8, 21, 90
182 Index

Fermat, P. de, 8, 21, 50 Legendre transformation, 69

Feynman principle, 145 Leibniz, G. W., 9
Feynman, R.P., 145 Liouville theorem, 78, 79
field equations, 99 Lobatchevsky, N.I., 109, 112
field theory, 17, 97 Lorentz force, 48, 59, 60, 63
flow, 17, 68, 70, 88 Lorentz invariance, 49, 61
flow of a vector field, 79 Lorentz invariant, 62, 63
Fourier equation, 104 Lorenz attractor, 71

Galileo, G., 47 machos, 139

gauge invariance, 60 Magellanic clouds, 140
gauge transformations, 60 Maupertuis principle, 9, 22, 30, 87, 88,
Gauss, C.F., 109, 112 121
general relativity, 1, 17, 107 Maupertuis, P.L. de, 9, 15, 22, 24, 30,
generalized momentum, 53 47,50
geodesics, 117 Maxwell distribution, 41
geometrical optics Mercury's perihelion, 125
and wave optics, 89 metric, 110
gravitation and the curvature of metric tensor, 110
space-time, 122 minimal interaction, 63
gravitational mirage, 22, 28
deflection, 130 inferior, 28
lens, 138, 139 superior, 28
microlensing, 140 mirages in the Abell cluster, 139
gravitational lensing, 130, 133, 135 mirror system, 58
by a cluster of galaxies, 134, 137 momentum, 56
time delay, 134
neutron stars, 139
Hamilton, W.R., 12, 50, 69 Newton, I., 47
Hamilton-Jacobi equation, 82, 85 Newtonian gravitation, 122
Hamiltonian, 69, 81
heat, 42 optimisation under constraints, 10
Hero of Alexandria, 10
Huygens principle, 91 partition function, 39
path integrals, 105, 148
interfering alternatives, 147
phase, 163
Jacobi identity, 74 phase space, 73, 75, 77, 78
Philoponus, John, 11
Jacobi theorem, 86
photon, 130
Klein, Felix, 112 Poincare, 71
point transformation, 75
Lagrange function, 26 Poisson brackets, 73, 75, 76, 80
Lagrange multipliers, 37, 43 Poisson law, 33
Lagrange, J.-L., 12, 15, 26, 48, 49 Poisson theorem, 75
Lagrange-Euler equations, 27, 50 precession of the perihelion, 125
Lagrangian, 50 principle
Laplace, P.S. de, 67 of maximal disorder, 35
least action principle, 48, 49 of equal probability of states, 35
least time principle, 21 of least action, 48, 49
Index 183

of least time, 9, 24 state, 36

of natural economy, 9, 21, 30 superposition principle, 147
of the Best, 9
propagator, 152 telegraph equation, 106
proper time, 125 temperature, 39, 41
Pythagorean music scale, 2 Thales, 110
thermodynamic equilibrium, 36
reduced action, 87 thermostat, 41
refraction, 23 Titius Bode law, 7
relativistic particle, 61 translation in time, 54
rescuing, 25 translations in space, 56
Riemann, B., 110 twin paradox, 62

scalar field, 101 variational calculus, 21, 26

Schri:idinger equation, 104, 154, 160 variational principle, 52
Schwarzschild metric, 124 verifications of general relativity, 125
Schwarzschild, K., 124 vibrating string, 98
Schwinger variational principle, 163
semiclassical approximation, 91 white dwarfs, 139
Shapiro, 1.1., 109 WKB approximation, 91
soap bubble, 34 work,42

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