Origin of The Pantaneiro Horse in Brazil: Additional Keywords Palabras Clave Adicionales

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Santos, S.A., J.R.B. Sereno, M.C.M. Mazza and C.A. Mazza.

EMBRAPA/CPAP C. Postal 109. 79320-900 Corumb. MS - Brazil

Additional Keywords Palabras clave adicionales

Historic horse. Pantaneiro breed. Brazil Historia equina. Raza pantaneira. Colonizacin
colonization. del Brasil.


The first horses that arrived in the Pantanal, horse has played an important role in the
a flooded land of the states of Mato Grosso and development of the Pantanal region.
Mato Grosso do Sul (Central Western region of
Brazil), formed a breed - the Pantaneiro horse -
a product of natural selection over the last three RESUMEN
centuries, and adapted to the regional
environmental conditions. Until recently, little Los primeros caballos que llegaron al pantanal,
or no human interference was imposed on this una planicie inundable de los Estados de Mato
process. There is some information about dates Grosso y Mato Grosso do Sul (regin Centro
when the first horses entered the region, but Oeste de Brasil) dieron lugar a una raza - el
none of it is precise. The earliest origin apperars caballo pantanero - producto de la seleccin
to be related to such spanish expeditions as natural por ms de dos siglos, adaptada a las
those of Pedro de Mendoza, in 1534; Alvar condiciones ambientales de la regin. Hay algunas
Nez Cabeza de Vaca, in 1540; and uflo de informaciones sobre las fechas de la entrada de
Chvez, in 1543. The animals brought by these los primeros caballos a la regin, pero ninguna de
expeditions were, for the most part, Iberian ellas es precisa. El origen ms remoto est
horses. Some horses on these expeditions were relacionado con las expediciones espaolas, tales
lost in the Pantanal, proliferating and, como las de D. Pedro de Mendoza, en 1534; Alvar
consequently, populating the area. The Guaicuru Nez Cabeza de Vaca, en 1540, y uflo de
indians helped to spread horses in the Pantanal. Chvez en 1543. Los animales trados por estas
They learned horse management from the spanish expediciones fueron en su mayor parte, ibricos.
and extended their range. Explorers arriving in Algunos caballos de estas expediciones fueron
the state of Mato Grosso, particularly in the 17th abandonados en el pantanal, proliferando a
and 18th centuries, coming from the state of So continuacin y poblando el rea. Los indios
Paulo, by way of the Tiet-Paran-Paraguay rivers, Guaicuru ayudaron a diseminar los caballos en el
and from Gois by road, may have also contributed Pantanal. Ellos aprendieron el manejo del caballo
to the introduction of horses into the region. a travs de los espaoles y extendieron su
Since the formation of the Pantaneiro breed, this dominio. Exploradores que llegaron al Estado de

Archivos de zootecnia,
Arch. Zootec.
vol. 41, 41
154 (extra),
p. 371.
SANTOS et al.

Mato Grosso, particularmente en el siglo XVII y Seeking the conservation and en-
XVIII, desde el Estado de So Paulo, por la via couragement of Pantaneiro horsebree-
fluvial Tiet-Paran-Paraguay y, por caminos, ding, the Brazilian Agricultural Re-
desde Gois, tambin pueden haber contribuido search Corporation (EMBRAPA) is
a la introduccin de los caballos en la regin. carrying out studies on this breed e.g.
Desde la formacin de la raza pantanera, este bibliographic investigation on the
caballo representa un papel importante en el history of Pantaneiro horse origins. It
desarrollo econmico y social de la regin del is known that its origin is linked to the
Pantanal. history of Central and South American
occupation. Several dates relating to
the arrival of horses in the region
INTRODUCCION exist, nevertheless, there is need for
deeper studies on the origin of this
Horses introduced into the Pantanal ecotype.
by the conquerors during the
colonization period found in this
region good environmental conditions THE INTRODUCTION OF THE
for their multiplication. As a conse- HORSE IN THE AMERICAS:
quence of the suitable processes and BRAZIL
natural selection for more than two
centuries with little or no human There were no horses in the New
action, a type of animal adapted to the World before the discovery period
environment appeared. Through the and the first introduction was due to
development of cattle breeding in the Christopher Columbus, in 1493, on
Pantanal region, the Pantaneiro horse the occasion of his second trip to the
constituted an economically and Santo Domingo island (Hermsdorff,
socially important factor, becoming a 1956; Ensminger, 1978 and Dowdall,
must for the cattle industry and for 1982). Explorers and settlers brought
regional transportation. to America all the first equine breeds
At the end of the 19 th century, the from the Ancient World mainly of
breed started a population reduction spanish origin. The ancient settlers
process mainly caused by a disease from the east coast also brought
called Peste das cadeiras (Trypano- horses of english, berberian, arabic
somiasis). Later other menaces to and turkish origins. The breeds of
survival appeared with indiscriminate cold blood were not introduced into
crossbreeding and more recently the Americas in significant number
Infectious Equine Anemia. However, until the end of the 19 th century. The
conservation works whith this ecotype horses brought by settlers adjusted
were started with the creation of the quickly to the new environment and
Brazilian Pantaneiro Horse Breeders in a few years they spread to the
Association and afterwards with surrounding lands, where they
initiatives from other governmental increased in number (Hermsdorff,
institutions. 1956).

Archivos de zootecnia, vol. 41, nm. 154 (extra), p. 372.


The introduction of horses in Brazil to the Kppen classification, with

occurred during the colonization average temperatures varying from
period, immediately on the first trips, 20 to 28 oC and relative humidity
with the purpose of explorating the from 60 to 80%. The annual rainfall
continent, because this was the main oscilates between 1.000 and 1.400
means of transportation during this mm. This region is a wide plain of
period (Dowdall, 1982). The first alluvial accumulation, with average
horses and cattle were brought to altitude 120 m above sea level, and it
three places along the Brazilian coast: has marked rainy and dry seasons that
Pernambuco, in 1535, So Vicente in vary in intensity and geographic
1543 and Bahia in 1549, by the donees extension, according to the annual
Duarte Coelho, Martim Afonso e climatic and hydrologic characteristics
Tom de Souza, respectively (Chieffi, (Brasil, 1974).
1950 and Torres and Jardim, 1977).
These were the three original breeding
centers from which they spread to COLONIZATION AND ARRIVAL
almost all the coastland and a great OF HORSES IN THE BRAZILIAN
number of animals to the hinterland CENTER-WEST REGION
(Hermsdorff, 1956). Those brought
to Bahia and Pernambuco were In the late 1500s, Spain and
dispersed in the direction of the Portugal divided the discovered lands
center west, from the northeast to the and those yet to be discovered, through
north; and those of So Paulo, in the a divisory line - the Tordesillas treaty
direction of the states of Paran and (figure 2). However, the action of
Santa Catarina. The horses from the several pioneers advanced the divisory
extreme south and center west line and incorporated into Portuguese
originally animals proceeding from dominions territories that should
Spain were reproduced in Argentina belong to Spain. Some of the main
and Uruguay (Goulart, 1964). areas of attrition were the Plata and
Paraguay river basins. The Paraguay
THE PANTANAL basin in the CenterWest constituted
the route that facilitated the
The Matogrossense Pantanal is penetration of men in the region
situated in the centerwest region of (Almeida e t a l ., 1959). The first
Brazil, between 16 and 22 o lat. South immigrants that arrived in this region
and 55 and 58o long. West. The were the spanish jesuits who settled
Pantanal corresponds to 35% of the in the margins of the Aquidauana,
high Paraguay river basin, which is Miranda and Guapor rivers and
situated in the central part of South other places, but they were dislodged
America (figure 1). The Paraguay by the colonial exploratory expeditions
river is a tributary of the Paran and from S. Paulo and by force of the
both form part of the Plata basin. The international treaties (Lucidio and
climate is of the type Aw according Rondon, 1972).

Archivos de zootecnia, vol. 41, nm. 154 (extra), p. 373.

SANTOS et al.

D. Pedro de Mendoza, born in and populate the lands and provinces

Guadiz (Cdiz), Andalusia, was of this region. The armada (fleet) left
designated the first civil and military San Lucar of Barrameda, in 1535
governor of the Plata river, by Carlos (Arajo, 1990) with 100 horses
V in 1534. His mission was to conquer destined for work and reproduction,

Figure 1. Map of Pantanal localization in South America. (Godoi Filho, 1986).

(Mapa de la localizacin del Pantanal en la Amrica del Sur. (Godoi Filho, 1986).

Archivos de zootecnia, vol. 41, nm. 154 (extra), p. 374.


Figure 2. Map indicating the divisory line in Brazil according to the Tordesillas
Treaty. Some expeditions mentioned in the text are designated as follows: (5)
Alvar Nez Cabeza de Vaca in the 16 th century; (1) Pascoal Moreira Cabral;
(2) and (3) Antnio Raposo Tavares; (4) Manoel P. and (6) A.R. Tavares, Andr
Fernandes and Ferno Dias Paes, the main expeditions (bandeiras) of the 17 th
and 18 th centuries. (Based on Albuquerque, 1983). (Mapa indicando la lnea divisoria en
el Brasil de aucerdo con el tratado de Tordesillas. Algunas expediciones mencionadas en el texto son
designadas como sigue: (5) Alvar Nnez Cabeza de Vaca en el siglo XVI; (1) Pascoal Moreira Cabral;
(2) y (3) Antnio Raposo Tavares; (4) Manoel P. y (6) A.R. Tavares, Andr Fernandes y Ferno Dias Paes,
las principales expediciones (bandeiras) de los siglos XVII y XVIII. (Alburquerque, 1983)).

Archivos de zootecnia, vol. 41, nm. 154 (extra), p. 375.

SANTOS et al.

besides men and officers. D. Pedro de rivers, where he founded the Puerto
Mendoza, in 1536, made the first de los Reyes ( G o u l a r t , 1 9 6 4 a n d
tentative to found Buenos Aires city. Arajo, 1990).
There 72 horses were disembarked. Other expeditions succeeded, like
The other 28 may have perished that of uflo de Chvez, who made
during the trip or remained aboard two attempts, but he did not reach
(Hermsdorff, 1956 and Arajo, 1990). Peru. In 1948, uflo de Chvez, on
In 1541, D. Pedro de Mendoza the way back, brought a herd of
chased by Pampa indians, was forced sheep, goats and horses. He arrived in
to leave the region suddenly, leaving Asuncin in 1549, distributing cattle
behind several Andalusian horses and horses on the Llanos and Xaras
which reproduced quickly and formed plains (Arajo, 1990).
the great wild herd of the Pampas Juan de Garay, governor of Plata
(Hermsdorff, 1956 and Bertelli, 1984). river, congregated 1000 horses, 500
Alvar Nez Cabeza de Vaca was cattle, 500 sheep and goats. In June
nominated second governor of the 1580 he founded the second Buenos
Plata river. The fleet left Cdiz in Aires and became surprised with the
December 1540 transporting soldiers, quantity of wild horses living in the
seeds, 46 horses and some cows pampeanos plains, descendents of the
(Arajo, 1990). Cabeza de Vaca Andalusian horses brought by Pedro
anchored in Canania, then navigated de Mendoza. The spanish, as they
to Santa Catarina, where he lost 2 penetrated the interior, found a great
ships and 20 horses. This made him quantity of horses. The treasurer,
proceed by land, to Paraguay. In this Hernando de Montalvo, who had
expedition, some of the horses were arrived at the Plata river on expedition
probably lost in the Southern Brazilian with Zrate, estimated more at than
states and Mato Grosso, where the 800 thousand horses (Goulart, 1964
species proliferated and populated and Arajo, 1990).
the lands (Goulart, 1964 and In the 17 th century the decisive
Hermsdorff, 1956). advance of numerous bandeiras
In search of a route to Peru looking (expeditions - inland explorers from
for, Cabeza de Vaca departed from the coastal regions) occurred in
Asuncin in 1542, going up the direction of Peru. Some bandeiras
Paraguay river. Afterwards Cabeza took a different route from that of
de Vaca went through the swamps of Aleixo Garcia, across the hinterlands
Xaras (present region of Pantanal) of Cuiab, like Antnio Castanho da
(Marques, 1923 and Souza, 1973). It Silva, in 1622, and Antnio Raposo
was probably in 1543 that the indians Tavares, in 1648 (figure 2) (Taunay,
of Paraguay an plains saw for the first 1932 and Sodr, 1941). The first
time, surprised, the footprints of the bandeiras aimed at the capture of
first horses brought by Cabeza de native slaves for agriculture in S.
Vaca. He may have reached the Paulo state since local yields did not
confluence of the Cuiab and Paraguay support expenses with the importation

Archivos de zootecnia, vol. 41, nm. 154 (extra), p. 376.


of african slaves (Marques, 1923). to benefit from gold. Mining originated

In the middle of the 17 th century several villages later transformed to
the fight between inacinos and in such cities as Livramento and
paulistas for the great conquest of the Pocon, officially constituted in 1781
west occurred. The occupation of (Almeida et al., 1959).
southern Mato Grosso and the The bandeiras, in search of indians
consequent expulsion of the spanish or gold, were fragmented and disconti-
and inacinos, jesuit followers, nuous. The inevitable decadence of
established in the region constituted mining marked a pause in the human
the cycle of Vacaria. Vacaria was the development of the west, which was
name given to the region at that time interrupted by the slow start of a new
and comprised the large meridional activity, cattle raising. However, this
zone limited by the Paran river, activity was almost extinguished in
Maracaju Sierra, Amamba and 1850, due to the Peste das cadeiras
headwaters of the Pardo river (Taunay, (Trypanosomiasis) which affected all
1932 and Sodr, 1941). In these lands the horses on the farms, to such an
a great number of cattle and horses extent that no animal was left to
were scattered many without owners. manage cattle.
At the end of the 17 th century the Cattle purchasers did not return
settlers coming from So Paulo spread because they had to bring horses from
across the region of Vacaria, for their provinces to separate cattle.
example Antonio Raposo Tavares, Long distances and heavy work led
Andr Fernandes, Antonio Pires horses to their death, causing great
Campos and others. In 1682, one of economic losses to cattle purchases.
the most important expeditions, that This reduced cattle commerce and
of Braz Mendes Paes, occurred thus greater riches were seriously
destroying the population of Vacaria. damaged.
Afterwards, several bandeiras Trips to Cuiab by means of rivers
arrived, Antnio Pires Campos and were extremely trying. To make things
Pascoal Moreira Cabral in 1717 and easier, in 1736 authorities opened up
1719 respectively (figure 2) (Marques, a route from So Paulo to Cuiab,
1923 and Taunay, 1932). through Gois, shortening the trip.
At this time, roads and routes were The first horses originating from
rough and the bandeirantes coming Gois were introduced into the Cuiab
from S. Paulo did not have horses like province in 1737 (Mello, 1968).
to the spanish did. The contrasts
between spanish and portuguese were
so evident that they could be THE ROLE OF THE GUAICURU
distinguished afar as being mounted INDIANS IN THE DISSEMINA-
or not (Corra Filho, 1924). TION OF THE HORSE
With the accidental discovery of
gold in 1717, by the bandeirantes, the The bandeiras, as they penetrated
course of history in the region changed the Centerwest were confronted by
completely. Men started to settle and the spanish and indian peoples

Archivos de zootecnia, vol. 41, nm. 154 (extra), p. 377.

SANTOS et al.

(Almeida et al., 1959). These explorers The initial dissemination of horses in

were many times forced to face the Mato Grosso state is due to the
bravery and the ferocity of the indians, Guaicuru indians, whose horses
especially from three nations, the reached the proximities of Cuiab,
Caiap, Guaicuru and Paiagu mimoso (Paratheria prostrata)
(Marques, 1923). grasslands, where the indians arrived
The Guaicuru indians, also known in search of pastures (Goulart, 1964).
as rider indians lived on the right With the domination of the horse,
border of the Paraguay river, between the Guaicuru became nomadic
the cities of Corumb and Miranda, warriors, feared by other indians and
located in the South of Mato Grosso settlers. Around 1720, the presence of
(Goulart, 1964). the Guaicuru was rare (Proena, 1958).
These indians learned to tame the In this period, when river explorers
horse with the spanish, around the coming from the State of So Paulo
first decades of the 17 th century. passed through the State of Mato
They started to use these animals with Grosso in search of recently discovered
incomparable skill, which made it gold mines in Cuiab, the Guaicuru
easy to spread their domination and joined with the Paiagu indians against
territory all over the Pantanal region. the invaders.
Around 1672, the indians started to As soon as the dominion of the
thieve horses from the spanish and Guaicuru started to solidify in the
before 1716, the Guaicuru kept their South of Mato Grosso, the obstacle of
distance from the spanish and the castilian penetrations were
afterwards became more insolent with initiated, contributing directly to the
the horses they had robbed (Holanda, incorporation of this area in to the
1986). Portuguese patrimony. The Guaicuru
These animals descended mainly indians associated with the Paiaguas
from those introduced by the spanish showed hostility towards the bandeiras
settlers, from iberian horses (Goulart, for years until they were defeated. As
1964; Souza, 1973) and seen to be the e a r l y a s i n t h e 1 9 th c e n t u r y , t h e
only tribe to adopt the horse in the Guaicuru indians showed the first
region, where it became an efficient sign of desintegration and decadence
means of locomotion on the plains caused by civilization especially by
(Martins, 1992). Indians and horses their addiction to drink. To obtain
had a great deal in common (Souza, alcoholic beverages, they negociated
1973). even their most beautiful horses
As the spanish established new (Proena, 1958).
farms, they were attacked by the
Guaicurus, thieving thousands of
horses and cattle. In 1796, the spanish THE FORMATION OF THE
organized a bandeira (expedition) to PANTANEIRO HORSE
destroy the indians (Proena, 1958).
In the extreme West, there was no The horses brought to the America
direct influence of cattle over horses. suffered local influences, giving rise

Archivos de zootecnia, vol. 41, nm. 154 (extra), p. 378.


to several national breeds. The difficult to demonstrate the ethnic

characteristic environment of each composition of the equine population
region, involving such a series of of Spain in that period, the types of
factors as climate, soil, pastures, and horses that predominated and which,
management have a great influence for useful reasons, geographic
over the phenotype. This environment discrimination and so on, could be
will permit or not, according to the those to come to the Americas
circumstances that each individual (Dowdall, 1982). Many of the horses
express phenotypically its genotype brought to the region were Andalusian
(Dowdall, 1982). The pantaneiro horse which is an ancient horse breed from
is considered a naturalized breed Spain, that came with moorish
derived from the breeds introduced invasions in the 8 th century A.D.,
in different periods in Brazil by the when the barbs and arabian horses
colonizers and settlers (Domingues, were interbreeding with local ponies
1968). and more recently with higher horses
The first horses that arrived in the (Arajo, 1990).
Pantanal region aclimatized and Portugal and Spain had on that
multiplied easily, becoming a type ocasion, animals that had suffered
adapted to the bioclimatic conditions, blood infusion from horses introduced
product of a natural selection for by the moors, during the years of
more than two centuries, with little or mussulman domination in the Iberian
no human action (Balieiro, 1971). peninsula. The improved action of
Natural selection is the differential these eastern animals in the region of
propagation of genotypes. Satisfactory Andalusia, contributed to the rise of
genotypes will be found in successive the Spanish Andalusian breeds
generations through competition (Chieffi, 1950).
between individuals. These properties Some horses found around the
are known as adaptable (Berger, 1986). world can be classified as founder
Domesticated animals can turn breeds due to ancient origins and
into non domesticated that is wild important contributions to the
animals (Feral refers to a wild state of development of such recent breeds as
existence in domestic animals). These the Arab (Equus caballus asiaticus)
animals are called the mustang and and the Barb (Equus caballus
cayuse in North America, brumby in orientalis). A purebred does not exist
Australia, and cimarrn, bagual or because this is a relative term.
monstrero in South America (Berger According to Peloso (1981), pure
1986). In the Spanish Real Academic breeds refer to an animal population
Dictionary the word bagual means totally uniform, in which all
ferocious, wild and indomitable individuals would have the same
(Hutchinson et al. 1977). genetic structure. On a zoological
One of the difficulties in the scale, this would invalidate the
evaluation of the origin of certain variation phenomenon and thus the
breeds is the identification of ancestral genetic progress.
breeds (Hutchinson et al 1977). It is Balieiro (1971) considered the

Archivos de zootecnia, vol. 41, nm. 154 (extra), p. 379.

SANTOS et al.

following Pantaneiro counties as the In summary, the present study

place where the breed appeared: Santo demonstrates that the Pantaneiro horse
Antnio de Leverger, Baro de had its probable origin from Iberian
Melgao, Nossa Senhora do horses introduced by spanish settlers,
Livramento, Pocon, Cceres, specially in the 16 th and 17 th centuries,
Corumb and Aquidauana. The stand up the importance of the
Pantaneiro horse received several Guaicuru indians stand out in the
names, according to place of origin: dissemination of horses in the Pantanal.
Poconeano (from Pocon), Mimoseano Only in the 18 th century, with the
(from the Mimoso fields of Baro de opening of a route from So Paulo to
Melgao), Baiano (from the baa fields Cuiab, through Gois, the horses
in Pocon) and Curraleiros (from the were introduced in the Pantanal came
flooded plains of the Paraguay river) from the Brazilian coast, a region of
(Bertelli, 1984 and Goulart, 1964). Portuguese colonization.


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